Rwy'n fyfyriwr PhD yn Ysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn y Ganolfan Datblygu a Gwerthuso Ymyrraeth Gymhleth ar gyfer Gwella Iechyd y Cyhoedd (DECIPHer).
Mae fy PhD yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu dealltwriaeth ddamcaniaethol o Blant a Phobl Ifanc i Drais a Cham-drin Rhieni (CAPVA) yng nghyd-destun Cymru. Rwy'n defnyddio dulliau cyfranogol, gyda dulliau creadigol a gweledol.
Rwy'n teimlo'n angerddol am adeiladu a datblygu'r sylfaen dystiolaeth ar gyfer academyddion, llunwyr polisi, comisiynwyr ac ymarferwyr ynghylch yr hyn sy'n gweithio i fynd i'r afael â a gwella canlyniadau grwpiau sydd mewn perygl o drais a chamdriniaeth.
- Melendez-Torres, G., Pell, B., Evans, R., Buckley, K., Coles, N., Retter, E. and Robinson, A. 2024. Impacts from delivering a whole health response strategy to domestic violence and abuse: an evaluation from the UK. Journal of Gender-Based Violence (10.1332/23986808Y2024D000000056)
- Pell, B., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Buckley, K., Evans, R. and Robinson, A. 2024. A realist evaluation of a “whole health” response to domestic violence and abuse in the UK. Violence Against Women (10.1177/10778012241265364)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2024. Integrating qualitative research within a clinical trials unit: developing strategies and understanding their implementation in contexts. Trials 25(1), article number: 323. (10.1186/s13063-024-08124-7)
- Edwards, A. et al. 2024. Development of a clinical decision support tool for Primary care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men: the PriMUS study. Health Technology Assessment (10.3310/RGTW5711)
- Morgan, K. et al. 2023. A mixed-methods process evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of involving community and peer role models within a physical activity intervention for primary-school-aged girls (the CHARMING study). BMC Public Health 23(1), article number: 1950. (10.1186/s12889-023-16826-x)
- Williams, D. et al. 2022. Identities of women who have an autoimmune rheumatic disease [ARD] during pregnancy planning, pregnancy and early parenting: A qualitative study. PLOS ONE 17(11), article number: e0263910. (10.1371/journal.pone.0263910)
- Grant, A. et al. 2022. Views and experience of breastfeeding in public: A qualitative systematic review. Maternal and Child Nutrition 18(4), article number: e13407. (10.1111/mcn.13407)
- Randell, E. et al. 2022. Moving on trial: Protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of models of housing and support to reduce risks of COVID-19 infection and homelessness.. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 8, article number: 23. (10.1186/s40814-022-00984-7)
- Pell, B. et al. 2022. CHoosing Active Role Models to INspire Girls(CHARMING): protocol for a cluster randomised feasibility trial of a school-based, community linked programme to increase physical activity levels in 9–10-year-old girls. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 8, article number: 2. (10.1186/s40814-021-00961-6)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2021. Cohort profile: The UK COVID-19 Public Experiences (COPE) prospective longitudinal mixed-methods study of health and well-being during the SARSCoV2 coronavirus pandemic. PLoS ONE 16(10), article number: e0258484. (10.1371/journal.pone.0258484)
- Milosevic, S. et al. 2021. Managing LUTS in primary care: qualitative study of GPs’ and patients’ experiences. British Journal of General Practice 71(710), pp. e685-e692. (10.3399/BJGP.2020.1043)
- Milosevic, S. et al. 2021. Conducting invasive urodynamics in primary care: Qualitative interview study examining experiences of patients and healthcare professionals. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 5, article number: 10. (10.1186/s41512-021-00100-y)
- Pell, B. et al. 2020. PRImary care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men: protocol for development and validation of a diagnostic and clinical decision support tool (the PriMUS study). BMJ 10(6), article number: e037634. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037634)
- Pell, B., Williams, D., Phillips, R., Sanders, J., Edwards, A., Choy, E. and Grant, A. 2020. Using visual timelines in telephone interviews: Reflections and lessons learned from the STAR Family Study. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 19, pp. 1-11. (10.1177/1609406920913675)
- Williams, D. et al. 2019. “Nobody knows, or seems to know how rheumatology and breastfeeding works”: Women's experiences of breastfeeding whilst managing a long-term limiting condition – A qualitative visual methods study. Midwifery 78, pp. 91-96. (10.1016/j.midw.2019.08.002)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2018. Identifying the unmet information and support needs of women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases during pregnancy planning, pregnancy and early parenting: mixed-methods study. BMC Rheumatology 2, article number: 21. (10.1186/s41927-018-0029-4)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2018. Reaching a consensus on research priorities for supporting women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases during pre-conception, pregnancy and early parenting: A Nominal Group Technique exercise with lay and professional stakeholders. Wellcome Open Research 3, article number: 75. (10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14658.1)
- Grant, A., Williams, D., Pell, B., Stanton, H. and Phillips, R. 2017. The impact of inflammatory rheumatic diseases (such as arthritis and lupus) on transitions to motherhood: The STAR Family study. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, University of Manchester, UK, 4-7 April 2017.
- Melendez-Torres, G., Pell, B., Evans, R., Buckley, K., Coles, N., Retter, E. and Robinson, A. 2024. Impacts from delivering a whole health response strategy to domestic violence and abuse: an evaluation from the UK. Journal of Gender-Based Violence (10.1332/23986808Y2024D000000056)
- Pell, B., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Buckley, K., Evans, R. and Robinson, A. 2024. A realist evaluation of a “whole health” response to domestic violence and abuse in the UK. Violence Against Women (10.1177/10778012241265364)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2024. Integrating qualitative research within a clinical trials unit: developing strategies and understanding their implementation in contexts. Trials 25(1), article number: 323. (10.1186/s13063-024-08124-7)
- Edwards, A. et al. 2024. Development of a clinical decision support tool for Primary care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men: the PriMUS study. Health Technology Assessment (10.3310/RGTW5711)
- Morgan, K. et al. 2023. A mixed-methods process evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of involving community and peer role models within a physical activity intervention for primary-school-aged girls (the CHARMING study). BMC Public Health 23(1), article number: 1950. (10.1186/s12889-023-16826-x)
- Williams, D. et al. 2022. Identities of women who have an autoimmune rheumatic disease [ARD] during pregnancy planning, pregnancy and early parenting: A qualitative study. PLOS ONE 17(11), article number: e0263910. (10.1371/journal.pone.0263910)
- Grant, A. et al. 2022. Views and experience of breastfeeding in public: A qualitative systematic review. Maternal and Child Nutrition 18(4), article number: e13407. (10.1111/mcn.13407)
- Randell, E. et al. 2022. Moving on trial: Protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of models of housing and support to reduce risks of COVID-19 infection and homelessness.. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 8, article number: 23. (10.1186/s40814-022-00984-7)
- Pell, B. et al. 2022. CHoosing Active Role Models to INspire Girls(CHARMING): protocol for a cluster randomised feasibility trial of a school-based, community linked programme to increase physical activity levels in 9–10-year-old girls. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 8, article number: 2. (10.1186/s40814-021-00961-6)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2021. Cohort profile: The UK COVID-19 Public Experiences (COPE) prospective longitudinal mixed-methods study of health and well-being during the SARSCoV2 coronavirus pandemic. PLoS ONE 16(10), article number: e0258484. (10.1371/journal.pone.0258484)
- Milosevic, S. et al. 2021. Managing LUTS in primary care: qualitative study of GPs’ and patients’ experiences. British Journal of General Practice 71(710), pp. e685-e692. (10.3399/BJGP.2020.1043)
- Milosevic, S. et al. 2021. Conducting invasive urodynamics in primary care: Qualitative interview study examining experiences of patients and healthcare professionals. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 5, article number: 10. (10.1186/s41512-021-00100-y)
- Pell, B. et al. 2020. PRImary care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men: protocol for development and validation of a diagnostic and clinical decision support tool (the PriMUS study). BMJ 10(6), article number: e037634. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037634)
- Pell, B., Williams, D., Phillips, R., Sanders, J., Edwards, A., Choy, E. and Grant, A. 2020. Using visual timelines in telephone interviews: Reflections and lessons learned from the STAR Family Study. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 19, pp. 1-11. (10.1177/1609406920913675)
- Williams, D. et al. 2019. “Nobody knows, or seems to know how rheumatology and breastfeeding works”: Women's experiences of breastfeeding whilst managing a long-term limiting condition – A qualitative visual methods study. Midwifery 78, pp. 91-96. (10.1016/j.midw.2019.08.002)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2018. Identifying the unmet information and support needs of women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases during pregnancy planning, pregnancy and early parenting: mixed-methods study. BMC Rheumatology 2, article number: 21. (10.1186/s41927-018-0029-4)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2018. Reaching a consensus on research priorities for supporting women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases during pre-conception, pregnancy and early parenting: A Nominal Group Technique exercise with lay and professional stakeholders. Wellcome Open Research 3, article number: 75. (10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14658.1)
- Grant, A., Williams, D., Pell, B., Stanton, H. and Phillips, R. 2017. The impact of inflammatory rheumatic diseases (such as arthritis and lupus) on transitions to motherhood: The STAR Family study. Presented at: British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2017, University of Manchester, UK, 4-7 April 2017.