Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Shiby Stephens

Dr Shiby Stephens

Timau a rolau for Shiby Stephens

  • Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Anatomeg

    Ysgol y Biowyddorau

  • Myfyriwr ymchwil

    Ysgol y Biowyddorau


I am a clinical anatomist with MPhil that studied the tendon variations in the hand of musicians. I am currently enrolled to study a part time PhD on medical pedagogy. As part of this research, I am focussing on the linguistic skills of medical students and correlate in what manner this influences other skills such as verbal and spatial intelligence and examination performance.















Doctorate of Philosophy

Since becoming a lecturer of anatomy, I have enrolled into a part time PhD programme. This pedagogic research project aims to understand whether being multilingual confers advantages in learning anatomy and other aspects of medicine. Medical students from around the globe will be investigated. The hypothesis tested is that, regardless of ethnicity, cultural characteristics, socio-economic considerations and educational backgrounds, and spatial reasoning capabilities, a medical student with high linguistic skills (including multilingualism) is better able to succeed in learning anatomy and allied medical disciplines.

The impact of the findings of this project relates to how the medical curriculum might be developed according to the understanding of the importance of linguistic skills. Conceivably, if my hypothesis is supported by the results of my studies, medical schools should provide ways of encouraging their students to develop linguistic skills, including studying foreign languages and classical languages such as Greek and Latin that feature so predominantly in medical terminologies.

Master of Philosophy

I completed MPhil in 2013. My research was on ‘Tendon variations in the hand of musicians’. My study mainly involved:

  • identifying any tendinous and tenosynovial interconnections in hands of  human cadavers and live subjects
  • evaluation of hand deformity in medical student volunteers and appropriately matched controls
  • analysing appropriate radiological imaging techniques and compare the sensitivity of MRI and ultrasound scans to identify these interconnections.


Ar ôl graddio mewn meddygaeth o India, dechreuais fy ngwaith fel arddangoswr anatomeg yn Ysgol Biowyddorau Prifysgol Caerdydd yn 2004. Deuthum yn ddarlithydd anatomeg yn 2013. Cefais fy MPhil (anatomeg) yn 2013, a astudiais yr amrywiadau a'r rhyng-gysylltiadau tendiaidd yn llaw cerddorion. Canolbwyntiodd yr astudiaeth hon ar nodi rhyng-gysylltiadau tendinaidd a thenosynovaidd yn nwylo cadaduriaid dynol a phynciau byw a dadansoddi technegau delweddu radiolegol priodol a chymharu sensitifrwydd MRI a sganiau uwchsain i nodi'r rhyng-gysylltiadau hyn.

Ar hyn o bryd rydw i wedi ymrestru mewn rhaglen PhD ran-amser sy'n ceisio deall 'os oes mantais i fod yn amlieithog wrth ddysgu Anatomeg?'. Mae'r grŵp astudio yn cynnwys myfyrwyr meddygol o bob cwr o'r byd. Bydd y data a gesglir o'r astudiaeth hon yn cael ei ddadansoddi a'i ddefnyddio wrth ddatblygu cwricwlwm meddygol ledled y byd a bydd y manteision o fod yn amlieithog yn cael eu trosglwyddo i'r ysgolion i annog myfyrwyr i ddysgu mwy o ieithoedd (gan gynnwys y rhai clasurol fel Groeg a Lladin).

Yn 2010, roeddwn yn rhan o'r garfan gyntaf i gwblhau'r rhaglen ôl-raddedig 'Hyfforddiant Anatomeg' a gydlynir gan y Gymdeithas Anatomegol a Chymdeithas Anatomyddion America. Rwyf hefyd yn aelod o'r Gymdeithas Anatomegol ar hyn o bryd, ac yn Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (HEA).

Contact Details

Email StephensSG@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 75041
Campuses Adeilad Syr Martin Evans, Ystafell Cardiff School of Biosciences, The Sir Martin Evans Building, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX