Dr Leandro Beltrachini
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Leandro Beltrachini
Uwch Ddarlithydd
Cyfarwyddwr Arloesi ac Ymgysylltu
I joined the School of Physics and Astronomy as a Lecturer in October 2016. My work focusses on the area of Computational Physics with applications in electrophysiology (electro/magneto-encephalography) and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging.
My research is based at the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), where I hold the role of Lead for Engagement.
- Walker, M. R., Fernández-Corazza, M., Turovets, S. and Beltrachini, L. 2025. Electrical impedance tomography meets reduced order modelling: a framework for faster and more reliable electrical conductivity estimations. Journal of Neural Engineering 22(1), article number: 16018. (10.1088/1741-2552/adab20)
- Poldrack, R. A. et al. 2024. The past, present, and future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS). Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1-19. (10.1162/imag_a_00103)
- McCann, H. M. and Beltrachini, L. 2022. Impact of skull sutures, spongiform bone distribution, and aging skull conductivities on the EEG forward and inverse problems. Journal of Neural Engineering 19, article number: 16014. (10.1088/1741-2552/ac43f7)
- Beltrachini, L., Cercignani, M., Morris, J., Rees, I., Papageorgiou, A. and Simpson, I. 2022. Gwylia dy dafod / Watch your Welsh. [Online]. Prifysgol Caerdydd / Cardiff University. Available at: https://gwyliadydafod.org/cy/index.html
- Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N., Eichardt, R. and Haueisen, J. 2021. Optimal design of on-scalp electromagnetic sensor arrays for brain source localisation. Human Brain Mapping 42(15), pp. 4869-4879. (10.1002/hbm.25586)
- McCann, H. and Beltrachini, L. 2021. Does participant’s age impact on tDCS induced fields? Insights from computational simulations. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 7(4), article number: 45018. (10.1088/2057-1976/ac0547)
- Gholam, J. A. et al. 2021. aDWI-BIDS: advanced diffusion weighted imaging metadata for the brain imaging data structure. Presented at: ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Virtual, 15-20 May 2021.
- McCann, H., Pisano, G. and Beltrachini, L. 2020. Correction to: Variation in reported human head tissue electrical conductivity values. Brain Topography (10.1007/s10548-020-00807-z)
- Beltrachini, L. 2019. The analytical subtraction approach for solving the forward problem in EEG. Journal of Neural Engineering 16(5), article number: 56029. (10.1088/1741-2552/ab2694)
- McCann, H., Pisano, G. and Beltrachini, L. 2019. Variation in reported human head tissue electrical conductivity values. Brain Topography 32(5), pp. 825-858. (10.1007/s10548-019-00710-2)
- Lopez-Novoa, U., Charron, C. and Beltrachini, L. 2019. The BIDS Toolbox: A web service to manage brain imaging datasets. Presented at: IEEE SmartWorld Conference 2019, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, 19-23 August 2019.
- Venneri, A. et al. 2019. Beyond episodic memory: Semantic processing as independent predictor of hippocampal/perirhinal volume in aging and mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuropsychology 33(4), pp. 523-533. (10.1037/neu0000534)
- Ravikumar, N., Gooya, A., Beltrachini, L., Frangi, A. F. and Taylor, Z. A. 2019. Generalised coherent point drift for group-wise multi-dimensional analysis of diffusion brain MRI data. Medical Image Analysis 53, pp. 47-63. (10.1016/j.media.2019.01.001)
- Beltrachini, L. 2019. Sensitivity of the projected subtraction approach to mesh degeneracies and its impact on the forward problem in EEG. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66(1), pp. 273-282. (10.1109/TBME.2018.2828336)
- Beltrachini, L. 2018. A finite element solution of the forward problem in EEG for multipolar sources. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27(3), pp. 368-377. (10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2886638)
- Mozumder, M., Beltrachini, L., Collier, Q., Pozo, J. and Frangi, A. 2018. Simultaneous magnetic resonance diffusion and pseudo-diffusion tensor imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79(4), pp. 2367-2378. (10.1002/mrm.26840)
- De Marco, M., Beltrachini, L., Biancardi, A., Frangi, A. and Venneri, A. 2017. Machine learning support to individual diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment using multimodal MRI and cognitive assessments. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 31(4), pp. 278-286. (10.1097/WAD.0000000000000208)
- McGrath, D., Ravikumar, N., Beltrachini, L., Wilkinson, I., Frangi, A. and Taylor, Z. 2016. Evaluation of wave delivery methodology for brain MRE: Insights from computational simulations. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 78(1), pp. 341-356. (10.1002/mrm.26333)
- Beltrachini, L., Taylor, Z. and Frangi, A. 2015. A parametric finite element solution of the generalised Bloch-Torrey equation for arbitrary domains. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 259, pp. 126-134. (10.1016/j.jmr.2015.08.008)
- Beltrachini, L., De Marco, M., Taylor, Z., Lotjonen, J., Frangi, A. and Venneri, A. 2015. Integration of cognitive tests and resting state fMRI for the individual identification of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Current Alzheimer Research 12(6), pp. 592-603., article number: http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/156720501206150716120332. (10.2174/156720501206150716120332)
- von Ellenrieder, N., Beltrachini, L., Muravchik, C. H. and Gotman, J. 2014. Extent of cortical generators visible on the scalp: Effect of a subdural grid. NeuroImage 101, pp. 787-795. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.08.009)
- von Ellenrieder, N., Beltrachini, L., Perucca, P. and Gotman, J. 2014. Size of cortical generators of epileptic interictal events and visibility on scalp EEG. NeuroImage 94, pp. 47-54. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.02.032)
- Fernández-Corazza, M., Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. H. 2013. Analysis of parametric estimation of head tissue conductivities using Electrical Impedance Tomography. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 8(6), pp. 830-837. (10.1016/j.bspc.2013.08.003)
- Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. H. 2013. Error bounds in diffusion tensor estimation using multiple-coil acquisition systems. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(8), pp. 1372-1383. (10.1016/j.mri.2013.04.009)
- Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. 2013. Shrinkage approach for spatiotemporal EEG covariance matrix estimation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61(7), pp. 1797-1808. (10.1109/TSP.2013.2238532)
- Corazza, M. F., Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. H. 2013. Waveform selection for electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Latin America Transactions 11(1), pp. 402-407. (10.1109/TLA.2013.6502837)
- Ibanez, A. et al. 2012. Neural processing of emotional facial and semantic expressions in euthymic bipolar disorder (BD) and its association with theory of mind (ToM). Plos One 7(10), article number: e46877. (10.1371/journal.pone.0046877)
- von Ellenrieder, N., Beltrachini, L. and Muravchik, C. 2012. Electrode and brain modelling in stereo-EEG. Clinical Neurophysiology 123(9), pp. 1745-1754. (10.1016/j.clinph.2012.01.019)
- Ibáñez, A. et al. 2011. Cortical deficits of emotional face processing in adults with ADHD: its relation to social cognition and executive function. Social Neuroscience 61(5-6), pp. 464-481. (10.1080/17470919.2011.620769)
- Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. 2011. General bounds for electrode mislocation on the EEG inverse problem. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 103(1), pp. 1-9.
- Walker, M. R., Fernández-Corazza, M., Turovets, S. and Beltrachini, L. 2025. Electrical impedance tomography meets reduced order modelling: a framework for faster and more reliable electrical conductivity estimations. Journal of Neural Engineering 22(1), article number: 16018. (10.1088/1741-2552/adab20)
- Poldrack, R. A. et al. 2024. The past, present, and future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS). Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1-19. (10.1162/imag_a_00103)
- McCann, H. M. and Beltrachini, L. 2022. Impact of skull sutures, spongiform bone distribution, and aging skull conductivities on the EEG forward and inverse problems. Journal of Neural Engineering 19, article number: 16014. (10.1088/1741-2552/ac43f7)
- Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N., Eichardt, R. and Haueisen, J. 2021. Optimal design of on-scalp electromagnetic sensor arrays for brain source localisation. Human Brain Mapping 42(15), pp. 4869-4879. (10.1002/hbm.25586)
- McCann, H. and Beltrachini, L. 2021. Does participant’s age impact on tDCS induced fields? Insights from computational simulations. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 7(4), article number: 45018. (10.1088/2057-1976/ac0547)
- McCann, H., Pisano, G. and Beltrachini, L. 2020. Correction to: Variation in reported human head tissue electrical conductivity values. Brain Topography (10.1007/s10548-020-00807-z)
- Beltrachini, L. 2019. The analytical subtraction approach for solving the forward problem in EEG. Journal of Neural Engineering 16(5), article number: 56029. (10.1088/1741-2552/ab2694)
- McCann, H., Pisano, G. and Beltrachini, L. 2019. Variation in reported human head tissue electrical conductivity values. Brain Topography 32(5), pp. 825-858. (10.1007/s10548-019-00710-2)
- Venneri, A. et al. 2019. Beyond episodic memory: Semantic processing as independent predictor of hippocampal/perirhinal volume in aging and mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuropsychology 33(4), pp. 523-533. (10.1037/neu0000534)
- Ravikumar, N., Gooya, A., Beltrachini, L., Frangi, A. F. and Taylor, Z. A. 2019. Generalised coherent point drift for group-wise multi-dimensional analysis of diffusion brain MRI data. Medical Image Analysis 53, pp. 47-63. (10.1016/j.media.2019.01.001)
- Beltrachini, L. 2019. Sensitivity of the projected subtraction approach to mesh degeneracies and its impact on the forward problem in EEG. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66(1), pp. 273-282. (10.1109/TBME.2018.2828336)
- Beltrachini, L. 2018. A finite element solution of the forward problem in EEG for multipolar sources. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 27(3), pp. 368-377. (10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2886638)
- Mozumder, M., Beltrachini, L., Collier, Q., Pozo, J. and Frangi, A. 2018. Simultaneous magnetic resonance diffusion and pseudo-diffusion tensor imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79(4), pp. 2367-2378. (10.1002/mrm.26840)
- De Marco, M., Beltrachini, L., Biancardi, A., Frangi, A. and Venneri, A. 2017. Machine learning support to individual diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment using multimodal MRI and cognitive assessments. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 31(4), pp. 278-286. (10.1097/WAD.0000000000000208)
- McGrath, D., Ravikumar, N., Beltrachini, L., Wilkinson, I., Frangi, A. and Taylor, Z. 2016. Evaluation of wave delivery methodology for brain MRE: Insights from computational simulations. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 78(1), pp. 341-356. (10.1002/mrm.26333)
- Beltrachini, L., Taylor, Z. and Frangi, A. 2015. A parametric finite element solution of the generalised Bloch-Torrey equation for arbitrary domains. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 259, pp. 126-134. (10.1016/j.jmr.2015.08.008)
- Beltrachini, L., De Marco, M., Taylor, Z., Lotjonen, J., Frangi, A. and Venneri, A. 2015. Integration of cognitive tests and resting state fMRI for the individual identification of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Current Alzheimer Research 12(6), pp. 592-603., article number: http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/156720501206150716120332. (10.2174/156720501206150716120332)
- von Ellenrieder, N., Beltrachini, L., Muravchik, C. H. and Gotman, J. 2014. Extent of cortical generators visible on the scalp: Effect of a subdural grid. NeuroImage 101, pp. 787-795. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.08.009)
- von Ellenrieder, N., Beltrachini, L., Perucca, P. and Gotman, J. 2014. Size of cortical generators of epileptic interictal events and visibility on scalp EEG. NeuroImage 94, pp. 47-54. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.02.032)
- Fernández-Corazza, M., Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. H. 2013. Analysis of parametric estimation of head tissue conductivities using Electrical Impedance Tomography. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 8(6), pp. 830-837. (10.1016/j.bspc.2013.08.003)
- Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. H. 2013. Error bounds in diffusion tensor estimation using multiple-coil acquisition systems. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(8), pp. 1372-1383. (10.1016/j.mri.2013.04.009)
- Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. 2013. Shrinkage approach for spatiotemporal EEG covariance matrix estimation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61(7), pp. 1797-1808. (10.1109/TSP.2013.2238532)
- Corazza, M. F., Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. H. 2013. Waveform selection for electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Latin America Transactions 11(1), pp. 402-407. (10.1109/TLA.2013.6502837)
- Ibanez, A. et al. 2012. Neural processing of emotional facial and semantic expressions in euthymic bipolar disorder (BD) and its association with theory of mind (ToM). Plos One 7(10), article number: e46877. (10.1371/journal.pone.0046877)
- von Ellenrieder, N., Beltrachini, L. and Muravchik, C. 2012. Electrode and brain modelling in stereo-EEG. Clinical Neurophysiology 123(9), pp. 1745-1754. (10.1016/j.clinph.2012.01.019)
- Ibáñez, A. et al. 2011. Cortical deficits of emotional face processing in adults with ADHD: its relation to social cognition and executive function. Social Neuroscience 61(5-6), pp. 464-481. (10.1080/17470919.2011.620769)
- Beltrachini, L., von Ellenrieder, N. and Muravchik, C. 2011. General bounds for electrode mislocation on the EEG inverse problem. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 103(1), pp. 1-9.
- Gholam, J. A. et al. 2021. aDWI-BIDS: advanced diffusion weighted imaging metadata for the brain imaging data structure. Presented at: ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Virtual, 15-20 May 2021.
- Lopez-Novoa, U., Charron, C. and Beltrachini, L. 2019. The BIDS Toolbox: A web service to manage brain imaging datasets. Presented at: IEEE SmartWorld Conference 2019, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, 19-23 August 2019.
- Beltrachini, L., Cercignani, M., Morris, J., Rees, I., Papageorgiou, A. and Simpson, I. 2022. Gwylia dy dafod / Watch your Welsh. [Online]. Prifysgol Caerdydd / Cardiff University. Available at: https://gwyliadydafod.org/cy/index.html
Research Interests
- Numerical analysis
- Forward and inverse problems
- Source localisation in E/MEG
- Microstructure characterisation with diffusion MRI
- Data sharing practices and protocols
Research Projects
* “Statistical reconstruction of histology data based on magnetic resonance imaging”; Type: Transformative Research Technologies; Principal Investigator: Beltrachini L; Co-Investigators: Jones DK, Griswold M, Ma D; Start Date: 01/05/20; Duration: 18 months; Agency: BBSRC; Budget: £186,939;
* “Translating open software practices to computational electrophysiology”; Type: Impact Acceleration Account; Principal Investigator: Beltrachini L; Start Date: 15/01/20; Duration: 2 months; Agency: STFC; Budget: £22,188;
* “Cardiff University – EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment”; Type: Institutional equipment award; Principal Investigator: Graham K; Co-Investigators: Singh K, Charron C, Lawrence A, Holt C, Beltrachini L, Murphy K; Start Date: 15/01/20; Duration: 18 months; Agency: EPSRC; Budget: £414,444;
* “Microstructural Imaging Sharing Protocol (MISP)”; Type: Impact Acceleration Account; Principal Investigator:Beltrachini L; Co-Investigators: Papageorgiou A, Griffin MJ, Hargrave P, Aja-Fernandez S, Jones DK; Start Date: 01/09/19; Duration: 6 months; Agency: STFC; Budget: £95,763;
* “Microstructural Imaging Data Centre (MIDaC)”; Type: Opportunities call 2018; Principal Investigators: Beltrachini L, Griffin MJ; Co-Investigators: Papageorgiou A, Murphy K, Hargrave P, Charron C, Evans J, Jones DK; Start Date: 01/10/18; Duration: 5 months; Agency: STFC; Budget: £98,194;
* “Widening applications of magnetoencephalography with optically pumped magnetometers”; Type: ECR Institutional Equipment; Principal Investigator: Beltrachini L; Co-Investigator: Singh K; Start Date: 01/10/18; Duration: 18 months; Agency: EPSRC (through Cardiff University); Budget: £29,258;
* “Design of an Open-Access Brain Imaging Data Centre”; Type: Seedcorn project; Principal Investigator:Beltrachini L; Co-Investigators: Papageorgiou A, Charron C, Whittaker J, Murphy K, Griffin MJ; Start Date: 01/01/17; Duration: 7 months; Agency: Cardiff University Data Innovation Research Institute; Budget: £11,719;
* “OCEAN: One-stop-shop microstructure-sensitive perfusion/diffusion MRI: Application to vascular cognitive impairment”; Type: Project Grant; Principal Investigator: Frangi A; Co-Investigators: Beltrachini L, Ince P, Taylor Z, Wilkinson I, Venneri A, Parker G, Jones DK, Highley R, Kennerley A; Start Date: 01/01/15; Duration: 36 months; Agency: EPSRC; Budget: £1,768,525;
* “VIPER: Virtual Interactive Patient ExpeRience”; Type: Public Engagement proof-of-concept; Principal Investigator: Beltrachini L; Co-Investigators: Lassila T, Ravikumar N; Start Date: 01/01/15; Duration: 6 months; Agency: Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK; Budget: £1,000;
* “Model personalisation for electro/magnetoencephalography and electrocorticography signal analysis”; Type: Postdoctoral fellowship for full-time research.; Principal Investigator: Beltrachini L; Start Date: 01/04/12; Duration: 2 years; Agency: National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina; Budget: £65,000;
Dirprwy Drefnydd Modiwl
- PX3143: Ffiseg Gyfrifiadurol
- PX3155: Cyflwyniad i MRI
Education and qualifications
- 2012: PhD in Electrical Engineering, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
- 2007: MSc in Electrical Engineering, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
Career overview
- 2016 - present: Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy and Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), Cardiff University, UK
- 2015 - 2016 Research Fellow, The University of Sheffield, UK
- 2013 - 2015 Research Associate, The University of Sheffield, UK
- 2012 - 2015 Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
- 2012 - 2013 Research Fellow, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas I work on.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Matthew Walker
Contact Details
+44 29225 10274
Canolfan Ymchwil Delweddu'r Ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ystafell CUBRIC 1.033, Heol Maendy, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ