Yr Athro Stephen Cushion
BA (E Anglia) PhD Cardiff MA Cardiff Senior Fellow (Advanced HE)
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Stephen Cushion
Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil ac Effaith (ac arweinydd REF)
Mae Stephen Cushion yn Athro yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Prifysgol Caerdydd. Ef yw Cyfarwyddwr Datblygu Ymchwil a'r Amgylchedd ac Effaith yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Caerdydd. Ar hyn o bryd mae'r Athro Cushion yn arwain cyflwyniad REF yr ysgol. Mae hefyd ar SMT (uwch dîm rheoli) yr ysgol a'r Pwyllgor Staffio craidd. Ef yw cyn-gyfarwyddwr PGR yn JOMEC (2017-2019), ynghyd â rolau ysgol eraill.
Fel PI, mae'r Athro Cushion wedi cynhyrchu incwm ymchwil cyson a pharhaus y tu hwnt i'r lefelau disgwyliedig ar gyfer y ddisgyblaeth. Mae wedi cynhyrchu cyfanswm o bron i £3m ar draws ystod o gyllidwyr, o gynlluniau cystadleuol a adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid i gyrff cyfryngau'r diwydiant.
Ei wobr ddiweddaraf gan yr AHRC yw 'Gwella didueddrwydd newyddion: Dadansoddiad o adroddiadau gwleidyddol' (£755, 625) ac mae i fod i ddechrau tua mis Gorffennaf 2025.
Yn ddiweddar, mae'r Athro Cushion wedi cwblhau pedwar prosiect ymchwil mawr gan wahanol gyllidwyr:
- Grant ymchwil tair blynedd gwerth £517,731 a ddyfarnwyd gan ESRC o'r enw 'Tu hwnt i'r MSM: Deall cynnydd cyfryngau gwleidyddol ar-lein amgen' (2019-2023).
- Grant ymchwil dwy flynedd £9,839.80 a ddyfarnwyd gan BA/Leverhulme o'r enw 'Cywir neu gamarweiniol? Portread MSM yn y cyfryngau alt-chwith ' (2019-2021).
- Grant ymchwil dwy flynedd o £579,183 a ddyfarnwyd gan AHRC o'r enw 'Gwrthsefyll twyllwybodaeth: gwella cyfreithlondeb newyddiadurol yn y cyfryngau gwasanaeth cyhoeddus' (2020-2023)
- Adolygiad Ofcom o Newyddion a Materion Cyfoes y BBC (2019-2020) ac Adolygiad Ofcom o Genhedloedd a'r ddarpariaeth ddatganoledig ar newyddion rhwydwaith.
Mae wedi ysgrifennu pedwar llyfr unig awdur, Beyond the Mainstream Media: Alternative Media and the Future of Journalism (2024, Routledge), News and Poitics: The Rise of Live a Interpretive Journalism, The Democratic Value of News: Why Public Service Media Matter (2012, Palgrave) a Newyddiaduraeth Teledu (2012, Sage), un llyfr a gyd-awdurwyd Reporting Elections: Rethinking the Logic of Campaign Coverage (2018, Polity Press, gyda Richard Thomas) a chyd-olygodd The Future of 24-Hour News: New Directions, New Challenges (2016, Peter Lang, gyda Richard Sambrook) a The Rise of 24-Hour News: Global Perspectives (2010, Peter Lang gyda Justin Lewis).
Mae hefyd wedi cyhoeddi tua 100 o erthyglau cyfnodolion, penodau llyfrau, adroddiadau ymchwil neu allbynnau eraill ar faterion sy'n ymwneud â newyddion, gwleidyddiaeth a newyddiaduraeth. Mae'n gyn Olygydd Cyswllt Astudiaethau Newyddiaduraeth ac mae ar fwrdd golygyddol nifer o gyfnodolion academaidd blaenllaw, gan gynnwys Journalism Practice, Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, Journalism Education a Journal of Applied Journalism and Media. Mae wedi cyd-olygu (gyda Daniel Jackson) rhifyn arbennig o Newyddiaduraeth ynghylch adrodd etholiadau a ddisgwylir yn ystod haf 2019.
Mae Stephen wedi bod yn PI ar dri Adolygiadau Didueddrwydd Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC a Chyd-I ar un. Arweiniodd y ddau gyntaf (yn 2008 a 2010) at astudiaeth achos effaith REF â sgôr o 4* (derbyn y dyfarniad effaith rhanbarthol gan Brifysgol Caerdydd), tra yn 2021 derbyniodd naill ai 4 * neu 3.5* ar gyfer astudiaeth achos effaith REF yn seiliedig ar nifer o astudiaethau cysylltiedig â newyddion ac ymgysylltu â darlledwyr.
Mae Stephen wedi goruchwylio llawer o draethodau hir MA a thraethodau hir PhD yn llwyddiannus i'w cwblhau, wedi gweithredu fel arholwr PhD mewnol ac allanol ac wedi cadeirio vivas.
Mae Stephen yn cyflwyno ymchwil yn rheolaidd mewn cynadleddau rhyngwladol a'r DU, ac mae wedi cyd-drefnu cynadleddau academaidd mawr, megis cynadleddau Dyfodol Newyddiaduraeth y gorffennol, a oedd yn cynnwys cyd-olygu rhifyn arbennig o dri chylchgrawn yn seiliedig ar bapurau dethol.
Mae'n croesawu cynigion PhD (os oes ganddo allu goruchwylio) ym maes astudiaethau cyfathrebu a newyddiaduraeth wleidyddol, yn enwedig pynciau sy'n ymwneud â phoritng etholiadol, cyfryngu gwleidyddiaeth, ac effaith diwylliant newyddion 24 awr, neu faterion am gydbwysedd newyddiadurol, gwrthrychedd ac anrhandod, yn ogystal â chwestiynau ehangach am berchnogaeth cyfryngau a darlledu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, ac astudiaethau newyddion cymharol rhyngwladol.
Yn ddiweddar, mae Stephen wedi goruchwylio'r myfyrwyr canlynol i'w cwblhau:
Jason Roberts (2024) 'Protestio ffiniau newyddiaduraeth o fewn adran cyfryngau newyddion Breitbart'
Dywedodd Moza Abdullah Al-Rawahi (2019) Sultanate of Silence: A Critical Analysis of the Omani Newspapers' Coverage of the 2011 Protestiadau.
Ogbebor, Binakuromo (2018) Cynrychiolaeth o sgandal hacio ffôn News of the World ac Ymchwiliad Leveson: dadansoddiad o sylw y British Press o'r ddadl a gododd o'r sgandal
Kovačević, Petra (2023) Straeon fideo sy'n canolbwyntio ar atebion y BBC ar Facebook:
Ymarfer 'celfyddydau tywyll' newyddiaduraeth atebion
Afful, Ebo (2017) Newyddiaduraeth, Ymgyrchoedd Etholiad a Democratiaeth yn Ghana.
Kilby, Allaina (2014) Dychan ar gyfer Sancteiddrwydd: Archwiliad o gynrychiolaeth yn y cyfryngau ac ymgysylltiad cynulleidfa â Rali The Daily Show i Adfer Glanweithdra
Fitzgerald, Patrick (2014) Dilysrwydd anghydweld? Darllediadau papur newydd Prydeinig ac Americanaidd o'r Chwyldro Eifftaidd 2011.
Reardon, Sally (2013) Accounting for News: Dadansoddiad disgwrs o siarad newyddiadurwyr teledu.
- Morani, M., Hughes, C., Cushion, S. and Kyriakidou, M. 2024. Why media platforms police the boundaries of impartiality: a comparative analysis of television news and fact-checking in the UK. Journalism (10.1177/14648849241273599)
- Sambrook, R. and Cushion, S. 2024. Impartiality in public broadcasting. The Political Quarterly 95(1), pp. 48-55. (10.1111/1467-923X.13340)
- Thomas, R., McDowell-Naylor, D. and Cushion, S. 2024. Understanding 'good' and 'bad' Twitter practices in alternative media: an analysis of online political media in the UK (2015-2018). Journalism Practice 18(3), pp. 683-702. (10.1080/17512786.2022.2050469)
- Cushion, S. and Carbis, L. 2024. Identifying informational opportunities in political responsibility reporting: A study of television news coverage during the coronavirus pandemic in the UK's devolved system. International Journal of Press/Politics 29(1), pp. 164-183. (10.1177/19401612221075571)
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Cushion, S. and Hughes, C. 2023. Audience understandings of disinformation: navigating news media through a prism of pragmatic scepticism. Journalism 24(11), pp. 2379-2396. (10.1177/14648849221114244)
- Kyriakidou, M., Cushion, S., Hughes, C. and Morani, M. 2023. Questioning fact-checking in the fight against disinformation: An audience perspective. Journalism Practice 17(10), pp. 2123-3139. (10.1080/17512786.2022.2097118)
- Hughes, C., Morani, M., Cushion, S. and Kyriakidou, M. 2023. Does the political context shape how "due impartiality" is interpreted? An analysis of BBC reporting of the 2019 UK and 2020 US election campaigns. Journalism Studies 24(14), pp. 1715-1733. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2173956)
- Cushion, S. 2023. Beyond mainstream media alternative media and the future of journalism. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003360865)
- Frischlich, L., Eldridge, S. A., Figenschou, T. U., Ihlebæk, K. A., Holt, K. and Cushion, S. 2023. Contesting the mainstream: Towards an audience-centered agenda of alternative news research. Digital Journalism 11(5), pp. 727-740. (10.1080/21670811.2023.2214791)
- Soo, N., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2023. Reflecting party agendas, challenging claims: An analysis of editorial judgements and fact-checking journalism during the 2019 UK general election campaign. Journalism Studies 24(4), pp. 460-478. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2169190)
- McDowell-Naylor, D., Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2023. A typology of alternative online political media in the United Kingdom: A longitudinal content analysis (2015-2018). Journalism 24(1), pp. 41-61. (10.1177/14648849211059585)
- Morani, M., Cushion, S., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. Expert voices in the news reporting of the coronavirus pandemic: A study of UK television news bulletins and their audiences. Journalism 23(12), pp. 2513-2532. (10.1177/14648849221127629)
- Ihlebæk, K. A., Figenschou, T. U., Eldridge, S. A., Frischlich, L., Cushion, S. and Holt, K. 2022. Understanding alternative news media and its contribution to diversity. Digital Journalism 10(8), pp. 1267-1282. (10.1080/21670811.2022.2134165)
- Cushion, S. 2022. Are public service media distinctive from the market? Interpreting the political information environments of BBC and commercial news in the UK. European Journal of Communication 37(1), pp. 3-20. (10.1177/02673231211012149)
- Horowitz, M., Cushion, S., Dragomir, M., Gutiérrez Manjón, S. and Pantti, M. 2022. A framework for assessing the role of public service media organizations in countering disinformation. Digital Journalism 10(5), pp. 843-865. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1987948)
- Cushion, S., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. Why media systems matter: A fact-checking study of UK television news during the Coronavirus pandemic. Digital Journalism 10(5), pp. 698-716. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1965490)
- Cushion, S., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. (Mis)understanding the coronavirus and how it was handled in the UK: An analysis of public knowledge and the information environment. Journalism Studies 23(5-6), pp. 703-721. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1950564)
- Cushion, S. 2022. UK Alternative left media and their criticism of mainstream news: analysing the Canary and Evolve politics. Journalism Practice 16(8), pp. 1695-1714. (10.1080/17512786.2021.1882875)
- Walsh, M. and Cushion, S. 2021. Channel 4 News: impartial, independent and informative. In: Tait, R. and Mair, J. eds. What Price Channel 4 Now?. Abramis
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2021. Reporting from the front line: the role of health workers in UK television news reporting of COVID-19. In: Lewis, M., Govender, E. and Holland, K. eds. Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 41-58., (10.1007/978-3-030-79735-5_3)
- Cushion, S., McDowell-Naylor, D. and Thomas, R. 2021. Why national media systems matter: A longitudinal analysis of how UK left-wing and right-wing alternative media critique mainstream media (2015-2018). Journalism Studies 22(5), pp. 633-652. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1893795)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2021. Journalistic responses to misinformation. In: The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge, (10.4324/9781003004431-55)
- McDowell-Naylor, D., Thomas, R. and Cushion, S. 2021. Alternative online political media. In: Tumber, H. and Waisbord, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge, (10.4324/9781003004431-19)
- Cushion, S. 2020. Six ways alt-left media legitimatize their criticism of mainstream media: An analysis of The Canary and Evolve Politics (2015-19). Journal of Alternative and Community Media 5(2), pp. 153-171. (10.1386/joacm_00081_1)
- Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2020. The 'hospectacle' of reporting from ICUs: what does the public want to see?. [Online]. London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/05/29/the-hospectacle-of-reporting-from-icus-what-does-the-public-want-to-see/
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2020. Government and media misinformation about COVID-19 is confusing the public. [Online]. London: LSE. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/05/07/government-and-media-misinformation-about-covid-19-is-confusing-the-public/
- Soo, N., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2020. Research suggests UK public can spot fake news about COVID-19, but don’t realise the UK’s death toll is far higher than in many other countries. [Online]. London: LSE. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/04/28/research-suggests-uk-public-can-spot-fake-news-about-covid-19-but-dont-realise-the-uks-death-toll-is-far-higher-than-in-many-other-countries/
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. and Kilby, A. 2020. Why context, relevance and repetition matter in news reporting: Interpreting the United Kingdom's political information environment. Journalism 21(1), pp. 34-53. (10.1177/1464884917746560)
- Cushion, S. and Jackson, D. 2019. Introduction to special issue about election reporting: Why journalism (still) matters. Journalism 20(8), pp. 985-993. (10.1177/1464884919845454)
- Cushion, S. 2019. PSM Contribution to democracy: News, editorial standards and informed citizenship. In: Połońska, E. and Beckett, C. eds. Public Service Broadcasting and Media Systems in Troubled European Democracies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 23-39., (10.1007/978-3-030-02710-0_2)
- Thomas, R. and Cushion, S. 2019. Towards an institutional news logic of digital native news media? A case study of buzzfeed's reporting during the 2015 and 2017 UK General Election Campaigns. Digital Journalism 7(10), pp. 1328-1345. (10.1080/21670811.2019.1661262)
- Lewis, J. and Cushion, S. 2019. Think tanks, television news and impartiality: The ideological balance of sources in BBC programming. Journalism Studies 20(4), pp. 480-499. (10.1080/1461670X.2017.1389295)
- Cushion, S. 2018. Journalism under (ideological) threat: safeguarding and enhancing public service media into the 21st century. Journalism 20(1), pp. 69-72. (10.1177/1464884918807036)
- Cushion, S. 2018. Using public opinion to serve journalistic narratives: Rethinking vox pops and live two-way reporting in five UK election campaigns (2009-2017). European Journal of Communication 33(6), pp. 639-656. (10.1177/0267323118793779)
- Allan, S. et al. eds. 2018. The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. London and New York: Routledge.
- Cushion, S. and Beckett, C. 2018. Campaign coverage and editorial judgements: broadcasting. In: Cowley, P. and Kavanagh, D. eds. The British General Election of 2017. Springer, pp. 323-346., (10.1007/978-3-319-95936-8_13)
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2018. Reporting elections: Rethinking the logic of campaign coverage. Contemporary Political Communication. Polity.
- Cushion, S., Kilby, A., Thomas, R., Morani, M. and Sambrook, R. J. 2018. Newspapers, impartiality and television news: intermedia agenda-setting during the 2015 uk general election campaign. Journalism Studies 19(2), pp. 162-181. (10.1080/1461670X.2016.1171163)
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. and Callaghan, R. 2017. Data journalism, impartiality and statistical claims: towards more independent scrutiny in news reporting. Journalism Practice 11(10), pp. 1198-1215. (10.1080/17512786.2016.1256789)
- Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. 2017. Impartiality, statistical tit-for tats and the construction of balance: UK television news reporting of the 2016 EU referendum campaign. European Journal of Communication 32(3), pp. 208-223. (10.1177/0267323117695736)
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2017. From quantitative precision to qualitative judgements: professional perspectives about the impartiality of television news during the 2015 UK General Election. Journalism 20(3), pp. 392-409. (10.1177/1464884916685909)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Journalism Studies 17(7), pp. 801-807. (10.1080/1461670X.2016.1199486)
- Cushion, S., Thomas, R., Kilby, A., Morani, M. and Sambrook, R. J. 2016. Interpreting the media logic behind editorial decisions: Television News Coverage of the 2015 U.K. General Election Campaign. International Journal of Press/Politics 21(4), pp. 472-489. (10.1177/1940161216664726)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. Introduction: the future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Journalism Practice 10(7), pp. 808-814. (10.1080/17512786.2016.1199485)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. Introduction: The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Digital Journalism 4(7), pp. 809-815. (10.1080/21670811.2016.1199469)
- Cushion, S. and Sambrook, R. J. eds. 2016. The future of 24 hour news: new directions, new challenges. Peter Lang.
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2016. Reporting different second order elections: A comparative analysis of the 2009 and 2013 local and EU elections on public and commercial UK television news bulletins. British Politics 11(2), pp. 164-183. (10.1057/bp.2015.26)
- Cushion, S., Lewis, R. and Rodger, H. 2015. Adopting or resisting 24-hour news logic on evening bulletins? the mediatization of UK television news 1991-2012. Journalism 16(7), pp. 866-883. (10.1177/1464884914550975)
- Cushion, S., Thomas, R. and Ellis, O. 2015. Interpreting UKIP's 'earthquake' in British politics: UK television news coverage of the 2009 and 2014 EU election campaigns. The Political Quarterly 86(2), pp. 314-322. (10.1111/1467-923X.12169)
- Sambrook, R. J. and Cushion, S. 2015. Election coverage: how the parties and leaders are faring on television. The Guardian 2015(12 Apr)
- Cushion, S. 2015. News and politics: The rise of live and interpretive journalism. Communication and Society. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Cushion, S. and Franklin, R. 2015. Public service broadcasting: markets and 'vulnerable values' in broadcast and print journalism. In: Coleman, S., Moss, G. and Parry, K. eds. Can the Media Serve Democracy? Essays in Honour of Jay G. Blumler. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 63-75.
- Cushion, S. 2015. Injecting immediacy into media logic: re(interpreting) the mediatizaton of politics on UK television newscasts 1991-2013. Javnost/The Public 21(3), pp. 39-54. (10.1080/13183222.2014.11073410)
- Cushion, S., Thomas, R. and Ellis, O. 2015. The mediatization of second-order elections and party launches: UK television news reporting of the 2014 European Union campaign. International Journal of Communication 9, pp. 1523-1543.
- Cushion, S., Roger, H. and Lewis, R. 2014. Comparing levels of mediatization in television journalism: an analysis of political reporting on US and UK evening news bulletins. International Communication Gazette 76(6), pp. 443-463. (10.1177/1748048514533860)
- Blumler, J. and Cushion, S. 2014. Normative perspectives on journalism studies: Stock-taking and future directions. Journalism 15(3), pp. 259-272. (10.1177/1464884913498689)
- Cushion, S., Aalberg, T. and Thomas, R. 2014. Towards a rolling news logic in fixed time bulletins? A comparative analysis of journalistic interventions in the US, UK and Norway. European Journal of Communication 29(1), pp. 100-109. (10.1177/0267323113504373)
- Cushion, S. 2013. Assessing, measuring and applying ‘public value tests’ beyond new media: Interpreting impartiality and plurality in debates about journalism standards. In: Barkho, L. ed. From Theory to Practice: How to Assess and Apply Impartiality in News and Current Affairs. Chicago: Chicago University Press, pp. 49-68.
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2013. The mediatization of politics: Interpreting the value of live vs. edited journalistic interventions in UK television news bulletins. The International Journal of Press/Politics 18(3), pp. 360-380. (10.1177/1940161213484522)
- Cushion, S. 2013. Do public service media (still) matter? Evaluating the supply, quality, and the impact of television news in Western Europe. In: Kuhn, R. and Nielsen, R. K. eds. Political Journalism in Transition: Western Europe in a Comparative Perspective. Reuters Challenges Oxford: I. B. Tauris, pp. 151-170.
- Cushion, S. 2012. The democratic value of news: Why public service media matter. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Ramsay, G. N. 2012. The impact of interventionist regulation in reshaping news agendas: A comparative analysis of public and commercially funded television journalism. Journalism 13(7), pp. 831-849. (10.1177/1464884911431536)
- Cushion, S. 2012. Television journalism. Journalism Studies: Key Texts. London: SAGE Publications.
- Bromley, M. and Cushion, S. 2011. Media fundamentalism: the immediate response of the UK national press to terrorism-from 9/11 to 7/7. In: Zelizer, B. and Allan, S. eds. Journalism after September 11 2nd ed. Communication and Society London ; New York: Routledge, pp. 212-2311.
- Moore, K., Jewell, J. and Cushion, S. 2011. Media representations of black young men and boys: Report of the REACH media monitoring project. Project Report. [Online]. London: Crown. Available at: http://lx.iriss.org.uk/sites/default/files/resources/2113275.pdf
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Cushion, S., Williams, A., Guerra, S., Garcia-Blanco, I. and Tsagalas, D. 2010. Diversity and the European public sphere: The case of United Kingdom. Project Report. [Online]. EUROSPHERE. Available at: http://eurospheres.org/files/2010/06/UK.pdf
- Cushion, S. 2010. Rolling service, market logic: the race to be "Britain's most watched news channel". In: Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Cushion, S. 2010. A partial Europe without citizens or EU-level political institutions: How far can Euronews constitute a European public sphere?. Journalism Studies 11(3), pp. 393-411. (10.1080/14616700903378653)
- Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. 2010. Introduction: what is 24-hour news television?. In: Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives. Global Perspectives New York: Peter Lang, pp. 1-14.
- Cushion, S. 2010. Three phases of 24-hour news television. In: Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 15-30.
- Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. eds. 2010. The rise of 24 Hour news television: Global perspectives. Oxford: Peter Lang.
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Ramsay, G. 2010. Four nations impartiality review follow-up: An analysis of reporting devolution. Project Report. [Online]. London: BBC Trust Publications. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/our_work/services/television/other/nations_follow_up.html
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Groves, C. R. 2009. Prioritizing hand-shaking over policy-making: A study of how the 2007 devolved elections was reported on BBC UK network coverage. Cyfrwng: Media Wales Journal 6, pp. 7-32.
- Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. 2009. Towards a 'Foxification' of 24-hour news channels in Britain?: An analysis of market-driven and publicly funded news coverage. Journalism 10(2), pp. 131-153. (10.1177/1464884908100598)
- Cushion, S. 2009. “The truants take to the streets”: Young people, politics and citizenship in the UK. Media & Jornalismo 11
- Cushion, S. 2009. From tabloid hack to broadcast journalist: which news sources are the most trusted?. Journalism Practice 3(4), pp. 472-481. (10.1080/17512780903259358)
- Cushion, S. 2009. Reflecting the four nations? An analyis of reporting devolution on UK network news media. Presented at: MeCCSA Conference, Bradford University, 2009.
- Lewis, J. M. W. and Cushion, S. 2009. The thirst to be first: An analysis of breaking news stories and their impact on the quality of 24 hour news coverage in the UK. Journalism Practice 3(3), pp. 304- 318. (10.1080/17512780902798737)
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Cushion, S. 2009. Constructing Europe and European citizenship? A study of Euronews and the democratic implications of their journalistic practices. Presented at: MeCCSA Conference 2009, National Media Museum, Bradford, Wed 14 – Fri 16 January 2009.
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Groves, C. R. 2009. Reflecting the four nations? An analysis of reporting devolution on UK network news media. Journalism Studies 10(5), pp. 655-671. (10.1080/14616700902797242)
- Cushion, S. 2009. Discouraging citizenship? Young people's reactions to news media coverage of anti-Iraq war protesting in the UK. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research 17(2), pp. 123-143. (10.1177/110330880901700202)
- Lewis, J. M. W., Cushion, S., Groves, C., Bennett, L., Reardon, S., Wilkins, E. and Williams, R. 2008. Four Nations Impartiality Review: An analysis of reporting devolution. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets/files/pdf/review_report_research/impartiality/appendix_a_cardiff_u_analysis.pdf
- Cushion, S. 2008. Truly International? A content analysis of journalism: theory, practice and criticism and journalism studies. Journalism Practice 2(2), pp. 280-293. (10.1080/17512780801999477)
- Cushion, S. 2007. Protesting their apathy? An analysis of British press coverage of young anti Iraq war protestors. Journal of Youth Studies 10(4), pp. 419-437.
- Cushion, S. 2007. “On the beat” or in the classroom: Where and how is journalism studied?. Journalism Practice 1(3), pp. 421-434. (10.1080/17512780701505234)
- Cushion, S. 2007. Rich media, poor journalists: Journalists’ salaries. Journalism Practice 1(1), pp. 120-129. (10.1080/17512780601078910)
- Cushion, S. 2006. Refashioning youth citizenship: Hoodies, the anti-Iraq war movement and press coverage in Wales. Cyfrwng: Media Wales Journal 3, pp. 107-122.
- Cushion, S., Franklin, R. A. and Court, G. 2006. Citizens, readers and local newspaper coverage of the UK 2005 General Election. Javnost 13(1), pp. 41-60.
- Lewis, J. M. W., Cushion, S. and Thomas, J. 2005. Immediacy, convenience or engagement? An analysis of 24-hour news channels in the UK. Journalism Studies 6(4), pp. 461-477. (10.1080/14616700500250362)
- Thomas, J., Cushion, S. and Jewell, J. 2004. Stirring up apathy? Political disengagement and the media in the 2003 Welsh Assembly elections. Journal of Public Affairs 4(4), pp. 355-363. (10.1002/pa.198)
- Thomas, J., Jewell, J. and Cushion, S. 2004. The media and the 2003 Welsh Assembly elections. Representation: The Journal of Representative Democracy 40(4), pp. 281-287. (10.1080/00344890408523277)
- Thomas, J., Jewell, J. and Cushion, S. 2003. The National Assembly for Wales elections 2003: The official report and results. Project Report. [Online]. London: The Electoral Commission. Available at: http://http://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/__data/assets/electoral_commission_pdf_file/0011/13160/WalesElectionReportEnglish-newmap_14696-8855__E__N__S__W__.pdf
- Morani, M., Hughes, C., Cushion, S. and Kyriakidou, M. 2024. Why media platforms police the boundaries of impartiality: a comparative analysis of television news and fact-checking in the UK. Journalism (10.1177/14648849241273599)
- Sambrook, R. and Cushion, S. 2024. Impartiality in public broadcasting. The Political Quarterly 95(1), pp. 48-55. (10.1111/1467-923X.13340)
- Thomas, R., McDowell-Naylor, D. and Cushion, S. 2024. Understanding 'good' and 'bad' Twitter practices in alternative media: an analysis of online political media in the UK (2015-2018). Journalism Practice 18(3), pp. 683-702. (10.1080/17512786.2022.2050469)
- Cushion, S. and Carbis, L. 2024. Identifying informational opportunities in political responsibility reporting: A study of television news coverage during the coronavirus pandemic in the UK's devolved system. International Journal of Press/Politics 29(1), pp. 164-183. (10.1177/19401612221075571)
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Cushion, S. and Hughes, C. 2023. Audience understandings of disinformation: navigating news media through a prism of pragmatic scepticism. Journalism 24(11), pp. 2379-2396. (10.1177/14648849221114244)
- Kyriakidou, M., Cushion, S., Hughes, C. and Morani, M. 2023. Questioning fact-checking in the fight against disinformation: An audience perspective. Journalism Practice 17(10), pp. 2123-3139. (10.1080/17512786.2022.2097118)
- Hughes, C., Morani, M., Cushion, S. and Kyriakidou, M. 2023. Does the political context shape how "due impartiality" is interpreted? An analysis of BBC reporting of the 2019 UK and 2020 US election campaigns. Journalism Studies 24(14), pp. 1715-1733. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2173956)
- Frischlich, L., Eldridge, S. A., Figenschou, T. U., Ihlebæk, K. A., Holt, K. and Cushion, S. 2023. Contesting the mainstream: Towards an audience-centered agenda of alternative news research. Digital Journalism 11(5), pp. 727-740. (10.1080/21670811.2023.2214791)
- Soo, N., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2023. Reflecting party agendas, challenging claims: An analysis of editorial judgements and fact-checking journalism during the 2019 UK general election campaign. Journalism Studies 24(4), pp. 460-478. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2169190)
- McDowell-Naylor, D., Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2023. A typology of alternative online political media in the United Kingdom: A longitudinal content analysis (2015-2018). Journalism 24(1), pp. 41-61. (10.1177/14648849211059585)
- Morani, M., Cushion, S., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. Expert voices in the news reporting of the coronavirus pandemic: A study of UK television news bulletins and their audiences. Journalism 23(12), pp. 2513-2532. (10.1177/14648849221127629)
- Ihlebæk, K. A., Figenschou, T. U., Eldridge, S. A., Frischlich, L., Cushion, S. and Holt, K. 2022. Understanding alternative news media and its contribution to diversity. Digital Journalism 10(8), pp. 1267-1282. (10.1080/21670811.2022.2134165)
- Cushion, S. 2022. Are public service media distinctive from the market? Interpreting the political information environments of BBC and commercial news in the UK. European Journal of Communication 37(1), pp. 3-20. (10.1177/02673231211012149)
- Horowitz, M., Cushion, S., Dragomir, M., Gutiérrez Manjón, S. and Pantti, M. 2022. A framework for assessing the role of public service media organizations in countering disinformation. Digital Journalism 10(5), pp. 843-865. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1987948)
- Cushion, S., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. Why media systems matter: A fact-checking study of UK television news during the Coronavirus pandemic. Digital Journalism 10(5), pp. 698-716. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1965490)
- Cushion, S., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. (Mis)understanding the coronavirus and how it was handled in the UK: An analysis of public knowledge and the information environment. Journalism Studies 23(5-6), pp. 703-721. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1950564)
- Cushion, S. 2022. UK Alternative left media and their criticism of mainstream news: analysing the Canary and Evolve politics. Journalism Practice 16(8), pp. 1695-1714. (10.1080/17512786.2021.1882875)
- Cushion, S., McDowell-Naylor, D. and Thomas, R. 2021. Why national media systems matter: A longitudinal analysis of how UK left-wing and right-wing alternative media critique mainstream media (2015-2018). Journalism Studies 22(5), pp. 633-652. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1893795)
- Cushion, S. 2020. Six ways alt-left media legitimatize their criticism of mainstream media: An analysis of The Canary and Evolve Politics (2015-19). Journal of Alternative and Community Media 5(2), pp. 153-171. (10.1386/joacm_00081_1)
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. and Kilby, A. 2020. Why context, relevance and repetition matter in news reporting: Interpreting the United Kingdom's political information environment. Journalism 21(1), pp. 34-53. (10.1177/1464884917746560)
- Cushion, S. and Jackson, D. 2019. Introduction to special issue about election reporting: Why journalism (still) matters. Journalism 20(8), pp. 985-993. (10.1177/1464884919845454)
- Thomas, R. and Cushion, S. 2019. Towards an institutional news logic of digital native news media? A case study of buzzfeed's reporting during the 2015 and 2017 UK General Election Campaigns. Digital Journalism 7(10), pp. 1328-1345. (10.1080/21670811.2019.1661262)
- Lewis, J. and Cushion, S. 2019. Think tanks, television news and impartiality: The ideological balance of sources in BBC programming. Journalism Studies 20(4), pp. 480-499. (10.1080/1461670X.2017.1389295)
- Cushion, S. 2018. Journalism under (ideological) threat: safeguarding and enhancing public service media into the 21st century. Journalism 20(1), pp. 69-72. (10.1177/1464884918807036)
- Cushion, S. 2018. Using public opinion to serve journalistic narratives: Rethinking vox pops and live two-way reporting in five UK election campaigns (2009-2017). European Journal of Communication 33(6), pp. 639-656. (10.1177/0267323118793779)
- Cushion, S., Kilby, A., Thomas, R., Morani, M. and Sambrook, R. J. 2018. Newspapers, impartiality and television news: intermedia agenda-setting during the 2015 uk general election campaign. Journalism Studies 19(2), pp. 162-181. (10.1080/1461670X.2016.1171163)
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. and Callaghan, R. 2017. Data journalism, impartiality and statistical claims: towards more independent scrutiny in news reporting. Journalism Practice 11(10), pp. 1198-1215. (10.1080/17512786.2016.1256789)
- Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. 2017. Impartiality, statistical tit-for tats and the construction of balance: UK television news reporting of the 2016 EU referendum campaign. European Journal of Communication 32(3), pp. 208-223. (10.1177/0267323117695736)
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2017. From quantitative precision to qualitative judgements: professional perspectives about the impartiality of television news during the 2015 UK General Election. Journalism 20(3), pp. 392-409. (10.1177/1464884916685909)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Journalism Studies 17(7), pp. 801-807. (10.1080/1461670X.2016.1199486)
- Cushion, S., Thomas, R., Kilby, A., Morani, M. and Sambrook, R. J. 2016. Interpreting the media logic behind editorial decisions: Television News Coverage of the 2015 U.K. General Election Campaign. International Journal of Press/Politics 21(4), pp. 472-489. (10.1177/1940161216664726)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. Introduction: the future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Journalism Practice 10(7), pp. 808-814. (10.1080/17512786.2016.1199485)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2016. Introduction: The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. Digital Journalism 4(7), pp. 809-815. (10.1080/21670811.2016.1199469)
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2016. Reporting different second order elections: A comparative analysis of the 2009 and 2013 local and EU elections on public and commercial UK television news bulletins. British Politics 11(2), pp. 164-183. (10.1057/bp.2015.26)
- Cushion, S., Lewis, R. and Rodger, H. 2015. Adopting or resisting 24-hour news logic on evening bulletins? the mediatization of UK television news 1991-2012. Journalism 16(7), pp. 866-883. (10.1177/1464884914550975)
- Cushion, S., Thomas, R. and Ellis, O. 2015. Interpreting UKIP's 'earthquake' in British politics: UK television news coverage of the 2009 and 2014 EU election campaigns. The Political Quarterly 86(2), pp. 314-322. (10.1111/1467-923X.12169)
- Sambrook, R. J. and Cushion, S. 2015. Election coverage: how the parties and leaders are faring on television. The Guardian 2015(12 Apr)
- Cushion, S. 2015. Injecting immediacy into media logic: re(interpreting) the mediatizaton of politics on UK television newscasts 1991-2013. Javnost/The Public 21(3), pp. 39-54. (10.1080/13183222.2014.11073410)
- Cushion, S., Thomas, R. and Ellis, O. 2015. The mediatization of second-order elections and party launches: UK television news reporting of the 2014 European Union campaign. International Journal of Communication 9, pp. 1523-1543.
- Cushion, S., Roger, H. and Lewis, R. 2014. Comparing levels of mediatization in television journalism: an analysis of political reporting on US and UK evening news bulletins. International Communication Gazette 76(6), pp. 443-463. (10.1177/1748048514533860)
- Blumler, J. and Cushion, S. 2014. Normative perspectives on journalism studies: Stock-taking and future directions. Journalism 15(3), pp. 259-272. (10.1177/1464884913498689)
- Cushion, S., Aalberg, T. and Thomas, R. 2014. Towards a rolling news logic in fixed time bulletins? A comparative analysis of journalistic interventions in the US, UK and Norway. European Journal of Communication 29(1), pp. 100-109. (10.1177/0267323113504373)
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2013. The mediatization of politics: Interpreting the value of live vs. edited journalistic interventions in UK television news bulletins. The International Journal of Press/Politics 18(3), pp. 360-380. (10.1177/1940161213484522)
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Ramsay, G. N. 2012. The impact of interventionist regulation in reshaping news agendas: A comparative analysis of public and commercially funded television journalism. Journalism 13(7), pp. 831-849. (10.1177/1464884911431536)
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Cushion, S. 2010. A partial Europe without citizens or EU-level political institutions: How far can Euronews constitute a European public sphere?. Journalism Studies 11(3), pp. 393-411. (10.1080/14616700903378653)
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Groves, C. R. 2009. Prioritizing hand-shaking over policy-making: A study of how the 2007 devolved elections was reported on BBC UK network coverage. Cyfrwng: Media Wales Journal 6, pp. 7-32.
- Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. 2009. Towards a 'Foxification' of 24-hour news channels in Britain?: An analysis of market-driven and publicly funded news coverage. Journalism 10(2), pp. 131-153. (10.1177/1464884908100598)
- Cushion, S. 2009. “The truants take to the streets”: Young people, politics and citizenship in the UK. Media & Jornalismo 11
- Cushion, S. 2009. From tabloid hack to broadcast journalist: which news sources are the most trusted?. Journalism Practice 3(4), pp. 472-481. (10.1080/17512780903259358)
- Lewis, J. M. W. and Cushion, S. 2009. The thirst to be first: An analysis of breaking news stories and their impact on the quality of 24 hour news coverage in the UK. Journalism Practice 3(3), pp. 304- 318. (10.1080/17512780902798737)
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Groves, C. R. 2009. Reflecting the four nations? An analysis of reporting devolution on UK network news media. Journalism Studies 10(5), pp. 655-671. (10.1080/14616700902797242)
- Cushion, S. 2009. Discouraging citizenship? Young people's reactions to news media coverage of anti-Iraq war protesting in the UK. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research 17(2), pp. 123-143. (10.1177/110330880901700202)
- Cushion, S. 2008. Truly International? A content analysis of journalism: theory, practice and criticism and journalism studies. Journalism Practice 2(2), pp. 280-293. (10.1080/17512780801999477)
- Cushion, S. 2007. Protesting their apathy? An analysis of British press coverage of young anti Iraq war protestors. Journal of Youth Studies 10(4), pp. 419-437.
- Cushion, S. 2007. “On the beat” or in the classroom: Where and how is journalism studied?. Journalism Practice 1(3), pp. 421-434. (10.1080/17512780701505234)
- Cushion, S. 2007. Rich media, poor journalists: Journalists’ salaries. Journalism Practice 1(1), pp. 120-129. (10.1080/17512780601078910)
- Cushion, S. 2006. Refashioning youth citizenship: Hoodies, the anti-Iraq war movement and press coverage in Wales. Cyfrwng: Media Wales Journal 3, pp. 107-122.
- Cushion, S., Franklin, R. A. and Court, G. 2006. Citizens, readers and local newspaper coverage of the UK 2005 General Election. Javnost 13(1), pp. 41-60.
- Lewis, J. M. W., Cushion, S. and Thomas, J. 2005. Immediacy, convenience or engagement? An analysis of 24-hour news channels in the UK. Journalism Studies 6(4), pp. 461-477. (10.1080/14616700500250362)
- Thomas, J., Cushion, S. and Jewell, J. 2004. Stirring up apathy? Political disengagement and the media in the 2003 Welsh Assembly elections. Journal of Public Affairs 4(4), pp. 355-363. (10.1002/pa.198)
- Thomas, J., Jewell, J. and Cushion, S. 2004. The media and the 2003 Welsh Assembly elections. Representation: The Journal of Representative Democracy 40(4), pp. 281-287. (10.1080/00344890408523277)
Book sections
- Walsh, M. and Cushion, S. 2021. Channel 4 News: impartial, independent and informative. In: Tait, R. and Mair, J. eds. What Price Channel 4 Now?. Abramis
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2021. Reporting from the front line: the role of health workers in UK television news reporting of COVID-19. In: Lewis, M., Govender, E. and Holland, K. eds. Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 41-58., (10.1007/978-3-030-79735-5_3)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2021. Journalistic responses to misinformation. In: The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge, (10.4324/9781003004431-55)
- McDowell-Naylor, D., Thomas, R. and Cushion, S. 2021. Alternative online political media. In: Tumber, H. and Waisbord, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge, (10.4324/9781003004431-19)
- Cushion, S. 2019. PSM Contribution to democracy: News, editorial standards and informed citizenship. In: Połońska, E. and Beckett, C. eds. Public Service Broadcasting and Media Systems in Troubled European Democracies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 23-39., (10.1007/978-3-030-02710-0_2)
- Cushion, S. and Beckett, C. 2018. Campaign coverage and editorial judgements: broadcasting. In: Cowley, P. and Kavanagh, D. eds. The British General Election of 2017. Springer, pp. 323-346., (10.1007/978-3-319-95936-8_13)
- Cushion, S. and Franklin, R. 2015. Public service broadcasting: markets and 'vulnerable values' in broadcast and print journalism. In: Coleman, S., Moss, G. and Parry, K. eds. Can the Media Serve Democracy? Essays in Honour of Jay G. Blumler. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 63-75.
- Cushion, S. 2013. Assessing, measuring and applying ‘public value tests’ beyond new media: Interpreting impartiality and plurality in debates about journalism standards. In: Barkho, L. ed. From Theory to Practice: How to Assess and Apply Impartiality in News and Current Affairs. Chicago: Chicago University Press, pp. 49-68.
- Cushion, S. 2013. Do public service media (still) matter? Evaluating the supply, quality, and the impact of television news in Western Europe. In: Kuhn, R. and Nielsen, R. K. eds. Political Journalism in Transition: Western Europe in a Comparative Perspective. Reuters Challenges Oxford: I. B. Tauris, pp. 151-170.
- Bromley, M. and Cushion, S. 2011. Media fundamentalism: the immediate response of the UK national press to terrorism-from 9/11 to 7/7. In: Zelizer, B. and Allan, S. eds. Journalism after September 11 2nd ed. Communication and Society London ; New York: Routledge, pp. 212-2311.
- Cushion, S. 2010. Rolling service, market logic: the race to be "Britain's most watched news channel". In: Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang
- Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. 2010. Introduction: what is 24-hour news television?. In: Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives. Global Perspectives New York: Peter Lang, pp. 1-14.
- Cushion, S. 2010. Three phases of 24-hour news television. In: Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. M. W. eds. The Rise of 24-Hour News Television: Global Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 15-30.
- Cushion, S. 2023. Beyond mainstream media alternative media and the future of journalism. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003360865)
- Allan, S. et al. eds. 2018. The future of journalism: risks, threats and opportunities. London and New York: Routledge.
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2018. Reporting elections: Rethinking the logic of campaign coverage. Contemporary Political Communication. Polity.
- Cushion, S. and Sambrook, R. J. eds. 2016. The future of 24 hour news: new directions, new challenges. Peter Lang.
- Cushion, S. 2015. News and politics: The rise of live and interpretive journalism. Communication and Society. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Cushion, S. 2012. The democratic value of news: Why public service media matter. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cushion, S. 2012. Television journalism. Journalism Studies: Key Texts. London: SAGE Publications.
- Cushion, S. and Lewis, J. eds. 2010. The rise of 24 Hour news television: Global perspectives. Oxford: Peter Lang.
- Cushion, S. 2009. Reflecting the four nations? An analyis of reporting devolution on UK network news media. Presented at: MeCCSA Conference, Bradford University, 2009.
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Cushion, S. 2009. Constructing Europe and European citizenship? A study of Euronews and the democratic implications of their journalistic practices. Presented at: MeCCSA Conference 2009, National Media Museum, Bradford, Wed 14 – Fri 16 January 2009.
- Moore, K., Jewell, J. and Cushion, S. 2011. Media representations of black young men and boys: Report of the REACH media monitoring project. Project Report. [Online]. London: Crown. Available at: http://lx.iriss.org.uk/sites/default/files/resources/2113275.pdf
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K., Cushion, S., Williams, A., Guerra, S., Garcia-Blanco, I. and Tsagalas, D. 2010. Diversity and the European public sphere: The case of United Kingdom. Project Report. [Online]. EUROSPHERE. Available at: http://eurospheres.org/files/2010/06/UK.pdf
- Cushion, S., Lewis, J. M. W. and Ramsay, G. 2010. Four nations impartiality review follow-up: An analysis of reporting devolution. Project Report. [Online]. London: BBC Trust Publications. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/our_work/services/television/other/nations_follow_up.html
- Lewis, J. M. W., Cushion, S., Groves, C., Bennett, L., Reardon, S., Wilkins, E. and Williams, R. 2008. Four Nations Impartiality Review: An analysis of reporting devolution. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets/files/pdf/review_report_research/impartiality/appendix_a_cardiff_u_analysis.pdf
- Thomas, J., Jewell, J. and Cushion, S. 2003. The National Assembly for Wales elections 2003: The official report and results. Project Report. [Online]. London: The Electoral Commission. Available at: http://http://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/__data/assets/electoral_commission_pdf_file/0011/13160/WalesElectionReportEnglish-newmap_14696-8855__E__N__S__W__.pdf
- Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2020. The 'hospectacle' of reporting from ICUs: what does the public want to see?. [Online]. London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/05/29/the-hospectacle-of-reporting-from-icus-what-does-the-public-want-to-see/
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2020. Government and media misinformation about COVID-19 is confusing the public. [Online]. London: LSE. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/05/07/government-and-media-misinformation-about-covid-19-is-confusing-the-public/
- Soo, N., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2020. Research suggests UK public can spot fake news about COVID-19, but don’t realise the UK’s death toll is far higher than in many other countries. [Online]. London: LSE. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/04/28/research-suggests-uk-public-can-spot-fake-news-about-covid-19-but-dont-realise-the-uks-death-toll-is-far-higher-than-in-many-other-countries/
Cyllid allanol/REF Astudiaethau achos
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n Brif Ymchwilydd (DP) ar brosiect AHRC o'r enw 'Gwella didueddrwydd newyddion: Dadansoddiad o adroddiadau gwleidyddol' (£755, 625).
Rwyf wedi bod yn PI ar bedwar prosiect grant ESRC: 'Tu hwnt i'r MSM: Deall cynnydd cyfryngau gwleidyddol ar-lein amgen' (£517,731.20) rhwng 2019-2023, 'Newyddion Teledu a Didueddrwydd: Adrodd ar Ymgyrch Etholiad Cyffredinol y DU 2017' (£42,765) yn 2017-8, 'Newyddion Teledu a didueddrwydd' (£11,000) a 'Adrodd Etholiad Cyffredinol y DU 2015' (£3000) yn 2015. Cynhyrchodd hyn £574,496.20 mewn incwm ymchwil.
Rwyf wedi bod yn PI ar brosiect AHRC o'r enw 'Gwrthsefyll twyllwybodaeth: gwella cyfreithlondeb newyddiadurol yn y cyfryngau gwasanaeth cyhoeddus' (£579,183) rhwng 2019-2023.
Rwyf wedi bod yn PI ar grant ymchwil dwy flynedd £9,839.80 a ddyfarnwyd gan BA/Leverhulme o'r enw 'Cywir neu gamarweiniol? Y portread o MSM yn y cyfryngau alt-chwith '.
Fi oedd y PI ar ddau adolygiad Ofcom a gomisiynwyd yn ddiweddar am ystod a dyfnder News and Current AFfairs y BBC (2019) a sylw Network News o Ddatganoli (2021-22).
Rwyf wedi bod yn PI ar dri adolygiad didueddrwydd Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC am sylw yn y cyfryngau i ddatganoli neu ystadegau (yn 2009, 2015 a 2016), a gynhyrchodd £220,258 o incwm ymchwil. Datblygwyd prosiect 2009 yn astudiaeth achos 4 effaith ar gyfer cyflwyniad REF JOMEC yn 2014. Derbyniodd hefyd y wobr effaith ranbarthol gan Brifysgol Caerdydd yn 2013. Cyd-arweiniais astudiaeth achos REF 3-5-4 2021 hefyd am effaith ein hymchwil ar ddidueddrwydd newyddion y BBC (yn seiliedig i raddau helaeth ar dri phrosiect yr oeddwn yn PI).
Rwyf wedi bod yn Gyd-ymchwilydd ar dri phrosiect arall: dyfarniad o £38,665 gan yr Adran Cymunedau a Llywodraeth Leol ar sylw yn y cyfryngau Prydeinig o ddynion a bechgyn du ifanc, dyfarniad o £63,487 gan brosiect Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC ar Adolygiad Didueddrwydd y Cenhedloedd ac adrodd ar ddatganoli yn y DU, a phrosiect comisiwn Ewropeaidd gwerth £173,229 o'r enw 'Eurosphere' sy'n ymwneud â maes cyhoeddus Ewrop.
Ar y cyfan, fel naill ai PI neu Co-I rwyf wedi gweithio ar ddyfarniadau grant allanol gwerth dros 1 miliwn o bunnoedd.
Rolau golygyddol/sgyrsiau cyhoeddus/cynadleddau
Rwy'n Olygydd Cyswllt cyfnodolyn mewnol blaenllaw, Journalism Studies, ac yn aelod o fwrdd golygyddol Journalism Practice, Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, Journalism Education a Journal of Applied Journalism and Media studies.
Rwy'n cyflwyno ymchwil yn rheolaidd mewn cynadleddau rhyngwladol a'r DU, yn ogystal â bod yn siaradwr gwadd mewn ysgolion rhyngwladol blaenllaw. Tra'n ysgolhaig gwadd yn yr Unol Daleithiau ac Awstralia yn 2016 a 2018, rhoddais sgyrsiau ym Mhrifysgol Austin, Prifysgol George Washington, Prifysgol Sydney, Prifysgol Melbourne, Prifysgol Swinburne a Phrifysgol Queensland Technoleg.
Rwyf wedi cyd-drefnu cynadleddau academaidd mawr, gan gynnwys sawl cynhadledd Dyfodol Newyddiaduraeth Prifysgol Caerdydd (2013, 2015, 2017 a 2019), cynhadledd MECCSA 2007 ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a chyn-gynhadledd ICA 2018 ym Mhrâg.
I coordinate the following modules
MA - Introudction to Political Communication (Autumn)
PhD - Method workshop (Autumn)
BA - The Making and Shaping of News (Spring)
PhD - Issues in Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (Spring)
Stephen welcomes PhD proposals in the area of political communication and journalism studies, particularly topics related to election reporitng, the mediatization of politics and 24-hour news, balance, objectivity and impartaility, media ownership and public service broadcasting, and internationally comparative news studies.
He welcomes PhD proposals in the area of political communication and journalism studies, particularly topics related to election reporitng, the mediatization of politics, and the impact of 24-hour news culture, or issues about journalistic balance, objectivity and impartaility, as well as broader inquires about media ownership and public service broadcasting, and internationally comparative news studies.
Stephen has recently supervised the following students to completion:
Afful, Ebo (2017) Journalism, Election Campaigns and Democracy in Ghana.
Kilby, Allaina (2014) Satire for sanity: An examination of media representation and audience engagement with The Daily Show’s Rally to Restore Sanity
Fitzgerald, Patrick (2014) Legitimising dissent? British and American newspaper coverage of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution.
Reardon, Sally (2013) Accounting for News: A discourse analysis of the talk of television journalists.
He currently supervises the following students:
Tachwedd 2024: Yr Athro a Chyfarwyddwr Datblygu Ymchwil a'r Amgylchedd ac Effaith (ac arweinydd REF ar gyfer y Cchool) yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Caerdydd
Medi 2020: Athro a Chyfarwyddwr Datblygu Ymchwil a'r Amgylchedd yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Caerdydd
Ionawr 2020: Athro yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Caerdydd (ar absenoldeb ymchwil yn semester y gwanwyn)
Awst-Rhagfyr 2019: Athro a Chyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Caerdydd.
Awst 2015-Gorffennaf 2019: Darllenydd a Chyfarwyddwr MA mewn Cyfathrebu Gwleidyddol ac (o 2017) Cyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Caerdydd.
Ionawr 2012-Awst 2015: Uwch Ddarlithydd a Chyfarwyddwr yr MA mewn Cyfathrebu Gwleidyddol yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Caerdydd.
Ionawr 2006-2012: Darlithydd yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Caerdydd.
Mai 2005-Mehefin 2005: Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Caerdydd ar gyfer prosiect ar sylw lleol a rhanbarthol i'r wasg yn etholiad cyffredinol 2005. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys datblygu fframwaith methodolegol priodol ar gyfer dadansoddi cynnwys, codio llawer o 100au o erthyglau, eu rhoi yn SPSS, cynhyrchu'r canlyniadau a chyd-ysgrifennu'r canfyddiadau.
Mai 2003-Mehefin 2003: Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Caerdydd ar gyfer prosiect ar y ffordd yr adroddodd cyfryngau Cymru etholiad Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 2003.
2002-2006 Doethur mewn Athroniaeth, 'Protest their apathy: Young People, News Media and Citizenship' yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Hydref 2006
2001-2002 MA mewn Astudiaethau Newyddiaduraeth (rhagoriaeth): Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
1998-2001 BA Anrh. Ffilm a'r Cyfryngau (2:1) Prifysgol East Anglia, Norwich.
2008 Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Addysgu a Dysgu Prifysgol (PCTUL)
2023: Uwch Gymrodoriaeth gydag Uwch AU
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
2025: Prif Ymchwilydd prosiect AHRC o'r enw: 'Gwella didueddrwydd newyddion: Dadansoddiad o adroddiadau gwleidyddol' (£755, 625).
2023: Goruchwyliwr Cymrodoriaeth Gyrfa Gynnar Gyrfa Leverhulme, Dr Nadia Haq, 'Y Cyfryngau yn erbyn y Bobl: Sut mae cynulleidfaoedd fel cyhoeddwyr gweithredol yn dal y cyfryngau i gyfrif am sylw gwahaniaethol a rhwygol yn erbyn grwpiau lleiafrifol' (£90,000)
2021: Prif ymchwilydd prosiect a ariennir gan Ofcom 'Content Analysis – Devolved Issues on Network News' (£79,620.50)
2020-2022: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect AHRC o'r enw 'Gwrthsefyll twyllwybodaeth: gwella cyfreithlondeb newyddiadurol yn y cyfryngau gwasanaeth cyhoeddus' (£579,183)
2019: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect Ofcom yn archwilio ystod a dyfnder newyddion y BBC
2019: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect Prydeinig o'r enw 'Cywir neu gamarweiniol? Portread MSM yn y cyfryngau alt-chwith ' (£9,839.80)
2019: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect ESRC o'r enw 'Tu hwnt i'r MSM: Deall cynnydd cyfryngau gwleidyddol ar-lein amgen' (£517,731.20)
2017: Prif Ymchwilydd, Gwobr ESRC, Newyddion Teledu, didueddrwydd ac ymgyrch etholiad cyffredinol y DU 2017. (£42, 765)
2016: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect gan Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC ar Adolygiad Didueddrwydd y Cenhedloedd a datganoli yn y DU. (£70,704)
2015-2016: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect gan Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC ar Adolygiad Didueddrwydd ynghylch adrodd ar ystadegau. (£70,285)
2015-2016: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect gan Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC ar Adolygiad Didueddrwydd y Cenhedloedd a datganoli yn y DU. (£79,269)
2015: Prif Gronfa Ymchwilydd ESRC i gefnogi ymchwil am Etholiad Cyffredinol 2015 (£3000)
2015: Effaith ac Ymgysylltu JOMEC a chyllid sbarduno (£2000) i gefnogi ymchwil am Etholiad Cyffredinol 2015
2015: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect Rhaglen Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedigion Caerdydd (CUROP) (£1,360) ynghylch sut adroddodd Buzzfeed etholiad cyffredinol y DU 2015
2014: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect Rhaglen Cyfleoedd Ymchwil Israddedigion Caerdydd (CUROP) (£1,360) am adroddiadau newyddion teledu o Etholiadau'r UE 2014
2013: Gwobr effaith ranbarthol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd (cyflwyniad REF effaith JOMEC) ar gyfer yr adolygiad dilynol o Gywirdeb a didueddrwydd wrth ymdrin â'r 4 gwlad a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys dyfarniad o £1,000 tuag at ymchwil
2009-2010: Prif Ymchwilydd ar brosiect gan Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC ar Adolygiad Didueddrwydd y Cenhedloedd a datganoli yn y DU. (£69,372)
2008-2010: Cyd-ymchwilydd (gyda Kerry Moore a John Jewell) ar brosiect i'r Adran Cymunedau a Llywodraeth Leol ar sylw yn y cyfryngau Prydeinig o ddynion a bechgyn du ifanc (£38,665)
2007-2008: Cyd-ymchwilydd (gyda Justin Lewis) ar brosiect gan Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC ar Adolygiad Didueddrwydd y Cenhedloedd a datganoli yn y DU (£63,487)
2007-2008: Cyd-ymchwilydd ar brosiect comisiwn Ewropeaidd o'r enw 'Eurosphere' ar faes cyhoeddus Ewrop (£173,229). Ymunais â'r prosiect hwn ar ôl sicrhau cyllid i helpu i ddatblygu fframwaith methodolegol ar gyfer dadansoddi newyddion print a darlledu ar draws 15 o wledydd Ewropeaidd. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys rheoli tîm mawr o ymchwilwyr a'u hyfforddi mewn dulliau ymchwil perthnasol.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae Stephen yn croesawu cynigion PhD ym maes astudiaethau cyfathrebu a newyddiaduraeth wleidyddol, yn enwedig pynciau sy'n ymwneud ag ail-gylchdroi etholiad, effaith diwylliant newyddion 24 awr, neu faterion ynghylch cydbwysedd newyddiadurol, gwrthrychedd ac anrhandod, yn ogystal ag ymholiadau ehangach am berchnogaeth y cyfryngau a darlledu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, ac astudiaethau newyddion cymharol rhyngwladol.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Ynghyd â chydweithwyr yn Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau a Diwylliant Caerdydd, mae'r Athro Stephen Cushion wedi cydweithio â nifer o sefydliadau newyddion a rheoleiddwyr cyfryngau i helpu i wella ansawdd newyddiaduraeth ddarlledu yn y DU. Mae wedi gweithio gydag Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC ac Ofcom, er enghraifft, ac wedi ymgysylltu ag uwch olygyddion newyddion yn y BBC, ITV, Sianeli 4 a 5, a Sky News. Wrth wneud hynny, nod ymchwil Cushion's fu adolygu arferion golygyddol a gwella safonau newyddiaduraeth, megis cryfhau canllawiau ynghylch adrodd ar y cenhedloedd a gwleidyddiaeth ddatganoledig yn y DU, Yn enwedig yn ystod pandemig y coronafeirws, gwella sut mae newyddiadurwyr yn defnyddio ystadegau, ac yn fwy eang gwella ystod a dyfnder yr allbwn newyddion.
Mae enghreifftiau diweddar o'r ymchwil hwn yn cynnwys:
Adrodd am wleidyddiaeth mewn DU ddatganoledig
Cushion, Stephen et al (2015) Dilyniant Adolygiad Didueddrwydd y Pedair Gwlad 2015: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets/files/pdf/review_report_research/impartiality/2016/cardiff_university_2015.pdf
Cushion, Stephen, et al (2016) Adolygiad Didueddrwydd y Cenhedloedd: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets/files/pdf/review_report_research/impartiality/2016/cardiff_university_2016.pdf
Y defnydd newyddiadurol o ddata ac adroddiadau rheolaidd o ystadegau
Cushion et al (2016) Adolygiad Didueddrwydd o Adrodd Ystadegau'r BBC: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets/files/pdf/our_work/stats_impartiality/content_analysis.pdf
Gwella ystod a dyfnder rhaglenni newyddion mewn newyddiaduraeth darlledu
Cushion, Stephen (2019) Ystod a Dyfnder Newyddion a Materion Cyfoes y BBC: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/174205/bbc-news-review-content-analysis-full-report.pdf
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Astudiaethau newyddiaduraeth
- Cyfathrebu Gwleidyddol Digidol