Rwy'n fathemategydd ymchwil sydd â diddordeb yn y cydadwaith rhwng dadansoddi, geometreg, a thopoleg gofodau metrig trwy astudio eu "cymesuredd".
Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'm hymchwil yng nghyd-destun ystyried dail unigol , dail metrig a gweithredoedd grŵp fel syniad o "gymesuredd" ar gyfer gofodau metrig. Mae'r mannau metrig yr wyf yn eu hystyried yn cynnwys maniffoldiau Riemannian, mannau Alexandrov, mannau RCD, a maniffoldiau Hilbert a Fréchet.
- Corro, D. 2023. A-foliations of codimension two on compact simply-connected manifolds. Mathematische Zeitschrift 304(4), article number: 63. (10.1007/s00209-023-03317-3)
- Corro, D., Fernandez, J. C. and Perales, R. 2022. Yamabe problem in the presence of singular Riemannian Foliations. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 62(1), article number: 26. (10.1007/s00526-022-02359-5)
- Corro, D. and Moreno, A. 2022. Core reduction for singular Riemannian foliations and applications to positive curvature. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 62(3), pp. 617–634. (10.1007/s10455-022-09856-y)
- Corro, D., Núñez-Zimbrón, J. and Zarei, M. 2022. Torus actions on Alexandrov 4-spaces. Journal of Geometric Analysis 32(8), article number: 214. (10.1007/s12220-022-00935-x)
- Campagnolo, C. and Corro, D. 2021. Integral foliated simplicial volume and circle foliations. Journal of Topology and Analysis 15(1), pp. 155-184. (10.1142/S1793525321500266)
- Corro, D., Garcia, K., Günther, M. and Kordaß, J. 2021. Bundles with even-dimensional spherical space form as fibers and fiberwise quarter pinched Riemannian metrics. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 149(12), pp. 5407-5416. (10.1090/proc/15649)
- Corro, D. and Kordaß, J. 2021. Short survey on the existence of slices for the space of Riemannian metrics. In: Galaz-García, F., González-Tokman, C. and Pardo Millán, J. C. eds. Mexican Mathematicians in the World: Trends and Recent Contributions., Vol. 775. Contemporary Mathematics AMS, pp. 65-84., (10.1090/conm/775/15589)
- Corro Tapia, D. and Galaz García, F. 2020. Positive Ricci curvature on simply-connected manifolds with cohomogeneity-two torus actions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148(7), pp. 3087-3097. (10.1090/proc/14961)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Corro, D. and Kordaß, J. 2021. Short survey on the existence of slices for the space of Riemannian metrics. In: Galaz-García, F., González-Tokman, C. and Pardo Millán, J. C. eds. Mexican Mathematicians in the World: Trends and Recent Contributions., Vol. 775. Contemporary Mathematics AMS, pp. 65-84., (10.1090/conm/775/15589)
- Corro, D. 2023. A-foliations of codimension two on compact simply-connected manifolds. Mathematische Zeitschrift 304(4), article number: 63. (10.1007/s00209-023-03317-3)
- Corro, D., Fernandez, J. C. and Perales, R. 2022. Yamabe problem in the presence of singular Riemannian Foliations. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 62(1), article number: 26. (10.1007/s00526-022-02359-5)
- Corro, D. and Moreno, A. 2022. Core reduction for singular Riemannian foliations and applications to positive curvature. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 62(3), pp. 617–634. (10.1007/s10455-022-09856-y)
- Corro, D., Núñez-Zimbrón, J. and Zarei, M. 2022. Torus actions on Alexandrov 4-spaces. Journal of Geometric Analysis 32(8), article number: 214. (10.1007/s12220-022-00935-x)
- Campagnolo, C. and Corro, D. 2021. Integral foliated simplicial volume and circle foliations. Journal of Topology and Analysis 15(1), pp. 155-184. (10.1142/S1793525321500266)
- Corro, D., Garcia, K., Günther, M. and Kordaß, J. 2021. Bundles with even-dimensional spherical space form as fibers and fiberwise quarter pinched Riemannian metrics. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 149(12), pp. 5407-5416. (10.1090/proc/15649)
- Corro Tapia, D. and Galaz García, F. 2020. Positive Ricci curvature on simply-connected manifolds with cohomogeneity-two torus actions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148(7), pp. 3087-3097. (10.1090/proc/14961)
Derbyniais fy ngradd Doctor Rerum Naturiol o'r KIT yn 2018.
Ers hynny, rwyf wedi dal swyddi ymchwil ynyr wyf yn nstitute Mathemateg UNAM, Campws Oaxaca, ac wedi bod yn PI yn y Rhaglen Blaenoriaeth Arbennig DFG "Geometreg yn anfeidredd" ym Mhrifysgol Cologne a'r KIT.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Aelod o Soceity mathemategol Americanaidd.
- Aelod o Soceity Mathemategol Mecsico (SMM).
Contact Details
Abacws, Llawr 5, Ystafell 05.35, Ffordd Senghennydd, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4AG
Abacws, Llawr 5, Ystafell 05.35, Ffordd Senghennydd, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4AG
Themâu ymchwil
- Geometreg Wahaniaethol
- Topology gwahaniaethol
- Dail
- Dadansoddiad geometrig