Dr Fred Slater
Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil Anrhydeddus (gynt Cyfarwyddwr Canolfan Maes Llysdinam)
Trosolwg ymchwil
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil Anrhydeddus yn Ysgol y Biowyddorau, Prifysgol Caerdydd ar ôl cael fy nghyflogi fel Cyfarwyddwr Canolfan Maes Llysdinam yn yr un Ysgol rhwng 1974 a Rhagfyr 2010. Rwy'n dal i ymwneud ag ymgynghoriaeth amgylcheddol, mewn addysgu ac ymchwil yn yr Ysgol, a gyda chyrsiau addysgu ar gyfer Ysgol Dysgu Gydol Oes Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
Ar ddechrau'r 1990au, sefydlais yr hyn sydd bellach wedi dod yn Brosiect Dyfrgwn Prifysgol Caerdydd a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol, ac, ar ôl goruchwylio ei PhD a'i gwaith ôl-ddoethurol cynnar, penododd Dr Liz Chadwick i arwain y prosiect. Rwy'n parhau â'm diddordeb yng ngwaith y Prosiect ac ym mis Medi 2024, cyfrannais at y 35ain Colocwiwm Mustelid Ewropeaidd yn Rwmania. Rwy'n cyfrannu darlithoedd i'r MSc mewn Ecoleg Fyd-eang ac yn cynnig fy nghynhorthwy i unrhyw brosiectau o fewn fy meysydd arbenigedd.
Deuthum i Ganolfan Maes Llysdinam am am y tro cyntaf ym 1974 gyda PhD mewn ecoleg mawndir, diddordeb sydd wedi parhau wrth i mi gyflwyno a chadeirio sesiynau yn Symposiwm Cymdeithas Fawnog Ryngwladol yn Kuching yn 2016 sef rhedeg cwrs blynyddol ar Fawndiroedd i Brifysgol Aberystwyth.
Fodd bynnag, ym 1974 roedd diddordeb pennaf Adran Bioleg Gymhwysol UWIST ar y pryd mewn systemau dyfrol a arweiniodd at sefydlu Grŵp Ymchwil Craig Goch yng Nghanolfan y Maes. Bu'r pum tîm ôl-ddoethurol cryf hwn yn ymchwilio i effaith y bwriad i ehangu'r gronfa ddŵr uchaf yng Nghwm Elan. Cefais fewnbwn rheoli ac ymchwil i'r grŵp, yr olaf yn bennaf trwy astudiaeth PhD i effeithiau rheoleiddio afonydd ar lystyfiant dyfrol a glannau a phrosiectau goruchwylio i fyfyrwyr ar y cwrs MSc (Hydrobioleg Gymhwysol ar y pryd).
Arweiniodd astudiaeth o farwoliaethau ffyrdd mewn llyffantod mudo a ddechreuwyd ym 1976, at dros 30 mlynedd o ymchwil amffibiaid yn y Ganolfan, gan godi ymchwil amffibiaid yn Llysdinam i statws rhyngwladol gyda rhyw ddeugain o gyhoeddiadau a phum astudiaeth PhD yn ymwneud ag amffibiaid.
Yn ddiweddarach, mewn cydweithrediad â'r RSPB, Dŵr Cymru a'r NCC ar y pryd, bu fy myfyrwyr yn archwilio ffyrdd o raddio afonydd gan ddefnyddio ystod o feini prawf biolegol. Gellir olrhain sawl system ddosbarthu sydd wedi cael eu defnyddio'n genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol fel Arolygon Cynefin Afonydd, HABSCORE a SERCON yn ôl i'r gwaith a wnaed yn Llysdinam o dan fy rheolaeth gyffredinol.
Mae'r thema dŵr croyw hon, sy'n arwain, yn y 1980au, at oruchwyliaeth astudiaeth PhD ar cimychiaid crafanc gwyn brodorol, a arweiniodd ei hun at astudiaeth PhD ddilynol o'r un rhywogaeth wrth i bwysau amgylcheddol ar y rhywogaeth gynyddu. Mae gwaith Llysdinam ar gimychiaid wedi cael ei gyflwyno mewn o leiaf bum cynhadledd ryngwladol. Rwyf hefyd wedi goruchwylio astudiaeth PhD o byllau arbrofol canolbarth Cymru ac wedi cynorthwyo i oruchwylio PhD ar Bysgod Signal Americanaidd yng Nghymru. Yn 2017 cyflwynais yn Symposiwm Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Astacolegwyr XXII yn Pittsburgh ac yn 2018 yn 8fed Gweithdy Rhwydwaith Cadwraeth Pyllau Ewropeaidd yn Torroella de Montgri, Sbaen.
Bûm hefyd yn gweithio'n helaeth ar gnydau biomas, yn enwedig Willow and Miscanthus, yn ogystal â systemau biofiltation, gan roi cydnabyddiaeth genedlaethol i Ganolfan Biomas Cymru e.e. cael gwahoddiad i roi tystiolaeth ar bwnc cnydau biomas i Bwyllgor Dethol Tŷ'r Cyffredin.
Rwyf wedi bod yn casglu ac yn dadansoddi data tymor hir ar Pied Flycatchers trwy gydol fy amser yn Llysdinam, a gweithiais mewn cydweithrediad â'r diweddar Athro Mike Kern o Brifysgol Wooster, Ohio.
- Slater, F. 2030. Modern history of the fauna of Radnorshire. In: County History of Radnorshire. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Slater, F. 2024. Otters and a new road. Presented at: 35th European Mustelid Colloquium, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-27 September 2024.
- Slater, F. 2024. Rarities through a microscope: as found in mid-Powys by Professor Alan J Brook. Natur Cymru(71), pp. 56-59.
- Slater, F. 2023. The trials and tribulations of Austropotamobius pallipes in Wales, UK. Presented at: Crayf-IT-Life CLAW Meeting, University of Pavia, Italy, 05 - 08 September 2023.
- Slater, F. 2023. Once upon a rookery. Milvus 2(1), pp. 71-73.
- Callaghan, D., Lyons, J. and Slater, F. 2022. Responses of Sphagnum austinii and S. beothuk on Cors Fochno to significant habitat improvement. Field Bryology(128), pp. 16-21.
- Slater, F. 2021. Llysdinam's contribution to ornithology in Mid-Wales. Birds in Wales 18(1), pp. 36-43.
- Slater, F. 2021. Llanelwedd cyn y sioe Llanelwedd before the show. Royal Welsh Agricultural Society Journal 95, pp. 48-49.
- Slater, F. M. 2021. The social and environmental history of the River Wye, Wales, as viewed through the changing status of its Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) population. Iucn Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 38(2), pp. 70-78.
- Williams, H. G., Randerson, P. F., Slater, F. M. and Heaton, R. J. 2019. Can willow roots oxygenate leachate in vegetation filter beds?¬ a mass spectrometer investigation in Wales. Linnaeus Eco-Tech, pp. 75-81. (10.15626/Eco-Tech.2001.007)
- Jones, W. et al. 2018. Interspecific transfer of parasites following a range-shift in Ficedula flycatchers. Ecology and Evolution 8(23), pp. 12183-12192. (10.1002/ece3.4677)
- Smith, J., Brooks, L. S. G., Coyne, S. L., Slater, F. M. and Thomas, R. J. 2018. Short Note: Nocturnal calling by a Pied Flycatcher on arrival in breeding habitat during spring migration. British Birds 111
- Smith, J., Brookes, L., Coyne, S., Slater, F. and Thomas, R. 2018. Nocturnal calling of a pied flycatcher on arrival in breeding habitat during spring migration. British Birds 2018(July)
- Slater, F. M. 2018. Anthropogenic mediated changes to biodiversity in the esturine wetlands of the S'Albufera Natural Park, Majorca. Presented at: 8th European Pond Conservation Network Workshop, Torroella de Montgri, Spain, 21-25 May 2018. pp. -.
- Slater, F. 2016. From black to green: Midlands to Mid-Wales (& the World) through a countryman's eyes. Grosvenor House.
- Slater, F. M. 2016. Ecotones, ecoclines and eco-perturbations: the aquatic flora and fauna of S'Albufera Natural Park, Mallorca: a contribution and review. Mediterranean Journal of Biosciences 1(3), pp. 120-127.
- Slater, F. 2015. The Llysdinam legacy. Natur Cymru - Nature of Wales 57, pp. 35-38.
- James, J., Slater, F. M., Vaughan, I. P., Young, K. A. and Cable, J. 2014. Comparing the ecological impacts of native and invasive crayfish: could native species' translocation do more harm than good?. Oecologia 178(1), pp. 309-316. (10.1007/s00442-014-3195-0)
- James, J., Cable, J. and Slater, F. M. 2014. A.L.I.E.N. databases: addressing the lack in establishment of non-natives databases. Crustaceana 87(10), pp. 1192-1199. (10.1163/15685403-00003329)
- Stanton, D. W. G. et al. 2014. Contrasting genetic structure of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) across a latitudinal divide. Journal of Mammalogy 95(4), pp. 814-823. (10.1644/13-MAMM-A-201)
- Kern, M., Slater, F. M. and Cowie, R. J. 2014. Return rates and dispersal distances of Welsh Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca and factors that influence them. Ringing & Migration 29(1), pp. 1-9. (10.1080/03078698.2014.932617)
- Slater, F. M. 2014. "The Professionals": the rise of the modern ecologist. Natur Cymru(50), pp. 32-35.
- Morales, J. et al. 2013. Variation in eggshell traits between geographically distant populations of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. Journal of Avian Biology 44(2), pp. 111-120. (10.1111/j.1600-048X.2012.05782.x)
- Slater, F. M. 2012. The biodiversity of energy crops in Wales. In Practice: Institute of Ecology & Environmental management 78, pp. 12-16.
- Slater, F. M. 2012. Surface profile change at Cors Fochno (Borth Bog), Wales, UK. Presented at: 14th International Peat Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 3-8 June 2012Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress.
- Slater, F. M. 2012. The changing natural history of Radnorshire: perception, reality and discovery. The Transactions of the Radnorshire Society LXXXII, pp. 109-124.
- Hobbs, G. I., Chadwick, E. A., Bruford, M. W. and Slater, F. M. 2011. Bayesian clustering techniques and progressive partitioning to identify population structuring within a recovering otter population in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 48(5), pp. 1206-1217. (10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.02028.x)
- Fry, D. A. and Slater, F. M. 2011. Early rotation short rotation willow coppice as a winter food resource for birds. Biomass and Bioenergy 35(7), pp. 2545-2553. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.02.016)
- Smith, R. and Slater, F. M. 2011. Mobilisation of minerals and moisture loss during senescence of the energy crops Miscanthus x giganteus, Arundo donax and Phalaris arundinacea in Wales, UK. GCB Bioenergy 3(2), pp. 148-157. (10.1111/j.1757-1707.2010.01069.x)
- Eeva, T. et al. 2011. Geographical trends in the yolk carotenoid composition of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Oecologia 165(2), pp. 277-287. (10.1007/s00442-010-1772-4)
- Ruuskanen, S. et al. 2011. Geographical variation in egg mass and egg content in a passerine bird. PLoS ONE 6(11), article number: e25360. (10.1371/journal.pone.0025360)
- Chadwick, E. A., Simpson, V. R., Nicholls, A. E. L. and Slater, F. M. 2011. Lead levels in Eurasian otters decline with time and reveal interactions between sources, prevailing weather, and stream chemistry. Environmental Science and Technology 45(5), pp. 1911-1916. (10.1021/es1034602)
- Clapham, J., Slater, F. M. and Thomas, R. J. 2011. Small mammals in tall grasses: biomass crops as a novel habitat. Mammal News(159), pp. 2-2.
- Williams, H., Bialowiec, A., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2010. Diurnal cycling of dissolved gas concentrations in a willow vegetation filter treating landfill leachate. Ecological Engineering 36(12), pp. 1680-1685. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.07.008)
- Williams, H., Bialowiec, A., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2010. Spatial variation of dissolved gas concentrations in a willow vegetation filter treating landfill leachate. Ecological Engineering 36(12), pp. 1774-1778. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.07.019)
- Smith, R. and Slater, F. M. 2010. The effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer applications to Miscanthus×giganteus, Arundo donax and Phalaris arundinacea, when grown as energy crops in Wales, UK. GCB Bioenergy 2(4), pp. 169-179. (10.1111/j.1757-1707.2010.01051.x)
- Lowthe-Thomas, S. C., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2010. Reducing the establishment costs of short rotation willow coppice (SRC)-A trail of a novel layflat planting system at an upland site in mid-Wales. Biomass & Bioenergy 34(5), pp. 677-686. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2010.01.011)
- Bransden, A. and Slater, F. M. 2010. Ephemeral ponds & climate change in upland Wales. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts & Responses 2(2), pp. 137-150.
- Stanton, D. W. G., Hobbs, G. I., Chadwick, E. A., Slater, F. M. and Bruford, M. W. 2009. Mitochondrial genetic diversity and structure of the European otter (Lutra lutra) in Britain. Conservation Genetics 10(3), pp. 733-737. (10.1007/s10592-008-9633-y)
- Lovegrove, R., Strachan, R., Crawford, A., Tyler, S., Halliwell, L. and Slater, F. M. 2009. Life in Welsh Rivers: Other vertebrates. In: Williams, D. D. and Duigan, C. A. eds. The Rivers of Wales: a natural resource of international and historical significance. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers, pp. 141-162.
- Barton, E., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2009. Long term changes in a Brecknock moth population. Entomologists Record and Journal of Variation 121(6), pp. 253-254.
- Smith, R., Speak, E., Preston-Mafham, L., Pitt, H., Hale, A. and Slater, F. 2009. The South East Wales crayfish project: work to inform choice of donor and ark (receptor) sites for white-clawed crayfish translocation. Technical Report.
- Lowthe-Thomas, S. C., Clarke, A., Clapham, S. J., Morgan, M., Semere, T., Slater, F. M. and Smith, R. 2008. Reed Canary-grass-A versatile energy crop for Wales?. Aspects of Applied Biology 90, pp. 81-86.
- Clapham, S. J. and Slater, F. M. 2008. The biodiversity of established biomass grass crops. Aspects of Applied Biology 90, pp. 325-329.
- Fry, D. and Slater, F. M. 2008. The effect on plant communites and associated taxa of planting short rotation willow coppice in Wales. Aspects of Applied Biology. Biomass and Energy Crops III 90, pp. 287-293.
- Fry, D. A. and Slater, F. M. 2008. Birds of New Zealand Willow Coppice. Ringers' Bulletin 13
- Duller, C. J. et al. 2008. The development of sustainable heat and opower fuelled by biomass from short rotation coppice in Wales. Project Report. Aberystwyth: Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
- Semere, T. and Slater, F. M. 2007. Invertebrate populations in miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus) and reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea) fields. Biomass and Bioenergy 31(1), pp. 30-39. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2006.07.002)
- Semere, T. and Slater, F. M. 2007. Ground flora, small mammal and bird species diversity in miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus) and reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea) fields. Biomass and Bioenergy 31(1), pp. 20-29. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2006.07.001)
- Slater, F. et al. 2007. The status of the White-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in tributaries of the river Usk on Mynydd Eppynt in Breconshire in 2005 and 2006. Technical Report.
- Hobbs, G., Chadwick, E. A., Slater, F. M. and Bruford, M. W. 2006. Landscape genetics applied to a recovering otter (Lutra lutra) population in the UK: Preliminary results and potential methodologies. Hystrix : the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 17(1) (10.4404/hystrix-17.1-4364)
- Chadwick, E. A., Slater, F. M. and Ormerod, S. J. 2006. Inter- and intraspecific differences in climatically mediated phenological change in coexisting Triturus species. Global Change Biology 12(6), pp. 1069-1078. (10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01156.x)
- Gachel, G. S., Slater, F., Qadri, A. H., Nisa, Z. and Zuhra, . 2006. Environmental impact to the conservation of the Indus river dolphin (Platanista minor). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9(8), pp. 1497-1503. (10.3923/pjbs.2006.1497.1503)
- Gachal, G. S., Slater, F. M., Nisa, Z., Qadri, A. H. and Zuhra, . 2006. Ecological effects on the status of the Indus Dolphin. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9(11), pp. 2117-2121. (10.3923/pjbs.2006.2117.2121)
- Slater, F. M. 2006. Sustainable tourism in Santa Maria, Sal, Cape Verde: a SWOT analysis. Presented at: 5th International Symposium on the Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands, Dublin, 24 -27 August 2004 Presented at Hayden, T. J., Murray, D. A. and O'Connor, J. P. eds.Fauna and Flora of Atlantic Islands: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands: Dublin 24 -27 August 2004. Occasional publication of the Irish Biogeographical Society Vol. 9. Irish Biogeographical Society pp. 207-213.
- Foster, J. and Slater, F. M. 2006. Life cycle characteristics of the white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet) in the Wye river system, Wales, UK. Freshwater Crayfish 15, pp. 251-260.
- Both, C. et al. 2006. Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca travelling from Africa to breed in Europe: Differential effects of winter and migration conditions on breeding date. Ardea -Wageningen- 94(3), pp. 511-525.
- Chadwick, E. A. and Slater, F. M. 2005. A population of skinks (Mayuba spp) and the gecko Hemidacylus bouvieri boavistensis behind coastal dunes on Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands. Herpetological Bulletin 92, pp. 14-18.
- Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 2005. The role of willow plants in the treatment of iron-rich landfill leachate. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Vilnius, Lithuania, 26-27 May 2005 Presented at Cygas, D. and Froehner, K. D. eds.Environmental Engineering: the 6th International Conference, Vol. 1. Vilnius: Technika pp. 420-424.
- Evans, B. et al. 2005. The development of sustainable heat and power fuelled by biomass from short rotation coppice in Wales. Presented at: 14th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition: Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Paris, France, 17-21 October 2005.
- Both, C. et al. 2004. Large-scale geographical variation confirms that climate change causes birds to lay earlier. Proceedings of the Royal Society B -Biological Sciences 271(1549), pp. 1657-1662. (10.1098/rspb.2004.2770)
- Slater, F. M. 2004. Bridging the gap. In Practice: Bulletin of the Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management(43), pp. 19-20.
- Lowthe-Thomas, S. C., Luxton, R., Randerson, P. F., Semere, T. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Environmental issues relating to biomass crops in Wales, UK. Presented at: Second International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for Energy, Kyiv, 20 - 22 September 2004.
- Howells, M. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Remnant populations of Austropotamobius pallipes in Wales, UK: counts, causes, cures and consequences. Freshwater Crayfish 14, pp. 140-146.
- Lowthe-Thomas, S. C., Luxton, R. K., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 2004. A comparison of two types of machine planter for establishment of short rotation willow coppice in upland Wales. Presented at: Second World Conference on Biomass foe Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, 10 - 14 May 2004.
- Howells, M. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Changes over time in perceptions of species value: the case of austropotamobius pallipes in Wales. Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture(372), pp. 329-332. (10.1051/kmae:2004007)
- Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Barrages, biodiversity and the Indus River Dolphin. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 7(5), pp. 797-801.
- Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2004. The capture and translocation of Indus River Dolphins (Platanista minor) from the Sukkur Barrage canals to the Indus River Dolphin Reserve, Sindh, Pakistan. Sindh University Research Journal 36(2), pp. 1-10.
- Slater, F. M. 2003. To everything there is a season. Natur Cymru 6, pp. 38-40.
- Slater, F. M., Gachal, G. S., Yusuf, S. M. and Channar, B. A. 2003. The precarious state of the Indus Dolphin (Platanista minor) between Guddu and Sukkur barrages in 1999. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 46(2), pp. 110-116.
- Howells, M. and Slater, F. 2003. Return of the native crayfish to a Welsh river. Presented at: Management & Conservation of Crayfish, Nottingham Forest Football Ground, Nottingham, 7 November 2002 Presented at Holdich, D. M. and Sibley, P. J. eds.Management & Conservation of Crayfish. Proceedings of a conference held on 7th November 2002 at the Nottingham Forest Football Club, Nottingham, UK. Bristol: Environment Agency pp. 104-111.
- Slater, F. M. and Howells, M. 2003. The causes of the decline of the white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes on the Afon Edw: preliminary report into the effects of sedimentation.. Technical Report.
- Slater, F. and Howells, M. 2003. Monnow crayfish survey phase 2 - Ecsley and Dulas tributaries. Technical Report.
- Slater, F. M. 2002. Progressive skinning of toads (Bufo bufo) by the eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Iucn Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 19(1), pp. 25-29.
- Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2002. A holistic approach to the conservation of the Indus River Dolphin (Platanista minor) (Owen 1853). Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 45(1), pp. 53-58.
- Slater, F. M. 2002. An assessment of wildlife road casualties - the potential discrepancy between numbers counted and numbers killed. Web Ecology 3, pp. 33-42. (10.5194/we-3-33-2002)
- Cowell, D., Thomas, G., Liles, G., Bradshaw, A., Midgley, L. and Slater, F. 2001. Monitoring the use of artificial log pile otter holts using hair analysis from bedding. Iucn Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 18(1), pp. 6-10.
- Heaton, R. J., Slater, F. M., Randerson, P. F. and Samuel, W. R. 2001. The influence of fertilisation on the yield of short rotation willow coppice in the uplands of mid-Wales. Aspects of Applied Biology 65, pp. 77-82.
- Slater, F. M. 2001. Catches of the cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) at a moth trap in mid-Wales. Entomologists Gazette 52, pp. 189-193.
- Heaton, R. J., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2001. Diversification in the uplands of Wales - the role of short rotation willow coppice. Scottish Forestry 55(1), pp. 15-21.
- Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2001. Dolphins down the drain. BBC Wildlife 19(2), pp. 36-37.
- Bradshaw, A., Beckmann, M., Stevens, R. and Slater, F. M. 2001. Anal scent gland secretion of the European otter (Lutra lutra). Presented at: Ninth International Symposium on Chemical SIgnals in Vertebrates, Krakow, Poland, 25-29 July 2000 Presented at Marchlewska-Koj, A., Lepri, J. and Muller-Schwarze, D. eds., Vol. 9. Chemical Signals in Vertebrae Vol. 9. New York, NY: Kluwer pp. 313-319.
- Slater, F. M. 2001. The decline of the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet)) in the rivers of mid-Wales, UK. Freshwater Crayfish 13, pp. 233-239.
- Slater, F. M. 2001. Noctule nosh decline. Bat News(60), pp. 5-5.
- Slater, F. and House, E. V. 2001. The current status of the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the Afon Edw and the impact of recent land use changes on [opulations. Project Report. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales.
- Kern, M. D., Cowie, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 2000. Responses of egg-laying Pied Flycatchers to experimental changes in clutch size: A re-examination. Condor 102(2), pp. 428-432. (10.1650/0010-5422(2000)102[0428:ROELPF]2.0.CO;2)
- Slater, F. M., Randerson, P. F. and Heaton, R. J. 2000. Prospects for energy grasses in mid-Wales UK. Presented at: 7th Polish - Danish Workshop "Biomass for Energy", Starbienino, Poland, 7 - 10 December 2000.
- Randerson, P. F., Heaton, R. J., Lowthe-Thomas, S. C. and Slater, F. M. 2000. A comparison of planting systems for the establishment of short rotation willow coppice in mid-Wales, UK. Presented at: 7th Polish-Danish workshop on Biomass for Energy, Starbienino, Poland, 7-10 December 2000.
- Randerson, P. F., Heaton, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 2000. Economic prospects for short rotation coppice in Wales: the need for subsidy in a new agricultural industry. Presented at: 7th Polish-Danish workshop on Biomass for Energy, Starbienino, Poland, 7-10 December 2000.
- Dong, H., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 2000. A study of agricultural support policies and the role of agriculture in the national economy of the UK. Ningxia Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology(1), pp. 51-57.
- Slater, F. M. 2000. Golden Orioles in Radnorshire. Welsh Birds 2(4), pp. 228.
- Lowthe, S. C., Heaton, R. J., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 2000. The effect of a range of mulches on soil temperature, soil moisture and tree growth in short rotation will and poplar - is there potential for field scale application in the uplands of mid-Wales. Presented at: 7th Polish-Danish workshop on Biomass for Energy, Starbienino, Poland, 7-10 December 2000.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. Plant invasions: Ecological mechanisms and human responses [Book Review]. Journal of Ecology 87(5), pp. 925-930. (10.1046/j.1365-2745.1999.t01-2-00398.x)
- Heaton, R. J., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 1999. The economics of growing short rotation coppice in the uplands of mid-Wales and an economic comparison with sheep production. Biomass and Bioenergy 17(1), pp. 59-71.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. First-egg date fluctuations for the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in the woodlands of mid-Wales in the twentieth century. Ibis 141(3), pp. 497-499. (10.1111/j.1474-919X.1999.tb04420.x)
- Slater, F. M. 1999. First-egg date fluctuations for the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in the woodlands of mid-Wales in the twentieth century. Ibis 141(3), pp. 497-499. (10.1111/j.1474-919X.1999.tb04420.x)
- Slater, F. M., Heaton, R. J., Samuel, R. W. and Randerson, P. F. 1999. Second rotation willow coppice in upland Wales. Presented at: 4th Biomass Conference of the Americas, Oakland, CA, USA, 29 August - 2 September 1999 Presented at Overend, R. P. and Chornet, E. eds.Biomass, a growth opportunity in green energy and value-added products : proceedings of the 4th Biomass Conference of the Americas, Vol. 1. Oxford: Elsevier Science pp. 45-46.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. Gagea bohemica (Zauschner) J. A. & J. H. Schultes (Liliaceae). In: Wigginton, M. J. ed. British Red Data Books: 1. Vascular Plants. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, pp. 164.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. Scleranthus perenninis subsp perennis P. D. Sell (Caryophyllaceae) B. In: Wigginton, M. J. ed. British Red Data Books: 1. Vascular Plants. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, pp. 336-336.
- Honglin, D., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 1999. New biomass conversion technologies and their applications. Ningxia Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology(6), pp. 10-17.
- Randerson, P. F., Dong, H. and Slater, F. M. 1999. The world production and utilisation of bio-energy and its impacts on land availability for food and environment. Ningxia Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology(5), pp. 5-8.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) migration from some woodlands in the upper Wye Valley. Welsh Birds 2(3), pp. 109-112.
- Dong, H., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 1999. Production and conversion of biomass to energy - a world view. Presented at: 6th Polish - Danish workshop on biofuel, Starbienino, Poland, 2-5 December 1999.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. The changing Majorcan spring. Biotype 9(3), pp. 53-55.
- Slater, F. M., Heaton, R. J. and Randerson, P. F. 1999. Willow v Poplar as an upland crop: a fallacy dispelled. Forestry and British Timber 28(5), pp. 26-27.
- Slater, F. M. 1998. Nestbox use in relation to height and wood treatment. Ringers' Bulletin 9(7), pp. 74.
- Slater, F. M. 1998. Three-quarters of a century of pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in mid-Wales. Welsh Birds 2(1), pp. 16-20.
- Heaton, R. J., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 1997. Influence of cattle slurry on establishment and first year growth of short rotation coppice grown on an upland site. Presented at: 4th Polish - Danish workshop on Biofuels, Starbienino, Poland, 12-14 June 1997.
- Randerson, P. F., Heaton, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 1997. Is arable energy coppice a viable alternative land use in upland Wales?. Aspects of Applied Biology 49, pp. 307-313.
- Robertson, J. and Slater, F. M. 1997. Seasonal movements of Blue Tits (Parus caeruleus) and Great Tits (P. major) in mid Wales. Welsh Birds 1(5), pp. 38-40.
- Slater, F. M., Hodson, R. W., Randerson, P. F. and Lynn, S. 1997. Some environmental impacts of short rotation coppice willow. Presented at: 3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas, Montreal, Canada, 24-29 August 1997 Presented at Overend, R. P. and Chornet, E. eds.Making a business from biomass in energy, environment, chemicals, fibers, and materials : proceedings of the 3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas, Montréal, Québec, Canada, August 24-29, 1997. Oxford: Pergamon pp. 29-37.
- Slater, F. M. 1997. A non-invasive technique for monitoring the presence of crayfish in rivers, particularly in relation to crayfish plague. Freshwater Crayfish 10, pp. 385-387.
- Smith, G. R. T., Learner, M. A., Slater, F. M. and Foster, J. 1996. Habitat features important for the conservation of the native crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in Britain. Biological Conservation 75(3), pp. 239-246.
- Kowalik, P. J., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1996. Constructed wetlands for landfill leachate treatment. In: Thofelt, L. and Englund, A. eds. Ecotechnics for a Sustainable Society: Proceedings from Ecotechnics 95 - International Symposium on Ecological Engineering. Härnösand: Mid-Sweden University, pp. 189-200.
- Randerson, P. F., Samuel, R. W., Slater, F. M. and Heaton, R. J. 1996. Predicting the yield of willow from interim growth measurements - studies of biofuel coppice in Wales, UK. Presented at: 3rd Polish - Danish Workshop on Biofuels, Sopot, Poland, 7 - 9 February 1996Proceedings of the 3rd Polish-Danish Workshop on Biofuels, Sopot, Poland 7-9 February 1996. Gdańsk: Technical University of Gdańsk pp. 135-143.
- Lynn, S. F., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1996. The use of false colour infra-red photography and image analysis to collect objective measures of woodland ground cover. Journal of Experimental Botany 47(S1), pp. 47-47.
- Foster, J. and Slater, F. M. 1995. A global review of crayfish predation with observations on the possible loss of Austropotamobius pallipes in the Welsh Wye due to crayfish plague. Freshwater Crayfish 8, pp. 589-613.
- Slater, F. M. 1995. A simple crayfish trap. Freshwater Crayfish 10, pp. 194-195.
- Slater, F. M. 1995. Crayfish on Atlantic Islands - threat or opportunity. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Supplemento. 4, pp. 693-698.
- Slater, F. M. 1995. Extracts from the Llysdinam Game Books. Welsh Birds 1(1), pp. 21-24.
- Wilkinson, D. M. and Slater, F. M. 1995. Relationship between plant and invertebrate richness in upland ponds in mid-Wales. The Naturalist 120(1014), pp. 103-108.
- Slater, F. M., Hodson, R. W. and Randerson, P. F. 1995. Short rotation willow coppice in Wales: High production under adverse environmental conditions?. Presented at: 2nd Biomass Conference of the Americas, Portland, OR, USA, 21-24 August 1995Proceedings Second Biomass Conference of the Americas: Energy, Environment, Agriculture, and Industry. Golden, CO, USA: National Renewable Energy Laboratory pp. 40-48.
- Hodson, R. W., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1994. The effects of digested sewage sludge on short rotation willow coppice in the UK. Presented at: Willow Vegetation Filters for Municiple Wastewaters and Sludges: A Biological Purification System, Uppsala, Sweden, 5-10 June 1994 Presented at Aronsson, P. and Pertthu, K. eds.Willow Vegetation Filters For Municiple Wastewaters and Sludges: A Biological Purification System. Uppsala Report Vol. 50. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences pp. 113-118.
- Slater, F. M. 1994. Lights of the Tylwyth Teg. Country Quest 35(5), pp. 41-41.
- Slater, F. M. 1994. Wildlife road casualties. British Wildlife 5(4), pp. 214-221.
- Slater, F. M. 1993. A population of turlough toads. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 46, pp. 3-4.
- Slater, F. M. and Rayner, G. 1993. Austropotamobius pallipes in otter diet in the mid-Wye catchment of central Wales. Freshwater Crayfish 9, pp. 365-367.
- Slater, F. M. 1993. Mewnlifiad ar y Gwy. Dan Haul: Y Cylchgrawn Natur 8, pp. 15-17.
- Hodson, R. W., Slater, F. M., Lynn, S. F. and Randerson, P. F. 1993. Nutrient enhanced short rotation coppice for biomass in central Wales. Presented at: 1st Biomass Conference of the Americas, Burlington, VT, USA, 30 August - 2 September 1993Proceedings First Biomass Conference of the Americas: Energy, Environment, Agriculture, and Industry. Golden, CO, USA: National Renewable Energy Laboratory pp. 296-301.
- Slater, F. M. 1993. The natural history of the smaller Radnorshire pools. Radnorshire Society Transactions 63, pp. 12-26.
- Slater, F. M. and Wilkinson, D. M. 1992. The peatlands of mid-Powys - a literature review and preliminary description of new sites. Brycheiniog 26, pp. 17-41.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. Food removal rate from feeders as a measure of bird activity in a rural woodland fringe. Welsh Bird Report 6, pp. 73-76.
- Slater, F. M., Hodson, R. W. and Randerson, P. F. 1992. Biomass gains from effluent disposal: recent developments in central Wales. Presented at: 7th European Conference on Biomass for Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Industry, Florence, Italy, 5-9 October 1992.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. Environmental impact assessment and the role of the biologist. Biologist- Institute of Biology 39(2), pp. 75-78.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. Individual identification using photocopying techniques for some British Triturus species. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 3, pp. 17-19.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. Procambarus clarkii in Majorca. International Association of Astacologists Newsletter 14(4), pp. 2-2.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. The common toad. Shire Natural History Series Vol. 60. Shire Publications.
- Lynn, S. F., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1992. The ecological impact of sewage sludge applications on woodland vegetation. Aspects of Applied Biology 29, pp. 383-388.
- Slater, F. M., Hemsley, A. and Wilkinson, D. M. 1991. A new sub-association of the Pilularietum globuliferae Tuxen 1955 in upland pools in the mid-Wye catchment of central Wales. Vegetatio 96(2), pp. 127-136. (10.1007/BF00044974)
- Slater, F. M. 1991. Recollections of black country natural history. The Blackcountryman 24(1), pp. 14-17.
- Slater, F. M. 1990. Gagea Bohemica. Journal of Ecology 78(2), pp. 535-546.
- Slater, F. M. and Jennings, P. P. 1987. Aberrant eggs of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca in mid Wales. Bird Study 34(3), pp. 185-186. (10.1080/00063658709476959)
- Slater, F. M., Curry, P. and Chadwell, C. 1987. A practical approach to the evaluation of the conservation status of vegetation in river corridors in Wales. Biological Conservation 40(1), pp. 53-68. (10.1016/0006-3207(87)90012-7)
- Curry, P. and Slater, F. M. 1986. A classification of river corridor vegetation from 4 catchments in Wales. Journal of Biogeography 13(2), pp. 119-132.
- Slater, F. M., Gittins, S. P. and Harrison, J. D. 1985. The timing and duration of the breeding migration of the common toad (Bufo-bufo)at Llandrindod Wells lake, mid Wales. British Journal of Herpetology 6(12), pp. 424-426.
- Harrison, J. D., Gittins, S. P. and Slater, F. M. 1984. Morphometric observations of smooth and palmate newts in mid-Wales. British Journal of Herpetology 6(11), pp. 410-413.
- Slater, F. M. 1984. The mineral contents of both peat and plants and their inter-relationships at Borth Bog, Wales. Presented at: 7th International Peat Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 18-23 June 1984Proceedings 7th International Peat Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 18 - 23 June 1984, Vol. 1. International Peat Society pp. 450-467.
- Slater, F. M. 1984. Welsh Mires: their range of form - a descriptive account. In: Moore, P. D. ed. European Mires. London: Academic Press, pp. 283-301.
- Harrison, J. D., Gittins, S. P. and Slater, F. M. 1983. The breeding migrations of smooth and Palmate newts(Triturus-vulgaris and T-helveticus)at a pond in mid Wales. Journal of Zoology 199(2), pp. 249-258. (10.1111/j.1469-7998.1983.tb02093.x)
- Morgan, M. J. and Slater, F. M. 1983. Unexpected nest-box occupants. Nature in Wales 2(1/2), pp. 110-111.
- Saxon, C. and Slater, F. M. 1983. Ffynhonnau Mwynol Powys. Y Gwyddonydd 21(3), pp. 78-81.
- Saxon, C. and Slater, F. M. 1983. The waters of the spas, mineral springs and holy wells of Wales. Cambria 10(1), pp. 12-25.
- Wisniewski, P. J., Paull, L. M. and Slater, F. M. 1982. The extractive potential of peats in mid-Wales with particular reference to the county of Powys. Biological Conservation 22(3), pp. 239-249. (10.1016/0006-3207(82)90073-8)
- Slater, F. M. 1982. Peat and coppice timber as energy crops. Presented at: Cynefin Conference, Cardiff, UK, 13-15 December 1982.
- Merry, D. G., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1981. The riparian and aquatic vegetation of the river Wye. Journal of Biogeography 8(4), pp. 313-327.
- Edwards, R. W. and Slater, F. M. 1981. Impact of road deaths on wild-life conservation. Nature in Wales 17(3), pp. 153-156.
- Slater, F. M. 1981. Peat cutting in mid-Wales: a brief introduction. Nature in Wales 17(3), pp. 149-152.
- Wisniewski, P. J., Paull, L. M. and Slater, F. M. 1981. The effects of temperature on the breeding migration and spawning of the common toad (Bufo bufo). British Journal of Herpetology 6, pp. 119-121.
- Paull, L. M., Wisniewski, P. J. and Slater, F. M. 1981. The emergence of young common toads from a mid-Wales lake. Nature in Wales 17(4), pp. 224-229.
- Gittins, S. P., Parker, A. G. and Slater, F. . M. 1980. Population characteristics of the common toad (Bufo bufo) visiting a breeding site in mid-Wales. Journal of Animal Ecology 49(1), pp. 161-173.
- Gittins, S. P., Parker, A. G. and Slater, F. M. 1980. Mate assortment in the common toad (Bufo bufo). Journal of Natural History 14(5), pp. 663-668. (10.1080/00222938000770561)
- Wisniewski, P. J., Paull, L. M., Merry, D. G. and Slater, F. M. 1980. Studies on the breeding migration and intramigratory movements of the common toad (Bufo bufo) using panjet dye-marking techniques. British Journal of Herpetology 6, pp. 71-74.
- Slater, F. M. 1980. The rarer plants of Radnorshire. The Radnorshire Society Transactions 50, pp. 73-77.
- Slater, F. M. 1980. Gagea bohemica - a new British record. Nature in Wales 17(1), pp. 47-47.
- Slater, F. M., Paull, L. M. and Wisniewski, P. J. 1980. Patterns of erosion in the blanket peats of mid-Wales. Presented at: 6th International Peat Congress, Duluth, MN, USA, 17-23 August 1980Proceedings of the 6th International Peat Congress : Duluth Arena-Auditorium, Duluth, Minnesota, USA August 17-23, 1980. International Peat Society pp. 103-108.
- Merry, D. G. and Slater, F. M. 1978. Plant colonisation under abnormally dry conditions of some reservoir margins in mid-Wales. Aquatic Botany 5, pp. 149-162. (10.1016/0304-3770(78)90058-X)
- Slater, F. and Slater, E. 1978. Changing status of Sphagnum-imbricatum Hornsch ex Russ.on Borth Bog, Wales. Journal of Bryology 10(2), pp. 155-161.
- Slater, F. M. and Agnew, A. D. Q. 1977. Observations on a peat bog's ability to withstand increasing public pressure. Biological Conservation 11(1), pp. 21-27.
- Slater, F. M. 1977. A future for field courses. Wales Science Bulletin 18, pp. 10-12.
- Slater, F. M. 1977. Carnivorous, parasitic and symbiotic plants. In: Huxley, A. ed. The Encyclopedia of the Plant Kingdom. London: Hamlyn, pp. 204-213.
- Slater, F. M. and Seymour, E. J. 1977. Esgyrn Bottom - the most westerly raised bog in Wales. Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History Society 23(3), pp. 193-205.
- Slater, F. M. 1977. Peat chemistry and the history of Mere Pool, Cannock Chase. Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History Society 23(4), pp. 245-248.
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- Slater, F. M. 1976. Gors Lwyd - a peat bog under threat. Nature in Wales 15(2), pp. 60-72.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 1. Water quality - R. Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 2. Fisheries studies - R. Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern 3-4 February 1976: UWIST Paper 3. Comparison of two methods of collecting macro-invertebrates from the R. Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 4. Invertebrates: River Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 5. Invertebrate studies: Ystwyth & Rheidol. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 6. Submerged macrophytes of the R. Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 7. River Wye vegetation survey. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Brooker, M. P., Morris, D. L., Hemsworth, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 9 Mass mortalities of adult salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the R. Wye, 1976. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Gee, A. S., Milner, N. J., Hemsworth, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 10 The effect of density on mortality in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Edwards, R. W., Oborne, A. C., Brooker, M. P., Sambrook, H. T. and Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 11 The behaviour and budgets of selected ions in the Wye Catchment. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Morris, D. L., Brooker, M. P. and Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 12 The production of two species of Ephemeropters (Ephemerella ignita PODA and Rhithrogena semicolorata CURTIS) in the upper reaches of the R. Wye, Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M., Brooker, M. P. and Morris, D. L. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 13 Invertebrate studies: Ystwyth and Rheidol. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M., Gee, A. S., Milner, N. J. and Hemsworth, R. J. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 14 The production of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Upper Wye, Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 15 Macroinvertebrates of the River Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1975. Craig Goch Project – UWIST. Report No. 8. Methods of chemical analysis. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. 2024. Rarities through a microscope: as found in mid-Powys by Professor Alan J Brook. Natur Cymru(71), pp. 56-59.
- Slater, F. 2023. Once upon a rookery. Milvus 2(1), pp. 71-73.
- Callaghan, D., Lyons, J. and Slater, F. 2022. Responses of Sphagnum austinii and S. beothuk on Cors Fochno to significant habitat improvement. Field Bryology(128), pp. 16-21.
- Slater, F. 2021. Llysdinam's contribution to ornithology in Mid-Wales. Birds in Wales 18(1), pp. 36-43.
- Slater, F. 2021. Llanelwedd cyn y sioe Llanelwedd before the show. Royal Welsh Agricultural Society Journal 95, pp. 48-49.
- Slater, F. M. 2021. The social and environmental history of the River Wye, Wales, as viewed through the changing status of its Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) population. Iucn Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 38(2), pp. 70-78.
- Williams, H. G., Randerson, P. F., Slater, F. M. and Heaton, R. J. 2019. Can willow roots oxygenate leachate in vegetation filter beds?¬ a mass spectrometer investigation in Wales. Linnaeus Eco-Tech, pp. 75-81. (10.15626/Eco-Tech.2001.007)
- Jones, W. et al. 2018. Interspecific transfer of parasites following a range-shift in Ficedula flycatchers. Ecology and Evolution 8(23), pp. 12183-12192. (10.1002/ece3.4677)
- Smith, J., Brooks, L. S. G., Coyne, S. L., Slater, F. M. and Thomas, R. J. 2018. Short Note: Nocturnal calling by a Pied Flycatcher on arrival in breeding habitat during spring migration. British Birds 111
- Smith, J., Brookes, L., Coyne, S., Slater, F. and Thomas, R. 2018. Nocturnal calling of a pied flycatcher on arrival in breeding habitat during spring migration. British Birds 2018(July)
- Slater, F. M. 2016. Ecotones, ecoclines and eco-perturbations: the aquatic flora and fauna of S'Albufera Natural Park, Mallorca: a contribution and review. Mediterranean Journal of Biosciences 1(3), pp. 120-127.
- Slater, F. 2015. The Llysdinam legacy. Natur Cymru - Nature of Wales 57, pp. 35-38.
- James, J., Slater, F. M., Vaughan, I. P., Young, K. A. and Cable, J. 2014. Comparing the ecological impacts of native and invasive crayfish: could native species' translocation do more harm than good?. Oecologia 178(1), pp. 309-316. (10.1007/s00442-014-3195-0)
- James, J., Cable, J. and Slater, F. M. 2014. A.L.I.E.N. databases: addressing the lack in establishment of non-natives databases. Crustaceana 87(10), pp. 1192-1199. (10.1163/15685403-00003329)
- Stanton, D. W. G. et al. 2014. Contrasting genetic structure of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) across a latitudinal divide. Journal of Mammalogy 95(4), pp. 814-823. (10.1644/13-MAMM-A-201)
- Kern, M., Slater, F. M. and Cowie, R. J. 2014. Return rates and dispersal distances of Welsh Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca and factors that influence them. Ringing & Migration 29(1), pp. 1-9. (10.1080/03078698.2014.932617)
- Slater, F. M. 2014. "The Professionals": the rise of the modern ecologist. Natur Cymru(50), pp. 32-35.
- Morales, J. et al. 2013. Variation in eggshell traits between geographically distant populations of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. Journal of Avian Biology 44(2), pp. 111-120. (10.1111/j.1600-048X.2012.05782.x)
- Slater, F. M. 2012. The biodiversity of energy crops in Wales. In Practice: Institute of Ecology & Environmental management 78, pp. 12-16.
- Slater, F. M. 2012. The changing natural history of Radnorshire: perception, reality and discovery. The Transactions of the Radnorshire Society LXXXII, pp. 109-124.
- Hobbs, G. I., Chadwick, E. A., Bruford, M. W. and Slater, F. M. 2011. Bayesian clustering techniques and progressive partitioning to identify population structuring within a recovering otter population in the UK. Journal of Applied Ecology 48(5), pp. 1206-1217. (10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.02028.x)
- Fry, D. A. and Slater, F. M. 2011. Early rotation short rotation willow coppice as a winter food resource for birds. Biomass and Bioenergy 35(7), pp. 2545-2553. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.02.016)
- Smith, R. and Slater, F. M. 2011. Mobilisation of minerals and moisture loss during senescence of the energy crops Miscanthus x giganteus, Arundo donax and Phalaris arundinacea in Wales, UK. GCB Bioenergy 3(2), pp. 148-157. (10.1111/j.1757-1707.2010.01069.x)
- Eeva, T. et al. 2011. Geographical trends in the yolk carotenoid composition of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Oecologia 165(2), pp. 277-287. (10.1007/s00442-010-1772-4)
- Ruuskanen, S. et al. 2011. Geographical variation in egg mass and egg content in a passerine bird. PLoS ONE 6(11), article number: e25360. (10.1371/journal.pone.0025360)
- Chadwick, E. A., Simpson, V. R., Nicholls, A. E. L. and Slater, F. M. 2011. Lead levels in Eurasian otters decline with time and reveal interactions between sources, prevailing weather, and stream chemistry. Environmental Science and Technology 45(5), pp. 1911-1916. (10.1021/es1034602)
- Clapham, J., Slater, F. M. and Thomas, R. J. 2011. Small mammals in tall grasses: biomass crops as a novel habitat. Mammal News(159), pp. 2-2.
- Williams, H., Bialowiec, A., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2010. Diurnal cycling of dissolved gas concentrations in a willow vegetation filter treating landfill leachate. Ecological Engineering 36(12), pp. 1680-1685. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.07.008)
- Williams, H., Bialowiec, A., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2010. Spatial variation of dissolved gas concentrations in a willow vegetation filter treating landfill leachate. Ecological Engineering 36(12), pp. 1774-1778. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.07.019)
- Smith, R. and Slater, F. M. 2010. The effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer applications to Miscanthus×giganteus, Arundo donax and Phalaris arundinacea, when grown as energy crops in Wales, UK. GCB Bioenergy 2(4), pp. 169-179. (10.1111/j.1757-1707.2010.01051.x)
- Lowthe-Thomas, S. C., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2010. Reducing the establishment costs of short rotation willow coppice (SRC)-A trail of a novel layflat planting system at an upland site in mid-Wales. Biomass & Bioenergy 34(5), pp. 677-686. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2010.01.011)
- Bransden, A. and Slater, F. M. 2010. Ephemeral ponds & climate change in upland Wales. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts & Responses 2(2), pp. 137-150.
- Stanton, D. W. G., Hobbs, G. I., Chadwick, E. A., Slater, F. M. and Bruford, M. W. 2009. Mitochondrial genetic diversity and structure of the European otter (Lutra lutra) in Britain. Conservation Genetics 10(3), pp. 733-737. (10.1007/s10592-008-9633-y)
- Barton, E., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2009. Long term changes in a Brecknock moth population. Entomologists Record and Journal of Variation 121(6), pp. 253-254.
- Lowthe-Thomas, S. C., Clarke, A., Clapham, S. J., Morgan, M., Semere, T., Slater, F. M. and Smith, R. 2008. Reed Canary-grass-A versatile energy crop for Wales?. Aspects of Applied Biology 90, pp. 81-86.
- Clapham, S. J. and Slater, F. M. 2008. The biodiversity of established biomass grass crops. Aspects of Applied Biology 90, pp. 325-329.
- Fry, D. and Slater, F. M. 2008. The effect on plant communites and associated taxa of planting short rotation willow coppice in Wales. Aspects of Applied Biology. Biomass and Energy Crops III 90, pp. 287-293.
- Fry, D. A. and Slater, F. M. 2008. Birds of New Zealand Willow Coppice. Ringers' Bulletin 13
- Semere, T. and Slater, F. M. 2007. Invertebrate populations in miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus) and reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea) fields. Biomass and Bioenergy 31(1), pp. 30-39. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2006.07.002)
- Semere, T. and Slater, F. M. 2007. Ground flora, small mammal and bird species diversity in miscanthus (Miscanthus x giganteus) and reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea) fields. Biomass and Bioenergy 31(1), pp. 20-29. (10.1016/j.biombioe.2006.07.001)
- Hobbs, G., Chadwick, E. A., Slater, F. M. and Bruford, M. W. 2006. Landscape genetics applied to a recovering otter (Lutra lutra) population in the UK: Preliminary results and potential methodologies. Hystrix : the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 17(1) (10.4404/hystrix-17.1-4364)
- Chadwick, E. A., Slater, F. M. and Ormerod, S. J. 2006. Inter- and intraspecific differences in climatically mediated phenological change in coexisting Triturus species. Global Change Biology 12(6), pp. 1069-1078. (10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01156.x)
- Gachel, G. S., Slater, F., Qadri, A. H., Nisa, Z. and Zuhra, . 2006. Environmental impact to the conservation of the Indus river dolphin (Platanista minor). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9(8), pp. 1497-1503. (10.3923/pjbs.2006.1497.1503)
- Gachal, G. S., Slater, F. M., Nisa, Z., Qadri, A. H. and Zuhra, . 2006. Ecological effects on the status of the Indus Dolphin. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 9(11), pp. 2117-2121. (10.3923/pjbs.2006.2117.2121)
- Foster, J. and Slater, F. M. 2006. Life cycle characteristics of the white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet) in the Wye river system, Wales, UK. Freshwater Crayfish 15, pp. 251-260.
- Both, C. et al. 2006. Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca travelling from Africa to breed in Europe: Differential effects of winter and migration conditions on breeding date. Ardea -Wageningen- 94(3), pp. 511-525.
- Chadwick, E. A. and Slater, F. M. 2005. A population of skinks (Mayuba spp) and the gecko Hemidacylus bouvieri boavistensis behind coastal dunes on Boa Vista, Cape Verde Islands. Herpetological Bulletin 92, pp. 14-18.
- Both, C. et al. 2004. Large-scale geographical variation confirms that climate change causes birds to lay earlier. Proceedings of the Royal Society B -Biological Sciences 271(1549), pp. 1657-1662. (10.1098/rspb.2004.2770)
- Slater, F. M. 2004. Bridging the gap. In Practice: Bulletin of the Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management(43), pp. 19-20.
- Howells, M. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Remnant populations of Austropotamobius pallipes in Wales, UK: counts, causes, cures and consequences. Freshwater Crayfish 14, pp. 140-146.
- Howells, M. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Changes over time in perceptions of species value: the case of austropotamobius pallipes in Wales. Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture(372), pp. 329-332. (10.1051/kmae:2004007)
- Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Barrages, biodiversity and the Indus River Dolphin. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 7(5), pp. 797-801.
- Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2004. The capture and translocation of Indus River Dolphins (Platanista minor) from the Sukkur Barrage canals to the Indus River Dolphin Reserve, Sindh, Pakistan. Sindh University Research Journal 36(2), pp. 1-10.
- Slater, F. M. 2003. To everything there is a season. Natur Cymru 6, pp. 38-40.
- Slater, F. M., Gachal, G. S., Yusuf, S. M. and Channar, B. A. 2003. The precarious state of the Indus Dolphin (Platanista minor) between Guddu and Sukkur barrages in 1999. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 46(2), pp. 110-116.
- Slater, F. M. 2002. Progressive skinning of toads (Bufo bufo) by the eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Iucn Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 19(1), pp. 25-29.
- Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2002. A holistic approach to the conservation of the Indus River Dolphin (Platanista minor) (Owen 1853). Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 45(1), pp. 53-58.
- Slater, F. M. 2002. An assessment of wildlife road casualties - the potential discrepancy between numbers counted and numbers killed. Web Ecology 3, pp. 33-42. (10.5194/we-3-33-2002)
- Cowell, D., Thomas, G., Liles, G., Bradshaw, A., Midgley, L. and Slater, F. 2001. Monitoring the use of artificial log pile otter holts using hair analysis from bedding. Iucn Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 18(1), pp. 6-10.
- Heaton, R. J., Slater, F. M., Randerson, P. F. and Samuel, W. R. 2001. The influence of fertilisation on the yield of short rotation willow coppice in the uplands of mid-Wales. Aspects of Applied Biology 65, pp. 77-82.
- Slater, F. M. 2001. Catches of the cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) at a moth trap in mid-Wales. Entomologists Gazette 52, pp. 189-193.
- Heaton, R. J., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 2001. Diversification in the uplands of Wales - the role of short rotation willow coppice. Scottish Forestry 55(1), pp. 15-21.
- Gachal, G. S. and Slater, F. M. 2001. Dolphins down the drain. BBC Wildlife 19(2), pp. 36-37.
- Slater, F. M. 2001. The decline of the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet)) in the rivers of mid-Wales, UK. Freshwater Crayfish 13, pp. 233-239.
- Slater, F. M. 2001. Noctule nosh decline. Bat News(60), pp. 5-5.
- Kern, M. D., Cowie, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 2000. Responses of egg-laying Pied Flycatchers to experimental changes in clutch size: A re-examination. Condor 102(2), pp. 428-432. (10.1650/0010-5422(2000)102[0428:ROELPF]2.0.CO;2)
- Dong, H., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 2000. A study of agricultural support policies and the role of agriculture in the national economy of the UK. Ningxia Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology(1), pp. 51-57.
- Slater, F. M. 2000. Golden Orioles in Radnorshire. Welsh Birds 2(4), pp. 228.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. Plant invasions: Ecological mechanisms and human responses [Book Review]. Journal of Ecology 87(5), pp. 925-930. (10.1046/j.1365-2745.1999.t01-2-00398.x)
- Heaton, R. J., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 1999. The economics of growing short rotation coppice in the uplands of mid-Wales and an economic comparison with sheep production. Biomass and Bioenergy 17(1), pp. 59-71.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. First-egg date fluctuations for the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in the woodlands of mid-Wales in the twentieth century. Ibis 141(3), pp. 497-499. (10.1111/j.1474-919X.1999.tb04420.x)
- Slater, F. M. 1999. First-egg date fluctuations for the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in the woodlands of mid-Wales in the twentieth century. Ibis 141(3), pp. 497-499. (10.1111/j.1474-919X.1999.tb04420.x)
- Honglin, D., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 1999. New biomass conversion technologies and their applications. Ningxia Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology(6), pp. 10-17.
- Randerson, P. F., Dong, H. and Slater, F. M. 1999. The world production and utilisation of bio-energy and its impacts on land availability for food and environment. Ningxia Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology(5), pp. 5-8.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) migration from some woodlands in the upper Wye Valley. Welsh Birds 2(3), pp. 109-112.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. The changing Majorcan spring. Biotype 9(3), pp. 53-55.
- Slater, F. M., Heaton, R. J. and Randerson, P. F. 1999. Willow v Poplar as an upland crop: a fallacy dispelled. Forestry and British Timber 28(5), pp. 26-27.
- Slater, F. M. 1998. Nestbox use in relation to height and wood treatment. Ringers' Bulletin 9(7), pp. 74.
- Slater, F. M. 1998. Three-quarters of a century of pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in mid-Wales. Welsh Birds 2(1), pp. 16-20.
- Randerson, P. F., Heaton, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 1997. Is arable energy coppice a viable alternative land use in upland Wales?. Aspects of Applied Biology 49, pp. 307-313.
- Robertson, J. and Slater, F. M. 1997. Seasonal movements of Blue Tits (Parus caeruleus) and Great Tits (P. major) in mid Wales. Welsh Birds 1(5), pp. 38-40.
- Slater, F. M. 1997. A non-invasive technique for monitoring the presence of crayfish in rivers, particularly in relation to crayfish plague. Freshwater Crayfish 10, pp. 385-387.
- Smith, G. R. T., Learner, M. A., Slater, F. M. and Foster, J. 1996. Habitat features important for the conservation of the native crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in Britain. Biological Conservation 75(3), pp. 239-246.
- Lynn, S. F., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1996. The use of false colour infra-red photography and image analysis to collect objective measures of woodland ground cover. Journal of Experimental Botany 47(S1), pp. 47-47.
- Foster, J. and Slater, F. M. 1995. A global review of crayfish predation with observations on the possible loss of Austropotamobius pallipes in the Welsh Wye due to crayfish plague. Freshwater Crayfish 8, pp. 589-613.
- Slater, F. M. 1995. A simple crayfish trap. Freshwater Crayfish 10, pp. 194-195.
- Slater, F. M. 1995. Crayfish on Atlantic Islands - threat or opportunity. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Supplemento. 4, pp. 693-698.
- Slater, F. M. 1995. Extracts from the Llysdinam Game Books. Welsh Birds 1(1), pp. 21-24.
- Wilkinson, D. M. and Slater, F. M. 1995. Relationship between plant and invertebrate richness in upland ponds in mid-Wales. The Naturalist 120(1014), pp. 103-108.
- Slater, F. M. 1994. Lights of the Tylwyth Teg. Country Quest 35(5), pp. 41-41.
- Slater, F. M. 1994. Wildlife road casualties. British Wildlife 5(4), pp. 214-221.
- Slater, F. M. 1993. A population of turlough toads. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 46, pp. 3-4.
- Slater, F. M. and Rayner, G. 1993. Austropotamobius pallipes in otter diet in the mid-Wye catchment of central Wales. Freshwater Crayfish 9, pp. 365-367.
- Slater, F. M. 1993. Mewnlifiad ar y Gwy. Dan Haul: Y Cylchgrawn Natur 8, pp. 15-17.
- Slater, F. M. 1993. The natural history of the smaller Radnorshire pools. Radnorshire Society Transactions 63, pp. 12-26.
- Slater, F. M. and Wilkinson, D. M. 1992. The peatlands of mid-Powys - a literature review and preliminary description of new sites. Brycheiniog 26, pp. 17-41.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. Food removal rate from feeders as a measure of bird activity in a rural woodland fringe. Welsh Bird Report 6, pp. 73-76.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. Environmental impact assessment and the role of the biologist. Biologist- Institute of Biology 39(2), pp. 75-78.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. Individual identification using photocopying techniques for some British Triturus species. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 3, pp. 17-19.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. Procambarus clarkii in Majorca. International Association of Astacologists Newsletter 14(4), pp. 2-2.
- Lynn, S. F., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1992. The ecological impact of sewage sludge applications on woodland vegetation. Aspects of Applied Biology 29, pp. 383-388.
- Slater, F. M., Hemsley, A. and Wilkinson, D. M. 1991. A new sub-association of the Pilularietum globuliferae Tuxen 1955 in upland pools in the mid-Wye catchment of central Wales. Vegetatio 96(2), pp. 127-136. (10.1007/BF00044974)
- Slater, F. M. 1991. Recollections of black country natural history. The Blackcountryman 24(1), pp. 14-17.
- Slater, F. M. 1990. Gagea Bohemica. Journal of Ecology 78(2), pp. 535-546.
- Slater, F. M. and Jennings, P. P. 1987. Aberrant eggs of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca in mid Wales. Bird Study 34(3), pp. 185-186. (10.1080/00063658709476959)
- Slater, F. M., Curry, P. and Chadwell, C. 1987. A practical approach to the evaluation of the conservation status of vegetation in river corridors in Wales. Biological Conservation 40(1), pp. 53-68. (10.1016/0006-3207(87)90012-7)
- Curry, P. and Slater, F. M. 1986. A classification of river corridor vegetation from 4 catchments in Wales. Journal of Biogeography 13(2), pp. 119-132.
- Slater, F. M., Gittins, S. P. and Harrison, J. D. 1985. The timing and duration of the breeding migration of the common toad (Bufo-bufo)at Llandrindod Wells lake, mid Wales. British Journal of Herpetology 6(12), pp. 424-426.
- Harrison, J. D., Gittins, S. P. and Slater, F. M. 1984. Morphometric observations of smooth and palmate newts in mid-Wales. British Journal of Herpetology 6(11), pp. 410-413.
- Harrison, J. D., Gittins, S. P. and Slater, F. M. 1983. The breeding migrations of smooth and Palmate newts(Triturus-vulgaris and T-helveticus)at a pond in mid Wales. Journal of Zoology 199(2), pp. 249-258. (10.1111/j.1469-7998.1983.tb02093.x)
- Morgan, M. J. and Slater, F. M. 1983. Unexpected nest-box occupants. Nature in Wales 2(1/2), pp. 110-111.
- Saxon, C. and Slater, F. M. 1983. Ffynhonnau Mwynol Powys. Y Gwyddonydd 21(3), pp. 78-81.
- Saxon, C. and Slater, F. M. 1983. The waters of the spas, mineral springs and holy wells of Wales. Cambria 10(1), pp. 12-25.
- Wisniewski, P. J., Paull, L. M. and Slater, F. M. 1982. The extractive potential of peats in mid-Wales with particular reference to the county of Powys. Biological Conservation 22(3), pp. 239-249. (10.1016/0006-3207(82)90073-8)
- Merry, D. G., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1981. The riparian and aquatic vegetation of the river Wye. Journal of Biogeography 8(4), pp. 313-327.
- Edwards, R. W. and Slater, F. M. 1981. Impact of road deaths on wild-life conservation. Nature in Wales 17(3), pp. 153-156.
- Slater, F. M. 1981. Peat cutting in mid-Wales: a brief introduction. Nature in Wales 17(3), pp. 149-152.
- Wisniewski, P. J., Paull, L. M. and Slater, F. M. 1981. The effects of temperature on the breeding migration and spawning of the common toad (Bufo bufo). British Journal of Herpetology 6, pp. 119-121.
- Paull, L. M., Wisniewski, P. J. and Slater, F. M. 1981. The emergence of young common toads from a mid-Wales lake. Nature in Wales 17(4), pp. 224-229.
- Gittins, S. P., Parker, A. G. and Slater, F. . M. 1980. Population characteristics of the common toad (Bufo bufo) visiting a breeding site in mid-Wales. Journal of Animal Ecology 49(1), pp. 161-173.
- Gittins, S. P., Parker, A. G. and Slater, F. M. 1980. Mate assortment in the common toad (Bufo bufo). Journal of Natural History 14(5), pp. 663-668. (10.1080/00222938000770561)
- Wisniewski, P. J., Paull, L. M., Merry, D. G. and Slater, F. M. 1980. Studies on the breeding migration and intramigratory movements of the common toad (Bufo bufo) using panjet dye-marking techniques. British Journal of Herpetology 6, pp. 71-74.
- Slater, F. M. 1980. The rarer plants of Radnorshire. The Radnorshire Society Transactions 50, pp. 73-77.
- Slater, F. M. 1980. Gagea bohemica - a new British record. Nature in Wales 17(1), pp. 47-47.
- Merry, D. G. and Slater, F. M. 1978. Plant colonisation under abnormally dry conditions of some reservoir margins in mid-Wales. Aquatic Botany 5, pp. 149-162. (10.1016/0304-3770(78)90058-X)
- Slater, F. and Slater, E. 1978. Changing status of Sphagnum-imbricatum Hornsch ex Russ.on Borth Bog, Wales. Journal of Bryology 10(2), pp. 155-161.
- Slater, F. M. and Agnew, A. D. Q. 1977. Observations on a peat bog's ability to withstand increasing public pressure. Biological Conservation 11(1), pp. 21-27.
- Slater, F. M. 1977. A future for field courses. Wales Science Bulletin 18, pp. 10-12.
- Slater, F. M. and Seymour, E. J. 1977. Esgyrn Bottom - the most westerly raised bog in Wales. Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History Society 23(3), pp. 193-205.
- Slater, F. M. 1977. Peat chemistry and the history of Mere Pool, Cannock Chase. Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History Society 23(4), pp. 245-248.
- Slater, F. M. 1977. When the rust began to bloom. The Countryman 82(4), pp. 106-109.
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- Slater, F. M. 1976. Gors Lwyd - a peat bog under threat. Nature in Wales 15(2), pp. 60-72.
Book sections
- Slater, F. 2030. Modern history of the fauna of Radnorshire. In: County History of Radnorshire. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
- Lovegrove, R., Strachan, R., Crawford, A., Tyler, S., Halliwell, L. and Slater, F. M. 2009. Life in Welsh Rivers: Other vertebrates. In: Williams, D. D. and Duigan, C. A. eds. The Rivers of Wales: a natural resource of international and historical significance. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers, pp. 141-162.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. Gagea bohemica (Zauschner) J. A. & J. H. Schultes (Liliaceae). In: Wigginton, M. J. ed. British Red Data Books: 1. Vascular Plants. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, pp. 164.
- Slater, F. M. 1999. Scleranthus perenninis subsp perennis P. D. Sell (Caryophyllaceae) B. In: Wigginton, M. J. ed. British Red Data Books: 1. Vascular Plants. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, pp. 336-336.
- Kowalik, P. J., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1996. Constructed wetlands for landfill leachate treatment. In: Thofelt, L. and Englund, A. eds. Ecotechnics for a Sustainable Society: Proceedings from Ecotechnics 95 - International Symposium on Ecological Engineering. Härnösand: Mid-Sweden University, pp. 189-200.
- Slater, F. M. 1984. Welsh Mires: their range of form - a descriptive account. In: Moore, P. D. ed. European Mires. London: Academic Press, pp. 283-301.
- Slater, F. M. 1977. Carnivorous, parasitic and symbiotic plants. In: Huxley, A. ed. The Encyclopedia of the Plant Kingdom. London: Hamlyn, pp. 204-213.
- Slater, F. 2016. From black to green: Midlands to Mid-Wales (& the World) through a countryman's eyes. Grosvenor House.
- Slater, F. M. 1992. The common toad. Shire Natural History Series Vol. 60. Shire Publications.
- Slater, F. 2024. Otters and a new road. Presented at: 35th European Mustelid Colloquium, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-27 September 2024.
- Slater, F. 2023. The trials and tribulations of Austropotamobius pallipes in Wales, UK. Presented at: Crayf-IT-Life CLAW Meeting, University of Pavia, Italy, 05 - 08 September 2023.
- Slater, F. M. 2018. Anthropogenic mediated changes to biodiversity in the esturine wetlands of the S'Albufera Natural Park, Majorca. Presented at: 8th European Pond Conservation Network Workshop, Torroella de Montgri, Spain, 21-25 May 2018. pp. -.
- Slater, F. M. 2012. Surface profile change at Cors Fochno (Borth Bog), Wales, UK. Presented at: 14th International Peat Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 3-8 June 2012Proceedings of the 14th International Peat Congress.
- Slater, F. M. 2006. Sustainable tourism in Santa Maria, Sal, Cape Verde: a SWOT analysis. Presented at: 5th International Symposium on the Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands, Dublin, 24 -27 August 2004 Presented at Hayden, T. J., Murray, D. A. and O'Connor, J. P. eds.Fauna and Flora of Atlantic Islands: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands: Dublin 24 -27 August 2004. Occasional publication of the Irish Biogeographical Society Vol. 9. Irish Biogeographical Society pp. 207-213.
- Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 2005. The role of willow plants in the treatment of iron-rich landfill leachate. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Vilnius, Lithuania, 26-27 May 2005 Presented at Cygas, D. and Froehner, K. D. eds.Environmental Engineering: the 6th International Conference, Vol. 1. Vilnius: Technika pp. 420-424.
- Evans, B. et al. 2005. The development of sustainable heat and power fuelled by biomass from short rotation coppice in Wales. Presented at: 14th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition: Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Paris, France, 17-21 October 2005.
- Lowthe-Thomas, S. C., Luxton, R., Randerson, P. F., Semere, T. and Slater, F. M. 2004. Environmental issues relating to biomass crops in Wales, UK. Presented at: Second International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for Energy, Kyiv, 20 - 22 September 2004.
- Lowthe-Thomas, S. C., Luxton, R. K., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 2004. A comparison of two types of machine planter for establishment of short rotation willow coppice in upland Wales. Presented at: Second World Conference on Biomass foe Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, 10 - 14 May 2004.
- Howells, M. and Slater, F. 2003. Return of the native crayfish to a Welsh river. Presented at: Management & Conservation of Crayfish, Nottingham Forest Football Ground, Nottingham, 7 November 2002 Presented at Holdich, D. M. and Sibley, P. J. eds.Management & Conservation of Crayfish. Proceedings of a conference held on 7th November 2002 at the Nottingham Forest Football Club, Nottingham, UK. Bristol: Environment Agency pp. 104-111.
- Bradshaw, A., Beckmann, M., Stevens, R. and Slater, F. M. 2001. Anal scent gland secretion of the European otter (Lutra lutra). Presented at: Ninth International Symposium on Chemical SIgnals in Vertebrates, Krakow, Poland, 25-29 July 2000 Presented at Marchlewska-Koj, A., Lepri, J. and Muller-Schwarze, D. eds., Vol. 9. Chemical Signals in Vertebrae Vol. 9. New York, NY: Kluwer pp. 313-319.
- Slater, F. M., Randerson, P. F. and Heaton, R. J. 2000. Prospects for energy grasses in mid-Wales UK. Presented at: 7th Polish - Danish Workshop "Biomass for Energy", Starbienino, Poland, 7 - 10 December 2000.
- Randerson, P. F., Heaton, R. J., Lowthe-Thomas, S. C. and Slater, F. M. 2000. A comparison of planting systems for the establishment of short rotation willow coppice in mid-Wales, UK. Presented at: 7th Polish-Danish workshop on Biomass for Energy, Starbienino, Poland, 7-10 December 2000.
- Randerson, P. F., Heaton, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 2000. Economic prospects for short rotation coppice in Wales: the need for subsidy in a new agricultural industry. Presented at: 7th Polish-Danish workshop on Biomass for Energy, Starbienino, Poland, 7-10 December 2000.
- Lowthe, S. C., Heaton, R. J., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 2000. The effect of a range of mulches on soil temperature, soil moisture and tree growth in short rotation will and poplar - is there potential for field scale application in the uplands of mid-Wales. Presented at: 7th Polish-Danish workshop on Biomass for Energy, Starbienino, Poland, 7-10 December 2000.
- Slater, F. M., Heaton, R. J., Samuel, R. W. and Randerson, P. F. 1999. Second rotation willow coppice in upland Wales. Presented at: 4th Biomass Conference of the Americas, Oakland, CA, USA, 29 August - 2 September 1999 Presented at Overend, R. P. and Chornet, E. eds.Biomass, a growth opportunity in green energy and value-added products : proceedings of the 4th Biomass Conference of the Americas, Vol. 1. Oxford: Elsevier Science pp. 45-46.
- Dong, H., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 1999. Production and conversion of biomass to energy - a world view. Presented at: 6th Polish - Danish workshop on biofuel, Starbienino, Poland, 2-5 December 1999.
- Heaton, R. J., Randerson, P. F. and Slater, F. M. 1997. Influence of cattle slurry on establishment and first year growth of short rotation coppice grown on an upland site. Presented at: 4th Polish - Danish workshop on Biofuels, Starbienino, Poland, 12-14 June 1997.
- Slater, F. M., Hodson, R. W., Randerson, P. F. and Lynn, S. 1997. Some environmental impacts of short rotation coppice willow. Presented at: 3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas, Montreal, Canada, 24-29 August 1997 Presented at Overend, R. P. and Chornet, E. eds.Making a business from biomass in energy, environment, chemicals, fibers, and materials : proceedings of the 3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas, Montréal, Québec, Canada, August 24-29, 1997. Oxford: Pergamon pp. 29-37.
- Randerson, P. F., Samuel, R. W., Slater, F. M. and Heaton, R. J. 1996. Predicting the yield of willow from interim growth measurements - studies of biofuel coppice in Wales, UK. Presented at: 3rd Polish - Danish Workshop on Biofuels, Sopot, Poland, 7 - 9 February 1996Proceedings of the 3rd Polish-Danish Workshop on Biofuels, Sopot, Poland 7-9 February 1996. Gdańsk: Technical University of Gdańsk pp. 135-143.
- Slater, F. M., Hodson, R. W. and Randerson, P. F. 1995. Short rotation willow coppice in Wales: High production under adverse environmental conditions?. Presented at: 2nd Biomass Conference of the Americas, Portland, OR, USA, 21-24 August 1995Proceedings Second Biomass Conference of the Americas: Energy, Environment, Agriculture, and Industry. Golden, CO, USA: National Renewable Energy Laboratory pp. 40-48.
- Hodson, R. W., Slater, F. M. and Randerson, P. F. 1994. The effects of digested sewage sludge on short rotation willow coppice in the UK. Presented at: Willow Vegetation Filters for Municiple Wastewaters and Sludges: A Biological Purification System, Uppsala, Sweden, 5-10 June 1994 Presented at Aronsson, P. and Pertthu, K. eds.Willow Vegetation Filters For Municiple Wastewaters and Sludges: A Biological Purification System. Uppsala Report Vol. 50. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences pp. 113-118.
- Hodson, R. W., Slater, F. M., Lynn, S. F. and Randerson, P. F. 1993. Nutrient enhanced short rotation coppice for biomass in central Wales. Presented at: 1st Biomass Conference of the Americas, Burlington, VT, USA, 30 August - 2 September 1993Proceedings First Biomass Conference of the Americas: Energy, Environment, Agriculture, and Industry. Golden, CO, USA: National Renewable Energy Laboratory pp. 296-301.
- Slater, F. M., Hodson, R. W. and Randerson, P. F. 1992. Biomass gains from effluent disposal: recent developments in central Wales. Presented at: 7th European Conference on Biomass for Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Industry, Florence, Italy, 5-9 October 1992.
- Slater, F. M. 1984. The mineral contents of both peat and plants and their inter-relationships at Borth Bog, Wales. Presented at: 7th International Peat Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 18-23 June 1984Proceedings 7th International Peat Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 18 - 23 June 1984, Vol. 1. International Peat Society pp. 450-467.
- Slater, F. M. 1982. Peat and coppice timber as energy crops. Presented at: Cynefin Conference, Cardiff, UK, 13-15 December 1982.
- Slater, F. M., Paull, L. M. and Wisniewski, P. J. 1980. Patterns of erosion in the blanket peats of mid-Wales. Presented at: 6th International Peat Congress, Duluth, MN, USA, 17-23 August 1980Proceedings of the 6th International Peat Congress : Duluth Arena-Auditorium, Duluth, Minnesota, USA August 17-23, 1980. International Peat Society pp. 103-108.
- Smith, R., Speak, E., Preston-Mafham, L., Pitt, H., Hale, A. and Slater, F. 2009. The South East Wales crayfish project: work to inform choice of donor and ark (receptor) sites for white-clawed crayfish translocation. Technical Report.
- Duller, C. J. et al. 2008. The development of sustainable heat and opower fuelled by biomass from short rotation coppice in Wales. Project Report. Aberystwyth: Prifysgol Aberystwyth.
- Slater, F. et al. 2007. The status of the White-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in tributaries of the river Usk on Mynydd Eppynt in Breconshire in 2005 and 2006. Technical Report.
- Slater, F. M. and Howells, M. 2003. The causes of the decline of the white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes on the Afon Edw: preliminary report into the effects of sedimentation.. Technical Report.
- Slater, F. and Howells, M. 2003. Monnow crayfish survey phase 2 - Ecsley and Dulas tributaries. Technical Report.
- Slater, F. and House, E. V. 2001. The current status of the white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the Afon Edw and the impact of recent land use changes on [opulations. Project Report. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 1. Water quality - R. Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 2. Fisheries studies - R. Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern 3-4 February 1976: UWIST Paper 3. Comparison of two methods of collecting macro-invertebrates from the R. Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 4. Invertebrates: River Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 5. Invertebrate studies: Ystwyth & Rheidol. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 6. Submerged macrophytes of the R. Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Coch Field Surveys Group meeting, Malvern February 1976: UWIST Paper 7. River Wye vegetation survey. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Brooker, M. P., Morris, D. L., Hemsworth, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 9 Mass mortalities of adult salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the R. Wye, 1976. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Gee, A. S., Milner, N. J., Hemsworth, R. J. and Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 10 The effect of density on mortality in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Edwards, R. W., Oborne, A. C., Brooker, M. P., Sambrook, H. T. and Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 11 The behaviour and budgets of selected ions in the Wye Catchment. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Morris, D. L., Brooker, M. P. and Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 12 The production of two species of Ephemeropters (Ephemerella ignita PODA and Rhithrogena semicolorata CURTIS) in the upper reaches of the R. Wye, Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M., Brooker, M. P. and Morris, D. L. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 13 Invertebrate studies: Ystwyth and Rheidol. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M., Gee, A. S., Milner, N. J. and Hemsworth, R. J. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 14 The production of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the Upper Wye, Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1976. Craig Goch Report No. 15 Macroinvertebrates of the River Wye. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
- Slater, F. M. 1975. Craig Goch Project – UWIST. Report No. 8. Methods of chemical analysis. Project Report. Cardiff: University of Wales Institute of Technology.
O 1970 gweithiais yn Adran Botaneg a Microbioleg ar y pryd yn yr hyn sydd bellach yn Brifysgol Aberystwyth lle ymchwiliais i ecoleg arwyneb mawndiroedd canolbarth Cymru. Ym 1974 croesais Fynyddoedd Cambria i ymgymryd â swydd Cyfarwyddwr Canolfan Maes Llysdinam, rhan annatod o Ysgol y Biowyddorau Caerdydd tan ei chliw yn 2010.
Dros y blynyddoedd ehangodd fy niddordebau ymchwil o fotaneg fy nyddiau Aberystwyth yn unig, ond hyd yn oed felly rwyf wedi bod yn rhan o'r disgrifiad o'r unig rywogaeth wahanol o blanhigion blodau brodorol i'w hychwanegu at fflora Cymru a Lloegr yn yr ugeinfed ganrif; disgrifiad o gymdeithas blanhigion newydd o byllau ucheldir ephemeral, a hefyd ymchwilio i gnydau biomas fel helyg a Miscanthus.
Roedd rhywfaint o ymchwil fanteistiwnistaidd yn y 1970au yn ei gwneud yn glir cyn lleied oedd yn hysbys o ddosbarthu ac ecoleg amffibiaid a'm harwain, gyda nifer o gynorthwywyr ôl-raddedig ac ôl-doc, i archwilio'r llwybr sŵoleg hwn, gan gyfrannu'n sylweddol at y llenyddiaeth yn y maes hwn. Gydag Afon Gwy yn llifo bron wrth ddrws y Canolfannau Maes, bu "swyn dau greadur" dan fygythiad a gwarchodedig yr afon, y dyfrgi a'r cimwch crafanc gwyn brodorol , gyda chymorth sawl ôl-radd ac ôl-docs., yn destun cryn sylw ymchwiliol. Mae fy niddordebau hefyd wedi amrywio o anafusion ffyrdd bywyd gwyllt, i asesiad o'r effaith amgylcheddol, o adfer cynefinoedd afonydd, i Dolffiniaid Afon Indus, ac o ecodwristiaeth i fiofiltration.
Roedd fy niddordebau ymchwil cyn ymddeol yn cynnwys cynhyrchu a bioamrywiaeth glaswelltau helyg a rhizomatous lluosflwydd ar gyfer biomas; ecoleg amffibiaid, dyfrgwn a physgod cregyn, a gwrthdaro rhwng bioamrywiaeth ac ecodwristiaeth. Rwy'n awdur rhyw 200 o adroddiadau a chyhoeddiadau yn bennaf am ecoleg canolbarth Cymru, gan gynnwys dau lyfr a phennod mewn sawl un arall.
Darlith i fyfyrwyr MSc mewn Ecoleg Fyd-eang
Yn berson Du trwy enedigaeth, rwyf wedi byw a gweithio yng Nghymru ers dros 50 mlynedd. Ar ôl ennill fy BSc (Anrh) mewn Botaneg o Goleg Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth, dychwelais i Orllewin Canolbarth Lloegr i ddysgu Bioleg yn Ysgol Ramadeg Darlaston ar y pryd. Ar ôl ennill fy Nhystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Addysg (Prifysgol Llundain) ac MSc mewn Ecoleg Mawndir (Prifysgol Cymru) dychwelais i Aberystwyth fel Arddangoswr (Darlithydd Cynorthwyol) mewn Ecoleg yn yr Adran Botaneg a Microbioleg gan ganiatáu i mi astudio am PhD i ecoleg Cors Fochno (Borth Bog) a mawndiroedd Cymreig eraill.
Ym 1974 gadewais Aberystwyth a chroesais Fynyddoedd y Cambrian i Drecelyn i fod yn Gyfarwyddwr Canolfan Maes Llysdinam a oedd newydd ei hagor, ac yna'n perthyn i UWIST, ond a ddaeth, ar ôl uno ac enw sefydliadol yn newid, yn rhan o Ysgol y Biowyddorau Caerdydd.
Dyma rai enghreifftiau o'm profiad ymchwil:
- Rwyf wedi gweithio gyda phartneriaid tramor ar sawl prosiect gan gynnwys astudiaeth o Dolffin Afon Indus gyda Phrifysgol Sindh (fel Athro Gwâd) ac Adran Bywyd Gwyllt Sindh, gan ddarparu dull cyfannol o gadwraeth ar yr Indus gan ddefnyddio ardaloedd biofiltration naturiol unffordd – syniad a gymerwyd wedyn gan awdurdodau cadwraeth ar y Ganges.
- Gweithiais yn agos gyda Llywodraeth Ynysoedd Cape Verde ar faterion ecolegol yn ymwneud â physgodfeydd a chrwbanod lleol a datblygu twristiaeth.
- Bûm yn gweithio ym Majorca fel ymgynghorydd ecolegol gyda Richard Rogers Associates ar ddatblygiad mawr ger Palma.
- Yn Seland Newydd rwyf wedi arolygu Paranephrops planifrons (un o gimychiaid brodorol NZ) gyda Dr Stephanie Parkyn ac Astacopsis gouldii (cimwch dŵr croyw mwyaf y byd) yn Tasmania gyda Tod Walsh.
- Rwyf wedi cynnal ymweliad a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru ag Awstralia i ddatblygu cysylltiadau academaidd gydag arbenigwyr Decapod yno.
- Fi oedd y cyntaf i gofnodi yn y llenyddiaeth y cimwch Procambarus clarkii yn Majorca ac mae wedi gwneud ymweliadau sy'n gysylltiedig â cimwch yn ymwneud ag Awstria, Sbaen, yr Eidal, Norwy, yr Almaen, Mecsico, UDA, Canada, Japan a De America.
- Ymwelais â Sabah i gynghori ar agweddau rheolaethol ar Orsaf Faes Danau Girang cyn iddi agor i fyfyrwyr Caerdydd.
- Rwyf wedi cynhyrchu tua 200 o adroddiadau a chyhoeddiadau gan gynnwys tri llyfr a nifer o gyfraniadau pennod i lyfrau eraill.
- Adlewyrchir fy statws ecolegol yn y ffaith fy mod yn Gymrawd o'r Sefydliad Siartredig Ecoleg a Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol (RTD) ac yn un o'r Ecolegwyr Siartredig cyntaf yn y DU.
- Rwyf wedi bod yn aelod cyswllt yn Herpetofauna Consultants International.
- Rwyf wedi gweithio ar y cyd ar gnydau biomas gyda Phrifysgol Massey yn Ynys y Gogledd, Seland Newydd.
- Mae gweithio ar byllau arbrofol yng Nghymru hefyd wedi mynd â mi i gyflwyno gwaith yn y maes hwn ym Mhortiwgal, yr Almaen, Awstralia, Balearics a Brasil.
- Yn rhinwedd ei swydd fel ymgynghorydd ecolegol, rwyf wedi gweithio ar brosiectau fferm wynt mawr gan gynnwys Carreg Wen, yng ngogledd Powys, gyda NPower Renewables a oedd yn cynnwys cynigion i drosi tua 30km2 o gonwydd ar rosorau Llanbrynmair, adeiladu ar ôl y gwynt, yn ôl i laswelltir asid a rhostir llwyn corrach. Rwyf wedi gwneud gwaith tebyg ar fferm wynt llai Bryn Titley yng nghanolbarth Powys a ffermydd gwynt arfaethedig yn Sir Benfro, Trecelyn Gwent, ac Ardal y Llynnoedd.
- Cynghorais ar adfer safle difetha Glofa 6 Bells yn Ne Cymru, o wastraff mwynglawdd i laswelltir asid, rhostir llwyn corrach a choetir Birch/Rowan.
- Cefais fewnbwn dylunio i sawl cynllun gan greu gwlyptiroedd gan ddefnyddio llystyfiant naturiol (gwelyau cyrs neu helyg) fel hidlwyr i wella ansawdd dŵr, gan gynnwys i'r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ar hyd Afon Conwy, i Gyngor Sir Powys ac ar Afon Indus ym Mhacistan ar gyfer cadwraeth dolffiniaid afonydd.
- Rwyf hefyd wedi gweithio ar agweddau ecolegol/amgylcheddol creu coetiroedd; Datblygiadau yn y Goedwig Newydd; echdynnu dŵr o'r Hampshire Avon; datblygiadau safle o Newcastle upon Tyne i Sandringham ac i'r gorllewin i Ddyfnaint; arolygon ecolegol o'r M4 o ger Bryste i'r M25 a ffordd Blaenau'r Cymoedd yn Ne Cymru mewn perthynas ag ehangu'r ffyrdd.
- Mae gen i hefyd brofiad sylweddol o weithio a chynghori ar faterion glaswelltir e.e. cyd-oruchwyliais astudiaeth PhD i effeithiau calchu glaswelltiroedd yr ucheldir; Rydw i wedi astudio Pied Flycatchers mewn blychau nythu ers dros ddeugain mlynedd ac mae gen i ddata blychau nythu ystadau yn ôl i cyn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf; Yn yr un modd, mae gen i ddiddordebau helaeth mewn amffibiaid, ystlumod a mamaliaid bach.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Er fy mod ar hyn o bryd yn Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil Anrhydeddus yn Ysgol y Biowyddorau, rwyf hefyd:
- Cymrawd y Cymdeithasau Amaethyddol Brenhinol
- Enillydd medal arian ac Is-lywydd Bywyd Anrhydeddus, Cymdeithas Amaethyddol Frenhinol Cymru (RWAS)
- Cymrawd y Sefydliad Siartredig Ecoleg a Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol (RTD)
- Ecolegydd Siartredig
- Amgylcheddwr Siartredig.
Rwyf ar hyn o bryd neu rwyf wedi bod:
- Deiliad trwyddedau'r llywodraeth i astudio ystlumod, cimychiaid brodorol, cregyn gleision perlog dŵr croyw, Chirocephalus, (berdys tylwyth teg), madfallod cribog mawr ac mae'n ringer adar trwyddedig a hyfforddwr dosbarth "A"
- Arholwr PhD/MSc allanol.
- Safonwr allanol ar gyfer cyrsiau Meistr ar gyfer Prifysgol Bangor a Phrifysgol De Cymru
- Am 10 mlynedd roeddwn yn aelod Proffesiynol/Gwyddonol ar bwyllgor statudol FERAC Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd ar y pryd (Cymru)
- Gwasanaethu ar Bwyllgor Cynghori Ymchwil Amaethyddol Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
- Aelod o Grŵp Strategaeth Coetir a Biomas WAG
- Aelod o Sefydliad Ymchwil Amgylcheddol Caerdydd y Brifysgol
- Aelod o WERC (Canolfan Ymchwil Ynni Cymru), grŵp llywio a sefydlwyd i gydlynu ymchwil ynni yng Nghymru
- Yn un o sylfaenwyr Sefydliad Siartredig Ecoleg a Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol a chyn hynny is-gynullydd pwyllgor CIEEM Cymru.
- Rhan o dîm rheoli Willows for Wales IBERS
- Aelod o Fwrdd Asiantaeth Ynni Canolbarth Cymru
- Aseswr Annibynnol ar gyfer Rhaglen Technolegau Ynni DTI (biomas)
- Sefydlodd Ganolfan Biomas Cymru yng Nghanolfan Maes Llysdinam
- Bu'n cadeirio a rheoli adran Sir Faesyfed Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Swydd Henffordd a Sir Faesyfed i'r pwynt lle roedd yn ddigon hyfyw i ddod yn Ymddiriedolaeth Natur annibynnol Sir Faesyfed, sefydliad y mae ganddo gysylltiadau agos ag ef o hyd.
- 1970au a'r 80au yn ddarlledwr rheolaidd i'r BBC (Radio 4, Radio Wales, World Service, Television) a ystyrid (felly dywedwyd wrthyf!) fel un o'r 20 cyfathrebwyr hanes naturiol gorau sy'n darlledu ar hyn o bryd
- Aelod o Bwyllgor RSPB Cymru
- Aelod o Fwrdd Golygyddol Natur Cymru.
Dros fwy na 35 mlynedd cefais brofiad sylweddol o reoli pobl, sefydliadau a phrosiectau. Roeddwn i'n rheoli Canolfan Maes Llysdinam y Brifysgol, gyda hyd at 22 aelod o staff ar unrhyw adeg, ac o bosibl 40 o ymwelwyr preswyl, ac yn ogystal â rhedeg nifer o brosiectau mawr a ariennir gan yr UE yn bennaf gyda chyllidebau o hyd at oddeutu £3,000,000. Roedd cyllidwyr arwyddocaol eraill yn cynnwys Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Llysdinam, Sefydliad Esmée Fairbairn, DTI, cyrff statudol a llywodraethol.