Dr William Davies
MBiochem PhD FHEA
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for William Davies
Themâu Ymchwil : Niwrowyddoniaeth, Endocrinoleg a Geneteg
Mae gen i ddiddordeb yn y mecanweithiau genetig, endocrin ac imiwnolegol sy'n sail i wahaniaethau rhyw yn swyddogaeth yr ymennydd, ymddygiad a ffisioleg. Mae fy ngwaith yn canolbwyntio ar rôl genynnau ar y cromosomau rhyw (h.y. yr X ac Y), sy'n cael eu hetifeddu'n anghymesur rhwng y rhywiau: mae menywod yn etifeddu dau gromosom X (un o bob rhiant), tra bod dynion yn etifeddu un cromosom X (yn ddieithriad gan eu mam) a chromosom Y gan eu tad. Prif amcanion fy ymchwil yw: a) deall pam mae'r rhywiau yn wahanol agored i gyflyrau niwroddatblygiadol, seiciatrig a meddygol, b) deall yr anhwylderau seicolegol sy'n sail i pathoffisioleg sy'n gysylltiedig â beichiogrwydd a genedigaeth, ac c) i helpu i ddatblygu therapïau rhywiol mwy effeithiol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn iechyd meddwl a chorfforol mewn cyflyrau croen (yn enwedig ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig ag X), ac rwy'n gweithio gyda sefydliadau'r trydydd sector yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol (e.e. Ichthyosis Support Group UK a Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types (FIRST))
Fel Swyddog Meinwe Dynol yr Ysgol Seicoleg, ac yn aelod o Bwyllgor Llywodraethu Ymchwil Meinwe Dynol y Brifysgol, rwy'n gyfrifol am sicrhau bod unrhyw ymchwil sy'n cynnwys samplau meinwe dynol yn cael ei gynnal yn gyfreithlon. Rwyf hefyd yn gynrychiolydd yr Ysgol Seicoleg ar Banel Lles Anifeiliaid ac Ymchwil y Brifysgol (AWARP). Yn MEDIC, rwy'n Arweinydd ar gyfer rhaglen INSPIRE, cynllun a redir gan yr Academi Gwyddorau Meddygol i annog myfyrwyr meddygol, deintyddiaeth a milfeddygol israddedig i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ymchwil.
Crynodeb lleoliad
Rwyf wedi fy lleoli yn yr Ysgolion Seicoleg (PSYCH) a Meddygaeth (MEDIC) ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd . Rwy'n aelod o'r Grŵp Geneteg Ymddygiadol (PSYCH/MEDIC), y Ganolfan Geneteg a Genomeg Niwroseiciatrig (MEDIC), yr Is-adran Meddygaeth Seicolegol a Niwrowyddorau Clinigol (MEDIC) a'r Sefydliad Arloesi Niwrowyddoniaeth ac Iechyd Meddwl (PSYCH/MEDIC).
- Wren, G., O'Callaghan, P., Zaidi, A., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2025. Monitoring heart rhythms in adult males with X-linked ichthyosis using wearable technology: a feasibility study. Archives of Dermatological Research 317, article number: 351. (10.1007/s00403-025-03884-x)
- Alsubeeh, N. A., Almuqbil, M. A., Davies, W., Bertoli-Avella, A., Anikar, S., Zonic, E. and Eyaid, W. M. 2025. CCDC47 gene and trichohepatoneurodevelopmental syndrome: Report of the fifth and sixth cases from Saudi Arabia. The American Journal of Medical Genetics - Part A 197(1), article number: e63784. (10.1002/ajmg.a.63784)
- Wren, G. H. and Davies, W. 2024. Cardiac arrhythmia in individuals with steroid sulfatase deficiency (X linked ichthyosis): candidate anatomical and biochemical pathways. Essays in Biochemistry 68(4), pp. 423-429., article number: EBC20230098. (10.1042/EBC20230098)
- Wren, G., O'Callaghan, P., Zaidi, A., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2024. Monitoring heart rhythms in adult males with X-linked ichthyosis using wearable technology: a feasibility study. [Online]. Research Square. Available at: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-5320157/v1
- Al-Enezi, E., Alghamdi, M., Al-Enezi, K., AlBalwi, M., Davies, W. and Eyaid, W. 2024. Helsmoortel-Van der Aa syndrome in a 13-year-old girl with autistic spectrum disorder, dysmorphism, a right solitary kidney, and polycystic ovaries: a case report.. Journal of Medical Case Reports 18, article number: 422. (10.1186/s13256-024-04746-2)
- Wren, G., Flanagan, J., Underwood, J., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2024. Memory, mood and associated neuroanatomy in individuals with steroid sulfatase deficiency (X-linked ichthyosis). Genes, Brain and Behavior 23(3), article number: e12893. (10.1111/gbb.12893)
- Steventon, J. J. et al. 2023. Menopause age, reproductive span and hormone therapy duration predict the volume of medial temporal lobe brain structures in postmenopausal women. Psychoneuroendocrinology 158, article number: 106393. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106393)
- Wren, G. et al. 2023. Characterising heart rhythm abnormalities associated with Xp22.31 deletion. Journal of Medical Genetics 60, pp. 636-643. (10.1136/jmg-2022-108862)
- Wren, G. H. and Davies, W. 2022. X-linked ichthyosis: New insights into a multi-system disorder. Skin Health and Disease 2(4), article number: e179. (10.1002/ski2.179)
- Hamshere, M. L., Files, C., Davies, W. and Anney, R. 2022. Embedding genomic research into teaching practice: the rewards and potential pitfalls. Genetics Society News 87, pp. 30-31.
- Shepherd, F. and Davies, W. 2022. An update on the presentation, nosology, and causes of postpartum psychosis. Psychiatric Times 39(6), pp. 23-25.
- Wren, G., Humby, T., Thompson, A. and Davies, W. 2022. Mood symptoms, neurodevelopmental traits, and their contributory factors in X-linked ichthyosis, ichthyosis vulgaris and psoriasis. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 47(6), pp. 1097-1108. (10.1111/ced.15116)
- Brcic, L., Wren, G., Underwood, J., Kirov, G. and Davies, W. 2022. Comorbid medical issues in X-linked ichthyosis [Letter]. JID Innovations 2(3), article number: 100109. (10.1016/j.xjidi.2022.100109)
- Wren, G. and Davies, W. 2022. Sex-linked genetic mechanisms and atrial fibrillation risk. European Journal of Medical Genetics 65(4), article number: 104459. (10.1016/j.ejmg.2022.104459)
- Thippeswamy, H. and Davies, W. 2021. A new molecular risk pathway for postpartum mood disorders: clues from steroid sulfatase-deficient individuals. Archives of Women's Mental Health 24, pp. 391-401. (10.1007/s00737-020-01093-1)
- Davies, W. 2021. The contribution of Xp22.31 gene dosage to Turner and Klinefelter syndromes and sex-biased phenotypes. European Journal of Medical Genetics 64(4), article number: 104169. (10.1016/j.ejmg.2021.104169)
- Brcic, L., Underwood, J., Kendall, K., Caseras, X., Kirov, G. and Davies, W. 2020. Medical and neurobehavioural phenotypes in carriers of X-linked ichthyosis-associated genetic deletions in the UK Biobank. Journal of Medical Genetics 57(10), pp. 692-698. (10.1136/jmedgenet-2019-106676)
- Gubb, S., Brcic, L., Underwood, J., Kendall, K., Caseras, X., Kirov, G. and Davies, W. 2020. Medical and neurobehavioural phenotypes in male and female carriers of Xp22.31 duplications in the UK Biobank. Human Molecular Genetics 29(17), pp. 2872-2881. (10.1093/hmg/ddaa174)
- Humby, T. et al. 2020. Effects of 5-HT2C, 5-HT1A receptor challenges and modafinil on the initiation and persistence of gambling behaviours. Psychopharmacology 237, pp. 1745-1756. (10.1007/s00213-020-05496-x)
- Davies, W. 2019. An analysis of Cellular Communication Network (CCN) proteins as candidate mediators of postpartum psychosis risk. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, article number: 876. (10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00876)
- O'Brien, H. et al. 2019. Sex differences in gene expression in the human fetal brain. [Online]. bioRxiv. (10.1101/483636) Available at: https://doi.org/10.1101/483636
- Cavenagh, A., Chatterjee, S. and Davies, W. 2019. Behavioural and psychiatric phenotypes in female carriers of genetic mutations associated with X-linked ichthyosis. PLoS ONE 14(2), article number: e0212330. (10.1371/journal.pone.0212330)
- Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. 2019. Editorial overview: special issue on epigenetics and genomic imprinting. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 25, pp. iii-v. (10.1016/j.cobeha.2018.12.006)
- Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2019. Brain gene expression in a novel mouse model of postpartum mood disorder. Translational Neuroscience 10(1), pp. 168-174. (10.1515/tnsci-2019-0030)
- Dazzan, P., Fusté, M. and Davies, W. 2018. Do defective immune system-mediated myelination processes increase postpartum psychosis risk?. Trends in Molecular Medicine 24(11), pp. 942-949. (10.1016/j.molmed.2018.09.002)
- Davies, W. 2018. Sulfation pathways: The steroid sulfate axis and its relationship to maternal behaviour and mental health. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 61, pp. T199-T210. (10.1530/JME-17-0219)
- Richards, G., Davies, W., Stewart-Williams, S., Bellin, W. and Reed, P. 2018. 2D:4D digit ratio and religiosity in university student and general population samples. Transpersonal Psychology Review 20(1), pp. 23-36.
- Malik, A. et al. 2017. X-linked ichthyosis associated with psychosis and behavioral abnormalities: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 11, article number: 267. (10.1186/s13256-017-1420-2)
- Richards, G., Bellin, W. and Davies, W. 2017. Familial digit ratio (2D:4D) associations in a general population sample from Wales. Early Human Development 112, pp. 14-19. (10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2017.06.006)
- Green, T., Naylor, P. and Davies, W. 2017. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in phenotypically-similar neurogenetic conditions: Turner syndrome and the RASopathies. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 9(25), pp. 794-802. (10.1186/s11689-017-9205-x)
- Davies, W. 2017. Understanding the pathophysiology of postpartum psychosis: challenges and new approaches. World Journal of Psychiatry 7(2), pp. 77-88., article number: http://dx.doi.org/10.5498/wjp.v7.i2.77. (10.5498/wjp.v7.i2.77)
- Humby, T. et al. 2017. A genetic variant within STS previously associated with inattention in boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is associated with enhanced cognition in healthy adult males. Brain and Behavior 7(3), article number: e00646. (10.1002/brb3.646)
- Humby, T., Cross, E. S., Messer, L., Guerrero, S. and Davies, W. 2016. A pharmacological mouse model suggests a novel risk pathway for postpartum psychosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology 74, pp. 363-370. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.09.019)
- Davies, W. 2016. Insights into rare diseases from social media surveys. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 11, article number: 151. (10.1186/s13023-016-0532-x)
- Chatterjee, S., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2016. Behavioural and psychiatric phenotypes in men and boys with X-linked ichthyosis: evidence from a worldwide online survey. PLoS ONE 11(10), pp. e0164417., article number: e0164417. (10.1371/journal.pone.0164417)
- Hinton, R., Opoka, A., Ojarikre, O. A., Wilkinson, L. S. and Davies, W. 2015. Preliminary evidence for aortopathy and an x-linked parent-of-origin effect on aortic valve malformation in a mouse model of Turner syndrome. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 2(3), pp. 190-199. (10.3390/jcdd2030190)
- Davies, W. and Duncan, L. 2015. Editorial overview: Behavioral genetics. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2, pp. v-vii. (10.1016/j.cobeha.2014.12.002)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Trent, S., Eddy, J. B., Ojarikre, O. A. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2014. Genetic and pharmacological modulation of the steroid sulfatase axis improves response control; comparison to drugs used in ADHD. Neuropsychopharmacology 39, pp. 2622-2632. (10.1038/npp.2014.115)
- Davies, W. 2014. Sex differences in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Candidate genetic and endocrine mechanisms. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 35(3), pp. 331-346. (10.1016/j.yfrne.2014.03.003)
- Trent, S., Fry, J. P., Ojarikre, O. A. and Davies, W. 2014. Altered brain gene expression but not steroid biochemistry in a genetic mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorder. Molecular Autism 5(1), article number: 21. (10.1186/2040-2392-5-21)
- van den Bos, R. et al. 2013. Cross-species approaches to pathological gambling: A review targeting sex differences, adolescent vulnerability and ecological validity of research tools. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 37(10.2), pp. 2454-2471. (10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.07.005)
- Kopsida, E., Lynn, P. M., Humby, T., Wilkinson, L. S. and Davies, W. 2013. Dissociable effects of sry and sex chromosome complement on activity, feeding and anxiety-related behaviours in mice. PLoS ONE 8(8), article number: e73699. (10.1371/journal.pone.0073699)
- Trent, S. et al. 2013. Biological mechanisms associated with increased perseveration and hyperactivity in a genetic mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(8), pp. 1370-1380. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.12.002)
- Trent, S. and Davies, W. 2013. Cognitive, behavioural and psychiatric phenotypes associated with steroid sulfatase deficiency. World Journal of Translational Medicine 2(1), pp. 1-12. (10.5528/wjtm.v2.i1.1)
- Davies, W. 2013. Using mouse models to investigate sex-linked genetic effects on brain, behaviour and vulnerability to neuropsychiatric disorders. Brain Research Bulletin 92, pp. 12-20. (10.1016/j.brainresbull.2011.06.018)
- Trent, S., Cassano, T., Bedse, G., Ojarikre, O. A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2012. Altered serotonergic function may partially account for behavioral endophenotypes in steroid sulfatase-deficient mice. Neuropsychopharmacology 37(5), pp. 1267-1274. (10.1038/npp.2011.314)
- Trent, S., Dennehy, A., Richardson, H., Ojarikre, O. A., Burgoyne, P. S., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2012. Steroid sulfatase-deficient mice exhibit endophenotypes relevant to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 37(2), pp. 221-229. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.06.006)
- Davies, W. 2012. Does steroid sulfatase deficiency influence postpartum psychosis risk?. Trends in Molecular Medicine 18(5), pp. 256-262. (10.1016/j.molmed.2012.03.001)
- Stergiakouli, E. et al. 2011. Steroid sulfatase is a potential modifier of cognition in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Genes Brain and Behavior 10(3), pp. 334-344. (10.1111/j.1601-183x.2010.00672.x)
- Kopsida, E., Mikaelsson, M. A. and Davies, W. 2011. The role of imprinted genes in mediating susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders. Hormones and Behavior 59(3), pp. 375-382. (10.1016/j.yhbeh.2010.04.005)
- Davies, W. 2011. Functional themes from psychiatric genome-wide screens. Frontiers in Genetics 2, article number: 89. (10.3389/fgene.2011.00089)
- Lynn, P. M., Stergiakouli, E. and Davies, W. 2011. The genomics of Turner syndrome and sex-biased neuropsychiatric disorders. In: Clelland, J. D. ed. Genomics, proteomics, and the nervous system. Advances in neurobiology Vol. 2. Springer, pp. 3-20.
- Trent, S. and Davies, W. 2011. The influence of sex-linked genetic mechanisms on attention and impulsivity. Biological Psychology 89(1), pp. 1-13. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.09.011)
- Davies, W. 2010. Genomic imprinting on the X chromosome: implications for brain and behavioral phenotypes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1204(s1), pp. 14-19. (10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05567.x)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Kong, W., Otter, T. L., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2009. Converging pharmacological and genetic evidence indicates a role for steroid sulfatase in attention. Biological Psychiatry 66(4), pp. 360-367. (10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.01.001)
- Kopsida, E., Stergiakouli, E., Lynn, P. E., Wilkinson, L. and Davies, W. 2009. The Role of the Y Chromosome in Brain Function. The Open Neuroendocrinology Journal 2, pp. 20-30.
- Kopsida, E., Stergiakouli, E., Lynn, P. M., Wilkinson, L. S. and Davies, W. 2009. The Role of the Y Chromosome in Brain Function. Open Neuroendocrinology Journal 2(1), pp. 20-30. (10.2174/1876528900902010020)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Humby, T. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2008. What are imprinted genes doing in the brain?. In: Wilkins, J. F. ed. Genomic Imprinting. Advances in experimental medicine and biology Vol. 626. Berlin: Springer, pp. 62-70., (10.1007/978-0-387-77576-0_5)
- Davies, W., Lynn, P. M. Y., Relkovic, D. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2008. Imprinted genes and neuroendocrine function. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 29(3), pp. 413-427. (10.1016/j.yfrne.2007.12.001)
- Davies, W. and Isles, A. R. 2008. Genomic imprinting and disorders of the social brain; shades of grey rather than black and white. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31(3), pp. 265-266. (10.1017/S0140525X08004263)
- Wilkinson, L. S., Davies, W. and Isles, A. R. 2007. Genomic imprinting effects on brain development and function. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 8(11), pp. 832-843. (10.1038/nrn2235)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Isles, A. R., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2007. X-monosomy effects on visuospatial attention in mice: a candidate gene and implications for Turner syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Biological psychiatry 61(12), pp. 1351-1360. (10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.08.011)
- Lynn, P. M. and Davies, W. 2007. The 39,XO mouse as a model for the neurobiology of Turner syndrome and sex-biased neuropsychiatric disorders. Behavioural Brain Research 179(2), pp. 173-182. (10.1016/j.bbr.2007.02.013)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Humby, T. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2007. What are imprinted genes doing in the brain? [Review]. Epigenetics 2(4), pp. 201-206. (10.4161/epi.2.4.5379)
- Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. It is not all hormones: Alternative explanations for sexual differentiation of the brain. Brain Research 1126(1), pp. 36-45. (10.1016/j.brainres.2006.09.105)
- Isles, A. R., Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. Genomic imprinting and the social brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 361(1476), pp. 2229-2237. (10.1098/rstb.2006.1942)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. X-linked imprinting: effects on brain and behaviour. Bioessays 28(1), pp. 35-44. (10.1002/bies.20341)
- Davies, W. et al. 2005. Xlr3b is a new imprinted candidate for X-linked parent-of-origin effects on cognitive function in mice. Nature Genetics 37(6), pp. 625-629. (10.1038/ng1577)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2005. Imprinted gene expression in the brain. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 29(3), pp. 421-430. (10.1016/j.neubiorev.2004.11.007)
- Davies, W., Smith, R. J., Kelsey, G. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2004. Expression patterns of the novel imprinted genes Nap1l5 and Peg13 and their non-imprinted host genes in the adult mouse brain. Gene Expression Patterns 4(6), pp. 741-747. (10.1016/j.modgep.2004.03.008)
- Isles, A. R., Davies, W., Burrmann, D., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2004. Effects on fear reactivity in XO mice are due to haploinsufficiency of a non-PAR X gene: implications for emotional function in Turner's syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 13(17), pp. 1849-1855. (10.1093/hmg/ddh203)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2001. Imprinted genes and mental dysfunction. Annals of Medicine 33(6), pp. 428-436. (10.3109/07853890108995956)
- Humby, T., Laird, F. M., Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 1999. Visuospatial attentional functioning in mice: interactions between cholinergic manipulations and genotype. European Journal of Neuroscience 11(8), pp. 2813-2823. (10.1046/j.1460-9568.1999.00701.x)
- Wren, G., O'Callaghan, P., Zaidi, A., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2025. Monitoring heart rhythms in adult males with X-linked ichthyosis using wearable technology: a feasibility study. Archives of Dermatological Research 317, article number: 351. (10.1007/s00403-025-03884-x)
- Alsubeeh, N. A., Almuqbil, M. A., Davies, W., Bertoli-Avella, A., Anikar, S., Zonic, E. and Eyaid, W. M. 2025. CCDC47 gene and trichohepatoneurodevelopmental syndrome: Report of the fifth and sixth cases from Saudi Arabia. The American Journal of Medical Genetics - Part A 197(1), article number: e63784. (10.1002/ajmg.a.63784)
- Wren, G. H. and Davies, W. 2024. Cardiac arrhythmia in individuals with steroid sulfatase deficiency (X linked ichthyosis): candidate anatomical and biochemical pathways. Essays in Biochemistry 68(4), pp. 423-429., article number: EBC20230098. (10.1042/EBC20230098)
- Al-Enezi, E., Alghamdi, M., Al-Enezi, K., AlBalwi, M., Davies, W. and Eyaid, W. 2024. Helsmoortel-Van der Aa syndrome in a 13-year-old girl with autistic spectrum disorder, dysmorphism, a right solitary kidney, and polycystic ovaries: a case report.. Journal of Medical Case Reports 18, article number: 422. (10.1186/s13256-024-04746-2)
- Wren, G., Flanagan, J., Underwood, J., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2024. Memory, mood and associated neuroanatomy in individuals with steroid sulfatase deficiency (X-linked ichthyosis). Genes, Brain and Behavior 23(3), article number: e12893. (10.1111/gbb.12893)
- Steventon, J. J. et al. 2023. Menopause age, reproductive span and hormone therapy duration predict the volume of medial temporal lobe brain structures in postmenopausal women. Psychoneuroendocrinology 158, article number: 106393. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106393)
- Wren, G. et al. 2023. Characterising heart rhythm abnormalities associated with Xp22.31 deletion. Journal of Medical Genetics 60, pp. 636-643. (10.1136/jmg-2022-108862)
- Wren, G. H. and Davies, W. 2022. X-linked ichthyosis: New insights into a multi-system disorder. Skin Health and Disease 2(4), article number: e179. (10.1002/ski2.179)
- Hamshere, M. L., Files, C., Davies, W. and Anney, R. 2022. Embedding genomic research into teaching practice: the rewards and potential pitfalls. Genetics Society News 87, pp. 30-31.
- Shepherd, F. and Davies, W. 2022. An update on the presentation, nosology, and causes of postpartum psychosis. Psychiatric Times 39(6), pp. 23-25.
- Wren, G., Humby, T., Thompson, A. and Davies, W. 2022. Mood symptoms, neurodevelopmental traits, and their contributory factors in X-linked ichthyosis, ichthyosis vulgaris and psoriasis. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 47(6), pp. 1097-1108. (10.1111/ced.15116)
- Brcic, L., Wren, G., Underwood, J., Kirov, G. and Davies, W. 2022. Comorbid medical issues in X-linked ichthyosis [Letter]. JID Innovations 2(3), article number: 100109. (10.1016/j.xjidi.2022.100109)
- Wren, G. and Davies, W. 2022. Sex-linked genetic mechanisms and atrial fibrillation risk. European Journal of Medical Genetics 65(4), article number: 104459. (10.1016/j.ejmg.2022.104459)
- Thippeswamy, H. and Davies, W. 2021. A new molecular risk pathway for postpartum mood disorders: clues from steroid sulfatase-deficient individuals. Archives of Women's Mental Health 24, pp. 391-401. (10.1007/s00737-020-01093-1)
- Davies, W. 2021. The contribution of Xp22.31 gene dosage to Turner and Klinefelter syndromes and sex-biased phenotypes. European Journal of Medical Genetics 64(4), article number: 104169. (10.1016/j.ejmg.2021.104169)
- Brcic, L., Underwood, J., Kendall, K., Caseras, X., Kirov, G. and Davies, W. 2020. Medical and neurobehavioural phenotypes in carriers of X-linked ichthyosis-associated genetic deletions in the UK Biobank. Journal of Medical Genetics 57(10), pp. 692-698. (10.1136/jmedgenet-2019-106676)
- Gubb, S., Brcic, L., Underwood, J., Kendall, K., Caseras, X., Kirov, G. and Davies, W. 2020. Medical and neurobehavioural phenotypes in male and female carriers of Xp22.31 duplications in the UK Biobank. Human Molecular Genetics 29(17), pp. 2872-2881. (10.1093/hmg/ddaa174)
- Humby, T. et al. 2020. Effects of 5-HT2C, 5-HT1A receptor challenges and modafinil on the initiation and persistence of gambling behaviours. Psychopharmacology 237, pp. 1745-1756. (10.1007/s00213-020-05496-x)
- Davies, W. 2019. An analysis of Cellular Communication Network (CCN) proteins as candidate mediators of postpartum psychosis risk. Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, article number: 876. (10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00876)
- Cavenagh, A., Chatterjee, S. and Davies, W. 2019. Behavioural and psychiatric phenotypes in female carriers of genetic mutations associated with X-linked ichthyosis. PLoS ONE 14(2), article number: e0212330. (10.1371/journal.pone.0212330)
- Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. 2019. Editorial overview: special issue on epigenetics and genomic imprinting. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 25, pp. iii-v. (10.1016/j.cobeha.2018.12.006)
- Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2019. Brain gene expression in a novel mouse model of postpartum mood disorder. Translational Neuroscience 10(1), pp. 168-174. (10.1515/tnsci-2019-0030)
- Dazzan, P., Fusté, M. and Davies, W. 2018. Do defective immune system-mediated myelination processes increase postpartum psychosis risk?. Trends in Molecular Medicine 24(11), pp. 942-949. (10.1016/j.molmed.2018.09.002)
- Davies, W. 2018. Sulfation pathways: The steroid sulfate axis and its relationship to maternal behaviour and mental health. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 61, pp. T199-T210. (10.1530/JME-17-0219)
- Richards, G., Davies, W., Stewart-Williams, S., Bellin, W. and Reed, P. 2018. 2D:4D digit ratio and religiosity in university student and general population samples. Transpersonal Psychology Review 20(1), pp. 23-36.
- Malik, A. et al. 2017. X-linked ichthyosis associated with psychosis and behavioral abnormalities: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 11, article number: 267. (10.1186/s13256-017-1420-2)
- Richards, G., Bellin, W. and Davies, W. 2017. Familial digit ratio (2D:4D) associations in a general population sample from Wales. Early Human Development 112, pp. 14-19. (10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2017.06.006)
- Green, T., Naylor, P. and Davies, W. 2017. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in phenotypically-similar neurogenetic conditions: Turner syndrome and the RASopathies. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 9(25), pp. 794-802. (10.1186/s11689-017-9205-x)
- Davies, W. 2017. Understanding the pathophysiology of postpartum psychosis: challenges and new approaches. World Journal of Psychiatry 7(2), pp. 77-88., article number: http://dx.doi.org/10.5498/wjp.v7.i2.77. (10.5498/wjp.v7.i2.77)
- Humby, T. et al. 2017. A genetic variant within STS previously associated with inattention in boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is associated with enhanced cognition in healthy adult males. Brain and Behavior 7(3), article number: e00646. (10.1002/brb3.646)
- Humby, T., Cross, E. S., Messer, L., Guerrero, S. and Davies, W. 2016. A pharmacological mouse model suggests a novel risk pathway for postpartum psychosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology 74, pp. 363-370. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.09.019)
- Davies, W. 2016. Insights into rare diseases from social media surveys. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 11, article number: 151. (10.1186/s13023-016-0532-x)
- Chatterjee, S., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2016. Behavioural and psychiatric phenotypes in men and boys with X-linked ichthyosis: evidence from a worldwide online survey. PLoS ONE 11(10), pp. e0164417., article number: e0164417. (10.1371/journal.pone.0164417)
- Hinton, R., Opoka, A., Ojarikre, O. A., Wilkinson, L. S. and Davies, W. 2015. Preliminary evidence for aortopathy and an x-linked parent-of-origin effect on aortic valve malformation in a mouse model of Turner syndrome. Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 2(3), pp. 190-199. (10.3390/jcdd2030190)
- Davies, W. and Duncan, L. 2015. Editorial overview: Behavioral genetics. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 2, pp. v-vii. (10.1016/j.cobeha.2014.12.002)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Trent, S., Eddy, J. B., Ojarikre, O. A. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2014. Genetic and pharmacological modulation of the steroid sulfatase axis improves response control; comparison to drugs used in ADHD. Neuropsychopharmacology 39, pp. 2622-2632. (10.1038/npp.2014.115)
- Davies, W. 2014. Sex differences in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Candidate genetic and endocrine mechanisms. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 35(3), pp. 331-346. (10.1016/j.yfrne.2014.03.003)
- Trent, S., Fry, J. P., Ojarikre, O. A. and Davies, W. 2014. Altered brain gene expression but not steroid biochemistry in a genetic mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorder. Molecular Autism 5(1), article number: 21. (10.1186/2040-2392-5-21)
- van den Bos, R. et al. 2013. Cross-species approaches to pathological gambling: A review targeting sex differences, adolescent vulnerability and ecological validity of research tools. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 37(10.2), pp. 2454-2471. (10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.07.005)
- Kopsida, E., Lynn, P. M., Humby, T., Wilkinson, L. S. and Davies, W. 2013. Dissociable effects of sry and sex chromosome complement on activity, feeding and anxiety-related behaviours in mice. PLoS ONE 8(8), article number: e73699. (10.1371/journal.pone.0073699)
- Trent, S. et al. 2013. Biological mechanisms associated with increased perseveration and hyperactivity in a genetic mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(8), pp. 1370-1380. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.12.002)
- Trent, S. and Davies, W. 2013. Cognitive, behavioural and psychiatric phenotypes associated with steroid sulfatase deficiency. World Journal of Translational Medicine 2(1), pp. 1-12. (10.5528/wjtm.v2.i1.1)
- Davies, W. 2013. Using mouse models to investigate sex-linked genetic effects on brain, behaviour and vulnerability to neuropsychiatric disorders. Brain Research Bulletin 92, pp. 12-20. (10.1016/j.brainresbull.2011.06.018)
- Trent, S., Cassano, T., Bedse, G., Ojarikre, O. A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2012. Altered serotonergic function may partially account for behavioral endophenotypes in steroid sulfatase-deficient mice. Neuropsychopharmacology 37(5), pp. 1267-1274. (10.1038/npp.2011.314)
- Trent, S., Dennehy, A., Richardson, H., Ojarikre, O. A., Burgoyne, P. S., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2012. Steroid sulfatase-deficient mice exhibit endophenotypes relevant to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 37(2), pp. 221-229. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.06.006)
- Davies, W. 2012. Does steroid sulfatase deficiency influence postpartum psychosis risk?. Trends in Molecular Medicine 18(5), pp. 256-262. (10.1016/j.molmed.2012.03.001)
- Stergiakouli, E. et al. 2011. Steroid sulfatase is a potential modifier of cognition in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Genes Brain and Behavior 10(3), pp. 334-344. (10.1111/j.1601-183x.2010.00672.x)
- Kopsida, E., Mikaelsson, M. A. and Davies, W. 2011. The role of imprinted genes in mediating susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders. Hormones and Behavior 59(3), pp. 375-382. (10.1016/j.yhbeh.2010.04.005)
- Davies, W. 2011. Functional themes from psychiatric genome-wide screens. Frontiers in Genetics 2, article number: 89. (10.3389/fgene.2011.00089)
- Trent, S. and Davies, W. 2011. The influence of sex-linked genetic mechanisms on attention and impulsivity. Biological Psychology 89(1), pp. 1-13. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.09.011)
- Davies, W. 2010. Genomic imprinting on the X chromosome: implications for brain and behavioral phenotypes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1204(s1), pp. 14-19. (10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05567.x)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Kong, W., Otter, T. L., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2009. Converging pharmacological and genetic evidence indicates a role for steroid sulfatase in attention. Biological Psychiatry 66(4), pp. 360-367. (10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.01.001)
- Kopsida, E., Stergiakouli, E., Lynn, P. E., Wilkinson, L. and Davies, W. 2009. The Role of the Y Chromosome in Brain Function. The Open Neuroendocrinology Journal 2, pp. 20-30.
- Kopsida, E., Stergiakouli, E., Lynn, P. M., Wilkinson, L. S. and Davies, W. 2009. The Role of the Y Chromosome in Brain Function. Open Neuroendocrinology Journal 2(1), pp. 20-30. (10.2174/1876528900902010020)
- Davies, W., Lynn, P. M. Y., Relkovic, D. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2008. Imprinted genes and neuroendocrine function. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 29(3), pp. 413-427. (10.1016/j.yfrne.2007.12.001)
- Davies, W. and Isles, A. R. 2008. Genomic imprinting and disorders of the social brain; shades of grey rather than black and white. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31(3), pp. 265-266. (10.1017/S0140525X08004263)
- Wilkinson, L. S., Davies, W. and Isles, A. R. 2007. Genomic imprinting effects on brain development and function. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 8(11), pp. 832-843. (10.1038/nrn2235)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Isles, A. R., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2007. X-monosomy effects on visuospatial attention in mice: a candidate gene and implications for Turner syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Biological psychiatry 61(12), pp. 1351-1360. (10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.08.011)
- Lynn, P. M. and Davies, W. 2007. The 39,XO mouse as a model for the neurobiology of Turner syndrome and sex-biased neuropsychiatric disorders. Behavioural Brain Research 179(2), pp. 173-182. (10.1016/j.bbr.2007.02.013)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Humby, T. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2007. What are imprinted genes doing in the brain? [Review]. Epigenetics 2(4), pp. 201-206. (10.4161/epi.2.4.5379)
- Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. It is not all hormones: Alternative explanations for sexual differentiation of the brain. Brain Research 1126(1), pp. 36-45. (10.1016/j.brainres.2006.09.105)
- Isles, A. R., Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. Genomic imprinting and the social brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 361(1476), pp. 2229-2237. (10.1098/rstb.2006.1942)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. X-linked imprinting: effects on brain and behaviour. Bioessays 28(1), pp. 35-44. (10.1002/bies.20341)
- Davies, W. et al. 2005. Xlr3b is a new imprinted candidate for X-linked parent-of-origin effects on cognitive function in mice. Nature Genetics 37(6), pp. 625-629. (10.1038/ng1577)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2005. Imprinted gene expression in the brain. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 29(3), pp. 421-430. (10.1016/j.neubiorev.2004.11.007)
- Davies, W., Smith, R. J., Kelsey, G. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2004. Expression patterns of the novel imprinted genes Nap1l5 and Peg13 and their non-imprinted host genes in the adult mouse brain. Gene Expression Patterns 4(6), pp. 741-747. (10.1016/j.modgep.2004.03.008)
- Isles, A. R., Davies, W., Burrmann, D., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2004. Effects on fear reactivity in XO mice are due to haploinsufficiency of a non-PAR X gene: implications for emotional function in Turner's syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 13(17), pp. 1849-1855. (10.1093/hmg/ddh203)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2001. Imprinted genes and mental dysfunction. Annals of Medicine 33(6), pp. 428-436. (10.3109/07853890108995956)
- Humby, T., Laird, F. M., Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 1999. Visuospatial attentional functioning in mice: interactions between cholinergic manipulations and genotype. European Journal of Neuroscience 11(8), pp. 2813-2823. (10.1046/j.1460-9568.1999.00701.x)
Book sections
- Lynn, P. M., Stergiakouli, E. and Davies, W. 2011. The genomics of Turner syndrome and sex-biased neuropsychiatric disorders. In: Clelland, J. D. ed. Genomics, proteomics, and the nervous system. Advances in neurobiology Vol. 2. Springer, pp. 3-20.
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Humby, T. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2008. What are imprinted genes doing in the brain?. In: Wilkins, J. F. ed. Genomic Imprinting. Advances in experimental medicine and biology Vol. 626. Berlin: Springer, pp. 62-70., (10.1007/978-0-387-77576-0_5)
- Wren, G., O'Callaghan, P., Zaidi, A., Thompson, A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2024. Monitoring heart rhythms in adult males with X-linked ichthyosis using wearable technology: a feasibility study. [Online]. Research Square. Available at: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-5320157/v1
- O'Brien, H. et al. 2019. Sex differences in gene expression in the human fetal brain. [Online]. bioRxiv. (10.1101/483636) Available at: https://doi.org/10.1101/483636
- Dazzan, P., Fusté, M. and Davies, W. 2018. Do defective immune system-mediated myelination processes increase postpartum psychosis risk?. Trends in Molecular Medicine 24(11), pp. 942-949. (10.1016/j.molmed.2018.09.002)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Trent, S., Eddy, J. B., Ojarikre, O. A. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2014. Genetic and pharmacological modulation of the steroid sulfatase axis improves response control; comparison to drugs used in ADHD. Neuropsychopharmacology 39, pp. 2622-2632. (10.1038/npp.2014.115)
- Davies, W. 2014. Sex differences in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Candidate genetic and endocrine mechanisms. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 35(3), pp. 331-346. (10.1016/j.yfrne.2014.03.003)
- Trent, S., Fry, J. P., Ojarikre, O. A. and Davies, W. 2014. Altered brain gene expression but not steroid biochemistry in a genetic mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorder. Molecular Autism 5(1), article number: 21. (10.1186/2040-2392-5-21)
- van den Bos, R. et al. 2013. Cross-species approaches to pathological gambling: A review targeting sex differences, adolescent vulnerability and ecological validity of research tools. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 37(10.2), pp. 2454-2471. (10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.07.005)
- Kopsida, E., Lynn, P. M., Humby, T., Wilkinson, L. S. and Davies, W. 2013. Dissociable effects of sry and sex chromosome complement on activity, feeding and anxiety-related behaviours in mice. PLoS ONE 8(8), article number: e73699. (10.1371/journal.pone.0073699)
- Trent, S. et al. 2013. Biological mechanisms associated with increased perseveration and hyperactivity in a genetic mouse model of neurodevelopmental disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(8), pp. 1370-1380. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.12.002)
- Trent, S. and Davies, W. 2013. Cognitive, behavioural and psychiatric phenotypes associated with steroid sulfatase deficiency. World Journal of Translational Medicine 2(1), pp. 1-12. (10.5528/wjtm.v2.i1.1)
- Davies, W. 2013. Using mouse models to investigate sex-linked genetic effects on brain, behaviour and vulnerability to neuropsychiatric disorders. Brain Research Bulletin 92, pp. 12-20. (10.1016/j.brainresbull.2011.06.018)
- Trent, S., Cassano, T., Bedse, G., Ojarikre, O. A., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2012. Altered serotonergic function may partially account for behavioral endophenotypes in steroid sulfatase-deficient mice. Neuropsychopharmacology 37(5), pp. 1267-1274. (10.1038/npp.2011.314)
- Trent, S., Dennehy, A., Richardson, H., Ojarikre, O. A., Burgoyne, P. S., Humby, T. and Davies, W. 2012. Steroid sulfatase-deficient mice exhibit endophenotypes relevant to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 37(2), pp. 221-229. (10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.06.006)
- Davies, W. 2012. Does steroid sulfatase deficiency influence postpartum psychosis risk?. Trends in Molecular Medicine 18(5), pp. 256-262. (10.1016/j.molmed.2012.03.001)
- Kopsida, E., Mikaelsson, M. A. and Davies, W. 2011. The role of imprinted genes in mediating susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders. Hormones and Behavior 59(3), pp. 375-382. (10.1016/j.yhbeh.2010.04.005)
- Davies, W. 2011. Functional themes from psychiatric genome-wide screens. Frontiers in Genetics 2, article number: 89. (10.3389/fgene.2011.00089)
- Lynn, P. M., Stergiakouli, E. and Davies, W. 2011. The genomics of Turner syndrome and sex-biased neuropsychiatric disorders. In: Clelland, J. D. ed. Genomics, proteomics, and the nervous system. Advances in neurobiology Vol. 2. Springer, pp. 3-20.
- Trent, S. and Davies, W. 2011. The influence of sex-linked genetic mechanisms on attention and impulsivity. Biological Psychology 89(1), pp. 1-13. (10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.09.011)
- Davies, W. 2010. Genomic imprinting on the X chromosome: implications for brain and behavioral phenotypes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1204(s1), pp. 14-19. (10.1111/j.1749-6632.2010.05567.x)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Kong, W., Otter, T. L., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2009. Converging pharmacological and genetic evidence indicates a role for steroid sulfatase in attention. Biological Psychiatry 66(4), pp. 360-367. (10.1016/j.biopsych.2009.01.001)
- Kopsida, E., Stergiakouli, E., Lynn, P. M., Wilkinson, L. S. and Davies, W. 2009. The Role of the Y Chromosome in Brain Function. Open Neuroendocrinology Journal 2(1), pp. 20-30. (10.2174/1876528900902010020)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Humby, T. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2008. What are imprinted genes doing in the brain?. In: Wilkins, J. F. ed. Genomic Imprinting. Advances in experimental medicine and biology Vol. 626. Berlin: Springer, pp. 62-70., (10.1007/978-0-387-77576-0_5)
- Davies, W., Lynn, P. M. Y., Relkovic, D. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2008. Imprinted genes and neuroendocrine function. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 29(3), pp. 413-427. (10.1016/j.yfrne.2007.12.001)
- Davies, W. and Isles, A. R. 2008. Genomic imprinting and disorders of the social brain; shades of grey rather than black and white. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31(3), pp. 265-266. (10.1017/S0140525X08004263)
- Wilkinson, L. S., Davies, W. and Isles, A. R. 2007. Genomic imprinting effects on brain development and function. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 8(11), pp. 832-843. (10.1038/nrn2235)
- Davies, W., Humby, T., Isles, A. R., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2007. X-monosomy effects on visuospatial attention in mice: a candidate gene and implications for Turner syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Biological psychiatry 61(12), pp. 1351-1360. (10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.08.011)
- Lynn, P. M. and Davies, W. 2007. The 39,XO mouse as a model for the neurobiology of Turner syndrome and sex-biased neuropsychiatric disorders. Behavioural Brain Research 179(2), pp. 173-182. (10.1016/j.bbr.2007.02.013)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Humby, T. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2007. What are imprinted genes doing in the brain? [Review]. Epigenetics 2(4), pp. 201-206. (10.4161/epi.2.4.5379)
- Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. It is not all hormones: Alternative explanations for sexual differentiation of the brain. Brain Research 1126(1), pp. 36-45. (10.1016/j.brainres.2006.09.105)
- Isles, A. R., Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. Genomic imprinting and the social brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences 361(1476), pp. 2229-2237. (10.1098/rstb.2006.1942)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2006. X-linked imprinting: effects on brain and behaviour. Bioessays 28(1), pp. 35-44. (10.1002/bies.20341)
- Davies, W. et al. 2005. Xlr3b is a new imprinted candidate for X-linked parent-of-origin effects on cognitive function in mice. Nature Genetics 37(6), pp. 625-629. (10.1038/ng1577)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2005. Imprinted gene expression in the brain. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 29(3), pp. 421-430. (10.1016/j.neubiorev.2004.11.007)
- Davies, W., Smith, R. J., Kelsey, G. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2004. Expression patterns of the novel imprinted genes Nap1l5 and Peg13 and their non-imprinted host genes in the adult mouse brain. Gene Expression Patterns 4(6), pp. 741-747. (10.1016/j.modgep.2004.03.008)
- Isles, A. R., Davies, W., Burrmann, D., Burgoyne, P. S. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2004. Effects on fear reactivity in XO mice are due to haploinsufficiency of a non-PAR X gene: implications for emotional function in Turner's syndrome. Human Molecular Genetics 13(17), pp. 1849-1855. (10.1093/hmg/ddh203)
- Davies, W., Isles, A. R. and Wilkinson, L. S. 2001. Imprinted genes and mental dysfunction. Annals of Medicine 33(6), pp. 428-436. (10.3109/07853890108995956)
- Humby, T., Laird, F. M., Davies, W. and Wilkinson, L. S. 1999. Visuospatial attentional functioning in mice: interactions between cholinergic manipulations and genotype. European Journal of Neuroscience 11(8), pp. 2813-2823. (10.1046/j.1460-9568.1999.00701.x)
Pynciau ymchwil a phapurau cysylltiedig
Mae ein gwaith yn defnyddio amrywiaeth eang o dechnegau arbrofol gan gynnwys: profion gweithredol a digymell o ymddygiad mewn cnofilod, dadansoddiad anatomegol a biocemegol o feinwe'r corff, asedion o fynegiant genynnau a phrotein, mesur marcwyr endocrin, addasu/dadansoddi genetig a geneteg moleciwlaidd dynol, profi niwroseicolegol, a dulliau arolygu ar-lein.
1. Rôl steroid sylffad mewn ffenoteipiau ymennydd, ymddygiadol a ffisiolegol mewn dyn a llygoden
Mae ein gwaith blaenorol mewn llygod a bodau dynol wedi awgrymu y gallai'r genyn X-gysylltiedig STS, sy'n amgodio'r hormon sy'n modiwleiddio swlfatase steroid ensym, ddylanwadu ar ystod eang o swyddogaethau ymddygiadol, gwybyddol a ffisiolegol, yn enwedig sylw a rhythm cardiaidd. Nod gwaith parhaus mewn modelau cnofilod a phoblogaethau clinigol yw nodi ymhellach brosesau biolegol sy'n sensitif i effeithiau swyddogaeth steroid sulfatase (dys), ac egluro'r mecanweithiau niwrobiolegol y gall swyddogaeth steroid sylffad (dys) amharu ar wybyddiaeth. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn uniongyrchol berthnasol i'r anhwylder prin sy'n gysylltiedig ag X-linked ichthyosis (a achosir gan ddiffyg steroid sulfatase), a gall hefyd daflu goleuni ar y mecanweithiau sy'n sail i anhwylderau datblygiadol a chardiaidd idiopathig (ee ffibriliad atrïaidd) ac anhwylderau hwyliau ôl-partum.
Asesu dichonoldeb mesur rhythmau'r galon mewn dynion ag ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig ag X Wren et al (2025) Archifau Ymchwil Dermatolegol 317(1): 351 doi: 10.1007 / s00403-025-03884-x
Sail anatomegol a biocemegol posibl i gynyddu risg arrhythmia mewn ichthyosis cysylltiedig ag X Wren and Davies (2024) Traethodau mewn Biocemeg 68:EBC20230098 doi:10.1042/EBC20230098
Nodweddu problemau rhythm y galon mewn unigolion sydd â dileu ichthyosis / Xp22.31 sy'n gysylltiedig ag X; STS a nodwyd fel genyn ymgeisydd Wren et al. (2022) Journal of Medical Genetics doi: 10.1136 / jmg-2022-108862
Croen ac amodau allgyrsiol mewn ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig ag X a mecanwaith biolegol uno posibl: Wren and Davies (2022) Iechyd a Chlefyd y Croen doi: 10.1002 / ski2.179
Materion meddygol comorbid mewn ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig X: Brcic et al. (2022) JID Innovations doi: 10.1016 / j.xjidi.2022.100109
Ffenoteipiau meddygol a niwroymddygiadol mewn cludwyr gwrywaidd a benywaidd o ddyblygiadau Xp22.31 ym Manc Bio'r DU: Gubb et al. (2020) Geneteg Foleciwlaidd Dynol 29(17): 2872-2881
Roedd ffenoteipiau meddygol a niwroymddygiadol mewn ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig ag X-gysylltiedig â chludwyr dileu genetig ym Manc Bio'r DU: Brcic et al. (2020) Journal of Medical Genetics 57: 692-698; crynodebau lleyg o'r papur hwn ar gael yma ac yma
Ymddygiad ac iechyd meddwl mewn cludwyr benywaidd o dreigladau genetig sy'n gysylltiedig ag ichthyosis X: Cavenagh et al. (2019) PLoS UN 14 (2): e0212330
STS, ymddygiad mamol ac iechyd meddwl: Davies (2018) Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 61(2):T199-T210
STS diffyg a seicosis: Malik et al. (2017) Journal of Medical Case Reports 11 (1): 267
Amrywiad genetig yn STS a gwybyddiaeth mewn dynion iach: Humby et al. (2017) Ymennydd ac Ymddygiad 7(3): e00646
Ymddygiad ac iechyd meddwl mewn dynion ag ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig ag X: Chatterjee et al. (2016) PloS ONE 11(10):e0164417
Diffyg STS ac ataliad ymateb mewn llygod: Davies et al. (2014) Niwroseicopharmacology (2014) 39(11):2622-32
STS diffyg a mynegiant genynnau ymennydd a niwrocemeg mewn llygod: Trent et al. (2014) Awtistiaeth Moleciwlaidd 5(1): 21
Diffyg STS a swyddogaeth hippocampal mewn llygod: Trent et al (2013) Seicoendocrinoleg 38(8): 1370-80
STS diffyg a niwrocemeg mewn llygod: Trent et al (2012) Niwroseicopharmacoleg 37(5): 1267-74
STS diffyg ac ymddygiad mewn llygod: Trent et al (2012) Seiconeuroendocrinoleg 37(2): 221-9
Amrywiad genetig mewn STS a symptomau a gwybyddiaeth mewn bechgyn ag ADHD: Stergiakouli et al (2011) genynnau ymennydd ac ymddygiad 10(3): 334-44
Diffyg a sylw STS mewn llygod: Davies et al (2009) Seiciatreg Biolegol 66(4): 360-7
2. mecanweithiau genetig ac endocrin sy'n sail i wahaniaethau rhyw yn natblygiad yr ymennydd, ymddygiad a ffisioleg
Mae benywod yn etifeddu dau gromosom X (un o bob rhiant) tra bod dynion yn etifeddu cromosom X sengl (yn ddieithriad gan eu mam) a chromosom Y gan eu tad. Mae'r anghymesuredd hwn o etifeddiaeth ar draws y rhywiau yn arwain at dri phrif fecanwaith genetig a allai naill ai fod yn sail i wahaniaethau gwrywaidd-benywaidd mewn ffisioleg yn uniongyrchol, neu drwy effeithiau ar hormonau gan gynnwys androgens ac estrogenau: i) mynegiant o genynnau cysylltiedig Y mewn dynion yn unig (gan gynnwys y genyn sy'n pennu ceilliau), ii) mynegiant uwch o enynnau X-gysylltiedig sy'n dianc X-anactifadu mewn meinweoedd benywaidd, a iii) mynegiant gwahaniaethol o enynnau sy'n gysylltiedig ag X sy'n ddarostyngedig i'r broses epigenetig o fewnbrintio genomig. Nod ein gwaith cydweithredol, mewn modelau cnofilod (ee 39, XO llygoden a model Pedwar Genoteip Craidd), mewn poblogaethau clinigol, ac mewn cyfranogwyr a meinweoedd iach yw ymchwilio i faint a phenodoldeb pob un o'r tri mecanwaith hyn yn cyfrannu at wahaniaethau rhyw mewn ffisioleg. Mae'r gwaith hwn yn debygol o lywio ein dealltwriaeth o'r pathoffisioleg foleciwlaidd sy'n sail i aneuploidies cromosomau rhyw fel syndromau Turner a Klinefelter, ac anhwylderau niwroddatblygiadol rhagfarnllyd rhyw fel ADHD ac awtistiaeth.
Cysylltiad rhwng oes atgenhedlu, oedran ar y menopos, cyfaint strwythurau llabed amserol yr ymennydd a chof Steventon et al. (2023) Psychoneuroendocrinology doi: 10.1016 / j.psyneuen.2023.106393
Mecanweithiau genetig sy'n gysylltiedig â rhyw a risg ffibriliad atrïaidd: Wren and Davies (2022) European Journal of Medical Genetics 65(4): 104459 doi: 10.1016 / j.ejmg.2022.104459
Xp22.31 dos genynnau, syndromau Turner a Klinefelter a gwahaniaethau rhyw: Davies (2021) European Journal of Medical Genetics doi: 10.1016 / j.ejmg.2021.104169
Gwahaniaethau rhyw mewn mynegiant genynnau mewn ymennydd ffetws dynol: O'Brien et al. (2019) bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/483636
Amlygiad a diwydrwydd androgen bywyd cynnar: Richards et al. (2018) Adolygiad Seicoleg Trawsbersonol 20(1): 23-36
Patrymau teuluol o farciwr somatig o amlygiad androgen bywyd cynnar: Richards et al. (2017) Datblygiad Dynol Cynnar 112:14-19
Adolygiad o'r gorgyffwrdd rhwng RASopathies a syndrom Turner: Green et al. (2017) Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 9:25
Effeithiau cromosom X ar morffoleg cardiaidd mewn llygod: Hinton.et al. ( 2015) Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 2(3): 190-199
Mecanweithiau genetig ac endocrin sy'n dylanwadu ar risg ADHD: Davies (2014) Ffiniau mewn Niwroendocrinoleg 35(3): 331-46
Ategu cromosom rhyw ac effeithiau endocrin ar ymddygiad mewn llygod: Kopsida et al (2013) PLOS ONE 8 (8): e73699
Ymchwilio i effeithiau genetig sy'n gysylltiedig â rhyw ar ymddygiad mewn llygod: Davies (2013) Bwletin Ymchwil i'r Ymennydd 92:12-20
Adolygiad o effeithiau sy'n gysylltiedig â rhyw ar sylw a byrbwylledd: Trent & Davies (2012) Seicoleg Fiolegol 89(1): 1-13
Swyddogaeth y cromosom a'r ymennydd: Kopsida et al (2009) The Open Neuroendocrinology Journal 2: 20-30
Ffenoteipiau ymennydd ac ymddygiadol yn y llygoden 39, XO: Lynn et al (2007) Ymchwil Ymennydd Ymddygiad 172(2): 173-182
Effeithiau monosomeg X ar sylw mewn llygod: Davies et al (2007) Seiciatreg Biolegol 61(12):1351-1360
Effeithiau ymennydd ac ymddygiadol genynnau mewnbrintiedig X-gysylltiedig: Davies et al (2006) BioEssays 28(1):35-44
Adolygiad o effeithiau genetig sy'n gysylltiedig â rhyw hormonau gonadal ar yr ymennydd ac ymddygiad: Davies & Wilkinson (2006) Ymchwil i'r Ymennydd 1126(1): 36-45
Effaith wybyddol rhiant-tarddiad sy'n gysylltiedig ag X mewn llygod a genyn mewnbrintiedig newydd sy'n gysylltiedig ag X: Davies et al (2005) Geneteg Natur 37(6): 625-629
Effeithiau monosomeg X ar ymddygiad sy'n gysylltiedig â phryder mewn llygod: Ynysoedd et al (2004) Geneteg Foleciwlaidd Dynol 13(17): 1849-1855
3. Deall sail biolegol perygl anhwylder hwyliau ôl-enedigol
Gall mamau newydd gael eu heffeithio gan nifer o gyflyrau seiciatrig sy'n amrywio o ran difrifoldeb a mynychrwydd. Mae gennym ddiddordeb arbennig mewn seicosis ôl-enedigol (PP), anhwylder seiciatryddol prin ond difrifol iawn sy'n effeithio ar famau yn fuan ar ôl genedigaeth ac yn cael ei nodweddu gan rhithdybiau, siglenni hwyliau, pryder a dad-drefnu gwybyddol. Er gwaethaf ei ddifrifoldeb, mae'r neurobiology sy'n sail i risg PP yn cael ei ddeall yn wael iawn, yn rhannol o ganlyniad i beidio â chael modelau anifeiliaid addas ar gael. Nod ein gwaith mewn modelau cnofilod a phoblogaethau clinigol yw nodi a nodweddu llwybrau risg biolegol credadwy ar gyfer PP, yn y pen draw gyda'r bwriad o ddatblygu triniaethau gwell a biofarcwyr rhagfynegol.
Damcaniaeth newydd sy'n awgrymu ailfodelu esgyrn annormal ac o ganlyniad hypersecretion hypothalamig CCN3 mewn perygl anhwylder hwyliau ôl-enedigol Davies (2025) doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13858.95683
Diweddariad ar seicosis ôl-enedigol Shepherd & Davies (2022) Psychiatric Times 39(6):23-25
Llwybr risg moleciwlaidd newydd ar gyfer anhwylderau hwyliau postpartum: cliwiau gan unigolion sy'n ddiffygiol o sulfatase-ddiffygiol steroid Thippeswamy & Davies (2020) Archifau Iechyd Meddwl Menywod doi: 10.1007 / s00737-020-01093-1
Proteinau CCN fel cyfryngwyr ymgeiswyr o risg anhwylder hwyliau ôl-enedigol (mae'r papur hwn yn y 3% uchaf a welwyd fwyaf ar draws holl gyfnodolion Frontiers) Davies (2019) Frontiers in Psychiatry 10:876
Mynegiant genynnau'r ymennydd mewn model llygoden newydd o anhwylder hwyliau postpartum: Humby & Davies (2019) Translational Niwrowyddoniaeth 10:168-174
Hypothesis newydd ar gyfer risg seicosis ôl-partum: Dazzan et al. (2018) Tueddiadau mewn Meddygaeth Foleciwlaidd 24 (11): 26-34
STS, ymddygiad mamol ac iechyd meddwl: Davies (2018) Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 61(2):T199-T210
Ymchwilio i bathoffisioleg seicosis ôl-enedigol: Davies (2017) World Journal of Psychiatry 7(2):77-88
Model llygoden newydd o seicosis ôl-partum: Humby et al. (2016) Psychoneuroendocrinology 74: 363-370
Diffyg STS a seicosis ôl-enedigol: Davies (2012) Tueddiadau mewn Meddygaeth Foleciwlaidd 18(5): 256-62
4. Iechyd meddwl mewn cyflyrau croen
Yn dilyn ein gwaith mewn ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig ag X, rydym wedi dechrau ymchwilio i ffenoteipiau iechyd meddwl ac ymddygiadol mewn cyflyrau croen eraill gyda rhagdybiaeth genetig sylfaenol gan gynnwys ichthyosis vulgaris, psoriasis a chlefyd Darier.
Cof, hwyliau a niwroanatomeg gysylltiedig mewn unigolion ag ichthyosis X-gysylltiedig ac ichthyosis vulgaris Wren et al. (2024) Genes, Ymennydd ac Ymddygiad 23(3): e12893 doi: 10.1111 / gbb.12893
Problemau hwyliau a'u hachosion mewn ichthyosis X-gysylltiedig, ichthyosis vulgaris a psoriasis Wren et al. (2022) Dermatoleg Glinigol ac Arbrofol doi: 10.1111 / ced.15116
5. Datblygu tasgau cnofilod gwybyddol: deall gwahaniaethau rhyw mewn ymddygiad gamblo
Rydym wedi datblygu nifer o dasgau operant newydd i asesu gwybyddiaeth mewn cnofilod, y mae llawer ohonynt yn analogau o dasgau niwroseicolegol a ddefnyddir i asesu gwybyddiaeth mewn pobl, ac mae nifer ohonynt bellach wedi'u haddasu i'w defnyddio gydag offer sgrin gyffwrdd i ganiatáu cyflwyniad ysgogiad soffistigedig. Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn defnyddio'r tasgau hyn i ddeall sail fiolegol rhagdybiaeth gamblo, ac yn benodol, i ddeall pam mae nifer yr achosion o ymddygiad gamblo, a'r dilyniant i hapchwarae patholegol, yn wahanol rhwng dynion a menywod.
Asesiad ymddygiad llygoden newydd o ymddygiad gamblo ac effeithiau cyffuriau serotonergig a gwybyddol sy'n gwella gwybyddiaeth: Humby et al. (2020) Psychopharmacology doi: 10.1007 / s00213-020-05496-x
Ymchwilio i ffactorau sy'n dylanwadu ar buteindra gamblo: Van den Bos et al. (2013) Adolygiadau Niwrowyddoniaeth a Bioymddygiadol 37(10): 2454-71
Asesiad ymddygiad llygoden newydd o sylw: Humby et al. (1999) European Journal of Neuroscience 11 (8): 2813-23
6. Nodweddu achosion o syndromau genetig prin gyda nodweddion niwroddatblygiadol
Gyda chydweithwyr yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Feddygol Ryngwladol King Abdullah (KAIMRC) yn Saudi Arabia, rwy'n adnabod ac yn disgrifio unigolion sy'n cyflwyno cyflyrau niwroddatblygiadol fel rhan o syndromau genetig prin.
Syndrom Helsmoortel-Van der Aa mewn merch ag anhwylder sbectrwm awtistiaeth: Al-Enezi et al. (2024) Journal of Medical Case Reports 18(1): 422
Dau achos o syndrom trichohepatoneurodevelopmental a achosir gan amrywiadau yn y genyn CCDC47: Alsubeeh et al. (2024) American Journal of Medical Genetics A e63784
7. Ymchwilio i gysylltiadau rhwng trin system imiwnedd a'r ymennydd ac ymddygiad
Mae llawer o anhwylderau seiciatrig a niwrolegol yn gysylltiedig â newidiadau yn swyddogaeth y system imiwnedd; Fodd bynnag, mae'r cysylltiad rhwng newidiadau i'r system imiwnedd a swyddogaeth ymennydd / ymddygiadol yn dechrau cael ei egluro yn unig. Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn rôl math penodol o gell imiwnedd (celloedd-T rheoleiddiol, Tregs) ar yr ymennydd ac ymddygiad. Mae tregs yn imiwnoataliol, a gallant hefyd ysgogi prosesau myelination - rydym yn amau y bydd eu disbyddiad yn arwain at ffenoteipiau sy'n gysylltiedig ag anhwylderau hwyliau a seicotig (gan gynnwys yn y cyfnod ôl-enedigol), ac rydym yn defnyddio modelau llygoden i fynd i'r afael â'r ddamcaniaeth hon.
Academi Gwyddorau Meddygol/Wellcome Trust Cynllun INSPIRE Co-PI (£80K)
GW4 BioMed MRC Efrydiaethau Hyfforddiant Doethurol
Llywodraeth Cymru Gwobr Cyflymydd Partner Strategol Ser Cymru II yn Gyd-PI (£68K)
Canolfan MRC ar gyfer Geneteg a Genomeg Niwroseiciatrig Co-PI (£3.4M)
Cynllun PhD Niwrowyddoniaeth Integreiddiol Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome Co-PI (£2.3M)
Gwobr Ymchwil Ymchwilwyr Newydd MRC (£430K)
Cymrodoriaeth Cynghorau Ymchwil y DU mewn Ymchwil Drosiadol mewn Meddygaeth Arbrofol (£125K)
Grŵp ymchwil
Rwy'n gweithio'n agos gyda'r DPau eraill yn y Grŵp Geneteg Ymddygiadol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, ac yn goruchwylio, yn goruchwylio ac yn fentor, nifer o fyfyrwyr graddedig ac israddedig yn y grŵp hwn.
Cydweithredwyr ymchwil
Dr Trevor Humby a'r Athro Lawrence Wilkinson (Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU)
Jack Underwood, Kimberley Kendall, Xavier Caseras a George Kirov (Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU)
Yr Athro Andrew Thompson (Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU)
Yr Athro Awen Gallimore (Prifysgol Caerdydd, y DU)
Dr Evangelia Stergiakouli (Prifysgol Bryste, DU)
Yr Athro Christopher George (Prifysgol Abertawe, y DU)
Yr Athro Paola Dazzan a Dr Monserrat Fuste-Boadella (Sefydliad Seiciatreg, Seicoleg a Niwrowyddoniaeth, Coleg y Brenin Llundain, DU)
Dr Gareth Richards (Prifysgol Newcastle, DU)
Dr James Turner a Mr Obah Ojarikre (Sefydliad Crick , DU)
Dr Tamar Green (Prifysgol Stanford, UDA)
Dr Wafaa Eyaid (Canolfan Ymchwil Feddygol Ryngwladol y Brenin Abdullah, Saudi Arabia)
Yr Athro Dan Rujescu (Prifysgol Halle, yr Almaen)
Dr Tommaso Cassano (Prifysgol Foggia, yr Eidal)
Teaching summary
- Module Co-ordinator (Biological Psychology and Individual Differences, Year 1 and Masters in Psychology module)
- Deputy Module Co-ordinator (Behavioural Genetics, Final Year module)
- Year 2 Developmental Psychology Practical Supervisor
- Personal and Academic Tutor
- Final Year Project Supervisor
- Year 1 Case-based Learning Facilitator
- Platform for Clinical Sciences Facilitator
- Lecturer (The Scientific Basis of Psychological Medicine)
- Intercalated B.Sc in Psychology Lecturer and Project Supervisor
- Personal and Academic Mentor
- INSPIRE Scheme Lead
- Ph.D Supervisor and Mentor
Our article on integrating research data in genomics with teaching in bioinformatics available here: Genetics Society magazine 87:30-31
Addysg israddedig
- M.Biochem (Dosbarth 1af) Anrhydedd. (Prifysgol Caerfaddon, 1995-1999)
Addysg ôl-raddedig
- Ph.D (Niwrowyddoniaeth Ymddygiadol) (Prifysgol Caergrawnt, 1999-2003)
- Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Addysgu a Dysgu Prifysgol (Modiwl 1) (Prifysgol Caerdydd, 2013)
- 2012-presennol: Uwch Ddarlithydd a Darllenydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2007-2012: Cymrawd RCUK, Prifysgol Caerdydd, DU
- 2006-2007: Cymrawd 'Gwerth mewn Pobl' Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome, Prifysgol Caerdydd, UK
- 2003-2006: Gwyddonydd ôl-ddoethurol, Sefydliad Babraham, Caergrawnt, UK
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Gwobrau/pwyllgorau allanol
- Golygydd Cyswllt: Frontiers in Neurogenomics and Neuropharmacology
- Aelod o'r Bwrdd Golygyddol: Endocrinoleg, World Journal of Psychiatry, Frontiers in Pharmacology
- Aelod Panel Adolygu Gwyddorau Biolegol a Meddygol y British Council
- Aelod Coleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid UKRI Talent
- Aelod o FWO (Fons Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) Coleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid ac Aelod Panel Grant
- Cymdeithas Geneteg Cynrychiolydd Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Cymrodyr, Academi Addysg Uwch
- Gwobr 'Rhagoriaeth mewn Addysgu Israddedig' (2020)
- Cymrodoriaeth Gweithdy EMBL
- Enillydd, Gwobr Ysgrifennu Genedlaethol Brain-Gwyddoniaeth (categori Ymchwilydd)
- Gwobr Florence P. Haseltine am Gyflwyniad Poster Eithriadol, 6ed Cynhadledd Mynegiant Rhyw a Genynnau Blynyddol, Winston-Salem, UDA
- Gwobr Ôl-raddedig Cymdeithas Niwrowyddoniaeth Prydain
- Oon Khye Beng Ch'hia Tsio Efrydiaeth ar gyfer Meddygaeth Ataliol, Coleg Downing, Prifysgol Caergrawnt
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Diddordebau ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn sut, a pham, mae'r rhywiau yn wahanol o ran swyddogaeth eu hymennydd, ymddygiad a ffisioleg. Mae gennym ddiddordeb arbennig mewn deall y mecanweithiau biolegol sy'n sail i'r risg o gyflyrau niwroddatblygiadol fel ADHD ac awtistiaeth (sy'n cael diagnosis llawer mwy aml mewn dynion na menywod) ac anhwylderau seiciatrig sy'n gysylltiedig â beichiogrwydd a genedigaeth fel seicosis ôl-enedigol, sy'n effeithio ar fenywod yn fuan ar ôl genedigaeth. Mae gennym ddiddordeb hefyd mewn penderfynyddion iechyd meddwl a chorfforol mewn unigolion â chyflyrau dermatolegol cynhenid.
Rydym yn defnyddio amrywiaeth eang o ddulliau arbrofol mewn modelau cnofilod ac mewn poblogaethau dynol iach a chlinigol, ac yn canolbwyntio'n benodol ar effeithiau ymennydd ac ymddygiadol genynnau ar y cromosomau rhyw (hy yr X ac Y) sydd wedi'u hetifeddu'n anghymesur rhwng dynion a menywod.
Efallai y bydd gan ein hastudiaethau oblygiadau pwysig ar gyfer deall pam mae dynion a menywod yn ymddwyn yn wahanol, o ran pam mae'r rhywiau yn agored i rai cyflyrau meddygol yn wahanol, ac ar gyfer datblygu therapïau a biofarcwyr mwy effeithiol sy'n benodol i ryw.
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud cais am PhD, neu am ragor o wybodaeth am fy ymchwil ôl-raddedig, cysylltwch â mi'n uniongyrchol (manylion cyswllt ar gael ar y dudalen 'Trosolwg'), neu gyflwyno cais ffurfiol.
Myfyrwyr presennol
Georgina Wren: 'Archwilio'r materion seicolegol a ffisiolegol sy'n gysylltiedig ag ichthyosis sy'n gysylltiedig ag X' - enillodd Georgina Wobr 'Rising Researcher' PsyPAG/Cymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain 2022 am ei gwaith PhD cynnar
Freya Shepherd: 'Ymchwilio cysylltiadau rhwng disbyddiad celloedd-T rheoleiddio ac anhwylderau sbectrwm mood-psychosis' - dyfarnwyd 'Gwobr Diwylliant Ymchwil Myfyrwyr PGR' i Freya 2025 yng Ngwobrau Rhagoriaeth Myfyrwyr PGR MEDIC am ei gwaith yn galluogi a hyrwyddo ymchwil niwrowyddoniaeth ar draws Prifysgolion ac i'r cyhoedd yn gyffredinol, a gwella enw da cenedlaethol Prifysgol Caerdydd (rhyng)
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
ArrayContact Details
+44 29208 70152
Adeilad y Tŵr, Ystafell 10.20, Plas y Parc, Caerdydd, CF10 3AT