Yr Athro Max Deeg
Athro mewn Astudiaethau Bwdhaidd
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Diddordebau ymchwil
Mae'r Athro Deeg yn arbenigo mewn hanes Bwdhaidd a lledaeniad Bwdhaeth o India i Ganol Asia a Dwyrain Asia. Mae ganddo ddiddordeb arbennig mewn naratifau Bwdhaidd a'u rôl a'u swyddogaeth ar gyfer adeiladu hunaniaethau hanesyddol mewn cymunedau Bwdhaidd. Mae ganddo ddiddordeb hefyd mewn crefyddau eraill yng nghyd-destun ehangach Asia (Hindŵaeth, Jainiaeth, Daoism, Manichaeism, Cristnogaeth Ddwyreiniol) ac yn hanes ymchwil a'i effaith ar naratifau academaidd am grefyddau Asiaidd. Bydd ei fonograffau diweddaraf i'w cyhoeddi yn un ar fythau sylfaen Bwdhaidd a chyfieithiad anodedig Almaeneg o arysgrif Sino-Gristnogol Xi'an o'r 8fed ganrif. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n gweithio ar gyfieithiad Saesneg newydd a sylwebaeth helaeth o'r Xiyu ji, "Cofnodion Rhanbarthau'r Gorllewin", gan y mynach Tsieineaidd Xuanzang (7fed ganrif). Mae'r Athro Deeg yn aelod o sawl bwrdd academaidd a golygyddol.
- Deeg, M. 2025. Projecting India in Chinese medieval Buddhist sources: a case of Sinizication?. Studies in Chinese Religions (10.1080/23729988.2025.2466972)
- Deeg, M. 2024. The Christian communities in Tang China: Between adaptation and religious self-identity. In: Doney, L. et al. eds. Buddhism in Central Asia III: Impacts of Non-Buddhist Influences, Doctrines., Vol. 14. Dynamics in the History of Religions, Brill, pp. 123-144., (10.1163/9789004687288_006)
- Deeg, M. 2024. In search of a lost version: The problem of the Indian template of "Barlaam and Josaphat" and Its transmission. In: Ducoeur, G. and Tardieu, M. eds. Barlaam and Josaphat in History of Religions: Actes du colloque international (23 - 24 Mai 2023). Strasbourg: Université de Strasbourg, pp. 93-118.
- Deeg, M. 2024. Naked heretics: On the representation of Jains in Chinese Buddhist texts. In: Jinhua, C. ed. From Jetavana to Jerusalem: Sacred Biography in Asian Perspectives and Beyond, Essays in Honour of Professor Phyllis Granoff. World Scholastic, pp. 718-754.
- Deeg, M. 2023. Transcending space: Buddhist travelogues across cultural and other borders. In: Freudenberg, M. et al. eds. Stepping Back and Looking Ahead: Twelve Years of Studying Religious Contact at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Bochum., Vol. 13. Dynamics in the History of Religions Brill, pp. 62-91., (10.1163/9789004549319_004)
- Deeg, M. 2023. “Once upon a time”—so what? The importance of place in Buddhist narratives. Religions 14(6), article number: 690. (10.3390/rel14060690)
- Deeg, M. 2023. Yijing. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. , (10.1002/9781119399919.eahaa00535)
- Deeg, M. 2023. Faxian. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. , (10.1002/9781119399919.eahaa00534)
- Deeg, M. 2023. Xuanzang. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. Wiley Online Library, (10.1002/9781119399919.eahaa00533)
- Deeg, M. 2023. From trust in the Buddha to the belief in the One God: xin 信 as a Buddhist, Manichaean and Christian concept in early medieval China. In: Meyer, C. and Clart, P. eds. From Trustworthiness to Secular Belief: Changing Concepts of xin 信 from Traditional to Modern Chinese. Brill, pp. 227-245., (10.1163/9789004533004_011)
- Deeg, M. 2023. From trust in the Buddha to the belief in the one God: xin ? as a Buddhist, Manichaean and Christian concept in Early Medieval China. In: Meyer, C. and Clart, P. eds. From Trustworthiness to Secular Belief: Changing Concepts of xin ? from Traditional to Modern Chinese. Brill, pp. 227-245.
- Deeg, M. 2022. The Buddha in the 'Wild West': The localization of Jatakas in Gandhara and the Ramayana. Religions of South Asia 16(2-3), pp. 220-248. (10.1558/rosa.24402)
- Deeg, M. 2022. A Chinese ‘Hitopadeśa’ – or: a ruler’s mirror: The didactic aspects of the "Da Tang Xiyu Ji". In: Chen, J. ed. Transmission of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond. Essays in Memory of Antonino Forte (1940-2006). World Scholastic Publishers, pp. 111-165.
- Deeg, M. 2022. A Chinese 'Hitopadesa' - Or: a ruler's mirror: The didactic aspects of the Da Tang Xiyu ji. In: Chen, J. ed. Transmission of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond - Essays in Memory of Antonino Forte (1940-2006). Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies Vol. 4. Singapore: World Scholastic Publishers, pp. 111-165.
- Deeg, M. 2022. Between normativity and material emptiness: Indian Buddhist monasteries and the Chinese Buddhist travelogues. In: Singh, A., Shimada, A. and Morrissey, N. eds. On the Regional Development of Early Medieval Buddhist Monasteries in South Asia., Vol. 1. RINDAS Series of Working Papers Vol. 34. Kyoto: The Center for South Asian Studies, Ryukoku University, pp. 89-129.
- Deeg, M. 2022. An unromantic approach: Dhyānagupta’s (aka Jñānagupta) Fo-benxing-ji-jing. In: Konczak-Nagel, I., Hiyama, S. and Klein, A. eds. Connecting the Art, Literature, and Religion of South and Central Asia – Studies in Honour of Monika Zin., Vol. 1. Delhi: Dev Publishers & Contributors, pp. 61-71.
- Deeg, M. 2022. An uncivilized empire – Xuanzang on Persia. In: Mikkelsen, G. B. and Parry, K. eds. Byzantium to China: Religion, History and Culture on the Silk Roads: Studies in the Honour of Samuel N.C. Lieu., Vol. 1. Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity Vol. 25. Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp. 115-131.
- Deeg, M. 2021. Messiah rediscovered: some philological notes on the so-called ‘Jesus the Messiah Sutra’. In: Lieu, S. N. and Thompson, G. L. eds. The Church of the East in Central Asia and China., Vol. 1. China and the Mediterranean World Vol. 1. Turnhout: Brepols Publisher, pp. 111-119.
- Deeg, M. 2021. Indian regional nāga cults and individual nāga stories in Chinese Buddhist travelogues. Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia 34, pp. 51-78.
- Deeg, M. 2020. Describing the own other: Chinese Buddhist travelogues between literary tropes and educational narratives. In: Bisshop, P. and Cecil, E. A. eds. Primary Sources and Asian Pasts., Vol. 1. Beyond Boundaries Vol. 8. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 129-151.
- Deeg, M. 2020. The brilliant teaching: Iranian Christians in Tang China and their identity. Entangled Religions 11(6), pp. 1-13. (10.46586/er.11.2020.8674)
- Deeg, M. 2020. Looking from the periphery: some additional thoughts on Yulin Cave 3. In: Meinert, C. and Sorensen, H. eds. Buddhism in Central Asia I., Vol. 11. Dynamics in the History of Religions Brill, pp. 230-243., (10.1163/9789004417731_011)
- Deeg, M., Freiberger, O. and Kleine, C. eds. 2019. Religionsbegegnung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte: Kritische Reflexionen über ein etabliertes Konzept. Critical Studies in Religion / Religionswissenschaft Vol. 12. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Deeg, M. 2019. Tīrthikāḥ hantavyāḥ – Zu “häresiologischen” Diskursen in buddhistischen Quellen. In: Deeg, M., Freiberger, O. and Kleine, C. eds. Religionsbegegnung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte: Kritische Reflexionen über ein etabliertes Konzept., Vol. 1. Critical Studies in Religion / Religionswissenschaft Vol. 12. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. 103-127.
- Deeg, M. 2019. Indian law from a seventh century Chinese Buddhist perspective. Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient 105, pp. 145-178.
- Deeg, M. 2019. Beyond World Heritage: Lumbini - the creation of a more meaningful site?. In: Ray, H. P. ed. Decolonising Heritage in South Asia: The Global, the National and the Transnational. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 178-194.
- Deeg, M. 2019. Many biographies - multiple individualities: the identities of the Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang. In: Fuchs, M. et al. eds. Religious Individualisation: Historical Dimensions and Comparative Perspectives. De Gruyter, pp. 913-937., (10.1515/9783110580853)
- Deeg, M. 2018. Along the Silk Road: From Aleppo to Chang'an. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 233-253.
- Deeg, M. 2018. The historical turn: How Chinese Buddhist travelogues changed Western perception of Buddhism. Hualin Journal of International Buddhist Studies 1(1), pp. 43-75. (10.15239/hijbs.01.01.02)
- Deeg, M. 2018. Wailing for identity: topical and poetic expressions of cultural belonging in Chinese Buddhist literature. In: Heirman, A. ed. Identity and Network: Exchange Relations between China and the World. Brill, pp. 227-252.
- Deeg, M. 2018. The spread of Buddhist culture to China between the Third and Seventh Century. In: Di Cosmo, N. and Maas, M. eds. Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity: Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppe, ca. 250-750. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 220-234.
- Deeg, M. 2018. Setting the "records" straight: Textual sources on Nland and their historical value. In: Sharma, A. ed. Record, Recoveries, Remnants and Inter-Asian Interconnections: Decording Cultural Heritage. ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, pp. 105-159.
- Deeg, M. 2018. Die Illusion von Kontinuität - Buddhistische Regeln (Vinaya) als Übungswissen zwischen Normativität und Wandel. In: Stellmacher, A. and Renger, A. eds. Übungswissen in Religion und Philosophie: Produktion, Weitergabe, Wandel. LIT Verlag, pp. 207-224.
- Deeg, M. 2018. Die Strahlende Lehre: Die Stele von Xi'an. orientalia - patristica - oecumenica Vol. 12. Wien: Lit Verlag.
- Deeg, M. 2018. "Tis all here. A treasure locked". Unlocking the wonder house of the Chinese Buddhist travelogues. In: Prabha Ray, H. ed. Buddhism and Gandhara: An Archaeology of Museum Collections. Archaeology and Religion in South Asia London and New York: Routledge, pp. 47-69.
- Deeg, M. 2017. Aśoka’s Dharma: An imaginary and historical model of good governance. In: Deegalle, M. ed. Justice and Statecraft., Vol. 1. Kelaniya, Sri Lanka: Nagananda International Buddhist University
- Deeg, M. 2016. The Order of the dharma and the order of rulership: On the relationship between monastic community and worldy power in the history of Buddhism. Fruehmittelalteriche Studien - Jahrbuch des Instituts fuer Fruehmittelalterforschug der Universitaet Muenster 50(1), pp. 297-314. (10.1515/fmst-2016-0112)
- Deeg, M. 2016. Miscellanae Nepalicae: early Chinese reports on Nepal - The foundation legend of Nepal in its trans-Himalayan context. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute.
- Deeg, M. 2016. An anachronism in the stele of Xi’an – why Henanisho?. In: Tang, L. and Winkler, D. W. eds. Winds of Jingjiao: Studies on Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia., Vol. 1. orientalia - patristica - oecumenica Vol. 9. Wien, Zuerich: LIT, pp. 243-251.
- Deeg, M. 2016. The political position of Xuanzang: the didactic creation of an Indian dynasty in the Xiyu ji. In: Juelch, T. ed. The Middle Kingdom and the Dharma Wheel: Aspects of the Relationship between the Buddhist Saṃgha and the State in Chinese History., Vol. 1. Sinica Leidensia Vol. 133. Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp. 94-139.
- Deeg, M. and Ning 宁, F. ?. 2016. “Chongu ‘biandi qingjie’: Han chuan fojiao zhong dui Yindu de zhujian rongshou” 重估“边地情结”:汉传佛教中对印度的逐渐容受 (“Borderland Complex” reloaded: coming to terms with India in Chinese Buddhism). In: Shen 沈, D. ?. and Sun 孙, Y. ?. eds. Zhongyin guanxi yanjiu de shiye yu qianjing 中印关系研究的视野与前景., Vol. 1. Shanghai: Fudan-daxua-chubanshe 负担大学出版社, pp. 65-76.
- Deeg, M. 2015. Conversion and environment in East Asia - the case of Buddhism. In: Papconstantinou, A. and Schwartz, D. eds. Conversion in Late Antiquity: Christianity, Islam, and Beyond. Papers from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar, University of Oxford, 2009-2010. Routledge, pp. 267-279.
- Deeg, M. 2015. Writing times and spaces together - experiments to create an early Sino-Buddhist historiography. In: Deeg, M. and Scheid, B. eds. Religions in China. Major Concepts and Minority Positions. Sitzungsberichte Der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 29-49.
- Deeg, M. 2015. A Note on the place name “City of Royal Residence” (Wangshe-zhi-cheng 王舍之城) in the Xi’an Stele. In: Zhang 张, X. ?. and Li 李, Q. ?. eds. Lin Wushu xiansheng yu zhonggu sanyijiao yanjiu 林悟殊先生与中古三夷教研究., Vol. 1. Lanzhou: Lazhou-daxue-chubanshe 兰州大学出版社, pp. 338-358.
- Deeg, M. 2015. La littérature chrétienne orientale sous les Tang: un bref aperçu. In: Borbone, P. and Marsone, P. eds. Le christianisme syriaque en Asie centrale et en Chine., Vol. 1. Etudes syriaques Vol. 12. Paris: Geuthner, pp. 199-214.
- Deeg, M. and Scheid, B. eds. 2015. Religion in China: major concepts and minority positions. Beitraege zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens Vol. 85. Wien: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
- Deeg, M. 2015. A note on the place name 'City of Royal Residence'? (Wangshe-zhi-cheng) in the Xi'an Stele. In: Zhang, X. and Li, Q. eds. Lin Wushu xiansheng yu zhonggu sanyijiao yanjiu. Lanzhou-daxue-chubanshe, pp. 338-358.
- Deeg, M. and Cueppers, C. eds. 2014. Dharmayātra – Buddhist pilgrimage in time and space. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute.
- Deeg, M. 2014. Chinese Buddhists in search of authenticity in the Dharma. The Eastern Buddhist (New Series) 45(1&2), pp. 11-22., article number: 1.
- Deeg, M. 2014. Buddhist pilgrimage - an introduction. In: Deeg, M. and Cueppers, C. eds. Dharmay Ytra - Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space. Lumbin International Research Institute, pp. 1-28.
- Deeg, M. 2014. When Peregrinus is not pilgrim: The Chinese Pilgrims records - a revision of literary genre and its context. In: Deeg, M. and Cueppers, C. eds. Dharmay Ytra: Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space. Lumbin International Research Institute, pp. 65-95.
- Deeg, M. 2013. Religiöse Identität durch Differenz und Abgrenzungsdiskurs als indirekte Anerkennung von Gemeinsamkeit: chinesisch-buddhistische Apologetik und ihr 'Religions' begriff. In: Schalk, P. and Deeg, M. eds. Religion in Asien? Studien zur Anwendbarkeit des Religionsbegriffes. Uppsala Universitet, pp. 203-224.
- Deeg, M. 2012. Sthavira, Thera and 'Sthaviravada' in Chinese Buddhist Sources. In: Skilling, P., Carbine, J. A. and Cicu, C. eds. How Theravada is Theravada: Exploring Buddhist Identities. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp. 129-162.
- Deeg, M. 2012. Aśoka: model ruler without name? Literature of Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. Presented at: International Conference on Aśoka and the Making of Modern India, New Delhi, India, 5-7 August 2009 Presented at Olivelle, P., Leoshko, J. and Ray, H. P. eds.Reimagining Aśoka: Memory and History. New Delhi: Oxford University Press pp. 362-379.
- Deeg, M. 2012. "Show me the land where the Buddha dwelled.." - Xuanzang's "Record of the Western Regions" (Xiyu ji): a misunderstood text. China Report 48(1-2), pp. 89-113. (10.1177/000944551104800205)
- Deeg, M. 2012. From scholarly object to religious text - the story of the Lotus-sutra in the West. The Journal of Oriental Studies 22, pp. 133-153.
- Deeg, M. 2011. 41. Der Einsatz der Stimmen: Formation und Erschaffung des chinesischen buddhistischen Kanons: vom doppelten Kriterium der Authentizität. In: Deeg, M., Freiberger, O. and Kleine, C. eds. Kanonisierung und Kanonbildiung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Sitzungsberichte Der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse Vol. 820. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 321-343.
- Deeg, M. 2011. 40. Von Sammlern und Schreibern. Kodifizierung und Kanonisierung in den asiatischen religiösen Traditionen. In: Luminati, M. et al. eds. Kanon und Kanonisierung: ein Schlüsselbegriff der Kulturwissenschaften im interdisziplinären Dialog. Text und Normativität Vol. 2. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, pp. 161-181.
- Deeg, M. 2011. Secular Buddhist lineages: The Śākyas and royal descendencies in local Buddhist legitimation strategies. Religions of South Asia 5(1-2), pp. 189-207. (10.1558/rosa.v5i1/2.189)
- Hegarty, J. 2011. Kirthan and Katha in the asa amdesa (song and story in the land of hope and fear): Narratives of the life of Guru Nanak as canonical commentary in the Sikh panth. In: Deeg, M. and Freiberger, O. eds. Kanonisierung und Kanonbildung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 131-160.
- Deeg, M. 2010. Why is the Buddha riding on an elephant? The Bodhisattva's conception and the change of motive. Presented at: "The Birth of the Buddha" Seminar, Lumbini, Nepal, October 2004 Presented at Deeg, M., Cüppers, C. and Durt, H. eds.The Birth of the Buddha: Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Lumbini, Nepal, October 2004, Vol. 1. LIRI Seminar Proceedings Series Vol. 3. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute pp. 93-127.
- Deeg, M. 2009. From the iron-wheel to Bodhisattvahood: Asoka in Buddhist culture and memory. Presented at: International Symposium on Aśoka, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA, 4 February 2006 Presented at Olivelle, P. ed.Asoka: In History and Historical Memory, Vol. 1. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers pp. 109-144.
- Deeg, M. ed. 2009. Das Lotos-Sūtra. 2nd ed.. [Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra].Deeg, M. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
- Deeg, M. 2008. Introduction. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 31(1-2), pp. 79-82.
- Deeg, M. 2008. Creating religious terminology - A comparative approach to the Early Chinese translations. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 31(1-2), pp. 83-118.
- Deeg, M. 2007. Das Lotos-Sūtra. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
- Deeg, M. 2007. The rhetoric of antiquity: politico-religious propaganda in the Nestorian stele of Chang'an. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 1, pp. 17-30. (10.18573/j.2007.10291)
- Deeg, M. and Schmidt-Glintzer, H. 2007. Das Lotos-Sutra. Ãœbersetzt von Max Deeg. Mit einer Einleitung von Max Deeg und Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer. Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft).
- Deeg, M. 2006. Aryan national religion(s) and the criticism of asceticism and quietism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In: Oliver, F. ed. Asceticism and its Critics: Historical Accounts and Comparative Perspectives. Oxford University Press, pp. 61-87.
- Deeg, M. 2005. Das Gaoseng-Faxian-Zhuan als religionsgeschichtliche Quelle. Der älteste Bericht eines chinesischen buddhistischen Pilgermönchs über seine Reise nach Indien mit Übersetzung des Textes. Studies in Oriental Religions Vol. 52. Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Deeg, M. 2003. The places where Siddhartha trod: Lumbini and Kapilavastu. Lumbini International Research Institute, Occasional Papers Vol. 3. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute.
- Deeg, M. 2025. Projecting India in Chinese medieval Buddhist sources: a case of Sinizication?. Studies in Chinese Religions (10.1080/23729988.2025.2466972)
- Deeg, M. 2023. “Once upon a time”—so what? The importance of place in Buddhist narratives. Religions 14(6), article number: 690. (10.3390/rel14060690)
- Deeg, M. 2022. The Buddha in the 'Wild West': The localization of Jatakas in Gandhara and the Ramayana. Religions of South Asia 16(2-3), pp. 220-248. (10.1558/rosa.24402)
- Deeg, M. 2021. Indian regional nāga cults and individual nāga stories in Chinese Buddhist travelogues. Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia 34, pp. 51-78.
- Deeg, M. 2020. The brilliant teaching: Iranian Christians in Tang China and their identity. Entangled Religions 11(6), pp. 1-13. (10.46586/er.11.2020.8674)
- Deeg, M. 2019. Indian law from a seventh century Chinese Buddhist perspective. Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient 105, pp. 145-178.
- Deeg, M. 2018. The historical turn: How Chinese Buddhist travelogues changed Western perception of Buddhism. Hualin Journal of International Buddhist Studies 1(1), pp. 43-75. (10.15239/hijbs.01.01.02)
- Deeg, M. 2016. The Order of the dharma and the order of rulership: On the relationship between monastic community and worldy power in the history of Buddhism. Fruehmittelalteriche Studien - Jahrbuch des Instituts fuer Fruehmittelalterforschug der Universitaet Muenster 50(1), pp. 297-314. (10.1515/fmst-2016-0112)
- Deeg, M. 2014. Chinese Buddhists in search of authenticity in the Dharma. The Eastern Buddhist (New Series) 45(1&2), pp. 11-22., article number: 1.
- Deeg, M. 2012. "Show me the land where the Buddha dwelled.." - Xuanzang's "Record of the Western Regions" (Xiyu ji): a misunderstood text. China Report 48(1-2), pp. 89-113. (10.1177/000944551104800205)
- Deeg, M. 2012. From scholarly object to religious text - the story of the Lotus-sutra in the West. The Journal of Oriental Studies 22, pp. 133-153.
- Deeg, M. 2011. Secular Buddhist lineages: The Śākyas and royal descendencies in local Buddhist legitimation strategies. Religions of South Asia 5(1-2), pp. 189-207. (10.1558/rosa.v5i1/2.189)
- Deeg, M. 2008. Introduction. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 31(1-2), pp. 79-82.
- Deeg, M. 2008. Creating religious terminology - A comparative approach to the Early Chinese translations. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 31(1-2), pp. 83-118.
- Deeg, M. 2007. The rhetoric of antiquity: politico-religious propaganda in the Nestorian stele of Chang'an. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 1, pp. 17-30. (10.18573/j.2007.10291)
Book sections
- Deeg, M. 2024. The Christian communities in Tang China: Between adaptation and religious self-identity. In: Doney, L. et al. eds. Buddhism in Central Asia III: Impacts of Non-Buddhist Influences, Doctrines., Vol. 14. Dynamics in the History of Religions, Brill, pp. 123-144., (10.1163/9789004687288_006)
- Deeg, M. 2024. In search of a lost version: The problem of the Indian template of "Barlaam and Josaphat" and Its transmission. In: Ducoeur, G. and Tardieu, M. eds. Barlaam and Josaphat in History of Religions: Actes du colloque international (23 - 24 Mai 2023). Strasbourg: Université de Strasbourg, pp. 93-118.
- Deeg, M. 2024. Naked heretics: On the representation of Jains in Chinese Buddhist texts. In: Jinhua, C. ed. From Jetavana to Jerusalem: Sacred Biography in Asian Perspectives and Beyond, Essays in Honour of Professor Phyllis Granoff. World Scholastic, pp. 718-754.
- Deeg, M. 2023. Transcending space: Buddhist travelogues across cultural and other borders. In: Freudenberg, M. et al. eds. Stepping Back and Looking Ahead: Twelve Years of Studying Religious Contact at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Bochum., Vol. 13. Dynamics in the History of Religions Brill, pp. 62-91., (10.1163/9789004549319_004)
- Deeg, M. 2023. Yijing. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. , (10.1002/9781119399919.eahaa00535)
- Deeg, M. 2023. Faxian. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. , (10.1002/9781119399919.eahaa00534)
- Deeg, M. 2023. Xuanzang. In: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History: Asia and Africa. Wiley Online Library, (10.1002/9781119399919.eahaa00533)
- Deeg, M. 2023. From trust in the Buddha to the belief in the One God: xin 信 as a Buddhist, Manichaean and Christian concept in early medieval China. In: Meyer, C. and Clart, P. eds. From Trustworthiness to Secular Belief: Changing Concepts of xin 信 from Traditional to Modern Chinese. Brill, pp. 227-245., (10.1163/9789004533004_011)
- Deeg, M. 2023. From trust in the Buddha to the belief in the one God: xin ? as a Buddhist, Manichaean and Christian concept in Early Medieval China. In: Meyer, C. and Clart, P. eds. From Trustworthiness to Secular Belief: Changing Concepts of xin ? from Traditional to Modern Chinese. Brill, pp. 227-245.
- Deeg, M. 2022. A Chinese ‘Hitopadeśa’ – or: a ruler’s mirror: The didactic aspects of the "Da Tang Xiyu Ji". In: Chen, J. ed. Transmission of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond. Essays in Memory of Antonino Forte (1940-2006). World Scholastic Publishers, pp. 111-165.
- Deeg, M. 2022. A Chinese 'Hitopadesa' - Or: a ruler's mirror: The didactic aspects of the Da Tang Xiyu ji. In: Chen, J. ed. Transmission of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond - Essays in Memory of Antonino Forte (1940-2006). Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies Vol. 4. Singapore: World Scholastic Publishers, pp. 111-165.
- Deeg, M. 2022. Between normativity and material emptiness: Indian Buddhist monasteries and the Chinese Buddhist travelogues. In: Singh, A., Shimada, A. and Morrissey, N. eds. On the Regional Development of Early Medieval Buddhist Monasteries in South Asia., Vol. 1. RINDAS Series of Working Papers Vol. 34. Kyoto: The Center for South Asian Studies, Ryukoku University, pp. 89-129.
- Deeg, M. 2022. An unromantic approach: Dhyānagupta’s (aka Jñānagupta) Fo-benxing-ji-jing. In: Konczak-Nagel, I., Hiyama, S. and Klein, A. eds. Connecting the Art, Literature, and Religion of South and Central Asia – Studies in Honour of Monika Zin., Vol. 1. Delhi: Dev Publishers & Contributors, pp. 61-71.
- Deeg, M. 2022. An uncivilized empire – Xuanzang on Persia. In: Mikkelsen, G. B. and Parry, K. eds. Byzantium to China: Religion, History and Culture on the Silk Roads: Studies in the Honour of Samuel N.C. Lieu., Vol. 1. Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity Vol. 25. Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp. 115-131.
- Deeg, M. 2021. Messiah rediscovered: some philological notes on the so-called ‘Jesus the Messiah Sutra’. In: Lieu, S. N. and Thompson, G. L. eds. The Church of the East in Central Asia and China., Vol. 1. China and the Mediterranean World Vol. 1. Turnhout: Brepols Publisher, pp. 111-119.
- Deeg, M. 2020. Describing the own other: Chinese Buddhist travelogues between literary tropes and educational narratives. In: Bisshop, P. and Cecil, E. A. eds. Primary Sources and Asian Pasts., Vol. 1. Beyond Boundaries Vol. 8. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 129-151.
- Deeg, M. 2020. Looking from the periphery: some additional thoughts on Yulin Cave 3. In: Meinert, C. and Sorensen, H. eds. Buddhism in Central Asia I., Vol. 11. Dynamics in the History of Religions Brill, pp. 230-243., (10.1163/9789004417731_011)
- Deeg, M. 2019. Tīrthikāḥ hantavyāḥ – Zu “häresiologischen” Diskursen in buddhistischen Quellen. In: Deeg, M., Freiberger, O. and Kleine, C. eds. Religionsbegegnung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte: Kritische Reflexionen über ein etabliertes Konzept., Vol. 1. Critical Studies in Religion / Religionswissenschaft Vol. 12. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, pp. 103-127.
- Deeg, M. 2019. Beyond World Heritage: Lumbini - the creation of a more meaningful site?. In: Ray, H. P. ed. Decolonising Heritage in South Asia: The Global, the National and the Transnational. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 178-194.
- Deeg, M. 2019. Many biographies - multiple individualities: the identities of the Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang. In: Fuchs, M. et al. eds. Religious Individualisation: Historical Dimensions and Comparative Perspectives. De Gruyter, pp. 913-937., (10.1515/9783110580853)
- Deeg, M. 2018. Along the Silk Road: From Aleppo to Chang'an. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. A Companion to Religion in Late Antiquity. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 233-253.
- Deeg, M. 2018. Wailing for identity: topical and poetic expressions of cultural belonging in Chinese Buddhist literature. In: Heirman, A. ed. Identity and Network: Exchange Relations between China and the World. Brill, pp. 227-252.
- Deeg, M. 2018. The spread of Buddhist culture to China between the Third and Seventh Century. In: Di Cosmo, N. and Maas, M. eds. Empires and Exchanges in Eurasian Late Antiquity: Rome, China, Iran, and the Steppe, ca. 250-750. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 220-234.
- Deeg, M. 2018. Setting the "records" straight: Textual sources on Nland and their historical value. In: Sharma, A. ed. Record, Recoveries, Remnants and Inter-Asian Interconnections: Decording Cultural Heritage. ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, pp. 105-159.
- Deeg, M. 2018. Die Illusion von Kontinuität - Buddhistische Regeln (Vinaya) als Übungswissen zwischen Normativität und Wandel. In: Stellmacher, A. and Renger, A. eds. Übungswissen in Religion und Philosophie: Produktion, Weitergabe, Wandel. LIT Verlag, pp. 207-224.
- Deeg, M. 2018. "Tis all here. A treasure locked". Unlocking the wonder house of the Chinese Buddhist travelogues. In: Prabha Ray, H. ed. Buddhism and Gandhara: An Archaeology of Museum Collections. Archaeology and Religion in South Asia London and New York: Routledge, pp. 47-69.
- Deeg, M. 2017. Aśoka’s Dharma: An imaginary and historical model of good governance. In: Deegalle, M. ed. Justice and Statecraft., Vol. 1. Kelaniya, Sri Lanka: Nagananda International Buddhist University
- Deeg, M. 2016. An anachronism in the stele of Xi’an – why Henanisho?. In: Tang, L. and Winkler, D. W. eds. Winds of Jingjiao: Studies on Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia., Vol. 1. orientalia - patristica - oecumenica Vol. 9. Wien, Zuerich: LIT, pp. 243-251.
- Deeg, M. 2016. The political position of Xuanzang: the didactic creation of an Indian dynasty in the Xiyu ji. In: Juelch, T. ed. The Middle Kingdom and the Dharma Wheel: Aspects of the Relationship between the Buddhist Saṃgha and the State in Chinese History., Vol. 1. Sinica Leidensia Vol. 133. Leiden, Boston: Brill, pp. 94-139.
- Deeg, M. and Ning 宁, F. ?. 2016. “Chongu ‘biandi qingjie’: Han chuan fojiao zhong dui Yindu de zhujian rongshou” 重估“边地情结”:汉传佛教中对印度的逐渐容受 (“Borderland Complex” reloaded: coming to terms with India in Chinese Buddhism). In: Shen 沈, D. ?. and Sun 孙, Y. ?. eds. Zhongyin guanxi yanjiu de shiye yu qianjing 中印关系研究的视野与前景., Vol. 1. Shanghai: Fudan-daxua-chubanshe 负担大学出版社, pp. 65-76.
- Deeg, M. 2015. Conversion and environment in East Asia - the case of Buddhism. In: Papconstantinou, A. and Schwartz, D. eds. Conversion in Late Antiquity: Christianity, Islam, and Beyond. Papers from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar, University of Oxford, 2009-2010. Routledge, pp. 267-279.
- Deeg, M. 2015. Writing times and spaces together - experiments to create an early Sino-Buddhist historiography. In: Deeg, M. and Scheid, B. eds. Religions in China. Major Concepts and Minority Positions. Sitzungsberichte Der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 29-49.
- Deeg, M. 2015. A Note on the place name “City of Royal Residence” (Wangshe-zhi-cheng 王舍之城) in the Xi’an Stele. In: Zhang 张, X. ?. and Li 李, Q. ?. eds. Lin Wushu xiansheng yu zhonggu sanyijiao yanjiu 林悟殊先生与中古三夷教研究., Vol. 1. Lanzhou: Lazhou-daxue-chubanshe 兰州大学出版社, pp. 338-358.
- Deeg, M. 2015. La littérature chrétienne orientale sous les Tang: un bref aperçu. In: Borbone, P. and Marsone, P. eds. Le christianisme syriaque en Asie centrale et en Chine., Vol. 1. Etudes syriaques Vol. 12. Paris: Geuthner, pp. 199-214.
- Deeg, M. 2015. A note on the place name 'City of Royal Residence'? (Wangshe-zhi-cheng) in the Xi'an Stele. In: Zhang, X. and Li, Q. eds. Lin Wushu xiansheng yu zhonggu sanyijiao yanjiu. Lanzhou-daxue-chubanshe, pp. 338-358.
- Deeg, M. 2014. Buddhist pilgrimage - an introduction. In: Deeg, M. and Cueppers, C. eds. Dharmay Ytra - Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space. Lumbin International Research Institute, pp. 1-28.
- Deeg, M. 2014. When Peregrinus is not pilgrim: The Chinese Pilgrims records - a revision of literary genre and its context. In: Deeg, M. and Cueppers, C. eds. Dharmay Ytra: Buddhist Pilgrimage in Time and Space. Lumbin International Research Institute, pp. 65-95.
- Deeg, M. 2013. Religiöse Identität durch Differenz und Abgrenzungsdiskurs als indirekte Anerkennung von Gemeinsamkeit: chinesisch-buddhistische Apologetik und ihr 'Religions' begriff. In: Schalk, P. and Deeg, M. eds. Religion in Asien? Studien zur Anwendbarkeit des Religionsbegriffes. Uppsala Universitet, pp. 203-224.
- Deeg, M. 2012. Sthavira, Thera and 'Sthaviravada' in Chinese Buddhist Sources. In: Skilling, P., Carbine, J. A. and Cicu, C. eds. How Theravada is Theravada: Exploring Buddhist Identities. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp. 129-162.
- Deeg, M. 2011. 41. Der Einsatz der Stimmen: Formation und Erschaffung des chinesischen buddhistischen Kanons: vom doppelten Kriterium der Authentizität. In: Deeg, M., Freiberger, O. and Kleine, C. eds. Kanonisierung und Kanonbildiung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Sitzungsberichte Der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse Vol. 820. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 321-343.
- Deeg, M. 2011. 40. Von Sammlern und Schreibern. Kodifizierung und Kanonisierung in den asiatischen religiösen Traditionen. In: Luminati, M. et al. eds. Kanon und Kanonisierung: ein Schlüsselbegriff der Kulturwissenschaften im interdisziplinären Dialog. Text und Normativität Vol. 2. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, pp. 161-181.
- Hegarty, J. 2011. Kirthan and Katha in the asa amdesa (song and story in the land of hope and fear): Narratives of the life of Guru Nanak as canonical commentary in the Sikh panth. In: Deeg, M. and Freiberger, O. eds. Kanonisierung und Kanonbildung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 131-160.
- Deeg, M. 2006. Aryan national religion(s) and the criticism of asceticism and quietism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In: Oliver, F. ed. Asceticism and its Critics: Historical Accounts and Comparative Perspectives. Oxford University Press, pp. 61-87.
- Deeg, M., Freiberger, O. and Kleine, C. eds. 2019. Religionsbegegnung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte: Kritische Reflexionen über ein etabliertes Konzept. Critical Studies in Religion / Religionswissenschaft Vol. 12. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Deeg, M. 2018. Die Strahlende Lehre: Die Stele von Xi'an. orientalia - patristica - oecumenica Vol. 12. Wien: Lit Verlag.
- Deeg, M. 2016. Miscellanae Nepalicae: early Chinese reports on Nepal - The foundation legend of Nepal in its trans-Himalayan context. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute.
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- Deeg, M. and Schmidt-Glintzer, H. 2007. Das Lotos-Sutra. Ãœbersetzt von Max Deeg. Mit einer Einleitung von Max Deeg und Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer. Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft).
- Deeg, M. 2005. Das Gaoseng-Faxian-Zhuan als religionsgeschichtliche Quelle. Der älteste Bericht eines chinesischen buddhistischen Pilgermönchs über seine Reise nach Indien mit Übersetzung des Textes. Studies in Oriental Religions Vol. 52. Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Deeg, M. 2003. The places where Siddhartha trod: Lumbini and Kapilavastu. Lumbini International Research Institute, Occasional Papers Vol. 3. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute.
- Deeg, M. 2012. Aśoka: model ruler without name? Literature of Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. Presented at: International Conference on Aśoka and the Making of Modern India, New Delhi, India, 5-7 August 2009 Presented at Olivelle, P., Leoshko, J. and Ray, H. P. eds.Reimagining Aśoka: Memory and History. New Delhi: Oxford University Press pp. 362-379.
- Deeg, M. 2010. Why is the Buddha riding on an elephant? The Bodhisattva's conception and the change of motive. Presented at: "The Birth of the Buddha" Seminar, Lumbini, Nepal, October 2004 Presented at Deeg, M., Cüppers, C. and Durt, H. eds.The Birth of the Buddha: Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Lumbini, Nepal, October 2004, Vol. 1. LIRI Seminar Proceedings Series Vol. 3. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute pp. 93-127.
- Deeg, M. 2009. From the iron-wheel to Bodhisattvahood: Asoka in Buddhist culture and memory. Presented at: International Symposium on Aśoka, University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA, 4 February 2006 Presented at Olivelle, P. ed.Asoka: In History and Historical Memory, Vol. 1. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers pp. 109-144.
- Deeg, M. 2008. Creating religious terminology - A comparative approach to the Early Chinese translations. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 31(1-2), pp. 83-118.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar un prosiect mawr: Cyfieithiad Saesneg a sylwebaeth helaeth o'r travelogue Datang Xiyu ji ("Cofnod Rhanbarthau Gorllewinol y Tang") gan y mynach Bwdhaidd Tsieineaidd Xuanzang (7fed ganrif). Mae hyn yn cynnwys cydweithio (fel un o ddau PI) ar y prosiect ymchwil "Llwybr Xuanzang" gyda Chymdeithas Datblygu Treftadaeth Bihar (Patna, India) sy'n archwilio safleoedd archeolegol sy'n gysylltiedig â'r travelogue Datang Xiyu ji. Rwyf hefyd yn gweithio ar arysgrifau Tsieineaidd sy'n tarddu o Bodhgaya (Bihar) ac ar fywgraffiadau o'r Bwdha.
- Gwreiddiau a Chymynroddion (ar Fwdhaeth)
- Beth yw crefydd?
- Achubwyr ac Iachawdwriaeth yn Crefyddau Asia
Rwy'n derbyn myfyrwyr PhD sydd â diddordeb mewn ystod eang o bynciau o astudiaethau Bwdhaidd gyda'r sgiliau iaith priodol (Sansgrit, Pali, Tsieinëeg, Japaneg).
Addysg a chymwysterau
M.A., Dr.Phil., Dr.Phil.Habil., Athro Prifysgol (Fienna), Athro (Cadeirydd, Caerdydd).
Trosolwg gyrfa
Mehefin 1986 - Magister Artium / M.A. mewn Ffiloleg Germanaidd a Sgandinafia, Ieithyddiaeth ac Athroniaeth Almaeneg.
1986-1987 - Ysgoloriaeth iaith Gwasanaeth Cyfnewid Academaidd yr Almaen (DAAD), Kyoto-Nihongo-gakkō, Kyoto, Japan.
O 1987 - Ph.D. cwrs yn y pynciau Indology, Astudiaethau Japaneaidd, Hanes Crefyddau; hyfforddwr ar yr un pryd ar gyfer Sanskrit, Sefydliad Astudiaethau Indo-Ewropeaidd ac Indoleg Prifysgol Würz-burg.
Mehefin 1990 - Dr. Phil. yn y pynciau Indololgy (major), Astudiaethau Japaneaidd, Hanes Crefyddau (plant dan oed).
1990-1991 - Athro Almaeneg-Culture-Institute a Sefydliad Iaith yr Academi Filwrol, Taibei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
1991 / 1992 - Darlithydd Sansgrit a Siapaneaidd, Sefydliad Astudiaethau Indo-Ewropeaidd ac Indology, Prifysgol Würzburg.
1992-1997 - Darlithydd Iaith a Diwylliant Almaeneg (DAAD / Gwasanaeth Cyfnewid Academaidd Almaeneg), Prifysgol Nagoya, Japan; Gweithgareddau ymchwil ym maes Astudiaethau Indiaidd a Bwdhaidd.
1994-95 - Darlithydd i Vedic Sansgrit yn "Adran Athroniaeth India", Prifysgol Nagoya.
1997-2001 - Darlithydd yn y Sefydliad Hanes Cymharol Crefyddau, Prifysgol Würzburg, Yr Almaen.
Gorffennaf 1998 - Gradd academaidd Dr. phil.habil. (gradd athro) ar gyfer Astudiaethau Crefyddol (Religionswissenschaft) Cyfadran Athronyddol III, Prifysgol Würzburg.
Mawrth 1999 - Penodi Privatdozent (caniatâd athro llawn addysgu ac archwilio academaidd); cyrsiau amrywiol ar wahanol agweddau ar Fwdhaeth a Chrefyddau Indiaidd.
1998-99 - Cymrawd ymchwil gwadd, Coleg Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Astudiaethau Bwdhaidd Uwch / Sefydliad Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Astudiaethau Bwdhaidd, Tokyo, Japan (Hydref / Tachwedd 1998 a Chwefror / Mawrth 1999).
1999-2001 - Prosiect ymchwil "Die chinesischen Nestorianica - Übersetzung und Studie" ("The Chinese Nestorianica (of the Tang-Period) - A Translation and Study of the Texts"), a ariannwyd gan y Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Almaeneg Ymchwil Foun-dation).
Ionawr / Chwefror 2001 - Ymchwilydd gwadd, LIRI (Sefydliad Ymchwil Rhyngwladol Lumbini), Nepal, prosiect ymchwil: "Ka-pilavastu a Lumbini: The Chinese Texts and the Archaeological and Geographical Evidence" (gyda chefnogaeth ac mewn cydweithrediad â'r Athro Giuseppe Verardi, Prifysgol Napoli, yr Eidal, archeolegydd sy'n gweithio yn yr ardal).
2001-2002 - Prif ymchwilydd ar y prosiect DFG "Norm ac ymarfer mewn Bwdhaeth Indiaidd Canoloesol", Prifysgol Leipzig.
Rhagfyr 2001 - Darlithydd gwadd, Sefydliad Ieithoedd Asiaidd, Prifysgol Beijing.
2002-2006 - Athro llawn ar gyfer Astudiaethau Crefyddol (Cadeirydd), Cyfadran Diwinyddiaeth Brotestannaidd, Prifysgol Fienna.
Chwefror 2003 - Cymrawd Gwâd, Jinbun-kagaku-kenkyūjo, Prifysgol Kyoto (gwesteiwr: Dr. Tōru Funayama), Kyoto, Japan.
2004 / 2005 - Prosiect ymchwil yn y LIRI (Sefydliad Ymchwil Interna-tional Lumbini), Nepal, prosiect ymchwil: "Ffynonellau Tsieineaidd ar Nepal – Chwedlau Sefydlu Bwdhaidd Traws-Himalaya".
2005 - Athro Gwadd Prifysgol Kyoto, Japan.
O 2006 - Uwch Ddarlithydd / Darllenydd Astudiaethau Bwdhaidd, Ysgol Astudiaethau Crefyddol a Diwinyddol, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Cymru UK.
Awst 2008 - Cymrawd Ymchwil Byrhoedlog yr Adran Ieithyddiaeth Tsieineaidd, Prifysgol Beijing.
O 2009 - dyrchafiad i Gadair Bersonol; Pennaeth Ysgol yr Ysgol Astudiaethau Crefyddol a Diwinyddol a (ers 2010) Pennaeth Adran, Adran Astudiaethau Crefyddol a Diwinyddol, Ysgol Hanes, Archaeoleg a Chrefydd, Cyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan Hanes Crefydd yn Asia (CHRA), Prifysgol Caerdydd
Ionawr 2009 / Ionawr 2010 - Prosiect ymchwil yn y LIRI, Nepal (ynghyd â Dr. Tibor Porcio, Szeged, Hwngari), "Argraffiad synoptig o'r Sitātapātra-Dhāraṇī".
Awst 2010-Ionawr 2011 - Cymrawd ad hoc yng Nghanolfan Astudio Crefyddau'r Byd (CSWR), Prifysgol Harvard (yn ystod sabothol yng Nghaerdydd)
Medi 2015-Ionawr 2016 - Ysgolhaig Preswyl, Prifysgol Nalanda, Rajgir, India
Chwefror 2016-Awst 2016 - Cymrawd Max Weber Kolleg, Prifysgol Erfurt, Yr Almaen
Medi 2016-Gorffennaf 2017 - Cymrawd Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, CERES, Prifysgol Bochum, Yr Almaen
Medi 2020-Awst 2021 - Grantî Rhaglen Sefydliad Teulu Robert H.N. Ho mewn Astudiaethau Bwdhaidd (Prosiect Cyfieithu "Cofnod Rhanbarthau'r Gorllewin")
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Hanes a Hanes Testunol Bwdhaeth Indiaidd a Tsieineaidd
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Astudiaethau Asiaidd
- Bwdhaeth
- Tsieina
- Ieithoedd India
- Hanes Asiaidd