Mae fy ffocws ymchwil ar gymhwyso peirianneg microdon i faes gwyddor deunyddiau. Rwy'n aelod o labordy'r Athro Oliver Williams lle rwy'n canolbwyntio'n benodol ar dwf heteroepitacsiol diemwnt polycrystalline ar wahanol swbstradau gan ddefnyddio dyddodiad anwedd cemegol plasma microdon (CVD).
Fy meysydd ymchwil gweithredol ar hyn o bryd:
- Diemwnt CVD plasma microdon
- Twf diemwnt CVD ar nitrid galiwm (GaN) - Prosiect GaN-DaME
- Cyseinyddion microdon diemwnt doped gor-ddargludol diflas
- Modelu microdon (dull elfen gyfyngedig)
- Modelu plasma microdon mewn adweithyddion CVD
- Cyseinyddion microdon / cyseinyddion dielectrig ar gyfer sbectrosgopeg dielectrig
- Dyluniadau strwythur cyd-gynllunydd microdon ar gyfer dargludo diemwnt
- Straen thermol a achosir yn ystod CVD microdon mewn pentyrrau wafer diemwnt
- Sbectrosgopeg dielectrig microdon a mesuriadau deunydd
- ffilmiau diemwnt CVD annibynnol
- Powdrau carbon micro / nano gan gynnwys nanodiamond
- Electrical conducting diamond films
- Williams, O. A., Mandal, S. and Cuenca, J. A. 2024. Heterogeneous integration of diamond. Accounts of Materials Research (10.1021/accountsmr.4c00126)
- Stritt, J., Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L. and Williams, O. A. 2024. Development of long-range conductivity mechanisms in glass-like carbon. Carbon 223, article number: 119027. (10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119027)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2024. Dielectric properties of diamond using an X-band microwave split dielectric resonator. Carbon 221, article number: 118860. (10.1016/j.carbon.2024.118860)
- Leigh, W. et al. 2023. Monitoring of the initial stages of diamond growth on aluminum nitride using in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry. ACS Omega 8(33), pp. 30442-30449. (10.1021/acsomega.3c03609)
- Rafique, T. et al. 2023. Fabrication of hollow Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 spheres (x = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) as high-performance electromagnetic absorber material. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 572, article number: 170647. (10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.170647)
- Cuenca, J. A., Leigh, W., Thomas, E. L., Mandal, S. and Williams, O. A. 2023. Modelling deposition uniformity in microwave plasma cvd diamond over 2" Si wafers. Presented at: 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, 29 November - 02 December 20222022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). IEEE, (10.23919/APMC55665.2022.9999754)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2023. Microwave conductivity of boron-doped nanodiamond particles. Presented at: 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, 29 November - 02 December 20222022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). IEEE, (10.23919/APMC55665.2022.9999762)
- Leigh, W. G., Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L., Mandal, S. and Williams, O. A. 2023. Mapping the effect of substrate temperature inhomogeneity during microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition nanocrystalline diamond growth. Carbon 201, pp. 228-337. (10.1016/j.carbon.2022.09.036)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2023. Superconducting boron doped nanocrystalline diamond microwave coplanar resonator. Carbon 201, pp. 251-259. (10.1016/j.carbon.2022.08.084)
- Rafique, T., Atif, M., Nadeem, M., Meydan, T., Cuenca, J., Khalid, W. and Ali, Z. 2023. Cation distribution in Cr3+ doped Ni0.3Co0.2Zn0.5Fe2?xCrxO4 nanoferrites (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1)): Structural, magnetic and impedance spectroscopic studies. Physica B: Condensed Matter 648, article number: 414413. (10.1016/j.physb.2022.414413)
- Leigh, W. G., Thomas, E. L., Cuenca, J. A., Mandal, S. and Williams, O. A. 2022. In-situ monitoring of microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition diamond growth on silicon using spectroscopic ellipsometry. Carbon 202, pp. 204-212. (10.1016/j.carbon.2022.10.049)
- Cuenca, J. A., Mandal, S., Thomas, E. L. and Williams, O. A. 2022. Microwave plasma modelling in clamshell chemical vapour deposition diamond reactors. Diamond and Related Materials 124, article number: 108917. (10.1016/j.diamond.2022.108917)
- Mandal, S., Arts, K., Knoops, H. C., Cuenca, J. A., Klemencic, G. M. and Williams, O. A. 2021. Surface zeta potential and diamond growth on gallium oxide single crystal. Carbon 181, pp. 79-86. (10.1016/j.carbon.2021.04.100)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2021. Thermal stress modelling of diamond on GaN/III-Nitride membranes. Carbon 174, pp. 647-661. (10.1016/j.carbon.2020.11.067)
- Gumbleton, R., Cuenca, J. A., Hefford, S., Nai, K. and Porch, A. 2021. Measurement technique for microwave surface resistance of additive manufactured metals. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 69(1), pp. 189-197. (10.1109/TMTT.2020.3035082)
- Field, D. E. et al. 2020. Crystalline interlayers for reducing the effective thermal boundary resistance in GaN-on-Diamond. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12(48), pp. 54138-54145. (10.1021/acsami.0c10129)
- Smith, M. D. et al. 2020. GaN-on-diamond technology platform: bonding-free membrane manufacturing process. AIP Advances 10(3), article number: 35306. (10.1063/1.5129229)
- Cuenca, J. A., Mandal, S., Morgan, D. J., Snowball, M., Porch, A. and Williams, O. A. 2020. Dielectric spectroscopy of hydrogen treated hexagonal boron nitride ceramics. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2(5), pp. 1193-1202. (10.1021/acsaelm.9b00767)
- Gumbleton, R., Cuenca, J. A., Klemencic, G. M., Jones, N. and Porch, A. 2019. Evaluating the coefficient of thermal expansion of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg using microwave techniques. Additive Manufacturing 30, article number: 100841. (10.1016/j.addma.2019.100841)
- Mandal, S. et al. 2019. Thick, adherent diamond films on AlN with low thermal barrier resistance. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11(43), pp. 40826-40834. (10.1021/acsami.9b13869)
- Mandal, S., Bland, H. A., Cuenca, J. A., Snowball, M. and Williams, O. A. 2019. Superconducting boron doped nanocrystalline diamond on boron nitride ceramics. Nanoscale 11(21), pp. 10266-10272. (10.1039/C9NR02729G)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2019. Microwave cavity perturbation of nitrogen doped nano-crystalline diamond films. Carbon 145, pp. -. (10.1016/j.carbon.2018.12.025)
- Sharif, S. et al. 2018. Structural, surface morphology, dielectric and magnetic properties of holmium doped BiFeO3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Thin Solid Films 662, pp. 83-89. (10.1016/j.tsf.2018.07.029)
- Kanwal, M., Ahmad, I., Meydan, T., Cuenca, J. A., Williams, P. I., Farid, M. T. and Murtaza, G. 2018. Structural, magnetic and microwave properties of gadolinium-substituted Ca-Ba M-type hexagonal ferrites. Journal of Electronic Materials 47(9), pp. 5370-5377. (10.1007/s11664-018-6420-5)
- Hussain, M. et al. 2018. Microwave absorption properties of CoGd substituted ZnFe2O4 ferrites synthesized by co-precipitation technique. Ceramics International 44(6), pp. 5909-5914. (10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.12.145)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2018. Microwave permittivity of trace sp2 carbon impurities in sub-micron diamond powders. ACS Omega 3(2), pp. 2183-2192. (10.1021/acsomega.7b02000)
- Cuenca, J. A., Slocombe, D. R. and Porch, A. 2017. Corrections to 'temperature correction for cylindrical cavity perturbation measurements'. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65(12), pp. 5078. (10.1109/TMTT.2017.2751550)
- Cuenca, J. A., Slocombe, D. R. and Porch, A. 2017. Temperature correction for cylindrical cavity perturbation measurements. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65(6), pp. 2153-2161. (10.1109/TMTT.2017.2652462)
- Parker, N., Cuenca, J., Athanasios, D., Alan, O. G. and Slocombe, D. 2017. Simulation of RF fields for wood gluing applications. Presented at: 16th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating AMPERE 2017, Delft, Netherlands, 18-21 September 2017.
- Li, J., Wu, F., Wang, H., Cuenca, J., Yang, X. and Barrow, D. 2017. An automated system for the shape optimization of double emulsion droplets used in the fabrication of Inertial Fusion Energy target shells. Presented at: The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), Cardiff, 22-26 October 2017.
- Cuenca, J. A., Bugler, K., Taylor, S. H., Morgan, D. J., Williams, P., Bauer, J. and Porch, A. 2016. Study of the magnetite to maghemite transition using microwave permittivity and permeability measurements. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28(10), article number: 106002. (10.1088/0953-8984/28/10/106002)
- Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L. H., Mandal, S., Williams, O. A. and Porch, A. 2015. Investigating the broadband microwave absorption of nanodiamond impurities. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63(12), pp. 4110-4118. (10.1109/TMTT.2015.2495156)
- Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L. H., Mandal, S., Williams, O. A. and Porch, A. 2015. Microwave determination of sp2 carbon fraction in nanodiamond powders. Carbon 81, pp. 174-178. (10.1016/j.carbon.2014.09.046)
- Cuenca, J. A. 2015. Characterisation of powders using microwave cavity perturbation. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Hartley, J., Lees, J., Cuenca, J. and Choi, H. 2014. Assessment of machine oil quality by microwave cavity perturbation method. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Choi, H., Cuenca, J., Hartley, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Observation of change in microwave properties during solid to liquid phase transformation of gallium. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Cuenca, J., Choi, H., Hartley, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Microwave detection of photodielectric effects in antimony tin oxide. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Huckle, D., Hall, J., Bowen, J., Allender, C., Cuenca, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Towards an efficient biosensor for the detection of lipopolysaccharide in sepsis using molecularly imprinted polymers. British Journal of Anaesthesia 112(1), pp. 199. (10.1093/bja/aet373)
- Cuenca, J., Klein, S., Ruger, R. and Porch, A. 2014. Microwave complex permeability of magnetite using non-demagnetising and demagnetising cavity modes. Presented at: Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2014 44th European, Rome, Italy, 6-9 Oct 2014Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2014 44th European. pp. 128-131., (10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986386)
- Cuenca, J., Thomas, E., Williams, O. A., Mandal, S. and Porch, A. 2014. Broadband microwave measurements of nanodiamond. Presented at: Microwave Conference (APMC), 2014 Asia-Pacific, Sendai, Japan, 4-7 Nov 2014Microwave Conference (APMC), 2014 Asia-Pacific. pp. 1-3.
- Choi, H., Cuenca, J. A., Attard, G. and Porch, A. 2014. A novel concentration detection method of hydrogen peroxide using microwave cavity perturbation technique. Presented at: 44th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) 2014, Rome, Italy, 6-9 October 201444th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2014). Picastaway, NJ: IEEE pp. 632-635., (10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986513)
- Cuenca, J. A., Leigh, W., Thomas, E. L., Mandal, S. and Williams, O. A. 2023. Modelling deposition uniformity in microwave plasma cvd diamond over 2" Si wafers. Presented at: 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, 29 November - 02 December 20222022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). IEEE, (10.23919/APMC55665.2022.9999754)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2023. Microwave conductivity of boron-doped nanodiamond particles. Presented at: 2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Yokohama, Japan, 29 November - 02 December 20222022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC). IEEE, (10.23919/APMC55665.2022.9999762)
- Parker, N., Cuenca, J., Athanasios, D., Alan, O. G. and Slocombe, D. 2017. Simulation of RF fields for wood gluing applications. Presented at: 16th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating AMPERE 2017, Delft, Netherlands, 18-21 September 2017.
- Li, J., Wu, F., Wang, H., Cuenca, J., Yang, X. and Barrow, D. 2017. An automated system for the shape optimization of double emulsion droplets used in the fabrication of Inertial Fusion Energy target shells. Presented at: The 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2017), Cardiff, 22-26 October 2017.
- Hartley, J., Lees, J., Cuenca, J. and Choi, H. 2014. Assessment of machine oil quality by microwave cavity perturbation method. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Choi, H., Cuenca, J., Hartley, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Observation of change in microwave properties during solid to liquid phase transformation of gallium. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Cuenca, J., Choi, H., Hartley, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Microwave detection of photodielectric effects in antimony tin oxide. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Cuenca, J., Klein, S., Ruger, R. and Porch, A. 2014. Microwave complex permeability of magnetite using non-demagnetising and demagnetising cavity modes. Presented at: Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2014 44th European, Rome, Italy, 6-9 Oct 2014Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2014 44th European. pp. 128-131., (10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986386)
- Cuenca, J., Thomas, E., Williams, O. A., Mandal, S. and Porch, A. 2014. Broadband microwave measurements of nanodiamond. Presented at: Microwave Conference (APMC), 2014 Asia-Pacific, Sendai, Japan, 4-7 Nov 2014Microwave Conference (APMC), 2014 Asia-Pacific. pp. 1-3.
- Choi, H., Cuenca, J. A., Attard, G. and Porch, A. 2014. A novel concentration detection method of hydrogen peroxide using microwave cavity perturbation technique. Presented at: 44th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) 2014, Rome, Italy, 6-9 October 201444th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2014). Picastaway, NJ: IEEE pp. 632-635., (10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986513)
- Williams, O. A., Mandal, S. and Cuenca, J. A. 2024. Heterogeneous integration of diamond. Accounts of Materials Research (10.1021/accountsmr.4c00126)
- Stritt, J., Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L. and Williams, O. A. 2024. Development of long-range conductivity mechanisms in glass-like carbon. Carbon 223, article number: 119027. (10.1016/j.carbon.2024.119027)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2024. Dielectric properties of diamond using an X-band microwave split dielectric resonator. Carbon 221, article number: 118860. (10.1016/j.carbon.2024.118860)
- Leigh, W. et al. 2023. Monitoring of the initial stages of diamond growth on aluminum nitride using in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry. ACS Omega 8(33), pp. 30442-30449. (10.1021/acsomega.3c03609)
- Rafique, T. et al. 2023. Fabrication of hollow Ni1-xZnxFe2O4 spheres (x = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0) as high-performance electromagnetic absorber material. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 572, article number: 170647. (10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.170647)
- Leigh, W. G., Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L., Mandal, S. and Williams, O. A. 2023. Mapping the effect of substrate temperature inhomogeneity during microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition nanocrystalline diamond growth. Carbon 201, pp. 228-337. (10.1016/j.carbon.2022.09.036)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2023. Superconducting boron doped nanocrystalline diamond microwave coplanar resonator. Carbon 201, pp. 251-259. (10.1016/j.carbon.2022.08.084)
- Rafique, T., Atif, M., Nadeem, M., Meydan, T., Cuenca, J., Khalid, W. and Ali, Z. 2023. Cation distribution in Cr3+ doped Ni0.3Co0.2Zn0.5Fe2?xCrxO4 nanoferrites (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1)): Structural, magnetic and impedance spectroscopic studies. Physica B: Condensed Matter 648, article number: 414413. (10.1016/j.physb.2022.414413)
- Leigh, W. G., Thomas, E. L., Cuenca, J. A., Mandal, S. and Williams, O. A. 2022. In-situ monitoring of microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition diamond growth on silicon using spectroscopic ellipsometry. Carbon 202, pp. 204-212. (10.1016/j.carbon.2022.10.049)
- Cuenca, J. A., Mandal, S., Thomas, E. L. and Williams, O. A. 2022. Microwave plasma modelling in clamshell chemical vapour deposition diamond reactors. Diamond and Related Materials 124, article number: 108917. (10.1016/j.diamond.2022.108917)
- Mandal, S., Arts, K., Knoops, H. C., Cuenca, J. A., Klemencic, G. M. and Williams, O. A. 2021. Surface zeta potential and diamond growth on gallium oxide single crystal. Carbon 181, pp. 79-86. (10.1016/j.carbon.2021.04.100)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2021. Thermal stress modelling of diamond on GaN/III-Nitride membranes. Carbon 174, pp. 647-661. (10.1016/j.carbon.2020.11.067)
- Gumbleton, R., Cuenca, J. A., Hefford, S., Nai, K. and Porch, A. 2021. Measurement technique for microwave surface resistance of additive manufactured metals. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 69(1), pp. 189-197. (10.1109/TMTT.2020.3035082)
- Field, D. E. et al. 2020. Crystalline interlayers for reducing the effective thermal boundary resistance in GaN-on-Diamond. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12(48), pp. 54138-54145. (10.1021/acsami.0c10129)
- Smith, M. D. et al. 2020. GaN-on-diamond technology platform: bonding-free membrane manufacturing process. AIP Advances 10(3), article number: 35306. (10.1063/1.5129229)
- Cuenca, J. A., Mandal, S., Morgan, D. J., Snowball, M., Porch, A. and Williams, O. A. 2020. Dielectric spectroscopy of hydrogen treated hexagonal boron nitride ceramics. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2(5), pp. 1193-1202. (10.1021/acsaelm.9b00767)
- Gumbleton, R., Cuenca, J. A., Klemencic, G. M., Jones, N. and Porch, A. 2019. Evaluating the coefficient of thermal expansion of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg using microwave techniques. Additive Manufacturing 30, article number: 100841. (10.1016/j.addma.2019.100841)
- Mandal, S. et al. 2019. Thick, adherent diamond films on AlN with low thermal barrier resistance. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11(43), pp. 40826-40834. (10.1021/acsami.9b13869)
- Mandal, S., Bland, H. A., Cuenca, J. A., Snowball, M. and Williams, O. A. 2019. Superconducting boron doped nanocrystalline diamond on boron nitride ceramics. Nanoscale 11(21), pp. 10266-10272. (10.1039/C9NR02729G)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2019. Microwave cavity perturbation of nitrogen doped nano-crystalline diamond films. Carbon 145, pp. -. (10.1016/j.carbon.2018.12.025)
- Sharif, S. et al. 2018. Structural, surface morphology, dielectric and magnetic properties of holmium doped BiFeO3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Thin Solid Films 662, pp. 83-89. (10.1016/j.tsf.2018.07.029)
- Kanwal, M., Ahmad, I., Meydan, T., Cuenca, J. A., Williams, P. I., Farid, M. T. and Murtaza, G. 2018. Structural, magnetic and microwave properties of gadolinium-substituted Ca-Ba M-type hexagonal ferrites. Journal of Electronic Materials 47(9), pp. 5370-5377. (10.1007/s11664-018-6420-5)
- Hussain, M. et al. 2018. Microwave absorption properties of CoGd substituted ZnFe2O4 ferrites synthesized by co-precipitation technique. Ceramics International 44(6), pp. 5909-5914. (10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.12.145)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2018. Microwave permittivity of trace sp2 carbon impurities in sub-micron diamond powders. ACS Omega 3(2), pp. 2183-2192. (10.1021/acsomega.7b02000)
- Cuenca, J. A., Slocombe, D. R. and Porch, A. 2017. Corrections to 'temperature correction for cylindrical cavity perturbation measurements'. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65(12), pp. 5078. (10.1109/TMTT.2017.2751550)
- Cuenca, J. A., Slocombe, D. R. and Porch, A. 2017. Temperature correction for cylindrical cavity perturbation measurements. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65(6), pp. 2153-2161. (10.1109/TMTT.2017.2652462)
- Cuenca, J. A., Bugler, K., Taylor, S. H., Morgan, D. J., Williams, P., Bauer, J. and Porch, A. 2016. Study of the magnetite to maghemite transition using microwave permittivity and permeability measurements. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28(10), article number: 106002. (10.1088/0953-8984/28/10/106002)
- Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L. H., Mandal, S., Williams, O. A. and Porch, A. 2015. Investigating the broadband microwave absorption of nanodiamond impurities. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63(12), pp. 4110-4118. (10.1109/TMTT.2015.2495156)
- Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L. H., Mandal, S., Williams, O. A. and Porch, A. 2015. Microwave determination of sp2 carbon fraction in nanodiamond powders. Carbon 81, pp. 174-178. (10.1016/j.carbon.2014.09.046)
- Huckle, D., Hall, J., Bowen, J., Allender, C., Cuenca, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Towards an efficient biosensor for the detection of lipopolysaccharide in sepsis using molecularly imprinted polymers. British Journal of Anaesthesia 112(1), pp. 199. (10.1093/bja/aet373)
- Cuenca, J. A. 2015. Characterisation of powders using microwave cavity perturbation. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Hussain, M. et al. 2018. Microwave absorption properties of CoGd substituted ZnFe2O4 ferrites synthesized by co-precipitation technique. Ceramics International 44(6), pp. 5909-5914. (10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.12.145)
- Cuenca, J. A. et al. 2018. Microwave permittivity of trace sp2 carbon impurities in sub-micron diamond powders. ACS Omega 3(2), pp. 2183-2192. (10.1021/acsomega.7b02000)
- Cuenca, J. A., Slocombe, D. R. and Porch, A. 2017. Temperature correction for cylindrical cavity perturbation measurements. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65(6), pp. 2153-2161. (10.1109/TMTT.2017.2652462)
- Cuenca, J. A., Bugler, K., Taylor, S. H., Morgan, D. J., Williams, P., Bauer, J. and Porch, A. 2016. Study of the magnetite to maghemite transition using microwave permittivity and permeability measurements. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 28(10), article number: 106002. (10.1088/0953-8984/28/10/106002)
- Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L. H., Mandal, S., Williams, O. A. and Porch, A. 2015. Investigating the broadband microwave absorption of nanodiamond impurities. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63(12), pp. 4110-4118. (10.1109/TMTT.2015.2495156)
- Cuenca, J. A., Thomas, E. L. H., Mandal, S., Williams, O. A. and Porch, A. 2015. Microwave determination of sp2 carbon fraction in nanodiamond powders. Carbon 81, pp. 174-178. (10.1016/j.carbon.2014.09.046)
- Cuenca, J. A. 2015. Characterisation of powders using microwave cavity perturbation. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Hartley, J., Lees, J., Cuenca, J. and Choi, H. 2014. Assessment of machine oil quality by microwave cavity perturbation method. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Choi, H., Cuenca, J., Hartley, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Observation of change in microwave properties during solid to liquid phase transformation of gallium. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Cuenca, J., Choi, H., Hartley, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Microwave detection of photodielectric effects in antimony tin oxide. Presented at: 2014 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC 2014), Jeonju, Republic of Korea, 30-31 October 2014.
- Huckle, D., Hall, J., Bowen, J., Allender, C., Cuenca, J. and Porch, A. 2014. Towards an efficient biosensor for the detection of lipopolysaccharide in sepsis using molecularly imprinted polymers. British Journal of Anaesthesia 112(1), pp. 199. (10.1093/bja/aet373)
- Cuenca, J., Klein, S., Ruger, R. and Porch, A. 2014. Microwave complex permeability of magnetite using non-demagnetising and demagnetising cavity modes. Presented at: Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2014 44th European, Rome, Italy, 6-9 Oct 2014Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2014 44th European. pp. 128-131., (10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986386)
- Cuenca, J., Thomas, E., Williams, O. A., Mandal, S. and Porch, A. 2014. Broadband microwave measurements of nanodiamond. Presented at: Microwave Conference (APMC), 2014 Asia-Pacific, Sendai, Japan, 4-7 Nov 2014Microwave Conference (APMC), 2014 Asia-Pacific. pp. 1-3.
- Choi, H., Cuenca, J. A., Attard, G. and Porch, A. 2014. A novel concentration detection method of hydrogen peroxide using microwave cavity perturbation technique. Presented at: 44th European Microwave Conference (EuMC) 2014, Rome, Italy, 6-9 October 201444th European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2014). Picastaway, NJ: IEEE pp. 632-635., (10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986513)
Teitl | Pobl | yn Noddi | Hyd Gwerth |
Myfyrwyr dan oruchwyliaeth
Gradd | Statws | Myfyriwr | Teitl
- 2015: PhD (Peirianneg Microdon a Gwyddoniaeth Deunyddiau), Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2012: BEng (Peirianneg Electronig a Chyfathrebu, 1af), Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2008: CertHE (Technoleg Cerddoriaeth, Rhagoriaeth), Prifysgol Bournemouth
Trosolwg gyrfa
- 2015 - presennol: Cydymaith Ymchwil, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2010 - 2011: Peiriannydd Lleoliad Diwydiannol, Cassidian (Grŵp Airbus)
- 2009 - 2012: Myfyriwr Israddedig, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2007 - 2008: Myfyriwr Israddedig, Prifysgol Bournemouth
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 2024 - Cyflwyniad Llafar Gorau, 5GCMEA, Prifysgol Kyushu, Japan
- 2016 - Enillydd Gwobr Da Vinci, Prifysgol Caerdydd, DU
- 2011 - Gwobr Licentiateship mewn Peirianneg Electronig City & Guilds, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2011 - Gwobr Man Project Brunel, Cassidian (Airbus Group), UK
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2018 - presennol: Cydymaith Ymchwil, Ffowndri Diamond Caerdydd
- 2017 - 2018: Grŵp Cyswllt Ymchwil, Synwyryddion, Signalau a Delweddu
- 2015 - 2017: Cyswllt Ymchwil, Canolfan Wolfson ar gyfer Magneteg
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
- 2024 - 5GCMEA (5ed Cyngres Fyd-eang ar Geisiadau Microdon ac Ynni) - Fukuoka, Japan [Llafar x2]
- 2024 - Gweithdy Diemwnt Hasselt - Hasselt, Gwlad Belg [Llafar, Poster]
- 2023 - AMPERE (Cymdeithas Pwer Microdon yn Ewrop ar gyfer Ymchwil ac Addysg) - Caerdydd, y DU [Llafar x2]
- 2023 - Gweithdy Diemwnt Hasselt - Hasselt, Gwlad Belg [Poster x2]
- 2022 - Gwahoddiad ym Mhrifysgol Tokyo Gwyddoniaeth - Tokyo, Japan [Oral]
- 2022 - APMC (Cynhadledd Microdon Asia-Môr Tawel) - Sendai, Japan [Llafar x2]
- 2022 - Cynhadledd Warwick Diamond - Warwick, DU [Llafar]
- 2022 - Gweithdy Diemwnt Hasselt - Hasselt, Gwlad Belg [Poster x3]
- 2022 - CMQM (Mater Cyddwysedig a Deunyddiau Cwantwm) - Caerfaddon, DU [Poster]
- 2021 - Gweithdy Diemwnt Hasselt - Hasselt, Gwlad Belg [Poster]
- 2021 - Cynhadledd Warwick Diamond - Warwick, DU [Poster]
- 2020 - UKNC (Cynhadledd Nitrides y DU) - Caerdydd, DU [Llafar]
- 2020 - Gweithdy Diemwnt Hasselt - Hasselt, Gwlad Belg [Llafar, Posteri x2]
- 2019 - AMPERE (Cymdeithas Microdon Power yn Ewrop ar gyfer Ymchwil ac Addysg) - Valencia, Sbaen [Llafar x2]
- 2019 - Diemwnt Newydd a Carbonau Nano - Hualien, Taiwan [Poster]
- 2019 - Diwrnod Diamond - Bryste, DU [Poster]
- 2019 - UKNC (Cynhadledd Nitrides y DU) - Glasgow, DU [Poster]
- 2018 - Cynhadledd Warwick Diamond - Warwick, DU [Poster]
- 2018 - Gweithdy Diemwnt Hasselt - Hasselt, Gwlad Belg [Llafar]
- 2014 - ISITC (Symposiwm Rhyngwladol ar Gydgyfeirio Technoleg Gwybodaeth) - Jeonju, Corea [Oral]
- 2014 - APMC (Cynhadledd Microdon Asia-Môr Tawel) - Sendai, Japan [Llafar]
- 2014 - EuMC (Cynhadledd Microdon) - Rhufain, yr Eidal [Llafar]
Contact Details
+44 29225 14706
Adeiladau'r Frenhines - Adeilad y Gogledd, Ystafell S/3.26a, 5 The Parade, Heol Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA
+44 29225 14706
Adeiladau'r Frenhines - Adeilad y Gogledd, Ystafell S/3.26a, 5 The Parade, Heol Casnewydd, Caerdydd, CF24 3AA