Dr Rhian Daniel
Athro Ystadegaeth
- Siarad Cymraeg
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae fy mhrif ffocws ymchwil ar ddulliau ystadegol sydd yn berthnasol ar gyfer dysgu oddi wrth ddata am gysylltiadau "achos ac effaith", yn enwedig pan nad yw'r data wedi cael eu casglu drwy redeg arbrawf. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb arbennig mewn sefyllfaoedd, megis wrth geisio dysgu am gyd-effeithiau achosion sydd yn newid gydag amser, a phan yn ceisio dadansoddi'r llwybrau achosol o un achos at ei effaith, pan bod dulliau safonol yn synhwyrol dim ond o dan ragdybiaethau hynod gryf, ond lle mae dulliau mwy modern, yn hannu o'r maes a'i elwir yn Saesneg yn "causal inference", yn dibynnu ar ragdybiaethau mwy realistig. Mae fy ngwaith yn cynnwys datblygu, lledaenu a chymhwyso'r dulliau hyn. Mae fy mhrif waith methodolegol wedi ei ariannu drwy gymrodoriaeth Syr Henry Dale gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome a'r Gymdeithas Frenhinol ac yn edrych ar ddulliau ystadegol ar gyfer astudio cyfryngwyr aml-ddimensiynol amrywiadau genetig sydd yn effeithio ar glefydau cronig. Mae fy nghydweithrediadau cymhwysol cyfredol / diweddar yn cynnwys ymchwilio gwahaniaethau cymdeithasol ac economaidd mewn goroesiad canser y fron, patrymau rhyng-genedlaethol mewn anhwylderau bwyta, ac effeithiolrwydd triniaethau a roddir i gleifion â Ffibrosis Systig. Fel newydd-ddyfodiad i Is-adran Feddygaeth y Boblogaeth (ers Mehefin 2017), rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gydweithio â'm cyfoedion newydd ar sawl prosiect, yn cynnwys rhai fydd yn datblygu a chymhwyso dulliau "achos ac effaith" i sefyllfaoedd, ee ym manc data SAIL, pan mae'r data wedi cael eu casglu drwy rwtîn, yn hytrach nag yn benodol ar gyfer ymchwil.
- Olarte Parra, C., Daniel, R. M., Wright, D. and Bartlett, J. W. 2025. Estimating hypothetical estimands with causal inference and missing data estimators in a diabetes trial case study. Biometrics 81(1), article number: ujae167. (10.1093/biomtc/ujae167)
- Schlüter, D. K., Keogh, R. H., Daniel, R. M., Agbla, S. C. and Taylor-Robinson, D. 2024. How do early weight trajectories explain social inequalities in lung function in children with cystic fibrosis? A longitudinal interventional disparity effects analysis with time-varying mediators and intermediate confounders.. Epidemiology (10.1097/ede.0000000000001826)
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2024. Receipt of social services intervention in childhood, educational attainment and emergency hospital admissions: longitudinal analyses of national administrative health, social care, and education data in Wales, UK. BMC Public Health 24, article number: 2912. (10.1186/s12889-024-20204-6)
- Ahmed, H., Davies, A., Daniel, R., Noble, S. and Farewell, D. 2024. Antibiotic prescribing patterns and risk of antibiotic-resistant infections and clostridium difficile in Warfarin and direct oral anticoagulant users: matched population-based cohort study. Discover Public Health 21(1), article number: 132. (10.1186/s12982-024-00263-1)
- Odd, D., Reeve, N. F., Barnett, J., Cutter, J., Daniel, R., Gale, C. and Siasakos, D. 2024. PRECIOUS study (PREterm Caesarean/vaginal birth and IVH/OUtcomeS): does mode of birth reduce the risk of death or brain injury in very preterm babies? A cohort and emulated target trial protocol. BMJ Open 14(9), article number: e089722. (10.1136/bmjopen-2024-089722)
- Daniel, R., Jones, H., Gregory, J. W., Shetty, A., Francis, N., Paranjothy, S. and Townson, J. 2024. Predicting type 1 diabetes in children using electronic health records in primary care in the UK: development and validation of a machine-learning algorithm. The Lancet Digital Health 6(6), pp. e386-e395. (10.1016/S2589-7500(24)00050-5)
- Gartner, A., Daniel, R., Slyne, C. and Nnoaham, K. E. 2024. How predictive of future healthcare utilisation and mortality is data-driven population segmentation based on healthcare utilisation and chronic condition comorbidity?. BMC Public Health 24(1), article number: 1621. (10.1186/s12889-024-19065-w)
- Ahmed, H., Davies, A., Daniel, R., Noble, S. and Farewell, D. 2024. Antibiotic prescribing patterns and risk of antibiotic-resistant infections and Clostridium difficile in Warfarin and Direct Oral Anticoagulant users: matched population-based cohort study. Discover Public Health 21(1), article number: 132. (10.1186/s12982-024-00263-1)
- Anthony, R. et al. 2023. Adversity profiles of children receiving care and support from social services: A Latent-class analysis of school-aged children in Wales. Child: Care, Health and Development 49(5), pp. 889-897. (10.1111/cch.13097)
- Hurt, L. et al. 2023. Childhood outcomes in children with and without cardiac echogenic foci: An electronic birth cohort study in Wales, UK. Children 10(7), article number: 1233. (10.3390/children10071233)
- Lau, T. et al. 2023. Perspectives of statistician, microbiologist, and clinician stakeholders on the use of microbiological outcomes in randomised trials of antimicrobial stewardship interventions. Antibiotics, article number: 885. (10.3390/antibiotics12050885)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2023. Non-thermal disruption of β-adrenergic receptor-activated Ca2+ signalling and apoptosis in human ES-derived cardiomyocytes by microwave electric fields at 2.4 GHz. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 661, pp. 89-98. (10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.04.038)
- Crabtree, A. et al. 2023. Right needle, right patient, right time? A national flash-mob audit of thromboprophylaxis in palliative care. Thrombosis Research: Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis 223, pp. 95-101. (10.1016/j.thromres.2023.01.021)
- Hewitt, R. et al. 2022. Covid-19 Coping Survey: an in-depth qualitative analysis of free-text responses from people with and without existing health conditions in the UK. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 29, pp. 743-751. (10.1007/s12529-022-10055-z)
- Tanner, K. T., Daniel, R. M., Bilton, D., Simmonds, N. J., Sharples, L. D. and Keogh, R. H. 2022. Mediation of the total effect of cystic fibrosis‐related diabetes on mortality: A UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry cohort study. Diabetic Medicine 39(11), article number: e14958. (10.1111/dme.14958)
- Tanner, K. T., Sharples, L. D., Daniel, R. M. and Keogh, R. H. 2022. Methods of analysis for survival outcomes with time-updated mediators, with application to longitudinal disease registry data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 31(10), pp. 1959-1975. (10.1177/09622802221107104)
- Daniel, R. M. 2022. Proposer of the vote of thanks and contribution to the Discussion of ‘Assumption‐lean inference for generalised linear model parameters’ by Vansteelandt and Dukes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 84(3), pp. 686-689. (10.1111/rssb.12513)
- Olarte Parra, C., Daniel, R. M. and Bartlett, J. W. 2022. Hypothetical Estimands in Clinical Trials: A Unification of Causal Inference and Missing Data Methods. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 15(2), pp. 421-432. (10.1080/19466315.2022.2081599)
- Farewell, D., Daniel, R. and Seaman, S. 2022. Missing at random: a stochastic process perspective. Biometrika 109(1), pp. 227-241. (10.1093/biomet/asab002)
- Newsome, S. J., Daniel, R. M., Carr, S. B., Bilton, D. and Keogh, R. H. 2022. Using negative control outcomes and difference-in-differences to estimate treatment effects in an entirely treated cohort: the effect of ivacaftor in cystic fibrosis. American Journal of Epidemiology 191(3), pp. 505-515. (10.1093/aje/kwab263)
- Lau, T. M. M., Daniel, R., Hughes, K., Wootton, M., Hood, K. and Gillespie, D. 2022. A systematic review investigating the use of microbiology outcome measures in randomized controlled trials evaluating antimicrobial stewardship interventions published between 2011 and 2021. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance 4(1), article number: dlac013. (10.1093/jacamr/dlac013)
- Puchades, A., Daniel, R., Geen, J., Peden, J., Lewis, H. and Nnoaham, K. 2022. SARS-CoV-2 sero-prevalence in the workforces of three large workplaces in South Wales: a sero-epidemiological study. BMC Public Health 22(1), article number: 162. (10.1186/s12889-021-12478-x)
- Smith, P., Daniel, R., Murray, R. L., Moore, G., Nelson, A. and Brain, K. 2021. Psychosocial determinants of quit motivation in older smokers from deprived backgrounds: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open 11(5), article number: e044815. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044815)
- Daniel, R., Zhang, J. and Farewell, D. 2021. Making apples from oranges: Comparing noncollapsible effect estimators and their standard errors after adjustment for different covariate sets. Biometrical Journal 63(3), pp. 528-557. (10.1002/bimj.201900297)
- Tanner, K. T., Sharples, L. D., Daniel, R. M. and Keogh, R. H. 2021. Dynamic survival prediction combining landmarking with a machine learning ensemble: methodology and empirical comparison. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A 184(1), pp. 3-30. (10.1111/rssa.12611)
- Gartner, A., Daniel, R., Farewell, D., Paranjothy, S., Townson, J. and Gregory, J. W. 2020. Demographic and socioeconomic patterns in the risk of alcohol-related hospital admission in children and young adults with childhood onset type-1 diabetes from a record-linked longitudinal population cohort study in Wales. Pediatric Diabetes 21(7), pp. 1333-1342. (10.1111/pedi.13089)
- Muller, I. et al. 2020. CATS II long-term anthropometric and metabolic effects of maternal sub-optimal thyroid function in offspring and mothers. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(7), article number: dgaa129. (10.1210/clinem/dgaa129)
- Yotebieng, M. et al. 2020. Marginal structural models for repeated measures where intercept and slope are correlated: An application exploring the benefit of nutritional supplements on weight gain in HIV-infected children initiating antiretroviral therapy. PLoS ONE 15(7), article number: e0233877. (10.1371/journal.pone.0233877)
- Bartlett, J. W., Morris, T. P., Stensrud, M. J., Daniel, R. M., Vansteelandt, S. K. and Burman, C. 2020. The hazards of period specific and weighted hazard ratios. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 12(4), pp. 518-519. (10.1080/19466315.2020.1755722)
- White, J., Holliday, J., Daniel, R., Campbell, R. and Moore, L. 2020. Diffusion of effects of the ASSIST school‐based smoking prevention intervention to non‐participating family members: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Addiction 115(5), pp. 986-991. (10.1111/add.14862)
- Aalen, O. O., Stensrud, M. J., Didelez, V., Daniel, R., Roysland, K. and Srohmaier, S. 2020. Time-dependent mediators in survival analysis: Modeling direct and indirect effects with the additive hazards model. Biometrical Journal 62(3), pp. 532-549. (10.1002/bimj.201800263)
- McQuire, C., Daniel, R., Hurt, L., Kemp, A. and Paranjothy, S. 2020. The causal web of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: a review and causal diagram. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 29, pp. 575-594. (10.1007/s00787-018-1264-3)
- Hurt, L. et al. 2019. Mild-to-moderate renal pelvis dilatation identified during pregnancy and hospital admissions in childhood: an electronic birth cohort study in Wales, UK. PLoS Medicine 16(7), article number: e1002859. (10.1371/journal.pmed.1002859)
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- Newsome, S., Daniel, R. M., Carr, S., Bilton, D. and Keogh, R. 2019. Investigating the effects of long-term dornase alfa use on lung function using registry data. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 18(18), pp. 110-117. (10.1016/j.jcf.2018.08.004)
- Micali, N., Daniel, R., Ploubidis, G. B. and De Stavola, B. L. 2018. Maternal pre-pregnancy weight status and adolescent eating disorder behaviors: a longitudinal study of risk pathways. Epidemiology 29(4), pp. 579-589. (10.1097/EDE.0000000000000850)
- Newsome, S., Keogh, R. and Daniel, R. 2018. Estimating long-term treatment effects in observational data: a comparison of the performance of different methods under real-world uncertainty. Statistics in Medicine 37(15), pp. 2367-2390. (10.1002/sim.7664)
- Keogh, R. H., Daniel, R. M., Vanderweele, T. J. and Vansteelandt, S. 2018. Analysis of longitudinal studies with repeated outcome measures: adjusting for time-dependent confounding using conventional methods. American Journal of Epidemiology 187(5), pp. 1085-1092. (10.1093/aje/kwx311)
- Devakumar, D. et al. 2017. Socioeconomic determinants of growth in a longitudinal study in Nepal. Maternal & Child Nutrition, article number: e12462. (10.1111/mcn.12462)
- Vansteelandt, S. and Daniel, R. M. 2017. Interventional effects for mediation analysis with multiple mediators. Epidemiology 28(2), pp. 258-265. (10.1097/EDE.0000000000000596)
- Bijlsma, M. J., Daniel, R. M., Janssen, F. and De Stavola, B. L. 2017. An assessment and extension of the mechanism-based approach to the identification of age-period-cohort models. Demography 54(2), pp. 721-743. (10.1007/s13524-017-0562-6)
- Daniel, R. 2017. G-computation formula. In: Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. Wiley Online Library, (10.1002/9781118445112)
- Daniel, R. M., De Stavola, B. L. and Vansteelandt, S. 2017. The formal approach to quantitative causal inference in epidemiology: misguided or misrepresented?. International Journal of Epidemiology 45(6), pp. 1817-1829. (10.1093/ije/dyw227)
- Daniel, R. 2017. Double Robustness. In: Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. Wiley Online Library, (10.1002/9781118445112.stat08068)
- De Stavola, B. L. and Daniel, R. 2016. Incorporating concepts and methods from causal inference into life course epidemiology. International Journal of Epidemiology 45(4), pp. 1006-1010. (10.1093/ije/dyw103)
- Li, R., Daniel, R. and Rachet, B. 2016. How much do tumor stage and treatment explain socioeconomic inequalities in breast cancer survival? Applying causal mediation analysis to population-based data. European Journal of Epidemiology 31(6), pp. 603-611. (10.1007/s10654-016-0155-5)
- Greenland, S., Daniel, R. and Pearce, N. 2016. Outcome modelling strategies in epidemiology: traditional methods and basic alternatives. International Journal of Epidemiology 45(2), pp. 565-575. (10.1093/ije/dyw040)
- Kahan, B. C., Rushton, H., Morris, T. P. and Daniel, R. 2016. A comparison of methods to adjust for continuous covariates in the analysis of randomised trials. BMC Medical Research Methodology 16, article number: 42. (10.1186/s12874-016-0141-3)
- Keogh, R. et al. 2016. Medication use in early-HD participants in track-HD: an investigation of its effects on clinical performance. PLoS Currents 2016(1), article number: Jan 11. (10.1371/currents.hd.8060298fac1801b01ccea6acc00f97cb)
- Burgess, S., Daniel, R., Butterworth, A. S., Thompson, S. G. and the EPIC-InterAct Consortium, . 2015. Network Mendelian randomization: using genetic variants as instrumental variables to investigate mediation in causal pathways. International Journal of Epidemiology 44(2), pp. 484-495. (10.1093/ije/dyu176)
- Daniel, R. M., De Stavola, B. L., Cousens, S. N. and Vansteelandt, S. 2015. Causal mediation analysis with multiple mediators. Biometrics 71(1), pp. 1-14. (10.1111/biom.12248)
- De Stavola, B. L., Daniel, R., Ploubidis, G. B. and Micali, N. 2015. Mediation analysis with intermediate confounding: structural equation modeling viewed through the causal inference lens. American Journal of Epidemiology 181(1), pp. 64-80. (10.1093/aje/kwu239)
- Vansteelandt, S. and Daniel, R. 2014. On regression adjustment for the propensity score. Statistics in Medicine 33(23), pp. 4053-4072. (10.1002/sim.6207)
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- Westreich, D. and Daniel, R. 2014. Commentary: Berkson’s fallacy and missing data. International Journal of Epidemiology 43(2), pp. 524-526. (10.1093/ije/dyu023)
- Daniel, R. and Tsiatis, A. A. 2013. Efficient estimation of the distribution of time to composite endpoint when some endpoints are only partially observed. Lifetime Data Analysis 19(4), pp. 513-546. (10.1007/s10985-013-9261-9)
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- Millett, E. R. C., Quint, J. K., Smeeth, L., Daniel, R. and Thomas, S. L. 2013. Incidence of community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections and pneumonia among older adults in the United Kingdom: a population-based study. PLoS ONE 8(9), article number: e75131. (10.1371/journal.pone.0075131)
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- Cheung, Y. B., Daniel, R. and Ng, G. Y. 2006. Response and non-response to a quality-of-life question on sexual life: a case study of the simple mean imputation method. Quality of Life Research 15(9), pp. 1493-1501. (10.1007/s11136-006-0004-1)
- Olarte Parra, C., Daniel, R. M., Wright, D. and Bartlett, J. W. 2025. Estimating hypothetical estimands with causal inference and missing data estimators in a diabetes trial case study. Biometrics 81(1), article number: ujae167. (10.1093/biomtc/ujae167)
- Schlüter, D. K., Keogh, R. H., Daniel, R. M., Agbla, S. C. and Taylor-Robinson, D. 2024. How do early weight trajectories explain social inequalities in lung function in children with cystic fibrosis? A longitudinal interventional disparity effects analysis with time-varying mediators and intermediate confounders.. Epidemiology (10.1097/ede.0000000000001826)
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2024. Receipt of social services intervention in childhood, educational attainment and emergency hospital admissions: longitudinal analyses of national administrative health, social care, and education data in Wales, UK. BMC Public Health 24, article number: 2912. (10.1186/s12889-024-20204-6)
- Ahmed, H., Davies, A., Daniel, R., Noble, S. and Farewell, D. 2024. Antibiotic prescribing patterns and risk of antibiotic-resistant infections and clostridium difficile in Warfarin and direct oral anticoagulant users: matched population-based cohort study. Discover Public Health 21(1), article number: 132. (10.1186/s12982-024-00263-1)
- Odd, D., Reeve, N. F., Barnett, J., Cutter, J., Daniel, R., Gale, C. and Siasakos, D. 2024. PRECIOUS study (PREterm Caesarean/vaginal birth and IVH/OUtcomeS): does mode of birth reduce the risk of death or brain injury in very preterm babies? A cohort and emulated target trial protocol. BMJ Open 14(9), article number: e089722. (10.1136/bmjopen-2024-089722)
- Daniel, R., Jones, H., Gregory, J. W., Shetty, A., Francis, N., Paranjothy, S. and Townson, J. 2024. Predicting type 1 diabetes in children using electronic health records in primary care in the UK: development and validation of a machine-learning algorithm. The Lancet Digital Health 6(6), pp. e386-e395. (10.1016/S2589-7500(24)00050-5)
- Gartner, A., Daniel, R., Slyne, C. and Nnoaham, K. E. 2024. How predictive of future healthcare utilisation and mortality is data-driven population segmentation based on healthcare utilisation and chronic condition comorbidity?. BMC Public Health 24(1), article number: 1621. (10.1186/s12889-024-19065-w)
- Ahmed, H., Davies, A., Daniel, R., Noble, S. and Farewell, D. 2024. Antibiotic prescribing patterns and risk of antibiotic-resistant infections and Clostridium difficile in Warfarin and Direct Oral Anticoagulant users: matched population-based cohort study. Discover Public Health 21(1), article number: 132. (10.1186/s12982-024-00263-1)
- Anthony, R. et al. 2023. Adversity profiles of children receiving care and support from social services: A Latent-class analysis of school-aged children in Wales. Child: Care, Health and Development 49(5), pp. 889-897. (10.1111/cch.13097)
- Hurt, L. et al. 2023. Childhood outcomes in children with and without cardiac echogenic foci: An electronic birth cohort study in Wales, UK. Children 10(7), article number: 1233. (10.3390/children10071233)
- Lau, T. et al. 2023. Perspectives of statistician, microbiologist, and clinician stakeholders on the use of microbiological outcomes in randomised trials of antimicrobial stewardship interventions. Antibiotics, article number: 885. (10.3390/antibiotics12050885)
- Williams, C. F. et al. 2023. Non-thermal disruption of β-adrenergic receptor-activated Ca2+ signalling and apoptosis in human ES-derived cardiomyocytes by microwave electric fields at 2.4 GHz. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 661, pp. 89-98. (10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.04.038)
- Crabtree, A. et al. 2023. Right needle, right patient, right time? A national flash-mob audit of thromboprophylaxis in palliative care. Thrombosis Research: Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis 223, pp. 95-101. (10.1016/j.thromres.2023.01.021)
- Hewitt, R. et al. 2022. Covid-19 Coping Survey: an in-depth qualitative analysis of free-text responses from people with and without existing health conditions in the UK. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 29, pp. 743-751. (10.1007/s12529-022-10055-z)
- Tanner, K. T., Daniel, R. M., Bilton, D., Simmonds, N. J., Sharples, L. D. and Keogh, R. H. 2022. Mediation of the total effect of cystic fibrosis‐related diabetes on mortality: A UK Cystic Fibrosis Registry cohort study. Diabetic Medicine 39(11), article number: e14958. (10.1111/dme.14958)
- Tanner, K. T., Sharples, L. D., Daniel, R. M. and Keogh, R. H. 2022. Methods of analysis for survival outcomes with time-updated mediators, with application to longitudinal disease registry data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 31(10), pp. 1959-1975. (10.1177/09622802221107104)
- Daniel, R. M. 2022. Proposer of the vote of thanks and contribution to the Discussion of ‘Assumption‐lean inference for generalised linear model parameters’ by Vansteelandt and Dukes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 84(3), pp. 686-689. (10.1111/rssb.12513)
- Olarte Parra, C., Daniel, R. M. and Bartlett, J. W. 2022. Hypothetical Estimands in Clinical Trials: A Unification of Causal Inference and Missing Data Methods. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 15(2), pp. 421-432. (10.1080/19466315.2022.2081599)
- Farewell, D., Daniel, R. and Seaman, S. 2022. Missing at random: a stochastic process perspective. Biometrika 109(1), pp. 227-241. (10.1093/biomet/asab002)
- Newsome, S. J., Daniel, R. M., Carr, S. B., Bilton, D. and Keogh, R. H. 2022. Using negative control outcomes and difference-in-differences to estimate treatment effects in an entirely treated cohort: the effect of ivacaftor in cystic fibrosis. American Journal of Epidemiology 191(3), pp. 505-515. (10.1093/aje/kwab263)
- Lau, T. M. M., Daniel, R., Hughes, K., Wootton, M., Hood, K. and Gillespie, D. 2022. A systematic review investigating the use of microbiology outcome measures in randomized controlled trials evaluating antimicrobial stewardship interventions published between 2011 and 2021. JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance 4(1), article number: dlac013. (10.1093/jacamr/dlac013)
- Puchades, A., Daniel, R., Geen, J., Peden, J., Lewis, H. and Nnoaham, K. 2022. SARS-CoV-2 sero-prevalence in the workforces of three large workplaces in South Wales: a sero-epidemiological study. BMC Public Health 22(1), article number: 162. (10.1186/s12889-021-12478-x)
- Smith, P., Daniel, R., Murray, R. L., Moore, G., Nelson, A. and Brain, K. 2021. Psychosocial determinants of quit motivation in older smokers from deprived backgrounds: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open 11(5), article number: e044815. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044815)
- Daniel, R., Zhang, J. and Farewell, D. 2021. Making apples from oranges: Comparing noncollapsible effect estimators and their standard errors after adjustment for different covariate sets. Biometrical Journal 63(3), pp. 528-557. (10.1002/bimj.201900297)
- Tanner, K. T., Sharples, L. D., Daniel, R. M. and Keogh, R. H. 2021. Dynamic survival prediction combining landmarking with a machine learning ensemble: methodology and empirical comparison. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A 184(1), pp. 3-30. (10.1111/rssa.12611)
- Gartner, A., Daniel, R., Farewell, D., Paranjothy, S., Townson, J. and Gregory, J. W. 2020. Demographic and socioeconomic patterns in the risk of alcohol-related hospital admission in children and young adults with childhood onset type-1 diabetes from a record-linked longitudinal population cohort study in Wales. Pediatric Diabetes 21(7), pp. 1333-1342. (10.1111/pedi.13089)
- Muller, I. et al. 2020. CATS II long-term anthropometric and metabolic effects of maternal sub-optimal thyroid function in offspring and mothers. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 105(7), article number: dgaa129. (10.1210/clinem/dgaa129)
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Book sections
- Daniel, R. 2017. G-computation formula. In: Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. Wiley Online Library, (10.1002/9781118445112)
- Daniel, R. 2017. Double Robustness. In: Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. Wiley Online Library, (10.1002/9781118445112.stat08068)
- Daniel, R. M. 2014. Double robustness. In: Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, (10.1002/9781118445112.stat08068)
Addysg a chymwysterau
- 2009: PhD ("On aspects of robustness and sensitivity in missing data methods"; arolygwr: Mike Kenward) Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain, Llundain, y DU
- 2005: MSc (Ystadegaeth Feddygol) Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain, Llundain, y DU
- 2004: Certificate of Advanced Studies (Mathemateg) Coleg Y Breninesau, Caergrawnt, y DU
- 2003: BA (Mathemateg) Coleg Y Breninesau, Caergrawnt, y DU
Manylion gyrfa
- 2017 - nawr: Darllenydd, Is-Adran Meddygaeth y Boblogaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2015 - 2017: Darlithydd a Chymrawd Syr Henry Dale, Yr Adran Ystadegaeth Feddygol, Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain
- 2013 - 2015: Darlithydd, Yr Adran Ystadegaeth Feddygol, Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain
- 2011 - 2013: Cymrawd Ymchwil, Yr Adran Ystadegaeth Feddygol, Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain
- 2008 - 2011: Cymrawd Ymchwil, Yr Adran Epidemioleg Clefydau Heintus, Ysgol Hylendid a Meddygaeth Drofannol Llundain
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- Y Gymdeithas Ystadegol Frenhinol
- Cymdeithas Biometreg Ryngwladol
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