Rwy'n addysgu ar fodiwl israddedig Ffiseg PX2241 "Ffiseg ar Waith".
Rwy'n gweithio ar draws meysydd ffiseg, bioleg, peirianneg a meddygaeth. Fy niddordeb ymchwil yw strwythur hierarchaidd y meinweoedd yn ein cyrff, sut mae'n hwyluso swyddogaeth, sut mae'n cael ei newid mewn patholeg a sut y gallwn ddefnyddio'r wybodaeth hon i ddatblygu therapïau wedi'u targedu. Rwy'n defnyddio amrywiaeth o dechnegau delweddu i ddelweddu strwythur hierarchaidd meinwe a sut mae'n ymateb i ysgogiadau mecanyddol sy'n dynwared yr amgylchedd ffisiolegol. Rwy'n ffitio fy data i fodelau mecanyddol i gael perthnasoedd strwythur-swyddogaeth y gellir eu defnyddio mewn ffyrdd ystyrlon gan glinigwyr a rhanddeiliaid eraill.
Ecwiti Rhyw
Rwy'n un o sylfaenwyr EMPOWER®, rhwydwaith sy'n cefnogi academyddion ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd sy'n uniaethu fel menywod. Mae gan y rhwydwaith dri phrif nod:
- Dod â phobl at ei gilydd
- Trefnu digwyddiadau wyneb yn wyneb a rhithwir i gysylltu academyddion benywaidd, datblygu perthnasoedd proffesiynol a hwyluso cyfleoedd prosiect cydweithredol trawsddisgyblaethol. Rydym hefyd yn darparu gweithdai thematig ar ddilyniant gyrfa ac effeithiolrwydd personol, yn ogystal â sesiynau adborth i ddysgu am brofiadau byw a'u rhannu.
- Hwyluso mentora gan gymheiriaid
- Rydym yn darparu hyfforddiant a llwyfan i'n haelodau gefnogi ei gilydd, cyfeirio cyfleoedd a chynnig cyngor anffurfiol
- Cynrychioli ein haelodau
- Rydym yn cynfasio ein haelodau am adborth ar eu profiadau byw fel academyddion benywaidd, ac yn bwydo hyn yn ôl i reolwyr y brifysgol drwy ryngweithio uniongyrchol (e.e. gyda'r EDI Hub) ac ymgorffori i mewn i strwythurau gweinyddol perthnasol. Mae ein gwaith yn helpu i lywio Cynllun Cydraddoldeb Strategol Caerdydd, a fydd yn cael ei lansio yn 2024.
Os hoffech ymuno â'r rhwydwaith neu ddysgu mwy amdano, cysylltwch â
- Zheng, K. et al. 2024. Effects of mineralization on the hierarchical organization of collagen—a synchrotron X-ray scattering and polarized second harmonic generation study. Interface Focus 14(3), article number: 20230046. (10.1098/rsfs.2023.0046)
- Bell, J., Owen, D., Meek, K., Terrill, N., Sanchez-Weatherby, J. and Maitre, C. L. 2022. X-ray scattering imaging of intervertebral discs under load. Presented at: The Society for Back Pain Research (SBPR) Annual General Meeting, Coventry, 30 June 2022Orthopaedic Proceedings, Vol. 104-B. Vol. Supp 9. pp. 26-26., (10.1302/1358-992X.2022.9.026)
- Bell, J., Morgan, S., Koudouna, E., Hayes, S. and Meek, K. 2022. The hierarchical response of human corneal collagen to controlled inflation. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 1-4 May 2022, Vol. 63. Vol. 7. IOVS pp. 2392.
- Bell, J. S. et al. 2022. Tropocollagen springs allow collagen fibrils to stretch elastically. Acta Biomaterialia 142, pp. 185-193. (10.1016/j.actbio.2022.01.041)
- Bell, J. S. et al. 2022. Microstructural characterisation of resistance artery remodelling in diabetes mellitus. Journal of Vascular Research 59, pp. 50-60. (10.1159/000517856)
- Winlove, P., Bell, J., Green, E., Chen, J. and Mnsfield, J. 2021. Synergies between microstructure imaging modalities. Presented at: 2021 OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Virtual, 29 April - 01 May 2021, Vol. 29. Vol. Supple. Elsevier pp. S7., (10.1016/j.joca.2021.02.017)
- Hayes, S. et al. 2020. The effect of bacteriochlorophyll derivative WST-D and near infrared light on the molecular and fibrillar architecture of the corneal stroma. Scientific Reports 10, article number: 9836. (10.1038/s41598-020-66869-y)
- Meek, K. M., Quantock, A. J., Hayes, S. and Bell, J. 2020. X-ray diffraction imaging of corneal ultrastructure. In: Ahearne, M. ed. Corneal Regeneration: Methods and Protocols., Vol. 2145. Methods in Molecular Biology New York, NY, USA: Humana, pp. 231-247., (10.1007/978-1-0716-0599-8_16)
- Al-Rawachy, A., Husseini, T., Benedikt, J., Tasker, P. and Bell, J. 2019. Cardiff behavioural model analysis using a two-tone stimulus. Presented at: 2019 IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications (PAWR), Orlando, FL, USA, 20-23 January 20192019 IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications (PAWR). IEEE pp. 5-8., (10.1109/PAWR.2019.8708726)
- Neal, C. et al. 2018. Novel haemodynamic structures in the human glomerulus. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology 315(5), pp. F1370-F1384. (10.1152/ajprenal.00566.2017)
- Bates, D. O., Arkill, K. P., Bell, J. S., Winlove, C. P., Harper, S. J. and Neal, C. R. 2018. Bowman's capsule corrected: undiscovered vascular chambers in the renal glomerulus. FASEB Journal 32(S1), article number: 721.22. (10.1096/fasebj.2018.32.1_supplement.721.22)
- Bell, J. S. et al. 2018. The hierarchical response of human corneal collagen to load. Acta Biomaterialia 65, pp. 216-225. (10.1016/j.actbio.2017.11.015)
- Bell, J. et al. 2018. A subfibrillar deformation mechanism in corneal collagen that affords flexibility. Presented at: ARVO Annual Meeting 2018, Honolulu, April 29 - May 3, 2018, Vol. 59. Vol. 9. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
- Al-Atawi, S., Albon, J., Meek, K., Hayes, S., Bell, J. and Regini, J. 2017. Changes in the X-ray diffraction pattern of porcine lens before and after simulated accommodation. Acta Ophthalmologica 95, article number: S259. (10.1111/j.1755-3768.2017.0S074)
- Abass, A., Bell, J. S., Spang, M. T., Hayes, S., Meek, K. M. A. and Boote, C. 2017. SAXS4COLL: an integrated software tool for analysing fibrous collagen-based tissues. Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, pp. 1235-1240. (10.1107/S1600576717007877)
- Hayes, S. et al. 2017. The structural response of the cornea to changes in stromal hydration. Interface 14(131) (10.1098/rsif.2017.0062)
- White, T. et al. 2017. The structural role of elastic fibres in the cornea investigated using a mouse model for Marfan syndrome. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science 58(4), pp. 2106-2116. (10.1167/iovs.16-21358)
- Bell, J. S. et al. 2016. Microstructure and mechanics of human resistance arteries. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology 311(6), pp. H1560-H1568. (10.1152/ajpheart.00002.2016)
- Lewis, P., White, T., Young, R. D., Bell, J. S., Winlove, C. P. and Meek, K. M. A. 2016. Three-dimensional arrangement of elastic fibers in the human corneal stroma. Experimental Eye Research 146, pp. 43-53. (10.1016/j.exer.2015.12.006)
- Smith, C. W., Winlove, C. P., Eichhorn, S. J. and Bell, J. S. 2016. Elastic behaviour of biological materials. In: Hashmi, S. ed. Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering. Elsevier, pp. 1-6., (10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.02934-9)
- Bell, J. 2016. Visualising the dynamic behaviour of corneal collagen. Diamond News
- Bell, J., Mandalia, V. and Winlove, P. 2015. Changes in human articular cartilage following radiofrequency coblation chondroplasty. Presented at: Indian Orthopaedic Society, Liverpool, 3 July 2015, Vol. 97-B. Vol. SUPP_1. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Mansfield, J. C., Bell, J. S. and Winlove, C. P. 2015. The micromechanics of the superficial zone of articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 23(10), pp. 1806-1816. (10.1016/j.joca.2015.05.030)
- White, T., Lewis, P., Young, R., Meek, K. and Bell, J. 2014. 3D structural studies of the cornea. Presented at: British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science, Cardiff, 01 November 2014. , (10.1111/opo.12160)
- Mansfield, J. C., Bell, J. S., Moger, J. and Winlove, C. P. 2014. Nonlinear optical microscopy in biomechanics. In: Neu, C. and Genin, G. eds. Handbook of Imaging in Biological Mechanics. CRC Press, pp. 251-260.
- Christmas, J., Everson, R. M., Bell, J. S. and Winlove, C. P. 2014. Inexact Bayesian point pattern matching for linear transformations. Pattern Recognition 47(10), pp. 3265-3275. (10.1016/j.patcog.2014.04.022)
- Bell, J., Mandalia, V. and Winlove, P. 2014. Characterising changes in articular cartilage followingelectrothermal chondroplasty. Presented at: British Society for Matrix Biology, Cardiff, 2nd September 2013, Vol. 95. Wiley, (10.1111/iep.12078)
- Bell, J. S., Christmas, J., Mansfield, J. C., Everson, R. M. and Winlove, C. P. 2014. Micromechanical response of articular cartilage to tensile load measured using nonlinear microscopy. Acta Biomaterialia 10(6), pp. 2574-2581. (10.1016/j.actbio.2014.02.008)
- Mansfield, J., Bell, J., Christmas, J. and Winlove, P. 2014. Micromechanics of the superficial zone of articularcartilage studied using multi-photon microscopy. Presented at: British Society for Matrix Biology, Cardiff, 2nd September 2013, Vol. 95. Vol. 3. Wiley, (10.1111/iep.12078)
- Green, E. M., Mansfield, J. C., Bell, J. S. and Winlove, C. P. 2014. The structure and micromechanics of elastic tissue. Interface Focus 4(2), article number: 20130058. (10.1098/rsfs.2013.0058)
- Alkhouli, N. et al. 2013. The mechanical properties of human adipose tissues and their relationships to the structure and composition of the extracellular matrix. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism 305(12), pp. E1427-E1435. (10.1152/ajpendo.00111.2013)
- Neal, C., Winlove, C., Bell, J. and Harper, S. 2013. Novel vascular morphology in human glomeruli. Presented at: 37th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Birmingham, 21st July 2013, Vol. PCC349.
- Bell, J. S., Summers, I. R., Murray, A. R. J., Hendry, E., Sambles, J. R. and Hibbins, A. P. 2012. Low acoustic transmittance through a holey structure. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85(21), article number: 214305. (10.1103/PhysRevB.85.214305)
- Murray, A., Bell, J., Hendry, E., Summers, I., Sambles, J. and Hibbins, A. 2012. Control of sonic metamaterial stopband. Presented at: META'12, Paris, 19-22 April 2012.
- Bell, J. S., Winlove, C. P., Smith, C. W. and Dehghani, H. 2009. Modeling the steady-state deformation of the solid phase of articular cartilage. Biomaterials 30(31), pp. 6394-6401. (10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.08.026)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Meek, K. M., Quantock, A. J., Hayes, S. and Bell, J. 2020. X-ray diffraction imaging of corneal ultrastructure. In: Ahearne, M. ed. Corneal Regeneration: Methods and Protocols., Vol. 2145. Methods in Molecular Biology New York, NY, USA: Humana, pp. 231-247., (10.1007/978-1-0716-0599-8_16)
- Smith, C. W., Winlove, C. P., Eichhorn, S. J. and Bell, J. S. 2016. Elastic behaviour of biological materials. In: Hashmi, S. ed. Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering. Elsevier, pp. 1-6., (10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.02934-9)
- Mansfield, J. C., Bell, J. S., Moger, J. and Winlove, C. P. 2014. Nonlinear optical microscopy in biomechanics. In: Neu, C. and Genin, G. eds. Handbook of Imaging in Biological Mechanics. CRC Press, pp. 251-260.
- Bell, J., Owen, D., Meek, K., Terrill, N., Sanchez-Weatherby, J. and Maitre, C. L. 2022. X-ray scattering imaging of intervertebral discs under load. Presented at: The Society for Back Pain Research (SBPR) Annual General Meeting, Coventry, 30 June 2022Orthopaedic Proceedings, Vol. 104-B. Vol. Supp 9. pp. 26-26., (10.1302/1358-992X.2022.9.026)
- Bell, J., Morgan, S., Koudouna, E., Hayes, S. and Meek, K. 2022. The hierarchical response of human corneal collagen to controlled inflation. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 1-4 May 2022, Vol. 63. Vol. 7. IOVS pp. 2392.
- Winlove, P., Bell, J., Green, E., Chen, J. and Mnsfield, J. 2021. Synergies between microstructure imaging modalities. Presented at: 2021 OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Virtual, 29 April - 01 May 2021, Vol. 29. Vol. Supple. Elsevier pp. S7., (10.1016/j.joca.2021.02.017)
- Al-Rawachy, A., Husseini, T., Benedikt, J., Tasker, P. and Bell, J. 2019. Cardiff behavioural model analysis using a two-tone stimulus. Presented at: 2019 IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications (PAWR), Orlando, FL, USA, 20-23 January 20192019 IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications (PAWR). IEEE pp. 5-8., (10.1109/PAWR.2019.8708726)
- Bell, J. et al. 2018. A subfibrillar deformation mechanism in corneal collagen that affords flexibility. Presented at: ARVO Annual Meeting 2018, Honolulu, April 29 - May 3, 2018, Vol. 59. Vol. 9. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
- Bell, J., Mandalia, V. and Winlove, P. 2015. Changes in human articular cartilage following radiofrequency coblation chondroplasty. Presented at: Indian Orthopaedic Society, Liverpool, 3 July 2015, Vol. 97-B. Vol. SUPP_1. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery
- White, T., Lewis, P., Young, R., Meek, K. and Bell, J. 2014. 3D structural studies of the cornea. Presented at: British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science, Cardiff, 01 November 2014. , (10.1111/opo.12160)
- Bell, J., Mandalia, V. and Winlove, P. 2014. Characterising changes in articular cartilage followingelectrothermal chondroplasty. Presented at: British Society for Matrix Biology, Cardiff, 2nd September 2013, Vol. 95. Wiley, (10.1111/iep.12078)
- Mansfield, J., Bell, J., Christmas, J. and Winlove, P. 2014. Micromechanics of the superficial zone of articularcartilage studied using multi-photon microscopy. Presented at: British Society for Matrix Biology, Cardiff, 2nd September 2013, Vol. 95. Vol. 3. Wiley, (10.1111/iep.12078)
- Neal, C., Winlove, C., Bell, J. and Harper, S. 2013. Novel vascular morphology in human glomeruli. Presented at: 37th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Birmingham, 21st July 2013, Vol. PCC349.
- Murray, A., Bell, J., Hendry, E., Summers, I., Sambles, J. and Hibbins, A. 2012. Control of sonic metamaterial stopband. Presented at: META'12, Paris, 19-22 April 2012.
- Zheng, K. et al. 2024. Effects of mineralization on the hierarchical organization of collagen—a synchrotron X-ray scattering and polarized second harmonic generation study. Interface Focus 14(3), article number: 20230046. (10.1098/rsfs.2023.0046)
- Bell, J. S. et al. 2022. Tropocollagen springs allow collagen fibrils to stretch elastically. Acta Biomaterialia 142, pp. 185-193. (10.1016/j.actbio.2022.01.041)
- Bell, J. S. et al. 2022. Microstructural characterisation of resistance artery remodelling in diabetes mellitus. Journal of Vascular Research 59, pp. 50-60. (10.1159/000517856)
- Hayes, S. et al. 2020. The effect of bacteriochlorophyll derivative WST-D and near infrared light on the molecular and fibrillar architecture of the corneal stroma. Scientific Reports 10, article number: 9836. (10.1038/s41598-020-66869-y)
- Neal, C. et al. 2018. Novel haemodynamic structures in the human glomerulus. American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology 315(5), pp. F1370-F1384. (10.1152/ajprenal.00566.2017)
- Bates, D. O., Arkill, K. P., Bell, J. S., Winlove, C. P., Harper, S. J. and Neal, C. R. 2018. Bowman's capsule corrected: undiscovered vascular chambers in the renal glomerulus. FASEB Journal 32(S1), article number: 721.22. (10.1096/fasebj.2018.32.1_supplement.721.22)
- Bell, J. S. et al. 2018. The hierarchical response of human corneal collagen to load. Acta Biomaterialia 65, pp. 216-225. (10.1016/j.actbio.2017.11.015)
- Al-Atawi, S., Albon, J., Meek, K., Hayes, S., Bell, J. and Regini, J. 2017. Changes in the X-ray diffraction pattern of porcine lens before and after simulated accommodation. Acta Ophthalmologica 95, article number: S259. (10.1111/j.1755-3768.2017.0S074)
- Abass, A., Bell, J. S., Spang, M. T., Hayes, S., Meek, K. M. A. and Boote, C. 2017. SAXS4COLL: an integrated software tool for analysing fibrous collagen-based tissues. Journal of Applied Crystallography 50, pp. 1235-1240. (10.1107/S1600576717007877)
- Hayes, S. et al. 2017. The structural response of the cornea to changes in stromal hydration. Interface 14(131) (10.1098/rsif.2017.0062)
- White, T. et al. 2017. The structural role of elastic fibres in the cornea investigated using a mouse model for Marfan syndrome. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science 58(4), pp. 2106-2116. (10.1167/iovs.16-21358)
- Bell, J. S. et al. 2016. Microstructure and mechanics of human resistance arteries. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology 311(6), pp. H1560-H1568. (10.1152/ajpheart.00002.2016)
- Lewis, P., White, T., Young, R. D., Bell, J. S., Winlove, C. P. and Meek, K. M. A. 2016. Three-dimensional arrangement of elastic fibers in the human corneal stroma. Experimental Eye Research 146, pp. 43-53. (10.1016/j.exer.2015.12.006)
- Bell, J. 2016. Visualising the dynamic behaviour of corneal collagen. Diamond News
- Mansfield, J. C., Bell, J. S. and Winlove, C. P. 2015. The micromechanics of the superficial zone of articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 23(10), pp. 1806-1816. (10.1016/j.joca.2015.05.030)
- Christmas, J., Everson, R. M., Bell, J. S. and Winlove, C. P. 2014. Inexact Bayesian point pattern matching for linear transformations. Pattern Recognition 47(10), pp. 3265-3275. (10.1016/j.patcog.2014.04.022)
- Bell, J. S., Christmas, J., Mansfield, J. C., Everson, R. M. and Winlove, C. P. 2014. Micromechanical response of articular cartilage to tensile load measured using nonlinear microscopy. Acta Biomaterialia 10(6), pp. 2574-2581. (10.1016/j.actbio.2014.02.008)
- Green, E. M., Mansfield, J. C., Bell, J. S. and Winlove, C. P. 2014. The structure and micromechanics of elastic tissue. Interface Focus 4(2), article number: 20130058. (10.1098/rsfs.2013.0058)
- Alkhouli, N. et al. 2013. The mechanical properties of human adipose tissues and their relationships to the structure and composition of the extracellular matrix. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism 305(12), pp. E1427-E1435. (10.1152/ajpendo.00111.2013)
- Bell, J. S., Summers, I. R., Murray, A. R. J., Hendry, E., Sambles, J. R. and Hibbins, A. P. 2012. Low acoustic transmittance through a holey structure. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85(21), article number: 214305. (10.1103/PhysRevB.85.214305)
- Bell, J. S., Winlove, C. P., Smith, C. W. and Dehghani, H. 2009. Modeling the steady-state deformation of the solid phase of articular cartilage. Biomaterials 30(31), pp. 6394-6401. (10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.08.026)
Mae fy ymchwil yn cynnwys meintioli priodweddau mecanyddol meinwe, a chysylltu fy nghanfyddiadau â'r micro- a'r nano-strwythur. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o feinweoedd yn deillio o'u priodweddau mecanyddol o colagen, sy'n ffurfio matrics allgellog wedi'i deilwra i'r swyddogaeth feinwe trwy ryngweithio â proteoglycan, ffibrau elastig a hylif rhyng-sefydlog. Gellir dod o hyd i bapur ardderchog ar rôl colagen yn y gornbilen yma. Rwy'n defnyddio technegau fel microsgopeg amlffoton a gwasgariad pelydr-X (yn bennaf yn Diamond Light Source, synchrotron y DU) i gael gwybodaeth strwythurol am feinwe sy'n amrywio o raddfa o foleciwlaidd yr holl ffordd i fyny i feinweoedd cyfan. Rwy'n cyfuno'r technegau hyn â phrofion mecanyddol sy'n dynwared yr amgylchedd ffisiolegol gan ddefnyddio cyfarpar pwrpasol i ddelweddu sut mae'r strwythurau a welaf yn ymateb i straen.
Ffynhonnau trotropocollagen
Arweiniodd fy ngwaith mewn biomecaneg hierarchaidd at ddatblygiad arloesol yn y ddealltwriaeth o fecanweithiau straen mewn colagen. Yn y papur hwn , dangosais fod rhai ffibrau colagen yn gallu ymestyn yn sylweddol o dan straen cymharol fach, oherwydd sythu tebyg i wanwyn o'u strwythur uwch-foleciwlaidd. Yna dangosais yn y papur hwn fod y mecanwaith tebyg i'r gwanwyn yn elastig iawn, ac yn cyfrif am y rhan fwyaf o straen ar raddfa feinwe yn y rhan fwyaf o feinweoedd nad ydynt yn dwyn pwysau (cyfrifir am y gweddill trwy sythu crimp ar raddfa ffibril). Gallai hyn gael goblygiadau dwfn i'n dealltwriaeth biofecanyddol o ystod eang o feinweoedd, gan gynnwys pibellau gwaed, croen, cornbilen a llawer o feinweoedd eraill sy'n arddangos y bensaernïaeth hon tebyg i'r gwanwyn (gweler papur ardderchog gan Ottani et al. am drosolwg).
Ailfodelu microfasgwlaidd mewn diabetes
Gweithiais ar brosiect a noddir gan Sefydliad Prydeinig y Galon a ymchwiliodd i newidiadau yn ein rhydwelïau bach a achosir gan ddiabetes. Mae ein rhydwelïau bach (tua 100 - 400 μm mewn diamedr) yn hynod bwysig, oherwydd nhw yw'r prif ffordd y mae ein cyrff yn rheoli trwythiad organau. Cynhaliais astudiaeth amlffoton mewn rhydwelïau iach a oedd yn dangos y gwahanol fecanweithiau trosglwyddo straen sy'n bresennol sy'n rheoli'r ymateb i newidiadau pwysau, yn ogystal â dosbarthiad straen heterogenaidd iawn trwy wal y llong. Dilynais hyn gydag erthygl yn ymchwilio i'r newidiadau sy'n gysylltiedig â diabetes, a ganfu fod rhydwelïau'n llai abl i ddirywio a'u hystumio'n morffolegol oherwydd presenoldeb bwndeli taut patholegol o drwchus o golagen yn cyfyngu ymyl allanol y llong.
- 2023: Cronfa Strategol yr Is-Ganghellor - cefnogaeth i rwydwaith POWER, £5,000, Cyd-I
- 2023: Grant Beamtime Mynediad Cyflym ar gyfer Beamline K11 (DIAD) "Astudiaeth dichonoldeb ar gyfer delweddu'r cribrosa lamina yn DIAD", £8115 (gwerth cyfatebol ar gyfer REF), Diamond Light Source, PI.
- 2022: Cronfa Strategol yr Is-Ganghellor - cefnogaeth i rwydwaith POWER, £5,000, Cyd-I
- 2021: Cyllid prosiect Dyfodol Caerdydd, £3,000, Co-I
- 2021: Grant Comisiynu Beamtime ar gyfer VMXi beamline "Hierarchical effects of mineralisation on collagen structure and biomechanics", £25,416 (gwerth cyfatebol ar gyfer REF), Diamond Light Source, PI.
- 2021: Gwobr Prawf o Gysyniad "Effeithiau hierarchaidd mwyneiddio ar strwythur colagen a biomecaneg", £20,151, ImagingBioPro, Co-I.
- 2019: Gwobr Prawf o Gysyniad "Dadansoddiad morffometrig hierarchaidd o ddisg ryngferyddol arferol a dirywio o dan lwyth ffisiolegol" £20,144, ImagingBioPro, Co-I.
- 2019: Grant Comisiynu Beamtime ar gyfer beamline I22 "Dadansoddiad morffometrig hierarchaidd o ddisg ryngferyddol arferol a dirywio o dan lwyth ffisiolegol" £38,124 (gwerth cyfatebol ar gyfer REF), Ffynhonnell Golau Diemwnt, PI.
- 2019: Grant Mynediad Tymor Hir ar gyfer beamline I22: Dealltwriaeth fecanistig o bathobioleg cornbilen a datblygu strategaethau therapiwtig newydd ar gyfer trin anhwylderau meinwe gysylltiol", £114,372 (gwerth cyfatebol ar gyfer REF), Diamond Light Source, Co-I.
- 2019: Grant Rhaglen "Dealltwriaeth fecanistaidd o bathobioleg cornbilen a datblygu strategaethau therapiwtig ar gyfer trin anhwylderau meinwe cysylltiol", £2,379,357, Cyngor Ymchwil Feddygol, Cyd-Arweinydd Ymchwil.
- 2019: Grant Beamtime Mynediad Safonol ar gyfer beamline I22 "Pensaernïaeth Microfibrillar colagen corneal" £5,887 (gwerth cyfatebol ar gyfer REF), Diamond Light Source, PI.
- 2019: Cronfa Cymorth Cais am Grant Allanol RESCOM "Tuag at nodweddu nanofecanyddol o feinwe ocwlar in vivo". £2,686, PI.
- 2006: BSc Mathemateg a Ffiseg, Dosbarth I, Prifysgol Exeter
- 2010: Ffiseg PhD, 'Y berthynas rhwng strwythur a phriodweddau mecanyddol cartilag artiffisial'.
Trosolwg gyrfa
- 2025 - Darlithydd presennol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2023 - Cymrawd Ymchwil presennol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2019 - 2024: Cydymaith Ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- 2018 - 2019: Athro, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- 2015 - 2018: Cydymaith Ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- 2010 - 2015: Cymrawd Ymchwil Cyswllt / Cymrawd Ymchwil, Prifysgol Exeter
Penodiadau anrhydeddus
- 2019 - 2024: Gwyddonydd Gwadd , Ffynhonnell Golau Diamond
- 2018: Darlithydd Gwadd Universite Grenoble-Alpes, Ffrainc.
- 2015 - presennol: Gwyddonydd Gwadd Prifysgol Exeter
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 2023: Gwobr "Papur Gorau," Journal of Vascular Research.
- 2023: "Gwobr yr Aelod Anrhydeddus", Cymdeithas Ymchwil Poen Cefn
- 2022: "Gwobr Dewis y Golygydd", Journal of Vascular Research
- 2021: Dyfarnu lle ar gynllun hyfforddi Dyfodol Caerdydd
- 2021: Dyfarnu lle ar GW4 Panel Ffug BBSRC
- 2020: Dyfarnu lle ar gynllun hyfforddi arweinwyr y dyfodol Crucible Cymru.
- 2019: Llysgennad STEM - 50 awr yn gwirfoddoli mewn blwyddyn
- 2018: Nodwedd Gorchudd, Americal Journal of Ffisioleg - Ffisioleg y Galon a Chylchrediad Cylchrediad
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Pwyllgorau'r ysgol
- Cadeirydd y tîm Effaith Werdd
- Cynrychiolydd yr amgylchedd ar y pwyllgor Iechyd a Diogelwch
- Aelod a "hyrwyddwr lleol" ar bwyllgor TG
- adolygydd rheolaidd ar gyfer Acta Biomaterialia
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Biomecaneg
- Bioffiseg
- Delweddu biofeddygol
- Opteg anllinellol a sbectrosgopeg
- Diffreithiant pelydr-X