Rwy'n ddarlithydd ac yn swyddog prosiect yn adran athroniaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd. Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar genedlaetholdeb, hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol, a pherthnasedd ieithyddol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn ideolegau gwleidyddol, poblyddiaeth, rhesymoldeb ecolegol, gwybodaeth ddeallus a Wittgenstein.
Arbenigedd: Cenedlaetholdeb, hunaniaeth genedlaethol, ieithyddiaeth gymhwysol, ideolegau gwleidyddol, Wittgenstein.
- Daniel, R. 2023. Standardization and vitality: The role of linguistic purism in preventing extinction. Language Problems and Language Planning 47(2), pp. 182-207. (10.1075/lplp.00105.dan)
- Daniel, R. 2023. Standardization and vitality. Language Problems and Language Planning 47(2), pp. 182-207. (10.1075/lplp.00105.dan)
- Daniel, R. 2022. The liberal/conservative nationalism divide: A distinction without a difference?. Nations and Nationalism 28(2), pp. 523-538. (10.1111/nana.12812)
- Daniel, R. 2021. The impact of language on cultural identity: Implications for linguistic justice and liberal nationalism. PhD Thesis, Cardiff Univeristy.
- Daniel, R. 2023. Standardization and vitality: The role of linguistic purism in preventing extinction. Language Problems and Language Planning 47(2), pp. 182-207. (10.1075/lplp.00105.dan)
- Daniel, R. 2023. Standardization and vitality. Language Problems and Language Planning 47(2), pp. 182-207. (10.1075/lplp.00105.dan)
- Daniel, R. 2022. The liberal/conservative nationalism divide: A distinction without a difference?. Nations and Nationalism 28(2), pp. 523-538. (10.1111/nana.12812)
- Daniel, R. 2021. The impact of language on cultural identity: Implications for linguistic justice and liberal nationalism. PhD Thesis, Cardiff Univeristy.
Cyrsiau a Addysgir
- Cenedlaetholdeb, Crefydd a Chymdeithas / Nationalism, Religion and Society
- Credoau'r Cymry / Welsh Ideologies
- Meddwl, Meddwl a Realiti
- Athroniaeth foesol a gwleidyddol
- Cyflwyniad i'r Llywodraeth
- Cyflwyniad i Feddwl Gwleidyddol