Rwy'n wyddonydd cymdeithasol amgylcheddol gyda chefndir rhyngddisgyblaethol sy'n torri ar draws disgyblaethau gwyddorau cymdeithasol ac amgylcheddol. Mae gan fy ymchwil ddwy elfen graidd: 1) cyfranogiad a gweledigaeth y cyhoedd ar gyfer dyfodol carbon isel, a 2) trafodaethau hinsawdd/sero net (mewn polisi a'r cyfryngau) a sut maent yn rhyngweithio â chanfyddiadau'r cyhoedd. Yn fethodolegol, rwy'n ymchwilydd ansoddol, gan ddefnyddio dulliau cyfranogol, rhagwelol a seiliedig ar le i ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd â'r materion hyn a'u goblygiadau ar gyfer bywyd bob dydd. Mae gen i ffocws cryf ar effaith polisi a'r prif gymhelliant ar gyfer fy ngwaith yw rhoi mwy o lais i gyhoeddwyr amrywiol wrth lunio polisïau hinsawdd ar lefel genedlaethol a lleol.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n Gyd-fyfyriwr yn y Ganolfan Newid Hinsawdd a Thrawsnewidiadau Cymdeithasol (CAST) sy'n ceisio archwilio sut y gall pobl fyw yn wahanol ac yn well, tra'n parhau i gyflawni gostyngiadau radical mewn allyriadau. Mae gen i gyfrifoldeb dros gyflawni dau o fewn thema gweledigaeth CAST: Prosiect 1.1 'Ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd ar gyfer gweledigaethau 'dymunol' a 'ymarferol' o newid' a Phrosiect 1.5 'Cynrychiolaeth y cyfryngau o newid yn yr hinsawdd a gweithredu trawsnewidiol'. Fel Cyd-I ar y prosiect Cynulliadau Dinasyddion ar Newid Hinsawdd, roeddwn hefyd yn ymchwilydd swyddogol yng Nghynulliad Hinsawdd y DU. Cyn hyn, mae fy ymchwil wedi archwilio dealltwriaeth a dychymyg y cyhoedd ynghylch ystod o bynciau sy'n gysylltiedig â hinsawdd ac ynni, gan gynnwys: yr economi gylchol, yr economi sy'n rhannu, systemau ynni datganoledig lleol, a thai carbon isel.
- Roberts, E., Groves, C., Thomas, G., Shirani, F., Cherry, C., Pidgeon, N. and Henwood, K. 2024. Attuning to ambiguous atmospheres: currents of air, discourse and time in a steel town. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 49(3), article number: e12631. (10.1111/tran.12631)
- Cherry, C., Verfuerth, C. and Demski, C. 2024. Discourses of climate inaction undermine public support for 1.5oC lifestyles. Global Environmental Change 87, article number: 102875. (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102875)
- Verfuerth, C., Demski, C., Whitmarsh, L. and Cherry, C. 2024. Catalysts of change: People at the heart of climate transformations. Project Report. [Online]. Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations. Available at:
- Cherry, C., Verfuerth, C. and Demski, C. 2024. Social visions for a low-carbon future. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff Univesrity. Available at:
- Groves, C., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N., Cherry, C., Roberts, E., Shirani, F. and Thomas, G. 2023. Putting visions in their place: Responsible research and innovation for energy system decarbonization. Journal of Responsible Innovation 10(1), article number: 2149954. (10.1080/23299460.2022.2149954)
- Thomas, G., Cherry, C., Groves, C., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N. and Roberts, E. 2022. “It’s not a very certain future”: Emotion and infrastructure change in an industrial town. Geoforum 132, pp. 81-91. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2022.04.003)
- Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Groves, C., Roberts, E., Shirani, F., Henwood, K. and Pidgeon, N. 2022. A personas-based approach to deliberating local decarbonisation scenarios: findings and methodological insights. Energy Research and Social Science 87, article number: 102455. (10.1016/j.erss.2021.102455)
- Cherry, C., Capstick, S., Demski, C., Mellier, C., Stone, L. and Verfuerth, C. 2021. Citizens' climate assemblies: Understanding public deliberation for climate policy.. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Groves, C., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N., Cherry, C., Roberts, E., Shirani, F. and Thomas, G. 2021. The future is flexible? Exploring expert visions of energy system decarbonisation. Futures 130, article number: 102753. (10.1016/j.futures.2021.102753)
- Shirani, F., Groves, C., Henwood, K., Roberts, E., Thomas, G., Cherry, C. and Pidgeon, N. 2021. ‘Who cares about valley people?’ – lived experiences of energy vulnerability in the South Wales valleys. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 29(1), pp. 103-120. (10.1332/175982720X16074511160827)
- Groves, C., Shirani, F., Pidgeon, N., Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Roberts, E. and Henwood, K. 2021. A missing link? Capabilities, the ethics of care, and the relational context of energy justice. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 22(2), pp. 249-269. (10.1080/19452829.2021.1887105)
- Pidgeon, N., Groves, C., Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Shirani, F. and Henwood, K. 2021. ‘A little self-sufficient town close to the beach’: local energy system transformation through the lens of place and public things. In: Webb, J., Wade, F. and Tingey, M. eds. Research Handbook on Energy and Society. Edward Elgar, pp. 299-316.
- Groves, C., Shirani, F., Pidgeon, N., Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Roberts, E. and Henwood, K. 2020. ‘The bills are a brick wall’: narratives of energy vulnerability, poverty and adaptation in South Wales. Energy Research and Social Science 70, article number: 101777. (10.1016/j.erss.2020.101777)
- Capstick, S., Demski, C., Cherry, C., Verfuerth, C. and Steentjes, K. 2020. Climate change citizens' assemblies: CAST briefing paper 03. CAST Briefing Paper.
- Groves, C., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N., Shirani, F., Cherry, C. and Thomas, G. 2019. Better energy futures: Developing a framework for addressing fuel poverty poverty. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Cherry, C., Scott, K., Barrett, J. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. Public acceptance of resource-efficiency strategies to mitigate climate change. Nature Climate Change 8, pp. 1007-1012. (10.1038/s41558-018-0298-3)
- Peake, L., Cherry, C., Steentjes, K., Scott, K. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. By popular demand: what people want from a resource efficient economy. London: Green Alliance. Available at:
- Cherry, C. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. Is sharing the solution? Exploring public acceptability of the sharing economy. Journal of Cleaner Production 195, pp. 939-948. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.05.278)
- Cherry, C. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2018. Why is ownership an issue? Exploring factors that determine public acceptance of product-service systems. Sustainability 10(7), article number: 2289. (10.3390/su10072289)
- Shirani, F., Groves, C., Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Henwood, K. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. UK smart living demonstrator (better energy futures) – research report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Cherry, C., Hopfe, C., MacGillivray, B. H. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2017. Homes as machines: Exploring expert and public imaginaries of low carbon housing futures in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science 23, pp. 36-45. (10.1016/j.erss.2016.10.011)
- Cherry, C., Hopfe, C., MacGillivray, B. H. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2015. Media discourses of low carbon housing: The marginalisation of social and behavioural dimensions within the British broadsheet press. Public Understanding of Science 24(3), pp. 302-310. (10.1177/0963662513512442)
- Cherry, C. 2015. Exploring discourses of decarbonisation: the social construction of low carbon housing. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Pidgeon, N., Groves, C., Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Shirani, F. and Henwood, K. 2021. ‘A little self-sufficient town close to the beach’: local energy system transformation through the lens of place and public things. In: Webb, J., Wade, F. and Tingey, M. eds. Research Handbook on Energy and Society. Edward Elgar, pp. 299-316.
- Roberts, E., Groves, C., Thomas, G., Shirani, F., Cherry, C., Pidgeon, N. and Henwood, K. 2024. Attuning to ambiguous atmospheres: currents of air, discourse and time in a steel town. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 49(3), article number: e12631. (10.1111/tran.12631)
- Cherry, C., Verfuerth, C. and Demski, C. 2024. Discourses of climate inaction undermine public support for 1.5oC lifestyles. Global Environmental Change 87, article number: 102875. (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102875)
- Groves, C., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N., Cherry, C., Roberts, E., Shirani, F. and Thomas, G. 2023. Putting visions in their place: Responsible research and innovation for energy system decarbonization. Journal of Responsible Innovation 10(1), article number: 2149954. (10.1080/23299460.2022.2149954)
- Thomas, G., Cherry, C., Groves, C., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N. and Roberts, E. 2022. “It’s not a very certain future”: Emotion and infrastructure change in an industrial town. Geoforum 132, pp. 81-91. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2022.04.003)
- Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Groves, C., Roberts, E., Shirani, F., Henwood, K. and Pidgeon, N. 2022. A personas-based approach to deliberating local decarbonisation scenarios: findings and methodological insights. Energy Research and Social Science 87, article number: 102455. (10.1016/j.erss.2021.102455)
- Groves, C., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N., Cherry, C., Roberts, E., Shirani, F. and Thomas, G. 2021. The future is flexible? Exploring expert visions of energy system decarbonisation. Futures 130, article number: 102753. (10.1016/j.futures.2021.102753)
- Shirani, F., Groves, C., Henwood, K., Roberts, E., Thomas, G., Cherry, C. and Pidgeon, N. 2021. ‘Who cares about valley people?’ – lived experiences of energy vulnerability in the South Wales valleys. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 29(1), pp. 103-120. (10.1332/175982720X16074511160827)
- Groves, C., Shirani, F., Pidgeon, N., Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Roberts, E. and Henwood, K. 2021. A missing link? Capabilities, the ethics of care, and the relational context of energy justice. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 22(2), pp. 249-269. (10.1080/19452829.2021.1887105)
- Groves, C., Shirani, F., Pidgeon, N., Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Roberts, E. and Henwood, K. 2020. ‘The bills are a brick wall’: narratives of energy vulnerability, poverty and adaptation in South Wales. Energy Research and Social Science 70, article number: 101777. (10.1016/j.erss.2020.101777)
- Cherry, C., Scott, K., Barrett, J. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. Public acceptance of resource-efficiency strategies to mitigate climate change. Nature Climate Change 8, pp. 1007-1012. (10.1038/s41558-018-0298-3)
- Cherry, C. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. Is sharing the solution? Exploring public acceptability of the sharing economy. Journal of Cleaner Production 195, pp. 939-948. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.05.278)
- Cherry, C. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2018. Why is ownership an issue? Exploring factors that determine public acceptance of product-service systems. Sustainability 10(7), article number: 2289. (10.3390/su10072289)
- Cherry, C., Hopfe, C., MacGillivray, B. H. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2017. Homes as machines: Exploring expert and public imaginaries of low carbon housing futures in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and Social Science 23, pp. 36-45. (10.1016/j.erss.2016.10.011)
- Cherry, C., Hopfe, C., MacGillivray, B. H. and Pidgeon, N. F. 2015. Media discourses of low carbon housing: The marginalisation of social and behavioural dimensions within the British broadsheet press. Public Understanding of Science 24(3), pp. 302-310. (10.1177/0963662513512442)
- Cherry, C. 2015. Exploring discourses of decarbonisation: the social construction of low carbon housing. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Verfuerth, C., Demski, C., Whitmarsh, L. and Cherry, C. 2024. Catalysts of change: People at the heart of climate transformations. Project Report. [Online]. Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations. Available at:
- Cherry, C., Verfuerth, C. and Demski, C. 2024. Social visions for a low-carbon future. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff Univesrity. Available at:
- Cherry, C., Capstick, S., Demski, C., Mellier, C., Stone, L. and Verfuerth, C. 2021. Citizens' climate assemblies: Understanding public deliberation for climate policy.. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Capstick, S., Demski, C., Cherry, C., Verfuerth, C. and Steentjes, K. 2020. Climate change citizens' assemblies: CAST briefing paper 03. CAST Briefing Paper.
- Groves, C., Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N., Shirani, F., Cherry, C. and Thomas, G. 2019. Better energy futures: Developing a framework for addressing fuel poverty poverty. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Peake, L., Cherry, C., Steentjes, K., Scott, K. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. By popular demand: what people want from a resource efficient economy. London: Green Alliance. Available at:
- Shirani, F., Groves, C., Cherry, C., Thomas, G., Henwood, K. and Pidgeon, N. 2018. UK smart living demonstrator (better energy futures) – research report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Yn dilyn fy PhD yn archwilio trafodaethau tai carbon isel (Ymchwil Ynni a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol -; Dealltwriaeth y Cyhoedd o Wyddoniaeth -, mae fy ngyrfa ymchwil wedi dod â thrafodaethau cymdeithasol at ei gilydd o newid yn yr hinsawdd, ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a dulliau gweledigaeth ystyriol i ymchwilio i rôl trawsnewidiadau cymdeithasol wrth gyflawni dyfodol teg a chynaliadwy. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n archwilio trafodaethau cyhoeddus o ddiffyg gweithredu yn yr hinsawdd. Fel cyd-ymchwilydd ac arweinydd pecyn gwaith yn y Ganolfan Newid Hinsawdd a Thrawsnewidiadau Cymdeithasol (CAST), cynhaliais weithdai gweledigaethu i ymchwilio i ganfyddiadau'r cyhoedd o ddyfodol carbon isel radical.
Fy bwa rese mwyaf arloesolhyd yma yw cydweithrediad rhyngddisgyblaethol â phartneriaid ym Mhrifysgol Leeds, a oedd yn integreiddio data canfyddiadau ansoddol y cyhoedd â modelu economaidd blaenllaw yn y byd, er mwyn asesu'r potensial i leihau ôl troed carbon y DU (Newid yn yr Hinsawdd Natur - ). Fy ngwaith a ddyfynnir fwyaf oedd y dadansoddiad cyntaf o drafodaethau cyhoeddus yr economi sy'n rhannu, gan ddangos natur amodol derbyniad cyhoeddus ar sail gwerthoedd cymdeithasol a rennir (Journal of Cleaner Production -
Mae gen i 10+ mlynedd o brofiad ymchwil ansoddol (dylunio a chynnal cyfweliadau, grwpiau ffocws a gweithdai; dadansoddiad sail, thematig a disgwrs - dadansoddi dogfennau a chyfryngau). Rwy'n datblygu dulliau newydd ar gyfer ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd gyda'r dasg anodd o ddychmygu dyfodol carbon isel cyfiawn a chynaliadwy. Arweiniodd hyn at ddatblygu'r dull sy'n seiliedig ar bersona tuag at brosesau gweledigaethu cyfranogol (Ymchwil Ynni a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol -
Swyddi ymchwil
(2020 ymlaen) Ymchwilydd Co-I, Y Ganolfan Newid Hinsawdd a Thrawsnewidiadau Cymdeithasol (CAST)
(2015-2019) Cydymaith Ymchwil, Deall Grŵp Ymchwil Risg
(2015) PhD Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Amgylcheddol, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
Thesis: Archwilio Trafodaethau Datgarboneiddio: Adeiladu Cymdeithasol Tai Carbon Isel
(2010) MSc Newid Hinsawdd: Gwyddoniaeth a Chymdeithas, Prifysgol East Anglia, UK
(2008) BSc Gwyddor yr Amgylchedd, Prifysgol y Frenhines Mary's Llundain, DU