Research summary
Stroke; focus on mood, service provision and psycho-social dimensions.
Teaching summary
Psychology of stroke, quantitative research methods, professional practice in clinical psychology.
Research topics and related papers
Stroke; focus on mood, service provision and psycho-social dimensions.
Principal Investigator. “Mood Screening after Stroke (MoSeS)”. £1.3M. With School of Medicine, Swansea University. Submitted to NIHR, Health Technology Assessment Programme, February 2011.
Lead Investigator MApping Priorities for Stroke Research (MAPSR) . £2.6K Application submitted to Stroke Research Network, January, 2011.
Research group
Older People and Ageing Research and Development Group-Wales (OPAN) . Funded Research Development Group. “Screening for mood after stroke.”
MApping Priorities for Stroke Research (MAPSR) . Subgroup within the Organisation for Psychologists Interested in Stroke Research (OPSYRIS).
Undergraduate education
1969-1972: BA Psychology University of Exeter
Postgraduate education
1972-1976: PhD University of Exeter
1982 – 1986: DipPsych
2008: Honorary Professor, University of Cardiff
2008: Programme Director, South Wales Clinical Psychology Training Programme
2008: NHS Wiltshire; Stroke Rehabilitation
2006 - 2008: Royal United Hospital, Bath; Acute Stroke/Stroke Rehabilitation
2001 - 2008: Programme Director, Bristol Clinical Psychology Training Programme
2002 - 2006: North Bristol Trust; Stroke Rehabilitation
1994,2000-2001: Acting Director, Plymouth Clinical Psychology Training Programme
1991-2000: Clinical Lecturer, University Of Plymouth
1995 - 2001: Plymouth Health Authority; Stroke Rehabilitation
1983-1987: Plymouth Health Authority; Trainee Psychologist
1983-: Honorary Clinical Psychologist
1977 -1991: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Plymouth
1973 -1975: Postgraduate Research Student, Science Research Council
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Awards/external committees
Co-ordinator for WAIS-III & WMS-III UK standardisation, SW England (1998).
DCP National Assessor for Teaching and Research (2002- )
Committee of Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology, (Subgroup of Division of Clinical Psychology). Treasurer and member of committee (1997 – 2001).
QAA major review panel member; (2004-2006).
Group of Trainers’ Employment Subcommittee Chair (2005-).
Wellbeing through work (European Community/Welsh Assembly Government Project). Expert committee member (2009-)
Avon, Glos and Wilts. Stroke Education Steering Group member (2004-2009)
Avon, Glos & Wilts Clinical Psychology Advisory Committee (2002-2008)
Organisation of Psychologists’ Interested in Stroke Research, (formerly Psychologists Interested in Research in Stroke) Founder Member (2002-)
British Psychological Society. Member (1984 – present).
British Psychological Society, Division of Clinical Psychology Member (1986 - )
Psychology Special Interest Group In the Elderly. Member (1986 - )
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National and Professional Roles and Memberships
Co-Chair: Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology, (Subgroup of Division of Clinical Psychology). 2012-
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Postgraduate research interests
Psycho-social aspects of stroke.
If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details available on the 'Overview' page), or submit a formal application.
Current students
Lisa Jones
William Hallam
Contact Details
Adeilad y Tŵr, Plas y Parc, Caerdydd, CF10 3AT