Dr Tom Allbeson
Darllenydd (Cyfryngau a Hanes Ffotograffig)
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Ddarllenydd yn y Cyfryngau a Hanes Ffotograffig yn yr Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant (Prifysgol Caerdydd) ac yn gyd-olygydd y Journal of War and Culture Studies.
Mae fy ymchwil yn ymwneud â hanes y cyfryngau a diwylliant gweledol yn Ewrop gyfoes a'r Unol Daleithiau gydag arbenigeddau mewn ffotonewyddiaduraeth a gwrthdaro, diwylliant gweledol ac ailadeiladu, cof cyfunol mewn cymdeithasau ôl-gwrthdaro, a hanes trefol.
Cyd-ysgrifennwyd fy ail lyfr, Conflicting Images: Histories of War Photography in the News, gyda Stuart Allan.
Roedd fy monograff cyntaf yn mynd i'r afael ag ail-greu a ffotograffiaeth ar ôl y rhyfel o'r amgylchedd adeiledig ym Mhrydain, Ffrainc a Gorllewin yr Almaen (c.1944-1961). Mae Ffotograffiaeth, Ailadeiladu a Hanes Diwylliannol y Ddinas Ewropeaidd wedi'r Rhyfel wedi cael ei hadolygu yn Hanes yr Almaen, Hanes Trefol a Hanes Prydeinig Cyfoes.
Mae gen i gyfrol sydd ar y gweill ar gyfer Bloomsbury o'r enw Picturing Peace: Photography, Conflict Transformation, a Peacebuilding. Rwyf hefyd wedi golygu materion arbennig ar 'Visual Histories of Postwar Reconstruction' (2022) a 'The Business of War Photography' (2016).
Cyn ymuno â Phrifysgol Caerdydd, roeddwn yn Ddarlithydd mewn Hanes Modern ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe ac yn dal cymrodoriaethau ym mhrifysgolion Caeredin a Nottingham. Cyn ymchwil ôl-raddedig, bûm yn gweithio yn yr Alban am tua 10 mlynedd yng Nghronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri (ariannwr mawr yn y DU o amgueddfeydd, orielau a chysylltiadau treftadaeth).
Rwy'n croesawu cynigion PhD yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Gwrthdaro a ffotonewyddiaduraeth
- Ffotograffiaeth ddyngarol
- Cymdeithasau ffotograffiaeth, cof ac ôl-wrthdaro
- Hanesion y ffoto-gylchgrawn
- Hanes ffotograffiaeth a gofod trefol
- Hanes ffotograffiaeth, democratiaeth a gweithredaeth
- Allbeson, T., Oldfield, P. and Mitchell, J. eds. 2025. Picturing peace: photography, conflict transformation, and peacebuilding. New Encounters: Arts, Cultures, Concepts. London: Bloomsbury.
- Laucht, C. and Allbeson, T. 2024. Twinned cities: reconciliation and reconstruction in Europe after 1945 - an introduction. Urban History 51(4), pp. 674-682. (10.1017/S0963926823000469)
- Allan, S. and Allbeson, T. 2024. Conflicting images: Histories of war photography in the news. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203129852)
- Laucht, C. and Allbeson, T. 2023. Urban internationalism: Coventry, Kiel, reconstruction and the role of cities in British-German reconciliation, 1945-49. Urban History (10.1017/S0963926823000172)
- Allbeson, T. and Colquhoun, B. 2022. Page, print, JPEG: researching and curating Picture Post, its history and publics. TMG Journal for Media History 25(1), pp. 1-31. (10.18146/tmg.825)
- Allbeson, T. and Gorrara, C. 2022. Visual histories of postwar reconstruction: special issue introduction. Journal of War and Culture Studies 15(2), pp. 125-132. (10.1080/17526272.2022.2065121)
- Allbeson, T. and Gorrara, C. 2022. Domestic archives of empire: photographing Burma and reconstructing British imperialism for the postwar moment. Journal of War and Culture Studies 15(2), pp. 233-259. (10.1080/17526272.2022.2065120)
- Allbeson, T. 2020. Photography, reconstruction and the cultural history of the postwar European city. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Allbeson, T. 2020. Photography, visual activism and counterpublics: the campaign for nuclear disarmament in post-war Britain. In: Miles, M. and Welch, E. eds. Photography and Its Publics. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 79-102., (10.5040/9781350054998.ch-005)
- Allbeson, T. and Allan, S. 2019. The war of images in the age of Trump. In: Happer, C., Hoskins, A. and Merrin, W. eds. Trump’s Media War. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-84.
- Allbeson, T. 2016. Carrying off the palaces: John Ruskin’s lost daguerreotypes by Ken Jacobson and Jenny Jacobson [Book Review]. The Journal of Architecture 21(7), pp. 1154-1158. (10.1080/13602365.2016.1233624)
- Allbeson, T. and Oldfield, P. 2016. War, photography, business: new critical histories. Journal of War and Culture Studies 9(2), pp. 94-114. (10.1080/17526272.2016.1190203)
- Allbeson, T. 2016. St Paul's in the Blitz. History Today 2016(Jan 6)
- Allbeson, T. 2016. Where are the pictures? Photography & British public perception of the bombing of Germany, 1941-45. PhotoResearcher 25, pp. 60-87.
- Allbeson, T. 2015. Visualizing wartime destruction and postwar reconstruction: Herbert Mason's photograph of St. Paul's reevaluated. Journal of Modern History 87(3), pp. 532-578. (10.1086/682677)
- Allbeson, T. 2015. Photographic diplomacy in the postwar world: UNESCO and the conception of photography as a universal language, 1946-1956. Modern Intellectual History 12(2), pp. 383-415. (10.1017/S1479244314000316)
- Allbeson, T. 2014. The view from above: The science of social space, by Jeanne Haffner [Book Review]. History of Photography 38(2), pp. 206-208. (10.1080/03087298.2014.890417)
- Allbeson, T. 2013. Cities and photography by Jane Tormey [Book Review]. Urban History 40(3), pp. 591-592. (10.1017/S0963926813000540)
- Laucht, C. and Allbeson, T. 2024. Twinned cities: reconciliation and reconstruction in Europe after 1945 - an introduction. Urban History 51(4), pp. 674-682. (10.1017/S0963926823000469)
- Laucht, C. and Allbeson, T. 2023. Urban internationalism: Coventry, Kiel, reconstruction and the role of cities in British-German reconciliation, 1945-49. Urban History (10.1017/S0963926823000172)
- Allbeson, T. and Colquhoun, B. 2022. Page, print, JPEG: researching and curating Picture Post, its history and publics. TMG Journal for Media History 25(1), pp. 1-31. (10.18146/tmg.825)
- Allbeson, T. and Gorrara, C. 2022. Visual histories of postwar reconstruction: special issue introduction. Journal of War and Culture Studies 15(2), pp. 125-132. (10.1080/17526272.2022.2065121)
- Allbeson, T. and Gorrara, C. 2022. Domestic archives of empire: photographing Burma and reconstructing British imperialism for the postwar moment. Journal of War and Culture Studies 15(2), pp. 233-259. (10.1080/17526272.2022.2065120)
- Allbeson, T. 2016. Carrying off the palaces: John Ruskin’s lost daguerreotypes by Ken Jacobson and Jenny Jacobson [Book Review]. The Journal of Architecture 21(7), pp. 1154-1158. (10.1080/13602365.2016.1233624)
- Allbeson, T. and Oldfield, P. 2016. War, photography, business: new critical histories. Journal of War and Culture Studies 9(2), pp. 94-114. (10.1080/17526272.2016.1190203)
- Allbeson, T. 2016. St Paul's in the Blitz. History Today 2016(Jan 6)
- Allbeson, T. 2016. Where are the pictures? Photography & British public perception of the bombing of Germany, 1941-45. PhotoResearcher 25, pp. 60-87.
- Allbeson, T. 2015. Visualizing wartime destruction and postwar reconstruction: Herbert Mason's photograph of St. Paul's reevaluated. Journal of Modern History 87(3), pp. 532-578. (10.1086/682677)
- Allbeson, T. 2015. Photographic diplomacy in the postwar world: UNESCO and the conception of photography as a universal language, 1946-1956. Modern Intellectual History 12(2), pp. 383-415. (10.1017/S1479244314000316)
- Allbeson, T. 2014. The view from above: The science of social space, by Jeanne Haffner [Book Review]. History of Photography 38(2), pp. 206-208. (10.1080/03087298.2014.890417)
- Allbeson, T. 2013. Cities and photography by Jane Tormey [Book Review]. Urban History 40(3), pp. 591-592. (10.1017/S0963926813000540)
Book sections
- Allbeson, T. 2020. Photography, visual activism and counterpublics: the campaign for nuclear disarmament in post-war Britain. In: Miles, M. and Welch, E. eds. Photography and Its Publics. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, pp. 79-102., (10.5040/9781350054998.ch-005)
- Allbeson, T. and Allan, S. 2019. The war of images in the age of Trump. In: Happer, C., Hoskins, A. and Merrin, W. eds. Trump’s Media War. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69-84.
- Allbeson, T., Oldfield, P. and Mitchell, J. eds. 2025. Picturing peace: photography, conflict transformation, and peacebuilding. New Encounters: Arts, Cultures, Concepts. London: Bloomsbury.
- Allan, S. and Allbeson, T. 2024. Conflicting images: Histories of war photography in the news. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203129852)
- Allbeson, T. 2020. Photography, reconstruction and the cultural history of the postwar European city. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
Research interests
- Media history
- Photographic history
- Cultural memory
- Urban history & visual culture
Research Funding
(2018-2019), ‘Photography and the Languages of Reconstruction, c.1944-49’
- Institute for Modern Languages Research Grant to establish research network and deliver research workshop
- Co-Investigators: Professor Claire Gorrara (Cardiff University) & Dr Tom Allbeson
- Special issue forthcoming in the Journal of War and Culture Studies
(2016-2018), ‘Picturing Peace: Photography, Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding’
- Social Trends Institute Experts’ Meeting Grant to deliver research workshop and publish an edited volume
- Co-Investigators: Professor Jolyon Mitchell (University of Edinburgh) & Dr Tom Allbeson
- Proposal for edited volume currently under review
(2014-2015), ‘Fostering Photographic Research’
- Challenge Investment Fund Grant to develop a series of workshops to foster interdisciplinary postgraduate research in partnership with Edinburgh archives, museums and galleries
- Principal Investigator: Dr Tom Allbeson University of Edinburgh
(2014) The Business of War Photography: Producing and Consuming Images of Conflict
- Co-Investigators: Dr Pippa Oldfield & Dr Tom Allbeson
- Collaboration with Impressions Gallery, Bradford and the Centre for Visual Arts & Culture, Durham University
- Royal Historical Society Grant to support a conference addressing business histories of conflict photography
- Published in a special issue of the Journal of War and Culture Studies (9:2)
Current teaching
- A Century of War Photojournalism: Conflict Imagery in the UK
- Employability: Knowledge, Skills & Experience
- Media Scholarship
Previously Taught
- Conflict & Memory: Europe in the Twentieth Century
- War & Photography in Britain, 1914-1989
- Europe of Extremes, 1789-1989
- Postwar Reconstruction: Europe, 1944-57
- Urban History: Twentieth-century Cities
- The Cultural History of Photography
- History and Guilt: The Historiography of the Holocaust
In addition to positions as a lecturer at the universities of Cardiff and Swansea, I previously held a number of teaching positions at Durham University (Tutor, Department of History, 2010/11 and 2013/14), University of Edinburgh (Tutor, Edinburgh College of Art, 2013-2015) and Edinburgh Napier University (Lecturer, 2014/15).
In 2018, I completed my PG Certificate in Higher Education Learning and Teaching, and became a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Trosolwg Gyrfa
2021-presennol: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Hanes y Cyfryngau, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2017-2021: Darlithydd mewn Hanes Diwylliannol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2015-2017: Darlithydd mewn Hanes Modern, Prifysgol Abertawe
2014-2015: Cymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, Adran Hanes, Prifysgol Nottingham
2014-2015: Cydymaith Ymchwil (rhan-amser), Prifysgol Caeredin
2013: Cymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, Sefydliad Astudiaethau Uwch yn y Dyniaethau, Prifysgol Caeredin
2003-2013: Grantiau Uwch Swyddogion / Grantiau Swyddogion, Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri, Caeredin
2012: PhD (Hanes Diwylliannol), Prifysgol Durham
2008: MA (Astudiaethau Ffotograffiaeth), Prifysgol Durham
2001: MA Anrhydedd. (Athroniaeth a Llenyddiaeth Saesneg), Prifysgol Caeredin
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio prosiectau ymchwil doethurol cydweithredol mewn partneriaeth â'r Imperial War Museums, Historic England ac Amnest Rhyngwladol.
Rwy'n croesawu cynigion PhD yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Gwrthdaro a ffotonewyddiaduraeth
- Ffotograffiaeth ddyngarol
- Cymdeithasau ffotograffiaeth, cof ac ôl-wrthdaro
- Hanesion y ffoto-gylchgrawn
- Hanes ffotograffiaeth a gofod trefol
- Hanes ffotograffiaeth, democratiaeth a gweithredaeth
DS O fis Tachwedd 2024, mae nifer o gyfleoedd byw ar gyfer prosiectau PhD a ariennir:
Rhyfel, Ffotograffiaeth ac Ymerodraeth: Propaganda Gweledol ac India Brydeinig, c.1941-47 (gyda IWM)
Prosiectau dan arweiniad myfyrwyr gyda Ffocws Ymchwil y Celfyddydau neu'r Dyniaethau (drwy DTP SWW)