Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Michaela Bray  PhD, MEng, BSc

Dr Michaela Bray

PhD, MEng, BSc

Research Fellow


Michaela Bray has worked in Civil Engineering in both research and industry.  She was employed by consulting engineers, Buro Happold where she gained experience in coastal defence design and steel structure design.  In addition she has experienced working for contracting engineers Chrisiani & Nielson with whom she worked on site in the construction of Avon Ring Road.

She completed PhD at the Water, Environment Management Research Centre (WEMRC), University of Bristol. Her research topic focused on the use of weather radars, rain gauges and numerical weather prediction models for hydrological purposes.

She has worked on several projects including:

  1. EU FP7 SPRING project ‘Scoping China’s Environmental Research Excellence and Major Infrastructure: Foresight, Potentials and Roadmap’
  2. Flood Risk Management Research Consortium
  3. Collaborated with a commercial company, Landmark


Energy and Environment
















  • Bray, M., Remesan, R. and Han, D. 2009. Raingauge siting using the gamma test. Presented at: Hydroinformatics in hydrology, hydrogeology and water resources, Hyderabad, India, 6-12 September 2009 Presented at Cluckie, I. D. et al. eds.Hydroinformatics in hydrology, hydrogeology and water resources : Proceedings of Symposium JS.4 at the Joint Convention of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and the International Association of Hydrogeologad 6-12 September 2009. IAHS Proceedings & Reports Vol. 331. Hyderabad: IAHS Press pp. 324-332.
  • Remesan, R., Bray, M., Shamim, M. A. and Han, D. 2009. Rainfall-runoff modelling using a wavelet-based hybrid SVM scheme. Presented at: Hydroinformatics in hydrology, hydrogeology and water resources, Hyderabad, India, 6-12 September 2009 Presented at Cluckie, I. D. et al. eds.Hydroinformatics in Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources - Proceedings of Symposium JS.4 at the Joint Convention of the IAHS & IAH; Hyderabad 6-12 September 2009. IAHS Proceedings & Reports Vol. 331. Hyderabad: IAHS Press pp. 41-50.
  • Shamim, M. A., Bray, M., Ishak, A. M., Remesan, R. and Han, D. 2009. A hybrid numerical prediction scheme for solar radiation estimation in un-gauged catchments. Presented at: 9th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and the 9th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Toulouse, France, 28 September - 2 October, 2009EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 9th EMS/9th ECAM, Vol. 6. pp. 28.







Research Interests:

  • Numerical Weather Modelling (WRF, MM5, climate change)
  • Real-time Flood Forecasting (Raingauge network analysis, real-time updating)
  • Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (Weather radar, satellite)
  • Climate change Hydroinformatics


Climate Change Consortium for WalesFalconer RA, Bray M, Pan, SHEFCW14412601/10/2009 - 31/03/2014
Extreme weather events in Wales: Weather modelling to flood inundation modellingBray M, Falconer RFujitsu6632401/07/2013 - 30/06/2016

Supervised Students

Integrated Water Losses Assessment and Water Balance Study over Arid and Semi-Arid Basins Located in Developing Countries: Tigris River in IraqHELU Ali TuamaThesis SubmittedPhD
Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on the UK Hydrological CycleSHI JieThesis SubmittedPhD
Model based optimization for zero carbon buildings.FAIZAL Muhammad Mahfuz Al Hafiz Bin MCurrentPhD
The Automated Creation of 3D City Models from Satellite Imagery for Integrated Assessment and Forecasting of Solar Energy PotentialMOHAMMED KADHIM Nada Mohammed SalihCurrentPhD


Journal papers:

8. Jia Liu, Michaela Bray and Dawei Han. 2011. Sensitivity of the Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) model to downscaling ratios and storm types in rainfall simulation. Hydrological Processes (accepted)

7.Asnor Muizan Ishak, Michaela Bray, Renji Remesan and Dawei Han. 2011. Seasonal Evaluation of Rainfall Estimation by four Cumulus Parameterization Schemes and their Sensitivity Analysis (accepted), Hydrological Processes,  2011, ISSN 0885-6087

6.Bray M., Han D., Xuan Y., Bates P., & Williams M. 2010. Rainfall uncertainty for extreme events in NWP downscaling model, Hydrological Processes, ISSN: 0885-6087

5.Ishak A., Bray M., Remesan R., & Han D. 2010. Estimating Reference Evapotranspiration Using Numerical Weather Modelling, Hydrological Processes ISSN 0885-6087

4.Bray M., Remesan R., & Han D. 2009. Raingauge siting using the gamma test. Hydroinformatics in Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources, Red Book Series, IAHS Publ. 324-332, ISSN 0144-7815

3.Remesan R., Bray M., Shamim M. A. & Han D. 2009.Rainfall–runoff modelling using wavelet-based hybrid svm scheme. Hydroinformatics in hydrology, hydrogeology and water resources, Red Book Series, IAHS Publ. 41-50, ISSN 0144-7815

2.Han, D & Bray, MTJ. 2006. Automated Thiessen polygon generation, Water Resources Research, 42 (11, W11502), 1-5, 10.1029/2005WR004365, ISSN: 0043-1397

1.Bray, M. & Han, D. (2004) Identification of support vector machines for runoff modelling. J. Hydroinf. 6(4), 265–280. ISSN: 1464-7141

Conference Papers:

9.Jia Liu, Michaela Bray and Dawei Han. 2001. Assessment of radar data assimilation in numerical rainfall forecasting with different storm types using the WRF model. The International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology, April, 2011 UK

8. Michaela Bray, Dawei Han,Soon-Thiam Khu, Patricia Xavier,Yun Zhou. 2011. Climate Change Research and Policy in the EU. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13 EGU 2011-4080

7. Michaela Bray, Jia Liu Dawei Han. 2011. Rainfall forecasting using the Numerical Weather Model WRF and assimilated weather radar data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13 EGU 2011-7008

6.Ishak A., Bray M., & Han D. 2010. Assessment of meteorological variables from MM5 for reference evapotranspiration estimation.  9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, HIC 2010, Tianjin, CHINA

5.Ishak A., Bray M., & Han D. 2010. Downscaling cumulative rainfall for comparison by four cumulus parameterization schemes in the Brue Catchment, British Hydrological Society Third International Symposium, 19-23 July 2010, Newcastle, UK.

4.Shamim M.A., Bray M., Ishak A. M., Remesan R, & Han D., 2009. A hybrid numerical prediction scheme for solar radiation estimation in un-gauged catchments. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 6, EMS2009-28, 2009 9th EMS / 9th ECAM

3.Bray MTJ., Han D., Cluckie I.D., & Rico-Ramirez M.A. 2008. Analysis of weather radar and rain gauges for flood forecasting.  FLOODRISK 2008: The European Conference on Flood Risk Management, Research into Practice, 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2008, Oxford, UK, (pp. -), 2008.

2.Bray MTJ & Han, D. 2007.Support Vector Machines for flood forecasting, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, (pp. 08117-08117), ISSN: 1029-7006 http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU2007/08117/EGU2007-J-08117.pdf

1.Bray MTJ & Han, D. 2007. Analysis of weather radar and rain gauges for flood forecasting, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9 (08066), (pp. 1-2. ISSN: 1029-7006.) http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU2007/08066/EGU2007-J-08066.pdf

Technical Reports:

3. Bray MTJ., Han D. and Bates, P. 2009, Numerical weather model applications, Technical Report University of Bristol

2. Bray MTJ., Han D. and Bates, P. 2009, Numerical weather model applications User Guide, Technical Report, University of Bristol

1. Bray M and Han D. 2010. Climate Change Research and Policy in the EU. University of Bristol

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Member of British Hydrological Society (BHS)
  • Member of International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)
  • Member of American Geophysical Union (AGU)

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