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Bandar Altalidi

Dr Bandar Altalidi


Research student

School of Modern Languages

66a Park Place, Room PGR Suite, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3AS


My name is Bandar Altalidi, a PhD candidate in Translation Studies. I am a lecturer at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia. 

I got my MA degree, in 2018, from University of Leicester, School of Arts, Center for Translation and Interpreting. 

I have been teaching English courses, since 2015, for first-year BA students at King Khalid Universty. I worked with a Saudi translation team from 2017 to 2019, called Autrjim, to subtitle YouTube educational clips from English into Arabic on a voluntary basis. 

Since 2019, I have been transaltiong with Translators Without Borders organization. 

I have been presenting seminars and webinars on the topics of audiovisual translation, subtitling strategies and softwrae. 


Main Interests:

My research interests concentrate on audiovisual translation, subtitling and non-professional subtitling (fansubbing, in other words). 

Current Interests:

Currently, I am interested in adopting sociological approaches in the study of non-professional subtitlers and/or fansubbers and their social practices, status, visibilty and behavior. I am also employing relevant approaches from other fields such as digital sociology, digital studies, social media studies and film studies. 


The Socio-digital Dynamics of the Subtitling Field and the Sub-field of Social Media Fansubbing in Saudi Arabia.

Title: The Socio-digital Dynamics of the Subtitling Field and the Sub-field of Social Media Fansubbing in Saudi Arabia. 


Purpose: The thesis aims to map the subtitling field in Saudi Arabia, examining its structure and identifying its agents. It focuses on the case of social media fansubbing as a subfield. 


Summary: The thesis examines the history of subtitling practices from the 1950s until now, mapping this history into three yet overlapping periods. Each period is reviewed following the sociological framework of Pierre Bourdieu and his concept of field. The discussion of these periods emphasises the socio-cultural and political developments in Saudi Arabia. It addresses the significance of audiovisual production in (re)shaping the structuring of the subtitling field. The technological developments in Saudi Arabia form an essential part of this discussion. In light of the digital advances in Saudi Arabia, this thesis focuses on examining a specific digital case: social media fansubbing (SMF). SMF is understood as short subtitled clips by fans, as digital users, produced and shared on social media for different social and personal purposes. By following Bourdieu's sociology, the study of SMF on Twitter necessitates examining the fansubbers' habitus and capital, as well as the digital paratexts of Twitter. 

Funding sources

King Khalid University


  • English Courses for BA degree (2014-2019) at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, King Khalid University. 
  • Introduction to Translation Theory (2022-2023) at the School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University. 


Professional memberships

Member of the International Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies (IATIS). 

Academic positions

  • 2013-2014: Teacher at a private primary school.
  • 2014-2019: Lecturer at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, King Khalid University.
  • 2022-2023: PGR Tutor at the School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University.

Speaking engagements

  • 2023: Conference Paper at Media for All Conference, University of Antwerp, Antwerp.
  • 2022: APTIS's 4th Annual Conference​, University of Leeds, Leeds. 
  • 2022: 10th European Society for Translation Studies Congress, University of Oslo, Oslo.
  • 2022: 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies (online).
  • 2022: MLANG's PGR Showcase, the School of Modern Languages, Cardiff (online).

Committees and reviewing

  • 2021-2023: deputy research theme lead for Transnational Cultural and Visual Studies at the School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University. 


Christopher Hood

Christopher Hood

Reader in Japanese Studies

Abdel-wahab Khalifa

Abdel-wahab Khalifa

Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting, Programme Director for Arabic Languages for All