Yr Athro Andrew Thompson
Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen Rhaglenni Seicoleg Glinigol GIG
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen a Seicolegydd Clinigol Ymgynghorol - Arweinydd rhaglenni seicoleg gymhwysol a ariennir gan AaGIC yn Ne Cymru (DClin & CAAPs) - Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro ac Athro Seicoleg Glinigol (Anrh), Prifysgol Caerdydd. HCPC Seicolegydd Clinigol Cofrestredig & HCPC Seicolegydd Iechyd Cofrestredig. Ymarferydd Achrededig mewn Therapi Gwybyddol Dadansoddol
Arbenigedd ymchwil - 1. cyflyrau hirdymor sy'n effeithio ar ymddangosiad a delwedd y corff (arbenigedd penodol yn agweddau seicogymdeithasol cyflyrau'r croen); Diddordebau eilaidd - 2. seicodermatoleg; 3. agweddau seicogymdeithasol a ffenomenoleg awtistiaeth. Mae diddordebau damcaniaethol yn cynnwys ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, ACT, a hunandosturi.
Arbenigedd addysgu: Mae'r Athro Thompson yn arwain doethuriaeth De Cymru mewn seicoleg glinigol ac yn addysgu seicolegwyr clinigol dan hyfforddiant ôl-raddedig ar nifer o bynciau clinigol. Mae hefyd yn rheoli'r rhaglen CAAPs ac yn cyd-arwain y clinig peilot seicoleg myfyrwyr. Mae arbenigedd addysgu penodol yn cynnwys dulliau ymchwil fel y'u cymhwysir mewn seicoleg glinigol, moeseg, ac agweddau seicolegol ar gyflyrau tymor hir. Mae Andrew hefyd wedi dysgu ar ddefnyddio therapi gwybyddol ymddygiadol a therapi dadansoddi gwybyddol mewn gwahanol leoliadau. Yn flaenorol, mae wedi datblygu adnoddau addysgu rhyngddisgyblaethol ar gyfer platfform e-ddysgu Health Education England ar agweddau seicolegol ar gyflyrau croen. Mae wedi darparu nifer o weithdai datblygu proffesiynol ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol meddygol a gofal iechyd.
Mae'r prif areithiau a'r areithiau gwadd yn cynnwys: Cymdeithas Dermatoleg a Seiciatreg Ewrop, Cyfarfod Blynyddol Cymdeithas Dermatolegwyr Prydain, Cyfarfod Blynyddol Nyrsio Dermatoleg Prydain, a chyfres o ddarlithoedd cyhoeddus y Gymdeithas Frenhinol Meddygaeth: Meddygaeth a Fi.
Cyfryngau: Mae'r cyfweliadau gwadd yn cynnwys Radio 4 All in the Mind. Mae'r Athro Thompson yn darparu sylwebaeth reolaidd i ddarparwyr cyfryngau ac mae enghreifftiau diweddar o sylwebaethau a ddarparwyd i Gymdeithas Dermatolegwyr Prydain i'w gweld yma, i Sefydliad Croen Prydain yma, ac i'r BBC yma.
Crynodeb o weithgarwch allanol:
Rolau golygyddol - Cyd-olygydd yn Brif - British Journal of Health Psychology
Cyn Olygydd Cyswllt British Journal of Dermatology - 2015-2024
Rolau adolygydd - ar gyfer ceisiadau ariannu ar gyfer cynghorau ymchwil ac elusennau lluosog gan gynnwys ESRC, NIHR, ac MRC. adolygydd ar gyfer cylchgronau adolygu cymheiriaid lluosog ym maes seicoleg, meddygaeth, nyrsio, a gofal iechyd perthynol
Rolau ymweld - Athro Gwadd Seicoleg Glinigol - Prifysgol Sheffield - 2021-presennol; Cyn Athro Gwadd Seicoleg Glinigol - Prifysgol Hull - 2014-2017
Rolau archwilio allanol - Penodiadau cyfredol - Prifysgol Newcastle (rhaglen DClin); Prifysgol Rhydychen (rhaglen DClin); Prifysgol Efrog (MSc Cwnsela a MSc Seicoleg Glinigol - Coleg y Ddinas, Thessonaliki)
Rhaglen archwilio allanol AAU blaenorol lluosog ac apwyntiadau arholwr PhD
Aelodaeth pwyllgorau a rolau cynghori -
Is-bwyllgor y Gweithlu a Hyfforddiant Cymru, Yr Is-adran Seicoleg Glinigol, Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain.
Grŵp o Hyfforddwyr mewn Seicoleg Glinigol ac Is-adran Cynrychiolydd Seicoleg Glinigol i Fwrdd Ymchwil Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain
Aelod o'r Bwrdd Ymchwil - Cymdeithas Vitiligo
Cyn-ymgynghorydd seicolegol - Y Grŵp Seneddol Hollbleidiol ar Groen
Cyn-ymddiriedolwr - Newid Wynebau - 2019 -2024
Cyn-ymgynghorydd seicolegol - Sefydliad Katie Piper - 2013-2018
Cyn Gynghorydd Seicolegol Sefydliad Scar Free - 2019-2024
Cyn aelod o'r Pwyllgor Ymchwil - Alopecia UK - 2018-2020
- Shepherd, L. et al. 2025. A multi-centre prospective cohort study investigating the roles of psychological flexibility and self-compassion in appearance concerns after burn injuries. British Journal of Health Psychology 30(1), article number: e12754. (10.1111/bjhp.12754)
- Day, M., Heapy, C., Norman, P., Emerson, L., Murphy, R., Hughes, O. and Thompson, A. R. 2025. Impact of childhood psoriasis on children and parents during transition to adolescence: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. British Journal of Health Psychology 30(1), article number: e12763. (10.1111/bjhp.12763)
- Rawlings, G. H., Bowmer, G., Armstrong, I. and Thompson, A. R. 2025. Update to: Self-help cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety in pulmonary hypertension. ERJ Open Research 11(1) (10.1183/23120541.00872-2024)
- Thompson, A. R., Tziotzios, C., Nesnas, J., Randall, R., Czachorowski, M. and Messenger, A. 2024. Lifetime incidence and healthcare disparities in alopecia areata: a UK population-based cohort study. British Journal of Dermatology 191(6), pp. 924-935., article number: ljae307. (10.1093/bjd/ljae307)
- Shepherd, L., Sirois, F., Harcourt, D., Norman, P. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. Early appearance concerns after burns: Investigating the roles of psychological flexibility and self-compassion. Body Image 51, article number: 101797. (10.1016/j.bodyim.2024.101797)
- Wedge, H. E. F., Waddington, L. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. Experiences of imagery in obsessive-compulsive disorder: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. British Journal of Clinical Psychology (10.1111/bjc.12518)
- Shepherd, L., Sirois, F., Harcourt, D., Norman, P. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. The acceptability of early psychological interventions for adults with appearance concerns after burns. Burns 50(8), pp. 2103-2113. (10.1016/j.burns.2024.07.038)
- Marron, S. E. et al. 2024. Stigmatization and perceived health status in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa: an observational multicenter study in Europe. International Journal of Dermatology (10.1111/ijd.17569)
- Wren, G., O'Callaghan, P., Zaidi, A., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2024. Monitoring heart rhythms in adult males with X-linked ichthyosis using wearable technology: a feasibility study. [Online]. Research Square. Available at: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-5320157/v1
- Grahame, C., Thompson, A. R. and Freeth, M. 2024. “A wild and inaccessible place”: The lived experiences of autistic pregnancy and birth. Autism in Adulthood (10.1089/aut.2024.0033)
- Harries, M. J. et al. 2024. British Association of Dermatologists living guideline for managing people with alopecia areata 2024. British Journal of Dermatology (10.1093/bjd/ljae385)
- Sirois, F. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. Editorial: Updates from the new editors-in-chief. British Journal of Health Psychology 29(3), pp. 513-515. (10.1111/bjhp.12725)
- Thomson, K. and Thompson, A. 2024. The experiences of individuals with body dysmorphic disorder: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative research. Body Image 50, article number: 101727. (10.1016/j.bodyim.2024.101727)
- Hughes, O., Shelton, K. H., Penny, H. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. ‘Living in the present’ Mindfulness for parents of children with skin conditions: A single group case series. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (10.1017/S1352465824000341)
- Finch, K., Lawrence, D., Williams, M. O., Thompson, A. R. and Hartwright, C. 2024. Relationships between adverse childhood experiences, attachment, resilience, psychological distress and trauma among forensic mental health populations. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 35(5), pp. 660-684. (10.1080/14789949.2024.2365149)
- Zeidler, C. et al. 2024. Dermatological patients with itch report more stress, stigmatization experience, anxiety and depression compared to patients without itch: Results from a European multi‐centre study. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 38(8), pp. 1649-1661. (10.1111/jdv.19913)
- Hughes, O., Shelton, K. H. and Thompson, A. 2024. Healthcare professionals’ views on psychological support for children and families affected by skin conditions in the UK: a qualitative study. Skin Health and Disease 4(4), article number: e376. (10.1002/ski2.376)
- Eleftheriadou, V. et al. 2024. Burden of disease and treatment patterns in patients with vitiligo: findings from a national longitudinal retrospective study in the UK. British Journal of Dermatology 191(2), pp. 216-224. (10.1093/bjd/ljae133)
- Singleton, H. et al. 2024. Educational and psychological interventions for managing atopic dermatitis (eczema). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024(8) (10.1002/14651858.cd014932.pub2)
- Hughes, O. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. Dealing with flares in skin conditions: how can we meet patient need?. British Journal of Dermatology 191(1), pp. 9-10., article number: ljae084. (10.1093/bjd/ljae084)
- Taylor, N., Maduewesi, O., Vasiliou, V. S. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. The experience of living with vitiligo in Nigeria: a participatory interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology (10.1177/13591053241261684)
- Sampogna, F. et al. 2024. A cross‐sectional study on gender differences in body dysmorphic concerns in patients with skin conditions in relation to sociodemographic, clinical and psychological variables. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (10.1111/jdv.20247)
- Radev, S., Freeth, M. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. ‘I’m not just being difficult . . . I’m finding it difficult’: A qualitative approach to understanding experiences of autistic parents when interacting with statutory services regarding their autistic child. Autism 28(6), pp. 1394-1404. (10.1177/13623613231212794)
- Smethurst, L., Thompson, A. R. and Freeth, M. 2024. “I’ve absolutely reached rock bottom and have no energy”: The lived experience of unemployed and underemployed autistic adults. Autism in Adulthood (10.1089/aut.2023.0171)
- Wren, G., Flanagan, J., Underwood, J., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2024. Memory, mood and associated neuroanatomy in individuals with steroid sulfatase deficiency (X-linked ichthyosis). Genes, Brain and Behavior 23(3), article number: e12893. (10.1111/gbb.12893)
- Keenan, E., Morris, R., Vasiliou, V. S. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. A qualitative feasibility and acceptability study of an acceptance and commitment-based bibliotherapy intervention for people with cancer. Journal of Health Psychology 29(5), pp. 410-424. (10.1177/13591053231216017)
- Barlow, R. et al. 2024. Assessing and managing mental health of people with vitiligo: UK-wide consultation exercise. British Journal of Dermatology 190(4), pp. 574-576. (10.1093/bjd/ljad503)
- Rawlings, G. H., Gaskell, C., Beail, N., Thompson, A. and Armstrong, I. 2024. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of emPHasis‐10: The health‐related quality‐of‐life measure in pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary Circulation 14(2), article number: e12378. (10.1002/pul2.12378)
- Andrew, L. and Thompson, A. 2024. Next steps for the psychological workforce in Wales. Clinical Psychology Forum 375, pp. 21-28. (10.53841/bpscpf.2024.1.375.21)
- Clarke, E. N., Norman, P. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. Online compassion-based self-help for depression in people with skin conditions: a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 10, article number: 63. (10.1186/s40814-024-01486-4)
- Radev, S., Freeth, M. and Thompson, A. R. 2024. How healthcare systems are experienced by autistic adults in the United Kingdom: A meta-ethnography. Autism 28(9), pp. 2166-2178. (10.1177/13623613241235531)
- Thompson, A. 2024. CAT for long- term health conditions. In: Brummer, L., Cavieres, M. and Tan, R. eds. Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. Oxford Library of Psychology Oxford University Press, pp. 557-571., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198866572.013.33)
- Powell, L. D., Vasiliou, V. S. and Thompson, A. R. 2023. An ACT self-help intervention for adults with a visible difference in appearance: A pilot feasibility and acceptability randomized controlled study. Body Image 47, article number: 101637. (10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.101637)
- Eleftheriadou, V. and Thompson, A. 2023. Skin is a window to one's inner world. British Journal of Dermatology 189(5), pp. 501-502. (10.1093/bjd/ljad300)
- Heapy, C., Norman, P., Cockayne, S. and Thompson, A. R. 2023. The effectiveness of mindfulness based cognitive therapy for social anxiety symptoms in people living with alopecia areata: a single-group case-series design. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 51(5), pp. 381-395. (10.1017/S1352465823000292)
- Rawlings, G. H., Novakova, B., Armstrong, I. and Thompson, A. 2023. A systematic review of psychological interventions in adults with pulmonary hypertension: Is the evidence-base disproportionate to the problem?. The Clinical Respiratory Journal 17(9), pp. 966-972. (10.1111/crj.13685)
- Wilson, R. B., Thompson, A. R., Rowse, G., Smith, R., Dugdale, A. and Freeth, M. 2023. Autistic women’s experiences of self-compassion and receiving their diagnosis in adulthood. Autism 27(5), pp. 1336-1347. (10.1177/13623613221136752)
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- Wilson, R. B., Thompson, A. R., Rowse, G. and Freeth, M. 2023. The experience of seeking, receiving, and reflecting upon a diagnosis of autism in the UK: A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies conducted with autistic individuals. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 103, article number: 102135. (10.1016/j.rasd.2023.102135)
- Vasiliou, S., Russell, H., Cockayne, S., Coelho, G. L. d. H. and Thompson, A. R. 2023. A network analysis of psychological flexibility, coping, and stigma in dermatology patients. Frontiers in Medicine 10 (10.3389/fmed.2023.1075672)
- Hughes, O., Shelton, K. H., Penny, H. and Thompson, A. R. 2023. Parent and child experience of skin conditions: relevance for the provision of mindfulness-based interventions. British Journal of Dermatology 188(4), pp. 514-523. (10.1093/bjd/ljac129)
- Hughes, O., Shelton, K. H., Penny, H. and Thompson, A. R. 2023. Living with physical health conditions: a systematic review of mindfulness-based interventions for children, adolescents, and their parents. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 48(4), pp. 396-413. (10.1093/jpepsy/jsad003)
- Adkins, K., Overton, P. G., Moses, J. and Thompson, A. 2023. Investigating the role of upward comparisons and self-compassion on stigma in people with acne: cross-sectional study. JMIR Dermatology 6, article number: e45368. (10.2196/45368)
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- Rawlings, G. H., Novakova, B., Armstrong, I. and Thompson, A. R. 2023. Can self‐compassion help us better understand the impact of pulmonary hypertension on those with the condition and their carers? A cross‐sectional analysis. Pulmonary Circulation 13(1), article number: e12208. (10.1002/pul2.12208)
- Rawlings, G. H., Thompson, A. R., Armstrong, I. and Beail, N. 2023. What is the psychosocial burden of COVID-19 on people with pulmonary hypertension?. The Clinical Respiratory Journal 17(2), pp. 124-126. (10.1111/crj.13570)
- Adkins, K. V., Overton, P. G. and Thompson, A. R. 2022. A brief online writing intervention improves positive body image in adults living with dermatological conditions. Frontiers in Medicine 9, article number: 1064012. (10.3389/fmed.2022.1064012)
- Rawlings, G. H., Thompson, A. R., Armstrong, I., Novakova, B. and Beail, N. 2022. Cognitive and behavioural processes predict anxiety and depression in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary Circulation, article number: e12174. (10.1002/pul2.12174)
- Rowe, R., Stride, C. B., Day, M. R., Thompson, A. R., McKenna, F. P. and Poulter, D. R. 2022. Why are newly qualified motorists at high crash risk? Modelling driving behaviours across the first six months of driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention 177, article number: 106832. (10.1016/j.aap.2022.106832)
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- Thompson, A. R., Eleftheriadou, V. and Nesnas, J. 2022. The mental health associations of vitiligo: UK population-based cohort study. BJPsych Open 8(6), pp. 1-7., article number: e190. (10.1192/bjo.2022.591)
- Clarke, E. N., Norman, P. and Thompson, A. R. 2022. How does self-compassion help people adjust to chronic skin conditions? A template analysis study. Frontiers in Medicine 9, article number: 974816. (10.3389/fmed.2022.974816)
- Heapy, C., Norman, P., Emerson, L., Murphy, R., Bögels, S. and Thompson, A. R. 2022. Mindful parenting intervention for parents of children with skin conditions: a single group experimental cases series. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 50(5), pp. 462-480. (10.1017/S1352465822000170)
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- Rawlings, G. H., Thompson, A. R., Armstrong, I., Novakova, B. and Beail, N. 2022. Coping styles associated with depression, health anxiety and health-related quality of life in pulmonary hypertension: cross-sectional analysis. BMJ Open 12(8), article number: e062564. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062564)
- Wren, G., Humby, T., Thompson, A. and Davies, W. 2022. Mood symptoms, neurodevelopmental traits, and their contributory factors in X-linked ichthyosis, ichthyosis vulgaris and psoriasis. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 47(6), pp. 1097-1108. (10.1111/ced.15116)
- Muftin, Z., Gilbert, P. and Thompson, A. R. 2022. A randomised controlled feasibility trial of online compassion-focused self-help for psoriasis. British Journal of Dermatology 186(6), pp. 955-962. (10.1111/bjd.21020)
- Rawlings, G. H., Beail, N., Condliffe, R., Kiely, D. G., Thompson, A. R., Sabroe, I. and Armstrong, I. 2022. Examining the impact of pulmonary hypertension on nonprofessional caregivers: a mixed-methods systematic review. Pulmonary Circulation 12(2), article number: e12077. (10.1002/pul2.12077)
- Tour, S. K., Thompson, A., Howard, R. A. and Larkin, M. 2022. Experiences of blogging about visible and long-term skin conditions: interpretative phenomenologica analysis. JMIR Dermatology 5(2), article number: e29980. (10.2196/29980)
- Rawlings, G. H., Beail, N., Armstrong, I. and Thompson, A. R. 2022. Self-help cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety in pulmonary hypertension: pilot randomised controlled trial. ERJ Open Research 8(1), article number: 00526-2021. (10.1183/23120541.00526-2021)
- Eleftheriadou, V. et al. 2022. British Association of Dermatologists guidelines for the management of people with vitiligo 2021. British Journal of Dermatology 186(1), pp. 18-29. (10.1111/bjd.20596)
- Wheeler, M., Guterres, S., Bewley, A. and Thompson, A. 2022. An analysis of qualitative responses from a UK survey of the psychosocial wellbeing of people with skin conditions and their experiences of accessing psychological support. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 47(1), pp. 37-42. (10.1111/ced.14815)
- Finch, K., Lawrence, D., Williams, M., Thompson, A. and Hartwright, C. 2022. A systematic review of the effectiveness of safewards: Has enthusiasm exceeded evidence?. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 43(2), pp. 119-136. (10.1080/01612840.2021.1967533)
- Ahmed, A. et al. 2022. British Association of Dermatologists guidelines for the management of adults with delusional infestation 2022.
- Heapy, C., Norman, P., Emerson, L., Murphy, R., Bögels, S. and Thompson, A. R. 2021. Is parental mindfulness associated with quality of life and itch intensity in children with psoriasis and eczema and well-being in parents?. Mindfulness 12, pp. 2707-2717. (10.1007/s12671-021-01733-2)
- Singleton, H. et al. 2021. Psychological and educational interventions for managing eczema. Cochrane Library 11, article number: CD014932. (10.1002/14651858.CD014932)
- Dugdale, A., Thompson, A. R., Leedham, A., Beail, N. and Freeth, M. 2021. Intense connection and love: The experiences of autistic mothers. Autism 25(7), pp. 1973-1984. (10.1177/13623613211005987)
- Lam, E. and Thompson, A. 2021. Cultural nuances of skin shame: a qualitative study of skin conditions in Chinese women living in the UK. Dermatological Nursing 20(2), pp. 29-35.
- Lüßmann, K., Montgomery, K., Thompson, A., Gieler, U., Zick, C., Kupfer, J. and Schut, C. 2021. Mindfulness as predictor of itch catastrophizing in patients with atopic dermatitis: eesults of a cross-sectional questionnaire study. Frontiers in Medicine 8, article number: 627611. (10.3389/fmed.2021.627611)
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- Thompson, A. R., Guterres, S. and Bewley, A. P. 2020. Psychodermatological research priorities identified by Priority Setting Partnerships. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 45(8), pp. 1106. (10.1111/ced.14447)
- Rawlings, G. H., Beail, N., Armstrong, I., Condliffe, R., Kiely, D. G., Sabroe, I. and Thompson, A. R. 2020. Adults’ experiences of living with pulmonary hypertension: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies. BMJ Open 10(12), article number: 41428. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041428)
- Jenkinson, R., Milne, E. and Thompson, A. 2020. The relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety in autism: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Autism 24(8), pp. 1933--1944. (10.1177/1362361320932437)
- Moss, K., Johnston, S. A. and Thompson, A. R. 2020. The parent and child experience of childhood vitiligo: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 25(4), pp. 740--753. (10.1177/1359104520905052)
- Clarke, E. N., Thompson, A. R. and Norman, P. 2020. Depression in people with skin conditions: the effects of disgust and self‐compassion. British Journal of Health Psychology 25(3), pp. 540-557. (10.1111/bjhp.12421)
- Heapy, C., Montgomery, K., Ersser, S., Gass, M., Goad, N. and Thompson, A. R. 2020. A psychosocial support website from the British Association of Dermatologists for people living with a skin condition: mixed methods evaluation. JMIR Dermatology 3(1), article number: e17052. (10.2196/17052)
- Thompson, A. and Cockayne, S. 2020. It's the worry that got him in the end: the importance in treating melanoma holistically and dealing with fear of recurrence. British Journal of Dermatology 182(4), pp. 821--822. (10.1111/bjd.18886)
- Coneo, A. M., Thompson, A. R., Parker, K. and Harrison, G. 2020. The outcome of a training programme (RESPECT) on staff’s attitudes towards causes and management of aggression in a Regional Referral Hospital of northern Uganda. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 27(1), pp. 25-40. (10.1111/jpm.12549)
- Thompson, A. R., Sewards, I. and Baker, S. R. 2020. Cancer and changes in facial appearance: A meta‐ethnography of qualitative studies. British Journal of Health Psychology 25(1), pp. 129-151. (10.1111/bjhp.12398)
- Leedham, A., Thompson, A., Smith, R. and Freeth, M. 2020. ‘I was exhausted trying to figure it out’: the experiences of females receiving an autism diagnosis in middle to late adulthood. Autism 24(1), pp. 135-146. (10.1177/1362361319853442)
- Shepherd, L., Turner, A., Reynolds, D. P. and Thompson, A. R. 2020. Acceptance and commitment therapy for appearance anxiety: three case studies. Scars, Burns & Healing 6 (10.1177/2059513120967584)
- Iliffe, L. and Thompson, A. 2019. Investigating the beneficial experiences of online peer support for those affected by alopecia: an interpretative phenomenological analysis using online interviews. British Journal of Dermatology 181(5), pp. 992-998. (10.1111/bjd.17998)
- Pasterfield, M., Clarke, S. -. and Thompson, A. R. 2019. A qualitative examination of the experience of skin camouflage by people living with visible skin conditions. British Journal of Dermatology 180(6), pp. 1531-1532. (10.1111/bjd.17646)
- Shepherd, L., Reynolds, D. P., Turner, A., O'Boyle, C. P. and Thompson, A. R. 2019. The role of psychological flexibility in appearance anxiety in people who have experienced a visible burn injury. Burns 45(4), pp. 942-949. (10.1016/j.burns.2018.11.015)
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Book sections
- Thompson, A. 2024. CAT for long- term health conditions. In: Brummer, L., Cavieres, M. and Tan, R. eds. Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy. Oxford Library of Psychology Oxford University Press, pp. 557-571., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198866572.013.33)
- Thompson, A. R. and Chambers, E. 2011. Ethical issues in qualitative mental health research. In: Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health and Psychotherapy. United Kingdom: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 23-37., (10.1002/9781119973249.ch3)
- Harper, D. and Thompson, A. R. 2011. Emerging issues and future directions. In: Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health and Psychotherapy: A Guide for Students and Practitioners. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 243-250., (10.1002/9781119973249.ch17)
- Larkin, M. and Thompson, A. R. 2011. Interpretative phenomenological analysis in mental health and psychotherapy research. In: Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health and Psychotherapy. United Kingdom: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 99-116., (10.1002/9781119973249.ch8)
- Ahmed, A. et al. 2022. British Association of Dermatologists guidelines for the management of adults with delusional infestation 2022.
- Wren, G., O'Callaghan, P., Zaidi, A., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2024. Monitoring heart rhythms in adult males with X-linked ichthyosis using wearable technology: a feasibility study. [Online]. Research Square. Available at: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-5320157/v1
Mae ymchwil yr Athro Thompson ar ganlyniadau seicolegol cyflyrau sy'n effeithio ar edrychiad wedi cael ei ddefnyddio o fewn canllawiau clinigol i wella gofal cleifion i bobl sy'n byw gyda chyflyrau croen. Mae hefyd wedi datblygu'n uniongyrchol ac wedi cyfrannu at argaeledd nifer o adnoddau hunangymorth ac wedi helpu i lunio darpariaeth gwasanaethau'r GIG ar gyfer cleifion dermatoleg. Roedd yn ffurfio astudiaeth achos REF2021 sydd i'w gweld yma. Mae gan yr Athro Thompson ddiddordeb ymchwil eilaidd mewn profiad o ddefnyddio gwasanaethau a lles mewn awtistiaeth.
Mae gan yr Athro Thompson dros 170 o erthyglau a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid a 200 a mwy o gyflwyniadau cynhadledd a adolygir gan gymheiriaid. Gellir dod o hyd i fanylion cyhoeddiadau a adolygir gan gymheiriaid ar orcid.
Gellir dod o hyd i fanylion llawlyfr ymyrraeth seicogymdeithasol CBT i'w defnyddio gydag unigolion sy'n profi trallod sy'n gysylltiedig â chael gwahaniaeth canfyddedig neu amlwg amlwg yma. Mae'r Athro Thompson hefyd wedi cydolygu llawlyfr dulliau ansoddol sy'n canolbwyntio'n benodol ar ddulliau i'w defnyddio gan ôl-raddedigion ac ymarferwyr iechyd meddwl a seicotherapi sydd i'w gweld yma.
Mae'r Athro Thompson wedi ysgrifennu un bennod ar bymtheg o lyfrau ar bynciau sy'n ymwneud â dulliau ymchwil, pryder ymddangosiad, neu agweddau seicolegol ar glefyd y croen. Mae rhai enghreifftiau o benodau llyfrau ar agweddau seicogymdeithasol ar gyflyrau croen i'w gweld yma ac ar orbryder yma.
Cyllid ymchwil:
Er mwyn cefnogi gweithgarwch ymchwil sy'n gysylltiedig ag agweddau seicolegol ar wahaniaeth gweladwy cafwyd cyllid sylweddol gan nifer o gyrff ariannu gan gynnwys NIHR, MRC, ESRC, The Healing Foundation, The British Skin Foundation, The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Association, Alopecia UK, a DEBRA.
Cafwyd enghreifftiau o gyllid diweddar/presennol:
NIHR (2024- NIHR208382) Optimeiddio Gofal Acne Ar-lein ar gyfer arlliwiau croen ethnig amrywiol
DEBRA (2024-2026) - Datblygu pecyn cymorth hunangymorth ar gyfer cefnogi lles rhieni plant ag Epidermolysis Bullosa (£153,696.00)
NIHR (2023-2028 - NIHR151318) - Ymchwilio i fanteision a niwed isotretinoin llafar dos dyddiol is wrth drin acne: Grŵp cyfochrog, aseswr ddall, di-israddoldeb, treial rheoledig aml-ganolfan, gyda pilomewnol t (ACNE-ID) (£2,148,574.06)
NIHR (2022-2027 - NIHR202852) - Datblygu a phrofi ymyrraeth ar-lein i gefnogi hunanreolaeth, gwella canlyniadau a lleihau'r defnydd o wrthfiotigau mewn acne (£1,901,577.00)
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Association (2017-2019) - Archwilio'r cysylltiad rhwng ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar rhieni mewn lles rhieni a phlant mewn soriasis plentyndod: A ddylem brofi rhianta ystyriol fel ymyriad (£66,097)
Mae enghreifftiau o gyllid blaenorol yn cynnwys:
METRC (2014) - Deall effaith seicogymdeithasol cyflyrau'r croen a datblygu adnoddau dysgu ac addysgu ar gyfer gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol dermatoleg (£40,000)
Sefydliad Iachau (2004) - Nodi ffactorau a phrosesau sy'n cyfrannu at addasiad llwyddiannus i amodau dadffurfiadu mewn cydweithrediad (£500,000) - mewn cydweithrediad â chydweithwyr ym Mhrifysgol Sheffield, UCL, UWE, Prifysgol Bradford, Prifysgol Warwick
Mae'r Athro Thompson hefyd wedi derbyn cyllid i gefnogi datblygiad arfer llywodraethu ymchwil da gan JISC ac wedi derbyn cyllid gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth Addysg Iechyd Trofannol i gefnogi ymchwil sy'n gysylltiedig ag iechyd meddwl byd-eang yn Uganda.
Mae enghreifftiau o gyllid yn y meysydd hyn yn cynnwys:
Cronfa Ymchwil Her Fyd-eang QR (2019) - Darparu ymyriadau iechyd meddwl dwysedd isel cynaliadwy, hyfforddiant a hyrwyddo iechyd meddwl yng Ngogledd Uganda (£39,482)
Ymddiriedolaeth Addysg Iechyd Trofannol (2015) - Rheoli Trais ac Ymddygiad Ymosodol yn Ysbyty Cyfeirio Rhanbarthol Gulu a'r ardaloedd cyfagos (£82,748) - mewn cydweithrediad â chydweithwyr yn Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust ac Ysbyty Cyfeirio Rhanbarthol Gulu.
JISC (2010) - Hyfforddiant ôl-raddedig ar gyfer rheoli data ymchwil yn y gwyddorau seicolegol (£57,870) - mewn cydweithrediad â chydweithwyr ym Mhrifysgol Efrog, Prifysgol Sheffield Hallam
Arbenigedd addysgu: Mae'r Athro Thompson yn arwain doethuriaeth De Cymru mewn seicoleg glinigol ac yn addysgu seicolegwyr clinigol dan hyfforddiant ôl-raddedig ar nifer o bynciau clinigol. Mae arbenigedd addysgu penodol yn cynnwys dulliau ymchwil fel y'u cymhwysir mewn seicoleg glinigol, moeseg, ac agweddau seicolegol ar gyflyrau tymor hir. Mae Andrew hefyd wedi datblygu adnoddau addysgu ar gyfer platfform e-ddysgu Addysg Iechyd Lloegr ar agweddau seicolegol ar gyflyrau croen, ac mae wedi darparu nifer o weithdai datblygu proffesiynol ar gyfer gweithwyr meddygol a gofal iechyd proffesiynol.
Hanes cyflogaeth
Swydd bresennol: Seicolegydd Clinigol Ymgynghorol ac Athro Seicoleg Glinigol (Anrh) - Arweinydd rhaglenni seicoleg gymhwysol a ariennir gan AaGIC yn Ne Cymru (DClin a CAAPs) - Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro a Phrifysgol Caerdydd 2020-presennol
Apwyntiadau blaenorol
Darllenydd mewn Seicoleg Glinigol, Rhaglen Hyfforddi Seicoleg Glinigol, Prifysgol Sheffield - 2001-2019
Darlithydd Clinigol 2001-2007, Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Seicoleg Glinigol 2007-2011, Darllenydd mewn Seicoleg Glinigol 2011-2019. Rhwng 1998-2019 bu'r Athro Thompson yn darparu gwasanaethau'r GIG yn Ne Swydd Efrog, gan weithio mewn gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl oedolion (hyd at 2007), ac yna darparu gwasanaethau seicoleg iechyd clinigol arbenigol (gan gynnwys sefydlu ac arwain llwybr IAPT ar gyfer cleifion dermatoleg).
Prif Seicolegydd Clinigol, Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl i Oedolion GIG Barnsley. Ar ôl ennill cymhwyster yn 1998 bu'r Athro Thompson yn gweithio mewn gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl oedolion tan 2007. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys gwaith ym maes gofal sylfaenol, gofal eilaidd, a gwasanaethau diogel rhanbarthol.
Addysg ôl-raddedig
D.Clin.Psy – Prifysgol Sheffield – 1998
Addysg israddedig
Prifysgol Lerpwl BA(Anrh) Seicoleg - 1991
Aelodaeth broffesiynol
Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain (ers 1988) - Is-adran Seicoleg Glinigol (Siartredig ers 1998); Is-adran Seicoleg Iechyd (Siartredig ers 2007); Cyfadran Seicoleg Iechyd Clnical (Aelod Pwyllgor); Adran Dulliau Ansoddol (aelod)
Cymdeithas Therapi Gwybyddol Dadansoddol (Aelod Ymarferydd)
Cymdeithas Seicotherapi Ymddygiadol a Gwybyddol Prydain (Aelod)
Cymdeithas y Seicolegwyr Clinigol (Aelod)
Cymdeithas Seicoleg Iechyd Ewrop (Aelod)
Cymdeithas Dermatoleg a Seiciatreg Ewrop (Aelod)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae'r meysydd sy'n gallu cefnogi fel goruchwyliwr cynradd neu eilaidd fel a ganlyn:
- addasiad/effaith / ymyrraeth seicolegol sy'n gysylltiedig â chyflyrau hirdymor sy'n effeithio ar ymddangosiad a delwedd y corff;
- seicodermatoleg;
- Agweddau seicogymdeithasol a ffenomenoleg awtistiaeth.
Mae diddordebau damcaniaethol ac ymyrraeth yn cynnwys ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, ACT, a hunan-dosturi.
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Mae'r Athro Thompson wedi goruchwylio un ar ddeg o ysgoloriaethau PhD yn llwyddiannus gan gynnwys pedair a gefnogwyd gan geisiadau cyllid cystadleuol gan y Cyngor Ymchwil megis dyfarniadau ESRC CASE ac MRC. Mae wedi goruchwylio dros 60 o ddoethuriaethau seicoleg glinigol yn llwyddiannus a thros 10 o fyfyrwyr meistr. Mae nifer o fyfyrwyr wedi ennill gwobrau am eu gwaith gan gynnwys Gwobr Flynyddol Traethawd Hir Delwedd Corff Eithriadol Seymour Fisher (Z. Muftin - 2012 - Hap-dreial Dichonoldeb Rheoledig o Hunangymorth Ar-lein sy'n canolbwyntio ar Dosturi ar gyfer Psoriasis), Gwobr Menter Prifysgol Sheffield (K. Montgomery - 2016 - Ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar a chyflyrau croen), Gwobr Ddoethuriaeth Seicoleg Glinigol Cymdeithas Seicolegwyr Clinigol (A. Leedham - 2020 - Profiad benywaidd o awtistiaeth), a Gwobr Dvision of Clinical Psychology Trainee Research Award (G.Rawlings - 2022 - Treial dichonoldeb rheoledig ar hap o hunangymorth gwybyddol ymddygiadol ar gyfer pwysedd gwaed uchel yr ysgyfaint.
Goruchwylio PhD Diweddar/cyfredol
PhD - Olivia Hughes - Datblygu adnodd cymorth ar-lein sy'n seiliedig ar ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar i gefnogi plant a'u teuluoedd sydd wedi'u heffeithio gan gyflyrau croen.
PhD - Georgina Wren - Ymchwilio i fynychder ac effaith materion seicolegol ac anhwylderau hwyliau sy'n gysylltiedig ag Ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig ag X
PhD - Laura Shepherd (cyfredol) - Rhagweld datblygiad pryder ymddangosiad yn dilyn anafiadau llosgi a gwerthusiad cychwynnol o ymyrraeth gynnar - Gwobr Cymrodoriaeth Ddoethurol Ymchwil Glinigol NIHR
PhD - Elaine Clark - Iselder mewn pobl â chyflyrau croen: Rôl hunandosturi fel ymateb addasol
PhD - Maria Matiaki - Tuag at hwyluso newid cleientiaid: astudiaeth IPA yn seiliedig ar brofiadau byw cleientiaid, hyfforddeion a goruchwylwyr
PhD - Ana Maria Charmorro Coneo - Stigma tuag at anffurfiad wyneb
PhD - Shahah Altammar - Lles seicolegol ymhlith rhieni plant â diabetes math 1: Rôl ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar
PhD - Kate Adkins - Stigmateiddio, y cyfryngau, ac acne: Dull rhyngddisgyblaethol dulliau cymysg
PhD - Kerry Montgomery - Rôl ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar mewn pryder cymdeithasol mewn pobl sy'n byw gyda chyflyrau croen gweladwy.
PhD - Olivia Stocker - Archwiliad ansoddol o faterion diwylliannol sy'n gysylltiedig â llawfeddygaeth i newid ymddangosiad wyneb: Profiant a barn y cyhoedd am orthognathig a derbynioldeb llawdriniaeth sy'n newid ymddangosiad
PhD - Rosie Webster - Trallod seicolegol mewn cleifion poen an-cardiaidd yn y frest: Cymhwyso'r model synnwyr cyffredin o gynrychioliadau salwch
PhD - Tracey Grandfield - Archwilio ymatebion atodol a seicolegol tuag at wahaniaeth gweladwy : rôl cywilydd, ffieidd-dod, hunan-barch, ac ymddangosiad sgema
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Seicoleg glinigol
- Seicodermatoleg
- seicoleg iechyd
- Awtistiaeth
- Delwedd y Corff