Mae fy ngyrfa hyd yma wedi canolbwyntio ar fecanweithiau dysgu a chof mewn pobl ac anifeiliaid nad ydynt yn ddynol, a chymhwyso'r wybodaeth hon mewn cyd-destunau clinigol ac addysgol.
Rwy'n arbennig o angerddol am roi'r amgylchedd dysgu gorau posibl i fyfyrwyr, a sicrhau bod dulliau addysgu yn cyd-fynd â'r llenyddiaeth ar y ffordd orau i ni ddysgu gwybodaeth newydd. Mae fy ymchwil presennol yn ymwneud â'r effaith brofi, sy'n ganfyddiad sefydledig bod profi eich hun ar wybodaeth newydd yn gwella'r cof yn fwy na dulliau dysgu eraill (megis cymryd nodiadau, mapio meddwl, darllen).
- Briscoe, J., Doherty, J., Burgess, K. and Kent, C. 2024. Errorful learning improves recognition memory for new vocabulary for people living with memory and dysexecutive impairment following brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 34(7), pp. 974-1004. (10.1080/09602011.2023.2259017)
- Burgess, K. 2024. Why we should test our students more. [Online]. WONKHE: WONKHE. Available at:
- Cobb, H. et al. 2024. Celebrating diversity and supporting progression in education-focused HE careers. [Online]. WONKHE: WONKHE. Available at:
- Taylor, L., Burgess, K., Torn, A., Laville, A., Hulme, J. and Shelton, F. 2024. A multi-site evaluation of a research-informed teaching toolkit to balance students? identities as learners and consumers. [Online]. The Association of National Teaching Fellows (ANTF) Blog website: ANTF. Available at:
- Burgess, K. V., Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2023. Instrumental responses and Pavlovian stimuli as temporal referents in a peak procedure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76(2), pp. 248-256. (10.1177/17470218221090418)
- Brookes, O., Gray, S., Bennett, P., Burgess, K., Clark, F., Roberts, E. and Burghardt, T. 2022. Evaluating cognitive enrichment for zoo-housed gorillas using facial recognition. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9, article number: 886720. (10.3389/fvets.2022.886720)
- Brookes, O. et al. 2021. BristolGorillas2020. University of Bristol. Available at:
- Clark, F., Gray, S., Bennett, P., Mason, L. and Burgess, K. 2019. High-tech and tactile: Cognitive enrichment for zoo-housed gorillas. Frontiers in Psychology 10, article number: 1574. (10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01574)
- Dwyer, D. M., Burgess, K. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Avoidance but not aversion following sensory preconditioning with flavors: a challenge to stimulus substitution. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(4), pp. 359-368. (10.1037/a0029784)
- Burgess, K. V., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Re-assessing causal accounts of learnt behavior in rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(2), pp. 148-156. (10.1037/a0027266)
- Burgess, K. V. 2012. Associative analyses of reasoning-like behaviour in rats. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Dwyer, D. M. and Burgess, K. V. 2011. Rational accounts of animal behaviour? Lessons from C. Lloyd Morgan's Canon. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 24(4), pp. 349-364.
- Briscoe, J., Doherty, J., Burgess, K. and Kent, C. 2024. Errorful learning improves recognition memory for new vocabulary for people living with memory and dysexecutive impairment following brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 34(7), pp. 974-1004. (10.1080/09602011.2023.2259017)
- Burgess, K. V., Honey, R. C. and Dwyer, D. M. 2023. Instrumental responses and Pavlovian stimuli as temporal referents in a peak procedure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76(2), pp. 248-256. (10.1177/17470218221090418)
- Brookes, O., Gray, S., Bennett, P., Burgess, K., Clark, F., Roberts, E. and Burghardt, T. 2022. Evaluating cognitive enrichment for zoo-housed gorillas using facial recognition. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 9, article number: 886720. (10.3389/fvets.2022.886720)
- Clark, F., Gray, S., Bennett, P., Mason, L. and Burgess, K. 2019. High-tech and tactile: Cognitive enrichment for zoo-housed gorillas. Frontiers in Psychology 10, article number: 1574. (10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01574)
- Dwyer, D. M., Burgess, K. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Avoidance but not aversion following sensory preconditioning with flavors: a challenge to stimulus substitution. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(4), pp. 359-368. (10.1037/a0029784)
- Burgess, K. V., Dwyer, D. M. and Honey, R. C. 2012. Re-assessing causal accounts of learnt behavior in rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38(2), pp. 148-156. (10.1037/a0027266)
- Dwyer, D. M. and Burgess, K. V. 2011. Rational accounts of animal behaviour? Lessons from C. Lloyd Morgan's Canon. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 24(4), pp. 349-364.
- Brookes, O. et al. 2021. BristolGorillas2020. University of Bristol. Available at:
- Burgess, K. V. 2012. Associative analyses of reasoning-like behaviour in rats. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Burgess, K. 2024. Why we should test our students more. [Online]. WONKHE: WONKHE. Available at:
- Cobb, H. et al. 2024. Celebrating diversity and supporting progression in education-focused HE careers. [Online]. WONKHE: WONKHE. Available at:
- Taylor, L., Burgess, K., Torn, A., Laville, A., Hulme, J. and Shelton, F. 2024. A multi-site evaluation of a research-informed teaching toolkit to balance students? identities as learners and consumers. [Online]. The Association of National Teaching Fellows (ANTF) Blog website: ANTF. Available at:
Sbardunwyd fy niddordeb mewn dysgu a chof gan fy ngradd israddedig mewn Seicoleg ym Mhrifysgol Durham. Yna symudais i Brifysgol Caerdydd i gwblhau PhD mewn dysgu a rhesymu dan oruchwyliaeth yr Athro Rob Honey a Dominic Dwyer. Dechreuais ymddiddori yn y defnydd clinigol o ddysgu ac felly gweithiais mewn lleoliadau clinigol am ychydig flynyddoedd (Mind Cymru, St Andrews Healthcare) i helpu i adsefydlu cleifion ag afiechyd meddwl ac anaf i'r ymennydd.
Yna dychwelais i'r byd academaidd gan fy mod wedi cael cynnig swydd addysgu ym Mhrifysgol Caerlŷr. Fe wnes i wir fwynhau addysgu a derbyn swydd addysgu ym Mhrifysgol Bryste lle bûm yn gweithio am 6 blynedd. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn deuthum yn angerddol am ymgorffori canfyddiadau ymchwil gwybyddol i mewn i gwricwla i sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn gallu perfformio i'w llawn botensial. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at barhau â'm gyrfa yn gwella addysgu a dysgu ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
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