Dr Debatri Chattopadhyay
Cydymaith Ymchwil
Sefydliad Archwilio Disgyrchiant
- ChattopadhyayD@caerdydd.ac.uk
- Adeiladau'r Frenhines - Adeilad y Gogledd, Ystafell Ystafell N1.07, 5 The Parade, Heol Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA
Rwy'n gydymaith ymchwil ôl-ddoethurol yn y Sefydliad Archwilio Disgyrchiant, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
O gefndir ffiseg gydag anrhydedd a gradd meistr, cwblheais fy PhD mewn astroffiseg yn 2021.
Mae fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys ffurfio ac uno gwrthrychau cryno dwbl - tyllau du a sêr niwtron - fel progenitors tonnau disgyrchol, trwy fodelu esblygiad deuaidd manwl mewn amgylcheddau ynysig o gaeau galactig neu amgylcheddau trwchus, dirdynnol o glystyrau sêr. Rwy'n dod â'r ddealltwriaeth ddamcaniaethol o esblygiad serol a deinameg N-corff ynghyd â thonnau disgyrchol ac arsylwadau radio o grynodeb dwbl gwrthrychau.
Gall fy modelau ragweld llofnodion amgylchedd cynnal tyllau duon dwbl mewn arsylwadau màs, troelli ac ecsentricity, gan ein helpu i ddeall astroffiseg tyllau du màs serol a chanolradd.
Mae fy llwybr ymchwilio arall yn ymwneud â modelu manwl esblygiad pwlsar a'u goblygiadau ar eu canfyddiadau yn y dyfodol trwy synwyryddion tonnau disgyrchol yn ogystal â thelesgopau radio.
Yn ddiweddar, rwyf hefyd wedi datblygu diddordeb mewn ychydig o gyfarfyddiadau corff a systemau triphlyg.
- Abac, A. G. et al. 2024. Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M ⊙ compact object and a neutron star. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 970(2), article number: L34. (10.3847/2041-8213/ad5beb)
- Barber, J., Chattopadhyay, D. and Antonini, F. 2024. Black hole binary mergers in dense star clusters: the importance of primordial binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527(3), pp. 7363–7381. (10.1093/mnras/stad3600)
- Sgalletta, C. et al. 2023. Binary neutron star populations in the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(2), pp. 2210–2229. (10.1093/mnras/stad2768)
- Chattopadhyay, D., Stegmann, J., Antonini, F., Barber, J. and Romero-Shaw, I. M. 2023. Double black hole mergers in nuclear star clusters: eccentricities, spins, masses, and the growth of massive seeds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(4), pp. 4908–4928. (10.1093/mnras/stad3048)
- Antonini, F., Gieles, M., Dosopoulou, F. and Chattopadhyay, D. 2023. Coalescing black hole binaries from globular clusters: mass distributions and comparison to gravitational wave data from GWTC-3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522(1), pp. 466-476. (10.1093/mnras/stad972)
- Belczynski, K., Doctor, Z., Zevin, M., Olejak, A., Banerje, S. and Chattopadhyay, D. 2022. Black hole–black hole total merger mass and the origin of LIGO/Virgo sources. Astrophysical Journal 935(2), article number: 126. (10.3847/1538-4357/ac8167)
- Chattopadhyay, D., Hurley, J., Stevenson, S. and Raidani, A. 2022. Dynamical double black holes and their host cluster properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513(3), pp. 4527–4555. (10.1093/mnras/stac1163)
- Chattopadhyay, D., Stevenson, S., Broekgaarden, F., Antonini, F. and Belczynski, K. 2022. Modelling the formation of the first two neutron star-black hole mergers, GW200105 and GW200115: metallicity, chirp masses, and merger remnant spins. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513(4), pp. 5780–5789. (10.1093/mnras/stac1283)
- Stegmann, J., Antonini, F., Schneider, F. R., Tiwari, V. and Chattopadhyay, D. 2022. Binary black hole mergers from merged stars in the Galactic field. Physical Review D 106(2), article number: 23014. (10.1103/PhysRevD.106.023014)
- Sarin, N., Lasky, P. D., Vivanco, F. H., Stevenson, S. P., Chattopadhyay, D., Smith, R. and Thrane, E. 2022. Linking the rates of neutron star binaries and short gamma-ray bursts. Physical Review D 105(8), article number: 83004. (10.1103/PhysRevD.105.083004)
- Abac, A. G. et al. 2024. Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M ⊙ compact object and a neutron star. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 970(2), article number: L34. (10.3847/2041-8213/ad5beb)
- Barber, J., Chattopadhyay, D. and Antonini, F. 2024. Black hole binary mergers in dense star clusters: the importance of primordial binaries. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527(3), pp. 7363–7381. (10.1093/mnras/stad3600)
- Sgalletta, C. et al. 2023. Binary neutron star populations in the Milky Way. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(2), pp. 2210–2229. (10.1093/mnras/stad2768)
- Chattopadhyay, D., Stegmann, J., Antonini, F., Barber, J. and Romero-Shaw, I. M. 2023. Double black hole mergers in nuclear star clusters: eccentricities, spins, masses, and the growth of massive seeds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526(4), pp. 4908–4928. (10.1093/mnras/stad3048)
- Antonini, F., Gieles, M., Dosopoulou, F. and Chattopadhyay, D. 2023. Coalescing black hole binaries from globular clusters: mass distributions and comparison to gravitational wave data from GWTC-3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522(1), pp. 466-476. (10.1093/mnras/stad972)
- Belczynski, K., Doctor, Z., Zevin, M., Olejak, A., Banerje, S. and Chattopadhyay, D. 2022. Black hole–black hole total merger mass and the origin of LIGO/Virgo sources. Astrophysical Journal 935(2), article number: 126. (10.3847/1538-4357/ac8167)
- Chattopadhyay, D., Hurley, J., Stevenson, S. and Raidani, A. 2022. Dynamical double black holes and their host cluster properties. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513(3), pp. 4527–4555. (10.1093/mnras/stac1163)
- Chattopadhyay, D., Stevenson, S., Broekgaarden, F., Antonini, F. and Belczynski, K. 2022. Modelling the formation of the first two neutron star-black hole mergers, GW200105 and GW200115: metallicity, chirp masses, and merger remnant spins. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 513(4), pp. 5780–5789. (10.1093/mnras/stac1283)
- Stegmann, J., Antonini, F., Schneider, F. R., Tiwari, V. and Chattopadhyay, D. 2022. Binary black hole mergers from merged stars in the Galactic field. Physical Review D 106(2), article number: 23014. (10.1103/PhysRevD.106.023014)
- Sarin, N., Lasky, P. D., Vivanco, F. H., Stevenson, S. P., Chattopadhyay, D., Smith, R. and Thrane, E. 2022. Linking the rates of neutron star binaries and short gamma-ray bursts. Physical Review D 105(8), article number: 83004. (10.1103/PhysRevD.105.083004)