Arbenigwr ar bolisi iaith ac ar gynllunio ieithyddol
- Williams, C. H. 2023. Envisioning Reconciliation: Signs of Hope for the Middle East, Zeina M. Barakat, WBG Academic, 2022 (ISBN 978‐3‐534‐40690‐6), 163 pp., hb €38. Reviews in Religion and Theology 30(3), pp. 136-138. (10.1111/rirt.14236)
- Williams, C. H. 2023. A History of Christianity in Wales, Barry J. Lewis, Madeleine Gray, David Ceri Jones and D. Densil Morgan, University of Wales Press, 2022 (ISBN 978‐1‐78683‐821‐6), 384 pp., pb £19.99. Reviews in Religion and Theology 30(3), pp. 178-181. (10.1111/rirt.14250)
- Williams, C. 2023. Language policy and the new speaker challenge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10.1017/9781009047326)
- Williams, C. 2022. Minority language revitalisation: European conundrums. In: Boucher, D. ed. Language, Culture and Decolonisation. Capetown: HSRC Press
- Williams, C. 2022. Afterword, conviction, advocacy and resilience. In: McLeod, W. et al. eds. Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 387-421.
- Williams, C. 2022. The democratic impulse and the light of faith: concluding interpretations from a Christian perspective. In: Barakat, Z., Munchow, T. and Wustenberg, R. eds. Islam and Democrcay: Law, Gender and the West. Darmsdat: WBG Academic, pp. 225-233.
- Williams, C. H. 2021. Forging hope in the company of cynics. In: Lewis, H. and McLeod, W. eds. Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation. Language and Globalization London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 363-380., (10.1007/978-3-030-80189-2_14)
- Bufon, M., Malloy, T. H. and Williams, C. eds. 2021. Societies and spaces in contact: Between convergence and divergence. Studies in European Integration, State and Society Vol. 11. Berlin: Peter Lang. (10.3726/b18476)
- Williams, C. 2021. On the side of angels: Dignity and virtue in minority-majority relations. In: Bufon, M., Malloy, T. H. and Williams, C. eds. Societies and Spaces in Contact:Between Convergence and Divergence., Vol. 11. Studies in European Integration, State and Society Vol. 11. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 35-64., (10.3726/b18476)
- Williams, C. 2020. For Mireya- A life span exile. In: Kockel, U., McDermott, P. and Campbell, L. eds. Per Scribendum, Sumus: Ethnopoesis, or: Writing Heritage. A Cèilidh in Honour of Mairéad Nic Craith. Zurich: Lit Verlag, pp. 23-28.
- Cardinal, L. and Williams, C. H. 2020. Bridging the gap between the politics of recognition and the politics of language service delivery in Ontario and Wales. Treatises and Documents - Journal of Ethnic Studies 84 (10.36144/RiG84.jun20.5-29)
- Williams, C. 2019. Creative ambiguity in the service of language policy and new speakers. Language Policy 18(4), pp. 593-608. (10.1007/s10993-018-9500-8)
- Williams, C. and Walsh, J. 2019. Minority language governance and regulation. In: Hogan-Brun, G. and O'Rourke, B. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 101-130.
- Williams, C. H. 2019. The policy community and recommendations on new speakers. In: O'Rourke, B. and Pujolar, J. eds. From New Speaker to Speaker: Outcomes, reflections and policy recommentations from COST Action IS1306 on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges. IAITH: Welsh Centre for Language Planning., pp. 27-55.
- Williams, C. H. and Bufon, M. 2019. Minority and language issues in comparative context: Slovenes in Italy, Ireland and Wales. In: Brunn, S. and Keherein, R. eds. Handbook of the Changing World Languages. Springer, (10.1007/978-3-319-73400-2_108_1)
- Williams, C. H. 2018. Foreward: Assailed yet resolute. In: MacLeod, M. and Smith-Christmas, C. eds. Gaelic in Contemporary Scotland: The Revitalisation of an Endangered Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. xiii-xv.
- Lian, P. et al. eds. 2018. Un(intended) language planning in a globalising world: multiple levels of players at work. De Gruyter.
- Williams, C. 2018. Refining trust: Palestine in comparative perspective: report on a workshop. University of Flensburg and VHI Cambridge. Available at:
- Williams, C. H. 2017. English in Wales. In: Bergs, A. and Brinton, L. eds. The History of English: Varieties of English., Vol. 5. De Gryter Mouton, pp. 265-88.
- Williams, C. 2017. Wake me up in 2050! Formulating language policy in Wales. Languages, Society and Policy (10.17863/CAM.9802)
- Eaves, S., Jones, K., Jones, M. and Williams, C. 2017. Cyraedd y Miliwn/Reaching the million. Technical Report.
- Williams, C. 2017. Language policy, territorialism and regional autonomy. In: Spolsky, B. ed. Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy (Chinese Version). Bejing: Peking University Press, pp. 174-202.
- Williams, C. 2016. Whither Language Rights and Language Commissioners in the ‘Mosaic of Mutual Influence’?. International Association of Language Commissioners 1, pp. 1-32.
- Mac-Giolla Chriost, D., Carlin, P. and Williams, C. H. 2016. Translating y Cofnod: translation policy and the official status of the Welsh language in Wales. Translation Studies 9(2), pp. 212-227. (10.1080/14781700.2015.1129987)
- Mac giolla chriost, D., Carlin, P. and Williams, C. 2016. Translating y Cofnod: Translation policy and the official status of the Welsh language in Wales. Translation Studies 9(2), pp. 212-227. (10.1080/14781700.2015.1129987)
- James, E. W. and Williams, C. H. 2016. Beasley, (Catherine) Eileen (1921–2012). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/105629)
- Jones, K., Williams, C., Dunmore, S. and McLeod, W. 2016. Interim assessment of the National Gaelic Language Plan. Technical Report.
- Williams, C. H. 2015. Cultural rights and democratization: Legislative devolution and the enactment of the official status of Welsh in Wales.. In: Urrutia, I., Massia, J. and Irujo, X. eds. Droits Culturels et Démocratisation/Cultural Rights and Democratisation. Institut Universitaire Varenne:, pp. 183-203.
- Williams, C., Dell'Aquila, V., Soler Carbonell, J. and Puigdevall Serralvo, M. 2015. La politica linguistica a altres estats mulilingues del Mon. Project Report. Barcelona: Open University of Catalonia.
- Williams, C. 2014. La Transformation du Cadre Legislatif de la Langue au Pays de Galles. In: Doucet, M. ed. Le Pluralisme Linguistique. Editions Yvon Blais, pp. 385-405.
- Williams, C. 2014. The lightening veil:language revitalization in Wales. Review of Research in Education 38(1), pp. 242-272. (10.3102/0091732X13512983)
- Evas, J., Williams, C., Mac-Giolla Chriost, D. and Campbell, C. 2014. Adolygiad o Waith y Mentrau Iaith, y Cynlluniau Gweithredu Iaith a Chynllun Hybu'r Gymraeg Aman Tawe/A review of the work of Mentrau Iaith, Language Action Plans and the Aman Tawe Language Promotion Scheme. Technical Report.
- Williams, C. H. 2014. Perfiduous hope. In: Harguindeguy, J. and Cole, A. eds. The Politics of Ethnolinguistic Mobilization. Language Matetrs London: Routledge, pp. 101-122.
- Williams, C. 2014. Restitution and reconciliation. In: Bufon, M., Minghi, J. and Paasi, A. eds. The New European Frontiers: Social and Spatial (Re)Integration Issues in Multicultural and Border Regions. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 326-346.
- O'Flatharta, P., Sandberg, S. and Williams, C. 2014. From act to action: language legislation in Finland, Ireland and Wales. Project Report. Dublin: Fiontar.
- Williams, C. 2013. Minority language promotion, protection and regulation: the mask of piety. Language and Globalization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Williams, C. 2013. Linguistic minorities in democratic context (2nd ed.). Language and Globilisation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Williams, C. 2013. The Welsh Language and Europe. In: Brooks, S. ed. Wales and Europe: Developing a Renewed Agenda. Ideas Wales Thoughts Vol. 2. Ideas Wales Think Tank, pp. 36-40.
- Williams, C. and Jones, M. P. 2013. Transforming strategies: Pathways to an integral education system. In: Williams, C. and Thomas, H. S. eds. Parents, Personalities and Power: Welsh-medium schools in South-east Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 267-287.
- Williams, C. 2013. Ysgolion Cymraeg: An act of faith in the future of Welsh. In: Colin, W. and Thomas, H. S. eds. Parents, Personalities and Power: Welsh-medium schools in South-east Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-24.
- Thomas, H. S. and Williams, C. 2013. Parents personalities and power: Welsh-medium schools in South-East Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Williams, C. 2013. Perfidious hope: the legislative turn in official minority language regimes. Regional and Federal Studies 23(1), pp. 101-122. (10.1080/13597566.2012.754353)
- Williams, C. 2012. Language policy, territorialism and regional autonomy. In: Spolsky, B. ed. The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 174-202.
- Williams, C. 2012. La ville, ce prisme asymétrique. In: Clément, R. and Andrew, C. eds. Villes et Langues: Gouvernance et Politiques. Ottawa: Invenire Books, pp. 113-133.
- Williams, C. 2012. The city as unequal refractor. In: Clement, R. and Andrew, C. eds. Cities and languages: governance and policy. Ottawa: Invenire Books, pp. 107-204.
- Williams, C. and Flatharta, P. O. 2012. The office of the language commissioner, Ireland. The impact of the commission on Irish language policy and official strategy. In: Brohy, C. et al. eds. Law, Language and the Multilingual State: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law. Bloemfontein: SUN MeDIA, pp. 291-312.
- Williams, C. 2012. In defence of language rights: language commissioners in Canada, Ireland and Wales. In: Brohy, C. et al. eds. Law, Language and the Multilingual State: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law. Bloemfontein: SUN MeDIA, pp. 45-71.
- Williams, C. 2012. Varieties of English: English in Wales. In: Bergs, A. and Brinton, L. J. eds. English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook., Vol. 2. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1977-1995.
- Evas, J. and Williams, C. 2011. Media and software development: I.T.'s not too difficult. Presented at: El reto de las lenguas no hegemónicas o de nivel medio ante las sociedades de la información y del conocimiento y el impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), Andoain, Euskadi, 7 April 2011.
- Williams, C. 2011. The Welsh. In: Cole, J. E. ed. Ethnic groups of Europe: an encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO, pp. 383-386.
- Williams, C. 2011. Paradigm shifts, geostrategic considerations and minority initiatives. Treatises and Documents - Journal of Ethnic Studies 66, pp. 8-23.
- Evas, J. and Williams, C. 2011. Komunikabideak, Bitartekotza eta Jokabide Aldaketa ITek ez dute Zertan Zailak Izan. In: Hizkuntza ez hegemoniko edo maila ertainekoak hedabideetan eta IKTetan. Ayuntamiento de Andoain: Irigotenazpikoa, pp. 12-70.
- Williams, C. 2011. Constrained ambition: reflections on the Welsh model of bilingual education. In: Lukanovic, S. N. and Mikolic, V. eds. Uporabno Jezikoslovje., Vol. 9-10. Ljubljana: Izdajatelj, pp. 238-263.
- Williams, C., Evas, J., Climent-Ferrando, V. and Larrinaga, E. 2011. Irigoienazpikoa. Andoain, Gipuzkoa: Erroitz SL.
- Williams, C. 2011. The imperial reach and the reluctant response. In: Cox, R. A. and Armstrong, T. C. eds. A’ Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig slatan-tomhais ann an dìon cànain sa choimhearsnachd air a dheasachadh le. Clò Ostaig, pp. 295-313.
- Williams, C. 2011. Welsh-medium educational provision at university-level in Wales. Presented at: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK-China Workshop on Human Rights, London, January 13, 2011. pp. 1-30.
- Williams, C., Evas, J., Climent-Ferrando, V. and Larrinaga, E. 2011. Irigoienazpikoa - Hizkuntza ez hegemoniko edo maila ertainekoak hedabideetan eto IKTetan. Andoain, Gipuzkoa: Hitzurun Hizkuntz Zerbitzuak.
- Williams, C. 2010. Linguistic diversity and legislative regimes. In: Hizkuntza Gutxituak Administrazioan = Lenguas minoritarias en la administración. Vitoria: Eusko Legebiltzarra = Parlamento Vasco, pp. 21-57.
- Williams, C. 2010. Galesko Unibertsitateen Galesera Sustatzearen Pozak Eta Frustrazioak. Bat Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 75(2), pp. 125-143.
- Williams, C. 2010. From Act to action in Wales. In: Morris, D. ed. Welsh in the Twenty-First Century. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 36-60.
- Williams, C. 2010. The Celtic world. In: Fishman, J. A. and Garcia, O. eds. Handbook of language and ethnic identity. 2nd ed.., Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 237-254.
- Williams, C. H. 2010. Galesko unibersitateetan galesera sustatzearen posak eta frustrazioak. Bat Soziolinguistika aldizkaria 73(2), pp. 125-143.
- Williams, C. 2009. Deddfu, iaith a chynllunio. Presented at: Darlith flynyddol Cynllunwyr Iaith Cymru, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Y Bala, 6 August 2009. pp. 1-10.
- Williams, C. 2009. Foras na Gaeilge and Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg: Yoked but not yet shackled. Irish Studies Review 17(1), pp. 55-88. (10.1080/09670880802658141)
- Williams, C. 2009. Commentary: the primacy of renewal. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 195, pp. 201-218. (10.1515/IJSL.2009.011)
- Williams, C. 2009. Problemas y retos en torno al bilinguismo en Gales. Hizkunea Soziolinguistiako Agerkaria, pp. 1-25.
- Williams, C. 2009. Governance without conviction. In: Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe. Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89-122.
- Williams, C. 2009. Conclusion: identity and democracy in an enlarged Europe. In: Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe. Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 227-234.
- Williams, C. 2009. The sociolinguistic context of Welsh. In: Ball, M. and Muller, N. eds. The Celtic Languages. 2nd ed.. Routledge Language Family Series London: Routledge, pp. 650-711.
- Williams, C. 2009. Introduction: European Union enlargement and citizen empowerment. In: Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe. Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-22.
- Williams, C. ed. 2009. Rights, promotion and integration issues for minority languages in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Williams, C. 2009. Let freedom reign: the impress of EU integration on minority survival. In: Prügl, E. and Thiel, M. eds. Diversity in the European Union. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187-203.
- Williams, C. 2008. Transnational Cooperation Project: Final Report by Evaluators, submitted to the European Commission, Comenius C21 118092 CP 1 2004. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Williams, C. 2008. Nationalism in a democratic context. In: Agnew, J. A., Mitchell, K. and Toal, G. eds. A companion to political geography. Blackwell Companions to Geography Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 356-377.
- Williams, C. 2008. Linguistic minorities in democratic context. Language and Globalization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Williams, C. 2008. Legislative devolution and language regulation in the United Kingdom. Geolinguistics 32, pp. 1-15.
- Williams, C. 2008. Cymric (Welsh) Kymrisch (Walisisch; Keltosch in Wales). In: Wieser Enzyklopädie : Lexicon der Sprachen des europäischen Westens., Vol. 1. Wien: Wieser Verlag, pp. 109-129.
- Williams, C. 2008. The Welsh language in the United Kingdom: beyond cartography. In: Barni, M. and Extra, G. eds. Mapping linguistic diversity in multicultural contexts. Contributions to the sociology of language Vol. 94. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 69-92.
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- Evas, J. and Williams, C. 1997. Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol. Project Report. [Online]. Caerdydd: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg. Available at:
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- Evas, J. and Williams, C. 1997. Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol: Canlyniadau a Chanfyddiadau (The Community research project: Results and Findings). Presented at: Y Cynllun Ymchwil Cymunedol, Theatr Clwyd, Yr Wyddgrug, 27 November 1997.
- Evas, J. and Williams, C. 1997. Disgleirdeb dysg a’r cyfnod modern cynnar. Barn 413, pp. 53-53.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Williams, C. 2022. Minority language revitalisation: European conundrums. In: Boucher, D. ed. Language, Culture and Decolonisation. Capetown: HSRC Press
- Williams, C. 2022. Afterword, conviction, advocacy and resilience. In: McLeod, W. et al. eds. Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 387-421.
- Williams, C. 2022. The democratic impulse and the light of faith: concluding interpretations from a Christian perspective. In: Barakat, Z., Munchow, T. and Wustenberg, R. eds. Islam and Democrcay: Law, Gender and the West. Darmsdat: WBG Academic, pp. 225-233.
- Williams, C. H. 2021. Forging hope in the company of cynics. In: Lewis, H. and McLeod, W. eds. Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation. Language and Globalization London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 363-380., (10.1007/978-3-030-80189-2_14)
- Williams, C. 2021. On the side of angels: Dignity and virtue in minority-majority relations. In: Bufon, M., Malloy, T. H. and Williams, C. eds. Societies and Spaces in Contact:Between Convergence and Divergence., Vol. 11. Studies in European Integration, State and Society Vol. 11. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 35-64., (10.3726/b18476)
- Williams, C. 2020. For Mireya- A life span exile. In: Kockel, U., McDermott, P. and Campbell, L. eds. Per Scribendum, Sumus: Ethnopoesis, or: Writing Heritage. A Cèilidh in Honour of Mairéad Nic Craith. Zurich: Lit Verlag, pp. 23-28.
- Williams, C. and Walsh, J. 2019. Minority language governance and regulation. In: Hogan-Brun, G. and O'Rourke, B. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 101-130.
- Williams, C. H. 2019. The policy community and recommendations on new speakers. In: O'Rourke, B. and Pujolar, J. eds. From New Speaker to Speaker: Outcomes, reflections and policy recommentations from COST Action IS1306 on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges. IAITH: Welsh Centre for Language Planning., pp. 27-55.
- Williams, C. H. and Bufon, M. 2019. Minority and language issues in comparative context: Slovenes in Italy, Ireland and Wales. In: Brunn, S. and Keherein, R. eds. Handbook of the Changing World Languages. Springer, (10.1007/978-3-319-73400-2_108_1)
- Williams, C. H. 2018. Foreward: Assailed yet resolute. In: MacLeod, M. and Smith-Christmas, C. eds. Gaelic in Contemporary Scotland: The Revitalisation of an Endangered Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. xiii-xv.
- Williams, C. H. 2017. English in Wales. In: Bergs, A. and Brinton, L. eds. The History of English: Varieties of English., Vol. 5. De Gryter Mouton, pp. 265-88.
- Williams, C. 2017. Language policy, territorialism and regional autonomy. In: Spolsky, B. ed. Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy (Chinese Version). Bejing: Peking University Press, pp. 174-202.
- James, E. W. and Williams, C. H. 2016. Beasley, (Catherine) Eileen (1921–2012). In: Cannadine, D. ed. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (10.1093/ref:odnb/105629)
- Williams, C. H. 2015. Cultural rights and democratization: Legislative devolution and the enactment of the official status of Welsh in Wales.. In: Urrutia, I., Massia, J. and Irujo, X. eds. Droits Culturels et Démocratisation/Cultural Rights and Democratisation. Institut Universitaire Varenne:, pp. 183-203.
- Williams, C. 2014. La Transformation du Cadre Legislatif de la Langue au Pays de Galles. In: Doucet, M. ed. Le Pluralisme Linguistique. Editions Yvon Blais, pp. 385-405.
- Williams, C. H. 2014. Perfiduous hope. In: Harguindeguy, J. and Cole, A. eds. The Politics of Ethnolinguistic Mobilization. Language Matetrs London: Routledge, pp. 101-122.
- Williams, C. 2014. Restitution and reconciliation. In: Bufon, M., Minghi, J. and Paasi, A. eds. The New European Frontiers: Social and Spatial (Re)Integration Issues in Multicultural and Border Regions. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 326-346.
- Williams, C. 2013. The Welsh Language and Europe. In: Brooks, S. ed. Wales and Europe: Developing a Renewed Agenda. Ideas Wales Thoughts Vol. 2. Ideas Wales Think Tank, pp. 36-40.
- Williams, C. and Jones, M. P. 2013. Transforming strategies: Pathways to an integral education system. In: Williams, C. and Thomas, H. S. eds. Parents, Personalities and Power: Welsh-medium schools in South-east Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 267-287.
- Williams, C. 2013. Ysgolion Cymraeg: An act of faith in the future of Welsh. In: Colin, W. and Thomas, H. S. eds. Parents, Personalities and Power: Welsh-medium schools in South-east Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 1-24.
- Williams, C. 2012. Language policy, territorialism and regional autonomy. In: Spolsky, B. ed. The Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 174-202.
- Williams, C. 2012. La ville, ce prisme asymétrique. In: Clément, R. and Andrew, C. eds. Villes et Langues: Gouvernance et Politiques. Ottawa: Invenire Books, pp. 113-133.
- Williams, C. 2012. The city as unequal refractor. In: Clement, R. and Andrew, C. eds. Cities and languages: governance and policy. Ottawa: Invenire Books, pp. 107-204.
- Williams, C. and Flatharta, P. O. 2012. The office of the language commissioner, Ireland. The impact of the commission on Irish language policy and official strategy. In: Brohy, C. et al. eds. Law, Language and the Multilingual State: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law. Bloemfontein: SUN MeDIA, pp. 291-312.
- Williams, C. 2012. In defence of language rights: language commissioners in Canada, Ireland and Wales. In: Brohy, C. et al. eds. Law, Language and the Multilingual State: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law. Bloemfontein: SUN MeDIA, pp. 45-71.
- Williams, C. 2012. Varieties of English: English in Wales. In: Bergs, A. and Brinton, L. J. eds. English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook., Vol. 2. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1977-1995.
- Williams, C. 2011. The Welsh. In: Cole, J. E. ed. Ethnic groups of Europe: an encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO, pp. 383-386.
- Evas, J. and Williams, C. 2011. Komunikabideak, Bitartekotza eta Jokabide Aldaketa ITek ez dute Zertan Zailak Izan. In: Hizkuntza ez hegemoniko edo maila ertainekoak hedabideetan eta IKTetan. Ayuntamiento de Andoain: Irigotenazpikoa, pp. 12-70.
- Williams, C. 2011. Constrained ambition: reflections on the Welsh model of bilingual education. In: Lukanovic, S. N. and Mikolic, V. eds. Uporabno Jezikoslovje., Vol. 9-10. Ljubljana: Izdajatelj, pp. 238-263.
- Williams, C. 2011. The imperial reach and the reluctant response. In: Cox, R. A. and Armstrong, T. C. eds. A’ Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig slatan-tomhais ann an dìon cànain sa choimhearsnachd air a dheasachadh le. Clò Ostaig, pp. 295-313.
- Williams, C. 2010. Linguistic diversity and legislative regimes. In: Hizkuntza Gutxituak Administrazioan = Lenguas minoritarias en la administración. Vitoria: Eusko Legebiltzarra = Parlamento Vasco, pp. 21-57.
- Williams, C. 2010. From Act to action in Wales. In: Morris, D. ed. Welsh in the Twenty-First Century. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 36-60.
- Williams, C. 2010. The Celtic world. In: Fishman, J. A. and Garcia, O. eds. Handbook of language and ethnic identity. 2nd ed.., Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 237-254.
- Williams, C. 2009. Governance without conviction. In: Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe. Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89-122.
- Williams, C. 2009. Conclusion: identity and democracy in an enlarged Europe. In: Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe. Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 227-234.
- Williams, C. 2009. The sociolinguistic context of Welsh. In: Ball, M. and Muller, N. eds. The Celtic Languages. 2nd ed.. Routledge Language Family Series London: Routledge, pp. 650-711.
- Williams, C. 2009. Introduction: European Union enlargement and citizen empowerment. In: Rights, Promotion and Integration Issues for Minority Languages in Europe. Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-22.
- Williams, C. 2009. Let freedom reign: the impress of EU integration on minority survival. In: Prügl, E. and Thiel, M. eds. Diversity in the European Union. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187-203.
- Williams, C. 2008. Nationalism in a democratic context. In: Agnew, J. A., Mitchell, K. and Toal, G. eds. A companion to political geography. Blackwell Companions to Geography Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 356-377.
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