Dr Chris Dillingham
Cydymaith Ymchwil
- Craig, E., Dillingham, C. M., Milczarek, M. M., Phillips, H. M., Davies, M., Perry, J. C. and Vann, S. D. 2020. Lack of change in CA1 dendritic spine density or clustering in rats following training on a radial-arm maze task [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Wellcome Open Research 5, article number: 68. (10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15745.2)
- Dillingham, C. M. and Vann, S. D. 2019. Why Isn't the head-direction system necessary for direction? Lessons from the lateral mammillary nuclei. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13, article number: 60. (10.3389/fncir.2019.00060)
- Mathiasen, M., Louch, R., Nelson, A., Dillingham, C. and Aggleton, J. P. 2019. Trajectory of hippocampal fibres to the contralateral anterior thalamus and mammillary bodies in rats, mice, and macaque monkeys. Brain and Neuroscience Advances 3, pp. 1-18. (10.1177/2398212819871205)
- Dillingham, C. M. et al. 2019. Mammillothalamic disconnection alters hippocampocortical oscillatory activity and microstructure: Implications for diencephalic amnesia. Journal of Neuroscience 39(34), pp. 6696-6713. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0827-19.2019)
- Mathiasen, M. L., Amin, E., Nelson, A. J. D., Dillingham, C. M., O'Mara, S. M. and Aggleton, J. P. 2019. Separate cortical and hippocampal cell populations target the rat nucleus reuniens and mammillary bodies. European Journal of Neuroscience 49(12), pp. 1649-1672. (10.1111/ejn.14341)
- Dillingham, C. M. et al. 2019. The anatomical boundary of the rat claustrum. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 13, article number: 53. (10.3389/fnana.2019.00053)
- Dillingham, C. M., Erichsen, J. T., O'Mara, S. M., Aggleton, J. P. and Vann, S. D. 2015. Fornical and non-fornical projections from the rat hippocampal formation to the anterior thalamic nuclei. Hippocampus 25(9), pp. 977-992. (10.1002/hipo.22421)
- Dillingham, C. M., Holmes, J. D., Wright, N. F., Erichsen, J. T., Aggleton, J. P. and Vann, S. D. 2015. Calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity in Gudden's tegmental nuclei and the hippocampal formation: differential co-localization in neurons projecting to the mammillary bodies. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 9, article number: 103. (10.3389/fnana.2015.00103)
- Vazquez, M., Evans, B. A. J., Riccardi, D., Evans, S. L., Ralphs, J. R., Dillingham, C. M. and Mason, D. J. 2014. A new method to investigate how mechanical loading of osteocytes controls osteoblasts. Frontiers in Endocrinology 5, article number: 208. (10.3389/fendo.2014.00208)
- Dillingham, C. M., Wilson, J. J. and Vann, S. 2024. Electrophysiological properties of the medial mammillary bodies across the sleep-wake cycle. eNeuro 11(4), article number: 0447-23. (10.1523/ENEURO.0447-23.2024)
- Dillingham, C. M., Milczarek, M. M., Perry, J. C. and Vann, S. D. 2021. Time to put the mammillothalamic pathway into context. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 121, pp. 60-74. (10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.11.031)
- Craig, E., Dillingham, C. M., Milczarek, M. M., Phillips, H. M., Davies, M., Perry, J. C. and Vann, S. D. 2020. Lack of change in CA1 dendritic spine density or clustering in rats following training on a radial-arm maze task [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Wellcome Open Research 5, article number: 68. (10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15745.2)
- Dillingham, C. M. and Vann, S. D. 2019. Why Isn't the head-direction system necessary for direction? Lessons from the lateral mammillary nuclei. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 13, article number: 60. (10.3389/fncir.2019.00060)
- Mathiasen, M., Louch, R., Nelson, A., Dillingham, C. and Aggleton, J. P. 2019. Trajectory of hippocampal fibres to the contralateral anterior thalamus and mammillary bodies in rats, mice, and macaque monkeys. Brain and Neuroscience Advances 3, pp. 1-18. (10.1177/2398212819871205)
- Dillingham, C. M. et al. 2019. Mammillothalamic disconnection alters hippocampocortical oscillatory activity and microstructure: Implications for diencephalic amnesia. Journal of Neuroscience 39(34), pp. 6696-6713. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0827-19.2019)
- Mathiasen, M. L., Amin, E., Nelson, A. J. D., Dillingham, C. M., O'Mara, S. M. and Aggleton, J. P. 2019. Separate cortical and hippocampal cell populations target the rat nucleus reuniens and mammillary bodies. European Journal of Neuroscience 49(12), pp. 1649-1672. (10.1111/ejn.14341)
- Dillingham, C. M. et al. 2019. The anatomical boundary of the rat claustrum. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 13, article number: 53. (10.3389/fnana.2019.00053)
- Dillingham, C. M., Erichsen, J. T., O'Mara, S. M., Aggleton, J. P. and Vann, S. D. 2015. Fornical and non-fornical projections from the rat hippocampal formation to the anterior thalamic nuclei. Hippocampus 25(9), pp. 977-992. (10.1002/hipo.22421)
- Dillingham, C. M., Holmes, J. D., Wright, N. F., Erichsen, J. T., Aggleton, J. P. and Vann, S. D. 2015. Calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity in Gudden's tegmental nuclei and the hippocampal formation: differential co-localization in neurons projecting to the mammillary bodies. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 9, article number: 103. (10.3389/fnana.2015.00103)
- Vazquez, M., Evans, B. A. J., Riccardi, D., Evans, S. L., Ralphs, J. R., Dillingham, C. M. and Mason, D. J. 2014. A new method to investigate how mechanical loading of osteocytes controls osteoblasts. Frontiers in Endocrinology 5, article number: 208. (10.3389/fendo.2014.00208)