Hafan Chevron right Pobl Chevron right Dr Surhan Cam
Dr Surhan Cam
Uwch Ddarlithydd
Cam, S. 2005. Talking Turkey for democracy: Fundamentalism, fascism and the EU . Capital and Class 29(1), pp. 1-11. (10.1177/030981680508500101 )
Cam, S. and Nichols, T. 2005. Labour in a global world: case studies from the white goods industry in Africa, South America, East Asia and Europe . Future of Work. Palgrave Macmillan.
Walters, D., Nichols, T., Connor, J., Tasiran, A. and Cam, S. 2005. The role and effectiveness of safety representatives in influencing workplace health and safety . Technical Report.
Nichols, T., Cam, S., Chou, W. G., Chun, S., Zhao, W. and Feng, T. 2004. Factory regimes and the dismantling of established labour in Asia: a review of cases from large manufacturing plants in China, South Korea and Taiwan . Work, Employment and Society 18(4), pp. 663-685. (10.1177/0950017004047958 )
Beynon, H., Cam, S., Fairbrother, P. and Nichols, T. 2003. The rise and transformation of the UK domestic appliances industry . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Cam, S., Purcell, J. and Tailby, S. 2003. Contingent employment in the UK . In: Bergstrom, O. and Storrie, D. eds. Contingent Employment in Europe and the United States . Edward Elgar, pp. 52-78.
Adrannau llyfrau
Cam, S., Purcell, J. and Tailby, S. 2003. Contingent employment in the UK . In: Bergstrom, O. and Storrie, D. eds. Contingent Employment in Europe and the United States . Edward Elgar, pp. 52-78.
Cam, S. and Palaz, S. 2023. Mutual interests management with a purposive approach: Evidence from the Turkish shipyards for an amorphous impact model between (subjective) well‐being and performance . Industrial Relations Journal 54(1), pp. 40-70. (10.1111/irj.12388 )
Cam, S. and Palaz, S. 2021. Managerial Jacobinism and performance in the private sector: evidence from the Turkish shipyards for a vertical frame . Industrial Relations Journal 52(2), pp. 161-182. (10.1111/irj.12321 )
Cam, S. 2021. Overemployed migrant workers: Evidence from the Annual Population Survey for a 'special model of gendered confidence' . Economic and Industrial Democracy 42(1), pp. 50-74. (10.1177/0143831X18758174 )
Cam, S. 2018. Demarcation of core and periphery dichotomy: evidence from Turkey's shipyards for a 'paradoxical precarity' model . Industrial Relations Journal 49(2), pp. 153-173. (10.1111/irj.12208 )
Cam, S. 2017. Motivational diversity and the sense of ill-treatment back home among the UK's migrant workers from Turkey: a cross-intersectional approach . Economic and Industrial Democracy 38(1), pp. 171-188. (10.1177/0143831X15561692 )
Cam, S. and Pelaz, S. 2016. Challenges and opportunities of globalisation for an independent small manufacturer: a case study in Turkey’s shipyards . Journal of Organizational Ethnography 5(3), pp. 258-275. (10.1108/JOE-10-2015-0024 )
Cam, S. 2014. Non-unionised migrant workers in Britain: evidence from the Labour Force Survey for a triple-challenge model . Economic and Industrial Democracy 35(3), pp. 531-566. (10.1177/0143831X13489357 )
Cam, S. 2014. The underemployed: evidence from the UK labour force survey for a conditionally gendered top-down model? . Journal of Social Science Studies 1(2), pp. 47-65., article number: CAM.
Cam, S. 2012. Involuntary part-time workers in Britain: evidence from the labour force survey . Industrial Relations Journal 43(3), pp. 242-259. (10.1111/j.1468-2338.2012.00672.x )
Cam, S. 2005. Talking Turkey for democracy: Fundamentalism, fascism and the EU . Capital and Class 29(1), pp. 1-11. (10.1177/030981680508500101 )
Nichols, T., Cam, S., Chou, W. G., Chun, S., Zhao, W. and Feng, T. 2004. Factory regimes and the dismantling of established labour in Asia: a review of cases from large manufacturing plants in China, South Korea and Taiwan . Work, Employment and Society 18(4), pp. 663-685. (10.1177/0950017004047958 )
Nichols, T., Beynon, H., Fairbrother, P. and Cam, S. 2002. International sector comparison of management strategy and employee relations . The Future of Work Bulletin 4, pp. 7-8.
Cam, S. 2002. Neo-liberalism and labour within the context of an 'emerging market' economy - Turkey . Capital and Class 26(2), pp. 89-114. (10.1177/030981680207700104 )
Cam, S. 1999. Job security, unionisation, wages and privatisation: a case study in the Turkish cement industry . The Sociological Review 47(4), pp. 695-714. (10.1111/j.1467-954X.1999.tb01207.x )
Cam, S. 2015. Unincluded trade union members: evidence from the Labour Force Survey . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Cam, S. 2013. The underemployed in the UK . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/research/publications/workingpapers/paper-152.html
Cam, S. 2012. Non-unionised migrant workers: evidence from the UK Labour Force Survey for a 'Triple-Challenge Model' . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/research/publications/workingpapers/paper-149.html
Cam, S. 2012. The underemployed: evidence from the UK Labour Force Survey . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Cam, S. 2012. Involuntary temporary workers: evidence from the UK Labour Force Survey . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Cam, S. 2012. Unincluded union members: evidence from the Labour Force Survey . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Cam, S. 2012. Involuntary part-time workers in Britain: evidence from
the Labour Force Survey . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Cam, S. 2012. Involuntary temporary workers in Britain . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/research/publications/workingpapers/paper-15
Cam, S. 2011. Motivations, ubiquitous irrational and a community of migrant workers - from Turkey . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/research/publications/workingpapers/paper-143.html
Cam, S. 2011. Involuntary part-timers: evidence from the labour force survey . Working paper. Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/research/publications/workingpapers/paper-142.html
Cam, S. 2009. Migrant workers in Wales . London: House of Commons Welsh Affairs Commitee. Available at: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmselect/cmwelaf/184/184ii.pdf
Cam, S. 2008. Postgraduate research experiences of students at Cardiff University . Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Fairbrother, P. et al. 2008. Equality and diversity learning in the European steel industry . Project Report. European Commission.
Cam, S. 2007. Migrant workers in Wales: a comparison with the rest of Britain . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/wrkgpaper-94.pdf
Cam, S. 2006. Institutional oppression and neo-liberalism in Turkey . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Cam, S. 2006. Ethnicisation of temporary jobs in Britain . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Cam, S. 2006. Temporary employment among the EU migrants (‘Eastern Europeans’) in Britain . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Walters, D., Nichols, T., Connor, J., Tasiran, A. and Cam, S. 2005. The role and effectiveness of safety representatives in influencing workplace health and safety . Technical Report.
Beynon, H., Cam, S., Fairbrother, P. and Nichols, T. 2003. The rise and transformation of the UK domestic appliances industry . Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Neo-liberalism; Emerging Market Economies; New Management Strategies; Labour Flexibility; Equality and Diversity; Health and Safety; Research Methods. Current Research Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the UK; Military-run Companies in Turkey; Migrant Workers in Britain; EU Migrants (Eastern Europeans) in Wales.
First year Introduction to Social Science Research (contributor)
Second year Social Research Methods (contributor)
Third year Education, Diversity and Equality (contributor)
Third Year Globalisation and Social Change (contributor)
Third Year Dissertation (contributor)
MSc Comparative Political Economy (contributor)
MSc Principles and Practice of Research Design (contributor)
PhD Quantitative Research (convenor)