Yr Athro Marcus Coffey
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Timau a rolau for Marcus Coffey
Cadeirydd Personol
Rwy'n Athro Addysg Feddygol ac rwy'n addysgu pwnc Ffarmacoleg i'n hisraddedigion ar y rhaglen radd Meddygaeth (MBBCh).
Mae deall sut mae cyffuriau'n gweithio yn elfen hanfodol o hyfforddi meddygon i ddod yn rhagnodwyr diogel.
Er mwyn helpu ein myfyrwyr i ddysgu am y cyffuriau y gellir eu defnyddio ar draws yr holl arbenigeddau meddygol a gwmpesir yn y cwrs, rwy'n defnyddio ystod o dechnegau addysgu sy'n helpu i esbonio effeithiau cyffuriau. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyd-destunoli'r defnydd o feddyginiaethau sy'n targedu system benodol (neu feinwe) o fewn y corff dynol; felly rwy'n creu deunyddiau addysgu trochol sy'n cwmpasu popeth o gardioleg i imiwnoleg i seiciatreg... A phopeth yn y canol!
Rwyf wedi ennill nifer o wobrau am fy dulliau arloesol o addysgu, ac mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn creu Adnoddau e-Ddysgu rhyngweithiol, wedi'u hanimeiddio ac ysgogi'n weledol y gall Myfyrwyr Meddygol eu defnyddio i wella eu gwybodaeth am faes pwnc penodol.
Gellir gweld rhai enghreifftiau o'r mathau o adnoddau dysgu ac addysgu rwy'n eu creu drwy glicio ar unrhyw un o'r dolenni isod:
Enghraifft 1 (Cyffuriau Analgesig)
Enghraifft 2 (Ymddygiad Cardiaidd)
Enghraifft 3 (Echel Cardiaidd)
Enghraifft 4 (microbioleg sylfaenol)
Rwy'n Uwch Gymrawd Addysg Uwch.
Rwyf hefyd yn Ddirprwy Gyfarwyddwr 'HIVE' (Canolfan Addysg ac Arloesi Digidol yr Ysgol Meddygaeth)
- Hassoulas, A., Powell, N., Roberts, L., Umla-Runge, K., Gray, L. and Coffey, M. 2023. Investigating marker accuracy in differentiating between university scripts written by students and those produced using ChatGPT. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching 6(2) (10.37074/jalt.2023.6.2.13)
- Hassoulas, A., de Almeida, A., West, H., Abdelrazek, M. and Coffey, M. J. 2023. Developing a personalised, evidence-based and inclusive learning (PEBIL) model of blended learning: A cross-sectional survey. Education and Information Technologies (10.1007/s10639-023-11770-0)
- Hassoulas, A., De Almeida, A. and Coffey, M. 2023. Developing a Personalised, Evidence-Based and Inclusive Learning (PEBIL) model of blended learning. Presented at: AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference 2023, Keele, UK, 4-6 July 2023. Springer, (10.1007/s10639-023-11770-0)
- Bunni, J., Coffey, J. C. and Kalady, M. F. 2020. Resectional surgery for malignant disease of abdominal digestive organs is not surgery of the organ itself, but also that of the mesenteric organ. Techniques in Coloproctology 24(7), pp. 757-760. (10.1007/s10151-020-02197-7)
- Newton, Z. and Coffey, M. 2018. Case writing workshop. Presented at: Centre for Medical Education, Queen?s University Belfast Curriculum Showcase, Queen's University Belfast, 2018. pp. -.
- Coffey, M. and Newton, Z. 2016. Medic case based learning (CBL) and how it enhances educator practice. Presented at: Centre for Education Innovation?s annual learning and teaching Conference, Cardiff University, 2016. pp. -.
- Newton, Z., Coffey, M. and Riley, S. 2016. Large cohort case based learning: the balanced Goldilocks conundrum. Presented at: AMEE, Barcelona, 28/08/16. pp. -.
- Maskrey, B. H. et al. 2009. Activated platelets and monocytes generate four hydroxyphosphatidylethanolamines via lipoxygenase [Addition]. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284(37), pp. 25460. (10.1074/jbc.A611776200)
- Williams, P. C. et al. 2005. In vivo aspirin supplementation inhibits nitric oxide consumption by human platelets. Blood 106(8), pp. 2737-2743. (10.1182/blood-2005-02-0664)
- Clark, S. R., Anning, P. B., Coffey, M. J., Roberts, A. G., Marnett, L. J. and O'Donnell, V. B. 2005. Depletion of iNOS-derived nitric oxide by prostaglandin H synthase-2 in inflammation-activated J774.2 macrophages through lipohydroperoxidase turnover. Biochemical Journal 385(3), pp. 815-821. (10.1042/BJ20041353)
- Coffey, M. J., Coles, B., Locke, M., Bermudez-Fajardo, A., Williams, P. C., Jarvis, G. E. and O'Donnell, V. B. 2004. Interactions of 12-lipoxygenase with phospholipase A2 isoforms following platelet activation through the glycoprotein VI collagen receptor. FEBS Letters 576(1-2), pp. 165-168. (10.1016/j.febslet.2004.09.007)
- Coffey, M. J., Jarvis, G. E., Gibbins, J. M., Coles, B., Barrett, N. E., Wylie, O. R. and O'Donnell, V. B. 2004. Platelet 12-lipoxygenase activation via glycoprotein VI: involvement of multiple signaling pathways in agonist control of H(P)ETE synthesis. Circulation Research 94(12), pp. 1598-1605. (10.1161/01.RES.0000132281.78948.65)
- Clark, S. R., Coffey, M. J., McLean, R. M., Collins, P. W., Lewis, M. J., Cross, A. R. and O'Donnell, V. B. 2002. Characterization of nitric oxide consumption pathways by normal, chronic granulomatous disease and myeloperoxidase-deficient human neutrophils. The Journal of Immunology 169(10), pp. 5889-5896.
- Coffey, M. J. et al. 2001. Catalytic consumption of nitric oxide by 12/15- lipoxygenase: inhibition of monocyte soluble guanylate cyclase activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) ISSN 1091-6490 98(14), pp. 8006-8011. (10.1073/pnas.141136098)
- Hassoulas, A., Powell, N., Roberts, L., Umla-Runge, K., Gray, L. and Coffey, M. 2023. Investigating marker accuracy in differentiating between university scripts written by students and those produced using ChatGPT. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching 6(2) (10.37074/jalt.2023.6.2.13)
- Hassoulas, A., de Almeida, A., West, H., Abdelrazek, M. and Coffey, M. J. 2023. Developing a personalised, evidence-based and inclusive learning (PEBIL) model of blended learning: A cross-sectional survey. Education and Information Technologies (10.1007/s10639-023-11770-0)
- Bunni, J., Coffey, J. C. and Kalady, M. F. 2020. Resectional surgery for malignant disease of abdominal digestive organs is not surgery of the organ itself, but also that of the mesenteric organ. Techniques in Coloproctology 24(7), pp. 757-760. (10.1007/s10151-020-02197-7)
- Maskrey, B. H. et al. 2009. Activated platelets and monocytes generate four hydroxyphosphatidylethanolamines via lipoxygenase [Addition]. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284(37), pp. 25460. (10.1074/jbc.A611776200)
- Williams, P. C. et al. 2005. In vivo aspirin supplementation inhibits nitric oxide consumption by human platelets. Blood 106(8), pp. 2737-2743. (10.1182/blood-2005-02-0664)
- Clark, S. R., Anning, P. B., Coffey, M. J., Roberts, A. G., Marnett, L. J. and O'Donnell, V. B. 2005. Depletion of iNOS-derived nitric oxide by prostaglandin H synthase-2 in inflammation-activated J774.2 macrophages through lipohydroperoxidase turnover. Biochemical Journal 385(3), pp. 815-821. (10.1042/BJ20041353)
- Coffey, M. J., Coles, B., Locke, M., Bermudez-Fajardo, A., Williams, P. C., Jarvis, G. E. and O'Donnell, V. B. 2004. Interactions of 12-lipoxygenase with phospholipase A2 isoforms following platelet activation through the glycoprotein VI collagen receptor. FEBS Letters 576(1-2), pp. 165-168. (10.1016/j.febslet.2004.09.007)
- Coffey, M. J., Jarvis, G. E., Gibbins, J. M., Coles, B., Barrett, N. E., Wylie, O. R. and O'Donnell, V. B. 2004. Platelet 12-lipoxygenase activation via glycoprotein VI: involvement of multiple signaling pathways in agonist control of H(P)ETE synthesis. Circulation Research 94(12), pp. 1598-1605. (10.1161/01.RES.0000132281.78948.65)
- Clark, S. R., Coffey, M. J., McLean, R. M., Collins, P. W., Lewis, M. J., Cross, A. R. and O'Donnell, V. B. 2002. Characterization of nitric oxide consumption pathways by normal, chronic granulomatous disease and myeloperoxidase-deficient human neutrophils. The Journal of Immunology 169(10), pp. 5889-5896.
- Coffey, M. J. et al. 2001. Catalytic consumption of nitric oxide by 12/15- lipoxygenase: inhibition of monocyte soluble guanylate cyclase activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) ISSN 1091-6490 98(14), pp. 8006-8011. (10.1073/pnas.141136098)
- Hassoulas, A., De Almeida, A. and Coffey, M. 2023. Developing a Personalised, Evidence-Based and Inclusive Learning (PEBIL) model of blended learning. Presented at: AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference 2023, Keele, UK, 4-6 July 2023. Springer, (10.1007/s10639-023-11770-0)
- Newton, Z. and Coffey, M. 2018. Case writing workshop. Presented at: Centre for Medical Education, Queen?s University Belfast Curriculum Showcase, Queen's University Belfast, 2018. pp. -.
- Coffey, M. and Newton, Z. 2016. Medic case based learning (CBL) and how it enhances educator practice. Presented at: Centre for Education Innovation?s annual learning and teaching Conference, Cardiff University, 2016. pp. -.
- Newton, Z., Coffey, M. and Riley, S. 2016. Large cohort case based learning: the balanced Goldilocks conundrum. Presented at: AMEE, Barcelona, 28/08/16. pp. -.
I teach extensively on the following programmes of study:
MBBCh (UCAS: A100/ A101)
Medical Pharmacology BSc (UCAS: B210)
I have a particular interest in teaching cardiovascular pharmacology
Contact Details
Prif Adeilad yr Ysbyty, Llawr 2il lawr (coridor cyswllt A-B cefn), Ystafell 2B 15, Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4XN
Themâu ymchwil
- Meddygaeth foleciwlaidd