Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Jacky Boivin  BA MA PhD Concordia (Canada)

Yr Athro Jacky Boivin

BA MA PhD Concordia (Canada)


Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


I am Professor of Health Psychology and Chartered Health Psychologist in the School of Psychology, Cardiff University.

My most important contribution to the field of reproductive health has been to bring about a more systematic and research oriented perspective to the investigation of psychological issues in reproductive health.


































Book sections



  • Boivin, J. 2007. Stress and how it relates to IVF [Abstract]. Presented at: 14th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization & 3rd World Congress on In Vitro Maturation, Montreal, Canada, 15-19 September 2007 Presented at Lin Tan, S. et al. eds.14th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization & 3rd World Congress on In Vitro Maturation. Pianoro: Medimond pp. 325-326.
  • Boivin, J. 2006. Counseling for infertility and its treatment. Presented at: International Congress "The 'Normal' Complexities of Coming into the World", Modena, Italy, 28-30 September 2006 Presented at La Sala, G. B. et al. eds.Coming into the world: a dialogue between medical and human sciences. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter pp. 123-136.


My research aims to bring about a more systematic and research oriented perspective to the investigation of psychological issues in reproductive health. This more rigorous experimental approach has debunked popular myths, given credibility to longstanding claims about stress effects on reproductive health and provoked important changes in the delivery of psychosocial services to people with fertility problems.

My psychobiological research involves clarifying the effect of negative psychological states and traits on reproductive processes and identifying biological and life style mechanisms mediating these effects. The research on the role and effectiveness of psychological interventions in medical contexts aims to develop interventions that minimise negative affect in people experiencing threatening medical events, for example, the effectiveness of brief coping interventions and decision-aids.

The follow-up research targets couples who conceived with fertility treatment to examine the impact of older maternal age on family well-being, and the impact of genetic relatedness and family environment on developmental outcomes in children conceived with fertility treatment.


Research projects have been funded by ESRC, British Council, BBSRC, MRC, Wellcome Trust, Australian Research Council and various industrial partners.

Research group

Cardiff Fertility Studies Research Group

We study all aspects of fertility health to better understand the experiences of men and women trying to become parents.

Our work creates the science to support people trying to become parents because it:

  • helps to better document the experiences of people trying to conceive
  • supports people trying to conceive
  • optimises conditions for fertility
  • guides professionals to take a patient-centred approach in their care of people trying to conceive
  • provides the evidence that policy makers need to prioritise fertility issues.

Research collaborators

  • Janet Takefman, (McGill University)
  • Alice Domar (Harvard University, U.S.A)
  • Bart Fauser (UMC Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • Christianne M. Verhaak (University Medical Center Nijmegen,Dept. of Medical Psychology )
  • Tewes Wischmann (Heidelberg University, Germany)
  • Cathy McMahon, Macquarie (PATPA project).

ESRC Fertility Pathways Network members:

  • Karen Henwood (Social Sciences, Cardiff University)
  • William Ledger (Medicine, University of Sheffield)
  • Maria Iacovou (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex)
  • Natalia Lawrence (Psychology, Cardiff University)
  • Glyn Elwyn (Primary Care and Public Health, Cardiff University)
  • Catherine Hakim (London School of Economics)
  • Nick Macklon (Medicine, University of Southampton)
  • Rona Moss-Morris (Psychology, University of Southampton)
  • Karl Nygren (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
  • Guido Pennings (Bioethics Institute Ghent, Ghent University)
  • Stavros Petrou (Health Economics Research Centre, Oxford University)
  • Santi Rozario (Religious and Theological Studies, Cardiff University)
  • Geoffrey Samuel (Religious and Theological Studies, Cardiff University)
  • Lone Schmidt (University of Copenhagen)
    Fiona Shirani (Social Sciences, Cardiff University)
  • Ruth Turley (Support Unit for Research Evidence [SURE], Cardiff University)
  • Mirella Yani-de-Soriano (Cardiff Business School)
  • Tomas Sobotka (Vienna Institute of Demography)
  • Sofia Gameiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal).


PS2006 Year II Research Design, Statistics and computing (5 statistics lectures).

PS3115 Stress and Disease (5 double lectures).

Postgraduate statistics (4 double lectures on multivariate statistics).

Development, Growth and Reproduction Medics lectures (2 x 1 lectures).


Undergraduate education

  • Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Psychology, Concordia University (May, 1986). Conferred with distinction.

Postgraduate education

  • Doctorate of Philosophy in Psychology, Concordia University (January, 1995)
  • Master of Arts, Clinical Psychology, Concordia University (May, 1990).

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

My general area of research is health psychology and my specific interests are in reproductive health.

My research concerns: (1) psychobiological influences, for example stress effects on ovarian function, sperm quality or pregnancy rates with fertility treatment; (2) coping and brief coping interventions for fertility patients; (3) evaluation of quality of life in people with fertility problems; (3) contemporary reproductive decision-making (eg, whether, when and how many children to have) and its determinants, and; (4) transition to parenthood in older first time mothers.

If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or for further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly, or submit a formal application.

Current students

Pinkard, C. Christine’s research focuses on the decisional and psychological processes associated with childbearing and in comparing the relevant processes in heterosexual samples and in diverse groups that potentially could not achieve parenthood without medical intervention. Examples of these groups include single women, lesbian and gay couples and people with certain disabilities and/or genetic illnesses. Comparing these minority and majority groups is important for increasing understanding of contemporary childbearing and help-seeking patterns in Britain. ESRC studentship

Fulford, B. Bethan’s research focuses on factors that influence fertility decision-making and fertility outcomes. Even though parenthood is an important life goal for most individuals, recent trends show an increase in fertility-compromising behaviours and lifestyles (e.g. obesity), an increase in the age at which people have children (fertility reduces as a woman gets older) and a delay in seeking timely medical help amongst people who are at risk for infertility. Trying to work out how people make fertility-related decisions and what factors influence their behaviour is important in understanding how to promote engagement in fertility-optimizing behaviours.ESRC/MRC Interdisciplinary studentship

Harrison, C. Reproductive decision-making. Cardiff University studentship. China’s research focuses on generating contemporary up-to-date knowledge concerning men’s contribution to reproductive decision making and therefore potentially identify unmet needs in research practice and policy that concern men. As such the research would be of interest to researchers and practitioners in reproductive health and to educational institutes that teach on this matter. The findings could also be used to promote good reproductive health and support broader government initiatives that seek to assist people currently trying to conceive naturally.

Kalebic, N. Fertility decision-making. Industrial Case studentship Merck-Serono S.A. & Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). Natasha’s research is expected to validate existing fertility decision tools through prospective research as well as developing new paradigms to monitor decision-making about starting a family from the moment of ending contraception to, where relevant, the uptake of medical services.

Camberis, A-L. Maternal maturity and transition to parenthood. Macquarie University (Joint supervision with C. McMahon,). Anna-Lisa’s research focuses on the experience of pregnancy and early parenthood for women of different ages.

Contact Details

Email Boivin@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 75289
Campuses Adeilad y Tŵr, Plas y Parc, Caerdydd, CF10 3AT