I am a GP Senior Clinical Research Fellow in the Wales Centre for Primary and Emergency Care research (PRIME Centre Wales). My research is focussed on person centred care, with interests in supporting self-management in long-term conditions and using realist methods.
- Davies, F. et al. 2024. Evaluation of different models of general practitioners working in or alongside emergency departments: a mixed methods realist evaluation. Health and Social Care Delivery Research 12(10) (10.3310/JWQZ5348)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2024. Programme theories to describe how different general practitioner service models work in different contexts in or alongside emergency departments (GP-ED): realist evaluation. Emergency Medicine Journal 41(5), pp. 287-295. (10.1136/emermed-2023-213426)
- Channon, S. et al. 2023. Acceptability and feasibility of a planned preconception weight loss intervention in women with long-acting reversible contraception: the Plan-it mixed-methods study. Health Technology Assessment 27(1) (10.3310/NKIX8285)
- Evans, B. A. et al. 2022. Implementing public involvement throughout the research process - experience and learning from the GPs in EDs study. Health Expectations 25(5), pp. 2471-2484. (10.1111/hex.13566)
- Channon, S. et al. 2022. The acceptability of asking women to delay removal of a long-acting reversible contraceptive to take part in a preconception weight loss programme: a mixed methods study using qualitative and routine data (Plan-it). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 22, article number: 778. (10.1186/s12884-022-05077-0)
- Edwards, M. et al. 2022. The effectiveness of primary care streaming in emergency departments on decision-making and patient flow and safety – a realist evaluation. International Emergency Nursing 62, article number: 101155. (10.1016/j.ienj.2022.101155)
- Price, D. et al. 2022. Patients' experiences of attending emergency departments where primary care services are located: qualitative findings from patient and clinician interviews from a realist evaluation. BMC Emergency Medicine 22(12) (10.1186/s12873-021-00562-9)
- Busse, M. et al. 2022. A web-based life-style, exercise and activity intervention for people with progressive multiple sclerosis results of a single-arm feasibility study. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 57, article number: 103388. (10.1016/j.msard.2021.103388)
- McFadzean, I. et al. 2022. Realist analysis of whether emergency departments with primary care services generate 'provider-induced demand'. BMC Emergency Medicine 22(1), article number: 155. (10.1186/s12873-022-00709-2)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2021. Identifying safe care processes when GPs work in or alongside emergency departments: realist evaluation. British Journal of General Practice 71(713), pp. e931-e940. (10.3399/BJGP.2021.0090)
- Edwards, M. et al. 2021. A classification of primary care streaming pathways in UK emergency departments: findings from a multi-methods study comprising cross-sectional survey; site visits with observations, semi-structured and informal interviews. International Emergency Nursing 56, article number: 101000. (10.1016/j.ienj.2021.101000)
- Latchem-Hastings, J. et al. 2021. Lifestyle, exercise and activity package for people living with progressive multiple sclerosis (LEAP-MS): protocol for a single-arm feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 7, article number: 111. (10.1186/s40814-021-00852-w)
- Busse, M. et al. 2021. A web-based physical activity intervention for people with progressive Multiple Sclerosis: application of consensus-based intervention development guidance. BMJ Open 11(3), article number: e045378. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045378)
- Coulman, E. et al. 2021. The acceptability and feasibility of a planned pre-pregnancy weight loss intervention (the Plan-it Study): A Protocol Paper. Clinical Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine 7(1) (10.15761/COGRM.1000325)
- Davies, F., Wood, F., Bullock, A., Wallace, C. and Edwards, A. 2020. Training in health coaching skills for health professionals who work with people with progressive neurological conditions: A realist evaluation. Health Expectations 23(4), pp. 919-933., article number: Volume23, Issue4 August 2020 Pages 919-933. (10.1111/hex.13071)
- Edwards, M. et al. 2020. Emergency department clinical leads' experiences of implementing primary care services where GPs work in or alongside emergency departments in the UK: a qualitative study. BMC Emergency Medicine 20(1), article number: 62. (10.1186/s12873-020-00358-3)
- Price, D. et al. 2020. Challenges of recruiting emergency department patients to a qualitative study: a thematic analysis of researchers? experiences. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20(1), article number: 151. (10.1186/s12874-020-01039-2)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2019. Taxonomy of the form and function of primary care services in or alongside emergency departments: concepts paper. Emergency Medicine Journal 36(10), pp. 625-630. (10.1136/emermed-2018-208305)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2019. The impact of general practitioners working in or alongside emergency departments: a rapid realist review. BMJ Open 9(4), article number: e024501. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024501)
- Davies, F. 2019. Training health professionals to support people with progressive neurological conditions to self-manage: A realist inquiry. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Davies, F., Wood, F., Bullock, A. D., Wallace, C. and Edwards, A. G. 2018. Shifting mindsets: a realist synthesis of evidence from self-management support training. Medical Education 52(3), pp. 274-287. (10.1111/medu.13492)
- Ahmed, H., Davies, F., Francis, N., Farewell, D., Butler, C. and Paranjothy, S. 2017. Long-term antibiotics for prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. BMJ Open 7(5), pp. e015233. (10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015233)
- Davies, F., Wood, F., Bullock, A. D., Wallace, C. and Edwards, A. 2017. Interventions to improve the self-management support health professionals provide for people with progressive neurological conditions: protocol for a realist synthesis. BMJ Open 7, article number: e014575. (10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014575)
- Davies, F. et al. 2016. The transition to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: an exploratory qualitative study of health professionals' experiences. International Journal of MS Care 18(5), pp. 257-264. (10.7224/1537-2073.2015-062)
- Joseph-Williams, N., Davies, F., Wood, F. C. and Edwards, A. G. 2015. Choosing a specialist: will patients vote with their feet (and wallets) for person-centered care?. Medical Decision Making 35(6), pp. 688-690. (10.1177/0272989X15583267)
- Davies, F. et al. 2015. "You are just left to get on with it": qualitative study of patient and carer experiences of the transition to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. BMJ Open 5(7), article number: e007674. (10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007674)
- Davies, F. et al. 2014. Primary and secondary care clinicians' views on self-treatment of COPD exacerbations: a multinational qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling 96(2), pp. 256-263. (10.1016/j.pec.2014.05.011)
- Davies, F. et al. 2024. Evaluation of different models of general practitioners working in or alongside emergency departments: a mixed methods realist evaluation. Health and Social Care Delivery Research 12(10) (10.3310/JWQZ5348)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2024. Programme theories to describe how different general practitioner service models work in different contexts in or alongside emergency departments (GP-ED): realist evaluation. Emergency Medicine Journal 41(5), pp. 287-295. (10.1136/emermed-2023-213426)
- Channon, S. et al. 2023. Acceptability and feasibility of a planned preconception weight loss intervention in women with long-acting reversible contraception: the Plan-it mixed-methods study. Health Technology Assessment 27(1) (10.3310/NKIX8285)
- Evans, B. A. et al. 2022. Implementing public involvement throughout the research process - experience and learning from the GPs in EDs study. Health Expectations 25(5), pp. 2471-2484. (10.1111/hex.13566)
- Channon, S. et al. 2022. The acceptability of asking women to delay removal of a long-acting reversible contraceptive to take part in a preconception weight loss programme: a mixed methods study using qualitative and routine data (Plan-it). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 22, article number: 778. (10.1186/s12884-022-05077-0)
- Edwards, M. et al. 2022. The effectiveness of primary care streaming in emergency departments on decision-making and patient flow and safety – a realist evaluation. International Emergency Nursing 62, article number: 101155. (10.1016/j.ienj.2022.101155)
- Price, D. et al. 2022. Patients' experiences of attending emergency departments where primary care services are located: qualitative findings from patient and clinician interviews from a realist evaluation. BMC Emergency Medicine 22(12) (10.1186/s12873-021-00562-9)
- Busse, M. et al. 2022. A web-based life-style, exercise and activity intervention for people with progressive multiple sclerosis results of a single-arm feasibility study. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 57, article number: 103388. (10.1016/j.msard.2021.103388)
- McFadzean, I. et al. 2022. Realist analysis of whether emergency departments with primary care services generate 'provider-induced demand'. BMC Emergency Medicine 22(1), article number: 155. (10.1186/s12873-022-00709-2)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2021. Identifying safe care processes when GPs work in or alongside emergency departments: realist evaluation. British Journal of General Practice 71(713), pp. e931-e940. (10.3399/BJGP.2021.0090)
- Edwards, M. et al. 2021. A classification of primary care streaming pathways in UK emergency departments: findings from a multi-methods study comprising cross-sectional survey; site visits with observations, semi-structured and informal interviews. International Emergency Nursing 56, article number: 101000. (10.1016/j.ienj.2021.101000)
- Latchem-Hastings, J. et al. 2021. Lifestyle, exercise and activity package for people living with progressive multiple sclerosis (LEAP-MS): protocol for a single-arm feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 7, article number: 111. (10.1186/s40814-021-00852-w)
- Busse, M. et al. 2021. A web-based physical activity intervention for people with progressive Multiple Sclerosis: application of consensus-based intervention development guidance. BMJ Open 11(3), article number: e045378. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045378)
- Coulman, E. et al. 2021. The acceptability and feasibility of a planned pre-pregnancy weight loss intervention (the Plan-it Study): A Protocol Paper. Clinical Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine 7(1) (10.15761/COGRM.1000325)
- Davies, F., Wood, F., Bullock, A., Wallace, C. and Edwards, A. 2020. Training in health coaching skills for health professionals who work with people with progressive neurological conditions: A realist evaluation. Health Expectations 23(4), pp. 919-933., article number: Volume23, Issue4 August 2020 Pages 919-933. (10.1111/hex.13071)
- Edwards, M. et al. 2020. Emergency department clinical leads' experiences of implementing primary care services where GPs work in or alongside emergency departments in the UK: a qualitative study. BMC Emergency Medicine 20(1), article number: 62. (10.1186/s12873-020-00358-3)
- Price, D. et al. 2020. Challenges of recruiting emergency department patients to a qualitative study: a thematic analysis of researchers? experiences. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20(1), article number: 151. (10.1186/s12874-020-01039-2)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2019. Taxonomy of the form and function of primary care services in or alongside emergency departments: concepts paper. Emergency Medicine Journal 36(10), pp. 625-630. (10.1136/emermed-2018-208305)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2019. The impact of general practitioners working in or alongside emergency departments: a rapid realist review. BMJ Open 9(4), article number: e024501. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024501)
- Davies, F., Wood, F., Bullock, A. D., Wallace, C. and Edwards, A. G. 2018. Shifting mindsets: a realist synthesis of evidence from self-management support training. Medical Education 52(3), pp. 274-287. (10.1111/medu.13492)
- Ahmed, H., Davies, F., Francis, N., Farewell, D., Butler, C. and Paranjothy, S. 2017. Long-term antibiotics for prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. BMJ Open 7(5), pp. e015233. (10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015233)
- Davies, F., Wood, F., Bullock, A. D., Wallace, C. and Edwards, A. 2017. Interventions to improve the self-management support health professionals provide for people with progressive neurological conditions: protocol for a realist synthesis. BMJ Open 7, article number: e014575. (10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014575)
- Davies, F. et al. 2016. The transition to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: an exploratory qualitative study of health professionals' experiences. International Journal of MS Care 18(5), pp. 257-264. (10.7224/1537-2073.2015-062)
- Joseph-Williams, N., Davies, F., Wood, F. C. and Edwards, A. G. 2015. Choosing a specialist: will patients vote with their feet (and wallets) for person-centered care?. Medical Decision Making 35(6), pp. 688-690. (10.1177/0272989X15583267)
- Davies, F. et al. 2015. "You are just left to get on with it": qualitative study of patient and carer experiences of the transition to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. BMJ Open 5(7), article number: e007674. (10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007674)
- Davies, F. et al. 2014. Primary and secondary care clinicians' views on self-treatment of COPD exacerbations: a multinational qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling 96(2), pp. 256-263. (10.1016/j.pec.2014.05.011)
- Davies, F. 2019. Training health professionals to support people with progressive neurological conditions to self-manage: A realist inquiry. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Education and qualifications
- 2019: PhD, Cardiff University
- 2015: Masters in Medical Education, University of Dundee
- 2011: MRCGP, Royal College of General Practitioners
- 2006: MB BCh, Cardiff University
Career overview
- 2015 - present: Clinical Research Fellow, PRIME Centre Wales
- 2012 - 2015: Associate Academic Fellow, Cardiff University
Contact Details
+44 29206 87226
Neuadd Meirionnydd, Ystafell 8th floor, Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4YS
+44 29206 87226
Neuadd Meirionnydd, Ystafell 8th floor, Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4YS