Main Roles and Responsibilities
Clinical Role
Clinical Teacher for Adult Nursing
Providing Mentorship training for staff in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Supporting mentors in practice in the supervision of student nurses
Assessing Mentors in practice
Contributing to the clinical learning environment
Career Overview
I have a nursing background in General medicine and Infectious Diseases. I have worked in Australia and New Zealand as well as Cardiff and Vale UHB. I have been working as a Clinical Teacher since 2002, providing mentorship training for qualified staff and supporting mentors in clinical practice.
Academic interests
Nurse Education
Learning and teaching in clinical practice
Research activity / interests
Learning in clinical settings
Supporting practice learning
Medical Nursing & Infectious Diseases
- Brown, P. 2022. Nursing students’ raising concerns in clinical practice: A grounded theory study of the mentor-student dynamic. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Brown, P., Jones, A. and Davies, J. 2020. Shall I tell my mentor? Exploring the mentor-student relationship and its impact on students’ raising concerns on clinical placement. Journal of Clinical Nursing 29(17-18), pp. 3298-3310. (10.1111/jocn.15356)
- Brown, P., Jones, A. and Davies, J. 2020. Shall I tell my mentor? Exploring the mentor-student relationship and its impact on students’ raising concerns on clinical placement. Journal of Clinical Nursing 29(17-18), pp. 3298-3310. (10.1111/jocn.15356)
- Brown, P. 2022. Nursing students’ raising concerns in clinical practice: A grounded theory study of the mentor-student dynamic. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.