Yr Athro Frank Sengpiel
FLSW, DPhil Oxon
Athro Emeritws
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rydym yn astudio datblygiad a phlastigrwydd y cortecs gweledol cynradd (V1) a sail ffisiolegol a moleciwlaidd anhwylderau datblygiadol cyffredin golwg fel llygad diog yn ogystal ag anhwylderau niwroddatblygiadol fel Fragile X a syndrom Timotheus. Mae gennym ddiddordeb hefyd mewn prosesu gweledol mewn meysydd gweledol uwch a'i berthynas ag ymatebion ymddygiadol. Mae prosesu gofodol a chof gofodol yn y cortecs ôl-blygiadol (RSC) yn ganolbwynt pwysig arall o ymchwil yn ein labordy. Gan ddefnyddio delweddu calsiwm dau ffoton, rydym yn delweddu gweithgaredd niwronau unigol yn y rhanbarthau o ddiddordeb i'r ymennydd ac yn eu holrhain dros amser.
- Pennaeth Adran: Pennaeth Adran Niwrowyddoniaeth
- Arweinydd Modiwl : BI3452 - Systemau Niwrowyddoniaeth
- Arweinydd Tîm Academaidd.
Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn ymuno â'm labordy fel myfyriwr ôl-raddedig hunan-ariannu neu bostdoc/cymrodyr? Cysylltwch â mi drwy e-bost.
- Craddock, R., Vasalauskaite, A., Ranson, A. and Sengpiel, F. 2023. Experience dependent plasticity of higher visual cortical areas in the mouse. Cerebral Cortex 33(15), pp. 9303-9312. (10.1093/cercor/bhad203)
- Barkus, C. et al. 2022. Refinements to rodent head fixation and fluid/food control for neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 381, article number: 109705. (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2022.109705)
- Vorobyov, V., Deev, A., Oganesyan, Z., Sengpiel, F. and Ustyugov, A. A. 2022. Baseline electroencephalogram and its evolution after activation of dopaminergic system by apomorphine in middle-aged 5xfad transgenic mice, a model of alzheimer’s disease. Dynamics 2(4), pp. 356-366. (10.3390/dynamics2040020)
- Broom, E., Imbriotis, V., Sengpiel, F., Connelly, W. M. and Ranson, A. 2022. Recruitment of frontal-sensory circuits during visual discrimination. Cell Reports 39(10), article number: 110932. (10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110932)
- Aggleton, J. P., Yanakieva, S., Sengpiel, F. and Nelson, A. J. 2021. The separate and combined properties of the granular (area 29) and dysgranular (area 30) retrosplenial cortex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 185, article number: 107516. (10.1016/j.nlm.2021.107516)
- Georgeson, M. A. and Sengpiel, F. 2021. Contrast adaptation and interocular transfer in cortical cells: a re-analysis & a two-stage gain-control model of binocular combination. Vision Research 185, pp. 29-49. (10.1016/j.visres.2021.03.004)
- Vorobyov, V., Deev, A., Sengpiel, F., Nebogatikov, V. and Ustyugov, A. A. 2021. Cortical and striatal electroencephalograms and apomorphine effects in the FUS mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 81(4), pp. 1429-1443. (10.3233/JAD-201472)
- Powell, A. et al. 2020. Stable encoding of visual cues in the mouse retrosplenial cortex. Cerebral Cortex 30(8), pp. 4424-4437. (10.1093/cercor/bhaa030)
- Sun, S., Erchova, I., Sengpiel, F. and Votruba, M. 2020. Opa1 deficiency leads to diminished mitochondrial bioenergetics with compensatory increased mitochondrial motility. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(6), article number: 42. (10.1167/iovs.61.6.42)
- Vorobyov, V., Medvinskaya, N., Deev, A., Sengpiel, F., Bobkova, N. and Lunin, S. 2020. Spatial memory deficits initiated by agroclavine injection or olfactory bulbectomy in rats are characterized by different levels of long-term potentiation expression in the hippocampus. International Journal of Neuroscience 130(12), pp. 1225-1229. (10.1080/00207454.2020.1732963)
- Tribble, J. R. et al. 2019. Midget retinal ganglion cell dendritic and mitochondrial degeneration is an early feature of human glaucoma. Brain Communications 1(1), article number: fcz035. (10.1093/braincomms/fcz035)
- Dillingham, C. M. et al. 2019. Mammillothalamic disconnection alters hippocampocortical oscillatory activity and microstructure: Implications for diencephalic amnesia. Journal of Neuroscience 39(34), pp. 6696-6713. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0827-19.2019)
- Vorobyov, V. et al. 2019. Loss of midbrain dopamine neurons and altered apomorphine EEG effects in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 70(1), pp. 241-256. (10.3233/JAD-181246)
- Vasalauskaite, A., Morgan, J. E. and Sengpiel, F. 2019. Plasticity in adult mouse visual cortex following optic nerve injury. Cerebral Cortex 29(4), pp. 1767-1777. (10.1093/cercor/bhy347)
- Tribble, J. R., Williams, P. A., Caterson, B., Sengpiel, F. and Morgan, J. E. 2018. Digestion of the glycosaminoglycan extracellular matrix by chondroitinase ABC supports retinal ganglion cell dendritic preservation in a rodent model of experimental glaucoma. Molecular Brain 11(1), article number: 69. (10.1186/s13041-018-0412-5)
- Sengpiel, F. 2018. Overview: neuroplasticity and synaptic function in neuropsychiatric disorders. The Journal of Physiology 596(14), pp. 2745-2746. (10.1113/JP275940)
- Milczarek, M. M., Vann, S. D. and Sengpiel, F. 2018. Spatial memory engram in the mouse retrosplenial cortex. Current Biology 28(12), pp. 1975-1980.e6. (10.1016/j.cub.2018.05.002)
- Mitchell, D. and Sengpiel, F. 2018. Animal models of amblyopia. Visual Neuroscience 35, article number: e017. (10.1017/S0952523817000244)
- Je, S., Ennis, F. A., Woodhouse, J. M., Sengpiel, F. and Redmond, T. 2018. Spatial summation across the visual field in strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 3858. (10.1038/s41598-018-21620-6)
- Erchova, I., Tumlinson, A. R., Fergusson, J., White, N., Drexler, W., Sengpiel, F. and Morgan, J. 2018. Optophysiological characterisation of inner retina responses with high-resolution optical coherence tomography. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 1813. (10.1038/s41598-018-19975-x)
- Gordon, R. et al. 2017. Intrahippocampal pathways involved in learning/memory mechanisms are affected by intracerebral infusions of amyloid-beta25-35 peptide and hydrated fullerene C60 in rats. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 58(3), pp. 711-724. (10.3233/JAD-161182)
- Erchova, I., Vasalauskaite, A., Longo, V. and Sengpiel, F. 2017. Enhancement of visual cortex plasticity by dark exposure. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences 372(1715), article number: 20160159. (10.1098/rstb.2016.0159)
- Keck, T. et al. 2017. Integrating Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity: the current state of the field and future research directions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 372(1715), article number: 20160158. (10.1098/rstb.2016.0158)
- Sengpiel, F. 2017. Animals Models of Amblyopia, in Amblyopia: challenges and opportunities. Project Report. [Online]. Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation. Available at: http://www.laskerfoundation.org/new-noteworthy/articles/amblyopia-challenges/
- Frizzati, A., Milczarek, M. M., Sengpiel, F., Thomas, K. L., Dillingham, C. M. and Vann, S. D. 2016. Comparable reduction in Zif268 levels and cytochrome oxidase activity in the retrosplenial cortex following mammillothalamic tract lesions. Neuroscience 330, pp. 39-49. (10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.05.030)
- Bobkova, N. et al. 2016. Immunization against specific fragments of neurotrophin p75 receptor protects forebrain cholinergic neurons in the olfactory bulbectomized mice. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 53(1), pp. 289-301. (10.3233/JAD-160146)
- Vorobyov, V., Kaptsov, V., Gordon, R., Makarova, E., Podolski, I. and Sengpiel, F. 2015. Neuroprotective effects of hydrated fullerene C-60: cortical and hippocampal EEG interplay in an amyloid-infused rat model of Alzheimer's disease. American Journal of Alzheimers Disease 45(1), pp. 217-233. (10.3233/JAD-142469)
- Tribble, J. R., Cross, S. D., Samsel, P. A., Sengpiel, F. and Morgan, J. E. 2014. A novel system for the classification of diseased retinal ganglion cells. Visual Neuroscience 31(6), pp. 373-380. (10.1017/S0952523814000248)
- Sengpiel, F. 2014. Plasticity of the visual cortex and treatment of amblyopia [Review]. Current Biology 24(18), pp. R936-R940. (10.1016/j.cub.2014.05.063)
- Hughes, N. J., Hunt, J. J., Cloherty, S. L., Ibbotson, M. R., Sengpiel, F. and Goodhill, G. J. 2014. Stripe-rearing changes multiple aspects of the structure of primary visual cortex. NeuroImage 95, pp. 305-319. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.03.031)
- Ranson, A., Sengpiel, F. and Fox, K. D. 2013. The role of GluA1 in ocular dominance plasticity in the mouse visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 33(38), pp. 15220-15225. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2078-13.2013)
- Sengpiel, F. 2013. Amblyopia: Out of the dark, into the light. Current Biology 23(5), pp. R195-R196. (10.1016/j.cub.2013.01.034)
- Kind, P. C., Sengpiel, F., Beaver, C. J., Crocker-Buque, A., Kelly, G. M., Matthews, R. T. and Mitchell, D. E. 2013. The development and activity-dependent expression of aggrecan in the cat visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex 23(2), pp. 349-360. (10.1093/cercor/bhs015)
- Vorobyov, V., Kwok, J. C. F., Fawcett, J. W. and Sengpiel, F. 2013. Effects of digesting chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans on plasticity in cat primary visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(1), pp. 234-243. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2283-12.2013)
- Jaffer, S., Vorobyov, V. and Sengpiel, F. 2012. Effects of different forms of monocular deprivation on primary visual cortex maps. Visual Neuroscience 29(4-5), pp. 247-253. (10.1017/S0952523812000260)
- Jaffer, S., Vorobyov, V., Kind, P. C. and Sengpiel, F. 2012. Experience-dependent regulation of functional maps and synaptic protein expression in the cat visual cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience 35(8), pp. 1281-1294. (10.1111/j.1460-9568.2012.08044.x)
- Ranson, A., Cheetham, C. E., Fox, K. D. and Sengpiel, F. 2012. Homeostatic plasticity mechanisms are required for juvenile, but not adult, ocular dominance plasticity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(4), pp. 1311-1316. (10.1073/pnas.1112204109)
- Sengpiel, F. 2011. Experimental models of amblyopia: Insights for prevention and treatment. Strabismus 19(3), pp. 87-90. (10.3109/09273972.2011.600419)
- Vorobyov, V., Kaptsov, V., Kovalev, G. and Sengpiel, F. 2011. Effects of nootropics on the EEG in conscious rats and their modification by glutamatergic inhibitors. Brain Research Bulletin 85(3-4), pp. 123-132. (10.1016/j.brainresbull.2011.02.011)
- Vorobyov, V., Schibaev, N., Kaptsov, V., Kovalev, G. and Sengpiel, F. 2011. Cortical and hippocampal EEG effects of neurotransmitter agonists in spontaneously hypertensive vs. kainate-treated rats. Brain Research 1383, pp. 154-168. (10.1016/j.brainres.2011.01.107)
- Mitchell, D., Sengpiel, F., Hamilton, D., Schwarzkopf, D. S. and Kennie, J. 2011. Protection against deprivation amblyopia depends on relative not absolute daily binocular exposure. Journal of Vision 11(7), pp. 1-11. (10.1167/11.7.13)
- Hunt, J. J. et al. 2009. Natural scene statistics and the structure of orientation maps in the visual cortex. NeuroImage 47(1), pp. 157-172. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.03.052)
- Mitchell, D. E., Kennie, J., Schwarzkopf, D. S. and Sengpiel, F. 2009. Daily mixed visual experience that prevents amblyopia in cats does not always allow the development of good binocular depth perception. Journal of Vision 9(5), article number: 22. (10.1167/9.5.22)
- Howarth, C. M., Vorobyov, V. and Sengpiel, F. 2009. Interocular transfer of adaptation in the primary visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex 19(8), pp. 1835-1843. (10.1093/cercor/bhn211)
- Mitchell, D. E. and Sengpiel, F. 2009. Neural mechanisms of recovery following early visual deprivation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London Series B 364(1515), pp. 383-398. (10.1098/rstb.2008.0192)
- Sengpiel, F. 2008. Binocular vision: only half a brain needed. Current Biology 18(22), pp. R1054-R1056. (10.1016/j.cub.2008.09.037)
- Vorobyov, V. and Sengpiel, F. 2008. Apomorphine-induced differences in cortical and striatal EEG and their glutamatergic mediation in 6-hydroxydopamine-treated rats. Experimental Brain Research 191(3), pp. 277-87.
- Farkas, E., Pratt, R., Sengpiel, F. and Obrenovitch, T. P. 2008. Direct, live imaging of cortical spreading depression and anoxic depolarisation using a fluorescent, voltage-sensitive dye. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 28(2), pp. 251-62. (10.1038/sj.jcbfm.9600569)
- Vorobyov, V., Schwarzkopf, D. S., Mitchell, D. E. and Sengpiel, F. 2008. Discordant binocular or mixed monocular-binocular vision reliability of cortical responses to binocular disparity stimuli dependent on the order of presentation. FENS Abstracts 4, article number: 54.45.
- Sengpiel, F., Vorobyov, V., Schwarzkopf, D. S. and Mitchell, D. E. 2008. Brief daily binocular vision prevents the behavioural and physiological effects of monocular deprivation. FENS Abstracts 4, pp. 131-132.
- Schwarzkopf, D. S., Vorobyov, V., Mitchell, D. E. and Sengpiel, F. 2007. Brief daily binocular vision prevents monocular deprivation effects in visual cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience 25(1), pp. 270-280. (10.1111/j.1460-9568.2006.05273.x)
- Sengpiel, F. 2007. The critical period. Current Biology 17(17), pp. R742-R743. (10.1016/j.cub.2007.06.017)
- Vorobyov, V., Schwarzkopf, D. S., Mitchell, D. E. and Sengpiel, F. 2007. Monocular deprivation reduces reliability of visual cortical responses to binocular disparity stimuli. European Journal of Neuroscience 26(12), pp. 3553-3563. (10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05946.x)
- Mitchell, D. E., Kind, P. C., Sengpiel, F. and Murphy, K. 2006. Short periods of concordant binocular vision prevent the development of deprivation amblyopia. European Journal of Neuroscience 23(9), pp. 2458-2466. (10.1111/j.1460-9568.2006.04755.x)
- Sengpiel, F. 2006. Motion perception is learned, not innate. Nature Neuroscience 9(5), pp. 591-592. (10.1038/nn0506-591)
- Sengpiel, F., Eysel, U., Jirmann, K. and Vorobyov, V. 2006. Strabismic suppression is mediated by inhibitory interactions in the primary visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex 16(12), pp. 1750-1758. (10.1093/cercor/bhj110)
- Faulkner, S. D., Vorobyov, V. and Sengpiel, F. 2006. Visual cortical recovery from reverse occlusion depends on concordant binocular experience. Journal of Neurophysiology 95(3), pp. 1718-1726. (10.1152/jn.00912.2005)
- Faulkner, S. D., Sengpiel, F. and Vorobyov, V. 2005. Limited protection of the primary visual cortex from the effects of monocular deprivation by strabismus. Cerebral Cortex 15(11), pp. 1822-1833. (10.1093/cercor/bhi059)
- Sengpiel, F. and Vorobyov, V. 2005. Intracortical origins of interocular suppression in the visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, pp. 6394-6400. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0862-05.2005)
- Sengpiel, F. 2005. Visual cortex: overcoming a no-go for plasticity. Current Biology 15(24), pp. R1000-R1002. (10.1016/j.cub.2005.11.050)
- Zapeda, A., Arias, C. and Sengpiel, F. 2004. Optical imaging of intrinsic signals: recent developments in the methodology and its applications. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 136(1), pp. 1-21. (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2004.02.025)
- Zepeda, A., Sengpiel, F., Angel Guagnelli, M., Vaca, L. and Arias, C. 2004. Functional reorganization of visual cortex maps after ischemic lesions is accompanied by changes in expression of cytoskeletal proteins and NMDA and GABAA receptor subunits. Journal of Neuroscience 24(8), pp. 1812-1821. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3213-03.2004)
- Carandini, M. and Sengpiel, F. 2004. Contrast invariance of functional maps in cat primary visual cortex. Journal of Vision 4(3), article number: 1. (10.1167/4.3.1)
- Sengpiel, F. 2004. Vision: in the brain of the beholder. Current Biology 14(23), pp. R997-R999. (10.1016/j.cub.2004.11.021)
- Mitchell, D. E., Kind, P. C., Sengpiel, F. and Murphy, K. 2003. Brief daily periods of binocular vision prevent deprivation-induced acuity loss. Current Biology 13(19), pp. 1704-1708. (10.1016/j.cub.2003.09.026)
- Kind, P. C., Mitchell, D. E., Ahmed, B., Blakemore, C., Bonhoeffer, T. and Sengpiel, F. 2002. Correlated binocular activity guides recovery from monocular deprivation. Nature, pp. 430-433. (10.1038/416430a)
- Sengpiel, F. and Kind, P. C. 2002. The role of activity in development of the visual system. Current Biology 12(23), pp. R818-R826. (10.1016/S0960-9822(02)01318-0)
- Sengpiel, F. and Bonhoeffer, T. 2002. Orientation specificity of contrast adaptation in visual cortical pinwheel centres and iso-orientation domains. European Journal of Neuroscience 15(5), pp. 876-886. (10.1046/j.1460-9568.2002.01912.x)
- Craddock, R., Vasalauskaite, A., Ranson, A. and Sengpiel, F. 2023. Experience dependent plasticity of higher visual cortical areas in the mouse. Cerebral Cortex 33(15), pp. 9303-9312. (10.1093/cercor/bhad203)
- Barkus, C. et al. 2022. Refinements to rodent head fixation and fluid/food control for neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 381, article number: 109705. (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2022.109705)
- Vorobyov, V., Deev, A., Oganesyan, Z., Sengpiel, F. and Ustyugov, A. A. 2022. Baseline electroencephalogram and its evolution after activation of dopaminergic system by apomorphine in middle-aged 5xfad transgenic mice, a model of alzheimer’s disease. Dynamics 2(4), pp. 356-366. (10.3390/dynamics2040020)
- Broom, E., Imbriotis, V., Sengpiel, F., Connelly, W. M. and Ranson, A. 2022. Recruitment of frontal-sensory circuits during visual discrimination. Cell Reports 39(10), article number: 110932. (10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110932)
- Aggleton, J. P., Yanakieva, S., Sengpiel, F. and Nelson, A. J. 2021. The separate and combined properties of the granular (area 29) and dysgranular (area 30) retrosplenial cortex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 185, article number: 107516. (10.1016/j.nlm.2021.107516)
- Georgeson, M. A. and Sengpiel, F. 2021. Contrast adaptation and interocular transfer in cortical cells: a re-analysis & a two-stage gain-control model of binocular combination. Vision Research 185, pp. 29-49. (10.1016/j.visres.2021.03.004)
- Vorobyov, V., Deev, A., Sengpiel, F., Nebogatikov, V. and Ustyugov, A. A. 2021. Cortical and striatal electroencephalograms and apomorphine effects in the FUS mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 81(4), pp. 1429-1443. (10.3233/JAD-201472)
- Powell, A. et al. 2020. Stable encoding of visual cues in the mouse retrosplenial cortex. Cerebral Cortex 30(8), pp. 4424-4437. (10.1093/cercor/bhaa030)
- Sun, S., Erchova, I., Sengpiel, F. and Votruba, M. 2020. Opa1 deficiency leads to diminished mitochondrial bioenergetics with compensatory increased mitochondrial motility. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(6), article number: 42. (10.1167/iovs.61.6.42)
- Vorobyov, V., Medvinskaya, N., Deev, A., Sengpiel, F., Bobkova, N. and Lunin, S. 2020. Spatial memory deficits initiated by agroclavine injection or olfactory bulbectomy in rats are characterized by different levels of long-term potentiation expression in the hippocampus. International Journal of Neuroscience 130(12), pp. 1225-1229. (10.1080/00207454.2020.1732963)
- Tribble, J. R. et al. 2019. Midget retinal ganglion cell dendritic and mitochondrial degeneration is an early feature of human glaucoma. Brain Communications 1(1), article number: fcz035. (10.1093/braincomms/fcz035)
- Dillingham, C. M. et al. 2019. Mammillothalamic disconnection alters hippocampocortical oscillatory activity and microstructure: Implications for diencephalic amnesia. Journal of Neuroscience 39(34), pp. 6696-6713. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0827-19.2019)
- Vorobyov, V. et al. 2019. Loss of midbrain dopamine neurons and altered apomorphine EEG effects in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 70(1), pp. 241-256. (10.3233/JAD-181246)
- Vasalauskaite, A., Morgan, J. E. and Sengpiel, F. 2019. Plasticity in adult mouse visual cortex following optic nerve injury. Cerebral Cortex 29(4), pp. 1767-1777. (10.1093/cercor/bhy347)
- Tribble, J. R., Williams, P. A., Caterson, B., Sengpiel, F. and Morgan, J. E. 2018. Digestion of the glycosaminoglycan extracellular matrix by chondroitinase ABC supports retinal ganglion cell dendritic preservation in a rodent model of experimental glaucoma. Molecular Brain 11(1), article number: 69. (10.1186/s13041-018-0412-5)
- Sengpiel, F. 2018. Overview: neuroplasticity and synaptic function in neuropsychiatric disorders. The Journal of Physiology 596(14), pp. 2745-2746. (10.1113/JP275940)
- Milczarek, M. M., Vann, S. D. and Sengpiel, F. 2018. Spatial memory engram in the mouse retrosplenial cortex. Current Biology 28(12), pp. 1975-1980.e6. (10.1016/j.cub.2018.05.002)
- Mitchell, D. and Sengpiel, F. 2018. Animal models of amblyopia. Visual Neuroscience 35, article number: e017. (10.1017/S0952523817000244)
- Je, S., Ennis, F. A., Woodhouse, J. M., Sengpiel, F. and Redmond, T. 2018. Spatial summation across the visual field in strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 3858. (10.1038/s41598-018-21620-6)
- Erchova, I., Tumlinson, A. R., Fergusson, J., White, N., Drexler, W., Sengpiel, F. and Morgan, J. 2018. Optophysiological characterisation of inner retina responses with high-resolution optical coherence tomography. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 1813. (10.1038/s41598-018-19975-x)
- Gordon, R. et al. 2017. Intrahippocampal pathways involved in learning/memory mechanisms are affected by intracerebral infusions of amyloid-beta25-35 peptide and hydrated fullerene C60 in rats. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 58(3), pp. 711-724. (10.3233/JAD-161182)
- Erchova, I., Vasalauskaite, A., Longo, V. and Sengpiel, F. 2017. Enhancement of visual cortex plasticity by dark exposure. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences 372(1715), article number: 20160159. (10.1098/rstb.2016.0159)
- Keck, T. et al. 2017. Integrating Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity: the current state of the field and future research directions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 372(1715), article number: 20160158. (10.1098/rstb.2016.0158)
- Frizzati, A., Milczarek, M. M., Sengpiel, F., Thomas, K. L., Dillingham, C. M. and Vann, S. D. 2016. Comparable reduction in Zif268 levels and cytochrome oxidase activity in the retrosplenial cortex following mammillothalamic tract lesions. Neuroscience 330, pp. 39-49. (10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.05.030)
- Bobkova, N. et al. 2016. Immunization against specific fragments of neurotrophin p75 receptor protects forebrain cholinergic neurons in the olfactory bulbectomized mice. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 53(1), pp. 289-301. (10.3233/JAD-160146)
- Vorobyov, V., Kaptsov, V., Gordon, R., Makarova, E., Podolski, I. and Sengpiel, F. 2015. Neuroprotective effects of hydrated fullerene C-60: cortical and hippocampal EEG interplay in an amyloid-infused rat model of Alzheimer's disease. American Journal of Alzheimers Disease 45(1), pp. 217-233. (10.3233/JAD-142469)
- Tribble, J. R., Cross, S. D., Samsel, P. A., Sengpiel, F. and Morgan, J. E. 2014. A novel system for the classification of diseased retinal ganglion cells. Visual Neuroscience 31(6), pp. 373-380. (10.1017/S0952523814000248)
- Sengpiel, F. 2014. Plasticity of the visual cortex and treatment of amblyopia [Review]. Current Biology 24(18), pp. R936-R940. (10.1016/j.cub.2014.05.063)
- Hughes, N. J., Hunt, J. J., Cloherty, S. L., Ibbotson, M. R., Sengpiel, F. and Goodhill, G. J. 2014. Stripe-rearing changes multiple aspects of the structure of primary visual cortex. NeuroImage 95, pp. 305-319. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.03.031)
- Ranson, A., Sengpiel, F. and Fox, K. D. 2013. The role of GluA1 in ocular dominance plasticity in the mouse visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 33(38), pp. 15220-15225. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2078-13.2013)
- Sengpiel, F. 2013. Amblyopia: Out of the dark, into the light. Current Biology 23(5), pp. R195-R196. (10.1016/j.cub.2013.01.034)
- Kind, P. C., Sengpiel, F., Beaver, C. J., Crocker-Buque, A., Kelly, G. M., Matthews, R. T. and Mitchell, D. E. 2013. The development and activity-dependent expression of aggrecan in the cat visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex 23(2), pp. 349-360. (10.1093/cercor/bhs015)
- Vorobyov, V., Kwok, J. C. F., Fawcett, J. W. and Sengpiel, F. 2013. Effects of digesting chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans on plasticity in cat primary visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(1), pp. 234-243. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2283-12.2013)
- Jaffer, S., Vorobyov, V. and Sengpiel, F. 2012. Effects of different forms of monocular deprivation on primary visual cortex maps. Visual Neuroscience 29(4-5), pp. 247-253. (10.1017/S0952523812000260)
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Rydym yn astudio mecanweithiau datblygiad arferol a phlastigrwydd y cortecs gweledol cynradd (V1) a sail ffisiolegol a moleciwlaidd anhwylderau datblygiadol cyffredin golwg fel amblyopia (llygad diog). Yn benodol, rydym yn archwilio effeithiau gwahanol gyfundrefnau magu ar ddwy brif nodwedd ymateb niwronau yn y dewis V1, y binocularity a'r cyfeiriadedd dewis. Mae ymchwil dros yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf wedi nodi nifer fawr o foleciwlau a llwybrau sy'n ymwneud â phlastigrwydd datblygiadol yn ogystal ag wrth reoleiddio'r cyfnod critigol y mae'r cortex yn arbennig o agored i gael ei siapio gan brofiad synhwyraidd ac yn wir mae angen profiad priodol i ddatblygu fel arfer. Dangoswyd bod diffygion genynnau sy'n effeithio ar rai o'r proteinau cysylltiedig yn achosi anhwylderau niwroddatblygiadol fel Fragile X. Rydym yn astudio plastigrwydd datblygiadol yn V1 mewn modelau o'r anhwylderau hynny gan ddefnyddio dulliau delweddu'r ymennydd swyddogaethol, sef delweddu optegol signalau cynhenid a microsgopeg sganio laser dau ffoton.
Gan gydnabod bod ymatebion niwronau yn V1 yn aml yn methu â rhoi cyfrif am ymatebion ymddygiadol yr anifeiliaid rydym yn ymchwilio i feysydd gweledol uwch a'u rhagamcanion adborth â V1, ac yn cysylltu'r rheini â'r dewisiadau y mae llygod yn eu gwneud mewn tasgau gwahaniaethu ar sail weledol. Mae gennym ddiddordeb hefyd yng nghyfraniadau mewnbwn o'r cortecs cingulate i haen 1 o V1 i ymddygiad a arweinir yn weledol.
Yn ddiweddar, mae prosesu visuospatial a chof gofodol yn y cortecs ôl-splenial (RSC) wedi dod yn ganolbwynt mawr o ymchwil yn ein labordy. Mae'r RSC wedi dod i'r amlwg fel ardal ymennydd allweddol sy'n cefnogi cof episodig a thopograffig mewn bodau dynol yn ogystal â chof gofodol mewn cnofilod. Gan ddefnyddio delweddu 2-photon in vivo i ddadansoddi patrymau gweithgarwch niwronau o fewn RSC Dysgranular o lygod a hyfforddwyd ar dasg cof ofodol, dangosom ymddangosiad graddol patrwm cyd-destun-benodol o weithgarwch niwronau dros gyfnod o 3 wythnos, a ail-nodwyd ar ôl adalw fwy na 3 wythnos yn ddiweddarach. Roedd sefydlogrwydd yr engram cof hwn yn rhagfynegol o faint o anghofio; Roedd amgramau mwy sefydlog yn gysylltiedig â pherfformiad gwell, gan ddangos cyfranogiad yr RSC mewn storio cof gofodol ar lefel ensembles niwronau.
Grantiau Gweithredol
Grant Prosiect BBSRC
Integreiddio a storio ciwiau visuo-ofodol yn y cortex ôl-blygiadol (PI)
Grant Rhaglen MRC
Cylchedau adborth cortical ar gyfer integreiddio synhwyraidd a rheoli plastigrwydd synaptig (CoI)
Rhaglen PhD 4 blynedd Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome
Niwrowyddoniaeth Integreiddiol (CoI).
Adam Ranson, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Meddygaeth
John Aggleton, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Seicoleg
Seralynne Vann, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Seicoleg
Kevin Fox, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol y Biowyddorau
Mark Good, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Seicoleg
Marcela Votruba, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Gweledigaeth
James Morgan, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau Golwg
Seth Grant, Prifysgol Caeredin, Yr Alban
Donald Mitchell, Prifysgol Dalhousie, Halifax, Canada.
Aelodau'r tîm ymchwil
Stephanie Bagstaff, Fangli Chen, Rosie Craddock, Bethany Frost, Haamed Al Hassan.
Rwy'n dysgu ar y modiwlau canlynol:
BI3452, Systemau Niwrowyddoniaeth
BI2431, Brain ac Ymddygiad
BI4002, Dulliau Ymchwil Uwch
- Diploma mewn Bioleg, Prifysgol Ruhr, Bochum, Yr Almaen (1989)
- DPhil mewn Ffisioleg, Prifysgol Rhydychen (1994)
- Cymrawd Ymchwil Iau, Coleg Magdalen, Rhydychen (1993-1996)
- Cymrawd Ymchwil, Max-Planck Sefydliad Niwrobioleg, Munich (1996-2000).
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Trysorydd Anrhydeddus y Gymdeithas Ffisiolegol: http://www.physoc.org
Contact Details
+44 29208 75698
Adeilad Syr Martin Evans, Ystafell Bywyd 0.08, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX