Dr Diana Contreras Mojica
Darlithydd mewn Gwyddorau Geo-ofodol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n wyddonydd ac yn ymarferydd o Colombia gyda phrofiad yn y byd academaidd a'r sector cyhoeddus a phreifat yng Ngholombia, yr Iseldiroedd, Awstria, yr Eidal, Chile, a'r Deyrnas Unedig (DU). Fy niddordebau ymchwil yw:
- Gwyddorau gwybodaeth ddaearyddol (GIS)
- Rheoli trychinebau
- Rhagchwilio daeargryn
- Prosesu iaith naturiol (NLP)
- Anghydraddoldeb gofal iechyd a chyfiawnder cymdeithasol
- Asesiad bregusrwydd
- Cydnerthedd
- Addasiad newid hinsawdd
- Moeseg mewn ymchwil
- Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant (EDI)
- Al Bahri, J. et al. 2024. Clay mineral geochemistry and paleoenvironmental reconstruction across the Cryogenian Sturtian Snowball glaciation. Precambrian Research 410, article number: 107498. (10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107498)
- Contreras, D., Bhamidipati, S. and Wilkinson, S. 2023. Social vulnerability and spatial inequality in access to healthcare facilities: the case of the Santiago Metropolitan Region (RMS), Chile. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 90, article number: 101735. (10.1016/j.seps.2023.101735)
- Feliciano, D., Arroyo, O., Cabrera, T., Contreras, D., Valcárcel Torres, J. A. and Gómez Zapata, J. C. 2023. Seismic risk scenarios for the residential buildings in the Sabana Centro province in Colombia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23(5), pp. 1863-1890. (10.5194/nhess-23-1863-2023)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Alterman, E. and Hervás, J. 2022. Accuracy of a pre-trained sentiment analysis (SA) classification model on tweets related to emergency response and early recovery assessment: the case of 2019 Albanian earthquake. Natural Hazards 113, pp. 403-421. (10.1007/s11069-022-05307-w)
- Aktas, Y. et al. 2022. Hybrid reconnaissance mission to the 30 October 2020 Aegean sea earthquake and tsunami (Izmir, Turkey & Samos, Greece): description of data collection methods and damage. Frontiers in Built Environment 8, article number: 840192. (10.3389/fbuil.2022.840192)
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2022. Learning about post-disaster phases via ludic activities: a case study of Santiago, Chile. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 72, article number: 102842. (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102842)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Didem Aktas, Y., Fallou, L., Bossu, R. and Landès, M. 2022. Intensity-based sentiment and topic analysis. The case of the 2020 Aegean Earthquake. Frontiers in Built Environment 8, article number: 839770. (10.3389/fbuil.2022.839770)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N. and James, P. 2022. Assessing post-disaster recovery using sentiment analysis: The case of L’Aquila, Italy. Earthquake Spectra 38(1), pp. 81-108. (10.1177/87552930211036486)
- Pavón Cevallos, F. M. and Contreras Mojica, D. M. 2021. Análisis estadístico de simulaciones numéricas de dispersión y caída de ceniza del volcán Cayambe para la determinación de afectación en el sector florícola, Cantón Cayambe, Ecuador. [Translated title: Statistical analysis of numerical simulations of dispersion and ash fall from the Cayambe volcano to determine the impact in the floricultural sector, Cantón Cayambe, in Ecuador]. Revista Cartográfica(104), pp. 63-86. (10.35424/rcarto.i104.885)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S. and James, P. 2021. Earthquake reconnaissance data sources, a literature review. Earth 2(4), pp. 1006-1037. (10.3390/earth2040060)
- Contreras Mojica, D. et al. 2021. Earthquake reconnaissance using social media and crowdsourcing platforms - extended version. Presented at: Workshop: Tools & Methods for Post Disaster Reconnaissance Missions, London, UK, 20 October 2021 Presented at Putrino, V. ed.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2021. Social media and crowdsourcing platforms in disaster management. Presented at: School Seminar Series, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 19 October 2021.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N. and James, P. 2021. Assessing post-disaster recovery using sentiment analysis (SA). The cases of L'Aquila (Italy), Chile and Haiti. Presented at: 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 27 Sepember - 02 October 2021 Presented at Toyooka, A. ed.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Alterman, E. and Hervás, J. 2021. Performance of a pre-trained sentiment analysis (SA) model on tweets related to emergency response and early recovery. The case of 2019 Albanian Earthquake. Presented at: 37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC 2021), Virtual, 19-24 September 2021.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Atkas, Y., Fallou, L., Bossu, R. and Landès, M. 2021. Intensity-based sentiment analysis. The 2020 Aegean earthquake.. Presented at: 37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC 2021), Athens, Greece, 19 - 24 September 2021.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2021. The role of social media and crowdsourcing platforms for emergency response and post-disaster recovery assessment. Presented at: Virtual capacity building workshop on regional spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for ECO countries, Islamabad, Pakistan, 13 -15 September 2021.
- Pavón Cevallos, F. M. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2021. Zonificación de la amenaza por dispersión y caída de ceniza del volcán Guagua Pichincha, Ecuador (Translated title: Hazard zoning due to the dispersion and fall of ash from the Guagua Pichincha volcano - Ecuador). Investigaciones Geográficas 105(August), article number: e60315. (10.14350/rig.60315)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N. and James, P. 2021. El rol de las redes sociales en la respuesta a emergencia y la recuperación post desastre (Translated title:The role of social media in the emergency response and post-disaster recovery). Presented at: Charla - Escuela de Ingenieria Civil, Valparaiso, Chile, 1 July 2021.
- Aktas, Y. D. et al. 2021. The Aegean earthquake and tsunami of 30 October 2020. A field report by EEFIT. IstructE. Available at: https://www.istructe.org/resources/report/eefit-mission-report-aegean-30-october-2020/
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Wilkinson, S. 2021. Field Investigation Missions - FTP site tutorial - external users. Manual. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle university.
- Contreras, D. et al. 2021. Assessing emergency response and early recovery using sentiment analysis. The case of Zagreb, Croatia. Presented at: 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE 2021), Zagreb, Croatia, 22-24 March 2021. pp. 743-752., (10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.123)
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2020. Learning from Earthquakes. [Online]. Newcastle University. Available at: https://research.ncl.ac.uk/learningfromearthquakes/
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N. and James, P. 2020. Social media in emergency management and post-disaster recovery. Presented at: 2020 International Conference on Science in Engineering and Technology (ICOSIET), Palu, Indonesia, 21-22 October 2020 Presented at Mardin, R. and Kasim, A. eds.
- So, E. et al. 2020. The Zagreb Earthquake of 22 March 2020. Newcastle, UK: EEFIT. Available at: https://research.ncl.ac.uk/learningfromearthquakes/outputs/So%20et%20al_2020_%20The%20Zagreb%20earthquake%20of%2022%20March%202020_compressed.pdf
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wikinson, S., Balan, N., Phengsuwan, J. and James, P. 2020. Assessing post-disaster recovery using sentiment analysis. The case of L'Aquila, Haiti, Chile and Canterbury. Presented at: 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 20 September - 2 October 2021.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Chamorro, A. and Wilkinson, S. 2020. Review article: The spatial dimension in the assessment of urban socio-economic vulnerability related to geohazards. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20(6), pp. 1663-1687. (10.5194/nhess-20-1663-2020)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Voets, A., Junghardt, J., Bhamidipati, S. and Contreras, S. 2020. The drivers of child mortality during the 2012-2016 drought in La Guajira, Colombia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 11(1), pp. 87-104. (10.1007/s13753-020-00255-0)
- Diaz, D., Rubiano, J., Contreras Mojica, D., Voets, A. and Junghardt, J. 2020. Participatory assessment of climate change impact and coping strategies in La Guajira, Colombia. The case of Camarones township. Presented at: Centre for Integrated Research on Risk and Resilience (CIRRR) webinar series, London, United Kingdom, 22 October 2020.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N., Phengsuwan, J. and James, P. 2020. Spatial and holistic assessment of social, economic, and environmental vulnerability to floods - Lessons from the Salzach River Basin, Austria. Presented at: 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 27 Sepember - 02 October 2021 Presented at Birkmann, J., Kienberger, S. and Alexander, D. eds. Elsevier
- Contreras, D. 2019. The integrated spatial pattern of child mortality during the 2012-2016 drought in La Guajira, Colombia. Sustainability 11(24), article number: 7190. (10.3390/su11247190)
- Pavón, F., Bernard, B., Andrade, S. D. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2019. Impacto socioeconómico por lahares y caída de ceniza ante la erupción del volcán Cayambe en la actividad florícola en Cayambe y Pedro Moncayo. Revista Cartográfica 98, pp. 123-143. (10.35424/rcarto.i98.144)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Villar-Vega, M., Romero, L., Salgado, D., Castillo, R., Michael, M. and Miguel, T. 2019. Reporte del Taller para la Evaluación Participativa del Riesgo Sísmico y la Resiliencia en San José, Costa Rica (Translated title: Participatory assessment of seismic risk and resilience in Costa Rica). Project Report. Pavia, Italy: GEM Foundation.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2018. Ellos previenen, nosotros nos preparamos y todos respondemos a los desastres. Presented at: Foro Gestión del Riesgo: Emergencias y Desastres.'El quehacer municipal en el contexto colombiano actual' (translated title: Risk Management Forum: Emergencies and Disasters: 'Municipal work in the current Colombian context'), Ibague, Colombia, 27-28 August 2018.
- Contreras, D., Forino, G. and Blaschke, T. 2018. Measuring the progress of a recovery process after an earthquake: The case of L'aquila, Italy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28, pp. 450-464. (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.09.048)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Bhamidipati, S., Contreras, S. and Toquica, M. 2017. The fight of the Wayuu Community against the Drought in La Guajira - Colombia. Presented at: Capstone Conference, Washington DC, US, 16-19 Oct 2017 Presented at Van der Geest, k., Barthelt, C. and Ayeb-karlsson, S. eds.
- Contreras, D. 2017. Fuzzy boundaries between post-disaster phases: the case of L’Aquila, Italy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 7(3), pp. 277-292. (10.1007/s13753-016-0095-4)
- Burton, C. G., Khazai, B., Anhorn, J., Valcarcel Torres, J. A. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2017. Resilience Performance Scorecard (RPS) Methodology. Summary.. Manual. Pavia, Italy: Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation. Available at: https://www.preventionweb.net/files/57083_gemrpsmethodologypublished.pdf
- Mousori, M., Contreras Mojica, D., Burton, C. G., Villacis, C. and Dima, B. 2017. Report on the workshop for the participatory evaluation of earthquake risk and resilience in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Technical Report.
- Contreras, D., Blaschke, T. and Hodgson, M. E. 2017. Lack of spatial resilience in a recovery process: Case L'Aquila, Italy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 121, pp. 76-88. (10.1016/j.techfore.2016.12.010)
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2016. POPAYAN, the white city in COLOMBIA, 35 YEARS after the EARTHQUAKE. [Online]. dcontrerasster.wixsite.com: Available at: https://dcontrerasster.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2016/05/03/Architecture-where-design-meets-engineering
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2016. The fight of the WAYUU ethnic Community against the DROUGHT in La Guajira, Colombia. [Online]. https://dcontrerasster.wixsite.com: Available at: https://dcontrerasster.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2016/05/03/Staircases-to-sweep-you-off-your-feet
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Blaschke, T. 2016. Measuring the progress of a recovery process after an earthquake:the case of L’Aquila-Italy. Presented at: 6th International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 28 August - 01 September 2016IDRC Davos 2016. Extended abstracts.. Davos, Switzerland: pp. 155-158.
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Shaw, D. 2016. Disaster management and resilience in electric power systems: the case of Chile. Presented at: 6th International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 28 August - 01 September 2016 Presented at Ammann, W. J. ed.Extended Abstracts. Davos, Switzerland: Global Risk Forum (GRF) pp. 151-154.
- Adams, H. et al. 2015. Livelihood resilience in a changing world – 6 global policy recommendations for a more sustainable future. Working paper. Bonn, Germany: UNU-EHS.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2015. Wiederaufbau nach dem Erdbeben in L’Aquila? Analyse mit GIS-Daten (translated title: Reconstruction after the earthquake in L'Aquila? Analysis with GIS data). [Online]. gispoint.de: VDE VERLAG GmbH. Available at: https://gispoint.de/blog/blog-einzelansicht/1649-wiederaufbau-nach-dem-erdbeben-in-laquila-analyse-mit-gis-daten.html
- Contreras, D., Blaschke, T., Tiede, D. and Jilge, M. 2015. Monitoring recovery after earthquakes through the integration of remote sensing, GIS, and ground observations: the case of L’Aquila (Italy). Cartography and Geographic Information Science 43(2), pp. 115-133. (10.1080/15230406.2015.1029520)
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2015. Fuzzy boundaries between post-disaster phases: the case of L’Aquila, Italy. Presented at: FIG Working week 2016, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2 - 6 May 2016 Presented at Strang, R. and Manaloto, C. eds. International Federation of Surveryor (FIG) pp. 1-20.
- Alaniz, R. et al. 2015. State of California policy brief: drought as disaster “2021” goals―5-year plan: taking steps towards a drought-resilient future. San Luis Obispo, USA: Cal Poly State University. Available at: http://fresnostate.edu/academics/water/documents/Drought_Policy_Brief_California.pdf
- Tellman, B., Rivera, A., Alaniz, R. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2014. Violence as an obstacle to livelihood resilience in the context of climate change. Working paper. Bonn, Germany: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Humand Security (EHS). Available at: http://collections.unu.edu/view/UNU:2859#viewAttachments
- Kienberger, S., Contreras, D. and Zeil, P. 2014. Spatial and holistic assessment of social, economic, and environmental vulnerability to floods - lessons from the Salzach River Basin, Austria. In: Birkmann, J., Keinberger, S. and Alexander, D. E. eds. Assessment of Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: A European Perspective. Elsevier, pp. 53-73., (10.1016/B978-0-12-410528-7.00003-5)
- Contreras, D., Blaschke, T., Kienberger, S. and Zeil, P. 2014. Myths and realities about the recovery of L׳Aquila after the earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 8, pp. 125-142. (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2014.02.001)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Blaschke, T., Tiede, D. and Jilge, M. 2014. Monitoring recovery after earthquakes through the integration of remote sensing, GIS and ground observations: The case of L'Aquila (Italy). Technical Report.
- Contreras, D., Blaschke, T., Kienberger, S. and Zeil, P. 2013. Spatial connectivity as a recovery process indicator: The L'Aquila earthquake. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80(9), pp. 1782-1803. (10.1016/j.techfore.2012.12.001)
- Contreras Mojica, D. M. and Kienberger, S. 2012. GIS in the vulnerability assessment and recovery process in a community with elderly and disabled people after a disaster. In: Awotona, A. ed. Rebuilding Sustainable Communities with Vulnerable Populations after the Cameras Have Gone: A Worldwide Study. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Contreras Mojica, D., Blaschke, T., Kienberger, S. and Zeil, P. 2011. Spatial vulnerability indicators: measuring recovery processes after earthquakes. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Kienberger, S. eds. 2011. Handbook of vulnerability assessment in Europe. Salzburg, Austria: Rupprecht Consult.
- Kienberger, S., Zeil, P., Reischenböck, G. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2011. Application of the MOVE framework for local and sub-national scale levels on flood hazards - contributions to the vulnerability and scale debate. Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 03-08 April 2011Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13. EGU2011-9908
- Kienberger, S., Contreras Mojica, D. and Lang, S. 2010. Regions of vulnerability: spatial modelling of different conceptual approaches. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), Zurich, Switzerland, 14-17 September 2010.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Kienberger, S. and Zeil, P. 2009. Spatial vulnerability Indicators applied to recovery and risk reduction after earthquakes: The case of L'Aquila - Italy. Presented at: Disaster Risk Reduction for Natural Hazards: Putting Research into Practice, London, England, 4-6 November 2009Disaster Risk Reduction for Natural Hazards: Putting Research into Practice - Abstracts. London, United Kingdom: University College of London pp. 28-28.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Flacke, J. and van Westen, C. 2009. Designing a spatial planning support system for rapid building damage survey after an earthquake: The case of Bogota D.C., Colombia. Presented at: Urban and Regional Information System Association Annual Conference 2009 (URISA), Anaheim, CA, USA, 29 September - 02 October 2009Annual Conference of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association 2009 (URISA 2009). URISA pp. 524-569.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2009. Designing a spatial planning support system for rapid building damage survey after an earthquake: the case of Bogotá D.C., Colombia. MScD Thesis, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) - University of Twente.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2006. Volcán Galeras habitat en riesgo. (Translated title: Galeras volcano - Habitat in risk).. Revista de arquitectura - El Cable 5, pp. 101-118.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2005. Renovando el habitat en riesgo. (Translated title: Renewing the habitat at risk). Revista INVI 28, pp. 134-153.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2004. Planificación urbana: herramienta para la prevención y atención de desastres. (Translated title: Urban planning: tool for disaster prevention and attention).. Presented at: Jornadas iberoamericanas sobre hábitat, vulnerabilidad y desastres., Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).
- Romero, X., Valdés, F., Vélez, M. A., Tapia, G. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2003. Guía de preparativos de respuesta a emergencias por terremoto. (Translated title: Preparedness Guidelines for Earthquake Emergency Response).. Bogota D.C., Colombia: EPM Bogotá D.C. Telecomunicaciones.
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Tapia, G. 2002. Guía de operación del grupo de inspección de edificaciones después de un Sismo. (Translated title: Operational guidelines of building inspection groups after an earthquake). [Guía de operación del grupo de inspección de edificaciones después de un Sismo. (Translated title: Operational guidelines of building inspection groups after an earthquake)]. Bogota D.C., Colombia: Institute of Risk Management and Climate Change (IDIGER).
- Al Bahri, J. et al. 2024. Clay mineral geochemistry and paleoenvironmental reconstruction across the Cryogenian Sturtian Snowball glaciation. Precambrian Research 410, article number: 107498. (10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107498)
- Contreras, D., Bhamidipati, S. and Wilkinson, S. 2023. Social vulnerability and spatial inequality in access to healthcare facilities: the case of the Santiago Metropolitan Region (RMS), Chile. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 90, article number: 101735. (10.1016/j.seps.2023.101735)
- Feliciano, D., Arroyo, O., Cabrera, T., Contreras, D., Valcárcel Torres, J. A. and Gómez Zapata, J. C. 2023. Seismic risk scenarios for the residential buildings in the Sabana Centro province in Colombia. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23(5), pp. 1863-1890. (10.5194/nhess-23-1863-2023)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Alterman, E. and Hervás, J. 2022. Accuracy of a pre-trained sentiment analysis (SA) classification model on tweets related to emergency response and early recovery assessment: the case of 2019 Albanian earthquake. Natural Hazards 113, pp. 403-421. (10.1007/s11069-022-05307-w)
- Aktas, Y. et al. 2022. Hybrid reconnaissance mission to the 30 October 2020 Aegean sea earthquake and tsunami (Izmir, Turkey & Samos, Greece): description of data collection methods and damage. Frontiers in Built Environment 8, article number: 840192. (10.3389/fbuil.2022.840192)
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2022. Learning about post-disaster phases via ludic activities: a case study of Santiago, Chile. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 72, article number: 102842. (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.102842)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Didem Aktas, Y., Fallou, L., Bossu, R. and Landès, M. 2022. Intensity-based sentiment and topic analysis. The case of the 2020 Aegean Earthquake. Frontiers in Built Environment 8, article number: 839770. (10.3389/fbuil.2022.839770)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N. and James, P. 2022. Assessing post-disaster recovery using sentiment analysis: The case of L’Aquila, Italy. Earthquake Spectra 38(1), pp. 81-108. (10.1177/87552930211036486)
- Pavón Cevallos, F. M. and Contreras Mojica, D. M. 2021. Análisis estadístico de simulaciones numéricas de dispersión y caída de ceniza del volcán Cayambe para la determinación de afectación en el sector florícola, Cantón Cayambe, Ecuador. [Translated title: Statistical analysis of numerical simulations of dispersion and ash fall from the Cayambe volcano to determine the impact in the floricultural sector, Cantón Cayambe, in Ecuador]. Revista Cartográfica(104), pp. 63-86. (10.35424/rcarto.i104.885)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S. and James, P. 2021. Earthquake reconnaissance data sources, a literature review. Earth 2(4), pp. 1006-1037. (10.3390/earth2040060)
- Pavón Cevallos, F. M. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2021. Zonificación de la amenaza por dispersión y caída de ceniza del volcán Guagua Pichincha, Ecuador (Translated title: Hazard zoning due to the dispersion and fall of ash from the Guagua Pichincha volcano - Ecuador). Investigaciones Geográficas 105(August), article number: e60315. (10.14350/rig.60315)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Chamorro, A. and Wilkinson, S. 2020. Review article: The spatial dimension in the assessment of urban socio-economic vulnerability related to geohazards. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20(6), pp. 1663-1687. (10.5194/nhess-20-1663-2020)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Voets, A., Junghardt, J., Bhamidipati, S. and Contreras, S. 2020. The drivers of child mortality during the 2012-2016 drought in La Guajira, Colombia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 11(1), pp. 87-104. (10.1007/s13753-020-00255-0)
- Contreras, D. 2019. The integrated spatial pattern of child mortality during the 2012-2016 drought in La Guajira, Colombia. Sustainability 11(24), article number: 7190. (10.3390/su11247190)
- Pavón, F., Bernard, B., Andrade, S. D. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2019. Impacto socioeconómico por lahares y caída de ceniza ante la erupción del volcán Cayambe en la actividad florícola en Cayambe y Pedro Moncayo. Revista Cartográfica 98, pp. 123-143. (10.35424/rcarto.i98.144)
- Contreras, D., Forino, G. and Blaschke, T. 2018. Measuring the progress of a recovery process after an earthquake: The case of L'aquila, Italy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 28, pp. 450-464. (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.09.048)
- Contreras, D. 2017. Fuzzy boundaries between post-disaster phases: the case of L’Aquila, Italy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 7(3), pp. 277-292. (10.1007/s13753-016-0095-4)
- Contreras, D., Blaschke, T. and Hodgson, M. E. 2017. Lack of spatial resilience in a recovery process: Case L'Aquila, Italy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 121, pp. 76-88. (10.1016/j.techfore.2016.12.010)
- Contreras, D., Blaschke, T., Tiede, D. and Jilge, M. 2015. Monitoring recovery after earthquakes through the integration of remote sensing, GIS, and ground observations: the case of L’Aquila (Italy). Cartography and Geographic Information Science 43(2), pp. 115-133. (10.1080/15230406.2015.1029520)
- Contreras, D., Blaschke, T., Kienberger, S. and Zeil, P. 2014. Myths and realities about the recovery of L׳Aquila after the earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 8, pp. 125-142. (10.1016/j.ijdrr.2014.02.001)
- Contreras, D., Blaschke, T., Kienberger, S. and Zeil, P. 2013. Spatial connectivity as a recovery process indicator: The L'Aquila earthquake. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80(9), pp. 1782-1803. (10.1016/j.techfore.2012.12.001)
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2006. Volcán Galeras habitat en riesgo. (Translated title: Galeras volcano - Habitat in risk).. Revista de arquitectura - El Cable 5, pp. 101-118.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2005. Renovando el habitat en riesgo. (Translated title: Renewing the habitat at risk). Revista INVI 28, pp. 134-153.
Book sections
- Kienberger, S., Contreras, D. and Zeil, P. 2014. Spatial and holistic assessment of social, economic, and environmental vulnerability to floods - lessons from the Salzach River Basin, Austria. In: Birkmann, J., Keinberger, S. and Alexander, D. E. eds. Assessment of Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: A European Perspective. Elsevier, pp. 53-73., (10.1016/B978-0-12-410528-7.00003-5)
- Contreras Mojica, D. M. and Kienberger, S. 2012. GIS in the vulnerability assessment and recovery process in a community with elderly and disabled people after a disaster. In: Awotona, A. ed. Rebuilding Sustainable Communities with Vulnerable Populations after the Cameras Have Gone: A Worldwide Study. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Kienberger, S. eds. 2011. Handbook of vulnerability assessment in Europe. Salzburg, Austria: Rupprecht Consult.
- Romero, X., Valdés, F., Vélez, M. A., Tapia, G. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2003. Guía de preparativos de respuesta a emergencias por terremoto. (Translated title: Preparedness Guidelines for Earthquake Emergency Response).. Bogota D.C., Colombia: EPM Bogotá D.C. Telecomunicaciones.
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Tapia, G. 2002. Guía de operación del grupo de inspección de edificaciones después de un Sismo. (Translated title: Operational guidelines of building inspection groups after an earthquake). [Guía de operación del grupo de inspección de edificaciones después de un Sismo. (Translated title: Operational guidelines of building inspection groups after an earthquake)]. Bogota D.C., Colombia: Institute of Risk Management and Climate Change (IDIGER).
- Contreras Mojica, D. et al. 2021. Earthquake reconnaissance using social media and crowdsourcing platforms - extended version. Presented at: Workshop: Tools & Methods for Post Disaster Reconnaissance Missions, London, UK, 20 October 2021 Presented at Putrino, V. ed.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2021. Social media and crowdsourcing platforms in disaster management. Presented at: School Seminar Series, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 19 October 2021.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N. and James, P. 2021. Assessing post-disaster recovery using sentiment analysis (SA). The cases of L'Aquila (Italy), Chile and Haiti. Presented at: 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 27 Sepember - 02 October 2021 Presented at Toyooka, A. ed.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Alterman, E. and Hervás, J. 2021. Performance of a pre-trained sentiment analysis (SA) model on tweets related to emergency response and early recovery. The case of 2019 Albanian Earthquake. Presented at: 37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC 2021), Virtual, 19-24 September 2021.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Atkas, Y., Fallou, L., Bossu, R. and Landès, M. 2021. Intensity-based sentiment analysis. The 2020 Aegean earthquake.. Presented at: 37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC 2021), Athens, Greece, 19 - 24 September 2021.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2021. The role of social media and crowdsourcing platforms for emergency response and post-disaster recovery assessment. Presented at: Virtual capacity building workshop on regional spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for ECO countries, Islamabad, Pakistan, 13 -15 September 2021.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N. and James, P. 2021. El rol de las redes sociales en la respuesta a emergencia y la recuperación post desastre (Translated title:The role of social media in the emergency response and post-disaster recovery). Presented at: Charla - Escuela de Ingenieria Civil, Valparaiso, Chile, 1 July 2021.
- Contreras, D. et al. 2021. Assessing emergency response and early recovery using sentiment analysis. The case of Zagreb, Croatia. Presented at: 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE 2021), Zagreb, Croatia, 22-24 March 2021. pp. 743-752., (10.5592/CO/1CroCEE.2021.123)
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N. and James, P. 2020. Social media in emergency management and post-disaster recovery. Presented at: 2020 International Conference on Science in Engineering and Technology (ICOSIET), Palu, Indonesia, 21-22 October 2020 Presented at Mardin, R. and Kasim, A. eds.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wikinson, S., Balan, N., Phengsuwan, J. and James, P. 2020. Assessing post-disaster recovery using sentiment analysis. The case of L'Aquila, Haiti, Chile and Canterbury. Presented at: 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 20 September - 2 October 2021.
- Diaz, D., Rubiano, J., Contreras Mojica, D., Voets, A. and Junghardt, J. 2020. Participatory assessment of climate change impact and coping strategies in La Guajira, Colombia. The case of Camarones township. Presented at: Centre for Integrated Research on Risk and Resilience (CIRRR) webinar series, London, United Kingdom, 22 October 2020.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Wilkinson, S., Balan, N., Phengsuwan, J. and James, P. 2020. Spatial and holistic assessment of social, economic, and environmental vulnerability to floods - Lessons from the Salzach River Basin, Austria. Presented at: 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (17WCEE), Sendai, Japan, 27 Sepember - 02 October 2021 Presented at Birkmann, J., Kienberger, S. and Alexander, D. eds. Elsevier
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2018. Ellos previenen, nosotros nos preparamos y todos respondemos a los desastres. Presented at: Foro Gestión del Riesgo: Emergencias y Desastres.'El quehacer municipal en el contexto colombiano actual' (translated title: Risk Management Forum: Emergencies and Disasters: 'Municipal work in the current Colombian context'), Ibague, Colombia, 27-28 August 2018.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Bhamidipati, S., Contreras, S. and Toquica, M. 2017. The fight of the Wayuu Community against the Drought in La Guajira - Colombia. Presented at: Capstone Conference, Washington DC, US, 16-19 Oct 2017 Presented at Van der Geest, k., Barthelt, C. and Ayeb-karlsson, S. eds.
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Blaschke, T. 2016. Measuring the progress of a recovery process after an earthquake:the case of L’Aquila-Italy. Presented at: 6th International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 28 August - 01 September 2016IDRC Davos 2016. Extended abstracts.. Davos, Switzerland: pp. 155-158.
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Shaw, D. 2016. Disaster management and resilience in electric power systems: the case of Chile. Presented at: 6th International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC 2016), Davos, Switzerland, 28 August - 01 September 2016 Presented at Ammann, W. J. ed.Extended Abstracts. Davos, Switzerland: Global Risk Forum (GRF) pp. 151-154.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2015. Fuzzy boundaries between post-disaster phases: the case of L’Aquila, Italy. Presented at: FIG Working week 2016, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2 - 6 May 2016 Presented at Strang, R. and Manaloto, C. eds. International Federation of Surveryor (FIG) pp. 1-20.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Blaschke, T., Kienberger, S. and Zeil, P. 2011. Spatial vulnerability indicators: measuring recovery processes after earthquakes. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Kienberger, S., Zeil, P., Reischenböck, G. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2011. Application of the MOVE framework for local and sub-national scale levels on flood hazards - contributions to the vulnerability and scale debate. Presented at: EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 03-08 April 2011Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13. EGU2011-9908
- Kienberger, S., Contreras Mojica, D. and Lang, S. 2010. Regions of vulnerability: spatial modelling of different conceptual approaches. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2010), Zurich, Switzerland, 14-17 September 2010.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Kienberger, S. and Zeil, P. 2009. Spatial vulnerability Indicators applied to recovery and risk reduction after earthquakes: The case of L'Aquila - Italy. Presented at: Disaster Risk Reduction for Natural Hazards: Putting Research into Practice, London, England, 4-6 November 2009Disaster Risk Reduction for Natural Hazards: Putting Research into Practice - Abstracts. London, United Kingdom: University College of London pp. 28-28.
- Contreras Mojica, D., Flacke, J. and van Westen, C. 2009. Designing a spatial planning support system for rapid building damage survey after an earthquake: The case of Bogota D.C., Colombia. Presented at: Urban and Regional Information System Association Annual Conference 2009 (URISA), Anaheim, CA, USA, 29 September - 02 October 2009Annual Conference of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association 2009 (URISA 2009). URISA pp. 524-569.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2004. Planificación urbana: herramienta para la prevención y atención de desastres. (Translated title: Urban planning: tool for disaster prevention and attention).. Presented at: Jornadas iberoamericanas sobre hábitat, vulnerabilidad y desastres., Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).
- Aktas, Y. D. et al. 2021. The Aegean earthquake and tsunami of 30 October 2020. A field report by EEFIT. IstructE. Available at: https://www.istructe.org/resources/report/eefit-mission-report-aegean-30-october-2020/
- Contreras Mojica, D. and Wilkinson, S. 2021. Field Investigation Missions - FTP site tutorial - external users. Manual. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle university.
- So, E. et al. 2020. The Zagreb Earthquake of 22 March 2020. Newcastle, UK: EEFIT. Available at: https://research.ncl.ac.uk/learningfromearthquakes/outputs/So%20et%20al_2020_%20The%20Zagreb%20earthquake%20of%2022%20March%202020_compressed.pdf
- Contreras Mojica, D., Villar-Vega, M., Romero, L., Salgado, D., Castillo, R., Michael, M. and Miguel, T. 2019. Reporte del Taller para la Evaluación Participativa del Riesgo Sísmico y la Resiliencia en San José, Costa Rica (Translated title: Participatory assessment of seismic risk and resilience in Costa Rica). Project Report. Pavia, Italy: GEM Foundation.
- Burton, C. G., Khazai, B., Anhorn, J., Valcarcel Torres, J. A. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2017. Resilience Performance Scorecard (RPS) Methodology. Summary.. Manual. Pavia, Italy: Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation. Available at: https://www.preventionweb.net/files/57083_gemrpsmethodologypublished.pdf
- Mousori, M., Contreras Mojica, D., Burton, C. G., Villacis, C. and Dima, B. 2017. Report on the workshop for the participatory evaluation of earthquake risk and resilience in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Technical Report.
- Adams, H. et al. 2015. Livelihood resilience in a changing world – 6 global policy recommendations for a more sustainable future. Working paper. Bonn, Germany: UNU-EHS.
- Alaniz, R. et al. 2015. State of California policy brief: drought as disaster “2021” goals―5-year plan: taking steps towards a drought-resilient future. San Luis Obispo, USA: Cal Poly State University. Available at: http://fresnostate.edu/academics/water/documents/Drought_Policy_Brief_California.pdf
- Tellman, B., Rivera, A., Alaniz, R. and Contreras Mojica, D. 2014. Violence as an obstacle to livelihood resilience in the context of climate change. Working paper. Bonn, Germany: United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Humand Security (EHS). Available at: http://collections.unu.edu/view/UNU:2859#viewAttachments
- Contreras Mojica, D., Blaschke, T., Tiede, D. and Jilge, M. 2014. Monitoring recovery after earthquakes through the integration of remote sensing, GIS and ground observations: The case of L'Aquila (Italy). Technical Report.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2009. Designing a spatial planning support system for rapid building damage survey after an earthquake: the case of Bogotá D.C., Colombia. MScD Thesis, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) - University of Twente.
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2020. Learning from Earthquakes. [Online]. Newcastle University. Available at: https://research.ncl.ac.uk/learningfromearthquakes/
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2016. POPAYAN, the white city in COLOMBIA, 35 YEARS after the EARTHQUAKE. [Online]. dcontrerasster.wixsite.com: Available at: https://dcontrerasster.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2016/05/03/Architecture-where-design-meets-engineering
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2016. The fight of the WAYUU ethnic Community against the DROUGHT in La Guajira, Colombia. [Online]. https://dcontrerasster.wixsite.com: Available at: https://dcontrerasster.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2016/05/03/Staircases-to-sweep-you-off-your-feet
- Contreras Mojica, D. 2015. Wiederaufbau nach dem Erdbeben in L’Aquila? Analyse mit GIS-Daten (translated title: Reconstruction after the earthquake in L'Aquila? Analysis with GIS data). [Online]. gispoint.de: VDE VERLAG GmbH. Available at: https://gispoint.de/blog/blog-einzelansicht/1649-wiederaufbau-nach-dem-erdbeben-in-laquila-analyse-mit-gis-daten.html
Rwy'n defnyddio gwyddorau gwybodaeth ddaearyddol (GIS) i gyfrannu at reoli trychinebau, rhagchwilio daeargryn, asesiad bregusrwydd gofodol, rheoli dŵr ac ansicrwydd bwyd. Ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n defnyddio technegau prosesu iaith naturiol (NLP): dadansoddiad sentiment (SA) a dadansoddi pwnc, i werthuso adferiad ôl-drychineb ac ymateb brys ar ôl daeargrynfeydd, gan gasglu data o'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol: Twitter ac Instagram a'r platfform torfoli: Ap LastQuake. Cyn i mi weithio ar ddatblygu gweithgareddau Llwydnig sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddysgu am gyfnodau adfer ar ôl trychineb a dulliau cyfranogol i archwilio strategaethau addasu newid yn yr hinsawdd ar gyfer cymunedau y mae'r sychder yn effeithio arnynt.
Rwyf wedi bod yn Ddarlithydd mewn Gwyddoniaeth Geo-ofodol yn Ysgol Gwyddorau'r Ddaear a'r Amgylchedd yng Ngholeg y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg ers 2021. Rwy'n arwain y modiwl: Systemau Gwybodaeth Ddaearyddol (GIS), mapiau a sgiliau dadansoddi (EA1303), gan gynnwys synhwyro o bell (RS), daearyddiaeth, geowyddorau, a geoystadegau. Rwy'n dysgu GIS yn semester yr hydref ar gyfer myfyrwyr blwyddyn un (B1) daearyddiaeth ffisegol, daearyddiaeth amgylcheddol, geowyddorau, daeareg a daearyddiaeth forol gan ddefnyddio ArcGIS Pro. Rwy'n Ddarlithydd ar gyfer y rhaglen Meistr (MSC) mewn Peryglon Amgylcheddol ar y modiwl Asesu Risg (EAT406): 'Amlygiad a bregusrwydd', 'Bregusrwydd corfforol' a 'bregusrwydd cymdeithasol'. Rwyf hefyd yn addysgu: 'Cyfathrebu, perygl a risg' ac 'Offer a thechnolegau ar gyfer mapio risg' ar gyfer myfyrwyr blwyddyn tri (Bl3) ar y modiwl: Perygl, Risg a Gwydnwch (EA3327).
Rwyf hefyd yn gynghorydd ar ddadansoddiad GIS ar gyfer traethawd hir myfyrwyr baglor yn y cyrsiau a grybwyllwyd yn flaenorol. Rwy'n goruchwylio traethodau hir Baglor a Meistr ac yn cefnogi trefnu a gweithredu gwaith maes Y1 a Y2 mewn Daearyddiaeth (sgiliau maes Daearyddiaeth EA1305). Rwyf hefyd yn diwtor i fyfyrwyr Bl1, Bl2 a Bl3. Cyn hynny roeddwn yn ddarlithydd gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Valparaiso (Chile), Prifysgol Dechnegol Kenya, Coleg y Brenin Llundain (y Deyrnas Unedig), Prifysgol Newcastle (DU) a Phrifysgol Salzburg (Awstria). Rhwng 2012 a 2017, roeddwn yn Ddarlithydd ar-lein yn UNIGIS America Ladin, rhaglen Meistr mewn GIS a addysgir ar y cyd gan Brifysgol Salzburg a Phrifysgol San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador). Dysgais y modiwl: GIS, mapiau a sgiliau dadansoddi.
Rwyf wedi bod yn Ddarlithydd mewn Gwyddoniaeth Geo-ofodol yn Ysgol Gwyddorau'r Ddaear a'r Amgylchedd yng Ngholeg y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg ers 2021. Fi yw Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Moeseg yn yr un ysgol. Rwy'n gyfrifol am addysgu'r modiwl GIS, mapiau, a sgiliau dadansoddol. Roeddwn yn Is-gadeirydd y Tîm Ymchwilio Maes Peirianneg Daeargrynfeydd (EEFIT) rhwng 2022 a 2023, cyn hynny yn arwain yr is-bwyllgor ar Hyfforddiant. Roeddwn yn ymchwilydd gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Newcastle rhwng 2021 a 2024, lle roeddwn yn dal swydd Cydymaith Ymchwil ar gyfer y prosiect yn flaenorol: 'Dysgu o ddaeargrynfeydd: adeiladu cymunedau gwydn trwy ragchwilio, ymateb ac adfer daeargrynfeydd' (LfE) UK.
Rhwng 2018 a 2019, gweithiais yn y Ganolfan Ymchwil ar gyfer Rheoli Risg Trychinebau Integredig (CIGIDEN) yn Santiago (Chile). Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, gweithiais ar y prosiect: 'Bregusrwydd cymdeithasol i beryglon naturiol a dibyniaeth ar seilwaith trefol beirniadol: model gofodol ar gyfer y system gofal iechyd yn Santiago, Chile'. Yn yr un flwyddyn, roeddwn yn ymgynghorydd allanol ar gyfer CARITAS Swistir ar gyfer yr addasiad newid yn yr Hinsawdd (CCA), bwyd (mewn) diogelwch, rheoli adnoddau dŵr a phrosiect lleihau risg trychinebau (DRR) yn La Guajira, Colombia. Ar ôl cwblhau fy astudiaethau Doethurol, gweithiais fel Arweinydd Tîm y grŵp Bregusrwydd a Gwydnwch Cymdeithasol (SVR) yn Sefydliad Model Daeargryn Byd-eang (GEM) yn Pavia (yr Eidal). Ochr yn ochr â'm hastudiaethau doethurol, gweithiais yn yr Adran Ryng-gyfadran ar gyfer Geoinformatics Z_GIS o Brifysgol Salzburg (Awstria) yn MOVE, prosiect i wella'r dulliau ar gyfer yr asesiad bregusrwydd i beryglon naturiol yn Ewrop yn seiliedig ar ddangosyddion. Ar ôl i'r prosiect orffen, dechreuais weithio i UNIGIS America Ladin (rhaglen Meistr ar-lein yn GIS a gynhelir ar y cyd gan Brifysgol Salzburg a la Universidad San Francisco de Quito - Ecuador), gan ddysgu'r modiwl: 'GIS, risg a thrychinebau'. Yng Ngholombia, gweithiais yn y Sefydliad Rheoli Risg a Newid yn yr Hinsawdd (IDIGER) fel cynorthwyydd Rheolwr Prosiect o barodrwydd, ymateb brys ac atal trychinebau.
Rwy'n feddyg (PhD) mewn Gwyddorau Naturiol – Geoinformatics Cymhwysol o Brifysgol Salzburg (Awstria). Cyn dechrau fy astudiaethau doethurol, cwblheais Feistr Gwyddoniaeth mewn Gwyddoniaeth Geoinformation ac Arsylwi Ddaear, Arbenigedd: Cynllunio a Rheoli Trefol yng Nghyfadran Gwyddoniaeth Geo-Wybodaeth ac Arsylwi'r Ddaear (ITC) ym Mhrifysgol Twente yn yr Iseldiroedd. Derbyniais Ddiploma Graddedig mewn Gwerthuso Risg ac Atal Trychinebau a gynigir gan yr Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia). Dyfarnwyd fy ngradd Baglor mewn Pensaernïaeth gan la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Cyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol Cystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth Calendr WMO2020 a drefnwyd gan Sefydliad Meteorolegol y Byd (WMO) gyda'r llun o'r enw: La Laguna Azul, en la Cordillera Blanca" (Teitl cyfieithiad: Y llyn glas ar y mynyddoedd gwyn) a gymerwyd yn ystod gwaith maes yn y Paron, Llyn ym Mheriw.
- Y wobr gyntaf yn y gystadleuaeth 'Gwobr Poster Gorau IDRC Davos 2016' gyda'r poster o'r enw: 'Rheoli Trychinebau a Gwydnwch mewn Systemau Pŵer Trydan: Achos Chile'. Cynhadledd Trychineb a Risg Ryngwladol IDRC Davos 2016. Davos, Y Swistir.
- Gwobr ffioedd mynediad agored 'Academi Gwydnwch 2013-2014' i'r llawysgrif: Tellman, B., Alaniz, R., Rivera, A. a Contreras, D. (2014). Trais fel rhwystr i wydnwch bywoliaeth yng nghyd-destun newid yn yr hinsawdd. Dyfarnwyd gan UNU-EHS.
- Mynychwyd fel y cynrychiolydd Latino-Americanaidd (ar ysgoloriaeth) yn yr 2il Weithdy Hyfforddiant Rhyngwladol ar Dechnoleg Gofod ar gyfer Lliniaru Trychinebau a gynhelir gan y Sefydliad Synhwyro o Bell a'r Ddaear Digidol (RADI), Academi Gwyddoniaeth Tsieineaidd (CAS), a'r Ganolfan Technoleg Gofod ar gyfer Lliniaru Trychinebau (SDIM). Beijing (Tsieina).
- Mynychodd (ar ysgoloriaeth) sesiynau Bangladesh (2013) a'r Almaen (2014) yr Academi Gwydnwch, ar thema Cydnerthedd Bywoliaeth, a gynhaliwyd gan Uned UNU-EHS, ICCCAD a'r MRF. Dhaka (Bangladesh) a Munich (Yr Almaen)
- Dyfarnwyd gyda'r Ysgoloriaeth Un Byd (OWS) - Rhaglen de Bourse Universelle 2012-2013, a roddwyd ar gyfer Sefydliad Affro-Asiaidd Salzburg (AAI) - Salzburg (Awstria).
- Mae buddiolwr y rhaglen 'Credito-Beca Colfuturo 2012' (Cyfieithu teitl: benthyciad - ysgoloriaeth Colfuturo 2012), a roddwyd ar gyfer sylfaen COLFUTURO.
- Yr ail safle yn y gystadleuaeth 'Gwobr Poster Gorau - symposiwm DK 2012' gyda'r poster o'r enw: 'Dangosyddion gofodol proses adfer ar ôl daeargrynfeydd: Achos L'Aquila (Yr Eidal)'. Prifysgol Salzburg. Salzburg, Awstria.
- Enillwyr cystadleuaeth traethawd myfyrwyr rhyngwladol 2010, a noddir gan y Ganolfan ar gyfer ailadeiladu cymunedau cynaliadwy ar ôl trychinebau (CRSCAD), Prifysgol Massachusetts (UMASS) gyda'r traethawd: "GIS yn y broses asesu ac adfer bregusrwydd mewn cymuned gyda phobl oedrannus ac analluog ar ôl trychineb". Boston (UDA).
- Ail safle yng Nghystadleuaeth Papur Myfyrwyr URISA 2009 gyda'r papur o'r enw: 'Dylunio system cymorth cynllunio gofodol ar gyfer arolwg difrod adeiladau cyflym ar ôl daeargryn: Achos Bogota DC, Colombia". Anaheim (UDA)'.
- Dyfarnwyd ar y cyd Rhaglen Ysgoloriaeth i Raddedigion Banc Japan / Banc y Byd (JJ / WBGSP) 2007.
- Dyfernir ysgoloriaeth Gwyddoniaeth Geo-wybodaeth ac Arsylwi Daear Cyfadran (ITC) i fynychu'r M.Sc 18 mis. mewn Gwyddoniaeth Geo-wybodaeth ac Arsylwi'r Ddaear; Arbenigedd: Cynllunio a Rheoli Trefol.
- Addurniad teilyngdod 'Cacique Teusacá' a roddwyd gan Faer Dosbarth Teusaquillo (Bogotá DC- Colombia) ar gyfer cyfranogiad rhagorol yn rheolaeth trefn gyhoeddus wrth ddarparu diogelwch a chefnogaeth i'r cyhoedd yn yr awdurdodaeth; Bogota DC, 29 Gorffennaf 2005.
- Cydnabyddiaeth am 'y gefnogaeth wrth ddylunio'r Prif Gynllun ar gyfer cyfleusterau diogelwch, amddiffyn a chyfiawnder yn y Dinas-Ranbarth', gan yr Ysgrifennydd Materion Cyhoeddus ynghylch cydfodoli yn ninas Maer Bogotá, 31 Rhagfyr 2003. Bogotá DC (Colombia).
- Cydnabyddiaeth am 'yr ymrwymiad, yr ymdrech a'r ymroddiad yng ngweithgareddau cynllunio efelychu ymateb brys mewn strwythurau sydd wedi cwympo (chwilio ac achub)', gan y Maer yn Bogotá DC; Hydref 17, 18 a 19, 2003. Bogotá DC (Colombia).
- Rhoddwyd Sôn Teilwng gan Gyngor Cyfadran Cyfadran Cyfadran Cyfadran y Celfyddydau Prifysgol Genedlaethol Colombia, am fy thesis Baglor: 'Canolfan cydlynu cymorth ar gyfer rheoli trychinebau ar gyfer Bogota D.C.- Colombia'. Awst 2001.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- The Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT)
- Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) – Regular membership
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) – United Kingdom (UK)
- The Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI) - Associate Business Continuity Professional (ABCP)
- The Resilience Academy United Nations University - Institute for Environmental and Human Security (UNU-EHS), International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and the Munich Re Foundation (MRF).
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2021 - presennol: Darlithydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Y Deyrnas Unedig (DU).
- 2019 - 2021: Cydymaith Ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Newcastle, y Deyrnas Unedig (DU).
- 2018 - 2019: Ymchwilydd Ôl-ddoethurol yn y Ganolfan Ymchwil ar gyfer Rheoli Risg Trychinebau Integredig (CIGIDEN), Chile.
- 2012 - 2017: Meistr goruchwyliwr traethawd ymchwil a Darlithydd ar-lein yn Unigis America Ladin (Prifysgol Salzburg - Universidad San Francisco de Quito), Awstria.
- 2015 - 2016: Dirprwy / Cydlynydd Traethawd Meistr Dros Dro yn Unigis America Ladin (Prifysgol Salzburg - Universidad San Francisco de Quito), Awstria.
- 2009 - 2011: Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil ym Mhrifysgol Salzburg, Awstria.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Aelod o'r rheithgor Meistr Gwyddoniaeth mewn Peirianneg Gofodol. Guimbatan-Fadgyas, R. (2021). Toponyms brodorol mewn mapio perygl tirlithriad ar gyfer defnydd tir a chynllunio seilwaith. Prifysgol Twente.
- Aelod rheithgor yn y 9fed cystadleuaeth i-Rec myfyrwyr – IATROGENESIS Tarfu ar y status quo: Gwrthsefyll creu risg trychineb.
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Gwyddonol ac Ymarferydd yng Nghynhadledd I-REC 2019. Tarfu ar y status quo: Ailadeiladu, adfer a gwrthsefyll creu risg trychineb.
- Adolygydd Grant, Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (ESRC), 2019.
- Aelod rheithgor ar gyfer arholiadau PhD yn Seminar Nigel Priestley 2018 https://www.eucentre.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Nigel-Priestley-Seminar-2018.pdf
- Adolygydd cyfnodolion:
- Gwyddorau Cymhwysol
- Bwletin Cymdeithas Seland Newydd ar gyfer Peirianneg Daeargryn
- Cartograffeg a Gwyddor Gwybodaeth Ddaearyddol (CaGIS)
- Rheoli Risg Hinsawdd
- Atal a Rheoli Trychinebau (DPM)
- Georisk: Asesu a Rheoli Risg ar gyfer Systemau Peirianyddol a Geoberyglon
- Geosciences Journal
- Ingenieria
- International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR)
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
- Journal of Hydroleg
- Peryglon Naturiol (NatHaz)
- Synhwyro o bell
- Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol
- Rhagolygon Technolegol a Newid Cymdeithasol (TFSC)
- Dŵr
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD mewn prosiectau ymchwil gyda chydran ofodol yn y pynciau :
- Parodrwydd ar gyfer ymateb brys (e.e. dyrannu llochesi dros dro yn ofodol, cynllunio llwybrau gwacáu, ac ati).
- Asesu amlygiad a bregusrwydd
- Asesiad risg
- Asesiad adfer ar ôl trychineb
- Cloddio data: teimlad a dadansoddi pwnc
- Anghydraddoldeb iechyd a chyfiawnder cymdeithasol
- Cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant
Contact Details
+44 29208 74333
Y Prif Adeilad, Ystafell Ystafell 1.18, Plas y Parc, Caerdydd, CF10 3AT
Themâu ymchwil
- Dadansoddiad gofodol
- Cartograffeg a mapio digidol
- Rhagdybiaeth daeargryn
- Prosesu iaith naturiol
- Peryglon naturiol