Yr Athro Sin yi Cheung
BSoc Sc. M.Phil. D.Phil. (Oxon)
Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Athro Cymdeithaseg ac yn Gyfarwyddwr Ymchwil yn Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol. Cefais fy ethol (2022) yn Gymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru. Ar hyn o bryd yn aelod o'r Uwch Dîm Rheoli, a chyn hynny fel Cyfarwyddwr Rhyngwladol (2014-2017). Yn allanol, gwasanaethais ar fyrddau golygyddol y cyfnodolyn BSA Sociology a'r cyfnodolyn ASA Sociology of Education, is-banel y Fframwaith Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil UKRI REF2021 Gwaith Cymdeithasol a Pholisi Cymdeithasol (SP20) fel aelod llawn o'r panel. Yn ogystal â bod yn aelod o Banel y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Cyngor Grantiau Ymchwil Hong Kong o dan Bwyllgor Grantiau'r Brifysgol (2022-2024), bûm hefyd yn gwasanaethu ar Banel Comisiynu Cystadleuaeth Grant Canolfannau ESRC, a Bwrdd Cynghori Annibynnol y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Dulliau Ymchwil (NCRM). Rwy'n Brif Olygydd y cyfnodolyn mynediad agored Journal Frontiers of Sociology: Hil ac Ethnigrwydd. Yn 2019, sefydlais y Grŵp Ymchwil Ymfudo, Ethnigrwydd, Hil ac Amrywiaeth.
Mae fy ymchwil yn mynd i'r afael â gwahanol fathau o anghydraddoldebau cymdeithasol mewn cymdeithasau cyfoes. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi ar integreiddio ffoaduriaid, yr anghydraddoldebau newidiol mewn addysg uwch, cosbau ethnig a chrefyddol yn y farchnad lafur, rhieni unigol ar fudd-daliadau, dynameg hawlwyr, a phlant mewn gofal. Wedi'i hyfforddi fel cymdeithasegydd meintiol, wedi ymrwymo i amlddisgyblaethol a phlwraliaeth fethodolegol, rwy'n cydweithio ag ymchwilwyr ym maes polisi cymdeithasol, addysg, economeg, seicoleg a daearyddiaeth ddynol. Mae fy ymchwil wedi derbyn cyllid gan yr Academi Brydeinig, Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol, yr Undeb Ewropeaidd, Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme, Sefydliad Nuffield, Cymdeithas Japan ar gyfer Hyrwyddo Ymchwil Gwyddoniaeth, Iechyd a Gofal Cymru yn ogystal ag adrannau canolog y llywodraeth fel yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau ac awdurdodau lleol. Dros y blynyddoedd rwyf wedi dal athrawon gwadd a swyddi ysgolhaig gwadd yn Wisconsin-Madison, UCLA, Prifysgol Stanford, Prifysgol Tokyo, Prifysgol Efrog Newydd a Phrifysgol Keio.
- Jing, Y., Bailey, G. A., Cheung, S. Y., Griffiths, L. J. and Scourfield, J. 2024. Ethnic disproportionality in the child welfare system: a Welsh linked administrative data study for 2011–2020. The British Journal of Social Work 54(8), pp. 3568-3589. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae117)
- Warner, N., Jing, Y., Scourfield, J., Cannings-John, R., Cheung, S. Y. and John, A. 2024. The inter-relationship between parental problems and ethnic background: How do they impact on entry into local authority care?. The British Journal of Social Work, article number: bcae201. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae201)
- Jing, Y., Cheung, S. Y., Griffiths, L. and Scourfield, J. 2023. Trends in ethnic inequality in child welfare interventions in Wales, 2010-2021. Presented at: ADR UK Conference 2023: Public Data for Resilience and Inclusion, Birmingham, UK, 14-16 November 2023, Vol. 8. Vol. 2. pp. 121., (10.23889/ijpds.v8i2.2336)
- Irfan, M., Buckley, K., Cheung, S. Y., Lewis, J., Koj, A. and Thomas, H. 2023. Mapping social capital across Wales (UK) using secondary data and spatial analysis. SN Social Sciences 3, article number: 56. (10.1007/s43545-023-00639-1)
- Woodward, K., Bradby, H., Jasso, G. and Cheung, S. Y. 2022. Editorial: Lessons from COVID-19: Building a fairer, healthier, inclusive and sustainable post-pandemic society. Frontiers in Sociology 7, article number: 1100563. (10.3389/fsoc.2022.1100563)
- Kesler, C. and Cheung, S. Y. 2022. Editorial: racial and ethnic inequality in an age of populist nationalism. Frontiers in Sociology 7, article number: 1026335. (10.3389/fsoc.2022.1026335)
- Salata, A. and Cheung, S. Y. 2022. Positional education and intergenerational status transmission in Brazil. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 77, article number: 100671. (10.1016/j.rssm.2021.100671)
- Phillimore, J. and Cheung, S. Y. 2021. The violence of uncertainty: empirical evidence on how asylum waiting time undermines refugee health. Social Science & Medicine 282, article number: 114154. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114154)
- Brown, P., Lauder, H. and Cheung, S. Y. 2020. The death of human capital? Its failed promise and how to renew it in an age of disruption. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780190644307.001.0001)
- Zhang, M. L., Boyd, A., Cheung, S. Y., Sharland, E. and Scourfield, J. 2020. Social work contact in a UK cohort study: under-reporting, predictors of contact and the emotional and behavioural problems of children. Children and Youth Services Review 115, article number: 105071. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105071)
- 2019. New perspectives on welfare and governance in contemporary China. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/node/15362
- Cheung, S. Y. 2019. Lessons from an old second generation in the US: fresh evidence on assimilation theories. Ethnic and Racial Studies 42(13), pp. 2285-2290. (10.1080/01419870.2019.1627477)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Xiao, L. eds. 2019. Social policy and local governance: developments in Europe and China (社会政策与地方治理:欧洲和中国的经验). Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
- Lauder, H., Brown, P. and Cheung, S. Y. 2018. Fractures in the education-economy relationship: the end of the skill bias technological change research programme?. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 34(3), pp. 495-515. (10.1093/oxrep/gry008)
- Zhang, M., Scourfield, J., Cheung, S. Y. and Sharland, E. 2018. Comparing fathers and mothers who have social work contact: A research note. Social Work Research 42(2), pp. 131-136. (10.1093/swr/svx027)
- Phillimore, J., Grzymala-Kazlowska, A. and Cheung, S. Y. 2017. Voluntary action for asylum seeker and refugee integration. In: Heath, A. ed. If you could do one thing: 10 local actions to promote social integration. London: British Academy, pp. 19-25.
- Zhang, M. L., Henderson, M., Cheung, S. Y., Scourfield, J. and Sharland, E. 2017. Predicting the recipients of social work support, and its impact on emotional and behavioural problems in early childhood. Child and Family Social Work 22(2), pp. 772-781. (10.1111/cfs.12294)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Phillimore, J. 2017. Gender and refugee integration: a quantitative analysis of integration and social policy outcomes. Journal of Social Policy 46(2), pp. 211-230. (10.1017/S0047279416000775)
- Sharland, E., Holland, P., Henderson, M., Zhang, M., Cheung, S. Y. and Scourfield, J. B. 2017. Assembling life history narratives from quantitative longitudinal panel data: what's the story for families using social work?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 20, pp. 667-679. (10.1080/13645579.2017.1279915)
- Henderson, M., Scourfield, J. B., Cheung, S. Y. and Sharland, E. 2016. Predictors of social service contact among teenagers in England. British Journal of Social Work 46(6), pp. 1485-1501. (10.1093/bjsw/bcv081)
- Bakker, L., Cheung, S. Y. and Phillimore, J. 2016. The asylum-integration paradox: comparing asylum support systems and refugee integration in the Netherlands and the UK. International Migration 54(4), pp. 118-132. (10.1111/imig.12251)
- Henderson, M., Scourfield, J., Cheung, S. Y., Sharland, E. and Sloan, L. 2016. The effects of social service contact on teenagers in England. Research on Social Work Practice 26(4), pp. 386-398. (10.1177/1049731514557363)
- Henderson, M., Cheung, S. Y., Sharland, E. and Scourfield, J. 2016. The outcomes of educational welfare officer contact in England. British Educational Research Journal 42(3), pp. 399-416. (10.1002/berj.3212)
- Williams, M. D., Sloan, L., Cheung, S. Y., Sutton, C., Stevens, S. and Runham, L. 2016. Can't count or won't count? Embedding quantitative methods in substantive sociology curricula: a quasi-experiment. Sociology 50(3), pp. 435-452. (10.1177/0038038515587652)
- Snipp, C. M. and Cheung, S. Y. 2016. Changes in racial and gender inequality since 1970. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 663(1), pp. 80-98. (10.1177/0002716215596959)
- Henderson, M., Cheung, S. Y., Sharland, E. and Scourfield, J. B. 2015. The effect of social work use on the mental health outcomes of parents and the life satisfaction of children in Britain. Children and Youth Services Review 58, pp. 71-81. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2015.09.007)
- Phillimore, J. et al. 2015. Understanding healthcare practices in superdiverse neighbourhoods and developing the concept of welfare bricolage: protocol of a cross-national mixed-methods study. BMC International Health and Human Rights 15(16), pp. 1-8. (10.1186/s12914-015-0055-x)
- Brown, P., Cheung, S. Y. and Lauder, H. 2015. Beyond a human capital approach to education and the labour market: the case for industrial policy. In: Bailey, D., Cowling, K. and Tomlinson, P. eds. New Perspectives on Industrial Policy for a Modern Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 206-224., (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198706205.003.0011)
- Cheung, S. Y. 2014. Migration statistics: What can the data tell us? [Invited seminar]. Presented at: getstats in Parliament: Migration Statistics what the data tell us?, Houses of Parliament, 4 December 2014.
- Cheung, S. Y. and Henderson, M. 2014. Outcomes of Educational Welfare Officer contact with teenagers in England [Invited Seminar]. Presented at: Research Seminar, Institute for Economic and Social Research, University of Essex, UK, 17 November 2014.
- Scourfield, J., Cheung, S. Y. and Macdonald, G. 2014. Working with fathers to improve children's well-being: Results of a survey exploring service provision and intervention approach in the UK. Children and Youth Services Review 43, pp. 40-50. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.04.009)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Phillimore, J. 2014. Integrating refugees into the UK labour market requires shifting focus away from social networks towards language and dispersal policy. [Online]. Vol. 30 Jul. London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/integrating-refugees-labour-role-of-social-network/
- Cheung, S. Y. 2014. Ethno-religious minorities and labour market integration: generational advancement or decline?. Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(1), pp. 140-160. (10.1080/01419870.2013.808757)
- MacInnes, J. and Cheung, S. Y. 2013. Creating public attitudes to immigration by mis-counting. Discover Society 2, article number: 5 Nov 2013.
- Cheung, S. Y. and Phillimore, J. 2013. Refugees, social capital, and labour market integration in the UK. Sociology n/a (10.1177/0038038513491467)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Mckay, S. 2010. Training and progression in the labour market. Department for Work and Pensions, HMSO. Available at: http://research.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rports2009-2010/rrep680.pdf
- Gerber, T. P. and Cheung, S. Y. 2008. Horizontal stratification in postsecondary education: forms, explanations and implications. Annual Review of Sociology 34, pp. 299-318. (10.1146/annurev.soc.34.040507.134604)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Heath, A. F. 2007. Nice work if you can get it: ethnic minority disadvantage in Great Britain. In: Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. eds. Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy, pp. 507-550.
- Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. 2007. The comparative study of ethnic minority disadvantage?. In: Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. eds. Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy, pp. 1-44.
- Cheung, S. Y. and Egerton, M. 2007. Higher Education expansion and reform: changing educational inequalities in Great Britain. In: Shavit, Y., Arum, R. and Gamoran, A. eds. Stratification in Higher Education: A Comparative Study. California: Stanford University Press, pp. 195-219.
- Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. eds. 2007. Unequal chances: ethnic minorities in Western labour markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy.
- Heath, A. and Cheung, S. Y. 2006. Ethnic penalties in the labour market: employers and discrimination. Project Report. [Online]. Leeds: Crown Copyright. Available at: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130128102031/http://statistics.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rports2005-2006/rrep341.pdf
- van de Werfhorst, H. G., Sullivan, A. and Cheung, S. Y. 2003. Social class, ability and choice of subject in secondary and tertiary education in Britain. British Educational Research Journal 29(1), pp. 41-62. (10.1080/0141192032000057366)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Andersen, R. 2003. Time to read: the impact of family resources on educational outcomes. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 34, pp. 412-434.
- Chan, A. H. N. and Cheung, S. Y. 2001. The equalizing effects of education on gender differences in occupational attainment in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Sociology 2, pp. 177-206.
- Noble, M., Smith, G. and Cheung, S. Y. 1998. Lone mothers moving in and out of benefits. Working paper. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/spr458.pdf
- Noble, M., Cheung, S. Y. and Smith, G. 1998. Origins and destinations: social security claimants dynamics?. Journal of Social Policy 27(3), pp. 351-369.
- Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. 1998. Education and occupation in Britain. In: Shavit, Y., Muller, W. and Tame, C. eds. From School to Work: A Comparative Study of Educational Qualifications and Occupational Destinations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 71-102.
- Cheung, S. Y. and Buchanan, A. 1997. Malaise scores in adulthood of children and young people who have been in care. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 38(5), pp. 575-580. (10.1111/j.1469-7610.1997.tb01544.x)
- Noble, M., Cheung, S. Y., Smith, G. and Smith, T. 1995. Using census data to predict income support dependency. Policy and Politics 23(4), pp. 327-333. (10.1332/030557395782200572)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Heath, A. 1994. After care: the education and occupation of adults who have been in care. Oxford Review of Education 20(3), pp. 361-374. (10.1080/0305498940200309)
- Jing, Y., Bailey, G. A., Cheung, S. Y., Griffiths, L. J. and Scourfield, J. 2024. Ethnic disproportionality in the child welfare system: a Welsh linked administrative data study for 2011–2020. The British Journal of Social Work 54(8), pp. 3568-3589. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae117)
- Warner, N., Jing, Y., Scourfield, J., Cannings-John, R., Cheung, S. Y. and John, A. 2024. The inter-relationship between parental problems and ethnic background: How do they impact on entry into local authority care?. The British Journal of Social Work, article number: bcae201. (10.1093/bjsw/bcae201)
- Irfan, M., Buckley, K., Cheung, S. Y., Lewis, J., Koj, A. and Thomas, H. 2023. Mapping social capital across Wales (UK) using secondary data and spatial analysis. SN Social Sciences 3, article number: 56. (10.1007/s43545-023-00639-1)
- Woodward, K., Bradby, H., Jasso, G. and Cheung, S. Y. 2022. Editorial: Lessons from COVID-19: Building a fairer, healthier, inclusive and sustainable post-pandemic society. Frontiers in Sociology 7, article number: 1100563. (10.3389/fsoc.2022.1100563)
- Kesler, C. and Cheung, S. Y. 2022. Editorial: racial and ethnic inequality in an age of populist nationalism. Frontiers in Sociology 7, article number: 1026335. (10.3389/fsoc.2022.1026335)
- Salata, A. and Cheung, S. Y. 2022. Positional education and intergenerational status transmission in Brazil. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 77, article number: 100671. (10.1016/j.rssm.2021.100671)
- Phillimore, J. and Cheung, S. Y. 2021. The violence of uncertainty: empirical evidence on how asylum waiting time undermines refugee health. Social Science & Medicine 282, article number: 114154. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114154)
- Zhang, M. L., Boyd, A., Cheung, S. Y., Sharland, E. and Scourfield, J. 2020. Social work contact in a UK cohort study: under-reporting, predictors of contact and the emotional and behavioural problems of children. Children and Youth Services Review 115, article number: 105071. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105071)
- Cheung, S. Y. 2019. Lessons from an old second generation in the US: fresh evidence on assimilation theories. Ethnic and Racial Studies 42(13), pp. 2285-2290. (10.1080/01419870.2019.1627477)
- Lauder, H., Brown, P. and Cheung, S. Y. 2018. Fractures in the education-economy relationship: the end of the skill bias technological change research programme?. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 34(3), pp. 495-515. (10.1093/oxrep/gry008)
- Zhang, M., Scourfield, J., Cheung, S. Y. and Sharland, E. 2018. Comparing fathers and mothers who have social work contact: A research note. Social Work Research 42(2), pp. 131-136. (10.1093/swr/svx027)
- Zhang, M. L., Henderson, M., Cheung, S. Y., Scourfield, J. and Sharland, E. 2017. Predicting the recipients of social work support, and its impact on emotional and behavioural problems in early childhood. Child and Family Social Work 22(2), pp. 772-781. (10.1111/cfs.12294)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Phillimore, J. 2017. Gender and refugee integration: a quantitative analysis of integration and social policy outcomes. Journal of Social Policy 46(2), pp. 211-230. (10.1017/S0047279416000775)
- Sharland, E., Holland, P., Henderson, M., Zhang, M., Cheung, S. Y. and Scourfield, J. B. 2017. Assembling life history narratives from quantitative longitudinal panel data: what's the story for families using social work?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 20, pp. 667-679. (10.1080/13645579.2017.1279915)
- Henderson, M., Scourfield, J. B., Cheung, S. Y. and Sharland, E. 2016. Predictors of social service contact among teenagers in England. British Journal of Social Work 46(6), pp. 1485-1501. (10.1093/bjsw/bcv081)
- Bakker, L., Cheung, S. Y. and Phillimore, J. 2016. The asylum-integration paradox: comparing asylum support systems and refugee integration in the Netherlands and the UK. International Migration 54(4), pp. 118-132. (10.1111/imig.12251)
- Henderson, M., Scourfield, J., Cheung, S. Y., Sharland, E. and Sloan, L. 2016. The effects of social service contact on teenagers in England. Research on Social Work Practice 26(4), pp. 386-398. (10.1177/1049731514557363)
- Henderson, M., Cheung, S. Y., Sharland, E. and Scourfield, J. 2016. The outcomes of educational welfare officer contact in England. British Educational Research Journal 42(3), pp. 399-416. (10.1002/berj.3212)
- Williams, M. D., Sloan, L., Cheung, S. Y., Sutton, C., Stevens, S. and Runham, L. 2016. Can't count or won't count? Embedding quantitative methods in substantive sociology curricula: a quasi-experiment. Sociology 50(3), pp. 435-452. (10.1177/0038038515587652)
- Snipp, C. M. and Cheung, S. Y. 2016. Changes in racial and gender inequality since 1970. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 663(1), pp. 80-98. (10.1177/0002716215596959)
- Henderson, M., Cheung, S. Y., Sharland, E. and Scourfield, J. B. 2015. The effect of social work use on the mental health outcomes of parents and the life satisfaction of children in Britain. Children and Youth Services Review 58, pp. 71-81. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2015.09.007)
- Phillimore, J. et al. 2015. Understanding healthcare practices in superdiverse neighbourhoods and developing the concept of welfare bricolage: protocol of a cross-national mixed-methods study. BMC International Health and Human Rights 15(16), pp. 1-8. (10.1186/s12914-015-0055-x)
- Scourfield, J., Cheung, S. Y. and Macdonald, G. 2014. Working with fathers to improve children's well-being: Results of a survey exploring service provision and intervention approach in the UK. Children and Youth Services Review 43, pp. 40-50. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.04.009)
- Cheung, S. Y. 2014. Ethno-religious minorities and labour market integration: generational advancement or decline?. Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(1), pp. 140-160. (10.1080/01419870.2013.808757)
- MacInnes, J. and Cheung, S. Y. 2013. Creating public attitudes to immigration by mis-counting. Discover Society 2, article number: 5 Nov 2013.
- Cheung, S. Y. and Phillimore, J. 2013. Refugees, social capital, and labour market integration in the UK. Sociology n/a (10.1177/0038038513491467)
- Gerber, T. P. and Cheung, S. Y. 2008. Horizontal stratification in postsecondary education: forms, explanations and implications. Annual Review of Sociology 34, pp. 299-318. (10.1146/annurev.soc.34.040507.134604)
- van de Werfhorst, H. G., Sullivan, A. and Cheung, S. Y. 2003. Social class, ability and choice of subject in secondary and tertiary education in Britain. British Educational Research Journal 29(1), pp. 41-62. (10.1080/0141192032000057366)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Andersen, R. 2003. Time to read: the impact of family resources on educational outcomes. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 34, pp. 412-434.
- Chan, A. H. N. and Cheung, S. Y. 2001. The equalizing effects of education on gender differences in occupational attainment in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Sociology 2, pp. 177-206.
- Noble, M., Cheung, S. Y. and Smith, G. 1998. Origins and destinations: social security claimants dynamics?. Journal of Social Policy 27(3), pp. 351-369.
- Cheung, S. Y. and Buchanan, A. 1997. Malaise scores in adulthood of children and young people who have been in care. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 38(5), pp. 575-580. (10.1111/j.1469-7610.1997.tb01544.x)
- Noble, M., Cheung, S. Y., Smith, G. and Smith, T. 1995. Using census data to predict income support dependency. Policy and Politics 23(4), pp. 327-333. (10.1332/030557395782200572)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Heath, A. 1994. After care: the education and occupation of adults who have been in care. Oxford Review of Education 20(3), pp. 361-374. (10.1080/0305498940200309)
Book sections
- Phillimore, J., Grzymala-Kazlowska, A. and Cheung, S. Y. 2017. Voluntary action for asylum seeker and refugee integration. In: Heath, A. ed. If you could do one thing: 10 local actions to promote social integration. London: British Academy, pp. 19-25.
- Brown, P., Cheung, S. Y. and Lauder, H. 2015. Beyond a human capital approach to education and the labour market: the case for industrial policy. In: Bailey, D., Cowling, K. and Tomlinson, P. eds. New Perspectives on Industrial Policy for a Modern Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 206-224., (10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198706205.003.0011)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Heath, A. F. 2007. Nice work if you can get it: ethnic minority disadvantage in Great Britain. In: Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. eds. Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy, pp. 507-550.
- Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. 2007. The comparative study of ethnic minority disadvantage?. In: Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. eds. Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy, pp. 1-44.
- Cheung, S. Y. and Egerton, M. 2007. Higher Education expansion and reform: changing educational inequalities in Great Britain. In: Shavit, Y., Arum, R. and Gamoran, A. eds. Stratification in Higher Education: A Comparative Study. California: Stanford University Press, pp. 195-219.
- Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. 1998. Education and occupation in Britain. In: Shavit, Y., Muller, W. and Tame, C. eds. From School to Work: A Comparative Study of Educational Qualifications and Occupational Destinations. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 71-102.
- Brown, P., Lauder, H. and Cheung, S. Y. 2020. The death of human capital? Its failed promise and how to renew it in an age of disruption. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780190644307.001.0001)
- Cheung, S. Y. and Xiao, L. eds. 2019. Social policy and local governance: developments in Europe and China (社会政策与地方治理:欧洲和中国的经验). Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
- Heath, A. F. and Cheung, S. Y. eds. 2007. Unequal chances: ethnic minorities in Western labour markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press/British Academy.
- Jing, Y., Cheung, S. Y., Griffiths, L. and Scourfield, J. 2023. Trends in ethnic inequality in child welfare interventions in Wales, 2010-2021. Presented at: ADR UK Conference 2023: Public Data for Resilience and Inclusion, Birmingham, UK, 14-16 November 2023, Vol. 8. Vol. 2. pp. 121., (10.23889/ijpds.v8i2.2336)
- Cheung, S. Y. 2014. Migration statistics: What can the data tell us? [Invited seminar]. Presented at: getstats in Parliament: Migration Statistics what the data tell us?, Houses of Parliament, 4 December 2014.
- Cheung, S. Y. and Henderson, M. 2014. Outcomes of Educational Welfare Officer contact with teenagers in England [Invited Seminar]. Presented at: Research Seminar, Institute for Economic and Social Research, University of Essex, UK, 17 November 2014.
- 2019. New perspectives on welfare and governance in contemporary China. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/node/15362
- Cheung, S. Y. and Mckay, S. 2010. Training and progression in the labour market. Department for Work and Pensions, HMSO. Available at: http://research.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rports2009-2010/rrep680.pdf
- Heath, A. and Cheung, S. Y. 2006. Ethnic penalties in the labour market: employers and discrimination. Project Report. [Online]. Leeds: Crown Copyright. Available at: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130128102031/http://statistics.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rports2005-2006/rrep341.pdf
- Noble, M., Smith, G. and Cheung, S. Y. 1998. Lone mothers moving in and out of benefits. Working paper. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/spr458.pdf
- Cheung, S. Y. and Phillimore, J. 2014. Integrating refugees into the UK labour market requires shifting focus away from social networks towards language and dispersal policy. [Online]. Vol. 30 Jul. London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/integrating-refugees-labour-role-of-social-network/
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Mae ymchwil presennol Sin Yi yn archwilio anghydraddoldebau ethnig a chrefyddol ymhlith plant sy'n derbyn cymorth gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, eu canlyniadau addysgol a'u defnydd o wasanaethau iechyd (a ariennir gan Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru). Mae ei gwaith diweddaraf yn cynnwys dadansoddiad manwl o sut mae amser aros am loches yn creu trais o ansicrwydd sy'n tanseilio iechyd meddwl ffoaduriaid yn ddifrifol (yn y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Meddygaeth); a chanlyniadau ymyrraeth gwaith cymdeithasol ymhlith teuluoedd bregus. Mae monograff ymchwil The Death of Human Capital with Brown a Lauder yn herio'n uniongyrchol y rhagdybiaeth bod addysg yn talu. Mae ei phrosiectau ymchwil diweddar eraill yn amrywio o astudiaeth gymharol drawswladol o ddefnydd gwasanaethau iechyd mewn cymdogaethau goramrywiol (a ariennir gan NORFACE, gyda Phillimore, Prifysgol Birmingham); haeniad llorweddol mewn addysg uwch; i ddau brosiect ymchwil a ariennir gan Sefydliad Nuffield: Cyswllt Gwaith Cymdeithasol gan ddefnyddio astudiaethau carfan Prydain (gyda Scourfield) yn ymchwilio i effaith ymyrraeth gwaith cymdeithasol ar deuluoedd a phlant; ac integreiddio Rhwydweithiau Cymdeithasol, Cyfalaf Cymdeithasol a Ffoaduriaid (gyda Phillimore); a phrosiect cyflog cyfartal arloesol sy'n defnyddio dadansoddi data eilaidd i astudio cosb cyflog menywod yng Nghymru (WAVE: Women Adding Value to the Economy) a ariennir gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop.
Mae Sin Yi yn croesawu ceisiadau PhD ar bynciau sy'n ymwneud ag unrhyw feysydd o'i diddordebau ymchwil ar fudo, integreiddio ffoaduriaid, anghydraddoldebau ethnig a chrefyddol hiliol, yn ogystal â chymdeithaseg addysg ac anghydraddoldebau rhwng y farchnad lafur.
Rwy'n mwynhau dysgu cyrsiau ar lefel israddedig a meistr a goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD hefyd. Mae'r modiwlau UG yr wyf yn eu cynnull / dysgu yn cynnwys Dadansoddi Data Eilaidd; Mudo 'hil' a chysylltiadau ethnig; Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth mewn Addysg a Gwaith.
Sin Yi was a Swire scholar at St Antony's College, Oxford, where she obtained her D.Phil. in sociology. During her doctoral study, she also worked as a research officer at the Social Disadvantage Research Centre, Department of Social Policy at Oxford University. Before becoming a full-time academic, she spent two years working in the Chief Executive Department at Oxford City Council where she led a team promoting the use of evidence-based research in policy decisions in local government. Sin Yi$acirc; s research addresses different forms of social inequalities, primarily in Britain but also in comparative perspectives. She has published on changing inequalities in higher education, ethnic disadvantage in the labour market, lone parents on benefits, claimants$acirc; dynamics, children in care, refugee integration and ethnic and racial inequalities. Over the years she has received numerous research funding from the British Academy, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Leverhulme Trust, the Nuffield Foundation, as well as central government departments (Department for Work and Pensions) and local authorities (Oxford City Council). Internationally, Sin Yi has been invited to many universities as a visiting faculty including Wisconsin-Madison, UCLA, and Stanford University. In addition to regular invitations within the UK, she has given invited seminars in many universities abroad such as Aarhus University, Brno University, University of Illinois Chicago, Stanford University, ECOMER (The European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Utrecht University) and Lingnan University, Hong Kong. Sin Yi sits on many international funding panels and is a regular assessor and rapporteur for grant applications for Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), European Science Foundation (European Collaborative Research Programme), and Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Nationally, she also gets invited to give research evidence on ethnic inequalities in the labour market to government departments including the Social Exclusion Unit, the Cabinet Office and the Office for Deputy Prime Minister. She is currently a member of the ESRC$acirc; s Peer Review College. Before joining Cardiff, she taught sociology at Oxford Brookes University, and University of Birmingham where she was the Director of the MA in Social Research/doctoral training programme in the College of Social Sciences, prior to Birmingham gaining the Doctoral Training Centre status. Twitter: Follow me @drsinyicheung Member of the ESRC Peer Review CollegeInternational Profile and External Activities
Editorial Board Sociology of Education, American Sociological Association
Editorial Board, Sociology, British Sociological Association
External Faculty Fellow, Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University, USA (2010-11)
Visiting Fellow, European University Institute (EUI), Fiesole, Italy (Summer 2008)
Honorary Fellow, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 2005-06.
Visiting Scholar, California Center for Population Research (CCPR) and the Department of Sociology, University of California Los Angeles. USA. 2005-06.
Research Group: WELM
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Gwobrau Cyfraniad Eithriadol 2015
Gwobrau Dathlu Rhagoriaeth 2017 rownd derfynol: Cyfraniad Eithriadol i Weithgareddau Rhyngwladol y Brifysgol.
JSPS (Cymdeithas Japan ar gyfer Hyrwyddo Gwyddoniaeth) Cymrodoriaeth Gwahoddiad ym Mhrifysgol Tokyo (2017)
Athro Gwadd Byd-eang, Prifysgol Keio, a ariennir gan JSPS (2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2023-2024)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society
American Sociological Association
British Sociological Association
European Sociological Association, Research Network on Quantitative Methods (RN21)
International Sociology Association (ISA): Research Committee on Social Stratification and Social Mobility (RC28)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Grŵp Ymchwil Ymfudo, Ethnigrwydd, Hil ac Amrywiaeth (MEAD)
- Golygydd-yn-Bennaf, Frontiers in Sociology (Hil ac Ethnigrwydd)
- Bwrdd Cynghori NCRM (y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Dulliau Ymchwil)
- Panel Cynghori Arbenigol EHRC (Comisiwn Cydraddoldeb a Hawliau Dynol)
- Coleg Adolygu gan Gymheiriaid ESRC
- Gweithgor Staff Cydraddoldeb Hil, Ymddiddan Caerdydd (2014-2020)
- Gweithgor Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant REF
- Grŵp Llywio Cyswllt Academaidd Rhyngwladol, AHSS. (2014-2017)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu ymgeiswyr PhD yn unrhyw un o feysydd ymchwil eang ymfudo, ceiswyr lloches ac integreiddio ffoaduriaid, anghydraddoldebau ethnig, hiliol a chrefyddol, cymdeithaseg addysg, haeniad cymdeithasol, ac anghydraddoldebau rhwng y farchnad lafur.
Myfyrwyr PhD a ariennir gan ESRC:
- Henna Nisa (Llwybr Cymdeithaseg) "Gwneud Merch mewn teuluoedd Pacistanaidd: newidiadau a pharhad ar draws tair cenhedlaeth o fenywod"
- Anaer Yeerjiang (Llwybr Hyfforddiant Ieithyddol) "Pobl dduon, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig a'r gweithlu proffesiynol: y berthynas rhwng gweithluoedd rhyngblethol amrywiol a gwerthfawrogiad o amrywiaeth yn Ysgolion Cymru (a ariennir ar y cyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, gyda Michael Handford yn yr Ysgol Cyfathrebu Saesneg ac Athroniaeth).
- Luret Lar (Llwybr Polisi Cymdeithasol) "Trais yn erbyn menywod a merched mudol heb unrhyw hawl i Gronfa Gyhoeddus".
- Kemba Hadaway-Morgan (Gwaith Cymdeithasol)
- Myfanwy Bowring (EdD)
- Elsie Owusu-Kumi (EdD)
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Cymdeithaseg economaidd,
- Ymfudo
- Anghydraddoldebau ethnig a hiliol
- Cymdeithaseg addysg
- Y farchnad lafur