Yr Athro Simon Cottle
BA Hons (Sussex), M.Soc.Sc (Birmingham),PGCE (Cardiff), PhD (Leicester)
Timau a rolau for Simon Cottle
Yr Athro Emeritws Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu
Mae Simon Cottle yn Athro Emeritws, y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu, yn yr Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant (JOMEC) ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd lle bu'n Bennaeth yr Ysgol (2013-2015) ac yn Ddirprwy Bennaeth yr Ysgol (2008-2013). Cyn hyn, bu'n Gadeirydd Cychwynnol ac yn Bennaeth Rhaglen y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu ym Mhrifysgol Melbourne ac mae wedi dal athrawon anrhydeddus mewn gwahanol brifysgolion yn rhyngwladol.
Mae'n awdur 14 o lyfrau a c150 o erthyglau, penodau ac adroddiadau ar y cyfryngau, gwrthdaro ac argyfyngau byd-eang ac 1 llyfr arall sy'n cael ei baratoi. Mae ei lyfrau diweddar yn cynnwys: Cyfathrebu Byd-mewn-Argyfwng (Ed.)(2025), Reporting Dangerously: Journalist Killings, Intimidation and Security (gyda R.Sambrook and N.Mosdell) (2016), Dyngarwch, Cyfathrebu a Newid (Gol. gyda G.Cooper) (2015), Trychinebau a'r Cyfryngau (gyda M. Pantti a K.Wahl-Jorgensen) (2012), Protestiadau Trawswladol a'r Cyfryngau (Gol. gyda L.Lester) (2011), Adrodd Argyfwng Byd-eang (2009), Gwrthdaro Cyfryngol (2006) a The Racist Killing of Stephen Lawrence: Media Performance and Public Transformation (2004).
Ymchwil Cyfredol
Mae Simon bellach yn ysgrifennu ac yn darlithio ar gwymp ecolegol a gwareiddiadol a sut y gall a rhaid i newyddiaduraeth berfformio'n well wrth gyfathrebu llwybrau pontio a phrosesau trawsnewid cymdeithasol. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n ysgrifennu Reporting Civilizational Collapse: A Wake-Up Call (Routledge 2026) a nifer o benodau gwahoddedig ac mae'n ystyried cyfrol arall, The Owl of Minerva takes Flight at Dusk: Cyfathrebu Ecoleg Ddwfn mewn Oes o Drawsnewid. Mae Simon yn cynnig darlithoedd gwadd i brifysgolion ledled y byd ar y pynciau hyn.
Argyfyngau Byd-eang a'r Cyfryngau Cyfres
Mae Simon hefyd yn Olygydd Cyfres y gyfres Global Crises and the Media a gyhoeddwyd gan Peter Lang - cyfres o 30 a mwy o fonograffau ymchwil a chyfrolau wedi'u golygu. Nod y gyfres yw archwilio a damcaniaethu rolau cymhleth a pherfformiad cyfredol y cyfryngau a chyfathrebu yn rhai o'r heriau mwyaf dwys sy'n wynebu'r byd heddiw. Mae croeso i ddarpar awduron gysylltu i drafod eu syniadau ar gyfer monograff ymchwil neu gyfrol wedi'i golygu (CottleS@cardiff.ac.uk).
Mae teitlau cyfres hyd yn hyn yn cynnwys y canlynol:
1) Newyddiaduraeth Dinasyddion: Safbwyntiau byd-eang. (2009) (Eds.) S. Allan ac E. Thorsen.
2) Terfysgaeth Post 9/11 a'r cyfryngau. 2009 - D. Altheide.
3) Newid yn yr Hinsawdd a'r Cyfryngau. (2009) (Eds.) T. Boyce & J.Lewis.
4) Protestiadau trawswladol a'r cyfryngau. (2011) (Eds.) S. Cottle & L. Lester.
5) Migrations and the Media (2011) (Eds.) K. Moore, B. Gros & T. Threadgold.
6) Trychinebau a'r Cyfryngau. (2012) M. Pantti, K. Wahl-Jorgensen & S. Cottle.
Gwrthdaro Amgylcheddol a'r Cyfryngau (2013) (Eds.) L. Lester & B. Hutchins.
Newyddiaduraeth Fyd-eang: Theori ac Ymarfer (2013) P. Berglez.
9) Newyddiaduraeth Dinasyddion: Safbwyntiau Byd-eang, Cyfrol II. (2014) (Eds.) E. Thorsen & S. Allan.
10) Pandemigau a'r Cyfryngau (2015) M. Levina.
11) Patentau, Pils a'r wasg: Cynnydd a chwymp yr argyfwng meddyginiaethau HIV / AIDS byd-eang yn y newyddion. (2015) T. Owen.
12) Newyddion Byd-eang: Adrodd Gwrthdaro a Chosmopolitaniaeth (2015) A. Robertson.
13) Gwrthiant a'r Cyfryngau Gweithwyr: Herio Pŵer Corfforaethol Byd-eang yn yr 21ain Ganrif. (2015) L.Dencik & P. Wilkin.
14) Dynameg gwrthdaro canoloesol. (2015) (Eds.) M. Eskjær, S. Hjarvard & M. Mortensen.
15) Dyneiddiaeth, Cyfathrebu a Newid. (2015) (Eds.) S. Cottle & G. Cooper.
16) Hawliau dynol a'r cyfryngau. (2016) S. Dias
17) Newid Hinsawdd a'r Cyfryngau, Cyfrol II. (2016) (Eds.) B.Brevini & J.Lewis.
18) Cyfathrebu ac Argyfwng Gwleidyddol: y Cyfryngau a Llywodraethu mewn Cylchred Cyhoeddus Globalized. (2016) B. McNair
19) Cyfryngau ac Argyfwng yr Wcráin: Arferion Cyfryngau Hybrid a Naratifau Gwrthdaro, (2016) (Gol.) M. Pantti.
20) Newyddion Mourning: Adrodd am Farwolaeth Dreisgar yn y Newyddion Byd-eang. (2017) T. Morse.
21) Cyfryngau a Chyfiawnder Hinsawdd Trawswladol. (2018) (Eds.) A.Roosvall a M.Tegelberg.
22) Trafod mudo fel mater cyhoeddus. (2018) (eds.) C.Beciu, M, Ciocea, I.Madroane, ac A. Carlan.
23) Cyfryngu argyfyngau ariannol. (2020) S. Knowles.
24) Moeseg Cyfathrebu Cynaliadwy. (2023) U.Olausson.
25) Y Cyfryngau a'r Rhyfel yn yr Wcrain. (2023)(Eds.) M.Mortensen & M.Pantti.
26) Y Gyfraith Werdd: Defnydd Strategol y Gyfraith mewn Gwrthdaro Amgylcheddol Cyfryngol. (2024) C.Konkes.
27) Cyfathrebu byd-mewn-argyfwng. (2025)(Ed.) S.Cottle.
28) Newyddiaduraeth Dinasyddion: Safbwyntiau Byd-eang, Cyfrol III. (Eds.) S.Allan ac E. Thorsen. (Yn dod)
- Westwater, C. 2024. From hidden wars to hidden theatre: embodying a world-in-crisis. In: Cottle, S. ed. Communicating a World-in-Crisis. Global Crises and the Media Peter Lang, pp. 217-231.
- Cottle, S. 2023. Reporting civilizational collapse research notes from a world-in-crisis. Global Media and Communication 19(2), pp. 269-288. (10.1177/17427665231186934)
- Cottle, S. 2021. Humanitarian imagery: Historical registers in the representation of atrocity. In: Chouliaraki, L. and Jorgensen, A. V. eds. Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. Routledge International Handbooks Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 351-372.
- Cottle, S. 2018. Journalism coming of (global) age, II. Journalism 20(1), pp. 102-105.
- Cottle, S. 2017. Communication, human insecurity and the responsibility to protect. In: Robinson, P. ed. Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security. Routledge
- Cottle, S., Sambrook, R. and Mosdell, N. 2016. Reporting dangerously: journalist killings, intimidation and security. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-1-137-40670-5)
- Cottle, S. 2015. Humanitarianism, human insecurity, and communications: What's changing in a globalised world?. In: Cottle, S. and Cooper, G. eds. Humanitarianism, Communications and Change. Global Crises and the Media Peter Lang Publishing Inc, pp. 19-38.
- Cottle, S. and Hughes, C. M. 2015. The United Nations' 'responsibility to protect' and the world's press: establishing a new humanitarian norm?. In: Hoffmann, J. and Hawkins, V. eds. Communication and Peace: Mapping an Emerging Field. Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 76-91., (10.4324/9781315773124-6)
- Cottle, S. and Cooper, G. eds. 2015. Humanitarianism, communication and change. New York: Peter Lang.
- Lester, L. and Cottle, S. 2015. Transnational protests, publics and media participation (in an environmental age). In: Hansen, A. and Cox, R. eds. Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. Routledge, pp. 100-110.
- Cottle, S. 2014. Rethinking media and disasters in a global age: What’s changed and why it matters. Media, War and Conflict 7(1), pp. 3-22. (10.1177/1750635213513229)
- Cottle, S. 2014. Mediating the environment: modalities of TV news. In: Hansen, A. ed. Media and the Environment. Critical Concepts in the Environment Abingdon: Routledge
- Cottle, S. 2014. Journalists witnessing disasters: from the calculus of death to the injunction to care. In: Chouliaraki, L. and Blaagaard, B. eds. Cosmopolitanism and the New News Media. Journalism Studies Vol. 14/2. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 83-99.
- Lester, L. and Cottle, S. 2014. Visualizing climate change: television news and ecological citizenship. In: Hansen, A. ed. Media and the Environment. Critical Concepts in the Environment Abingdon: Taylor & Francis
- Cottle, S. and Matthews, J. 2013. U.S. TV news and communicative architecture: between manufacturing consent and mediating democracy. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 57(4), pp. 562-578. (10.1080/08838151.2013.845831)
- Cottle, S. 2013. Environmental conflict in a global, media age: beyond dualisms. In: Lester, L. and Hutchins, B. eds. Environmental Conflict and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 13. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 13-28.
- Cottle, S. 2013. Ulrich Beck, 'risk society' and the media: a catastrophic view?. In: Hansen, A. ed. Media and the Environment: Environment, Media and Environmental Communication., Vol. 1. Routledge
- Cottle, S. 2013. Journalists witnessing disaster: From the calculus of death to the injunction to care. Journalism Studies 14(2), pp. 232-248. (10.1080/1461670X.2012.718556)
- Cottle, S. 2012. Mediatized disasters in the Global Age: on the ritualization of catastrophe. In: Alexander, J. C., Jacobs, R. and Smith, P. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology. Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International Relations Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 259-283.
- Cottle, S. 2012. Series Editor's Preface. In: Moore, K., Gross, B. and Threadgold, T. R. eds. Migrations and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 6. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. ix-x.
- Pantti, M., Wahl-Jorgensen, K. and Cottle, S. 2012. Disasters and the media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 7. New York: Peter Lang.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Arab uprisings, media inscriptions. Re-public: Re-Imagining Democracy
- Cottle, S. 2011. Cell phones, camels and the global call for democracy. In: Mair, J. and Keeble, R. L. eds. Mirage In The Desert? Reporting The 'Arab Spring'. Bury St. Edmunds: Amina Publishing, pp. 196-210.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Taking global crises in the news seriously: notes from the dark side of globalization. Global Media and Communication 7(2), pp. 77-95. (10.1177/1742766511410217)
- Cottle, S. 2011. Media and the Arab uprisings of 2011: research notes. Journalism 12(5), pp. 647-659. (10.1177/1464884911410017)
- Cottle, S. 2011. Camels, cell phones and the global call for democracy. Presented at: Mirage in the Desert: Reporting the Arab Spring, Coventry, UK, 15 June 2011.
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2011. Global 24/7 news providers: emissaries of global dominance or global public sphere?. In: Gripsrud, J. et al. eds. The Public Sphere. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 321-343.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Hawkins, Virgil: Stealth conflicts: how the world’s worst violence is ignored - 234pp, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot 2008, £55.00, ISBN 978-0-7546-7506-8 [Book Review]. Journalism Studies 12(1), pp. 130-132. (10.1080/1461670X.2010.534596)
- Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. 2011. Transnational protests and the media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. New York and Oxford: Peter Lang.
- Matthews, J. and Cottle, S. 2011. Television news ecology in the United Kingdom: a study of communicative architecture, its production and meanings. Television New Media 13(2), pp. 103-123. (10.1177/1527476411403630)
- Cottle, S. 2011. Afterword: Media and the Arab uprisings 2011. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. Transnational Protests and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 293-304.
- Cottle, S. and Lester, L. 2011. Transnational protests and the media: an introduction. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. Transnational Protests and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 3-15.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Transnational Protests and the Media: new developments, challenging debates. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. Transnational Protests and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. New York ; Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 17-40.
- Cottle, S. and Lester, L. 2011. Transnational protests and the media: toward global civil society?. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. Transnational Protests and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 287-291.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Television agora and agoraphobia post-September 11. In: Zelizer, B. and Allan, S. eds. Journalism after September 11. Communication and Society London: Routledge, pp. 232-251.
- Cottle, S. 2010. Global cries and world news ecology. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 473-484.
- Rai, M. and Cottle, S. 2010. Global news revisited: mapping the contemporary landscape of satellite television news. In: Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 51-79.
- Cottle, S. 2010. Forward. In: Samuel-Azran, T. ed. Al Jazeera and US War Coverage. New York: Peter Lang, pp. ix-xi.
- Cottle, S. 2010. Global crises and world news ecology. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 473-484.
- Cottle, S. 2010. Foreward. In: Matthews, J. ed. Producing Serious News for Citizen Children: A Study of the BBC’s Children’s Program 'Newsround'. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, pp. v-ix.
- Nolan, D. and Cottle, S. 2009. How the media’s codes and rules influence the ways NGOs work. Nieman Journalism Lab
- Cottle, S. 2009. Series editor's preface. In: Boyce, T. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 5. New York: Peter Lang, pp. vii-xi.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Series editor's preface. In: Allan, S. and Thorsen, E. eds. Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 1. New York: Peter Lang, pp. ix-xii.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Participant observation: researching news production. In: Hansen, A. ed. Mass Communication Research Methods. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods London: SAGE Publications, pp. 260-285.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Analysing visuals: still and moving images. In: Hansen, A. ed. Mass Communication Research Methods. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods London: SAGE Publications, pp. 227-254.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Global crises in the news: Staging new wars, disasters and climate change. International Journal of Communication 3, pp. 494-516.
- Lester, L. and Cottle, S. 2009. Visualizing climate change: Television news and ecological citizenship. International Journal of Communication 3, pp. 920-936.
- Cottle, S. 2009. New(s) times: towards a "Second Wave" of news ethnography. In: Hansen, A. et al. eds. Mass Communication Research Methods. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods Vol. 1. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 366-386.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Analysing visuals. Still and moving images. In: Hansen, A. et al. eds. Mass Communication Research Methods. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods Vol. 3. SAGE Publications, pp. 227-254.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Journalism studies: coming of (global) age?. Journalism 10(3), pp. 309-311. (10.1177/1464884909102573)
- Cottle, S. 2008. Humanitarian NGOs and news media: Relations of communicative power in the global age. Presented at: The Mediatisation of Humanitarian Crises, London, UK, 13 November 2008.
- Cottle, S. 2008. Journalism and globalization. In: Wahl-Jorgensen, K. and Hanitzsch, T. eds. Handbook of Journalism Studies. International Communication Association Handbook London: Routledge, pp. 341-356.
- Cottle, S. 2008. Reporting demonstrations: The changing media politics of dissent. Media, Culture & Society 30(6), pp. 853-872. (10.1177/0163443708096097)
- Cottle, S. 2008. Global crisis reporting: Journalism in the global age. Issues in Cultural and Media Studies. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2008. Global 24/7 news providers: emissaries of global dominance or global public sphere?. Global Media and Communication 4(2), pp. 157-181. (10.1177/1742766508091518)
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2008. Television news in South Africa: Mediating an emerging democracy. Journal of South African Studies 34(2), pp. 343-358. (10.1080/03057070802038017)
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2008. Television news in India: mediating democracy and difference. International Communication Gazette 70(1), pp. 76-96. (10.1177/1748048507084579)
- Cottle, S. 2008. 'Mediatized rituals': a reply to Couldry and Rothenbuhler. Media, Culture & Society 30(1), pp. 135-140. (10.1177/0163443707084351)
- Cottle, S. 2008. Conflict as media content. In: Donsbach, W. ed. The International Encyclopedia of Communication., Vol. III. Oxford and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 915-917., (10.1111/b.9781405131995.2008.x)
- Cottle, S. 2008. Social drama in a mediatized world: The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. In: St. John, G. ed. Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance. New York and Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 109-124.
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2008. Television news in Singapore: mediating conflict and consent. Asian Journal of Social Science 36(3 - 4), pp. 638-658. (10.1163/156853108X327137)
- Cottle, S. and Nolan, D. 2007. Global humanitarianism and the changing aid-media field: "Everyone was dying for footage". Journalism Studies 8(6), pp. 862-878. (10.1080/14616700701556104)
- Cottle, S. 2007. Ethnography and news production: new(s) developments in the field. Sociology Compass 1(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1111/j.1751-9020.2007.00002.x)
- Cottle, S. 2007. Mediatized recognition and the “Other”. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy 123, pp. 34-38.
- Cottle, S. 2006. Mediatized conflict: Developments in media and conflict studies. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2006. Between display and deliberation: analyzing TV news as communicative architecture. Media Culture Society 28(2), pp. 163-189. (10.1177/0163443706061680)
- Cottle, S. 2004. The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence: media performance and public transformation. Praeger.
- Cottle, S. 2004. Producing nature(s): on the changing production ecology of natural history TV. Media Culture & Society 26(1), pp. 81-101. (10.1177/0163443704039494)
- Cottle, S. 1998. Ulrich Beck, "Risk Society" and the Media: A Catastrophic View?. European Journal of Communication 13(1), pp. 5-32. (10.1177/0267323198013001001)
- Cottle, S. 2023. Reporting civilizational collapse research notes from a world-in-crisis. Global Media and Communication 19(2), pp. 269-288. (10.1177/17427665231186934)
- Cottle, S. 2018. Journalism coming of (global) age, II. Journalism 20(1), pp. 102-105.
- Cottle, S. 2014. Rethinking media and disasters in a global age: What’s changed and why it matters. Media, War and Conflict 7(1), pp. 3-22. (10.1177/1750635213513229)
- Cottle, S. and Matthews, J. 2013. U.S. TV news and communicative architecture: between manufacturing consent and mediating democracy. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 57(4), pp. 562-578. (10.1080/08838151.2013.845831)
- Cottle, S. 2013. Journalists witnessing disaster: From the calculus of death to the injunction to care. Journalism Studies 14(2), pp. 232-248. (10.1080/1461670X.2012.718556)
- Cottle, S. 2011. Arab uprisings, media inscriptions. Re-public: Re-Imagining Democracy
- Cottle, S. 2011. Taking global crises in the news seriously: notes from the dark side of globalization. Global Media and Communication 7(2), pp. 77-95. (10.1177/1742766511410217)
- Cottle, S. 2011. Media and the Arab uprisings of 2011: research notes. Journalism 12(5), pp. 647-659. (10.1177/1464884911410017)
- Cottle, S. 2011. Hawkins, Virgil: Stealth conflicts: how the world’s worst violence is ignored - 234pp, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot 2008, £55.00, ISBN 978-0-7546-7506-8 [Book Review]. Journalism Studies 12(1), pp. 130-132. (10.1080/1461670X.2010.534596)
- Matthews, J. and Cottle, S. 2011. Television news ecology in the United Kingdom: a study of communicative architecture, its production and meanings. Television New Media 13(2), pp. 103-123. (10.1177/1527476411403630)
- Nolan, D. and Cottle, S. 2009. How the media’s codes and rules influence the ways NGOs work. Nieman Journalism Lab
- Cottle, S. 2009. Global crises in the news: Staging new wars, disasters and climate change. International Journal of Communication 3, pp. 494-516.
- Lester, L. and Cottle, S. 2009. Visualizing climate change: Television news and ecological citizenship. International Journal of Communication 3, pp. 920-936.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Journalism studies: coming of (global) age?. Journalism 10(3), pp. 309-311. (10.1177/1464884909102573)
- Cottle, S. 2008. Reporting demonstrations: The changing media politics of dissent. Media, Culture & Society 30(6), pp. 853-872. (10.1177/0163443708096097)
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2008. Global 24/7 news providers: emissaries of global dominance or global public sphere?. Global Media and Communication 4(2), pp. 157-181. (10.1177/1742766508091518)
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2008. Television news in South Africa: Mediating an emerging democracy. Journal of South African Studies 34(2), pp. 343-358. (10.1080/03057070802038017)
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2008. Television news in India: mediating democracy and difference. International Communication Gazette 70(1), pp. 76-96. (10.1177/1748048507084579)
- Cottle, S. 2008. 'Mediatized rituals': a reply to Couldry and Rothenbuhler. Media, Culture & Society 30(1), pp. 135-140. (10.1177/0163443707084351)
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2008. Television news in Singapore: mediating conflict and consent. Asian Journal of Social Science 36(3 - 4), pp. 638-658. (10.1163/156853108X327137)
- Cottle, S. and Nolan, D. 2007. Global humanitarianism and the changing aid-media field: "Everyone was dying for footage". Journalism Studies 8(6), pp. 862-878. (10.1080/14616700701556104)
- Cottle, S. 2007. Ethnography and news production: new(s) developments in the field. Sociology Compass 1(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1111/j.1751-9020.2007.00002.x)
- Cottle, S. 2007. Mediatized recognition and the “Other”. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy 123, pp. 34-38.
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2006. Between display and deliberation: analyzing TV news as communicative architecture. Media Culture Society 28(2), pp. 163-189. (10.1177/0163443706061680)
- Cottle, S. 2004. Producing nature(s): on the changing production ecology of natural history TV. Media Culture & Society 26(1), pp. 81-101. (10.1177/0163443704039494)
- Cottle, S. 1998. Ulrich Beck, "Risk Society" and the Media: A Catastrophic View?. European Journal of Communication 13(1), pp. 5-32. (10.1177/0267323198013001001)
Book sections
- Westwater, C. 2024. From hidden wars to hidden theatre: embodying a world-in-crisis. In: Cottle, S. ed. Communicating a World-in-Crisis. Global Crises and the Media Peter Lang, pp. 217-231.
- Cottle, S. 2021. Humanitarian imagery: Historical registers in the representation of atrocity. In: Chouliaraki, L. and Jorgensen, A. V. eds. Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. Routledge International Handbooks Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 351-372.
- Cottle, S. 2017. Communication, human insecurity and the responsibility to protect. In: Robinson, P. ed. Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security. Routledge
- Cottle, S. 2015. Humanitarianism, human insecurity, and communications: What's changing in a globalised world?. In: Cottle, S. and Cooper, G. eds. Humanitarianism, Communications and Change. Global Crises and the Media Peter Lang Publishing Inc, pp. 19-38.
- Cottle, S. and Hughes, C. M. 2015. The United Nations' 'responsibility to protect' and the world's press: establishing a new humanitarian norm?. In: Hoffmann, J. and Hawkins, V. eds. Communication and Peace: Mapping an Emerging Field. Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 76-91., (10.4324/9781315773124-6)
- Lester, L. and Cottle, S. 2015. Transnational protests, publics and media participation (in an environmental age). In: Hansen, A. and Cox, R. eds. Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. Routledge, pp. 100-110.
- Cottle, S. 2014. Mediating the environment: modalities of TV news. In: Hansen, A. ed. Media and the Environment. Critical Concepts in the Environment Abingdon: Routledge
- Cottle, S. 2014. Journalists witnessing disasters: from the calculus of death to the injunction to care. In: Chouliaraki, L. and Blaagaard, B. eds. Cosmopolitanism and the New News Media. Journalism Studies Vol. 14/2. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 83-99.
- Lester, L. and Cottle, S. 2014. Visualizing climate change: television news and ecological citizenship. In: Hansen, A. ed. Media and the Environment. Critical Concepts in the Environment Abingdon: Taylor & Francis
- Cottle, S. 2013. Environmental conflict in a global, media age: beyond dualisms. In: Lester, L. and Hutchins, B. eds. Environmental Conflict and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 13. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 13-28.
- Cottle, S. 2013. Ulrich Beck, 'risk society' and the media: a catastrophic view?. In: Hansen, A. ed. Media and the Environment: Environment, Media and Environmental Communication., Vol. 1. Routledge
- Cottle, S. 2012. Mediatized disasters in the Global Age: on the ritualization of catastrophe. In: Alexander, J. C., Jacobs, R. and Smith, P. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology. Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International Relations Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 259-283.
- Cottle, S. 2012. Series Editor's Preface. In: Moore, K., Gross, B. and Threadgold, T. R. eds. Migrations and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 6. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. ix-x.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Cell phones, camels and the global call for democracy. In: Mair, J. and Keeble, R. L. eds. Mirage In The Desert? Reporting The 'Arab Spring'. Bury St. Edmunds: Amina Publishing, pp. 196-210.
- Cottle, S. and Rai, M. 2011. Global 24/7 news providers: emissaries of global dominance or global public sphere?. In: Gripsrud, J. et al. eds. The Public Sphere. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 321-343.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Afterword: Media and the Arab uprisings 2011. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. Transnational Protests and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 293-304.
- Cottle, S. and Lester, L. 2011. Transnational protests and the media: an introduction. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. Transnational Protests and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 3-15.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Transnational Protests and the Media: new developments, challenging debates. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. Transnational Protests and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. New York ; Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 17-40.
- Cottle, S. and Lester, L. 2011. Transnational protests and the media: toward global civil society?. In: Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. Transnational Protests and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 287-291.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Television agora and agoraphobia post-September 11. In: Zelizer, B. and Allan, S. eds. Journalism after September 11. Communication and Society London: Routledge, pp. 232-251.
- Cottle, S. 2010. Global cries and world news ecology. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 473-484.
- Rai, M. and Cottle, S. 2010. Global news revisited: mapping the contemporary landscape of satellite television news. In: Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 51-79.
- Cottle, S. 2010. Forward. In: Samuel-Azran, T. ed. Al Jazeera and US War Coverage. New York: Peter Lang, pp. ix-xi.
- Cottle, S. 2010. Global crises and world news ecology. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 473-484.
- Cottle, S. 2010. Foreward. In: Matthews, J. ed. Producing Serious News for Citizen Children: A Study of the BBC’s Children’s Program 'Newsround'. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, pp. v-ix.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Series editor's preface. In: Boyce, T. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 5. New York: Peter Lang, pp. vii-xi.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Series editor's preface. In: Allan, S. and Thorsen, E. eds. Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 1. New York: Peter Lang, pp. ix-xii.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Participant observation: researching news production. In: Hansen, A. ed. Mass Communication Research Methods. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods London: SAGE Publications, pp. 260-285.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Analysing visuals: still and moving images. In: Hansen, A. ed. Mass Communication Research Methods. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods London: SAGE Publications, pp. 227-254.
- Cottle, S. 2009. New(s) times: towards a "Second Wave" of news ethnography. In: Hansen, A. et al. eds. Mass Communication Research Methods. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods Vol. 1. London: SAGE Publications, pp. 366-386.
- Cottle, S. 2009. Analysing visuals. Still and moving images. In: Hansen, A. et al. eds. Mass Communication Research Methods. SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods Vol. 3. SAGE Publications, pp. 227-254.
- Cottle, S. 2008. Journalism and globalization. In: Wahl-Jorgensen, K. and Hanitzsch, T. eds. Handbook of Journalism Studies. International Communication Association Handbook London: Routledge, pp. 341-356.
- Cottle, S. 2008. Conflict as media content. In: Donsbach, W. ed. The International Encyclopedia of Communication., Vol. III. Oxford and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 915-917., (10.1111/b.9781405131995.2008.x)
- Cottle, S. 2008. Social drama in a mediatized world: The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. In: St. John, G. ed. Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance. New York and Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 109-124.
- Cottle, S., Sambrook, R. and Mosdell, N. 2016. Reporting dangerously: journalist killings, intimidation and security. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-1-137-40670-5)
- Cottle, S. and Cooper, G. eds. 2015. Humanitarianism, communication and change. New York: Peter Lang.
- Pantti, M., Wahl-Jorgensen, K. and Cottle, S. 2012. Disasters and the media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 7. New York: Peter Lang.
- Cottle, S. and Lester, L. eds. 2011. Transnational protests and the media. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 10. New York and Oxford: Peter Lang.
- Cottle, S. 2008. Global crisis reporting: Journalism in the global age. Issues in Cultural and Media Studies. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Cottle, S. 2006. Mediatized conflict: Developments in media and conflict studies. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Cottle, S. 2004. The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence: media performance and public transformation. Praeger.
- Cottle, S. 2011. Camels, cell phones and the global call for democracy. Presented at: Mirage in the Desert: Reporting the Arab Spring, Coventry, UK, 15 June 2011.
- Cottle, S. 2008. Humanitarian NGOs and news media: Relations of communicative power in the global age. Presented at: The Mediatisation of Humanitarian Crises, London, UK, 13 November 2008.
Ymchwil Cyfredol
Mae ymchwil presennol Simon yn adeiladu ar ei waith ar adrodd argyfwng byd-eang. Mae bellach yn ysgrifennu ac yn darlithio ar gwymp ecolegol a gwareiddiadol mewn argyfwng byd-eang, a sut y gall ac y mae'n rhaid i newyddiaduraeth berfformio'n well wrth gyfathrebu llwybrau i bontio a phrosesau trawsnewid cymdeithasol. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n ysgrifennu Reporting Civilizational Collapse: A Wake-Up Call (Routledge - Coming), ac yn ddiweddar cyhoeddodd Communicating a World-in-Crisis (Peter Lang 2025). Mae cyhoeddiadau diweddar hefyd yn cynnwys erthyglau ar: dyfnhau a chyflymu cydgyfeiriant argyfyngau byd-eang systemig yn y byd mewn argyfwng heddiw; Efelychu ecolegol wrth adrodd rhyfel; Big Tech mewn argyfwng byd-eang; gwydnwch cyfathrebol a chreadigol; a newyddiaduraeth ac emosiynau mewn byd mewn argyfwng; a chyn hyn ar newid cofrestrau hanesyddol o erchylltra cynrychioliadol. Mae Simon yn cynnig darlithoedd gwadd i brifysgolion ledled y byd ar y pynciau hyn ac eraill.
Mae barn Simon ar natur ddigynsail a thrychinebus argyfyngau byd-eang a'u dibyniaeth feirniadol ar gyfryngau a chyfathrebu sy'n newid yn gyflym, i'w gweld yn ei lyfr Global Crisis Reporting: Journalism in the Global Age (Open University Press 2009) ac, mewn perthynas â'r byd mewn argyfwng heddiw (neu argyfwng planedol, polycrisis byd-eang, permacrisis, meta-argyfwng neu gwymp gwareiddiadol), yn ei lyfr diweddar Communicating a World-in-Crisis (Ed. 2025, Peter Lang) ac yn y canlynol:
(2026) Adrodd am gwymp gwareiddiadol: galwad deffro.' (Routledge, yn dod)
(2026) 'Ailfeddwl Gwrthdaro ac Adrodd Argyfwng mewn Argyfwng Byd-eang' yn M.Loffelholz, B. Johansson, A. Sarisakaloglu a P.G. Estella (Eds.)The Routledge Companion to Conflict and Crisis Reporting. (Yn dod)
(2025)' Cyfweliad Podlediad 'Compassion and the Media' ar gyfer Clymblaid Tosturi Byd-eang. (4.3.25) https://youtu.be/6mb6jqNYNyE?si=7OJtGmjCWS5ou8F
(2025) 'Reporting a World-in-Crisis: It's Going to be Emotional!' yn M.Safiel a V.Salojarvi (Eds.) Llawlyfr Newyddiaduraeth ac Emosiwn. Llundain: Routledge (yn y wasg)
(2025) 'Big Tech in a World-in-Crisis' yn O.Dovbysh, S.Laaksonen & M. Pantti (Eds.) Llwyfannau a'r Blaned: Technoleg Fawr, Llwyfannau Digidol a Chyfrifoldeb Amgylcheddol. Cyhoeddi Emrallt. (yn y wasg)
(2023) 'Adrodd am Gwymp Gwareiddiad: Nodiadau Ymchwil o Argyfwng Byd-eang.' Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu Byd-eang, 19(2): 269-288. https://doi.org/10.1177/17427665231186934
(2024) 'Cydnerthedd Cyfathrebol mewn Argyfwng Byd-eang. Mae'n dod yn bersonol! Rhan 1 ' Dyfalbarhad. https://www.resilience.org/stories/2024-07-05/communicative-resilience-in-a-world-in-crisis-it-gets-personal-part-1/
(2024) 'Cadernid Creadigol mewn Argyfwng Byd-eang. Mae'n fwy na doomeriaeth! Rhan 2." Cydnerthedd. https://www.resilience.org/.../creative-resilience-in-a.../
(2023) 'Byw mewn Byd-yng-Cisis: Meddwl Tu Hwnt i Drychineb. Rhan 1." Gwydnwch. https://www.resilience.org/stories/2023-10-16/living-in-a-world-in-crisis-thinking-beyond-catastrophism-part-1/
(2023) 'Rhoi Adrodd ar Argyfwng Byd-mewn-Argyfwng: Argyfwng Echelinol Canfyddiad a Thu Hwnt. Rhan 2." Gwydnwch. https://www.resilience.org/stories/2023-10-18/reporting-a-world-in-crisis-the-axial-crisis-of-perception-and-beyond-part-2/
(2023) 'Adroddwch y Rhyfel yn yr Wcrain: Efelychu Ecolegol mewn Byd sy'n Marw.' tt.195-213. Yn M.Mortensen a M.Pantti (Eds.) Cyfryngau a Rhyfel yn yr Wcrain. Efrog Newydd: Peter Lang.
(2022) 'On the Edge of the World: Peace and Conflict Reporting in a World-in-Crisis' tt.10-31. Yn K.Orgeret (gol.) Mewnwelediadau ar Adrodd Heddwch a Gwrthdaro. ' Llundain: Routledge.
(2011) 'Cymryd argyfyngau byd-eang yn y newyddion o ddifrif: Nodiadau o ochr dywyll globaleiddio', cyfryngau byd-eang a chyfathrebu, 7(2): 77-95.
Mae cyhoeddiadau diweddar eraill yn cynnwys:
(2023) 'Protestiadau, cyhoeddus a chyfranogiad (yn dal mewn oes amgylcheddol)' gyda L. Lester yn A. Hansen a R. Cox (Eds.) Llawlyfr Routledge yr Amgylchedd a Chyfathrebu. Llundain: Routledge 2il argraffiad diwygiedig.
(2021) 'Delweddau Dyngarol: Cofrestrau Hanesyddol yng Nghynrychiolaeth Atrocity' tt. 351-372 yn L.Chouliaraki ac A.Vestergaard (Eds.) Llawlyfr Cyfathrebu Dyngarol. Llundain: Routledge.
COVID-19: Deffro Pwy sy'n gwrando?' Rhifyn 35 , Cymdeithas y Cyfryngau, Cyfathrebu ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol (MeCCSA), tt.5-6 (10.3.21) https://www.meccsa.org.uk/nl/three-d-issue-35-a-wake-up-call-but-who's-listening/
neu: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2om9icsxet2ewu5/MeCCSA-ThreeD-Issue35-v1.pdf?dl=0
(2020) 'Rhoi gwybod am Covid-19: Galwad i Ddeffro? InPublishing 14/12/2020 (https://www.inpublishing.co.uk/articles/reporting-covid-19-a-wake-up-call-17028)
(2020) 'Adrodd COVID-19: Galwad deffro i'n Byd-Mewn Argyfwng?' yn J. Mair. (Ed) Y Pandemig, Ble ydyn ni'n dal i fynd o'i le: Ymchwiliad Cyhoeddus Iawn ? tt.187-192. Goring: Llyfrau Bite Size.
(2019) 'Newyddiaduriaeth Dod o Oed (Byd-eang)? II.' Newyddiaduriaeth: Theori, Ymarfer a Beirniadaeth, 20(1): 102-105.
(2019) 'Tu hwnt i Rwanda? Adrodd am erchylltra mewn amgylchedd cyfathrebu sy'n newid.' tt. 159-181. Yn A. Thompson (gol.) Cyfryngau a Mass Atrocity: Hil-laddiad Rwanda a thu hwnt. Canada: Gwasg CIGI.
(2017) 'Lladd Newyddiadurwr a'r Cyfrifoldeb i Adrodd' tt.21-32 yn Ulla Carlson a Reeta Pöyhtäri (Eds.) Yr Ymosodiad ar Newyddiaduraeth. Adeiladu gwybodaeth i amddiffyn rhyddid mynegiant. Gothenburg: Nordicom.
(2017) 'Cyfathrebu, Diogelwch Dynol a'r Cyfrifoldeb i Ddiogelu' tt.321- 333 yn P. Robinson, P. Seib & Fröhlich, (Eds.) Llawlyfr Routledge y Cyfryngau, Gwrthdaro a Diogelwch. Llundain: Taylor and Francis.
Mae Simon wedi addysgu ac ysgrifennu'n helaeth ar wrthdaro ac adrodd argyfwng byd-eang, gan gynnwys yr amgylchedd, ecoleg a newid yn yr hinsawdd; protestiadau ac arddangosiadau trawswladol; terfysgoedd a gwrthryfel sifil; rhyfeloedd ac arswyd; ethnigrwydd a hiliaeth; a thrychinebau a thrychinebau dyngarol. Mae bellach yn darlithio ac yn ysgrifennu ar gwymp ecolegol a gwareiddiadol a sut y gall ac y mae'n rhaid i newyddiaduraeth berfformio'n well wrth gyfathrebu llwybrau at bontio a phrosesau trawsnewid cymdeithasol. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n ysgrifennu Reporting Civilizational Collapse: A Wake-Up Call (Routledge 2026) ac yn ddiweddar mae wedi cyhoeddi Communicating a World-in-Crisis (Peter Lang 2025) ac mae'n ystyried ysgrifennu trydedd gyfrol, The Owl of Minerva takes Flight at Dusk: Cyfathrebu Ecoleg Dwfn mewn Oes o Drawsnewid. Mae Simon yn cynnig darlithoedd gwadd i brifysgolion ledled y byd ar y pynciau hyn.
Mae Simon Cottle yn Athro Emeritws y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu yn yr Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant (JOMEC) ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd lle'r oedd gynt yn Bennaeth yr Ysgol (2013-2015) ac yn Ddirprwy Bennaeth yr Ysgol (2008-2013). Cyn hyn, bu'n Gadeirydd Agoriadol ac yn Bennaeth Rhaglen y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu ym Mhrifysgol Melbourne ac mae wedi dal athrawon anrhydeddus mewn gwahanol brifysgolion yn rhyngwladol.
Yn ogystal ag ysgrifennu, darlithio a golygu cyfresi, mae Simon hefyd yn rhan o'r ddeuawd gerddorol - Kahlo - After Frida - yn chwarae gitâr wedi'i ysbrydoli gan fflamenco a pherfformio caneuon gwreiddiol am ecoleg a newid yn yr hinsawdd mewn gwyliau a lleoliadau dethol ledled Cymru a De Orllewin y DU. ( http://www.kahloafterfrida.com ) Mae hefyd yn perfformio fel gitarydd preswyl dros fisoedd yr haf yng Ngardd Gerfluniau Dyffryn Gwy. Am agwedd bersonol ar ysgrifennu caneuon fel cydnerthedd creadigol gweler:
(2024) 'Cadernid Creadigol mewn Argyfwng Byd-eang: Mae'n fwy na Doomeriaeth! Rhan 2." https://www.resilience.org/.../creative-resilience-in-a.../