Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Maggie Chen

Yr Athro Maggie Chen

(Mae hi'n)

Cadeirydd Personol

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Rwy'n Athro Mathemateg Ariannol yng Nghaerdydd ac yn perthyn i'r Grŵp Ymchwil Gweithredol. Yn y gymuned academaidd, rwy'n adnabyddus am fy arbenigedd mewn dulliau rhyngddisgyblaethol o fodelu ariannol (e.e. prosesau Hawkes, dulliau rhwydwaith) sy'n mynd i'r afael â phroblemau cyllid modern. Mae fy ymchwil yn darparu sylfaen fethodolegol ar gyfer materion cymdeithasol-dechnegol yn FinTech, ymddygiad y farchnad ariannol, aceffeithiau cylchol. yn dal golygyddiaethau ar gyfer The Jounrnal of Futures Market, The European Journal of Finance (EJF), International Review of Economics and Finance,  IMA Journal of Management Mathematics and Quantitative Finance.

Rwyf hefyd yn cynnal athroathrawiaeth atodol / ymweld mewn amryw o brifysgolion sy'n arwain y byd, gan gynnwys Columbia, UCL ac ati. Rwy'n cyd-arwain Rhwydwaith EPSRC UKFin + ar gyfer Gwasanaethau Ariannol (https://ukfin.network/). Rwyf wedi bod yn PI/Co-Is ar gyfer sawl prosiect Fintech a ariennir gan Sefydliad Cyflymu Cenedl Data Cymru / Sefydliad Turing a Sefydliad Arloesi Trawsnewid Data (Caerdydd). Rwy'n cynghori ar broblemau Fintech a Chyllid/Economeg ehangach ar gyfer  partneriaid strategol Caerdydd-ONS (y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol), Adran Cyllid ac Economeg y Gymdeithas Ystadegol Frenhinol (RSS), a'r Ganolfan Ymchwil tuag at Hyrwyddo Technolegau Ariannol (CRAFT https://www.stevens.edu/craft). Rwy'n un o arweinwyr thema Fintech yn y Sefydliad Arloesol Trawsnewid Data yng Nghaerdydd. Mae fy ymchwil yn ymgysylltu'n uniongyrchol ag ystod amrywiol o randdeiliaid (e.e. y llywodraeth, cwmnïau, canolfannau Fintech rhanbarthol, elusennau, busnesau newydd, grwpiau addysgol, ysgolion ac ati) yn y diwydiant FinTech ac yn eu buddio gydag atebion a chynhyrchion y gellir eu defnyddio.

Rwy'n angerddol am sawl problem sylfaenol ym maes cyllid sy'n rhannu natur bod yn broblemau cymdeithasol-technolegol cymhleth a'r galw am fethodolegau rhyngwahanol a chymwysiadau y gellir eu defnyddio yn ogystal ag atebion. Mae'r canlynol yn darparu rhai cyfeiriadau diweddar y mae fy ymchwil yn plymio iddynt:

  • Fintech a chymwysiadau
    • Dull benthyca a thalu (ee, sgorio credyd seicometrig)
    • ESG a chymwysiadau (e.e. masnachu effaith)
    • Cryptocurrency (e.e., masnachu, patrymau ymddygiad, dyluniad y farchnad)
    • Cynhwysiant ariannol ac effaith polisi
  • AI ar y cyd ar gyfer cyllid (ee, gwneud penderfyniadau craff wedi'i lywio'n gydlynol)
  • Prosesau stocastig a chymwysiadau ariannol
    • Prosesau Hawkes mewn Cyllid 
  • Microstructure Farchnad a Masnachu Amledd Ultra-Uchel
  • Modelu Ariannol o Anwadalrwydd, Neidio a Hylifedd







  • Chen, J. 2021. A fractional Hawkes process. Presented at: Nonlocal and Fractional Operators in honour of Prof. Renato Spigler, Rome, Italy, 12-13 April 2019 Presented at Garrappa, R., Mainardi, F. and Beghin, L. eds.Nonlocal and fractional operators: Theory and applications to physics, probability and numerical analysis. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series Springer
  • Chen, J. and Liu, A. 2021. Information transition in trading and its effect on market efficiency: an entropy approach. Presented at: 1st International Forum on Financial Mathematics and FinTech, Beijing, China, 29 June - 2 July 2019Proceeding of the First International Academic Forum on Financial Mathematics and Financial Technology. Financial Mathematics and Fintech Springer pp. 59-77.
  • Hawkes, A. and Chen, J. 2021. A personal history of Hawkes process. Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (統計数理) 69(2), pp. 123-143.










  • Chen, J. 2021. A fractional Hawkes process. Presented at: Nonlocal and Fractional Operators in honour of Prof. Renato Spigler, Rome, Italy, 12-13 April 2019 Presented at Garrappa, R., Mainardi, F. and Beghin, L. eds.Nonlocal and fractional operators: Theory and applications to physics, probability and numerical analysis. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series Springer
  • Chen, J. and Liu, A. 2021. Information transition in trading and its effect on market efficiency: an entropy approach. Presented at: 1st International Forum on Financial Mathematics and FinTech, Beijing, China, 29 June - 2 July 2019Proceeding of the First International Academic Forum on Financial Mathematics and Financial Technology. Financial Mathematics and Fintech Springer pp. 59-77.


Maggie’s main research focus is on liquidity provision, information dynamics and their relation to policy changes in financial markets. To date, her research agenda has focused on modelling the effect of various liquidity measures on trading decisions in different segments of financial markets in both developed countries (e.g., the UK) and emerging economies (e.g., China). Recently, this research has mainly focused on applying Hawkes processes to model jumps in financial markets. The overarching goal of the research agenda has been to obtain more robust and powerful empirically derived measures of liquidity utilizing market microstructure theories drawn from the academic finance literature. She anticipates that this area of research activity could help investors, analysts, regulators and others to better assess information on market liquidity, and so more effectively predict future prices and trades. The applications of Hawkes types of models can also be extended to users in other industries such as insurance, into which industry Maggie has invested time and effort to form good understanding.

Selected Conference Talks

  • The 52th Gregynog Statistical Conference. Gregynog. 04/2016 (Organizer)
  • Emerging Risk Modelling Conference 2015. London UK. 10/2015 (Industry Conference)
  • The 51st Gregynog Statistical Conference. Gregynog. 04/2015 (Organizer)
  • St. John's University School of Risk Management Conference (jointly with the International Insurance Society). New York. 10/2014
  • Catastrophic Risk Modelling Conference 2013. Cambridge UK. 09/2013 2015 (Industry Conference)
  • Welsh Universities Accounting and Finance Colloquium 2013, Gregynog, UK. 05/2013(also the Colloquium Coordinator)
  • BAFA South Region Conference 2012, Aberystwyth, UK. 08/2012
  • A Workshop on Ultra-high Frequency Econometrics, Market Liquidity and Microstructure. Isle of Skye, Scotland. 06/2012. (Acted as the co-chair)
  • Welsh Universities Accounting and Finance Colloquium 2012, Gregynog, UK. 05/2012 (also the Colloquium Organizer)
  • The 5th International Conference MAF 2012 (Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance). Venice, Italy. 04/ 2012
  • OECD Banking Law Symposium 2011. Paris, France.10/2011(Invited Panel Discussant)
  • Conference on Financial Sector Performance & Risk (Post-Crisis). Bangor. 06/201
  • Asian Finance Association Annual Meeting (AsianFA2011), Macau. 07/2011
  • HUKU 2011 Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. 05/2011
  • International Conference on Financial Markets, Shanghai, China, 07/2010
  • The 27th Spring Conference of the French Finance Association, Saint-Malo, France, 04/2010
  • Finance and Corporate Governance Conference (FGCG), Melbourne, Australia, 04/2010

Seminar Series

  • School of Management, University of Bath. 02/2016 (Scheduled)
  • School of Mathematics, Cardiff University. 11/2015
  • Plymouth Business School, Plymouth University. 11/2015
  • Commodity Futures Trading Committee (CFTC), The Federal Reserve (Feds), International Monetary Fund (IMF) & Office of Finance Research (OFR) special seminar. Washington DC.10/2015
  • Department of Statistics, University College London. 04/2015
  • Department of Informatics, King’s College London. 03/2015
  • Department of Management, King’s College London. 03/2015
  • Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. 03/2015
  • Steven’s Institute Research Seminar Series (New Jersey). 01/2015
  • Steven’s Institute Research Seminar Series (New Jersey). 10/2014
  • Swansea University Texas Strategic Partnership & Research Showcase (Houston, College Station & Austin). 10/2014
  • Credit Suisse Seminar Series. Credit Suisse (New York). 10/2014
  • Institution of Insurance, Risk Management & Actuarial Science, St. John’s University (New York). 10/2014
  • Credit Suisse Seminar Series. Credit Suisse (London). 09/2013
  • Department of Economics, College of Business, Economics and Law, Swansea University. 12/2012
  • School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University. 03/2012
  • Business School, Leeds University. 11/2011
  • School of Management, University of Bath. 11/2011
  • School of Business and Economics, Swansea University. 11/2011
  • Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. 10/2011
  • School of Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol. 10/2011


MAT012 Credit Risk Scoring


Dr Jing (Maggie) Chen holds BSc in Computer Science from the Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China, MSc in Finance & Investment Management and PhD in Finance from the University of Aberdeen, UK (2011).

Prior to coming to the UK, Dr Chen worked at China Telecom and Dell (China) ltd. She started her business career as a computer software engineer, specialising in programming and system design before moving into company management and subsequently, pursuing an academic career in finance and investment. From September 2010 to August 2015, Dr Chen has been a lecturer and senior lecturer in the School of Management at Swansea University and senior lecturer in financial mathematics in the School of Mathematics at Cardiff University afterwards. During the 2014/2015 academic year, Maggie holds visiting/adjunct professorship in the Statistics Departments in both the Columbia University (New York City) and University College London.

Maggie’s main research focus is on liquidity provision, information dynamics and their relation to policy changes in financial markets. To date, her research agenda has focused on modelling the effect of various liquidity measures on trading decisions in different segments of financial markets in both developed countries (e.g., the UK) and emerging economies (e.g., China). Recently, this research has mainly focused on applying Hawkes processes to model jumps in financial markets. The overarching goal of the research agenda has been to obtain more robust and powerful empirically derived measures of liquidity utilising market microstructure theories drawn from the academic finance literature. She anticipates that this area of research activity could help investors, analysts, regulators and others to better assess information on market liquidity, and so more effectively predict future prices and trades. The applications of Hawkes types of models can also be extended to users in other industries such as insurance, into which industry Maggie has invested time and effort to form good understanding.

Dr Chen has built-up an international research profile by publishing her work in leading academic finance journals. Her work has appeared in esteemed international scholarly journals including the Pacific Basin Finance Journal, European Journal of Finance, Journal of Economics Behaviour and Organisation and Journal of Forecasting. Additionally, her study on the link between CDSs and the current Eurozone sovereign debt crisis has been cited in the House of Lords and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).Her research was reported in the Financial Times in its edition of 14 November 2011. - See more at here.

Most recently, her research on Jump detection has attracted wide interest from the U.S. regulators and practitioners from the industry. This work is presented in the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Office of Financial Research (OFR) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Other on-going projects Maggie collaborates with CFTC will potentially build up policy impact in the area of High Frequency Trading.