Dr Daniel Bickerton
Darllenydd mewn Cerddoriaeth
- BickertonDI@caerdydd.ac.uk
- +44 29208 70405
- 33-37 Heol Corbett, Ystafell 0.18, 37 Corbett Rd., Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EB
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Ddarllenydd mewn Cerddoriaeth ac yn Gyfarwyddwr Recriwtio a Derbyn yn yr Ysgol Cerddoriaeth.
Fel Cymrawd Addysgu Cenedlaethol rwy'n angerddol am arferion dysgu ac addysgu cynhwysol, arweinyddiaeth greadigol, ysbrydoli myfyrwyr i feddwl yn greadigol ac yn ddadansoddol am eu creu cerddoriaeth, a hyrwyddo potensial cydweithredu rhyngddisgyblaethol ar draws y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau.
Rwy'n adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer Gwella Ansawdd Cerddoriaeth mewn Addysg Uwch a theithiodd yn eang i ledaenu arfer da mewn cynllunio cwricwlwm ac asesu. Mae gen i brofiad addysgu rhyngwladol sylweddol, gan gynnwys yn fwyaf diweddar ym Mhrifysgol Talaith Campinas, Prifysgolion Illinois Urbana-Champaign a New Hampshire, a'r Sefydliad Cerddoleg, Prifysgol Jagiellonian, Kraków. Bydd fy ymweliad nesaf i Brifysgol Ljubljana, Slofenia.
Rwy'n cyfansoddi cerddoriaeth ac mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn canfyddiad o wead ataliol, defnyddio technoleg ddigidol mewn perfformiad byw, yn ogystal â cherddoriaeth y gellir ei diffinio fel rhyngdestunol. Er i mi dyfu i fyny yn astudio cerddoriaeth glasurol yn bennaf, mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn cerddoriaeth jazz a crossover. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn cyfansoddi cerddoriaeth at ddibenion addysgol ac addysgeg cerddoriaeth. Mae fy athrawon yn cynnwys Arlene Sierra, Stephen Montague a Judith Weir.
Mae fy ngherddoriaeth wedi cael ei disgrifio fel un 'soulful', ac yn 'llawn rhaeadrau sgittish' ac yn 'galw ar ymdeimlad o gyfnod a chymeriad – a dim ond ychydig o wallgofrwydd (diniwed) ' yn The Times. Ynglŷn â'm cerddoriaeth, mae'r arweinydd Paul McClure wedi ysgrifennu 'mae olion bysedd arddull y cyfansoddwr hwn yn effeithiol ac yn gyrru ostinati; mae hyblygrwydd metr yn awdurdodol ac yn gymhellol'.
Perfformiwyd fy nghyfansoddiadau gartref a thramor, gydag uchafbwyntiau yn cynnwys y Royal Albert Hall, Purcell Room, Neuadd Dewi Sant a Neuadd Symffoni Birmingham (DU), Awditoriwm Koret, San Francisco, a Paul Creative Arts Centre, New Hampshire (UDA), La Mortella, Reduta Jazz Club, Palais de Festivités yn ogystal ag mewn amryw o wyliau jazz Ewropeaidd. Mae fy ngherddoriaeth hefyd wedi cael ei chwarae ar BBC Radio Wales ac ITV Wales.
Rwyf wrth fy modd yn gweithio ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Yn flaenorol, rwyf wedi gwasanaethu fel Deon Cyswllt ar gyfer Rhaglenni a Mentrau Academaidd Traws-golegol yng Ngholeg y Celfyddydau, y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (a oedd yn cynnwys arwain y Cyd-Goleg unigryw rhwng Prifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Normal Beijing o 2023-24), Cyfarwyddwr Dysgu ac Addysgu yr Ysgol Cerddoriaeth, ac wedi cadeirio Pwyllgor y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol ar gyfer Step Up y Rhwydwaith Ehangu Cyfranogiad rhaglen, dylunio a gweithredu ei rhaglen arloesol.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Nothing new here! Composing with counterpoint: Challenge and freedom. Presented at: International Lecture, Jagiellonian University, Krakòw, Poland, 13 June 2022.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Composing music in Wales: Sound and style. Presented at: International Lecture, Jagiellonian University, Krakòw, Poland, 14 June 2022.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Challenging tradition: Transforming assessment in higher education music. Presented at: MusicHE Annual Conference, Online, 3 May 2022.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Fogbow for two pianos.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Consolation: for soprano saxophone and piano.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Together again: for orchestra.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Confremant Saecula Studentum, Evans (1909) arr. Bickerton (2022).
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Weather By Funk II (2022) for big band.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. Sinuous grace: for solo piano.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. "the women danced but the king was afraid" (2021) for baroque violin and cello.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. Into the rare: for two clarinets.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Yearning.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Wires Crossed.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Wild Water.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. As Alive As Ever.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Breaker of Stones.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Ensemble music-making: responding to the challenges of COVID-19 for performers and composers. Presented at: MusicHE 2020, Online, 3 July 2020.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Call me to you: for solo oboe.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Roots.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Breaking down barriers to online music-making. Presented at: Music Mark Annual Conference, Online, 22 October 2020.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. What heights of love: for violin and piano.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. We will dance again.
- Bickerton, D. 2019. By Gosh, By Golly. Daniel Bickerton.
- Bickerton, D. 2019. nighTrain.
- Bickerton, D. 2019. Smile.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. The opportunities of Panopto within the School of Music. Cardiff: Cardiff University Centre for Education Innovation. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnw6gdTKlIk
- Bickerton, D. 2018. Assessment and feedback challenges in music. Presented at: Assessment Challenges and Challenging Assessment, Cardiff, UK, 24 September 2018.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. Learn Plus: Advantages in formative assessments. Presented at: Cardiff University Education Innovation Week, Cardiff, UK, 23 January 2018.
- Bickerton, D. and Gornall, L. 2018. Playing together: What can academics in higher education learn from musicians about creative leadership and collaboration?. In: Gornall, L., Thomas, B. and Sweetman, L. eds. Exploring Consensual Leadership in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 243-262.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. Flypast.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. Simmer down.
- Bickerton, D. and Allen, P. 2017. Cardiff - Capital city of Wales. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqicqIMGGpI
- Bickerton, D. 2017. Sea of Stone [Tyne Cot Sketches: II]. Bickerton.
- Bickerton, D. 2017. Mad About ThaT.
- Bickerton, D. 2017. The pitch within.
- Bickerton, D. 2016. Even though it's breaking, imagine!.
- Bickerton, D. 2016. #CONNECT.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Textbook.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Weather By Funk.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Eclipse.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Invictus.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Two mourning angels [Tyne Cot Sketches: I].
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Ballad.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. Let's Do It Again.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. Redux Shone Through Time.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. Inward Thinking.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. Evening Dew.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. The Cause.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. Stand Up.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. The Panther of Lugash.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. Unintentional Art of Glass.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. Firmly Grounded.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. Caution.
- Bickerton, D. 2012. Garuda.
- Bickerton, D. 2012. Save Our Chariots.
- Bickerton, D. 2012. Blaenwern.
- Bickerton, D. 2012. Three Children's pieces.
- Bickerton, D. 2011. Equation.
- Bickerton, D. 2011. Ecclesiastical musings.
- Bickerton, D. 2011. Delivered.
- Bickerton, D. 2011. This Masquerade.
- Bickerton, D. 2010. The meaning of Alex.
- Bickerton, D. 2010. Whimsical.
- Bickerton, D. 2010. When The Stakes Are High.
- Bickerton, D. 2009. Lunarscape.
- Bickerton, D. 2009. Nocturne.
- Bickerton, D. 2009. Epiphany.
- Bickerton, D. 2008. The Court Jester.
- Bickerton, D. 2008. A Suite of Eastern Expression.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. On The Edge.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. Phoenix.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. An Oracle of Earthly and Divine Authority.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. States of Mind.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. Prayer.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. Apokaluptein.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. For a Moment.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. Medusa, Vallejo.
- Bickerton, D. 2006. Fanfare for Gwent.
- Bickerton, D. 2006. Etifeddiaeth.
- Bickerton, D. 2006. Ocean Sketch.
- Bickerton, D. 2005. Genesis.
- Bickerton, D. 2005. Woodpeckers.
- Bickerton, D. 2004. Foreboding.
- Bickerton, D. 2004. Through Their Eyes.
- Bickerton, D. 2003. Dreaming.
Book sections
- Bickerton, D. and Gornall, L. 2018. Playing together: What can academics in higher education learn from musicians about creative leadership and collaboration?. In: Gornall, L., Thomas, B. and Sweetman, L. eds. Exploring Consensual Leadership in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 243-262.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Fogbow for two pianos.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Consolation: for soprano saxophone and piano.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Together again: for orchestra.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Confremant Saecula Studentum, Evans (1909) arr. Bickerton (2022).
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Weather By Funk II (2022) for big band.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. Sinuous grace: for solo piano.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. "the women danced but the king was afraid" (2021) for baroque violin and cello.
- Bickerton, D. 2021. Into the rare: for two clarinets.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Yearning.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Wires Crossed.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Wild Water.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. As Alive As Ever.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Breaker of Stones.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Call me to you: for solo oboe.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Roots.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. What heights of love: for violin and piano.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. We will dance again.
- Bickerton, D. 2019. By Gosh, By Golly. Daniel Bickerton.
- Bickerton, D. 2019. nighTrain.
- Bickerton, D. 2019. Smile.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. Flypast.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. Simmer down.
- Bickerton, D. 2017. Sea of Stone [Tyne Cot Sketches: II]. Bickerton.
- Bickerton, D. 2017. Mad About ThaT.
- Bickerton, D. 2017. The pitch within.
- Bickerton, D. 2016. Even though it's breaking, imagine!.
- Bickerton, D. 2016. #CONNECT.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Textbook.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Weather By Funk.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Eclipse.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Invictus.
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Two mourning angels [Tyne Cot Sketches: I].
- Bickerton, D. 2015. Ballad.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. Let's Do It Again.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. Redux Shone Through Time.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. Inward Thinking.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. Evening Dew.
- Bickerton, D. 2014. The Cause.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. Stand Up.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. The Panther of Lugash.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. Unintentional Art of Glass.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. Firmly Grounded.
- Bickerton, D. 2013. Caution.
- Bickerton, D. 2012. Garuda.
- Bickerton, D. 2012. Save Our Chariots.
- Bickerton, D. 2012. Blaenwern.
- Bickerton, D. 2012. Three Children's pieces.
- Bickerton, D. 2011. Equation.
- Bickerton, D. 2011. Ecclesiastical musings.
- Bickerton, D. 2011. Delivered.
- Bickerton, D. 2011. This Masquerade.
- Bickerton, D. 2010. The meaning of Alex.
- Bickerton, D. 2010. Whimsical.
- Bickerton, D. 2010. When The Stakes Are High.
- Bickerton, D. 2009. Lunarscape.
- Bickerton, D. 2009. Nocturne.
- Bickerton, D. 2009. Epiphany.
- Bickerton, D. 2008. The Court Jester.
- Bickerton, D. 2008. A Suite of Eastern Expression.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. On The Edge.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. Phoenix.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. An Oracle of Earthly and Divine Authority.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. States of Mind.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. Prayer.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. Apokaluptein.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. For a Moment.
- Bickerton, D. 2007. Medusa, Vallejo.
- Bickerton, D. 2006. Fanfare for Gwent.
- Bickerton, D. 2006. Etifeddiaeth.
- Bickerton, D. 2006. Ocean Sketch.
- Bickerton, D. 2005. Genesis.
- Bickerton, D. 2005. Woodpeckers.
- Bickerton, D. 2004. Foreboding.
- Bickerton, D. 2004. Through Their Eyes.
- Bickerton, D. 2003. Dreaming.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Nothing new here! Composing with counterpoint: Challenge and freedom. Presented at: International Lecture, Jagiellonian University, Krakòw, Poland, 13 June 2022.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Composing music in Wales: Sound and style. Presented at: International Lecture, Jagiellonian University, Krakòw, Poland, 14 June 2022.
- Bickerton, D. 2022. Challenging tradition: Transforming assessment in higher education music. Presented at: MusicHE Annual Conference, Online, 3 May 2022.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Ensemble music-making: responding to the challenges of COVID-19 for performers and composers. Presented at: MusicHE 2020, Online, 3 July 2020.
- Bickerton, D. 2020. Breaking down barriers to online music-making. Presented at: Music Mark Annual Conference, Online, 22 October 2020.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. Assessment and feedback challenges in music. Presented at: Assessment Challenges and Challenging Assessment, Cardiff, UK, 24 September 2018.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. Learn Plus: Advantages in formative assessments. Presented at: Cardiff University Education Innovation Week, Cardiff, UK, 23 January 2018.
- Bickerton, D. 2018. The opportunities of Panopto within the School of Music. Cardiff: Cardiff University Centre for Education Innovation. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnw6gdTKlIk
- Bickerton, D. and Allen, P. 2017. Cardiff - Capital city of Wales. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqicqIMGGpI
Rydw i ar gyfnod sabothol o'r Ysgol Cerddoriaeth tan Awst 2024.
Mae'r prosiectau presennol yn cynnwys:
- Lleoliadau symudedd addysgu i UDA (Mawrth 2024), Brasil (Ebrill 2024) a Slofenia (Mehefin 2024);
- Cyfansoddiad newydd ar gyfer yr Ensemble Terfysg (Ebrill 2024);
- Datblygu 'Diwrnod Astudio' cynhwysol ar gyfer myfyrwyr TGAU ac UG/Safon Uwch (4 Ebrill, 2024), a gynhelir yn yr Ysgol Cerddoriaeth;
- Symposiwm Rhyngwladol Addysgu ac Ysgoloriaethau Celfyddydau Rhyddfrydol AU (Gorffennaf 2024).
Mae'r prosiectau diweddar yn cynnwys:
- Mentrau cyfansoddiad ac addysg gyda Phrifysgol New Hampshire (UDA), Prifysgol Jagiellonian (Kraków), a chynnal y Confensiwn Clarinét Rhyngwladol (2023);
- Cyfansoddiad dau biano newydd ar gyfer Catherine Milledge a Roger Owens, Fogbow (2023);
- Cyfrannu at y gweithgor Addysg Uwch ar gyfer polisi llywodraeth y Cynllun Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Addysg Cerddoriaeth (Cymru);
- Wedi'i gydlynu gan y Clarinét and Saxophone Society of Great Britain, cyfansoddi newydd ar gyfer sacsoffon soprano a phiano , Consolation (2022), a berfformiwyd am y tro cyntaf yn y Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol, Llundain (2022);
- Cyflwyno papur ar 'Trawsnewid Asesu mewn Addysg Uwch' yng nghynhadledd MusicHE (2022);
- Cymryd rhan mewn cyflwyniad cynhadledd Nod Cerddoriaeth, 'Chwalu Rhwystrau i Wneud Cerddoriaeth Ar-lein' (2020);
- Comissioned i ysgrifennu darn newydd ar gyfer cynllun 'lockdown' BBC NOW/Tŷ Cerdd CoDI 'one2one' (2020);
- Cerddoriaeth gerddorfaol ar gyfer OFA Modulo (2018-2020) a gwaith newydd ar gyfer yr ŵyl gerddoriaeth Druskomanija (2019) a berfformiwyd gan Academi Cerddoriaeth a Theatr Lithwania;
- Cyhoeddiad ar y cyd ar gyfer Llundain: Bloomsbury (2018), 'Playing together: What can academics in higher education learn from musicians about creative leadership and collaboration?' (Yn: Gornall, Lynne, Thomas, Brychan a Sweetman, Lucy eds. Archwilio Arweinyddiaeth Gydsyniol mewn Addysg Uwch, tt. 243-262.).
Undergraduate Teaching:
- Composition (Final Year Portfolio supervisor)
- 20th Century Contrapuntal Practice
- Orchestration
- Studio Techniques (Electro-Acoustic Composition)
- I also co-ordinate the practical musicianship modules at the School of Music (including Ensemble).
Postgraduate Teaching:
- Music Leadership and Public Engagement
- Ensemble
- Studio Techniques (Electro-Acoustic Composition)
- I have also supervised MA Composition portfolio students
CMG Directing:
- I also direct the annual CMG 'composer celebration' workshop and concerts in the Autumn Semester. Previous concerts have included:
- 2013: Britten Centenary Celebration (feat. The Cardon Ensemble)
- 2014: The Triumph of Time? Responses to Birtwistle at 80
- 2015: La Monte Young at 80
- I will be directing the next in this series, 'Reich at 80' on November 24, 2016 at the School of Music.
Addysg a chymwysterau
- 2024: Cymrawd Addysgu Cenedlaethol NTF (Advance HE)
- 2018: Cyfansoddiad FTCL (Coleg y Drindod Llundain)
- 2014: LMusTCL mewn Theori a Dadansoddi (Coleg y Drindod Llundain)
- 2012: PhD (Cyfansoddi) Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2012: AFHEA (Academi Addysg Uwch)
- 2011: AMusTCL gyda Rhagoriaeth (Coleg y Drindod Llundain)
- 2009: LTCL: Teaching with Distinction (Trinity College London)
- 2008: PGD gyda Rhagoriaeth (Cyfansoddi) Trinity Laban Conservatoire, UK
- 2007: MMus gyda Rhagoriaeth (Cyfansoddi) Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2006: BMus (Anrh) gydag Anrhydedd Dosbarth Cyntaf, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2004: ATCL: Datganiad gyda Rhagoriaeth (Coleg y Drindod Llundain)
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Cymrawd Addysgu Cenedlaethol (2024)
- CUROP (Gorffennaf 2019)
- Ysgol y Flwyddyn (Tachwedd 2017)
- Gwobr Cyfraniad Eithriadol Prifysgol Caerdydd (Hydref 2017)
- Ede & Ravenscroft (Gorffennaf 2017)
- CUROP (Gorffennaf 2016)
- Y Campws Cyntaf ar gyfer Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu (2014-16)
- CUSU ar gyfer Benjamin Britten Centenary: Dathlu i Gyfansoddwyr (2013)
- Efrydiaeth Ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd (2008-2012)
- Cymrodoriaeth Joan Greenfield (2007-08)
- Urdd Lifrai Cymru (2007)
- AHRC (2006-07)
- Cymynrodd Celia Thomas (2006)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cadeirydd, Pwyllgor Celfyddydau Mynegiannol - Rhwydwaith Ehangu Cyfranogiad | Datblygu Rhaglen Camu i Fyny
- Aelod, Rhwydwaith Gweithwyr Proffesiynol Ymgysylltu â'r Cyhoedd (PEP) | Y Ganolfan Gydlynu Genedlaethol ar gyfer Ymgysylltu â'r Cyhoedd
- Aelod, Fforwm Strategaeth Addysg Genedlaethol
- Cyfansoddwr Preswyl, Cerddorfa Genedlaethol i Bawb | Modiwlaidd (2018 - 2021)
- Cymrodyr, Cyfansoddi Cerddoriaeth | Coleg y Drindod Llundain
- Aelod, Rhwydwaith Ymgysylltu ac Allgymorth First Campus
- Uwch Arholwr | AMusTCL Music Theory and Composition, Trinity College Llundain (2015 - presennol)
- Cymrawd Cyswllt | Academi Addysg Uwch, am gydnabyddiaeth broffesiynol o Addysgu ac Ysgolheictod
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2024 - presennol: Cyfarwyddwr Recriwtio a Derbyn | Ysgol Cerddoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2023 - presennol: Darllenydd mewn Cerddoriaeth | Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2023 - 2024: Deon Cyswllt ar gyfer Rhaglenni a Mentrau Traws-golegol | Coleg y Celfyddydau, y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol
- 2020 - 2024: Cyfarwyddwr Dysgu ac Addysgu | Ysgol Cerddoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd (gan gynnwys Arweinydd Addysg Ddigidol)
- 2020 - 2023: Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Cerddoriaeth | Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2016 - 2020: Cyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Israddedig | Ysgol Cerddoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2014 - 2016: Dirprwy Diwtor Derbyn i Israddedigion | Ysgol Cerddoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2014 - 2020: Darlithydd Cerddoriaeth | Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2013 - 2014: Darlithydd mewn Cerddoriaeth ac Ideoleg | Leeds College of Music
- 2009 - 2014: Darlithydd Cyswllt | Ysgol Cerddoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Cyd-gadeirydd, Rhaglen a Phanel Sefydlog Partner | ASQC (2021 - presennol)
- Pwyllgor Cadeirydd, Dysgu ac Addysgu | CERDDORIAETH (2020 - 2024)
- Aelod, Bwrdd Rheoli Ysgolion | Cerddoriaeth (2019 - presennol)
- Panel Sefydlog Aelodau, Rhaglen a Phartneriaethau | ASQC (2019 - presennol)
- Aelod, Rhwydwaith Addysg Academaidd Coleg AHSS | CAEN (2019 - 2020)
- Cadeirydd, Celfyddydau Mynegiannol | Y Rhwydwaith Addysg ac Allgymorth (2019 - 2020)
- Mentor Arweiniol | CERDDORIAETH - Rhaglen Gyfnewid Guizhou (2018 - 2020)
- Aelod, Adolygiad Modelu Llwyth Gwaith | AHSS (2018 - 2019)
- Cadeirydd, Bwrdd Astudiaethau Israddedigion | CERDDORIAETH (2016 - 2020)
- Cadeirydd, Arholi a Byrddau Blwyddyn | CERDDORIAETH (2016 - 2020)
- Uwch Arholwr | Coleg y Drindod Llundain (2015 - presennol)
- Pwyllgor Aelodau, Dysgu ac Addysgu | CERDDORIAETH (2015 - 2024)
- Arweinydd Asesu ac Adborth | CERDDORIAETH (2015 - 2019)
- Cynullydd Arholiadau | CERDDORIAETH (2015 - 2018)
- Tiwtor Personol (2014 - presennol)
- Aelod, Panel Myfyrwyr Staff | CERDDORIAETH (2014 - 2024)
- Aelod, Bwrdd Astudiaethau Ôl-raddedig a Addysgir | Cerddoriaeth (2014 - presennol)
- Aelodau, Byrddau Arholiadau a Blwyddyn Ôl-raddedig a Addysgir | Cerddoriaeth (2014 - presennol)
- Arweinydd Ehangu Cyfranogiad (Arweinydd Ehangu Mynediad gynt) | Cerddoriaeth (2013 - presennol)
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor TG (2013 - 2014)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interesting in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Composition (Music)
- Music Leadership
I am currently second supervisor for Jonathan Brown - a thesis that brings together concepts from Film Musicology and Music Theory to trace the genealogy of Lydian sonorities in Hollywood film music since the 1930s.