Dr Andrew Buck
BA (hons), MA, PhD, FHEA, FRHistS
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Hanes Canoloesol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Gyfarwyddwr Canolfan y Croesgadau Caerdydd, yn Olygydd Cyfres y Croesgadau: Subsidia gyda Routledge, ac yn hanesydd y Croesgadau a'r Dwyrain Lladin yn bennaf, gydag arbenigedd arbennig yn ffurfiad a diwylliannau llygryddion y Lefant a Syria yn y ddeuddegfed a'r drydedd ganrif ar ddeg. Roedd fy ymchwil PhD yn canolbwyntio ar dywysogaeth Antioch yn y ddeuddegfed ganrif (Twrci a Syria heddiw) a'i natur ffiniol, gan archwilio'r ffyrdd y cafodd pŵer ei adeiladu a'i fynegi mewn cyfnod o bwysau milwrol a gwleidyddol penodol. Ers hynny, rwyf wedi troi at ystyried yr agweddau cymdeithasol ar wasgu, gyda phwyslais ar yr allblygiad o ysgrifennu a ddaeth i'r amlwg mewn ymateb i falu, yn ogystal â rôl y cof wrth lunio a throsglwyddo deialogau o amgylch croesgad ac anheddiad, yn y Dwyrain Lladin ac yn y Gorllewin Lladin. Mae fy ngwaith presennol yn canolbwyntio ar Gronicon William o Tyrus, hanes y Groesgad Gyntaf a'r taleithiau croesgadwr a gynhyrchwyd yn Jerwsalem yn y ddeuddegfed ganrif, a'r ffyrdd ehangach yr ysgrifennodd awduron Cristnogol Lladin Lladin canoloesol am Outremer fel man anheddu.
Diddordebau Ymchwil Allweddol:
- Y Croesgadau a'r Dwyrain Lladin
- Rhyngddiwylliannol
- Ffiniau Canoloesol
- Ysgrifennu Hanesyddol Canoloesol
- Pŵer ac Awdurdod
- Rhyw Ganoloesol
- Astudiaethau Cof
- Buck, A. 2027. The coins of Prince Roger of Antioch (1112–19): Power, interculturality, and crusade memory in the Latin East. Medieval Encounters 33(2)
- Buck, A. 2025. Antioch, the crusades, and the west c.1097–c.1200: between memory and reality. In: Hodgson, N. and Ní Chléirigh, L. eds. Sources for the Crusades: Textual Traditions and Literary Influences. Routledge
- Buck, A. and Spacey, B. C. 2025. Reading Crusades sources as cultural artefacts. In: Parsons, S. T. and Paterson, L. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Crusade Texts, Images and Artefacts. Routledge
- Buck, A. 2025. The historical cultures of the Latin East. In: Parsons, S. T. and Paterson, L. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Crusade Texts, Images and Artefacts. Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Buck, A. 2025. Rebellion as political negotiation in the principality of Antioch. In: Jobson, A. and Arias, F. eds. Noble Rebellion in Medieval Europe, c. 1150–c. 1350. Brepols
- Buck, A. 2025. The Principality of Antioch, 1097–1201. In: Fulton, M. ed. A Military History of the Levant during the Era of the Crusades: Conflict and Perspective. Routledge
- Buck, A. 2024. Bernard Hamilton and Andrew Jotischky. Latin and Greek monasticism in the Crusader States. [Book Review]. American Historical Review 129(1), pp. 352-353. (10.1093/ahr/rhad508)
- Buck, A., Kane, J. H. and Spencer, S. J. 2024. The Crusades, the Latin East and Medieval history-writing: An introduction. In: Buck, A., Kane, J. H. and Spencer, S. J. eds. Crusade, Settlement, and Historical Writing in the Latin East and Latin West, c. 1100–c. 1300. Crusading in Context The Boydell Press, pp. 1-33.
- Buck, A. 2024. Between chronicon and chanson: William of Tyre, the first crusade, and the art of storytelling. In: Buck, A., Kane, J. H. and Spencer, S. J. eds. Crusade, Settlement, and Historical Writing in the Latin East and Latin West, c. 1100–c. 1300. Crusading in Context The Boydell Press, pp. 155-173.
- Buck, A., Kane, J. H. and Spencer, S. J. eds. 2024. Crusade, settlement, and historical writing in the Latin East and Latin West, c. 1100–c. 1300. Crusading in Context. The Boydell Press. (10.1017/9781805431510)
- Buck, A. and Edgington, S. B. 2024. The Anonymous Historia regum Hierusalem Latinorum ad deplorationem perditionis terrae sanctae accomodata: A new edition, translation, and commentary. Crusades 22(2), pp. 141-190. (10.1080/14765276.2023.2288173)
- Buck, A. D. 2024. Baldwin of Bourcq: count of Edessa and king of Jerusalem, 1100–1131 [Book Review]. Crusades 22(2), pp. 284-286. (10.1080/14765276.2023.2285144)
- Buck, A. D. 2023. Legacies of the crusades – proceedings of the ninth conference of the society for the study of the crusades and the latin east, odense, 27 June–1 July 2016, volume 1. Edited by Torben K. Nielsen and Kurt Villads Jensen; the crusades: history and memory – proceedings of the ninth conference of the society for the study of the crusades and the latin east, odense, 27 June–1 July 2016, volume 2. Edited by Kurt Villads Jensen and Torben K. Nielsen [book review]. Crusades 21(1), pp. 187-191. (10.1080/28327861.2022.12220036)
- Buck, A. 2023. Crusade in crisis: the Siege and Battle of Antioch, 1097–98. The Historian 158, pp. 56-60.
- Buck, A. 2023. William of Tyre, Chronicle. In: Thomas, D. ed. Christian–Muslim Relations: Primary Sources 600–1914., Vol. 1. Bloomsbury, pp. 328-330.
- Buck, A. 2023. Relations between the Crusader States and Byzantium. In: Holt, A. ed. Religion and World Civilizations: How Faith Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present., Vol. 2. ABC Clio, pp. 153-155.
- Buck, A. 2023. The Byzantine-Crusader split at the Siege of Antioch (1098). In: Holt, A. ed. Religion and World Civilizations: How Faith Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present., Vol. 2. ABC Clio, pp. 128-129.
- Buck, A. D. 2023. The miraculous and the writing of crusade narrative by Beth C. Spacey [Book Review]. The Catholic Historical Review 109(1), pp. 183-185. (10.1353/cat.2023.0017)
- Buck, A., Throop, S. A. and Riley-Smith, J. 2023. Further reading. In: Riley-Smith, J. and Throop, S. A. eds. The Crusades: A History. 4th edn.. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 422-447.
- Buck, A. D. 2022. William of Tyre, Translatio Imperii and the genesis of the First Crusade: Or, the challenges of writing history. History: Journal of the Historical Association 107(377), pp. 624-650. (10.1111/1468-229x.13317)
- Buck, A. 2022. Emily A. Winkler / Christopher P. Lewis (eds.): Rewriting history in the central middle ages, 900-1300 [Book Review]. Sehepunkte 22(10)
- Buck, A. 2022. Remembering Baldwin I: The Secunda pars historiae Iherosolimitane and literary responses to the Jerusalemite monarchy in twelfth-century France. In: Buck, A. and Smith, T. W. eds. Chronicle, Crusade, and the Latin East: Essays in Honour of Susan B. Edgington. Outremer Vol. 16. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 287-302.
- Buck, A. D. 2022. Remembering Outremer in the West: The Secunda pars historiae Iherosolimitane and the crisis of crusading in mid-twelfth-century France. Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 97(2), pp. 377-414. (10.1086/718762)
- Buck, A. 2022. John of Garland’s De triumphis Ecclesiae: a new critical edition with introduction and translation. Martin Hall [book review]. Nottingham Medieval Studies 66, pp. 214-216. (10.1484/J.NMS.5.132199)
- Buck, A. D. 2022. The subject of crusade: lyric, romance, and materials, 1150 to 1500. Marisa Galvez [book review]. Journal of British Studies 61(1), pp. 198-199. (10.1017/jbr.2021.177)
- Buck, A. 2022. William of Tyre, 'Chronicle'. In: Thomas, D. ed. The Bloomsbury Reader in Christian–Muslim Relations, 600–1500. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 263-266.
- Buck, A. and Smith, T. W. eds. 2022. Chronicle, crusade, and the Latin East: Essays in honour of Susan B. Edgington. Outremer Vol. 16. Turnhout: Brepols.
- Buck, A. D. 2021. Theorising the religious borders of the Latin East: some reflections on the inter-Christian landscape of Frankish northern Syria. Journal of Medieval History 47(3), pp. 317-331. (10.1080/03044181.2021.1926662)
- Buck, A. 2020. Susan B. Edgington, Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100–1118 (Rulers of the Latin East). London and New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. xvi, 204. 4 maps. ISBN 978 1 4724 3356 5 (hardback), 978 1 315 56864 5 (e-book).. Crusades 19(1), pp. 160-162. (10.1080/28327861.2020.12220093)
- Buck, A. 2020. Paula Z. Hailstone, recalcitrant crusaders? The relationship between Southern Italy and Sicily, crusading and the crusader states, c.1060–1198 (advances in crusades research, 2). London and New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. xvi, 235. 4 maps. ISBN 978 0 3673 1346 3 (hardback), 978 0 4293 1644 9 (e-book).. Crusades 19(1), pp. 158-160. (10.1080/28327861.2020.12220092)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Women in the principality of Antioch: power, status, and social agency.. Haskins Society Journal 31, pp. 95-132. (10.1017/9781800101159.007)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Settlement, identity, and memory in the Latin East: an examination of the term ‘Crusader States’. The English Historical Review 135(573), pp. 271-302. (10.1093/ehr/ceaa008)
- Buck, A. 2020. Marcus Bull, eyewitness and crusade narrative: perception and narration in accounts of the second, third, and fourth crusades. (crusading in context.) Woodbridge, UK: Boydell, 2018. Pp. x, 396. $99. ISBN: 978-1-78327-335-5.. Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 95(1), pp. 204-206. (10.1086/706552)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Crusading and masculinities. Edited by Natasha R. Hodgson, Katherine J. Lewis, and Matthew M. Mesley [book review]. Nottingham Medieval Studies 64, pp. 241-244. (10.1484/J.NMS.5.127666)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. A true 'History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea'? William of Tyre and the Principality of Antioch. In: Coss, P. et al. eds. Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe, c. 900–1480., Vol. 42. Medieval Church Studies Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, pp. 245-263., (10.1484/m.mcs-eb.5.118380)
- Buck, A. 2019. Crusading in art, thought and will, ed. Matthew E. Parker, Ben Halliburton, and Anne Romine. Leiden and Boston: brill, 2018. Pp. xi, 300. ISBN 978 90 04 37659 5 (hardback), 978 90 04 38613 6 (e-book).. Crusades 18(1), pp. 253-255. (10.1080/28327861.2019.12220182)
- Buck, A. D. 2019. 'Weighed by such a great calamity, they were cleansed for their sins': Remembering the siege and capture of Antioch.. The Journal of Religious History, Literature and Culture 5(2), pp. 1-16. (10.16922/jrhlc.5.2.2)
- Buck, A. D. 2019. William of Tyre, femininity, and the problem of the Antiochene Princesses. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 70(4), pp. 731-749. (10.1017/s0022046919000629)
- Smith, T. W. and Buck, A. D. eds. 2019. Remembering the Crusades in Medieval texts and songs. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Buck, A. D. 2019. The military orders and the Principality of Antioch: A help or a hindrance?. In: Morton, N. ed. The Military Orders Volume VII: Piety, Pugnacity and Property. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 285-295.
- Buck, A. 2019. Liturgy and devotion in the crusader states. Edited by Iris Shagrir and Cecilia Gaposchkin [book review]. The Medieval Review 19
- Buck, A. D. 2019. Castles and the frontier: theorizing the borders of the principality of Antioch in the twelfth century. Viator 50(2), pp. 79-107. (10.1484/j.viator.5.123296)
- Buck, A. D. 2018. Kevin James Lewis, the counts of Tripoli and Lebanon in the twelfth century: sons of Saint-Gilles (rulers of the latin east, 1). London and New York: Routledge, 2017. Pp. xiii, 339. ISBN 978 1 4724 5890 2 (hardback), 978 1 315 60991 1 (e-book). [Book Review]. Crusades 17(1), pp. 207-209. (10.1080/28327861.2018.12220518)
- Buck, A. D. 2018. Dynasty and diaspora in the Latin East: the case of the Sourdevals.. Journal of Medieval History 44(2), pp. 151-169. (10.1080/03044181.2018.1441743)
- Buck, A. D. 2017. Politics and diplomacy in the Latin East: The principality of Antioch in historiographical perspective.. History Compass 15(9), article number: e12409. (10.1111/hic3.12409)
- Buck, A. 2017. The Principality of Antioch and its frontiers in the Twelfth Century. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
- Buck, A. 2017. Erster Kreuzzug und ethnogenese: In novam formam commutatus – ethnogenetische prozesse im fürstentum antiochia und im königreich Jerusalem. Timo Kirschberger [book review]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 68(1), pp. 140-142. (10.1017/S0022046916001809)
- Buck, A. D. 2017. Godfrey of Bouillon: Duke of Lower Lotharingia, ruler of Latin Jerusalem, c.1060–1100. Simon John [Book Review]. Reviews in History, article number: 2229. (10.14296/rih/2014/2229)
- Buck, A. 2016. Remembering the crusades and crusading. Edited by Megan Cassidy-Welch [Book Review]. [Online]. Medievally Speaking: Medievally Speaking. Available at: http://medievallyspeaking.blogspot.co.uk/2016/12/cassidy-welch-remembering-crusades-and.html
- Buck, A. 2016. Crusading and pilgrimage in the Norman world. Edited by Kathryn Hurlock and Paul Oldfield [book review]. The Medieval Review 16
- Buck, A. D. 2016. The castle and Lordship of Ḥārim and the Frankish-Muslim frontier of Northern Syria in the twelfth century.. Al-Masāq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 28(2), pp. 113-131. (10.1080/09503110.2016.1198533)
- Buck, A. 2016. The second crusade: holy war on the periphery of latin christendom. Edited by Jason Roche and Janus M. Jensen [book review]. Mediterranean Historical Review 31(2), pp. 181-186. (10.1080/09518967.2016.1234106)
- Buck, A. D. 2016. The noble rebellion at Antioch, 1180-82: a case study in Medieval frontier politics.. Nottingham Medieval Studies 60, pp. 93-121. (10.1484/j.nms.5.111280)
- Buck, A. D. 2015. Between Byzantium and Jerusalem? The principality of Antioch, Renaud of Châtillon, and the penance of Mamistra in 1158.. Mediterranean Historical Review 30(2), pp. 107-124. (10.1080/09518967.2015.1117203)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Buck, A. 2025. Antioch, the crusades, and the west c.1097–c.1200: between memory and reality. In: Hodgson, N. and Ní Chléirigh, L. eds. Sources for the Crusades: Textual Traditions and Literary Influences. Routledge
- Buck, A. and Spacey, B. C. 2025. Reading Crusades sources as cultural artefacts. In: Parsons, S. T. and Paterson, L. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Crusade Texts, Images and Artefacts. Routledge
- Buck, A. 2025. The historical cultures of the Latin East. In: Parsons, S. T. and Paterson, L. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Crusade Texts, Images and Artefacts. Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Buck, A. 2025. Rebellion as political negotiation in the principality of Antioch. In: Jobson, A. and Arias, F. eds. Noble Rebellion in Medieval Europe, c. 1150–c. 1350. Brepols
- Buck, A. 2025. The Principality of Antioch, 1097–1201. In: Fulton, M. ed. A Military History of the Levant during the Era of the Crusades: Conflict and Perspective. Routledge
- Buck, A., Kane, J. H. and Spencer, S. J. 2024. The Crusades, the Latin East and Medieval history-writing: An introduction. In: Buck, A., Kane, J. H. and Spencer, S. J. eds. Crusade, Settlement, and Historical Writing in the Latin East and Latin West, c. 1100–c. 1300. Crusading in Context The Boydell Press, pp. 1-33.
- Buck, A. 2024. Between chronicon and chanson: William of Tyre, the first crusade, and the art of storytelling. In: Buck, A., Kane, J. H. and Spencer, S. J. eds. Crusade, Settlement, and Historical Writing in the Latin East and Latin West, c. 1100–c. 1300. Crusading in Context The Boydell Press, pp. 155-173.
- Buck, A. 2023. William of Tyre, Chronicle. In: Thomas, D. ed. Christian–Muslim Relations: Primary Sources 600–1914., Vol. 1. Bloomsbury, pp. 328-330.
- Buck, A. 2023. Relations between the Crusader States and Byzantium. In: Holt, A. ed. Religion and World Civilizations: How Faith Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present., Vol. 2. ABC Clio, pp. 153-155.
- Buck, A. 2023. The Byzantine-Crusader split at the Siege of Antioch (1098). In: Holt, A. ed. Religion and World Civilizations: How Faith Shaped Societies from Antiquity to the Present., Vol. 2. ABC Clio, pp. 128-129.
- Buck, A., Throop, S. A. and Riley-Smith, J. 2023. Further reading. In: Riley-Smith, J. and Throop, S. A. eds. The Crusades: A History. 4th edn.. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 422-447.
- Buck, A. 2022. Remembering Baldwin I: The Secunda pars historiae Iherosolimitane and literary responses to the Jerusalemite monarchy in twelfth-century France. In: Buck, A. and Smith, T. W. eds. Chronicle, Crusade, and the Latin East: Essays in Honour of Susan B. Edgington. Outremer Vol. 16. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 287-302.
- Buck, A. 2022. William of Tyre, 'Chronicle'. In: Thomas, D. ed. The Bloomsbury Reader in Christian–Muslim Relations, 600–1500. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 263-266.
- Buck, A. D. 2020. A true 'History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea'? William of Tyre and the Principality of Antioch. In: Coss, P. et al. eds. Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe, c. 900–1480., Vol. 42. Medieval Church Studies Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, pp. 245-263., (10.1484/m.mcs-eb.5.118380)
- Buck, A. D. 2019. The military orders and the Principality of Antioch: A help or a hindrance?. In: Morton, N. ed. The Military Orders Volume VII: Piety, Pugnacity and Property. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 285-295.
- Buck, A. 2027. The coins of Prince Roger of Antioch (1112–19): Power, interculturality, and crusade memory in the Latin East. Medieval Encounters 33(2)
- Buck, A. 2024. Bernard Hamilton and Andrew Jotischky. Latin and Greek monasticism in the Crusader States. [Book Review]. American Historical Review 129(1), pp. 352-353. (10.1093/ahr/rhad508)
- Buck, A. and Edgington, S. B. 2024. The Anonymous Historia regum Hierusalem Latinorum ad deplorationem perditionis terrae sanctae accomodata: A new edition, translation, and commentary. Crusades 22(2), pp. 141-190. (10.1080/14765276.2023.2288173)
- Buck, A. D. 2024. Baldwin of Bourcq: count of Edessa and king of Jerusalem, 1100–1131 [Book Review]. Crusades 22(2), pp. 284-286. (10.1080/14765276.2023.2285144)
- Buck, A. D. 2023. Legacies of the crusades – proceedings of the ninth conference of the society for the study of the crusades and the latin east, odense, 27 June–1 July 2016, volume 1. Edited by Torben K. Nielsen and Kurt Villads Jensen; the crusades: history and memory – proceedings of the ninth conference of the society for the study of the crusades and the latin east, odense, 27 June–1 July 2016, volume 2. Edited by Kurt Villads Jensen and Torben K. Nielsen [book review]. Crusades 21(1), pp. 187-191. (10.1080/28327861.2022.12220036)
- Buck, A. 2023. Crusade in crisis: the Siege and Battle of Antioch, 1097–98. The Historian 158, pp. 56-60.
- Buck, A. D. 2023. The miraculous and the writing of crusade narrative by Beth C. Spacey [Book Review]. The Catholic Historical Review 109(1), pp. 183-185. (10.1353/cat.2023.0017)
- Buck, A. D. 2022. William of Tyre, Translatio Imperii and the genesis of the First Crusade: Or, the challenges of writing history. History: Journal of the Historical Association 107(377), pp. 624-650. (10.1111/1468-229x.13317)
- Buck, A. 2022. Emily A. Winkler / Christopher P. Lewis (eds.): Rewriting history in the central middle ages, 900-1300 [Book Review]. Sehepunkte 22(10)
- Buck, A. D. 2022. Remembering Outremer in the West: The Secunda pars historiae Iherosolimitane and the crisis of crusading in mid-twelfth-century France. Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 97(2), pp. 377-414. (10.1086/718762)
- Buck, A. 2022. John of Garland’s De triumphis Ecclesiae: a new critical edition with introduction and translation. Martin Hall [book review]. Nottingham Medieval Studies 66, pp. 214-216. (10.1484/J.NMS.5.132199)
- Buck, A. D. 2022. The subject of crusade: lyric, romance, and materials, 1150 to 1500. Marisa Galvez [book review]. Journal of British Studies 61(1), pp. 198-199. (10.1017/jbr.2021.177)
- Buck, A. D. 2021. Theorising the religious borders of the Latin East: some reflections on the inter-Christian landscape of Frankish northern Syria. Journal of Medieval History 47(3), pp. 317-331. (10.1080/03044181.2021.1926662)
- Buck, A. 2020. Susan B. Edgington, Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100–1118 (Rulers of the Latin East). London and New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. xvi, 204. 4 maps. ISBN 978 1 4724 3356 5 (hardback), 978 1 315 56864 5 (e-book).. Crusades 19(1), pp. 160-162. (10.1080/28327861.2020.12220093)
- Buck, A. 2020. Paula Z. Hailstone, recalcitrant crusaders? The relationship between Southern Italy and Sicily, crusading and the crusader states, c.1060–1198 (advances in crusades research, 2). London and New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. xvi, 235. 4 maps. ISBN 978 0 3673 1346 3 (hardback), 978 0 4293 1644 9 (e-book).. Crusades 19(1), pp. 158-160. (10.1080/28327861.2020.12220092)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Women in the principality of Antioch: power, status, and social agency.. Haskins Society Journal 31, pp. 95-132. (10.1017/9781800101159.007)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Settlement, identity, and memory in the Latin East: an examination of the term ‘Crusader States’. The English Historical Review 135(573), pp. 271-302. (10.1093/ehr/ceaa008)
- Buck, A. 2020. Marcus Bull, eyewitness and crusade narrative: perception and narration in accounts of the second, third, and fourth crusades. (crusading in context.) Woodbridge, UK: Boydell, 2018. Pp. x, 396. $99. ISBN: 978-1-78327-335-5.. Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 95(1), pp. 204-206. (10.1086/706552)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Crusading and masculinities. Edited by Natasha R. Hodgson, Katherine J. Lewis, and Matthew M. Mesley [book review]. Nottingham Medieval Studies 64, pp. 241-244. (10.1484/J.NMS.5.127666)
- Buck, A. 2019. Crusading in art, thought and will, ed. Matthew E. Parker, Ben Halliburton, and Anne Romine. Leiden and Boston: brill, 2018. Pp. xi, 300. ISBN 978 90 04 37659 5 (hardback), 978 90 04 38613 6 (e-book).. Crusades 18(1), pp. 253-255. (10.1080/28327861.2019.12220182)
- Buck, A. D. 2019. 'Weighed by such a great calamity, they were cleansed for their sins': Remembering the siege and capture of Antioch.. The Journal of Religious History, Literature and Culture 5(2), pp. 1-16. (10.16922/jrhlc.5.2.2)
- Buck, A. D. 2019. William of Tyre, femininity, and the problem of the Antiochene Princesses. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 70(4), pp. 731-749. (10.1017/s0022046919000629)
- Buck, A. 2019. Liturgy and devotion in the crusader states. Edited by Iris Shagrir and Cecilia Gaposchkin [book review]. The Medieval Review 19
- Buck, A. D. 2019. Castles and the frontier: theorizing the borders of the principality of Antioch in the twelfth century. Viator 50(2), pp. 79-107. (10.1484/j.viator.5.123296)
- Buck, A. D. 2018. Kevin James Lewis, the counts of Tripoli and Lebanon in the twelfth century: sons of Saint-Gilles (rulers of the latin east, 1). London and New York: Routledge, 2017. Pp. xiii, 339. ISBN 978 1 4724 5890 2 (hardback), 978 1 315 60991 1 (e-book). [Book Review]. Crusades 17(1), pp. 207-209. (10.1080/28327861.2018.12220518)
- Buck, A. D. 2018. Dynasty and diaspora in the Latin East: the case of the Sourdevals.. Journal of Medieval History 44(2), pp. 151-169. (10.1080/03044181.2018.1441743)
- Buck, A. D. 2017. Politics and diplomacy in the Latin East: The principality of Antioch in historiographical perspective.. History Compass 15(9), article number: e12409. (10.1111/hic3.12409)
- Buck, A. 2017. Erster Kreuzzug und ethnogenese: In novam formam commutatus – ethnogenetische prozesse im fürstentum antiochia und im königreich Jerusalem. Timo Kirschberger [book review]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History 68(1), pp. 140-142. (10.1017/S0022046916001809)
- Buck, A. D. 2017. Godfrey of Bouillon: Duke of Lower Lotharingia, ruler of Latin Jerusalem, c.1060–1100. Simon John [Book Review]. Reviews in History, article number: 2229. (10.14296/rih/2014/2229)
- Buck, A. 2016. Crusading and pilgrimage in the Norman world. Edited by Kathryn Hurlock and Paul Oldfield [book review]. The Medieval Review 16
- Buck, A. D. 2016. The castle and Lordship of Ḥārim and the Frankish-Muslim frontier of Northern Syria in the twelfth century.. Al-Masāq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 28(2), pp. 113-131. (10.1080/09503110.2016.1198533)
- Buck, A. 2016. The second crusade: holy war on the periphery of latin christendom. Edited by Jason Roche and Janus M. Jensen [book review]. Mediterranean Historical Review 31(2), pp. 181-186. (10.1080/09518967.2016.1234106)
- Buck, A. D. 2016. The noble rebellion at Antioch, 1180-82: a case study in Medieval frontier politics.. Nottingham Medieval Studies 60, pp. 93-121. (10.1484/j.nms.5.111280)
- Buck, A. D. 2015. Between Byzantium and Jerusalem? The principality of Antioch, Renaud of Châtillon, and the penance of Mamistra in 1158.. Mediterranean Historical Review 30(2), pp. 107-124. (10.1080/09518967.2015.1117203)
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Creu Allanol: William o Tyrus a'r Groesgad Gyntaf
Mae fy ymchwil presennol yn ddwy gainc ac mae'n edrych i ystyried Adeiladu Hanesyddol y Dwyrain Crwsio yng Nghyfnod Canoloesol Lladin Christendom. Wrth wneud hynny, mae'n ceisio chwyldroi ein dealltwriaeth o'r rôl a chwaraeir gan aneddiadau crusading wrth lunio deialogau Ewropeaidd ar wladychiaeth a rhyngddiwylliannoldeb.
Mae'r prong cyntaf, sy'n adeiladu ar waith cynharach a wneuthum i gof crusading yn y Dwyrain Lladin, yn astudiaeth o gyfrif Croesgad Cyntaf a gynhyrchwyd yn Jeriwsalem a ddelir gan yr Archesgob William o Tyrus (m.1184). Er bod hanes ehangach William o hanes taleithiau'r croesgadwr, y Chronicon, yn adnabyddus, mae ei fersiwn o'r groesgad wedi'i anwybyddu'n gymharol fel deillian. Gyda chynnydd dulliau llenyddol-hanesyddol, fodd bynnag, mae'r cyfle wedi codi i ail-edrych ar y rhan hon o'i naratif fel arteffact diwylliannol. Gosodwyd y sylfaen ar gyfer hyn gan gymrodoriaeth ôl-ddoethurol ddwy flynedd yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Dulyn, sydd wedi datgelu sut y defnyddiodd William stori'r groesgad i atgyfnerthu hunaniaethau cymdeithasol, yn ogystal â dilysrwydd gwleidyddol Dwyrain Lladin. Mae amgodio o fewn cyfrifon o'r digwyddiadau y tu ôl i wŷ'r croesgad, yn ogystal â choncwest y brif ddinas (Edessa, Antioch, a Jeriwsalem), yn ddeialogau ar drosglwyddo pŵer yn gyfreithlon oddi wrth y boblogaeth leol. Maen nhw'n gwrthgyferbynnu Cristnogion y Dwyrain, a groesawodd y croesgadwyr fel eu gwaredwr, y gelyn Mwslimaidd, a gyhuddwyd o lygru gofodau Cristnogol, a'r croesgadwyr a gyflwynir fel pobl a ddewiswyd gan Dduw. Mae'r testun hwn yn cynnig, mewn geiriau eraill, gipolwg hynod werthfawr ar ganolrwydd concwest ac anheddiad i ffurfio hunaniaeth yn y Dwyrain Lladin. Rwyf eisoes wedi dechrau cyhoeddi cynnyrch o'r ymchwil hwn, gan gynnwys pennod llyfr (mewn cyfrol rwy'n cyd-olygu) ar ddefnydd William o ddulliau llafar/clywedol o adrodd stori wrth fanylu ar eiliadau allweddol trosglwyddo pŵer, ac erthygl ar sut y defnyddiodd William genynnau y croesgad fel offeryn ar gyfer creu hunaniaeth.
Adeiladu Hanesyddol y Dwyrain Gwasgu yng Nghristendom Lladin Canoloesol
Wedi'i gyd-gysylltu â'r archwiliad agos hwn o destun William, ac yn unol â'm ffoci ymchwil cyfredol ar gof a ffurfiant hunaniaeth, mae'n gynllun eang i olrhain cysyniadau ehangach o fodolaeth Outremer. Bydd yr ymchwil hon yn arwain at fonograff a sawl cyhoeddiad arall. Rhan bwysig o hyn fydd dadansoddiad o'r newydd o naratifau a gyfansoddwyd yn y Dwyrain Lladin a'r rhai a ysgrifennwyd yn y Gorllewin Lladin, gan gynnwys testunau sydd, er nad ydynt yn ymwneud yn bennaf â'r Tir Sanctaidd, yn ymgorffori ei hanes. Agwedd sylweddol fydd trafod testunau llai adnabyddus, rhai ohonynt yn dal i fod ar ffurf llawysgrif neu argraffiadau hen ffasiwn, sydd wedi eu hamgylchynu gan ysgolheictod modern oherwydd eu diffyg gwerth am ailadeiladu empirig ond sydd wedi ennill gwerth newydd trwy ymddangosiad dulliau llenyddol-hanesyddol. Bydd yr ymchwil hon yn adeiladu ymdeimlad ehangach o agweddau Cristnogol Lladin tuag at anheddiad a choncwest dros bobloedd nad ydynt yn Ladin ym Môr y Canoldir Dwyreiniol. Bydd yn gwneud hynny trwy ymgartrefu ar agweddau thematig allweddol, megis naratifau concwest, perthynas, rhyfela rhyng-ffydd, a chyswllt rhyngddiwylliannol, gyda rhai testunau neu genres yn cael eu defnyddio fel prism i gyfarwyddo dadansoddiad o'r fath. Mae erthygl prawf-o-gysyniad ar naratif canol y ddeuddegfed ganrif ar y Dwyrain Lladin a gynhyrchwyd yng ngogledd-ddwyrain Ffrainc wedi'i chyhoeddi'n ddiweddar yn y cyfnodolyn Speculum tra bod argraffiad beirniadol sydd ar ddod a chyfieithiad o ffynhonnell newydd ar y Dwyrain Lladin sydd i ddod yn y cyfnodolyn Crusades.
BA Addysgu (fel trefnydd)
Bydoedd Canoloesol HS1112
HS6302 Crwydro Bydoedd
MA Addysgu
Ymerodraethau canoloesol
Ffynonellau a Thystiolaeth: Sgiliau Ymchwil Hanesyddol Uwch
Addysg a Chymwysterau
2005-2009: BA (Anrh) Hanes ac MA Hanes Canoloesol , Prifysgol East Anglia
2010-2014: PhD mewn Hanes Canoloesol, Prifysgol Queen Mary Llundain
Anrhydeddau a Gwobrau
2019-2022: Cymrodoriaeth Ôl-ddoethurol Llywodraeth Iwerddon, Coleg Prifysgol Dulyn
Trosolwg Gyrfa
Cyn dod i Gaerdydd, treuliais sawl blwyddyn yn dysgu ym Mhrifysgol Queen Mary yn Llundain, yn ogystal â gweithio yno fel Tiwtor Ymgysylltu â Myfyrwyr. Rhwng 2019-22 roeddwn yn Gymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol Llywodraeth Iwerddon yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Dulyn yn gweithio ar brosiect o'r enw 'Creu Allanol: William o Tyrus ac Ysgrifennu Hanes yn y Dwyrain Lladin'.
Aelodaeth Proffesiynol
Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Astudio'r Croesgadau a'r Dwyrain Lladin (ers 2009)
Cymrawd y Gymdeithas Hanesyddol Frenhinol (ers 2017)
Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (ers 2023)
Cymrawd Cyswllt yr Academi Addysg Uwch (ers 2018)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
- Y Croesgadau a'r Dwyrain Lladin
- Rhyngddiwylliannol
- Ffiniau Canoloesol
- Ysgrifennu Hanesyddol Canoloesol
- Pŵer ac Awdurdod
- Rhyw Ganoloesol
- Astudiaethau Cof
Contact Details
+44 29225 12378
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 4.32, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU