Yr Athro Guy Bradley
Athro Hanes Rhufeinig ac Eidaleg Cynnar, Cyfarwyddwr Rhyngwladol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Diddordebau ymchwil
Rwy'n hanesydd Rhufain a'r Eidal cynnar, gyda'r diddordebau ymchwil canlynol.
- Hanes ac archaeoleg gynnar y Rhufeiniaid
- Hanes y Weriniaeth Rufeinig a'r Ymerodraeth Gynnar
- Newid diwylliannol ac ethnigrwydd yn yr hen fyd
- Pobl yr hen Eidal
- Gwladychu Rhufeinig
- Bradley, G. 2023. Politics and citizenship in Etruscan and Italic societies. In: Filonik, J., Plastow, C. and Zelnick-Abramovitz, R. eds. Citizenship in Antiquity: Civic Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean. Routledge, pp. 551-562.
- Bradley, G. 2020. Early Rome to 290 BC: the beginnings of the city and the rise of the republic. The Edinburgh History of Ancient Rome. Edinburgh University Press.
- Bradley, G. 2019. State formation and the Social War. In: Hölkeskamp, K., Karataş, S. and Roth, R. eds. Empire, Hegemony or Anarchy? Rome and Italy, 180 – 30 BC. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 167-189.
- Farney, G. and Bradley, G. eds. 2018. The peoples of Ancient Italy. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter.
- 2017. Introduction. In: Farney, G. and Bradley, G. eds. The Peoples of Ancient Italy. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1-5.
- Bradley, G. and Hall, J. 2017. The Roman conquest of Italy. In: Farney, G. and Bradley, G. eds. The Peoples of Ancient Italy. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 191-214.
- Bradley, G. 2017. Mobility and secession in the Early Roman Republic. Antichthon 51, pp. 149-171. (10.1017/ann.2017.10)
- Bradley, G. 2017. The Rome of Tarquinius Superbus: issues of demography and economy. In: Lulof, P. S. and Smith, C. eds. The Age of Tarquinius Superbus: Central Italy in the Late 6th Century. Proceedings of the Conference The Age of Tarquinius Superbus, a Paradigm Shift?.. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 123-133.
- Farney, G. and Bradley, G. eds. 2017. The peoples of Ancient Italy. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Bradley, G. 2015. Investigating aristocracy in archaic Rome and central Italy: social mobility, ideology and cultural influences. In: Fisher, N. and Van Wees, H. eds. 'Aristocracy' in Antiquity. Redefining Greek and Roman Elites. Kataloge Und Schriften Der Staatlichen Bibliothek Regensburg Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 85-124.
- Bradley, G. 2014. The nature of Roman strategy in mid-Republican colonization and road building. In: Stek, T. D. and Pelgrom, J. eds. Roman Republican Colonization: New Perspectives from Archaeology and Ancient History. Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome Vol. 62. Rome: Palombi, pp. 60-72.
- Bradley, G. J. and Glinister, F. 2013. Italic religion. In: Bredholt Christensen, L., Hammer, O. and Warburton, D. eds. The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe. European History of Religions Durham: Acumen, pp. 173-191.
- Bradley, G. J. 2013. Umbria and Picenum. In: Smith, C. ed. The Cambridge Ancient History VII. Plates volume. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 82-97.
- Bradley, G. J. 2010. Cities and communities in pre-Roman Umbria. In: Fontaine, P. ed. L'Etrurie et l'Ombrie avant Rome. Cité et territoire. Brussels: Institut Historique Belge de Rome, pp. 155-163.
- Bradley, G. J. 2008. The Roman Republic. In: Bispham, E. ed. Roman Europe. Short Oxford History of Europe Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 32-68.
- Bradley, G. J. 2007. Romanisation: the end of the peoples of Italy?. In: Bradley, G. J., Isayev, E. and Riva, C. eds. Ancient Italy: Regions Without Boundaries. Exeter: Exeter University Press, pp. 295-322.
- Bradley, G. J. 2006. Colonisation and identity in Republican Italy. In: Bradley, G. J. and Wilson, J. eds. Greek and Roman Colonisation: Origins, Ideologies and Interactions. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 161-187.
- Bradley, G. J. 2005. The Iuvanum survey project: an ancient community in Samnium. Presented at: 6th Conference of Italian Archaeology, Groningen, The Netherlands, 15-17 April 2003 Presented at Attema, P., Nijboer, A. and Zifferero, A. eds.Papers in Italian Archaeology VI. Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Italian Archaeology, Vol. 2. BAR International Series Vol. 1452. Oxford: Archaeopress pp. 1024-1029.
- Bradley, G. J. 2005. Aspects of the cult of Hercules in central Italy. In: Bowden, H. and Rawlings, L. eds. Herakles and Hercules: Exploring a Graeco-Roman Divinity. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 129-151.
- Bradley, G. 2001. Ancient Umbria. State, culture, and identity in central Italy from the iron age to the Augustan era. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bradley, G. 2000. The colonisation of Interamna Nahars. In: Cooley, A. ed. The Epigraphic Landscape of Roman Italy. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies London: Institute of Classical Studies, pp. 3-17.
- Bradley, G. 2000. Tribes, states and cities in central Italy. In: Herring, E. and Lomas, K. eds. The Emergence of State Identities in Italy. London: Accordia, pp. 109-129.
- Bispham, E. H., Bradley, G. J., Hawthorne, J. W. J. and Kane, S. 2000. Towards a phenomenology of Samnite fortified centres. Antiquity 74(283), pp. 23-24. (10.1017/S0003598X00066035)
- Bradley, G. 1997. Iguvines, Umbrians, Romans: ethnic identity in central Italy. In: Cornell, T. and Lomas, K. eds. Gender and Ethnicity in Ancient Italy. Accordia specialist studies on Italy London: Accordia, pp. 53-67.
- Bradley, G. 1997. Archaic sanctuaries in Umbria. Cahiers du Centre G. Glotz(8), pp. 111-129. (10.3406/ccgg.1997.1436)
- Bradley, G. 2017. Mobility and secession in the Early Roman Republic. Antichthon 51, pp. 149-171. (10.1017/ann.2017.10)
- Bispham, E. H., Bradley, G. J., Hawthorne, J. W. J. and Kane, S. 2000. Towards a phenomenology of Samnite fortified centres. Antiquity 74(283), pp. 23-24. (10.1017/S0003598X00066035)
- Bradley, G. 1997. Archaic sanctuaries in Umbria. Cahiers du Centre G. Glotz(8), pp. 111-129. (10.3406/ccgg.1997.1436)
Book sections
- Bradley, G. 2023. Politics and citizenship in Etruscan and Italic societies. In: Filonik, J., Plastow, C. and Zelnick-Abramovitz, R. eds. Citizenship in Antiquity: Civic Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean. Routledge, pp. 551-562.
- Bradley, G. 2019. State formation and the Social War. In: Hölkeskamp, K., Karataş, S. and Roth, R. eds. Empire, Hegemony or Anarchy? Rome and Italy, 180 – 30 BC. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 167-189.
- 2017. Introduction. In: Farney, G. and Bradley, G. eds. The Peoples of Ancient Italy. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1-5.
- Bradley, G. and Hall, J. 2017. The Roman conquest of Italy. In: Farney, G. and Bradley, G. eds. The Peoples of Ancient Italy. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 191-214.
- Bradley, G. 2017. The Rome of Tarquinius Superbus: issues of demography and economy. In: Lulof, P. S. and Smith, C. eds. The Age of Tarquinius Superbus: Central Italy in the Late 6th Century. Proceedings of the Conference The Age of Tarquinius Superbus, a Paradigm Shift?.. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 123-133.
- Bradley, G. 2015. Investigating aristocracy in archaic Rome and central Italy: social mobility, ideology and cultural influences. In: Fisher, N. and Van Wees, H. eds. 'Aristocracy' in Antiquity. Redefining Greek and Roman Elites. Kataloge Und Schriften Der Staatlichen Bibliothek Regensburg Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 85-124.
- Bradley, G. 2014. The nature of Roman strategy in mid-Republican colonization and road building. In: Stek, T. D. and Pelgrom, J. eds. Roman Republican Colonization: New Perspectives from Archaeology and Ancient History. Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome Vol. 62. Rome: Palombi, pp. 60-72.
- Bradley, G. J. and Glinister, F. 2013. Italic religion. In: Bredholt Christensen, L., Hammer, O. and Warburton, D. eds. The Handbook of Religions in Ancient Europe. European History of Religions Durham: Acumen, pp. 173-191.
- Bradley, G. J. 2013. Umbria and Picenum. In: Smith, C. ed. The Cambridge Ancient History VII. Plates volume. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 82-97.
- Bradley, G. J. 2010. Cities and communities in pre-Roman Umbria. In: Fontaine, P. ed. L'Etrurie et l'Ombrie avant Rome. Cité et territoire. Brussels: Institut Historique Belge de Rome, pp. 155-163.
- Bradley, G. J. 2008. The Roman Republic. In: Bispham, E. ed. Roman Europe. Short Oxford History of Europe Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 32-68.
- Bradley, G. J. 2007. Romanisation: the end of the peoples of Italy?. In: Bradley, G. J., Isayev, E. and Riva, C. eds. Ancient Italy: Regions Without Boundaries. Exeter: Exeter University Press, pp. 295-322.
- Bradley, G. J. 2006. Colonisation and identity in Republican Italy. In: Bradley, G. J. and Wilson, J. eds. Greek and Roman Colonisation: Origins, Ideologies and Interactions. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 161-187.
- Bradley, G. J. 2005. Aspects of the cult of Hercules in central Italy. In: Bowden, H. and Rawlings, L. eds. Herakles and Hercules: Exploring a Graeco-Roman Divinity. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales, pp. 129-151.
- Bradley, G. 2000. The colonisation of Interamna Nahars. In: Cooley, A. ed. The Epigraphic Landscape of Roman Italy. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies London: Institute of Classical Studies, pp. 3-17.
- Bradley, G. 2000. Tribes, states and cities in central Italy. In: Herring, E. and Lomas, K. eds. The Emergence of State Identities in Italy. London: Accordia, pp. 109-129.
- Bradley, G. 1997. Iguvines, Umbrians, Romans: ethnic identity in central Italy. In: Cornell, T. and Lomas, K. eds. Gender and Ethnicity in Ancient Italy. Accordia specialist studies on Italy London: Accordia, pp. 53-67.
- Bradley, G. 2020. Early Rome to 290 BC: the beginnings of the city and the rise of the republic. The Edinburgh History of Ancient Rome. Edinburgh University Press.
- Farney, G. and Bradley, G. eds. 2018. The peoples of Ancient Italy. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Farney, G. and Bradley, G. eds. 2017. The peoples of Ancient Italy. Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Bradley, G. 2001. Ancient Umbria. State, culture, and identity in central Italy from the iron age to the Augustan era. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bradley, G. J. 2005. The Iuvanum survey project: an ancient community in Samnium. Presented at: 6th Conference of Italian Archaeology, Groningen, The Netherlands, 15-17 April 2003 Presented at Attema, P., Nijboer, A. and Zifferero, A. eds.Papers in Italian Archaeology VI. Proceedings of the 6th Conference of Italian Archaeology, Vol. 2. BAR International Series Vol. 1452. Oxford: Archaeopress pp. 1024-1029.
Diddordebau ymchwil
Mae fy ymchwil wedi canolbwyntio ar hanes ac archaeoleg yr Eidal a Rhufain yn y mileniwm cyntaf CC, gan ddefnyddio dulliau sy'n defnyddio astudiaethau cymharol hanesyddol ac anthropolegol a'r defnydd integredig o ffynonellau archeolegol, epigraffig a llenyddol. Datblygodd fy niddordebau mewn hunaniaeth ethnig a ffurfio cymunedau hynafol allan o fy PhD ar Umbria hynafol, rhanbarth o'r Eidal, ac rwyf wedi llywio fy ymchwil ddilynol i wladychu Rhufeinig, pobloedd yr Eidal hynafol, a hanes Rhufeinig cynnar.
Fy llyfr cyntaf oedd datblygiad fy PhD ar Umbria hynafol. Ers hynny rwyf wedi parhau i ymddiddori yn rhanbarthau a phobloedd yr hen Eidal, gan olygu dwy gyfrol a gasglwyd ar y pwnc: G. D. Farney, G. Bradley (eds), Pobl yr Eidal Hynafol (De Gruyter: Berlin, Boston, 2017), a G. Bradley, E. Isayev, C. Riva (eds), Yr Eidal Hynafol: Rhanbarthau heb Ffiniau (Gwasg Prifysgol Exeter: Exeter, 2007). Rwyf hefyd wedi cyd-gyfarwyddo Prosiect Arolwg Iuvanum (2000-2005), mewn cydweithrediad ag Oliva Menozzi o Brifysgol Chieti (yr Eidal). Nod y prosiect oedd ymchwilio i diriogaeth Iuvanum, tref Rufeinig yn Samnium trwy gerdded maes a thechnegau arolygu eraill, ac integreiddio'r canlyniadau gyda dadansoddiad cynhwysfawr a beirniadol o'r dystiolaeth ar gyfer cyd-destun rhanbarthol y safle. Mae ein canlyniadau'n gwneud Iuvanum yn un o'r dinasoedd hynafol a archwiliwyd fwyaf dwys yn ardaloedd ucheldirol yr Eidal, gan ddangos sut y daeth cymuned gyn-Rufeinig sy'n byw mewn patrwm aneddiadau gwasgaredig i'r amlwg yn y mileniwm cyntaf CC a sut y diddymodd y gymuned ar ddiwedd y cyfnod clasurol.
Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae fy ymchwil wedi canolbwyntio ar hanes Rhufain gynnar o fewn ei chyd-destun Eidalaidd. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi erthyglau ar ddemograffeg ac economi Rhufain gynnar, ar natur elites canol yr Eidal, ac ar wahaniadau'r plebau fel rhan o amgylchedd symudol canol yr Eidal. Mae llawer o'r syniadau hyn wedi'u hymgorffori yn fy llyfr, G. Bradley, Rhufain Gynnar hyd at 290 CC: Dechreuadau'r Ddinas a Thwf y Weriniaeth, Cyf. 1 o The Edinburgh History of Ancient Rome (Gwasg Prifysgol Caeredin, 2020), ac mewn pennod hir o Oxford History of the Roman World (OUP, 2020). yn dod).
Mae gen i ddiddordeb ymchwil hirdymor hefyd mewn gwladychu Rhufeinig, a ddatblygodd allan o ddosbarthiadau ôl-raddedig ar Ramantu'r Eidal yn UCL gyda'r Athro Michael Crawford. Cyhoeddais gyfrol wedi'i golygu gyda J.-P. Wilson ar Wladychu Groeg a Rhufeinig: Gwreiddiau, Ideolegau a Rhyngweithio (Gwasg Glasurol Cymru: Abertawe, 2006), a gymharodd ddulliau hynafol a modern o wladychu Groeg a Rhufeinig. Rwyf hefyd wedi cyhoeddi amryw o benodau llyfrau ar hunaniaeth ethnig mewn trefedigaethau Rhufeinig a Lladin, ac ar y cynllunio strategol y tu ôl i sefydliad gwladfa. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar brosiect llyfrau sy'n archwilio safbwyntiau ôl-drefedigaethol a chymharol ar wladychiad Gweriniaethol Rhufeinig, a phrosiect cynhadledd gydweithredol gyda Jeremia Pelgrom (Prifysgol Groningen).
My teaching centres mainly on Roman history, covering a period from the development of the archaic city of Rome to the early Principate, dealing with both chronological periods and also thematic issues such as Roman slavery and Romanisation. The modules I teach on are:
- Conquest and Crisis: the Roman Republic - 30 credits (HS3316)
- Roman Imperial History 31 BC-AD 138 - 30 credits (HS3317)
- Roman Religion - 10 credits (HS3331)
- Rome and Carthage - 20 credits (HS3333)
- Slaves, Serfs and Freedmen - 10 credits (HS3360)
- Material Evidence for Ancient History - 10 credits (HS4333)
- Early Rome: History and Legend - 10 credits (HS4359)
- The Etruscans: History and Society - 10 credits (HS4364)
I also lecture and take seminars in the Greek and Roman Part One modules:
- Introduction to Ancient Greek History - 20 credits (HS3101)
- Introduction to Roman History - 20 credits (HS3102)
- Themes and Approaches in Ancient History - 20 credits (HST002)
- Understanding Texts - 10 credits (HST011)
- The Romanisation of Italy - 20 credits (HST028)
- Special Topic: Ethnicity in the Ancient World - 20 credits (HST033)
Research supervision
For PhD projects that I currently supervise, see under the Postgraduate Students tab. I would welcome supervising PhD students in the history and archaeology of Italy before the Roman Empire, and in the history and archaeology of early Rome.
Education and qualifications
1990 BA Hons in Ancient and Medieval History, University College London
1991 MA in Ancient History, University College London
1997 PhD, University College London (Umbria from the Iron Age to the Augustan Era)
Career overview
1995-1996 Teaching Assistant, then Temporary Lecturer, University of Reading
1996-1998 Tutorial Fellow in Ancient History, Cardiff University
1998-2008 Lecturer in Ancient History, Cardiff University
2004-2007 Head of Ancient History Section
2008- Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, Cardiff University
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 1992-1995 British Academy major state studentship for PhD
- 2002-2003 AHRB Research Leave grant
- 2003 Hugh Last Fellow at the British School at Rome
- 2009-2010 Visiting Fellowship at the Institute of Classical Studies
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Member of the Council of the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, 2002–2005
- Member of Institute of Classical Studies Library Committee
- External Examiner at Exeter University (2005–2007)
- External Examiner at Oxford University (2007–2010)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 1992-1995 Teaching Assistant, History Department, University College London
- 1995-1996 Temporary Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Reading
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Adolygydd cynnig llyfrau: Gwasg Prifysgol Rhydychen, Gwasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt, Gwasg Prifysgol Harvard, Ashgate, a Routledge.
- Adolygydd cyfnodolion: Papurau'r Ysgol Brydeinig yn Rhufain, Clasurol Chwarterol, Papurau Hanesyddol Caerdydd, Gorllewin yr Henfyd a'r Dwyrain, Acta Patristica et Byzantina, Phoenix, World Archaeology
- Asesydd allanol: Hanes yr Henfyd BA ym Mhrifysgol Lerpwl
- Grant adolygydd: Cronfa Wyddoniaeth Awstria; Sefydliad Ymchwil Gwyddonol yr Iseldiroedd; Cyngor Ymchwil Iwerddon; Prifysgol Nottingham; Cyngor Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a'r Dyniaethau Canada.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd
- Hanes ac archaeoleg Rufeinig gynnar
- Pobl yr Eidal Hynafol
- Gwladychu Rhufeinig
- ethnigrwydd/hunaniaeth ethnig a newid diwylliannol yn Rhufain, yr Eidal a'r taleithiau Rhufeinig gorllewinol
- Hanes cymdeithasol ac economaidd Rhufeinig
Rwy'n awyddus i gefnogi myfyrwyr sy'n gwneud cais am gyllid, megis trwy Bartneriaeth Hyfforddiant Doethurol De a Gorllewin Cymru (DTP SWW).
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
- Alun Williams, 'Ysgoloriaeth Brydeinig ar Wladychu Groeg yn ei Chyd-destun' (PhD, 2012)
- Nadia Cracknell, 'De spolia figerentur nisi de hoste capta: Capturing Arms and Roman Domestic Display Practices' (PhD, 2015)
- Joshua Hall, 'The Tyrrhenian Way of War: War, Social Power, and the State in Central Italy (c. 900 – 343 BC)' (PhD, 2016)
- Ioan McAvoy, 'Y Dwyrain Effeminate: Orientalism in Roman Military Contexts (c.200 BCE to c.200 CE)' (AHRC a gyllidwyd, PhD, 2017)
- David Colwill, 'Hil-laddiad' a Rhufain, 343-146 CC: Ehangu Gwladwriaethol a Dynameg Cymdeithasol Dinistrio ' (cyllidwyd gan AHRC, PhD, 2018)
- Chiara Strazzulla, 'Hunaniaeth a Hunan-gynrychiolaeth Etrwscaidd yn y Weriniaeth Hwyr a'r Ymerodraeth Gynnar' (Cyllidwyd DTP SWW, PhD, 2019)
- Adele Burnett, 'Caerau Rhufeinig yn eu Tirweddau' (PhD, 2023)
- Rhian Williams, 'Di-blant yn y Weriniaeth Ddiweddar a'r Ymerodraeth Rufeinig Gynnar' (PhD, 2023)
Contact Details
+44 29208 76283
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 5.03, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Hanes Groeg a Rhufeinig clasurol
- Hanes ymerodraethau, imperialaeth a gwladychiaeth
- Archaeoleg Ewrop, y Môr Canoldir a'r Lefant
- Ethnigrwydd mewn hynafiaeth
- Newid diwylliannol