Rwy'n Athro Emeritws mewn Cymdeithaseg Addysg. Fe wnes i ymddeol o Brifysgol Caerdydd ddiwedd mis Medi 2024. Mae uchafbwyntiau gyrfa yn cynnwys:
- Cymrawd Academi Britsh, Academi y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Chymdeithas Frenhinol y Celfyddydau, Gweithgynhyrchu a Masnach
- Cadeirydd panel arbenigol a gomisiynwyd gan BERA ar Ariannu Ymchwil Addysg (2024-5)
- Cadeirydd panel Gwyddorau Addysg rhyngwladol ar ansawdd uned ymchwil ar gyfer Weinyddiaeth Portiwgaleg (2024-5)
- Cadeirydd Fframwaith Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil 2021 y DU Is-banel 23 (Addysg)
- 2014-2023 Cadeirydd y Golygyddion Gweithredol, British Journal of Sociology of Education
- Dyfarnwyd Medal Hugh Owen Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru 2022 am ymchwil addysgol eithriadol. Gweler
- Cyfarwyddwr Sefydlu Partneriaeth Hyfforddiant Doethurol ESRC Cymru, rhwng 2011 a 2019 (consortiwm dan arweiniad Prifysgol Caerdydd a oedd hefyd yn cynnwys prifysgolion Aberystwyth, Bangor, Metropolitan Caerdydd, Swydd Gaerloyw ac Abertawe -
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cwmpasu llywodraethu, addysgu, dysgu, asesu, dysgu gydol oes a'r berthynas gwaith addysg ar draws ystod o leoliadau, gyda ffocws penodol ar y cysylltiadau rhwng prosesau addysgol ac anghydraddoldebau cymdeithasol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb yn y graddau y mae polisi addysgol yn siapio'r pethau hyn, a hefyd mewn cwestiynau methodolegol a damcaniaethol ynghylch sut y gellir eu trin a'u deall orau. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi'n eang ar y pynciau hyn ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd academaidd, polisi ac ymarferwyr.
- James, D. 2024. Human-centric lifelong learning for an era of digital transformation. Working paper. Singapore: Inst Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences. Available at:
- James, D., Garner, S. and Husband, G. 2023. Understanding practices of UK college governing: Rethinking strategy and accountability. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 51(6), pp. 1422-1439. (10.1177/17411432211053691)
- James, D. 2023. Foreword. In: BERA, . ed. Education: The state of the discipline - High Impact Educational Research. London: British Educational Research Association, pp. 6-8.
- James, D. 2023. The Research Excellence Framework as a resource for the field. Research Intelligence 154, pp. 18-19.
- James, D., Sadik, S. and Brown, P. 2022. Rethinking lifelong learning in the "Fourth Industrial Revolution". In: Evans, K. et al. eds. Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1-20., (10.1007/978-3-030-67930-9_49-1)
- Morgan, A., Milton, E., James, D., Kneen, J., Clement, J., Bryant, A. and Beauchamp, G. 2022. Pandemic-related assessment experiences and innovations: implications for initial teacher education. Welsh Government.
- James, D., Sadik, S. and Brown, P. 2021. Rethinking lifelong learning in the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'. Working paper. Singapore: Inst of Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences.
- Bathmaker, A. et al. 2021. Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: uncovering the complexities of governing. University of Stirling.
- James, D. 2020. 40th anniversary special issue: the current and future shape of the sociology of education. British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(6), pp. 757-767. (10.1080/01425692.2020.1801222 .)
- Mills, D. and James, D. 2020. Reconceptualising organisational collaborations in social science doctoral education. Higher Education 79, pp. 791-809. (10.1007/s10734-019-00438-9)
- Brown, P. and James, D. 2020. Educational expansion, poverty reduction and social mobility: reframing the debate. International Journal of Educational Research 100, article number: 101537. (10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101537)
- James, D. 2020. Is lifelong learning still useful? Disappointments and prospects for rediscovery. Journal of Education and Work 33(7-8), pp. 522-532. (10.1080/13639080.2020.1852509)
- James, D. 2019. Learning in and learning from FE and skills policy in wales: a relational approach. Journal of Education and Work 32(3), pp. 251-265. (10.1080/13639080.2019.1624697)
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Gallacher, J., Irwin, T. and James, D. 2019. FE and skills - is the 'UK laboratory' open for expansive policy learning?. Journal of Education and Work 32(3), pp. 277-291. (10.1080/13639080.2019.1621272)
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Waring, M., Gallacher, J., Irwin, T. and James, D. 2018. FE and skills across the four countries of the UK. Project Report. [Online]. London: The Edge Foundation/UCL. Available at:
- James, D. 2018. Learning cultures, reflexivity and creative subversion. In: Matthews, C., Edgington, U. and Channon, A. eds. Teaching With Sociological Imagination in Higher and Further Education. Springer, pp. 39-53.
- James, D. 2018. Social class, participation, and the marketised university. In: Waller, R., Ingram, N. and Ward, M. R. eds. Higher Education and Social Inequalities. Sociological Futures Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 231-242.
- Rintoul, J. and James, D. 2017. ‘That tricky subject’: the integration of contextual studies in pre-degree art and design education. International Journal of Art and Design Education 36(2), pp. 215-225. (10.1111/jade.12077)
- James, D. 2017. Professional identity, learning cultures and educational quality: some lessons from Further Education. Wales Journal of Education 19(1), pp. 107-124. (10.16922/wje.19.1.6)
- James, D. 2017. Knowing your place? The urban as an educational resource. In: Pink, W. T. and Noblit, G. eds. Second International Handbook of Urban Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education Berlin: Springer, pp. 1041–1058., (10.1007/978-3-319-40317-5_56)
- James, D. 2017. Key FE and skills developments in Wales. Discussion Paper. London: UCL Institute of Education. Available at:
- James, D. and Unwin, L. 2016. Fostering high quality vocational further education in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Public Policy Institute for Wales. Available at:
- James, D. 2016. Lernkulturen- eine dynamische Sicht auf professionelle Praxis und Identität? [Learning cultures and a dynamic view of professional practice and identity]. Berliner Debatte Initial 27(1), pp. 1-9.
- Harrison, N., James, D. and Last, K. 2015. Don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it's gone? Skills-led qualifications, secondary school attainment and policy choices. Research Papers in Education 30(5), pp. 568-608. (10.1080/02671522.2014.1002526)
- James, D. 2015. How Bourdieu bites back: recognising misrecognition in education and educational research. Cambridge Journal of Education 45(1), pp. 97-112. (10.1080/0305764X.2014.987644)
- Coffey, A. J. and James, D. eds. 2014. Masculinity and education. London: Routledge.
- James, D. 2014. Identities of, in, and through higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education 35(2), pp. 316-327. (10.1080/01425692.2014.881056)
- James, D. 2013. Investigating the curriculum through assessment practice in higher education: the value of a 'learning cultures' approach. Higher Education n/a (10.1007/s10734-013-9652-6)
- James, D. 2013. Educational research in Estonia. Project Report. [Online]. Estonia: Ministry of Education, Estonia. Available at:
- James, D. 2012. The RSA area based curriculum in Peterborough: an independent evaluation. London: RSA. Available at:
- Ritchie, R., James, D., Reed, L. R., Sutherland, R. and Keith-Miller, G. 2011. The development of enhanced university partnerships with schools in Bristol. HEFCE, Bristol.
- James, D. 2011. Beginning with Bourdieu in educational research. Discussion Paper. London: British Educational Research Association (BERA). Available at:
- James, D. 2011. Policy into practice: provider perspectives. In: Hodgson, A., Spours, K. and Waring, M. eds. Post-compulsory education and lifelong learning across the UK: Policy, organisation and governance. London: Institute of Education, pp. 105-124.
- Reay, D., Crozier, G. and James, D. 2011. White middle class identities and urban schooling. Identity Studies in the Social Sciences. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Tannock, S., James, D. and Torres, C. A. 2011. Radical education and the common school: a democratic alternative. British Journal of Sociology of Education 32(6), pp. 939-952. (10.1080/01425692.2011.614751)
- James, D., Reay, D., Crozier, G., Beedell, P., Hollingworth, S., Jamieson, F. and Williams, K. 2010. Neoliberal policy and the meaning of counterintuitive middle-class school choices. Current Sociology 58(4), pp. 623-641. (10.1177/0011392110368003)
- James, D., Bathmaker, A. and Waller, R. 2010. Inspiring learning [teacher resource]. Published jointly by Bristol City, Bath & North East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils. - teaching_resource
- James, D. 2010. Professionalism matters. Association of Teachers and Lecturers Post-16 News, pp. 4.
- James, D. 2010. Theory and educational research: toward critical social explanation. British Journal of Sociology of Education 31(2), pp. 243-248. (10.1080/01425690903541236)
- James, D., Bathmaker, A. and Waller, R. 2010. Evaluation of the Learning and Skills Council (West of England) work related learning project. Final report for the Learning and Skills Council. Project Report. [Online]. Bristol: University of West England. Available at:
- James, D., Ritchie, R., Jones, M., Fitzgerald, B., Orr-Ewing, M. and Harrison, N. 2010. Secondary curriculum development and innovation in Bristol. Final report for Bristol City Council. Project Report. Bristol: University of West England.
- James, D. R., Reay, D., Crozier, G., Jamieson, F., Beedell, P., Hollingworth, S. and Williams, K. 2009. White middle-class identity work through “against the grain” school choices. In: Wetherell, M. ed. Identity in the 21st Century: New Trends in Changing Times. Identity Studies in the Social Sciences Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 76-94.
- James, D. and Beedell, P. 2009. Transgression for transition? White urban middle class families making and managing “against the grain” school choices. In: Ecclestone, K., Biesta, G. and Hughes, M. eds. Transitions and Learning Through the Lifecourse. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 32-46.
- Kangro, A. and James, D. 2008. Rapid reform and unfinished business: the development of education in independent Latvia 1991-2007. European Journal of Education 43(4), pp. 547-561. (10.1111/j.1465-3435.2008.00373.x)
- Reay, D., Crozier, G., James, D., Hollingworth, S., Williams, K., Jamieson, F. and Beedell, P. 2008. Re-invigorating democracy?: White middle class identities and comprehensive schooling. Sociological Review 56(2), pp. 238-255. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2008.00786.x)
- James, D. and Harrison, N. 2008. Enhancing tutor community: a research-based tutor consultation for the Workers’ Educational Association. Project Report. Bristol: University of the West of England.
- James, D., Bathmaker, A., Waller, R. and Last, K. 2008. Community engagement and specialist schools and academies: the implications of the Leitch Review of Skills Trust. Technical Report.
- James, D., Beedell, P., Crozier, G., Jamieson, F., Williams, K. and Hollingworth, S. 2008. Community and calculation: Counter-intuitive school choice and the white urban middle class. New Redland Papers 2, pp. 53-57.
- Crozier, G., Reay, D., James, D., Jamieson, F., Beedell, P., Hollingworth, S. and Williams, K. 2008. White middle-class parents, identities, educational choice and the urban comprehensive school: dilemmas, ambivalence and moral ambiguity. British Journal of Sociology of Education 29(3), pp. 261-272. (10.1080/01425690801966295)
- Francis, B., Hockings, C., James, D. and Reed, L. R. 2008. Review symposium: Reconceptualising lifelong learning. Feminist interventions. British Journal of Sociology of Education 29(3), pp. 339-348. (10.1080/01425690801966469)
- Hodkinson, P., Biesta, G. and James, D. 2008. Understanding learning culturally: overcoming the dualism between social and individual views of learning. Vocations and Learning 1(1), pp. 27-47. (10.1007/s12186-007-9001-y)
- Colley, H., James, D. and Diment, K. 2007. Unbecoming teachers: towards a more dynamic notion of professional participation. Journal of Education Policy 22(2), pp. 173-193. (10.1080/02680930601158927)
- James, D. 2007. Book Reviews: 'On Bourdieu, education and society' by Derek Robbins [book review]. London Review of Education 5(3), pp. 313-316. (10.1080/14748460701661377)
- James, D. and Simmons, J. 2007. Alternative assessment for learner engagement in a climate of performativity: lessons from an English case study. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 14(3), pp. 353-371. (10.1080/09695940701592022)
- James, D. and Wahlberg, M. 2007. The limits of tutor intervention: understanding improvement in a cultural view of FE learning and teaching. Educational Review 59(4), pp. 469-482. (10.1080/00131910701619357)
- Reay, D., Hollingworth, S., Williams, K., Crozier, G., Jamieson, F., James, D. and Beedell, P. 2007. `A darker shade of pale?' Whiteness, the middle classes and multi-ethnic inner city schooling. Sociology 41(6), pp. 1041-1060. (10.1177/0038038507082314)
- James, D. and Gleeson, D. 2007. The paradox of professionalism in English further education: A TLC project perspective. Educational Review 59(4), pp. 451-467. (10.1080/00131910701619340)
- Hodkinson, P., Biesta, G. and James, D. 2007. Understanding learning cultures. Educational Review 59(4), pp. 415-427. (10.1080/00131910701619316)
- James, D. and Biesta, G. 2007. Improving learning cultures in Further Education. Improving Learning. London: Routledge.
- Thomas, G. and James, D. 2006. Reinventing grounded theory: some questions about theory, ground and discovery. British Educational Research Journal 32(6), pp. 767-795. (10.1080/01411920600989412)
- James, D. 2005. The love puddle: a simple story and some difficult questions. Educational Action Research 13(1), pp. 111-118. (10.1080/09650790500200270)
- Torrance, H., Colley, H., Garratt, D., Jarvis, J., Piper, H., Ecclestone, K. and James, D. 2005. The impact of different modes of assessment on achievement and progress in the learning and skills sector. Project Report. UK: Learning and Skills Development Agency.
- James, D. 2005. Importance and impotence? Learning, outcomes and research in further education. Curriculum Journal 16(1), pp. 83-96. (10.1080/0958517042000336827)
- Grenfell, M. and James, D. 2004. Change in the field—changing the field: Bourdieu and the methodological practice of educational research. British Journal of Sociology of Education 25(4), pp. 507-523. (10.1080/014256904200026989)
- James, D. 2004. Research in practice. Building Effective Research Vol. 5. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.
- Simons, H., Kushner, S., Jones, K. and James, D. 2003. From evidence‐based practice to practice‐based evidence: the idea of situated generalisation. Research Papers in Education 18(4), pp. 347-364. (10.1080/0267152032000176855)
- Colley, H., James, D., Diment, K. and Tedder, M. 2003. Learning as becoming in vocational education and training: class, gender and the role of vocational habitus. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 55(4), pp. 471-498. (10.1080/13636820300200240)
- James, D. and Diment, K. 2003. Going underground? learning and assessment in an ambiguous Space. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 55(4), pp. 407-422. (10.1080/13636820300200242)
- Hodkinson, P. and James, D. 2003. Transforming elarning cultures in further education. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 55(4), pp. 389-406. (10.1080/13636820300200236)
- Bloomer, M. and James, D. 2003. Educational research in educational practice. Journal of Further and Higher Education 27(3), pp. 247-256. (10.1080/0309877032000098671)
- James, D. 2003. Martin Bloomer and the TLCFE project. Learning and Skills Research Journal 6(3)
- James, D. 2000. Making the graduate: perspectives on student experience of assessment in higher education. In: Filer, A. ed. Assessment: Social Practice and Social Product. Routledge Falmer, pp. 151-167.
- Ashcroft, K. and James, D. eds. 1999. The creative professional - learning to teach 14-19 year-olds. London: Falmer.
- James, D. 1999. Assessment events as social practices. In: Kelly, M. and Grenfell, M. eds. Pierre Bourdieu: language, culture and education. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 247-259.
- Grenfell, M. and James, D. 1998. Bourdieu and education: Acts of practical theory. London: Falmer.
- James, D. and Brewer, J. 1998. Key skills on the ground: the meaning of development in 16-19 academic and vocational programmes. The Redland Papers 6, pp. 33-47.
- James, D. 1995. Mature studentship in higher education: beyond a 'species' approach. British Journal of Sociology of Education 16(4), pp. 451-466. (10.1080/0142569950160402)
- James, D. 1995. Universal teacher education for the FE sector: Whatever next?. The Redland Papers 3, pp. 52-61.
- James, D., Garner, S. and Husband, G. 2023. Understanding practices of UK college governing: Rethinking strategy and accountability. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 51(6), pp. 1422-1439. (10.1177/17411432211053691)
- James, D. 2023. The Research Excellence Framework as a resource for the field. Research Intelligence 154, pp. 18-19.
- James, D. 2020. 40th anniversary special issue: the current and future shape of the sociology of education. British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(6), pp. 757-767. (10.1080/01425692.2020.1801222 .)
- Mills, D. and James, D. 2020. Reconceptualising organisational collaborations in social science doctoral education. Higher Education 79, pp. 791-809. (10.1007/s10734-019-00438-9)
- Brown, P. and James, D. 2020. Educational expansion, poverty reduction and social mobility: reframing the debate. International Journal of Educational Research 100, article number: 101537. (10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101537)
- James, D. 2020. Is lifelong learning still useful? Disappointments and prospects for rediscovery. Journal of Education and Work 33(7-8), pp. 522-532. (10.1080/13639080.2020.1852509)
- James, D. 2019. Learning in and learning from FE and skills policy in wales: a relational approach. Journal of Education and Work 32(3), pp. 251-265. (10.1080/13639080.2019.1624697)
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Gallacher, J., Irwin, T. and James, D. 2019. FE and skills - is the 'UK laboratory' open for expansive policy learning?. Journal of Education and Work 32(3), pp. 277-291. (10.1080/13639080.2019.1621272)
- Rintoul, J. and James, D. 2017. ‘That tricky subject’: the integration of contextual studies in pre-degree art and design education. International Journal of Art and Design Education 36(2), pp. 215-225. (10.1111/jade.12077)
- James, D. 2017. Professional identity, learning cultures and educational quality: some lessons from Further Education. Wales Journal of Education 19(1), pp. 107-124. (10.16922/wje.19.1.6)
- James, D. 2016. Lernkulturen- eine dynamische Sicht auf professionelle Praxis und Identität? [Learning cultures and a dynamic view of professional practice and identity]. Berliner Debatte Initial 27(1), pp. 1-9.
- Harrison, N., James, D. and Last, K. 2015. Don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it's gone? Skills-led qualifications, secondary school attainment and policy choices. Research Papers in Education 30(5), pp. 568-608. (10.1080/02671522.2014.1002526)
- James, D. 2015. How Bourdieu bites back: recognising misrecognition in education and educational research. Cambridge Journal of Education 45(1), pp. 97-112. (10.1080/0305764X.2014.987644)
- James, D. 2014. Identities of, in, and through higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education 35(2), pp. 316-327. (10.1080/01425692.2014.881056)
- James, D. 2013. Investigating the curriculum through assessment practice in higher education: the value of a 'learning cultures' approach. Higher Education n/a (10.1007/s10734-013-9652-6)
- Tannock, S., James, D. and Torres, C. A. 2011. Radical education and the common school: a democratic alternative. British Journal of Sociology of Education 32(6), pp. 939-952. (10.1080/01425692.2011.614751)
- James, D., Reay, D., Crozier, G., Beedell, P., Hollingworth, S., Jamieson, F. and Williams, K. 2010. Neoliberal policy and the meaning of counterintuitive middle-class school choices. Current Sociology 58(4), pp. 623-641. (10.1177/0011392110368003)
- James, D. 2010. Professionalism matters. Association of Teachers and Lecturers Post-16 News, pp. 4.
- James, D. 2010. Theory and educational research: toward critical social explanation. British Journal of Sociology of Education 31(2), pp. 243-248. (10.1080/01425690903541236)
- Kangro, A. and James, D. 2008. Rapid reform and unfinished business: the development of education in independent Latvia 1991-2007. European Journal of Education 43(4), pp. 547-561. (10.1111/j.1465-3435.2008.00373.x)
- Reay, D., Crozier, G., James, D., Hollingworth, S., Williams, K., Jamieson, F. and Beedell, P. 2008. Re-invigorating democracy?: White middle class identities and comprehensive schooling. Sociological Review 56(2), pp. 238-255. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.2008.00786.x)
- James, D., Beedell, P., Crozier, G., Jamieson, F., Williams, K. and Hollingworth, S. 2008. Community and calculation: Counter-intuitive school choice and the white urban middle class. New Redland Papers 2, pp. 53-57.
- Crozier, G., Reay, D., James, D., Jamieson, F., Beedell, P., Hollingworth, S. and Williams, K. 2008. White middle-class parents, identities, educational choice and the urban comprehensive school: dilemmas, ambivalence and moral ambiguity. British Journal of Sociology of Education 29(3), pp. 261-272. (10.1080/01425690801966295)
- Francis, B., Hockings, C., James, D. and Reed, L. R. 2008. Review symposium: Reconceptualising lifelong learning. Feminist interventions. British Journal of Sociology of Education 29(3), pp. 339-348. (10.1080/01425690801966469)
- Hodkinson, P., Biesta, G. and James, D. 2008. Understanding learning culturally: overcoming the dualism between social and individual views of learning. Vocations and Learning 1(1), pp. 27-47. (10.1007/s12186-007-9001-y)
- Colley, H., James, D. and Diment, K. 2007. Unbecoming teachers: towards a more dynamic notion of professional participation. Journal of Education Policy 22(2), pp. 173-193. (10.1080/02680930601158927)
- James, D. 2007. Book Reviews: 'On Bourdieu, education and society' by Derek Robbins [book review]. London Review of Education 5(3), pp. 313-316. (10.1080/14748460701661377)
- James, D. and Simmons, J. 2007. Alternative assessment for learner engagement in a climate of performativity: lessons from an English case study. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 14(3), pp. 353-371. (10.1080/09695940701592022)
- James, D. and Wahlberg, M. 2007. The limits of tutor intervention: understanding improvement in a cultural view of FE learning and teaching. Educational Review 59(4), pp. 469-482. (10.1080/00131910701619357)
- Reay, D., Hollingworth, S., Williams, K., Crozier, G., Jamieson, F., James, D. and Beedell, P. 2007. `A darker shade of pale?' Whiteness, the middle classes and multi-ethnic inner city schooling. Sociology 41(6), pp. 1041-1060. (10.1177/0038038507082314)
- James, D. and Gleeson, D. 2007. The paradox of professionalism in English further education: A TLC project perspective. Educational Review 59(4), pp. 451-467. (10.1080/00131910701619340)
- Hodkinson, P., Biesta, G. and James, D. 2007. Understanding learning cultures. Educational Review 59(4), pp. 415-427. (10.1080/00131910701619316)
- Thomas, G. and James, D. 2006. Reinventing grounded theory: some questions about theory, ground and discovery. British Educational Research Journal 32(6), pp. 767-795. (10.1080/01411920600989412)
- James, D. 2005. The love puddle: a simple story and some difficult questions. Educational Action Research 13(1), pp. 111-118. (10.1080/09650790500200270)
- James, D. 2005. Importance and impotence? Learning, outcomes and research in further education. Curriculum Journal 16(1), pp. 83-96. (10.1080/0958517042000336827)
- Grenfell, M. and James, D. 2004. Change in the field—changing the field: Bourdieu and the methodological practice of educational research. British Journal of Sociology of Education 25(4), pp. 507-523. (10.1080/014256904200026989)
- Simons, H., Kushner, S., Jones, K. and James, D. 2003. From evidence‐based practice to practice‐based evidence: the idea of situated generalisation. Research Papers in Education 18(4), pp. 347-364. (10.1080/0267152032000176855)
- Colley, H., James, D., Diment, K. and Tedder, M. 2003. Learning as becoming in vocational education and training: class, gender and the role of vocational habitus. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 55(4), pp. 471-498. (10.1080/13636820300200240)
- James, D. and Diment, K. 2003. Going underground? learning and assessment in an ambiguous Space. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 55(4), pp. 407-422. (10.1080/13636820300200242)
- Hodkinson, P. and James, D. 2003. Transforming elarning cultures in further education. Journal of Vocational Education & Training 55(4), pp. 389-406. (10.1080/13636820300200236)
- Bloomer, M. and James, D. 2003. Educational research in educational practice. Journal of Further and Higher Education 27(3), pp. 247-256. (10.1080/0309877032000098671)
- James, D. 2003. Martin Bloomer and the TLCFE project. Learning and Skills Research Journal 6(3)
- James, D. and Brewer, J. 1998. Key skills on the ground: the meaning of development in 16-19 academic and vocational programmes. The Redland Papers 6, pp. 33-47.
- James, D. 1995. Mature studentship in higher education: beyond a 'species' approach. British Journal of Sociology of Education 16(4), pp. 451-466. (10.1080/0142569950160402)
- James, D. 1995. Universal teacher education for the FE sector: Whatever next?. The Redland Papers 3, pp. 52-61.
Book sections
- James, D. 2023. Foreword. In: BERA, . ed. Education: The state of the discipline - High Impact Educational Research. London: British Educational Research Association, pp. 6-8.
- James, D., Sadik, S. and Brown, P. 2022. Rethinking lifelong learning in the "Fourth Industrial Revolution". In: Evans, K. et al. eds. Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Springer International Handbooks of Education Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 1-20., (10.1007/978-3-030-67930-9_49-1)
- James, D. 2018. Learning cultures, reflexivity and creative subversion. In: Matthews, C., Edgington, U. and Channon, A. eds. Teaching With Sociological Imagination in Higher and Further Education. Springer, pp. 39-53.
- James, D. 2018. Social class, participation, and the marketised university. In: Waller, R., Ingram, N. and Ward, M. R. eds. Higher Education and Social Inequalities. Sociological Futures Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 231-242.
- James, D. 2017. Knowing your place? The urban as an educational resource. In: Pink, W. T. and Noblit, G. eds. Second International Handbook of Urban Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education Berlin: Springer, pp. 1041–1058., (10.1007/978-3-319-40317-5_56)
- James, D. 2011. Policy into practice: provider perspectives. In: Hodgson, A., Spours, K. and Waring, M. eds. Post-compulsory education and lifelong learning across the UK: Policy, organisation and governance. London: Institute of Education, pp. 105-124.
- James, D. R., Reay, D., Crozier, G., Jamieson, F., Beedell, P., Hollingworth, S. and Williams, K. 2009. White middle-class identity work through “against the grain” school choices. In: Wetherell, M. ed. Identity in the 21st Century: New Trends in Changing Times. Identity Studies in the Social Sciences Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 76-94.
- James, D. and Beedell, P. 2009. Transgression for transition? White urban middle class families making and managing “against the grain” school choices. In: Ecclestone, K., Biesta, G. and Hughes, M. eds. Transitions and Learning Through the Lifecourse. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 32-46.
- James, D. 2000. Making the graduate: perspectives on student experience of assessment in higher education. In: Filer, A. ed. Assessment: Social Practice and Social Product. Routledge Falmer, pp. 151-167.
- James, D. 1999. Assessment events as social practices. In: Kelly, M. and Grenfell, M. eds. Pierre Bourdieu: language, culture and education. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 247-259.
- Coffey, A. J. and James, D. eds. 2014. Masculinity and education. London: Routledge.
- Reay, D., Crozier, G. and James, D. 2011. White middle class identities and urban schooling. Identity Studies in the Social Sciences. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- James, D. and Biesta, G. 2007. Improving learning cultures in Further Education. Improving Learning. London: Routledge.
- James, D. 2004. Research in practice. Building Effective Research Vol. 5. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.
- Ashcroft, K. and James, D. eds. 1999. The creative professional - learning to teach 14-19 year-olds. London: Falmer.
- Grenfell, M. and James, D. 1998. Bourdieu and education: Acts of practical theory. London: Falmer.
- James, D. 2024. Human-centric lifelong learning for an era of digital transformation. Working paper. Singapore: Inst Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences. Available at:
- Morgan, A., Milton, E., James, D., Kneen, J., Clement, J., Bryant, A. and Beauchamp, G. 2022. Pandemic-related assessment experiences and innovations: implications for initial teacher education. Welsh Government.
- James, D., Sadik, S. and Brown, P. 2021. Rethinking lifelong learning in the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'. Working paper. Singapore: Inst of Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences.
- Bathmaker, A. et al. 2021. Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: uncovering the complexities of governing. University of Stirling.
- Hodgson, A., Spours, K., Waring, M., Gallacher, J., Irwin, T. and James, D. 2018. FE and skills across the four countries of the UK. Project Report. [Online]. London: The Edge Foundation/UCL. Available at:
- James, D. 2017. Key FE and skills developments in Wales. Discussion Paper. London: UCL Institute of Education. Available at:
- James, D. and Unwin, L. 2016. Fostering high quality vocational further education in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Public Policy Institute for Wales. Available at:
- James, D. 2013. Educational research in Estonia. Project Report. [Online]. Estonia: Ministry of Education, Estonia. Available at:
- James, D. 2012. The RSA area based curriculum in Peterborough: an independent evaluation. London: RSA. Available at:
- Ritchie, R., James, D., Reed, L. R., Sutherland, R. and Keith-Miller, G. 2011. The development of enhanced university partnerships with schools in Bristol. HEFCE, Bristol.
- James, D. 2011. Beginning with Bourdieu in educational research. Discussion Paper. London: British Educational Research Association (BERA). Available at:
- James, D., Bathmaker, A. and Waller, R. 2010. Evaluation of the Learning and Skills Council (West of England) work related learning project. Final report for the Learning and Skills Council. Project Report. [Online]. Bristol: University of West England. Available at:
- James, D., Ritchie, R., Jones, M., Fitzgerald, B., Orr-Ewing, M. and Harrison, N. 2010. Secondary curriculum development and innovation in Bristol. Final report for Bristol City Council. Project Report. Bristol: University of West England.
- James, D. and Harrison, N. 2008. Enhancing tutor community: a research-based tutor consultation for the Workers’ Educational Association. Project Report. Bristol: University of the West of England.
- James, D., Bathmaker, A., Waller, R. and Last, K. 2008. Community engagement and specialist schools and academies: the implications of the Leitch Review of Skills Trust. Technical Report.
- Torrance, H., Colley, H., Garratt, D., Jarvis, J., Piper, H., Ecclestone, K. and James, D. 2005. The impact of different modes of assessment on achievement and progress in the learning and skills sector. Project Report. UK: Learning and Skills Development Agency.
- James, D., Bathmaker, A. and Waller, R. 2010. Inspiring learning [teacher resource]. Published jointly by Bristol City, Bath & North East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils. - teaching_resource
Ymchwil cyfredol
- Rwy'n arwain panel arbenigol a gomisiynwyd gan BERA ar Gyllid Ymchwil Addysgol y DU (2024-5)
- Rwy'n rhan o'r tîm Dyfodol Digidol Gwaith, rhaglen ymchwil ryngwladol ar ailddychmygu swyddi, sgiliau ac addysg ar gyfer oes ddigidol, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Singapore ac a arweinir gan yr Athro Phil Brown (2019-2023).
Rwyf wedi cyfarwyddo llawer o brosiectau ymchwil, gwerthusiadau ac ymgynghoriaethau ar gyfer amrywiaeth o gyllidwyr a chleientiaid, gan gynnwys adrannau ac asiantaethau'r ESRC, y DU a llywodraeth dramor, awdurdodau lleol, elusennau, prifysgolion, colegau ac ysgolion, o bryd i'w gilydd ac o fewn y gyllideb.
Cyd-gynlluniodd a chyd-gyfarwyddo prosiect ESRC 'Trawsnewid Diwylliannau Dysgu mewn Addysg Bellach' (2001-2005) a phrosiect ESRC 'Identities, Education and the White Urban Middle Classes' (2005-2007). Y cyntaf o'r rhain yw'r unig astudiaeth annibynnol, ar raddfa fawr o ddysgu yn y sector AB yn Lloegr. Cyd-gyfarwyddais hefyd gyfres seminarau ESRC ar 'Gyfarwyddiadau newydd mewn dysgu a sgiliau yng Nghymru, Lloegr a'r Alban' (2008-2010) ac roeddwn yn rhan o'r tîm craidd ar gyfer cyfres seminar sy'n canolbwyntio ar bolisi ar AB a Sgiliau ar draws pedair gwlad y DU (2017-2018). Cynhaliais (gyda'r Athro Lorna Unwin) astudiaeth sy'n canolbwyntio ar bolisi a gomisiynwyd gan y Gweinidog, o raglenni galwedigaethol o ansawdd uchel mewn Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru - gweler
Cyd-gyfarwyddais Brosesau ac Arferion Llywodraethu mewn Colegau Addysg Bellach yn y DU (2018-2021)
Arweiniais brosiect ymchwil a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru o'r enw Arloesiadau asesu sy'n gysylltiedig â'r Pandemig: goblygiadau ar gyfer addysg athrawon. Daeth yr astudiaeth i ben yng Ngwanwyn 2021. Roedd y tîm yn cynnwys ymchwilwyr o Brifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd ac yn cynnwys cydweithwyr mewn ysgolion sy'n rhan o Bartneriaeth AGA Caerdydd. Gellir gweld yr adroddiad yn:
Y thema ganolog yn fy ymchwil yw'r berthynas rhwng addysg ac anghydraddoldebau cymdeithasol. Rwyf wedi ymchwilio ac ysgrifennu ar amrywiaeth o bynciau gan gynnwys:
- Polisi ac ymarfer dysgu gydol oes
- Profiad myfyrwyr ac efrydiaeth aeddfed
- dysgu diwylliannau, proffesiynoldeb a pholisi mewn Addysg Bellach
- llywodraethu a llywodraethu mewn addysg bellach
- asesu, yn enwedig mewn Addysg Bellach ac Uwch
- dewis ysgol uwchradd, hunaniaeth dosbarth canol gwyn ac addysg drefol
- arloesedd y cwricwlwm, addysgu creadigol, creadigrwydd a phroffesiynoldeb
- Dysgu Gydol Oes a Dysgu sy'n Gysylltiedig â Gwaith
- ffactorau mewn cyrhaeddiad TGAU mewn addysg uwchradd
- polisi ac ymarfer mewn addysg bellach ar draws gwledydd y Deyrnas Unedig
- theori gymdeithasol Bourdieu (er bod fy ngwaith hefyd yn tynnu ar lawer o ffynonellau damcaniaethol eraill).
Er bod y rhan fwyaf o'm gwaith ymchwil wedi bod yn ansoddol, rwy'n defnyddio dulliau meintiol a chymysg hefyd, yn dibynnu ar natur y cwestiynau ymchwil.
Roeddwn yn editior ac yn gadeirydd grŵp ymgynghorol ar gyfer llyfryn yr Academy of Social Sciences Making the Case No. 12: Education. Cafodd ei lansio yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin ym mis Rhagfyr 2016 mewn digwyddiad a gynhaliwyd gan Neil Camichael AS, cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Dethol Addysg. Ceir y llyfryn yn Gweler hefyd Gellir gweld fideo byr o'r Academi yn
Rwyf wedi dysgu ystod eang o bynciau'r gwyddorau cymdeithasol ar draws cymdeithaseg a seicoleg, ar bob lefel o gyn-TGAU i Feddygon. Mae'r meysydd addysgu diweddaraf yn cynnwys methodoleg ymchwil, dysgu ac asesu mewn addysg bellach ac uwch, cymdeithaseg addysg ôl-orfodol, cymwysiadau gwaith Bourdieu, Marx, Weber & Fraser, cydraddoldeb cymdeithasol ac anghydraddoldeb, damcaniaethau seicolegol a diwylliannol dysgu.
Gweler fy sesiwn ar gyfer myfyrwyr doethurol ESRC y DU o'r enw Sut i gael yn glir am ddull, methodoleg, epistemoleg ac ontoleg, unwaith ac am byth. Mabwysiadwyd hyn gan Brifysgol Agored y DU ac RMIT ym Melbourne, ymhlith eraill. Mae ar You Tube, gyda dros 166,000 o olygfeydd. Gweler ef yma: Cynhadledd ESRC: Sesiwn Dulliau
Archwilio allanol
Rwyf wedi archwilio dros 55 o draethodau ymchwil doethurol, yn bennaf fel arholwr allanol, mewn tua 30 o brifysgolion gwahanol yn y DU a thramor. Rwyf hefyd yn arholwr allanol profiadol ar gyfer rhaglenni a addysgir mewn prifysgolion eraill. Yn 2018 cwblheais dymor pedair blynedd fel arholwr allanol ar gyfer y rhaglen MEd/MPhil yn y Gyfadran Addysg, Prifysgol Caergrawnt.
Mae fy nghofiant cynnar yn helpu i esbonio pam fy mod yn gymdeithasegydd addysg. Roedd fy ystafell ddosbarth ysgol gynradd yn adlewyrchu cyfansoddiad dosbarth cymdeithasol yr ardal, gyda phlant o deuluoedd sefydledig hŷn y pentref wedi'u lleoli yn y rhes flaen, a'r rhai o'r stad dai ar ôl y rhyfel (gan gynnwys fi) wedi'u lleoli tuag at gefn yr ystafell. Roedd yr addysgu ac yn wir yr 11+ canlyniadau yn adlewyrchu'r un haeniad hwn i raddau helaeth, ac ni wnes i gyrraedd y gramadeg na'r ysgol uwchradd dechnegol. Dim ond yn llawer diweddarach y cefais wybod sut y cyflawnwyd y trawsnewidiad haenedig hwn trwy gyfuniad o wahaniaethu'r cwricwlwm, sylw athrawon, hyfforddi ar gyfer y prawf a disgwyliad famial. Dyna pam y daeth damcaniaeth gymdeithasol Pierre Bourdieu (ac mae'n parhau i fod) yn bwysig i mi.
Fel y digwyddodd, roedd yr ysgol Uwchradd Modern ddi-ddethol leol yn lle ardderchog i fod, gan ddarparu addysg gron (gan gynnwys bod mewn band pres trefnus a heriol am bum mlynedd!) Cafodd llawer o'r athrawon eu cyffroi'n fawr, ac ymddengys nad oeddent byth yn colli cyfle i danio fy niddordeb a'm chwilfrydedd. Gadewais yr ysgol hon gyda chanlyniadau arholiadau da a rhywfaint o hyder wedi'i seilio'n dda. Yn anffodus, roedd y 'chweched dosbarth' mwyaf uchel ei barch yr es i ymlaen i'w mynychu am ddwy flynedd yn wael yn addysgol o gymharu â hynny, a gadewais gyda chanlyniadau Safon Uwch cymedrol iawn a dadrithiad cyffredinol am fy ngalluoedd.
Dilynodd cyfres o swyddi tymor byr mewn ffatrïoedd ac ar ffermydd, yna swydd mewn llywodraeth leol yn Llundain, mewn rolau clerigol a gweinyddol. Yn yr un cyfnod ro'n i'n ceisio gwneud bywoliaeth fel cerddor roc. Tynnodd cyd-gerddor (Dave Pask, a oedd ar y pryd yn ganwr gyda band cynnar Mark Knopfler, Cafe Racers) fy sylw at gymdeithaseg a mynychais ei ddosbarth nos yn y Coleg Addysg Bellach lleol, gan ennill canlyniad arholiadau da. Arweiniodd hyn at gynnig lle ym Mhrifysgol Bryste, a phenderfynais adael fy swydd ddiogel sy'n talu'n dda a dod yn fyfyriwr 'aeddfed' - er mai dim ond yn fy 20au cynnar oeddwn i pan es i yno! Fe wnes i'n dda iawn yn fy ngradd. Ni allwn helpu sylwi y byddai'r seicolegwyr adnabyddus a hyrwyddodd brofion IQ (ac a oedd â chredoau ewgencaidd yn aml) yn datgan ei bod bron yn amhosibl i mi fod wedi mynd o 'fethiant' 11+ i'r IQ uchel iawn y teimlent ei fod ynghlwm wrth radd anrhydedd dosbarth cyntaf. Tanlinellodd fy narlithiad o The Mismeasure of Man (1981, Pelican/Penguin) Steven Jay Gould tua'r adeg honno sut roedd syniadau fel 'etifeddolrwydd' deallusrwydd yn aml yn fater o ideoleg a diddordebau gwleidyddol, gan wasanaethu i gynnal anghydraddoldebau cymdeithasol sydd wedi'u gwreiddio.
Ar ôl graddio, es ymlaen i gwblhau cymhwyster addysgu Addysg Bellach a dysgu mewn colegau AB yn Llundain, Caerfaddon a Chaerloyw. Yn 1989 dechreuais swydd yn y Bristol Polytechnic ac erbyn 1996 roeddwn wedi cwblhau PhD rhan-amser (o'r enw Efrydiaeth Aeddfed mewn Addysg Uwch). Fe wnes i barhau i weithio ym Mhrifysgol Gorllewin Lloegr, Bryste, gan sefydlu a chyd-gyfarwyddo canolfan ymchwil, a chefais fy nyrchafu i'r Athro yn 2004. Dechreuais fy swydd bresennol yng Nghaerdydd yn 2011.
Cymwysterau a chymrodoriaethau
- 1981 BSc Anrh (Dosbarth 1af) Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Bryste
- 1982 Tystysgrif Addysg (AB) [Rhagoriaeth], Coleg Garnett, Llundain
- 1996 PhD – 'Efrydiaeth Aeddfed mewn Addysg Uwch', Prifysgol Gorllewin Lloegr, Bryste (Ext. Arholwr Yr Athro R Burgess)
- 2001 Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA) (a chymwysterau cyfatebol blaenorol)
- 2010 ymlaen - Cymrawd Cymdeithas Frenhinol y Celfyddydau, Gweithgynhyrchu a Masnach (FRSA)
- 2015 Etholwyd yn Gymrawd Academi'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (FAcSS)
- 2024 Cymrawd yr Academi Brydeinig
Trosolwg gyrfa
- 1975-1978 Swyddog Gweithredol Cyngor Llundain Fwyaf
- 1982-1987 Darlithydd mewn Cymdeithaseg a Seicoleg, Coleg Addysg Bellach Dinas Caerfaddon
- 1987-89 Darlithydd 2/Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Datblygu Staff, GLOSCAT
- 1989-91 Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Astudiaethau Polisi Addysg (temp.) Bristol Polytechnic
- 1991-97 Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Addysg Barhaus, UWE, Bryste
- 1997-2000 Prif Ddarlithydd, UWE, Bryste
- 2000-04 Darllenydd, Cyfadran Addysg, UWE, Bryste
- 2004-11 Athro, Cyfadran Addysg, UWE, Bryste
- 2011-19 Athro, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd a Chyfarwyddwr, Canolfan Hyfforddiant Doethurol/Partneriaeth ESRC Cymru
- 2019- Athro Cymdeithaseg Addysg, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 2024: Cymrawd yr Academi Brydeinig
- 2022: Dyfarnwyd Medal Hugh Owen am ymchwil addysgol eithriadol gan Gymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru.
- 2012: Enillydd gwobr llyfr gan The Society for Educational Studies for White Middle Class Identities and Urban Schooling (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 a 2013) (gyda Reay a Crozier)
- 2012: Enillydd (gyda Colley ac eraill) o'r symposiwm Cynhadledd Flynyddol orau yng Nghynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Ymchwil Addysgol Prydain, ar 'Theori Radical ar gyfer y Cyfnod Radical'. Roedd y wobr yn cynnwys derbyn symposiwm yng nghynhadledd Cymdeithas Ymchwil Addysgol America 2013 yn San Francisco a chyllid i gymryd rhan.
- 2006: Enillydd (gyda Grenfell ac eraill) o'r symposiwm Cynhadledd Flynyddol orau yng Nghynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Ymchwil Addysgol Prydain, ar 'Archwilio defnydd a defnyddioldeb theori ymarfer Bourdieu ar gyfer ymchwil addysgol'. Roedd y wobr yn cynnwys derbyn symposiwm ar gyfer cynhadledd Cymdeithas Ymchwil Addysgol America 2007 yn Chicago a chyllid i gymryd rhan.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymrawd Academi'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (FAcSS)
- Cymrawd Cymdeithas Frenhinol y Celfyddydau, Gweithgynhyrchu a Masnach (FRSA)
- Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (FHEA)
- Aelod o Gymdeithas Gymdeithasegol Prydain (BSA)
- Cymdeithas Ymchwil Addysgol America (AERA)
- Aelod o Gymdeithas Ymchwil Addysgol Prydain (BERA)
Contact Details
+44 29208 70930
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell 0.66 Adeilad Morgannwg, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA