Yr Athro Tom Margrain
Timau a rolau for Tom Margrain
Athro Emeritws
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar glefyd macwlaidd, prif achos nam ar y golwg yn y DU. Drwy ddatblygu technolegau newydd sy'n gallu canfod a monitro clefyd macwlaidd yn gynnar, rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn gyflymu datblygiad ymyriadau therapiwtig newydd.
Mewn partneriaeth â Chanolfan Dechnoleg Seryddiaeth y DU , mae ein tîm ymchwil, y Grŵp Ymchwil Macwlaidd, wedi datblygu techneg newydd o'r enw Densitometreg Retinol Delweddu ffyddlondeb uchel (IRD) sy'n archwilio uniondeb swyddogaethol y cyfadeilad retinol allanol. Bydd y ddyfais unigryw hon yn sicrhau newid paradeim yn ein dealltwriaeth o swyddogaeth retinaidd mewn iechyd a chlefydau. Ynghyd â thechnolegau mwy confensiynol rydym ar hyn o bryd yn defnyddio IRD mewn treial clinigol o gyfansoddyn therapiwtig newydd ar gyfer dirywiad macwlaidd sy'n gysylltiedig ag oedran.
- Pattni, K., Wood, A., Cassels, N. and Margrain, T. 2024. Visual pigment concentration and photoreceptor outer segment length in the human retina. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 44(5), pp. 917-924. (10.1111/opo.13307)
- Goddard, P., Verdezoto, N., Margrain, T. H., Lai, Y. and Eslambolchilar, P. 2024. Seeing art differently: design considerations to improve visual art engagement for people with low vision. Presented at: ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-5 July 2024 Presented at Vallgarda, A. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. New York, US: ACM pp. 2820-2832., (10.1145/3643834.3660675)
- Nollett, C., Cooke, P., Labbett, S., Margrain, T. and Thurston, M. 2024. Involving stakeholders in designing a mental health curriculum for staff in the vision impairment sector. British Journal of Visual Impairment (10.1177/02646196241250210)
- Eslambolchilar, P., Margrain, T., Htike, H. M. and Lai, Y. 2021. Augmented reality glasses as a mobility aid for people with low vision: a feasibility study of experiences and requirements. Presented at: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 8-13 May 2021CHI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM pp. 729., (10.1145/3411764.3445327)
- Htike, H. M., Margrain, T. H., Lai, Y. and Eslambolchilar, P. 2020. Ability of head-mounted display technology to improve mobility in people with low vision: a systematic review. Translational Vision Science & Technology 9(10), article number: 26. (10.1167/tvst.9.10.26)
- Margrain, T. H. et al. 2020. Functional imaging of the outer retinal complex using high fidelity imaging retinal densitometry. Scientific Reports 10, article number: 4494. (10.1038/s41598-020-60660-9)
- Callaghan, T., Margrain, T. H. and Binns, A. M. 2020. The effect of systemic hyperoxia and hypoxia on scotopic thresholds in people with early and intermediate age-related macular degeneration. Current Eye Research 45(10), pp. 1273-1282. (10.1080/02713683.2020.1739315)
- Cassels, N. K., Wild, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Blyth, C., Chong, V. and Acton, J. H. 2019. Microperimetry in age-related macular degeneration: an evidence-base for Pattern Deviation probability analysis in microperimetry. Translational Vision Science & Technology 8(6), article number: 48. (10.1167/tvst.8.6.48)
- Dunn, M. J., Harris, C. M., Ennis, F. A., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., McIlreavy, L. and Erichsen, J. T. 2019. An automated segmentation approach to calibrating infantile nystagmus waveforms. Behavior Research Methods 51(5), pp. 2074-2084. (10.3758/s13428-018-1178-5)
- Morny, E. K. A., Patel, K., Votruba, M., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. 2019. The relationship between the photopic negative response and retinal ganglion cell topography. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(6), pp. 1879-1887. (10.1167/iovs.18-25272)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2019. Depressive symptoms in people with a vision impairment: A cross-sectional study to identify who is most at risk. BMJ Open 9(1), article number: e026163. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026163)
- Robinson, D. G., Margrain, T. H., Dunn, M. J., Bailey, C. and Binns, A. M. 2018. Low-level night-time light-therapy for age-related macular degeneration: a randomized clinical trial. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(11), pp. 4531-4541. (10.1167/iovs.18-24284)
- Robinson, D. G., Margrain, T. H., Bailey, C. and Binns, A. M. 2018. An evaluation of a battery of functional and structural tests as predictors of likely risk of progression of age-related macular degeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60, pp. 580-589. (10.1167/iovs.18-25092)
- Cassels, N., Wild, J., Margrain, T. H., Chong, V. and Acton, J. 2018. The use of microperimetry in assessing visual function in age-related macular degeneration. Survey of Ophthalmology 63(1), pp. 40-55. (10.1016/j.survophthal.2017.05.007)
- Ravenscroft, D., Deng, J., Xie, X., Terry, L., Margrain, T. H., North, R. V. and Wood, A. 2017. AMD classification in choroidal OCT using hierarchical texton mining. Presented at: ACIVS 2017, Antwerp, Belgium, 18-21 Sep 2017 Presented at Blanc-Talon, J. et al. eds.Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Vol. 10617. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 237-248., (10.1007/978-3-319-70353-4_21)
- Dunn, M., Debbie Wiggins, D., Woodhouse, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2017. The effect of gaze angle on visual acuity in infantile nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 58(1), pp. 642-650. (10.1167/iovs.16-20370)
- Acton, J. H., Molik, B., Court, H. and Margrain, T. H. 2016. Effect of a home visit-based low vision rehabilitation intervention on visual function outcomes: an exploratory randomized controlled trial. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(15), pp. 6662-6667. (10.1167/iovs.16-19901)
- Terry, L. et al. 2016. Automated Retinal Layer Segmentation Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: Evaluation of Inter-Session Repeatability and Agreement between Devices. Plos One 11(9), article number: e0162001. (10.1371/journal.pone.0162001)
- van der Aa, H., Margrain, T., van Rens, G., Heymans, M. and van Nispen, R. 2016. Psychosocial interventions to improve mental health in adults with vision impairment: systematic review and meta-analysis. Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics 36(5), pp. 584-606. (10.1111/opo.12313)
- Nollett, C. L. et al. 2016. Depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT): a randomized clinical trial of depression treatments in people with low vision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(10), pp. 4247-4254. (10.1167/iovs.16-19345)
- Deng, J., Xie, X., Terry, L., Wood, A., White, N., Margrain, T. H. and North, R. V. 2016. Age-related macular degeneration detection and stage classification using choroidal OCT images. Presented at: ICIAR 2016, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, 13-15 Jul 2016 Presented at Campilho, A. and Karray, F. eds.Image Analysis and Recognition: ICIAR 2016, Vol. 9730. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag pp. 707-715., (10.1007/978-3-319-41501-7_79)
- Acton, J. H., Molik, B., Binns, A., Court, H. J. and Margrain, T. H. 2016. Effect of rehabilitation worker input on visual function outcomes in individuals with low vision: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 17, article number: 105. (10.1186/s13063-016-1235-2)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2016. High prevalence of untreated depression in patients accessing low-vision services. Ophthalmology 123(2), pp. 440-441. (10.1016/j.ophtha.2015.07.009)
- Morny, E. K. A., Margrain, T. H., Binns, A. M. and Votruba, M. 2015. Electrophysiological ON and OFF responses in autosomal dominant optic atrophy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(13), pp. 7629-7637. (10.1167/iovs.15-17951)
- van der Aa, H. P. A., van Rens, G. H. M. B., Comijs, H. C., Margrain, T. H., Gallindo-Garre, F., Twisk, J. W. R. and van Nispen, R. M. A. 2015. Stepped care for depression and anxiety in visually impaired older adults: multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ 351, article number: h6127. (10.1136/bmj.h6127)
- Dunn, M., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2015. Visual processing in infantile nystagmus is not slow. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(9), pp. 5094-5101. (10.1167/iovs.15-16977)
- Dunn, M., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., Ennis, F., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2014. Author response: grating visual acuity in infantile nystagmus in the absence of image motion. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 55(8), pp. 4955-4957. (10.1167/iovs.14-15070)
- Gaffney, A. J., Margrain, T. H., Bunce, C. V. and Binns, A. 2014. How effective is eccentric viewing training? A systematic literature review. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 34(4), pp. 427-437. (10.1111/opo.12132)
- McKeague, C., Margrain, T., Bailey, C. and Binns, A. 2014. Low-level night-time light therapy for age-related macular degeneration (ALight): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 15, article number: 246. (10.1186/1745-6215-15-246)
- Wood, A., Margrain, T. H. and Binns, A. 2014. Detection of Early Age-related macular degeneration using novel functional parameters of the focal cone electroretinogram. PLoS ONE 9(5), article number: e96742. (10.1371/journal.pone.0096742)
- Dunn, M. J., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., Ennis, F. A., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2014. Grating visual acuity in infantile nystagmus in the absence of image motion. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55(4), pp. 2682-2686. (10.1167/iovs.13-13455)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2014. Measurement of cone dark adaptation: a comparison of four psychophysical methods. Documenta Ophthalmologica 128(1), pp. 33-41. (10.1007/s10633-013-9418-6)
- Jones, P. H., Harris, C. M., Woodhouse, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Ennis, F. and Erichsen, J. T. 2013. Stress and visual function in infantile nystagmus syndrome. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 54(13), pp. 7943-7951. (10.1167/iovs.13-12560)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2013. The effect of pre-adapting light intensity on dark adaptation in early age-related macular degeneration. Documenta Ophthalmologica 127(3), pp. 191-199. (10.1007/s10633-013-9400-3)
- van der Aa, H. P. A., van Rens, G. H. M. B., Comijs, H. C., Bosmans, J. E., Margrain, T. H. and van Nispen, R. M. A. 2013. Stepped-care to prevent depression and anxiety in visually impaired older adults - design of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 13, article number: 209. (10.1186/1471-244X-13-209)
- Jones, P. H., Wiggins, D., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2012. The impact of stress on visual performance in congenital nystagmus. In: Harris, C. M., Gottlob, I. and Sanders, J. eds. The Challenge of Nystagmus. Nystagmus Network, pp. 239-260.
- Khadka, J., Ryan, B., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M. and Davies, N. 2012. Listening to voices of children with a visual impairment: A focus group study. British Journal of Visual Impairment 30(3), pp. 182-196. (10.1177/0264619612453105)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2012. Aging and cone dark adaptation. Optometry and Vision Science 89(8), pp. 1219-1224. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318263c6b1)
- Binns, A. et al. 2012. How effective is low vision service provision? A systematic review. Survey of Ophthalmology 57(1), pp. 34-65. (10.1016/j.survophthal.2011.06.006)
- Margrain, T., Smith, D. and Nollett, C. 2012. Depression and Vision Loss in Ageing. Optometry in Practice 13(2)
- Margrain, T. H. et al. 2012. The depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT): trial design and protocol. BMC Psychiatry 12(1), article number: 57. (10.1186/1471-244X-12-57)
- Wood, A., Binns, A., Margrain, T. H., Drexler, W., Povazay, B. W. L., Esmaeelpour Hajyar, M. and Sheen, N. J. L. 2011. Retinal and choroidal thickness in early age-related macular degeneration. American Journal of Ophthalmology 152(6), pp. 1030-1038. (10.1016/j.ajo.2011.05.021)
- Wood, A., Margrain, T. H. and Binns, A. 2011. The effect of bleach duration and age on the ERG photostress test. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 249(9), pp. 1359-1365. (10.1007/s00417-011-1627-7)
- Court, H. J., Ryan, B., Bunce, C. and Margrain, T. H. 2011. How effective is the new community-based Welsh low vision service?. British Journal of Ophthalmology 95(2), pp. 178-184. (10.1136/bjo.2010.179606)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2011. Topography of Cone Dark Adaptation Deficits in Age-Related Maculopathy. Optometry and Vision Science 88(9), pp. 1080-1087. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3182223697)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2011. The repeatability of the Goldmann-Weekers adaptometer for measuring cone adaptation. Documenta Ophthalmologica 122(2), pp. 71-75. (10.1007/s10633-011-9261-6)
- Dickinson, C. et al. 2011. A profile of low vision services in England: the Low Vision Service Model Evaluation (LOVSME) project [Editorial]. Eye 25(7), pp. 829-831. (10.1038/eye.2011.112)
- Khadka, J., Ryan, B., Margrain, T. H., Court, H. J. and Woodhouse, J. M. 2010. Development of the 25-item Cardiff Visual Ability Questionnaire for Children (CVAQC). British Journal of Ophthalmology 94(6), pp. 730-735. (10.1136/bjo.2009.171181)
- Kolarik, A. J., Margrain, T. H. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Precision and accuracy of ocular following: influence of age and type of eye movement. Experimental Brain Research 201(2), pp. 271-282. (10.1007/s00221-009-2036-6)
- O'Connor, E., Margrain, T. H. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Age, eye movement and motion discrimination. Vision Research 50(23), pp. 2588-2599. (10.1016/j.visres.2010.08.015)
- Ryan, B., Margrain, T. H., Reidy, A. and Minassian, D. 2010. Occasional paper no 24: All Wales visual impairment database. Project Report. London, UK: Thomas Pocklington Trust.
- Ryan, B. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. Research findings no 28: All Wales visual impairment database. Project Report. London, UK: Thomas Pocklington Trust.
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. Measuring patient anxiety in primary care: Rasch analysis of the 6-item Spielberger State Anxiety Scale. Value In Health 13(6), pp. 813-819. (10.1111/j.1524-4733.2010.00758.x)
- Ryan, B., White, S. D., Wild, J. M., Court, H. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. The newly established primary care based Welsh Low Vision Service is effective and has improved access to low vision services in Wales. Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics 30(4), pp. 358-364. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2010.00729.x)
- Ryan, B. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. Registration for people with sight impairment: Fit for purpose?. British Journal of Ophthalmology 94(12), pp. 1692-1693. (10.1136/bjo.2009.178558)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2009. Predicting state anxiety in optometric practice. Optometry and Vision Science 86(11), pp. 1295-1302. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181bb4212)
- Carson, D., Margrain, T. H. and Patel, A. 2009. Reply: Lipofuscin phototoxicity: Reality or myth? [Letter]. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 35(8), pp. 1479-1480. (10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.03.032)
- Carson, D., Margrain, T. H. and Patel, A. 2009. Reply: Refractive error and age-related lipofuscin accumulation-mediated retinal phototoxicity. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 35(7), pp. 1321-1322. (10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.02.021)
- Court, H. J., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2009. Evaluating the association between anxiety and satisfaction. Optometry and Vision Science 86(3), pp. 216-221. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318196cf59)
- Carson, D., Margrain, T. H. and Patel, A. 2009. Reply: Retinal phototoxicity in the aging pseudophakic and phakic eye [Letter]. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 35(2), pp. 210-211. (10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.11.017)
- Tumlinson, A. R., Hermann, B., Hofer, B., Povazay, B., Margrain, T. H., Binns, A. and Drexler, W. 2009. Techniques for extraction of depth-resolved in vivo human retinal intrinsic optical signals with optical coherence tomography. Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 53(4), pp. 315-326. (10.1007/s10384-009-0684-5)
- Carson, D., Margrain, T. h. and Patel, A. 2008. New approach to evaluate retinal protection by intraocular lenses against age-related lipofuscin accumulation-mediated retinal phototoxicity. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 34(10), pp. 1785-1792. (10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.06.034)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Evaluating patient anxiety levels during contact lens fitting. Optometry and Vision Science 85(7), pp. 574-580. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31817dad7a)
- Ryan, B., Court, H. J. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Measuring low vision service outcomes: Rasch Analysis of the seven-item National Eye Institute visual function questionnaire. Optometry and Vision Science 85(2), pp. 112-121. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31816225dc)
- Khadka, J., Woodhouse, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Ryan, B. and Davies, N. 2008. Focusing children in focus groups [Abstract]. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 28(1), pp. 99-99. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2007.00530_11.x)
- Kolarik, A. J., Freeman, T. C. A. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Age and eye movement [Abstract]. Perception 37(2), pp. 314-314. (10.1068/ava07)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2007. Content development of the optometric patient anxiety scale. Optometry and Vision Science 84(8), pp. 729-744. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31812f7361)
- Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2007. Evaluating Retinal Function in Age-Related Maculopathy with the ERG Photostress Test. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 48(6), pp. 2806-2813. (10.1167/iovs.06-0392)
- Wiggins, D., Woodhouse, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2007. Infantile nystagmus adapts to visual demand. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 48(5), pp. 2089-2094. (10.1167/iovs.06-1108)
- Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2006. Development of a technique for recording the focal rod ERG. Ophtalmic and physiological optics 26(1), pp. 71-79. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2005.00355.x)
- Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2005. Evaluation of retinal function using the Dynamic Focal Cone ERG. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 25(6), pp. 492-500. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2005.00338.x)
- Qin, X., Margrain, T. H., To, C. H., Bromham, N. R. and Guggenheim, J. A. 2005. Anisometropia is independently associated with both spherical and cylindrical ametropia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46(11), pp. 4024-4031. (10.1167/iovs.05-0120)
- Margrain, T. H., Ryan, B. and Wild, J. M. 2005. A revolution in Welsh low vision service provision. British Journal of Ophthalmology 89(8), pp. 933-934. (10.1136/bjo.2005.066142)
- Margrain, T. H., Court, H. and Greenland, K. 2004. Content development of the optometric patient anxiety scale. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 23(5), pp. 523-531.
- Margrain, T. H., Boulton, M. E., Marshall, J. and Sliney, D. H. 2004. Do blue light filters confer protection against age-related macular degeneration?. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 23(5), pp. 523-531. (10.1016/j.preteyeres.2004.05.001)
- Margrain, T. H., Greenland, K. and Anderson, J. 2003. Evaluating anxiety in patients attending optometric practice. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 23(4), pp. 287-293. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.2003.00118.x)
- Margrain, T. H. and Thomson, D. 2002. Sources of variability in the clinical photostress test. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 22(1), pp. 61-67. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.2002.00005.x)
- Freeman, T. C. A., Naji, J. J. and Margrain, T. H. 2002. Head-centred motion perception in the ageing visual system. Spatial Vision 15(2), pp. 117-127. (10.1163/15685680252875110)
- Margrain, T. H. 2000. Helping blind and partially sighted people to read: the effectiveness of low vision aids [Letter]. British Journal of Ophthalmology 84(8), pp. 919-921. (10.1136/bjo.84.8.919)
- Margrain, T. H. 1999. Minimising the impact of visual impairment: Low vision aids are a simple way of alleviating impairment [Editorial]. BMJ 318(7197), pp. 1504.
- Margrain, T. H. and Thomson, W. D. 1997. Recovery of spatial vision during dark adaptation in normal subjects. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 17(6), pp. 509-515. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.1997.97000331.x)
- Owen, C. G., Margrain, T. H. and Woodward, E. G. 1997. Use of contact lenses by firefighters: Part 2. Clinical evaluation. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 17(3), pp. 205-215. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.1997.opo_021.x)
- Owen, C. G., Margrain, T. H. and Woodward, E. G. 1997. Use of contact lenses by firefighters. Part 1: Questionnaire data. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 17(2), pp. 102-111. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.1997.96000592.x)
- Margrain, T. H. and Owen, C. 1996. The misting characteristics of spectacle lenses. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 16(2), pp. 108-114. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.1996.95000232.x)
- Margrain, T. H., Owen, C. G. and Woodward, E. G. 1996. Prevalence of spectacle and contact lens wear in the UK fire service. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 16(1), pp. 11-18. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.1996.95000089.x)
- Margrain, T. H., Birch, J. and Owen, C. G. 1996. Colour vision requirements of firefighters. Occupational Medicine 46(2), pp. 114-124. (10.1093/occmed/46.2.114)
- Owen, C. G., Margrain, T. H. and Woodward, E. G. 1995. Aetiology and prevalence of eye injuries within the United Kingdom fire service. Eye 9(6S), pp. 54-58.
- Margrain, T. H. and Birch, J. 1994. A suitable study to evaluate colour vision requirements for firefighters?. Occupational Medicine 44(5), pp. 257-258. (10.1093/occmed/44.5.257)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Jones, P. H., Wiggins, D., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2012. The impact of stress on visual performance in congenital nystagmus. In: Harris, C. M., Gottlob, I. and Sanders, J. eds. The Challenge of Nystagmus. Nystagmus Network, pp. 239-260.
- Goddard, P., Verdezoto, N., Margrain, T. H., Lai, Y. and Eslambolchilar, P. 2024. Seeing art differently: design considerations to improve visual art engagement for people with low vision. Presented at: ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-5 July 2024 Presented at Vallgarda, A. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. New York, US: ACM pp. 2820-2832., (10.1145/3643834.3660675)
- Eslambolchilar, P., Margrain, T., Htike, H. M. and Lai, Y. 2021. Augmented reality glasses as a mobility aid for people with low vision: a feasibility study of experiences and requirements. Presented at: ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 8-13 May 2021CHI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM pp. 729., (10.1145/3411764.3445327)
- Ravenscroft, D., Deng, J., Xie, X., Terry, L., Margrain, T. H., North, R. V. and Wood, A. 2017. AMD classification in choroidal OCT using hierarchical texton mining. Presented at: ACIVS 2017, Antwerp, Belgium, 18-21 Sep 2017 Presented at Blanc-Talon, J. et al. eds.Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Vol. 10617. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 237-248., (10.1007/978-3-319-70353-4_21)
- Deng, J., Xie, X., Terry, L., Wood, A., White, N., Margrain, T. H. and North, R. V. 2016. Age-related macular degeneration detection and stage classification using choroidal OCT images. Presented at: ICIAR 2016, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, 13-15 Jul 2016 Presented at Campilho, A. and Karray, F. eds.Image Analysis and Recognition: ICIAR 2016, Vol. 9730. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag pp. 707-715., (10.1007/978-3-319-41501-7_79)
- Pattni, K., Wood, A., Cassels, N. and Margrain, T. 2024. Visual pigment concentration and photoreceptor outer segment length in the human retina. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 44(5), pp. 917-924. (10.1111/opo.13307)
- Nollett, C., Cooke, P., Labbett, S., Margrain, T. and Thurston, M. 2024. Involving stakeholders in designing a mental health curriculum for staff in the vision impairment sector. British Journal of Visual Impairment (10.1177/02646196241250210)
- Htike, H. M., Margrain, T. H., Lai, Y. and Eslambolchilar, P. 2020. Ability of head-mounted display technology to improve mobility in people with low vision: a systematic review. Translational Vision Science & Technology 9(10), article number: 26. (10.1167/tvst.9.10.26)
- Margrain, T. H. et al. 2020. Functional imaging of the outer retinal complex using high fidelity imaging retinal densitometry. Scientific Reports 10, article number: 4494. (10.1038/s41598-020-60660-9)
- Callaghan, T., Margrain, T. H. and Binns, A. M. 2020. The effect of systemic hyperoxia and hypoxia on scotopic thresholds in people with early and intermediate age-related macular degeneration. Current Eye Research 45(10), pp. 1273-1282. (10.1080/02713683.2020.1739315)
- Cassels, N. K., Wild, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Blyth, C., Chong, V. and Acton, J. H. 2019. Microperimetry in age-related macular degeneration: an evidence-base for Pattern Deviation probability analysis in microperimetry. Translational Vision Science & Technology 8(6), article number: 48. (10.1167/tvst.8.6.48)
- Dunn, M. J., Harris, C. M., Ennis, F. A., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., McIlreavy, L. and Erichsen, J. T. 2019. An automated segmentation approach to calibrating infantile nystagmus waveforms. Behavior Research Methods 51(5), pp. 2074-2084. (10.3758/s13428-018-1178-5)
- Morny, E. K. A., Patel, K., Votruba, M., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. 2019. The relationship between the photopic negative response and retinal ganglion cell topography. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(6), pp. 1879-1887. (10.1167/iovs.18-25272)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2019. Depressive symptoms in people with a vision impairment: A cross-sectional study to identify who is most at risk. BMJ Open 9(1), article number: e026163. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026163)
- Robinson, D. G., Margrain, T. H., Dunn, M. J., Bailey, C. and Binns, A. M. 2018. Low-level night-time light-therapy for age-related macular degeneration: a randomized clinical trial. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(11), pp. 4531-4541. (10.1167/iovs.18-24284)
- Robinson, D. G., Margrain, T. H., Bailey, C. and Binns, A. M. 2018. An evaluation of a battery of functional and structural tests as predictors of likely risk of progression of age-related macular degeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60, pp. 580-589. (10.1167/iovs.18-25092)
- Cassels, N., Wild, J., Margrain, T. H., Chong, V. and Acton, J. 2018. The use of microperimetry in assessing visual function in age-related macular degeneration. Survey of Ophthalmology 63(1), pp. 40-55. (10.1016/j.survophthal.2017.05.007)
- Dunn, M., Debbie Wiggins, D., Woodhouse, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2017. The effect of gaze angle on visual acuity in infantile nystagmus. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 58(1), pp. 642-650. (10.1167/iovs.16-20370)
- Acton, J. H., Molik, B., Court, H. and Margrain, T. H. 2016. Effect of a home visit-based low vision rehabilitation intervention on visual function outcomes: an exploratory randomized controlled trial. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(15), pp. 6662-6667. (10.1167/iovs.16-19901)
- Terry, L. et al. 2016. Automated Retinal Layer Segmentation Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: Evaluation of Inter-Session Repeatability and Agreement between Devices. Plos One 11(9), article number: e0162001. (10.1371/journal.pone.0162001)
- van der Aa, H., Margrain, T., van Rens, G., Heymans, M. and van Nispen, R. 2016. Psychosocial interventions to improve mental health in adults with vision impairment: systematic review and meta-analysis. Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics 36(5), pp. 584-606. (10.1111/opo.12313)
- Nollett, C. L. et al. 2016. Depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT): a randomized clinical trial of depression treatments in people with low vision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(10), pp. 4247-4254. (10.1167/iovs.16-19345)
- Acton, J. H., Molik, B., Binns, A., Court, H. J. and Margrain, T. H. 2016. Effect of rehabilitation worker input on visual function outcomes in individuals with low vision: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 17, article number: 105. (10.1186/s13063-016-1235-2)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2016. High prevalence of untreated depression in patients accessing low-vision services. Ophthalmology 123(2), pp. 440-441. (10.1016/j.ophtha.2015.07.009)
- Morny, E. K. A., Margrain, T. H., Binns, A. M. and Votruba, M. 2015. Electrophysiological ON and OFF responses in autosomal dominant optic atrophy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(13), pp. 7629-7637. (10.1167/iovs.15-17951)
- van der Aa, H. P. A., van Rens, G. H. M. B., Comijs, H. C., Margrain, T. H., Gallindo-Garre, F., Twisk, J. W. R. and van Nispen, R. M. A. 2015. Stepped care for depression and anxiety in visually impaired older adults: multicentre randomised controlled trial. BMJ 351, article number: h6127. (10.1136/bmj.h6127)
- Dunn, M., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2015. Visual processing in infantile nystagmus is not slow. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 56(9), pp. 5094-5101. (10.1167/iovs.15-16977)
- Dunn, M., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., Ennis, F., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2014. Author response: grating visual acuity in infantile nystagmus in the absence of image motion. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 55(8), pp. 4955-4957. (10.1167/iovs.14-15070)
- Gaffney, A. J., Margrain, T. H., Bunce, C. V. and Binns, A. 2014. How effective is eccentric viewing training? A systematic literature review. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 34(4), pp. 427-437. (10.1111/opo.12132)
- McKeague, C., Margrain, T., Bailey, C. and Binns, A. 2014. Low-level night-time light therapy for age-related macular degeneration (ALight): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 15, article number: 246. (10.1186/1745-6215-15-246)
- Wood, A., Margrain, T. H. and Binns, A. 2014. Detection of Early Age-related macular degeneration using novel functional parameters of the focal cone electroretinogram. PLoS ONE 9(5), article number: e96742. (10.1371/journal.pone.0096742)
- Dunn, M. J., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M., Ennis, F. A., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2014. Grating visual acuity in infantile nystagmus in the absence of image motion. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 55(4), pp. 2682-2686. (10.1167/iovs.13-13455)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2014. Measurement of cone dark adaptation: a comparison of four psychophysical methods. Documenta Ophthalmologica 128(1), pp. 33-41. (10.1007/s10633-013-9418-6)
- Jones, P. H., Harris, C. M., Woodhouse, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Ennis, F. and Erichsen, J. T. 2013. Stress and visual function in infantile nystagmus syndrome. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 54(13), pp. 7943-7951. (10.1167/iovs.13-12560)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2013. The effect of pre-adapting light intensity on dark adaptation in early age-related macular degeneration. Documenta Ophthalmologica 127(3), pp. 191-199. (10.1007/s10633-013-9400-3)
- van der Aa, H. P. A., van Rens, G. H. M. B., Comijs, H. C., Bosmans, J. E., Margrain, T. H. and van Nispen, R. M. A. 2013. Stepped-care to prevent depression and anxiety in visually impaired older adults - design of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 13, article number: 209. (10.1186/1471-244X-13-209)
- Khadka, J., Ryan, B., Margrain, T. H., Woodhouse, J. M. and Davies, N. 2012. Listening to voices of children with a visual impairment: A focus group study. British Journal of Visual Impairment 30(3), pp. 182-196. (10.1177/0264619612453105)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2012. Aging and cone dark adaptation. Optometry and Vision Science 89(8), pp. 1219-1224. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318263c6b1)
- Binns, A. et al. 2012. How effective is low vision service provision? A systematic review. Survey of Ophthalmology 57(1), pp. 34-65. (10.1016/j.survophthal.2011.06.006)
- Margrain, T., Smith, D. and Nollett, C. 2012. Depression and Vision Loss in Ageing. Optometry in Practice 13(2)
- Margrain, T. H. et al. 2012. The depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT): trial design and protocol. BMC Psychiatry 12(1), article number: 57. (10.1186/1471-244X-12-57)
- Wood, A., Binns, A., Margrain, T. H., Drexler, W., Povazay, B. W. L., Esmaeelpour Hajyar, M. and Sheen, N. J. L. 2011. Retinal and choroidal thickness in early age-related macular degeneration. American Journal of Ophthalmology 152(6), pp. 1030-1038. (10.1016/j.ajo.2011.05.021)
- Wood, A., Margrain, T. H. and Binns, A. 2011. The effect of bleach duration and age on the ERG photostress test. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 249(9), pp. 1359-1365. (10.1007/s00417-011-1627-7)
- Court, H. J., Ryan, B., Bunce, C. and Margrain, T. H. 2011. How effective is the new community-based Welsh low vision service?. British Journal of Ophthalmology 95(2), pp. 178-184. (10.1136/bjo.2010.179606)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2011. Topography of Cone Dark Adaptation Deficits in Age-Related Maculopathy. Optometry and Vision Science 88(9), pp. 1080-1087. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3182223697)
- Gaffney, A. J., Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2011. The repeatability of the Goldmann-Weekers adaptometer for measuring cone adaptation. Documenta Ophthalmologica 122(2), pp. 71-75. (10.1007/s10633-011-9261-6)
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- Khadka, J., Ryan, B., Margrain, T. H., Court, H. J. and Woodhouse, J. M. 2010. Development of the 25-item Cardiff Visual Ability Questionnaire for Children (CVAQC). British Journal of Ophthalmology 94(6), pp. 730-735. (10.1136/bjo.2009.171181)
- Kolarik, A. J., Margrain, T. H. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Precision and accuracy of ocular following: influence of age and type of eye movement. Experimental Brain Research 201(2), pp. 271-282. (10.1007/s00221-009-2036-6)
- O'Connor, E., Margrain, T. H. and Freeman, T. C. A. 2010. Age, eye movement and motion discrimination. Vision Research 50(23), pp. 2588-2599. (10.1016/j.visres.2010.08.015)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. Measuring patient anxiety in primary care: Rasch analysis of the 6-item Spielberger State Anxiety Scale. Value In Health 13(6), pp. 813-819. (10.1111/j.1524-4733.2010.00758.x)
- Ryan, B., White, S. D., Wild, J. M., Court, H. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. The newly established primary care based Welsh Low Vision Service is effective and has improved access to low vision services in Wales. Ophthalmic And Physiological Optics 30(4), pp. 358-364. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2010.00729.x)
- Ryan, B. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. Registration for people with sight impairment: Fit for purpose?. British Journal of Ophthalmology 94(12), pp. 1692-1693. (10.1136/bjo.2009.178558)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2009. Predicting state anxiety in optometric practice. Optometry and Vision Science 86(11), pp. 1295-1302. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e3181bb4212)
- Carson, D., Margrain, T. H. and Patel, A. 2009. Reply: Lipofuscin phototoxicity: Reality or myth? [Letter]. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 35(8), pp. 1479-1480. (10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.03.032)
- Carson, D., Margrain, T. H. and Patel, A. 2009. Reply: Refractive error and age-related lipofuscin accumulation-mediated retinal phototoxicity. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 35(7), pp. 1321-1322. (10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.02.021)
- Court, H. J., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2009. Evaluating the association between anxiety and satisfaction. Optometry and Vision Science 86(3), pp. 216-221. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e318196cf59)
- Carson, D., Margrain, T. H. and Patel, A. 2009. Reply: Retinal phototoxicity in the aging pseudophakic and phakic eye [Letter]. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 35(2), pp. 210-211. (10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.11.017)
- Tumlinson, A. R., Hermann, B., Hofer, B., Povazay, B., Margrain, T. H., Binns, A. and Drexler, W. 2009. Techniques for extraction of depth-resolved in vivo human retinal intrinsic optical signals with optical coherence tomography. Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology 53(4), pp. 315-326. (10.1007/s10384-009-0684-5)
- Carson, D., Margrain, T. h. and Patel, A. 2008. New approach to evaluate retinal protection by intraocular lenses against age-related lipofuscin accumulation-mediated retinal phototoxicity. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 34(10), pp. 1785-1792. (10.1016/j.jcrs.2008.06.034)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Evaluating patient anxiety levels during contact lens fitting. Optometry and Vision Science 85(7), pp. 574-580. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31817dad7a)
- Ryan, B., Court, H. J. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Measuring low vision service outcomes: Rasch Analysis of the seven-item National Eye Institute visual function questionnaire. Optometry and Vision Science 85(2), pp. 112-121. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31816225dc)
- Khadka, J., Woodhouse, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Ryan, B. and Davies, N. 2008. Focusing children in focus groups [Abstract]. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 28(1), pp. 99-99. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2007.00530_11.x)
- Kolarik, A. J., Freeman, T. C. A. and Margrain, T. H. 2008. Age and eye movement [Abstract]. Perception 37(2), pp. 314-314. (10.1068/ava07)
- Court, H., Greenland, K. and Margrain, T. H. 2007. Content development of the optometric patient anxiety scale. Optometry and Vision Science 84(8), pp. 729-744. (10.1097/OPX.0b013e31812f7361)
- Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2007. Evaluating Retinal Function in Age-Related Maculopathy with the ERG Photostress Test. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 48(6), pp. 2806-2813. (10.1167/iovs.06-0392)
- Wiggins, D., Woodhouse, J. M., Margrain, T. H., Harris, C. M. and Erichsen, J. T. 2007. Infantile nystagmus adapts to visual demand. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 48(5), pp. 2089-2094. (10.1167/iovs.06-1108)
- Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2006. Development of a technique for recording the focal rod ERG. Ophtalmic and physiological optics 26(1), pp. 71-79. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2005.00355.x)
- Binns, A. and Margrain, T. H. 2005. Evaluation of retinal function using the Dynamic Focal Cone ERG. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 25(6), pp. 492-500. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.2005.00338.x)
- Qin, X., Margrain, T. H., To, C. H., Bromham, N. R. and Guggenheim, J. A. 2005. Anisometropia is independently associated with both spherical and cylindrical ametropia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 46(11), pp. 4024-4031. (10.1167/iovs.05-0120)
- Margrain, T. H., Ryan, B. and Wild, J. M. 2005. A revolution in Welsh low vision service provision. British Journal of Ophthalmology 89(8), pp. 933-934. (10.1136/bjo.2005.066142)
- Margrain, T. H., Court, H. and Greenland, K. 2004. Content development of the optometric patient anxiety scale. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 23(5), pp. 523-531.
- Margrain, T. H., Boulton, M. E., Marshall, J. and Sliney, D. H. 2004. Do blue light filters confer protection against age-related macular degeneration?. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 23(5), pp. 523-531. (10.1016/j.preteyeres.2004.05.001)
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- Margrain, T. H. and Thomson, D. 2002. Sources of variability in the clinical photostress test. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 22(1), pp. 61-67. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.2002.00005.x)
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- Margrain, T. H. 2000. Helping blind and partially sighted people to read: the effectiveness of low vision aids [Letter]. British Journal of Ophthalmology 84(8), pp. 919-921. (10.1136/bjo.84.8.919)
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- Owen, C. G., Margrain, T. H. and Woodward, E. G. 1997. Use of contact lenses by firefighters: Part 2. Clinical evaluation. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 17(3), pp. 205-215. (10.1111/j.1475-1313.1997.opo_021.x)
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- Margrain, T. H., Owen, C. G. and Woodward, E. G. 1996. Prevalence of spectacle and contact lens wear in the UK fire service. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 16(1), pp. 11-18. (10.1046/j.1475-1313.1996.95000089.x)
- Margrain, T. H., Birch, J. and Owen, C. G. 1996. Colour vision requirements of firefighters. Occupational Medicine 46(2), pp. 114-124. (10.1093/occmed/46.2.114)
- Owen, C. G., Margrain, T. H. and Woodward, E. G. 1995. Aetiology and prevalence of eye injuries within the United Kingdom fire service. Eye 9(6S), pp. 54-58.
- Margrain, T. H. and Birch, J. 1994. A suitable study to evaluate colour vision requirements for firefighters?. Occupational Medicine 44(5), pp. 257-258. (10.1093/occmed/44.5.257)
- Ryan, B., Margrain, T. H., Reidy, A. and Minassian, D. 2010. Occasional paper no 24: All Wales visual impairment database. Project Report. London, UK: Thomas Pocklington Trust.
- Ryan, B. and Margrain, T. H. 2010. Research findings no 28: All Wales visual impairment database. Project Report. London, UK: Thomas Pocklington Trust.
Datblygu technolegau diagnostig newydd a therapiwteg ar gyfer clefyd macwlaidd cam cynnar yw fy mhrif ddiddordeb ymchwil. Ynghyd â chydweithwyr yn ein Grŵp Ymchwil Macwlaidd, rwy'n cymryd rhan yn y prosiectau canlynol:
SAponins for MAcular DIsease (SAMADI)
Gyda Dr Ashley Wood, yr Athro Marcela Votruba, Dr Rebecca Playle, Ms Claire Nollett, Dr Irene Ctori a Dr Alison Binns, mae hwn yn Dreial Clinigol o Gynnyrch Meddyginiaethol Ymchwiliol (saponinau triterpenoid) ar gyfer dirywiad macwlaidd sy'n gysylltiedig ag oedran cynnar a chanolradd. Ariennir y treial Cam II hwn gan AltRegen Co. Ltd, a gydlynir gan y Ganolfan Treialon Reseach ac mae'n cael ei gynnal ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol y Ddinas, Llundain. Mae'r broses recriwtio yn agor ym mis Hydref 2021. Mae metrigau addasu tywyll, gan gynnwys y rhai o Densitometreg Retinol Delweddu ffyddlondeb uchel (IRD), yn fesurau canlyniadau.
Densitometreg delweddu ffyddlondeb uchel: archwilio'r berthynas rhwng cinetegau pigment gweledol, fasgwlature choroidal a dyddodion dedrusenoid is-retinol mewn dirywiad macwlaidd sy'n gysylltiedig ag oedran
Gyda Dr Ashley Wood mae'r efrydiaeth PhD hon (Ms Vera Silva) a ariennir gan y Gymdeithas Macwlaidd yn anelu at sefydlu: 1) effaith oedran ar ganlyniadau IRD ac OCTA; 2) y berthynas rhwng swyddogaeth allanol-retinol a vasculature choroidal mewn pobl ag AMD cam cynnar; 3) y berthynas rhwng IRD a mesurau confensiynol o addasu tywyll a chleifion adroddwyd swyddogaeth weledol.
Delweddu swyddogaethol o'r retina allanol gan ddefnyddio densitometreg delweddu ffyddlondeb uchel: archwilio'r berthynas rhwng cineteg pigment gweledol a phatholeg AMD
Gyda Dr Ashley Wood bydd yr efrydiaeth PhD a ariennir gan Goleg yr Optometryddion (Ms Krishna Pattni) yn defnyddio IRD i ddarganfod sut mae nodweddion drusen, gan gynnwys ffug-drusen reticular, yn effeithio ar adfywio pigmentau gweledol. Byddwn yn profi'r rhagdybiaeth bod adfywio pigmentau côn yn cael ei amharu'n ddetholus gan ddrusen meddal ac adfywio pigmentau gwialen gan ffug-ddrusen reticular.
Defnyddio Realiti Estynedig (AR) i wella symudedd mewn pobl â golwg isel
Gyda Dr Parisa Eslambolchilar a'r Athro Yukun Lai o'r Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a chymorth gan Guide Dogs, Sefydliad y Deillion Caerdydd (CIB) a Sight Cymru, mae'r efrydiaeth PhD hon (Hein Htike) yn datblygu dyfais realiti estynedig a all helpu pobl sydd â golwg isel i lywio'u ffordd o amgylch adeiladau a'r amgylchedd adeiledig yn ddiogel.
- 2000 - MILT (Aelod o'r Academi Addysg Uwch).
- 1998 - PhD (Gwyddoniaeth Weledol) City University, Llundain.
- 1987 - MCOptom (Aelod o'r Coleg Optometryddion).
- 1986 - BSc (Opteg Offthalmig, 2:1), Prifysgol Aston.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymdeithas Ymchwil mewn Gweledigaeth ac Offthalmoleg (ARVO)
- General Optical Council
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Dyddiad 2018 - Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil
- Dyddiad 2015 - Cadeirydd
- 2010-2015 - Darllenydd / Cyfarwyddwr Arloesi ac Ymgysylltu, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- 2005-2010 - Uwch Ddarlithydd / Cyfarwyddwr Clinigol, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- 2000-2005 - Darlithydd (B) / Cyfarwyddwr Clinigol, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- 1997-2000 - Darlithydd (A), Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- 1995-1996 - Cymrawd Ymchwil, City University, Llundain.
- 1993-1995 - Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, City University, Llundain.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- 2014-2021 - Pwyllgor Reseach Cymdeithas Macwlaidd
- 2012-2020 - Pwyllgor Cynghori Ymchwil Strategol Cŵn Tywys
- 2010-2015 - Y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Gofal Cymdeithasol ac Iechyd (NISCHR), Arweinydd Grŵp Arbenigedd Cymru ar gyfer Offthalmoleg.
- 2010-2015 - Grŵp Arbenigedd Offthalmoleg y Sefydliad Ymchwil Iechyd Cenedlaethol (NIHR), Cynrychiolydd Cymru.
- 2011-2014 - Cynghorydd Treial: Gofal wedi'i gamgymryd i leihau iselder a phryder mewn oedolion hŷn â nam ar eu golwg - treial rheoledig ar hap.
Contact Details
+44 29208 76118
Optometreg a Gwyddorau'r Golwg , Ystafell Ystafell 2.28, Heol Maendy, Heol Maendy, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ