Diddordebau ymchwil
Rwy'n gweithio mewn algebrai gweithredwr a chymwysiadau a chysylltiadau â theori K, systemau deinamig, mecaneg ystadegol a theori maes cwantwm cydffurfiol.
Dyletswyddau gweinyddol
- Aelod o Fwrdd Llywodraethol yr Ysgol Ffiseg Ddamcaniaethol, Sefydliad Astudiaethau Uwch Dulyn
Grŵp Ymchwil
- Evans, D. E. and Jones, C. 2024. Quantum symmetries of noncommutative tori. [Online]. arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2404.14466) Available at:
- Evans, D. and Pugh, M. 2024. Spectral measures for Sp(2). Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 5, pp. 2249-2305. (10.4310/PAMQ.2023.v19.n5.a1)
- Evans, D. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2023. Subfactors and mathematical physics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 60(4), pp. 459-482. (10.1090/bull/1799)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2023. Tambara-Yamagami, loop groups, bundles and KK-theory. Advances in Mathematics 421, article number: 109002. (10.1016/j.aim.2023.109002)
- Evans, D. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher Dixmier-Douady theory for circle actions on UHF-algebras. Advances in Mathematics 410(Part B), article number: 108745. (10.1016/j.aim.2022.108745)
- Evans, D. 2022. Sir Vaughan Jones. 31 December 1952—6 September 2020. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 73, pp. 333-356. (10.1098/rsbm.2021.0051)
- Evans, D. E. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher twisted K-theory of SU(n) for exponential functor twists. Journal of Topology 15(2), pp. 896-949. (10.1112/topo.12219)
- Evans, D. and Gannon, T. 2022. Reconstruction and local extensions for twisted group doubles, and permutation orbifolds. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375, pp. 2789-2726. (10.1090/tran/8575)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. 2021. Classification of module categories for SO(3)_{2m}. Advances in Mathematics 384, article number: 107713. (10.1016/j.aim.2021.107713)
- Aaserud, A. N. and Evans, D. E. 2020. Realizing the braided Temperley-Lieb-Jones C*-tensor categories as Hilbert C*-modules. Communications in Mathematical Physics 380, pp. 103-130. (10.1007/s00220-020-03729-w)
- Aaserud, A. and Evans, D. 2020. K-theory of AF-algebras from braided C*-tensor categories. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 32(8), article number: 2030005. (10.1142/S0129055X20300058)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2020. Spectral measures for G2 II: finite subgroups. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 32(8), article number: 2050026. (10.1142/S0129055X20500269)
- Bratteli, T. et al. 2020. Ola Bratteli and his diagrams. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 67(5), pp. 665-675. (10.1090/noti2085)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2017. Non-unitary fusion categories and their doubles via endomorphisms. Advances in Mathematics 310, pp. 1-43. (10.1016/j.aim.2017.01.015)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. . 2016. Spectral measures associated to rank two Lie groups and finite subgroups of GL(2,Z). Communications in Mathematical Physics 343, pp. 811-850. (10.1007/s00220-015-2434-5)
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- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2014. Near-group fusion categories and their doubles. Advances in Mathematics 255, pp. 586-640. (10.1016/j.aim.2013.12.014)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2013. Modular invariants and twisted equivariant K-theory II: Dynkin diagram symmetries. Journal of K-theory: K-theory and its Applications to Algebra, Geometry, and Topology 12(2), pp. 273-330. (10.1017/is013003008jkt221)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2013. Braided subfactors, spectral measures, planar algebras and Calabi-Yau algebras associated to SU(3) modular invariants. Presented at: EU - NCG 4: EU - NCG 4th Annual Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 25-30 April 2011 Presented at Popescu, I. and Purice, R. eds.Progress in Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry, and their Applications: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the European Noncommutative Geometry Network. pp. 17-60.
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2012. The Nakayama Automorphism of the almost Calabi-Yau Algebras associated to SU(3) modular invariants. Communications in Mathematical Physics 312(1), pp. 179-222. (10.1007/s00220-011-1389-4)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2012. On the homology of almost Calabi-Yau algebras associated to su(3) modular invariants. Journal of Algebra 368, pp. 92-125. (10.1016/j.jalgebra.2012.06.011)
- Evans, D. E. and Pinto, P. 2012. Subfactor realization of modular invariants: II. International Journal of Mathematics 23(3), article number: 1250030. (10.1142/S0129167X12500309)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2012. The search for the exotic - subfactors and conformal field theories. Presented at: ISAAC 2011 - 8th International Congress, Moscow, Russia, 22-27 August 2011 Presented at Burenkov, V. I. et al. eds.Progress in Analysis". Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications, and Computation (22-27 August 2011), Vol. 1. Moscow: Moscow Peoples' Friendship University of Russia pp. 8-25.
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2011. A(2)-planar algebras II: Planar modules. Journal of Functional Analysis 261(7), pp. 1923-1954. (10.1016/j.jfa.2011.05.023)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2011. Spectral Measures and Generating Series for Nimrep Graphs in Subfactor Theory II: SU(3). Communications in Mathematical Physics 301(3), pp. 771-809. (10.1007/s00220-010-1157-x)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2011. The exoticness and realisability of twisted Haagerup-Izumi modular data. Communications in Mathematical Physics 307(2), pp. 463-512. (10.1007/s00220-011-1329-3)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2010. Spectral measures and generating series for Nimrep graphs in subfactor theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics 295(2), pp. 363-413. (10.1007/s00220-009-0902-5)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2010. A2-planar algebras I. Quantum Topology 1(4), pp. 321-377. (10.4171/QT/8)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2009. SU(3)-Goodman-De La Harpe-Jones Subfactors and the Realization of SU(3) Modular Invariants. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 21(7), pp. 877-928. (10.1142/S0129055X09003761)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2009. Modular invariants and twisted equivariant K-theory. Communications in Number Theory and Physics 3(2), pp. 209-296. (10.4310/CNTP.2009.v3.n2.a1)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2009. Ocneanu cells and Boltzmann weights for the SU(3) ADE graphs. Munster Journal of Mathematics 2, pp. 94-142.
- Evans, D. E. 2007. From Ising to Haagerup. Markov Processes and Related Fields 13(2), pp. 267-287.
- Evans, D. E. 2006. Twisted K-theory and modular invariants: I Quantum doubles of finite groups. Presented at: Proceedings of the First Abel Symposium, Oslo, Norway.
- Evans, D. and Pinto, P. 2006. Modular invariants and the double of the Haagerup subfactor. In: Boca, F. et al. eds. Advances in operator algebras and mathematical physics., Vol. 8. Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics Vol. 5. Bucharest: Theta Foundation, pp. 67-88.
- Tucker, J. V. and Evans, D. E. 2006. Science Academy - the case for a new Welsh Academy. The Welsh Agenda, Institute for Welsh Affairs Summer, pp. 37-38.
- Evans, D. E. 2005. Modular invariant partition functions in statistical mechanics, conformal field theory and their realisation by subfactors. Presented at: XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 July – 2 August 2003 Presented at Zambrini, J. C. ed.XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing pp. 464-475., (10.1142/9789812704016_0045)
- Behrend, R. E. and Evans, D. E. 2004. Integrable lattice models for conjugate An(1). Journal of Physics A Mathematical and General 37(8), pp. 2937-2947. (10.1088/0305-4470/37/8/006)
- Evans, D. E. and Pinto, P. R. 2003. Subfactor realisation of modular invariants. Communications in mathematical physics 237(1-2), pp. 309-363. (10.1007/s00220-003-0862-0)
- Evans, D. E. 2003. Critical phenomena, modular invariants and operator algebras. Presented at: Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Constanta, Romania, July 2001 Presented at Combes, J. M. et al. eds.Operator algebras and mathematical physics. Bucharest: Theta Foundation pp. 89-113.
- Evans, D. E. 2002. Fusion rules of modular invariants. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 14(7 & 8), pp. 709-731. (10.1142/S0129055X02001351)
- Böckenhauer, J. M., Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2001. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University 37(1), pp. 1-35. (10.2977/prims/1145476688)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 2000. Modular invariants from subfactors. Contemporary Mathematics, pp. 95-131.
- Boeckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 2000. Modular invariants and subfactors. Fields Institute Communications 30, pp. 11-37.
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 2000. Modular invariants from subfactors: type I coupling matrices and intermediate subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 213(2), pp. 267-289. (10.1007/s002200000241)
- Böckenhauer, J., Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2000. Chiral structure of modular invariants for subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 210(3), pp. 733-784. (10.1007/s002200050798)
- Bratteli, O., Evans, D. E. and Jorgensen, P. E. 2000. Compactly supported wavelets and representations of the Cuntz relations. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 8(2), pp. 166-196. (10.1006/acha.2000.0283)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 1999. Modular invariants, graphs and α-Induction for nets of subfactors. III. Communications in Mathematical Physics 205(1), pp. 183-228. (10.1007/s002200050673)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 1999. Modular invariants, graphs and α-induction for nets of subfactors. II. Communications in Mathematical Physics 200(1), pp. 57-103. (10.1007/s002200050523)
- Böckenhauer, J., Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 1999. On α-induction, chiral generators and modular invariants for subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 208(2), pp. 429-487. (10.1007/s002200050765)
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- Bratteli, O., Elliott, G., Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1998. Homotopy of a pair of approximately commuting unitaries in a simple C*-algebra. Journal of Functional Analysis 160(2), pp. 466-523. (10.1006/jfan.1998.3261)
- Elliott, G., Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1998. Outer conjugacy classes of trace scaling automorphisms of stable UHF algebras. Mathematica Scandinavica 83, pp. 74-86.
- Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 1998. Orbifold subfactors from Hecke algebras II - Quantum doubles and braiding. Communications in Mathematical Physics 196(2), pp. 331-361. (10.1007/s002200050424)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 1998. Modular invariants, graphs and a-induction for nets of subfactors I. Communications in Mathematical Physics 197(2), pp. 361-386. (10.1007/s002200050455)
- Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1997. Trace scaling automorphisms of certain stable AF algebra. Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics 26(1), pp. 211-224.
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- Evans, D. and Pugh, M. 2024. Spectral measures for Sp(2). Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 5, pp. 2249-2305. (10.4310/PAMQ.2023.v19.n5.a1)
- Evans, D. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2023. Subfactors and mathematical physics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 60(4), pp. 459-482. (10.1090/bull/1799)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2023. Tambara-Yamagami, loop groups, bundles and KK-theory. Advances in Mathematics 421, article number: 109002. (10.1016/j.aim.2023.109002)
- Evans, D. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher Dixmier-Douady theory for circle actions on UHF-algebras. Advances in Mathematics 410(Part B), article number: 108745. (10.1016/j.aim.2022.108745)
- Evans, D. 2022. Sir Vaughan Jones. 31 December 1952—6 September 2020. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 73, pp. 333-356. (10.1098/rsbm.2021.0051)
- Evans, D. E. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher twisted K-theory of SU(n) for exponential functor twists. Journal of Topology 15(2), pp. 896-949. (10.1112/topo.12219)
- Evans, D. and Gannon, T. 2022. Reconstruction and local extensions for twisted group doubles, and permutation orbifolds. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375, pp. 2789-2726. (10.1090/tran/8575)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. 2021. Classification of module categories for SO(3)_{2m}. Advances in Mathematics 384, article number: 107713. (10.1016/j.aim.2021.107713)
- Aaserud, A. N. and Evans, D. E. 2020. Realizing the braided Temperley-Lieb-Jones C*-tensor categories as Hilbert C*-modules. Communications in Mathematical Physics 380, pp. 103-130. (10.1007/s00220-020-03729-w)
- Aaserud, A. and Evans, D. 2020. K-theory of AF-algebras from braided C*-tensor categories. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 32(8), article number: 2030005. (10.1142/S0129055X20300058)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2020. Spectral measures for G2 II: finite subgroups. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 32(8), article number: 2050026. (10.1142/S0129055X20500269)
- Bratteli, T. et al. 2020. Ola Bratteli and his diagrams. Notices of the American Mathematical Society 67(5), pp. 665-675. (10.1090/noti2085)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2017. Non-unitary fusion categories and their doubles via endomorphisms. Advances in Mathematics 310, pp. 1-43. (10.1016/j.aim.2017.01.015)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. . 2016. Spectral measures associated to rank two Lie groups and finite subgroups of GL(2,Z). Communications in Mathematical Physics 343, pp. 811-850. (10.1007/s00220-015-2434-5)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. 2015. Spectral measures for G2. Communications in Mathematical Physics 337, pp. 1161-1197. (10.1007/s00220-015-2293-0)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2014. Near-group fusion categories and their doubles. Advances in Mathematics 255, pp. 586-640. (10.1016/j.aim.2013.12.014)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2013. Modular invariants and twisted equivariant K-theory II: Dynkin diagram symmetries. Journal of K-theory: K-theory and its Applications to Algebra, Geometry, and Topology 12(2), pp. 273-330. (10.1017/is013003008jkt221)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2012. The Nakayama Automorphism of the almost Calabi-Yau Algebras associated to SU(3) modular invariants. Communications in Mathematical Physics 312(1), pp. 179-222. (10.1007/s00220-011-1389-4)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2012. On the homology of almost Calabi-Yau algebras associated to su(3) modular invariants. Journal of Algebra 368, pp. 92-125. (10.1016/j.jalgebra.2012.06.011)
- Evans, D. E. and Pinto, P. 2012. Subfactor realization of modular invariants: II. International Journal of Mathematics 23(3), article number: 1250030. (10.1142/S0129167X12500309)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2011. A(2)-planar algebras II: Planar modules. Journal of Functional Analysis 261(7), pp. 1923-1954. (10.1016/j.jfa.2011.05.023)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2011. Spectral Measures and Generating Series for Nimrep Graphs in Subfactor Theory II: SU(3). Communications in Mathematical Physics 301(3), pp. 771-809. (10.1007/s00220-010-1157-x)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2011. The exoticness and realisability of twisted Haagerup-Izumi modular data. Communications in Mathematical Physics 307(2), pp. 463-512. (10.1007/s00220-011-1329-3)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2010. Spectral measures and generating series for Nimrep graphs in subfactor theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics 295(2), pp. 363-413. (10.1007/s00220-009-0902-5)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2010. A2-planar algebras I. Quantum Topology 1(4), pp. 321-377. (10.4171/QT/8)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2009. SU(3)-Goodman-De La Harpe-Jones Subfactors and the Realization of SU(3) Modular Invariants. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 21(7), pp. 877-928. (10.1142/S0129055X09003761)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2009. Modular invariants and twisted equivariant K-theory. Communications in Number Theory and Physics 3(2), pp. 209-296. (10.4310/CNTP.2009.v3.n2.a1)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2009. Ocneanu cells and Boltzmann weights for the SU(3) ADE graphs. Munster Journal of Mathematics 2, pp. 94-142.
- Evans, D. E. 2007. From Ising to Haagerup. Markov Processes and Related Fields 13(2), pp. 267-287.
- Tucker, J. V. and Evans, D. E. 2006. Science Academy - the case for a new Welsh Academy. The Welsh Agenda, Institute for Welsh Affairs Summer, pp. 37-38.
- Behrend, R. E. and Evans, D. E. 2004. Integrable lattice models for conjugate An(1). Journal of Physics A Mathematical and General 37(8), pp. 2937-2947. (10.1088/0305-4470/37/8/006)
- Evans, D. E. and Pinto, P. R. 2003. Subfactor realisation of modular invariants. Communications in mathematical physics 237(1-2), pp. 309-363. (10.1007/s00220-003-0862-0)
- Evans, D. E. 2002. Fusion rules of modular invariants. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 14(7 & 8), pp. 709-731. (10.1142/S0129055X02001351)
- Böckenhauer, J. M., Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2001. Longo-Rehren subfactors arising from alpha-induction. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University 37(1), pp. 1-35. (10.2977/prims/1145476688)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 2000. Modular invariants from subfactors. Contemporary Mathematics, pp. 95-131.
- Boeckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 2000. Modular invariants and subfactors. Fields Institute Communications 30, pp. 11-37.
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 2000. Modular invariants from subfactors: type I coupling matrices and intermediate subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 213(2), pp. 267-289. (10.1007/s002200000241)
- Böckenhauer, J., Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2000. Chiral structure of modular invariants for subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 210(3), pp. 733-784. (10.1007/s002200050798)
- Bratteli, O., Evans, D. E. and Jorgensen, P. E. 2000. Compactly supported wavelets and representations of the Cuntz relations. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 8(2), pp. 166-196. (10.1006/acha.2000.0283)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 1999. Modular invariants, graphs and α-Induction for nets of subfactors. III. Communications in Mathematical Physics 205(1), pp. 183-228. (10.1007/s002200050673)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 1999. Modular invariants, graphs and α-induction for nets of subfactors. II. Communications in Mathematical Physics 200(1), pp. 57-103. (10.1007/s002200050523)
- Böckenhauer, J., Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 1999. On α-induction, chiral generators and modular invariants for subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 208(2), pp. 429-487. (10.1007/s002200050765)
- Bratteli, O., Elliott, G., Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1998. Homotopy of a pair of approximately commuting unitaries in a simple C*-algebra. Journal of Functional Analysis 160(2), pp. 466-523. (10.1006/jfan.1998.3261)
- Elliott, G., Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1998. Outer conjugacy classes of trace scaling automorphisms of stable UHF algebras. Mathematica Scandinavica 83, pp. 74-86.
- Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 1998. Orbifold subfactors from Hecke algebras II - Quantum doubles and braiding. Communications in Mathematical Physics 196(2), pp. 331-361. (10.1007/s002200050424)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 1998. Modular invariants, graphs and a-induction for nets of subfactors I. Communications in Mathematical Physics 197(2), pp. 361-386. (10.1007/s002200050455)
- Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1997. Trace scaling automorphisms of certain stable AF algebra. Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics 26(1), pp. 211-224.
- Bratteli, O., Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1995. The Rohlin property for quasi-free automorphisms of the Fermion algebra. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society s3-71(3), pp. 675-694. (10.1112/plms/s3-71.3.675)
- Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 1994. The E7 commuting squares produce D10 as principal graph. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 30(1), pp. 151-166. (10.2977/prims/1195166280)
- Bratteli, O., Elliott, G. A., Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1994. Finite group actions on AF algebras obtained by folding the interval. K-Theory 8(5), pp. 443-464. (10.1007/BF00961400)
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Book sections
- Evans, D. and Pinto, P. 2006. Modular invariants and the double of the Haagerup subfactor. In: Boca, F. et al. eds. Advances in operator algebras and mathematical physics., Vol. 8. Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics Vol. 5. Bucharest: Theta Foundation, pp. 67-88.
- Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 1998. Quantum symmetries on operator algebras. Oxford Mathematical Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Evans, D. E. and Lewis, J. T. 1977. Dilations of irreversible evolutions in algebraic quantum theory. Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Series A: Theoretical Physics Vol. 24. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.
- Evans, D. 2015. Subfactors, twisted equivariant K-theory and conformal field theory.. Presented at: Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory, MFO Oberwolfach, 22-28 March 2015 Presented at Bisch, D. et al. eds.Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 12. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach: pp. 849-926., (10.14760/OWR-2015-16)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. J. 2013. Braided subfactors, spectral measures, planar algebras and Calabi-Yau algebras associated to SU(3) modular invariants. Presented at: EU - NCG 4: EU - NCG 4th Annual Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 25-30 April 2011 Presented at Popescu, I. and Purice, R. eds.Progress in Operator Algebras, Noncommutative Geometry, and their Applications: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the European Noncommutative Geometry Network. pp. 17-60.
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2012. The search for the exotic - subfactors and conformal field theories. Presented at: ISAAC 2011 - 8th International Congress, Moscow, Russia, 22-27 August 2011 Presented at Burenkov, V. I. et al. eds.Progress in Analysis". Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Society for Analysis, its Applications, and Computation (22-27 August 2011), Vol. 1. Moscow: Moscow Peoples' Friendship University of Russia pp. 8-25.
- Evans, D. E. 2006. Twisted K-theory and modular invariants: I Quantum doubles of finite groups. Presented at: Proceedings of the First Abel Symposium, Oslo, Norway.
- Evans, D. E. 2005. Modular invariant partition functions in statistical mechanics, conformal field theory and their realisation by subfactors. Presented at: XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 28 July – 2 August 2003 Presented at Zambrini, J. C. ed.XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing pp. 464-475., (10.1142/9789812704016_0045)
- Evans, D. E. 2003. Critical phenomena, modular invariants and operator algebras. Presented at: Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Constanta, Romania, July 2001 Presented at Combes, J. M. et al. eds.Operator algebras and mathematical physics. Bucharest: Theta Foundation pp. 89-113.
- Evans, D. E. and Carey, A. L. 1988. The operator algebras of the two dimensional Ising model. Presented at: Braids, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, August 1987.
- Evans, D. E. 1980. A review on semigroups of completely positive maps. Presented at: Congress of the International Association of Mathematical Physics, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 1979Proceeding of Conference of International Assoc. of Math. Physics. pp. 400-406.
- Evans, D. E. and Jones, C. 2024. Quantum symmetries of noncommutative tori. [Online]. arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2404.14466) Available at:
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. 2015. Spectral measures for Sp(2). [Online]. arXiv. Available at:
- Evans, D. E. and Jones, C. 2024. Quantum symmetries of noncommutative tori. [Online]. arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2404.14466) Available at:
- Evans, D. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2023. Subfactors and mathematical physics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 60(4), pp. 459-482. (10.1090/bull/1799)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2023. Tambara-Yamagami, loop groups, bundles and KK-theory. Advances in Mathematics 421, article number: 109002. (10.1016/j.aim.2023.109002)
- Evans, D. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher Dixmier-Douady theory for circle actions on UHF-algebras. Advances in Mathematics 410(Part B), article number: 108745. (10.1016/j.aim.2022.108745)
- Evans, D. E. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher twisted K-theory of SU(n) for exponential functor twists. Journal of Topology 15(2), pp. 896-949. (10.1112/topo.12219)
- Evans, D. and Gannon, T. 2022. Reconstruction and local extensions for twisted group doubles, and permutation orbifolds. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 375, pp. 2789-2726. (10.1090/tran/8575)
- Evans, D. E. and Pugh, M. 2021. Classification of module categories for SO(3)_{2m}. Advances in Mathematics 384, article number: 107713. (10.1016/j.aim.2021.107713)
- Aaserud, A. N. and Evans, D. E. 2020. Realizing the braided Temperley-Lieb-Jones C*-tensor categories as Hilbert C*-modules. Communications in Mathematical Physics 380, pp. 103-130. (10.1007/s00220-020-03729-w)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2017. Non-unitary fusion categories and their doubles via endomorphisms. Advances in Mathematics 310, pp. 1-43. (10.1016/j.aim.2017.01.015)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2014. Near-group fusion categories and their doubles. Advances in Mathematics 255, pp. 586-640. (10.1016/j.aim.2013.12.014)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2013. Modular invariants and twisted equivariant K-theory II: Dynkin diagram symmetries. Journal of K-theory: K-theory and its Applications to Algebra, Geometry, and Topology 12(2), pp. 273-330. (10.1017/is013003008jkt221)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2011. The exoticness and realisability of twisted Haagerup-Izumi modular data. Communications in Mathematical Physics 307(2), pp. 463-512. (10.1007/s00220-011-1329-3)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2009. Modular invariants and twisted equivariant K-theory. Communications in Number Theory and Physics 3(2), pp. 209-296. (10.4310/CNTP.2009.v3.n2.a1)
- Böckenhauer, J. and Evans, D. E. 2000. Modular invariants from subfactors: type I coupling matrices and intermediate subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 213(2), pp. 267-289. (10.1007/s002200000241)
- Böckenhauer, J., Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2000. Chiral structure of modular invariants for subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 210(3), pp. 733-784. (10.1007/s002200050798)
- Böckenhauer, J., Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 1999. On α-induction, chiral generators and modular invariants for subfactors. Communications in Mathematical Physics 208(2), pp. 429-487. (10.1007/s002200050765)
- Evans, D. E. and Kawahigashi, Y. 1998. Quantum symmetries on operator algebras. Oxford Mathematical Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1997. Trace scaling automorphisms of certain stable AF algebra. Hokkaido Journal of Mathematics 26(1), pp. 211-224.
- Elliott, G. and Evans, D. E. 1993. The structure of the irrational rotation C*-algebra. Annals of Mathematics 138(3), pp. 477-501.
- Evans, D. E. and Kishimoto, A. 1991. Compact group actions on UHF algebras obtained by folding the interval. Journal of Functional Analysis 98(2), pp. 346-360. (10.1016/0022-1236(91)90082-G)
- Connes, A. and Evans, D. E. 1989. Embeddings of U(1)-current algebras in non-commutative algebras of classical statistical mechanics. Communications in Mathematical Physics 121(3), pp. 507-525. (10.1007/BF01217736)
- Evans, D. E. and Lewis, J. T. 1986. On a C*-algebra approach to phase transition in the two-dimensional Ising model. II. Communications in Mathematical Physics 102(4), pp. 521-535. (10.1007/BF01221645)
- Araki, H. and Evans, D. E. 1983. On a C*-algebra approach to phase transition in the two-dimensional Ising model. Communications in Mathematical Physics 91(4), pp. 489-503. (10.1007/BF01206017)
- Evans, D. E. and Hanche-Olsen, H. 1979. The generators of positive semigroups. Journal of Functional Analysis 32(2), pp. 207-212. (10.1016/0022-1236(79)90054-5)
- Christensen, E. and Evans, D. E. 1979. Cohomology of operator algebras and quantum dynamical semigroups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society s2-20(2), pp. 358-368. (10.1112/jlms/s2-20.2.358)
- Evans, D. E. and Lewis, J. T. 1977. Dilations of irreversible evolutions in algebraic quantum theory. Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Series A: Theoretical Physics Vol. 24. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.
Diddordebau ymchwil
Mae David E Evans wedi cyhoeddi gyda Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, monograff Symmetries Cwantwm ar Algebras Gweithredwr - agweddau cyfuniadol a chorfforol algebras gweithredwyr (Gweler yma am y rhestr o ddiweddariadau / cywiriadau). Mae hyn yn barhad o waith Evans yn ei gydweithrediadau blaenorol gydag Araki a Lewis ar ddull C *-algebra o drawsnewid cyfnod yn y model Ising dau ddimensiwn. Mae gan Evans ddiddordebau hefyd yn yr astudiaeth o amenable C*-algebras gan K- anifeiliad theoretig neu topolegol, e.e. mynegiant meidraidd yn galluogi C syml *- algebras fel terfyn anwythol blociau adeiladu symlach - mynegodd Elliott ac Evans yr algebra cylchdro afresymol fel terfynau anwythol o algebrai cylch. Ceir llawer o gyfnewid syniadau o isffactorau anghydnaws ac amenable C*-algebras yn y gwaith hwn (e.e. trwy syniadau cyffredin o nodweddion orbifolds a Rokhlin o awtomorffeddau). Mae gwaith diweddar wedi canolbwyntio ar astudio swyddogaethau rhaniad invariant modiwlaidd trwy isffactorau a chydbwysedd twisted K-theory – yr olaf yw rhaglen ymchwil gyda Terry Gannon.
- MathsSciNet (Byddwch yn ymwybodol bod chwiliad MathSciNet ond yn bosibl os ydych chi'n cyrchu'r dudalen hon o sefydliad sydd â thanysgrifiad MathSciNet.)
- Proffil Google Scholar
- Fy Papurau Arvisx
Sgyrsiau Fideo
- Isffactorau ac Agweddau Algebraidd ar Theori Maes Cwantwm, MSRI Berkeley Rhagfyr 2000
Fideo: Invariants modiwlaidd o Subfactors - Theori Maes Cwantwm algebraidd – y 50 Mlynedd Cyntaf, Gotingen Gorffennaf 2009
Fideo: Algebras Gweithredwr: Effaith AQFT ar Isffactorau a K-theory - Gweithdy Shanks "Theori Maes Ffurfiol ac Algebras von Neumann, Vanderbilt, Hydref 2011.
Fideo: Chwilio am yr egsotig - isffactorau a damcaniaethau maes cydffurfiol - Isffactorau a Categorïau Cyfuno, BIRS, Banff, Ebrill 2014
Fideo: Dyblau Cwantwm Systemau Quadratig I - K-theori Algebras Gweithredwr, Orbifolds, a Theor Maes Cydymffurfioly, PLS Harvard, 29 Medi 2020
Quantum Symmetries ar Operator Algebras gyda Yasuyuki Kawahigashi a gyhoeddwyd gan Oxford University Press. Dyma'r Diweddariadau/Cywiriadau i'r gyfrol a rhai adolygiadau drwy:
- Vaughan Jones - Cymdeithas Mathemategol America
- Carl Winslow - Adolygiadau Mathemategol
- W. Slowikowski - Zentralblatt
- Palle Jorgensen - Amazon
Cyfrifoldebau Ymchwil ers 2000
- Cyd-drefnydd gyda S.L.Woronowicz sesiwn ar Algebras Gweithredwr a Geometreg Di-gymudol, Cyngres Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Mathemateg. Ffiseg, Llundain, Gorffennaf 2000
- Aelod o Bwyllgor Trefnu Gwyddonol gweithdy ar Amrywiant Modiwlaidd, ADE, Isffactorau, a Geometreg Mannau Modiwlaidd, Kyoto, Tachwedd 2000
- Aelod o Bwyllgor Llywio Canolfan Ymchwil Mathemateg Prifysgol Warwick, 2000-2005
- Cydlynydd Rhwydwaith EPSRC ABC-KLM ar Geometreg algebraidd, Theori Maes Cydffurfiol Ffiniau a Geometreg Amgymudol, 2001-2004
- Cydlynydd Rhwydwaith yr UE mewn Mannau Cwantwm-Geometreg Digymmudol, 2002-6
- Cyd-drefnydd cyfarfod rhanbarthol LMS ar Ffiseg Fathemategol, Gregynog, Tachwedd 2002
- Cadeirydd, Pwyllgor Llywio Sefydliad y Gwyddorau Mathemategol a Chyfrifiannol Cymru 2002-2005
- Cydlynydd Clwstwr Ffiseg Fathemategol, Sefydliad Gwyddorau Mathemategol a Chyfrifiannol Cymru, 2007-2011
- Cydgysylltydd Rhwydwaith yr UE mewn Geometreg Amhersonol, 2007-2011
- Trefnydd Rhwydwaith Hyfforddiant Ymchwil yr UE Semester ar Geometreg a Ffiseg Amgymudol, Chwefror - Gorffennaf 2010
- Trefnydd LMS Spitalfields yn cyfarfod ar Geometreg a Ffiseg Amgymudol, Caerdydd, Mai 2010
- Trefnydd cyfarfod rhanbarthol LMS ar Algebras Gweithredwr a Ffiseg Fathemategol, Caerdydd, Mehefin 2010
- Trefnydd Darlith Frontiers gyntaf Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, Caerdydd, Gorffennaf 2010 gan Dan Voiculescu a darlithoedd dilynol gan Syr Michael Atiyah (2011), Alain Connes and Lyn Evans (2012), Syr Vaughan Jones (2013)
- Cyd-drefnydd, gyda Nigel Higson a Shahn Majid o Sefydliad Newton - WIMCS yn cyfarfod ar Geometreg Amgymudol, Caerdydd Ebrill 2012
- Cadeirydd Pwyllgor Gwyddonol Cyfarfod XXth Oporto ar Geometreg a Ffiseg, Gorffennaf 2012
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Trefnu Gwyddonol, Gweithdy ar Theori Mesur a Geometreg Amgymudol, Mehefin 2012, Lwcsembwrg
- Aelod o Bwyllgor Cynghori Gwyddonol LMS Cyfarfod Rhanbarthol a Gweithdy ar Cymesureddau Tebygolrwydd Cwantwm, Aberystwyth, Medi 2012
- Adolygydd ar gyfer Cyngor Cenedlaethol Ymchwil Gwyddonol Rwmania ar gyfer Galwad Genedlaethol 2012
- Aelod o'r Panel Penodiadau ar gyfer Athro Cyswllt Accenture mewn Mathemateg, Coleg y Drindod Dulyn 2013
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Craffu ar gyfer Mathemateg, Cyfrifiadureg ac Ystadegau ar gyfer Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru 2011-13
- Aelod o Gyngor Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, 2014-17.
- Prif drefnydd Rhaglen Sefydliad Newton ar Algebras Gweithredwr: Isffactorau a Chymwysiadau, Ionawr-Mehefin 2017.
Cyllid allanol ers 2000
- Cymrodoriaeth y Gymdeithas Frenhinol-NATO ar gyfer Dr Sergey Neshveyev (Kharkov) 2001
- Uwch Gymrodoriaeth Ymweld EPSRC ar gyfer yr Athro F. Radulescu (Iowa) 2000/03 GR/M87896
- Cyfarfod Rhanbarthol LMS – Cymru – 2002
- LMS Ymweliad V Manuilov, Rhagfyr 2003
- Rhwydwaith TMR UE 2002-2006
- Uwch Gymrodoriaeth Ymweld EPSRC ar gyfer yr Athro T. Gannon (Edmonton) 2004-2006 GR/580592/01
- Rhwydwaith Hyfforddiant Ymchwil yr UE mewn Geometreg Amherthnasol EU-NCG gyda phartneriaid Bucharest, CNRS, Copenhagen, Dulyn, ESI Fienna, Leuven, Munster, Odense, Oslo a Rhufain
- Rhwydwaith ABC-klm EPSRC mewn Geometreg Algebraidd, Theori Maes Cydffurfiol Ffiniau a Geometreg Amgymudol. GR/R36596/01
- Cynllun Gwobrau Cydweithredol LMS 3 gydag Aberystwyth ac Abertawe, 2008-09
- Cyfarfod LMS Spitalfields, 2010
- Cyfarfod a Gweithdy Rhanbarthol LMS, 2010
- Gwobr EPSRC ar is-ffactor Haagerup, theori K-theori a theori maes cydffurfiol, EP/J003352/1 2012-15
- EPSRC 2016-19 EP/N022432/1
Sgyrsiau cynhadledd fawr ers 2004
- Gweithdy ar Gategorïau Tenor mewn Mathemateg a Ffiseg, Sefydliad Erwin Schrodinger, Fienna, Mehefin 2004
- Symposiwm Clai ar K-theori a Geometreg Di-gymudol, Institut Henri Poincare, Canolfan Emil Borel, Paris, Gorffennaf 2004
- Gweithdy CMS / AMSI ar Geometreg gweithredwyr Dirac cyffredinol, Canberra, Awst 2004.
- Symposiwm Abel ar Algebras Gweithredydd, Oslo, Medi 2004
- Symposiwm yn anrhydeddu cof am Gert K. Pedersen, Copenhagen, Mai 2005
- Cynhadledd i anrhydeddu cof y diweddar J. T. Lewis, ei gyfraniadau i fathemateg a'i chymwysiadau, Dulyn, Mehefin 2005
- Cynhadledd ryngwladol ar Algebras Gweithredwr a'u cysylltiadau â Ffiseg Fathemategol, Settat, Moroco, Tachwedd-Rhagfyr 2005
- Gweithredydd Algebras a Chymwysiadau, Prifysgol De Denmarc, Odense, Ebrill 2006
- Cynhadledd Ryngwladol 21ain ar Theori Gweithredwr, Timisoara, Mehefin-Gorffennaf 2006
- Cyfarfod Algebras Gweithredwr Brasil, Florianopolis, Brasil Gorffennaf 2006
- Algebras Gweithredwr, Theori Gweithredwr a Chymwysiadau (WOAT 2006), Ysgol Haf Ryngwladol a Gweithdy, Lisbon, Medi 2006
- Pynciau ar Algebras von Neumann, BIRS, Banff, Medi 2006
- Tebygolrwydd am ddim, Gofod Gweithredwr ac algebras von Neuman, Sibiu, Romania 9-16 Mehefin 2007
- Gweithdy ar Ddeinamig a Chymwysiadau Digymdeithiol, Sefydliad Fields, 16-20 Gorffennaf 2007
- Gweithdy ar Geometreg Amgymudol, Copenhagen, 25-29 Chwefror 2008
- Cyfarfod Blynyddol yr UE-NCG, Dulyn, 16-20 Mehefin 2008
- Algebras Gweithredwr a Theori Maes Cydymffurfio, ESI Vienna, 8-19 Medi 2008
- Gwladwriaethau KMS a geometreg anghymudol, PIMS, Victoria, Canada, 19 Mehefin - 10 Gorffennaf 2009
- QFT algebraidd - y 50 mlynedd cyntaf, Gottingen, Gorffennaf 29 - 31, 2009
- Gweithdy ar Agweddau Algebraidd a Thopolegol o D-branes, Prifysgol Wurzburg, yr Almaen, Rhagfyr 17 - 18, 2009
- Rhaglen ESI ar Bialgebra mewn Tebygolrwydd Rhydd, Sefydliad Schrodinger Vienna. Chwefror 2011
- ISAAC 8fed Gyngres Ryngwladol, Moscow, Awst 2011
- Shanks Gweithdy ar algebras Von Neumann a theori maes cydffurfiol, Hydref 2011
- Gweithredwr Algebras a Chymwysiadau , Settat, Moroco, 1-5 Tachwedd 2011
- Cynhadledd ar Algebras von Neumann a Phynciau Cysylltiedig RIMS, Prifysgol Kyoto, Japan. Ionawr 2012
- Y Degfed Sefydliad Gwanwyn Blynyddol Geometreg Anghymudol ac Algebras Gweithredydd, Prifysgol Vanderbilt, Nashville, Tennessee, UDA, 4-10 Mai 2012
- Rhaglen ar K-theori a Meysydd Cwantwm, Sefydliad Erwin Schrodinger, Fienna, Gorffennaf 2012
- Colocwiwm Rhyngwladol XXIX ar Ddulliau Grŵp-Damcaniaethol mewn Ffiseg, Sefydliad Mathemateg Chern, Tianjin, Tsieina, 20-26 Awst 2012
- Diwrnod Heilbronn: Ffurfiau modiwlaidd, geometreg a ffiseg, ICMS Edinburgh, 23 Tachwedd 2012
- COSy 2013 - Symposiwm Canada ar Algebras Gweithredwr a'u Cymwysiadau, Sefydliad Fields, Toronto, Canada, 27-31 Mai 2013
- Is-ffactorau ym Maui 2013, Hawaii, 15-19 Gorffennaf 2013
- Dosbarthu Strwythurau ar gyfer Algebrai Gweithredwyr a Systemau Dynamig, Aberystwyth, Cymru, 16-20 Medi 2013
- C*-algebras yn yr Alban, Aberdeen, Yr Alban, 26 Hydref 2013
- Cyfarfod Myfyrwyr Graddedigion, LMS 15 Tachwedd 2013, sleidiau a mwy orbifolds
- Isffactorau a Categorïau Cyfuno, BIRS Banff 13-18 Ebrill 2014
- NCGOA14, Isffactorwyr, Theori Maes Ffurfiol ac Algebras Gweithredwr Vertecs, Vanderbilt UDA, 2-8 Mai 2014
- Theori Subfactor mewn Mathemateg a Ffiseg, Maui, Hawaii, 14-18 Gorffennaf 2014
- Isffactorau a Theori Maes Cydymffurfio, Oberwolfach, 22-28 Mawrth 2015
- Erikfest: Cynhadledd ar Algebra a Chymwysiadau Gweithredwr, Copenhagen, 4-8 Mai 2015
- Grwpiau Celwydd, Lie Algebras a'u Cynrychioliadau, Prifysgol Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 16-17 Mai, 2015
- Cynhadledd Gwyddorau Mathemategol George Boole, Cork, Iwerddon, 17-28 Awst 2015
- Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr Kansai, Kinosaki, Japan, 12-13 Rhagfyr 2015
- Algebras Gweithredwr MSJ-SI a Ffiseg Fathemategol, Prifysgol Tohoku, Japan, 1-12 Awst 2016
- Gweithdy Daneg-Norwyaidd ar Algebras Gweithredwr, Lysebu, Oslo, 5-8 Ionawr 2017
- Datblygiadau mewn Mathemateg a Ffiseg Ddamcaniaethol, Palazzo Corsini, Accademia dei Lincei, Rhufain, 19-22 Medi 2017
- Cynnydd Cyfredol mewn Ffiseg Fathemategol, Harvard, 10-12 Rhagfyr 2018
- Mathemateg o fodelau QFT sy'n rhyngweithio, Efrog, 1-5 Gorffennaf 2019
- Symposiwm Nankai ar Ddeialogau Mathemategol, 2-13 Awst 2021
- O is-ffactorau i dopoleg cwantwm - Er Cof am Vaughan Jones, Geneva, 27 Mehefin - 1 Gorffennaf 2022
- Gweithdy dilynol i TP von Neumann Algebras, Sefydliad Ymchwil Hausdorff, Bonn, 29 Awst – 2 Medi 2022
- Algebras Gweithredwr a Ffiseg Fathemategol (Yasu Festa 60) Tokyo, 24-28 Gorffennaf 2023
- Topoleg Cwantwm, gwybodaeth cwantwm, a chysylltiadau â ffiseg fathemategol, cynhadledd i ddathlu pen-blwydd Arthur Jaffe yn 85 oed, Texas A & M 28 Mai-2 Mehefin 2024
- Theori Gweithredwr 29, Timisoara, Romania, 1-5 Gorffennaf 2024
- Theori Quantum a Theori Gweithredwr QTOT, Huairou, Beijing, 25-30 Awst 2024
- Grwpiau cwantwm, categorïau tensor a theori maes cwantwm, Oslo 14-17 Ionawr 2025
- BA gydag anrhydedd dosbarth cyntaf: Rhydychen 1972
- Msc: Rhydychen 1973
- DPhil: Rhydychen 1975
Prifysgol Rhydychen
- Gwobr Mathemategol Iau, 1972
- Uwch Wobrau Mathemategol a Johnson, 1975
Cymdeithas Mathemategol Llundain
- Gwobr Whitehead 1989
- Etholwyd yn Gymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru yn Etholiad Cyntaf 2010 - 2011
Swyddi a gynhelir
- Hydref 1975 - Awst 1976. Ysgolhaig Ymchwil yn yr Ysgol Ffiseg Ddamcaniaethol, Sefydliad Astudiaethau Uwch Dulyn, Iwerddon.
- Awst 1976 - Awst 1977. Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil yn y Sefydliad Mathemateg, Prifysgol Oslo, Norwy.
- Medi 1977 - Rhagfyr 1977. Athro Cynorthwyol Gwadd yn yr Adran Fathemateg, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, UDA.
- Ionawr 1978 - Ionawr 1979. Cymrawd Ymchwil y Gymdeithas Frenhinol, o dan y Rhaglen Gyfnewid Ewropeaidd, yn y Sefydliad Mathemateg, Prifysgol Copenhagen, Denmarc.
- Ionawr 1979 - Mawrth 1979. Ymweld Cymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol yn yr Adran Fathemateg, Prifysgol Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- Ebrill 1979 - Rhagfyr 1979. Cymrawd Ymchwil SRC yn yr Ysgol Mathemateg, Prifysgol Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
- Ionawr 1980 - Medi 1986. Darlithydd mewn Mathemateg ym Mhrifysgol Warwick.
- Hydref 1986 - Medi 1988. Darllenydd mewn Mathemateg ym Mhrifysgol Warwick.
- Medi 1987 - Ebrill 1998. Athro mewn Mathemateg, Prifysgol Cymru, Abertawe.
- Mai 1998 - 2019. Athro mewn Mathemateg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Medi 2007 - hyd yn hyn. Athro Ymchwil yn Sefydliad Gwyddorau Mathemategol a Chyfrifiannol Cymru
- Chwefror 2020 - hyd yn hyn. Athro Anrhydeddus mewn Mathemateg, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- Ionawr 2024-Rhagfyr 2025. Cymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme.
Safleoedd ymweld
- Hydref 1979 - Rhagfyr 1979. Ymwelydd â Sonderforschungsbereich 123, (Stochastische Mathematische Modelle), ym Mhrifysgol Heidelberg, yr Almaen.
- Awst 1982 - Rhagfyr 1982. Cymrawd Gwadd yn yr Adran Fathemateg, Sefydliad Astudiaethau Uwch, Prifysgol Genedlaethol Awstralia , Canberra, Awstralia.
- Rhagfyr 1982 - Ebrill 1983. Ysgolhaig Gwadd yn Sefydliad Ymchwil ar gyfer Gwyddorau Mathemategol, Prifysgol Kyoto, Japan. Cefnogwyd gan y Gymdeithas Frenhinol.
- Mehefin 1983 - Awst 1983. Cymrawd Ymchwil, Adran Mathemateg, Prifysgol Ottawa, Canada.
- Gorffennaf 1985 - Medi 1985. Ysgolhaig Gwadd yn Sefydliad Ymchwil ar gyfer Gwyddorau Mathemategol , Prifysgol Kyoto, Japan. Cefnogwyd gan SERC.
- Chwefror 1989 - Mai 1989. Aelod gwahoddedig, Sefydliad Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Gorffennaf 1989 - Medi 1989. Cymrawd Gwadd yn y Ganolfan Dadansoddi Mathemategol, Prifysgol Genedlaethol Awstralia, Canberra, Awstralia.
- Medi 1990 - Mai 1991. Athro Gwadd yn Sefydliad Ymchwil ar gyfer Gwyddorau Mathemategol, Prifysgol Kyoto, Japan.
- Chwefror - Ebrill 1999. Cymrawd Gwadd yn y Ganolfan Mathemateg a Chymwysiadau, Prifysgol Genedlaethol Awstralia, Canberra, Awstralia.
- Ionawr - Mehefin 2017. Trefnydd Arweiniol, Algebras Gweithredwr: Isffactorau a Chymwysiadau, Sefydliad Isaac Newton, Prifysgol Caergrawnt
- Septembrer - Hydref 2019 JSPS Cymrawd Gwahoddiadol, Prifysgol Kyoto
- Chwefror - Mai 2020 Yr Athro Ymchwil MSRI Berkeley
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Algebras gweithredwr a dadansoddiad swyddogaethol
- K-Theori
- Ffiseg fathemategol
- Theori Maes Cydymffurfio
- Mecaneg ystadegol