Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
W. Morgan

Professor W. Morgan

Cymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme, WISERD

Siarad Cymraeg


He has been Professor of Comparative Education, University of Nottingham, since 1995; Acting-Director of the Institute of Asian Pacific Studies, University of Nottingham, 1996-1999; and UNESCO Chair of the Political Economy of Education since 2005.  He was previously a university lecturer and senior lecturer; and has also worked in adult and further education as a Workers' Educational Association tutor-organizer and as a college lecturer. His current research interests are in:

Comparative political economy of education: especially Russia and China; anthropology of knowledge; ethics and social research; peace education.


Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

Honorary Professor: Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, 2014.

The University of Nottingham's Vice Chancellor's Achievement Medal: 2014.

Co-Chair (with Mrs Amina Mohammed, Nigeria) of the UNESCO Director General's  Senior Experts' Group on Education and Learning in a Changing World: 2013-2015.

Fellowship of the Learned Society of Wales: 2012.

Honorary degree of D.Sc. Awarded by the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences: 2010.

Chair of the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO: 2010-2013.

Board of the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO: 2007-2013.

Distinguished Professor: the International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education, New Delhi, India: 2008.

Senior Fellowship of the China Policy Institute: 2008. 

Commonwealth Scholarship Commissioner for the United Kingdom: 2002- 2008

Patron of Landmines Disability Support Trust: 2007.

Visiting Professorial Fellow: Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London: 2002-2005.

Fellowship of the Royal Anthropological Institute: 1989.

Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts: 1979.