Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Teena Clouston

Yr Athro Teena Clouston

Athro - Therapi Galwedigaethol

Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Research Interests

My research interests are focused on how living a more balanced lifestyle can reduce the stress and pressures of our modern lifestyles and enhance individual, family, community and social resilience and wellbeing. I am also interested in the cultures of paid work; professionalisation and professional identity in health and social care and problem based learning.

Key Publications

Clouston TJ et al (2010) (Eds) Problem-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, Oxford, Blackwell-Wiley

Clouston TJ (2010) Interweaving the Strands of Thinking in Problem-based Learning, in Problem-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, Oxford, Blackwell-Wiley, 203-214

Whitcombe SW, Clouston TJ (2010) A reflexive model for problem-based learning in TJ Clouston et al (Eds) Problem Based Learning in Health and Social Care, Oxford, Blackwell-Wiley, 115-124

Clouston TJ, Whitcombe SW (2008) The Professionalization of Occupational Therapy:   A Continuing Challenge. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71, 8, 314-320

Clouston TJ, Westcott L (2005) Health and Social Care: An Introduction for Allied Health Professionals, London, Elsevier.

Key Projects

Occupational Therapy in Social Care in England: Workforce Sustainability and Practice Development in Adult Services.
























Adrannau llyfrau


  • Randløv, B. et al. 2004. Occupational Science. Copenhagen: European Network of Occupational Therapy Education.






My PhD study focussed on the influence of organisational workplace cultures on employee work-life balance.


In my present role I teach across all levels of higher education from level 4 - 8. I also work on producing learning resources and opportunities for students and educators, the wider health and social care workforce, the professon of occupational therapy and the general public.

Resources and publications developed for teaching, learning and continuous professional development for students, educators, professionals and general public:

Clouston TJ, Latham-Hastings G, Ferriday R. 2018. Becoming a caring & compassionate practitioner in health and social care practice. Online resource: https://caringpractitioner.wordpress.com/

Clouston TJ 2012. Living life in balance. https://teenaclouston.wordpress.com/

Quality Indicators Expert Working Group. 2018. Report on WFOT Quality indicators project phase II. World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT), Australia

Royal College of Occupational Therapists in Education (RCOTED) sustainability policy development (addressing sustainable development in the OT curriculum ) OT Educators sustainability working group report for COTED meeting 14/3/17

Buchanan H, Bumin G, CloustonTJ et al. 2016. Practice development programme:quality indicators project. World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Australia

Modernising allied health professions’ careers in Wales: A post registration framework. 2016. WEDs (All Wales Steering Group) (launched October 2016) http://gov.wales/docs/phhs/publications/160926postregistrationframeworken.pdf

Increasing understanding and uptake of advanced decisions in Wales. 2016. Public Policy Institute for Wales (published January 2016) (consultation member: see http://cdoc.org.uk/news-2015/

Social media and professionalism packages (Cardiff University) (launched Sept 2016)

  1. Fitness to practise: https://xerte.cardiff.ac.uk/play_3981
  2. Multi-disciplinary team working: https://xerte.cardiff.ac.uk/play_4070
  3. Social media: https://xerte.cardiff.ac.uk/play_4275
  4. Professionalism: https://xerte.cardiff.ac.uk/play_4271

Alsaker S, Clouston TJ, Erlandsson LK, Ness NE, Persson D, Piskur B, Randløv B, Wright J, 2004. Occupational science learnig reources, European Network of Occupational Therapy Education. Online available www.enothe.hva.nl/cer/os.htm

Clouston TJ, Westcott L, Whitcombe S. 2003. Mental health learning and teaching in occupational therapy. Mental Health in Higher Education, ILTSN. Online available www.mhhe.ltsn.ac.uk/resources/occtherapy.asp

As vice chair and acting chair of the Occupational Science Europe Exective committee I established this group in Europe and organised 3 international conferences in Occupational Science in Europe. The following media resources were also developed:

  1. Mail- occupationalscienceeurope@gmail.com
  2. Blog- http://occupationalscienceeurope.wordpress.com/
  3. Twitter- @OSEurope https://twitter.com/oseurope
  4. Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/OSEurope
  5. LinkedIN– Occupational Science Europe https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4119167


Previous Work Experience

Ten years comprehensive experience in strategic and operational leadership roles in the NHS in England and Wales.

Research (funded by Welcome Foundation): Management of seizure control for people with epilepsy (drug trials and stress management/CBT/brief therapy techniques), Aston University, Birmingham.

Thirteen years of clinical experience in a variety of clinical settings including mental health, primary care, learning disabilities, neurology and ten years experience in counselling in various settings, with particular interest in working with survivors of child sexual abuse, stress and anxiety, brief therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy.

External Academic Work

2012-ongoing Vice Chair of the Occupational Science Europe Group

2008-ongoing Reviewer for Public Health Board Research Proposals

2008-present Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Further and Higher Education

2006-2009 Member to the Awards Panel, College of Occupational Therapists, London

2005-present Reviewer for the Journal of Further and Higher Education

2003-present College of Occupational Therapists Accreditor

2003-present Reviewer for the British Journal of Occupational Therapy

2005-2008 Member of the Research & Development Board, College of Occupational Therapists, London

2008 Reviewer for Council of Occupational Therapists for European Communities Congress (COTEC), Hamburg.

2006 Reviewer for the World federation of Occupational Therapists Conference, Australia

2005 Reviewer for Department of Health Long Term Neurological Conditions Research Initiative (LTNCRI)

2005 Peer Reviewer for The Health Foundation - Leading Practice through Research

2004 Contributor to the National Institute Depression and Anxiety Guidelines (College of Occupational Therapists)

2003-2005 Member of the European Network of Occupational Therapists in Education Occupational Science Group

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

Fellow of Higher Education Academy

Chair and Secretary of the Occupational Science Research Committee

UK member of the WFOT Expert Quality Indicators working group

UK member of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT)  Quality Indicators project (2014-2016)

Vice Chair and Chair of the Occupational Science Europe Executive Committee (2011-2017) (6 year tenure).

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

Member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapists

Registered with Health and Care Professions Council

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

Grant Reviewer, Public Health Board Research Proposals & NIHR

Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Further and Higher Education

Editor Critical Studies in Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science Series

Journal reviewer: Journal of Occupational Science, Journal of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, Journal of Sociology of Social Policy, Journal of Further and Higher Education, British Journal of Occupational Therapy

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

I am interested supervising PhD students in the following areas:

1) Work-life balance and meaningin in life particularly the impact of neoliberalism and performaty. Work cultures and its impact on stress, work-life balance, caring values and compassion in the workplace.

2) Occupational science, wellbeing, occupational meaning, occupational balance, pofessionalism

3) Education including problem based learning, inquiry based learning, appreciative inquiry and caring values and compassion

4) Methods include phenomenology, interpretive phencomenoligcal analysis, narrative analaysis, conversation and discourse analysis.

Current students

Janice Waters - An interpretive phenomenological analysis to uncover the human meanings that schools attribute to their experiences of responding to sexually harmful behaviours in children and young people.

Marianne HarmerExploring the well-being of hybrid managers in a NHS trust: An interpretive phenomenological analysis

Sherran Milton - An Interpretive phenomenological analysis exploring value-based recruitment through the students’ personal meaning of care and professional values

Bethan Mair Edwards - Integration across the acute inpatient, community health and social care interface: Developing an occupational therapy home discharge and readmission prevention intervention for older people who have dementia.

Contact Details

Email CloustonTJ@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29206 87759
Campuses Tŷ Dewi Sant, Ystafell 3.22, Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4XN