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Ym 1991, sefydlais yr LLM mewn Cyfraith Canon yn Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd ac rwy'n gwasanaethu fel cyfarwyddwr y rhaglen hon, yn 2002 sefydlais fodiwl LLB y Gyfraith a Chrefydd, ac yn 2016, cefais yr anrhydedd o dderbyn copi o: F. Cranmer, Mark Hill, Celia Kenny a Russell Sandberg (eds), Cydlifiad y Gyfraith a Chrefydd: Myfyrdodau Rhyngddisgyblaethol ar Waith Norman Doe (Gwasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt, 2016).
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Fe wnes i bum cyflwyniad ar gyfraith canon a chyfamod yng Nghynhadledd Lambeth 2008. Yn 2012 cefais fy mhenodi'n Ganghellor Esgobaeth Bangor - yn rhinwedd y swydd hon rwy'n gweithredu fel llywydd Llys Consistory yr Esgobaeth. Cafodd fy llyfr Law and Religion in Europe ei gynnwys yn yr 20 cyhoeddiad gorau gan Gonsortiwm Rhyngwladol Ysgolheigion y Gyfraith a Chrefydd (ICLARS). Yn 2013 roeddwn i'n Bregethwr Llys Prifysgol Rhydychen. Mae fy llyfr Cyfraith Gristnogol wedi bod yn ganolbwynt astudio gan banel o arbenigwyr mewn cyfarfodydd yn Rhufain 2013-2016 yn cynnwys cyfranogwyr o'r traddodiadau Catholig, Uniongred, Anglicanaidd, Lutheraidd, Methodistaidd, Diwygiedig, Presbyteraidd a Bedyddwyr sy'n ceisio defnyddio systemau cyfraith eglwysig a threfn eglwysig fel offeryn eciwmeniaeth fyd-eang ar y sail, er bod athrawiaethau Gall rannu Cristnogion, mae deddfau yn eu cysylltu â gweithredu cyffredin. Drafftiais yr egwyddorion i'w hystyried gan y panel ac i'w cynnwys yn ei Ddatganiad o Egwyddorion Cyfraith Gristnogol (Rhufain, 2016). Lansiwyd Datganiad Terfynol o Egwyddorion Cyfraith Gristnogol yn 11eg Cynulliad Cyngor Eglwysi'r Byd ym mis Medi 2022. Yn 2008 rhestrodd The Telegraph fi ymhlith y 50 Anglicaniaid mwyaf dylanwadol yn y byd - yn rhif 49! Yn y Llawlyfr Ymchwil ar Gyfraith a Chrefydd, a olygwyd gan Rex Adhar (Elgar, 2018), cefais fy rhestru yn y deg uchaf o ysgolheigion cyfraith a chrefydd ledled y byd - yn rhif 10. Yn 2020 cefais fy ethol yn gymrawd gwadd gwadd Clare Hall, Caergrawnt, fel cymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, ac fel cymrawd y Gymdeithas Hanes Frenhinol. Yn 2021 cefais fy ethol yn Fainc Academaidd y Deml Fewnol, Llundain. Yn 2023 cefais fy ethol i Gyngor Cymdeithas Selden. Yn 2024 cefais fy mhenodi'n Gwnsler Anrhydeddus y Brenin. Hefyd yn 2024 cefais fy ethol yn Gymrawd o'r Academi Brydeinig. Perfformiwyd fy nrama cyfraith ganon (2023), Thrice to Rome, am dri ymddangosiad Gerald o Gymru gerbron Llys Innocent III 1200-3 y Pab, ddwywaith yn Eglwys Gadeiriol Tyddewi, Cymru, ac yn Temple Church Llundain, ac mae disgwyl iddo gael ei pherfformio yn 2024 yng Nghaergaint, ac yn llys y Pab yn Rhufain.
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- Doe, C. N. 2008. An Anglican Covenant: Theological and legal considerations for a global debate. Norwich: Canterbury Press.
- Doe, C. N. 2008. The contribution of common principles of canon law to ecclesial communion in anglicanism. In: Doe, C. N. ed. The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion. London: Anglican Communion Office, pp. 97-112.
- Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2007. Religious exemptions in discrimination law. The Cambridge Law Journal 66(2), pp. 302-312. (10.1017/S0008197307000530)
- Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2007. Church-State relations in Europe. Religion Compass 1(5), pp. 561-578. (10.1111/j.1749-8171.2007.00040.x)
- Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2007. Order and canon law of the Church of England and Anglican Communion. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Doe, C. N., Sandberg, R. and Hill, M. 2006. The canon law of the Anglican communion: an emerging reality. Österreichisches Archiv für Recht & Religion 53(2), pp. 193-204.
- Doe, N. and Puza, R. eds. 2006. Religion and law in dialogue: covenantal and non-covenantal cooperation between state and religion in Europe. Leuven: Peeters.
- Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2006. The "state of the union", a canonical perspective: principles of canon law in the Anglican communion. Sewanee Theological Review 49(2), pp. 234-246.
- Doe, C. N. 2005. The Anglican covenant proposed by the Lambeth Commission. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 8(37), pp. 147-161. (10.1017/S0956618X00006219)
- Doe, C. N. 2005. Fifth Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers: London, 20–21 May 2004 [Conference Report]. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 8(36), pp. 99-100. (10.1017/S0956618X00006104)
- Doe, N., Conn, J. and Fox, J. O. P. eds. 2005. Initiation, membership and authority in Anglican and Roman Catholic canon law. Cardiff: Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University.
- Doe, C. N. 2004. The Church in Wales and the State: A Juridical Perspective. Journal of Anglican Studies 2(1), pp. 99-124. (10.1177/174035530400200110)
- Doe, C. N. 2004. A sociology of law on religion - towards a new discipline: legal responses to religious pluralism in Europe. Law and Justice 152, pp. 68-92.
- Doe, C. N. and Dias, N. 2004. Prosecutorial discretion and pre-trial processes: a comparison of standards in international law and canon law. Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 16, pp. 235-262.
- Doe, N. ed. 2004. The portrayal of religion in Europe: the media and the arts. Leuven: Peeters.
- Doe, N. 2004. Communion and autonomy in Anglicanism: nature and maintenance. Discussion Paper. The Lambeth Commission on Communion. Available at:
- Doe, N., Hill, M., Cranmer, F., Oliva, J. and Cianitto, C. 2004. Churches as public authorities, in the meaning of public authority under the Human Rights Act. Cardiff: Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff Law School.
- Doe, N. 2004. Religion and media in Europe: a comparative study. In: Doe, N. ed. The Portrayal of Religion in Europe: The Media and the Arts. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 287-315.
- Doe, C. N. 2003. The common Law of the Anglican communion. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 7(32), pp. 4-16. (10.1017/S0956618X00004907)
- Doe, C. N. 2003. Canon law and communion. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 3(1), pp. 85-117. (10.1080/14742250308574026)
- Doe, C. N. and Ombres, R. 2003. Il ministero sacro nel diritto della Comunione Anglicana e della Chiesa di Roma. Daimon: Annuario di Diritto Comprato delle Religioni(3), pp. 67-95.
- Doe, C. N. 2002. The law of the Church in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Doe, C. N. 2002. Canon law and communion. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 6(30), pp. 241-263. (10.1017/S0956618X0000449X)
- Doe, C. N. 2002. Canonical approaches to human rights in Anglican churches. In: Hill, M. ed. Religious Liberty and Human Rights. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 185-206.
- Doe, C. N. 2002. The notion of national church: a juridical framework. Law and Justice 149, pp. 77-91.
- Doe, C. N. and Oliva, J. G. 2002. The idea of national church in the United Kingdom and Spain: a comparative study. Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 14, pp. 1-22.
- Doe, N. and Nicholson, J. 2002. The relationship between society, state and church in the UK. In: Kämper, B. and Schlagheck, M. eds. Zwischen Nationaler Identität und Europäischer Harmonisierung: Zur Grundspannung des Zukünftigen Verhältnisses von Gesellschaft, Staat und Kirche in Europa. Staatskirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen Vol. 36. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 59-84.
- Doe, N. and Jeremy, A. 2001. Justifications for religious autonomy. In: O'Dair, R. and Lewis, A. eds. Law and Religion. Current Legal Issues Vol. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 421-442.
- Doe, C. N. 2001. Pour une première analyse de la notion d’Église nationale. L'Année Canonique 43, pp. 65-74.
- Doe, C. N. 2001. Un cadre analytique rudimentaire pour l'etude de la notion d'eEglise nationale: Royaume Uni. In: La Notion D'Eglises Nationales En Europe. Paris: Colloque sur les Eglises Nationales
- Doe, C. N. 2001. Church-state relations in the United Kingdom: mutual expectations and existing pre-conditions. Presented at: The unification of Europe and the relationship of society, state and church, Mulheim, Germany, 2001.
- Doe, C. N. 2001. Faithful discipleship: comparative canon law and clergy discipline. Presented at: Second colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic canon lawyers, Windsor Castle, United Kingdom, 31 May 2001.
- Doe, C. N., Oliva, J. G. and Acuna, S. 2000. La situación especial de la Iglesia en Gales: consideraciones jurídicas. Derecho y Opinión 8, pp. 319-328.
- Doe, C. N. 2000. Canon law and church property in the Anglican communion: An overview. In: Fox, J. ed. Render Unto Caesar: Church Property in Roman Catholic and Anglican Canon Law. Rome: Pontifican University of St Thomas Aquinas, pp. 38-56.
- Doe, C. N. and Ombres, R. 2000. Faithful discipleship: Comparative canon law and clergy discipline. In: Hill, M. ed. Faithful Discipleship: Clergy Discipline in Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Law. Cardiff: Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University, pp. 271-297.
- Doe, C. N. 1999. The principles of canon law: a focus of legal unity in Anglican - Roman Catholic relations. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 5(25), pp. 221-240. (10.1017/S0956618X00003586)
- Doe, C. N. 1998. The citizen, the believer and the law in the United Kingdom: England and Wales. Presented at: Citizens and Believers in the Countries of the European Union, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 12-15 November 1998. pp. 159-183.
- Doe, C. N. 1998. Canon law in the Anglican communion: a worldwide perspective. Oxford: The Clarendon Press.
- Doe, N., Hill, M. and Ombres, R. eds. 1998. English canon law: Essays in honour of Bishop Eric Kemp. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Doe, C. N. 1996. The legal framework of the Church of England: a critical study in a comparative context. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Doe, N. 1992. Essays in canon law: A study of the law of the Church in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Doe, C. N. 1990. Fundamental authority in late medieval English law. Cambridge Studies in English Legal History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Doe, N. 2024. Rediscovering Anglican priest-jurists: VI - Francis Mason (1566/7-1621). Ecclesiastical Law Journal 26(1), pp. 66-81. (10.1017/S0956618X23000492)
- Doe, N. 2023. ‘Legalists and moralists’ in the historic portrayal of the constitution of the Church of England. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 25(3), pp. 330-354. (10.1017/S0956618X23000285)
- Doe, N. 2023. Gerald of Wales (c. 1146–1223): A canonist rediscovered. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 25(2), pp. 192-210. (10.1017/S0956618X23000078)
- Doe, N. 2023. Ralph Lever (c. 1530-1585). Ecclesiastical Law Journal 25(1), pp. 66-80. (10.1017/S0956618X22000655)
- Doe, N. and Nikiforos, D. 2023. Rediscovering Anglican priest-jurists III: William Beveridge (1637–1708). Ecclesiastical Law Journal 23(1), pp. 82-99. (10.1017/S0956618X20000654)
- Doe, N. 2022. Pre-reformation Roman canon law in post-reformation English ecclesiastical law. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 24(3), pp. 273-294. (10.1017/S0956618X2200031X)
- Doe, N. 2022. Faith, freedom, and family: An introduction to the work of John Witte Jr.. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 24(2), pp. 175-191. (10.1017/S0956618X22000035)
- Doe, N. 2022. Rediscovering Anglican priest jurists IV: Robert Sanderson (1587-1663). Ecclesiastical Law Journal 24(1), pp. 68-86. (10.1017/S0956618X21000752)
- Doe, N. 2021. The Court of Arches: jurisdiction to jurisprudence – ‘entirely settled’?. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 23(3), pp. 322-341. (10.1017/S0956618X21000387)
- Doe, N. and Nikiforos, D. 2021. William Beveridge (1637-1708). Ecclesiastical Law Journal 23(1), pp. 82-99. (10.1017/S0956618X20000654)
- Doe, N. 2019. Rediscovering Anglican priest-jurists ii: Samuel Hallifax (1733-1790). Ecclesiastical Law Journal 22(1), pp. 49-66. (10.1017/S0956618X19001704)
- Doe, N. 2019. Rediscovering Anglican Priest-Jurists I: Robert Owen (1820-1902). Ecclesiastical Law Journal 21(1), pp. 54-68. (10.1017/S0956618X18000959)
- Hill, M. and Doe, C. 2017. Principles of Christian Law. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 19(2), pp. 138-155. (10.1017/S0956618X17000035)
- Doe, N. 2017. The category 'legal theology' and the study of Christian laws. Journal of Law and Religion 32(1), pp. 1-7. (10.1017/jlr.2017.13)
- Doe, N. 2015. The ecumenical value of comparative church law: towards the category of Christian law. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 17(2), pp. 135-169. (10.1017/S0956618X15000034)
- Sandberg, R., Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2012. Britain's religious tribunals: 'joint governance' in practice. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33(2), pp. 263-291. (10.1093/ojls/gqs031)
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2012. The role of religious tribunals in regulating marriage and divorce. Child and Family Law Quarterly 24(2), pp. 139-157.
- Doe, C. N. 2012. Juridical ecumenism. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 14(2), pp. 195-234. (10.1017/S0956618X12000038)
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Marriage and Divorce in Religious Courts: A Case Study. Family Law 41, pp. 956-961.
- Doe, C. N. 2010. The Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus: An Anglican juridical perspective. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 12(3), pp. 304-323. (10.1017/S0956618X10000426)
- Doe, C. N. et al. 2009. A decade of ecumenical dialogue on canon law. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 11(3), pp. 284-328. (10.1017/S0956618X09990068)
- Doe, C. N. 2008. Setting the Law on Anglicans. Church Times 7583, pp. 19-21.
- Doe, C. N. 2008. The contribution of common principles of canon law to ecclesial communion in Anglicanism. International journal for the Study of the Christian Church 8(2), pp. 93-111. (10.1080/14742250801930806)
- Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2008. The Changing Criminal Law on Religion. Law and Justice 161, pp. 88-97.
- Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2008. The strange death of blasphemy. Modern Law Review 71(6), pp. 971-986. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2008.00723.x)
- Harlow, A., Cranmer, F. and Doe, C. N. 2008. Bishops in the House of Lords: a critical analysis. Public Law(Autumn), pp. 490-509.
- Doe, C. N. 2008. The first ten years of the Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 10(2), pp. 222-233. (10.1017/S0956618X08001245)
- Doe, C. N. 2008. Protestantism in Europe: juridical perspectives. Derecho y Religion 3, pp. 91-107.
- Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2007. Religious exemptions in discrimination law. The Cambridge Law Journal 66(2), pp. 302-312. (10.1017/S0008197307000530)
- Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2007. Church-State relations in Europe. Religion Compass 1(5), pp. 561-578. (10.1111/j.1749-8171.2007.00040.x)
- Doe, C. N., Sandberg, R. and Hill, M. 2006. The canon law of the Anglican communion: an emerging reality. Österreichisches Archiv für Recht & Religion 53(2), pp. 193-204.
- Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2006. The "state of the union", a canonical perspective: principles of canon law in the Anglican communion. Sewanee Theological Review 49(2), pp. 234-246.
- Doe, C. N. 2005. The Anglican covenant proposed by the Lambeth Commission. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 8(37), pp. 147-161. (10.1017/S0956618X00006219)
- Doe, C. N. 2005. Fifth Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers: London, 20–21 May 2004 [Conference Report]. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 8(36), pp. 99-100. (10.1017/S0956618X00006104)
- Doe, C. N. 2004. The Church in Wales and the State: A Juridical Perspective. Journal of Anglican Studies 2(1), pp. 99-124. (10.1177/174035530400200110)
- Doe, C. N. 2004. A sociology of law on religion - towards a new discipline: legal responses to religious pluralism in Europe. Law and Justice 152, pp. 68-92.
- Doe, C. N. and Dias, N. 2004. Prosecutorial discretion and pre-trial processes: a comparison of standards in international law and canon law. Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 16, pp. 235-262.
- Doe, C. N. 2003. The common Law of the Anglican communion. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 7(32), pp. 4-16. (10.1017/S0956618X00004907)
- Doe, C. N. 2003. Canon law and communion. International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 3(1), pp. 85-117. (10.1080/14742250308574026)
- Doe, C. N. and Ombres, R. 2003. Il ministero sacro nel diritto della Comunione Anglicana e della Chiesa di Roma. Daimon: Annuario di Diritto Comprato delle Religioni(3), pp. 67-95.
- Doe, C. N. 2002. Canon law and communion. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 6(30), pp. 241-263. (10.1017/S0956618X0000449X)
- Doe, C. N. 2002. The notion of national church: a juridical framework. Law and Justice 149, pp. 77-91.
- Doe, C. N. and Oliva, J. G. 2002. The idea of national church in the United Kingdom and Spain: a comparative study. Sri Lanka Journal of International Law 14, pp. 1-22.
- Doe, C. N. 2001. Pour une première analyse de la notion d’Église nationale. L'Année Canonique 43, pp. 65-74.
- Doe, C. N., Oliva, J. G. and Acuna, S. 2000. La situación especial de la Iglesia en Gales: consideraciones jurídicas. Derecho y Opinión 8, pp. 319-328.
- Doe, C. N. 1999. The principles of canon law: a focus of legal unity in Anglican - Roman Catholic relations. Ecclesiastical Law Journal 5(25), pp. 221-240. (10.1017/S0956618X00003586)
Book sections
- Doe, N. 2024. The ecclesiastical law and religious pluralism: 1760-1837. In: Doe, N. and Coleman, S. eds. The Legal History of the Church of England: From the Reformation to the Present. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 135-151., (10.5040/
- Doe, N. 2023. Protestant Church Laws. In: Witte Jr., J. and Domingo, R. eds. The Oxford Handbook on Christianity and Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 569–580., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197606759.013.41)
- Doe, N. 2023. The principles of Christian law. In: Doe, N. and Nikiforos, D. eds. Legal Thought and Eastern Orthodox Christianity: The Addresses of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. London: Routledge, pp. 20-28.
- Doe, N. and Cranmer, F. 2022. Religion and law in the European Union. In: Davie, G. and Leustean, L. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Europe. Oxford University Press, pp. 307-322.
- Doe, N. 2020. Religious freedom: Christian perspectives. In: Hill, M. et al. eds. Routledge Handbook of Freedom of Religion or Belief. London: Routledge, (10.4324/9780203732625)
- Doe, N. 2020. The evolution of the principles of Christian law. In: Doe, C. ed. Church Laws and Ecumenism: A New Path for Christian Unity. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 6-27., (10.4324/9781003084273)
- Doe, N. 2020. The nature of sin and crime: spiritual and civil jurisdictions compared. In: Doe, C. et al. eds. Christianity and Criminal Law. London: Routledge, pp. 97-115., (10.4324/9781003015260)
- Doe, N. 2020. The constitution of the church. In: Doe, N. ed. A New History of the Church in Wales: Governance and Ministry, Theology and Society. Cambridge University Press
- Doe, N. 2019. Christian law: dynamics of belonging and status. In: Ferrari, S. and Bottoni, R. eds. Routledge Handbook of Religious Laws. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 168-183.
- Doe, N. 2019. Christian law perspectives: the legal other. In: Ferrari, S. and Bottoni, R. eds. Routledge Handbook of Religious Laws. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 301-318.
- Doe, N. 2019. Ministers and employment law. In: Percy, M. et al. eds. The Study of Ministry: A Comprehensive Survey of Theory and Best Practice. SPCK, pp. 587-598.
- Doe, N. 2019. Canon Law in global Anglicanism. In: Percy, M. et al. eds. The Study of Ministry: A Comprehensive Survey of Theory and Best Practice. SPCK, pp. 599-611.
- Doe, N. 2018. Cathedrals. In: Hill, M. ed. Ecclesiastical Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 255-286.
- Doe, N. and Deadman, R. 2018. The resolutions of the Lambeth Conference and the laws of Anglican Churches. In: Avis, P. and Guyer, B. M. eds. The Lambeth Conference: Theology, History, Polity and Purpose. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 259-296.
- Doe, N. 2017. Richard Hooker: Priest and Jurist. In: Hill, M. and Helmholz, R. H. eds. Great Christian Jurists in English History. Cambridge Studies in Law and Christianity Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 115-138., (10.1017/9781108125901.008)
- Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2017. Religion law and religious law. In: Doe, C. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Religion.., Vol. 1. Critical Concepts in Law Routledge, pp. 1-21.
- Doe, C. N. 2017. Natural law in an interfaith context: the Abrahamic religions. In: Doe, C. N. ed. Christianity and Natural Law: An Introduction. Cambridge Studies in Law and Christianity Cambridge University Press, pp. 184-204., (10.1017/9781316890615.011)
- Sandberg, R. and Doe, N. 2016. Textual and contextual legal history. In: Doe, N. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and History., Vol. 1. Critical Concepts in Law Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 1-27.
- Doe, C. N. 2015. Canon Law. In: Chapman, M. D., Clarke, S. and Percy, M. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Anglican Studies. Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology Oxford University Press, pp. 527-541.
- Doe, N. and Pulleyn, S. 2015. The durability of maxims of canon law: from regulae iuris to canonical principles. In: Harris, T. L. ed. Studies in Canon Law and Common Law in Honor of R. H. Helmholz. Studies in Comparative Legal History Berkeley, CA: The Robbins Collection, pp. 303-336.
- Doe, C. N. 2015. The still small voice of Magna Carta in Christian law today. In: Griffith-Jones, R. and Hill, M. eds. Magna Carta, Religion and the Rule of Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 229-247., (10.1017/CBO9781316178164.014)
- Doe, C. N. 2015. The training of ministers of religion in the United Kingdom. In: Messner, F. ed. Public Authorities and the Training of Religious Personnel in Europe. Granada: Editorial Comares, pp. 217-240.
- Douglas, G., Sandberg, R., Doe, N., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2014. Religious divorce in England and Wales: religious tribunals in action. In: Shah, P., Foblets, M. and Rohe, M. eds. Family, Religion and Law: Cultural encounters in Europe. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 195-208.
- Hill, M., Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2014. Religion and law in the United Kingdom. In: Torfs, R. ed. International Encyclopaedia of Laws, 2nd edition. International Encyclopaedia of Laws Series Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International
- Doe, C. N. 2014. Religion and public schools in the States of Europe: a juridical overview. In: Cano Ruiz, I. ed. La Enseñanza de la Religión en la Escuela Pública. Granada, pp. 375-380.
- Doe, C. 2014. The State from the perspective of religious laws: a global approach with particular reference to Christianity. In: Balzs, S. ed. Religious Understandings of the State in Europe, Proceedings of the European Consortium for Church and State Research. Trier : Institute for European Constitutional Law, University of Trier on behalf of the European Consortium for Church and State Research, pp. 261-300.
- Doe, C. N. 2013. The Instruments of unity and communion in global Anglicanism. In: Markham, I. S. et al. eds. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Anglican Communion. The Wiley-Blackwell Companions to Religion Chichester: Wiley, pp. 45-66., (10.1002/9781118320815.ch4)
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Sandberg, R., Gilliat-Ray, S. and Khan, A. 2013. Accommodating religious divorce in the secular state: A case study analysis. In: Maclean, M. and Eekelaar, J. eds. Managing Family Justice in Diverse Societies. Onati International Series in Law and Society Vol. 1. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 185-201.
- Doe, C. N., Sandberg, R. and Cranmer, F. 2013. Religion and criminal law in the United Kingdom. In: Kotiranta, M. and Doe, C. N. eds. Religion and Criminal Law - Religion et Droit Pénal. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 261-288.
- Sandberg, R., Cranmer, F., Hill, M., Doe, C. N. and Oliva, J. 2010. Religion-government relations. In: Melton, J. G. and Baumann, M. eds. Religions of the World: a Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices. 2nd ed.., Vol. 5. California: ABC-CLIO, pp. 2397-2401.
- Hill, M., Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2010. Ecclesiastical law entries. In: Greenberg, D. ed. Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law. 3rd ed.. London: Sweet & Maxwell
- Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2010. Conclusion: new horizons. In: Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Religion: New Horizons. Law and Religion Studies Vol. 7. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 315.
- Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2010. Introduction. In: Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Religion: New Horizons. Law and Religion Studies Vol. 7. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 9-12.
- Hill, M., Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2010. Religion law: United Kingdom. In: Torfs, R. ed. International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Religion. International Encyclopaedia of Laws Series London: Kluwer Law
- Doe, C. N. 2010. The concept of Christian law – a case study: concepts of 'a Church' in a comparative and ecumenical context. In: Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. eds. Law and Religion: New Horizons. Law and Religion Studies Vol. 7. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 243-274.
- Doe, C. N. and Sandberg, R. 2010. Diritto e ordinamento delle Chiesa d'Inghilterra e della comunione Anglicana. In: Melloni, A. ed. Dizionario del sapere storico-religioso del Novecento., Vol. 1. Bologna: Societa Editrice Il Mulino, pp. 740-749.
- Doe, C. N. 2009. Theological education in Anglicanism: global policy and its canonical dimensions. In: Doe, C. N. ed. The formation and ordination of clergy in Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Law. Cardiff: Centre for Law and Religion, pp. 91-102.
- Doe, C. N. 2009. Inter-church and inter-faith marriages in Anglican canon law. In: Doe, C. N. ed. Marriage in Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Law. Cardiff: Centre for Law and Religion, pp. 95-115.
- Ombres, R. and Doe, C. N. 2009. The ministry of clergy in Anglican and Roman Catholic canon law. In: Doe, C. N. ed. The Formation and Ordination of Clergy in Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Law. Cardiff: Centre for Law and Religion, pp. 5-24.
- Doe, C. N. 2008. Modern church law. In: Witte, J. J. and Alexander, F. S. eds. Christianity and Law: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 271-291.
- Doe, C. N. 2008. Common principles of canon law in Anglicanism. In: Stevenson, K. ed. A Fallible Church: Lambeth Essays. London: Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd, pp. 86-121.
- Doe, C. N. 2008. The contribution of common principles of canon law to ecclesial communion in anglicanism. In: Doe, C. N. ed. The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion. London: Anglican Communion Office, pp. 97-112.
- Doe, N. 2004. Religion and media in Europe: a comparative study. In: Doe, N. ed. The Portrayal of Religion in Europe: The Media and the Arts. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 287-315.
- Doe, C. N. 2002. Canonical approaches to human rights in Anglican churches. In: Hill, M. ed. Religious Liberty and Human Rights. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 185-206.
- Doe, N. and Nicholson, J. 2002. The relationship between society, state and church in the UK. In: Kämper, B. and Schlagheck, M. eds. Zwischen Nationaler Identität und Europäischer Harmonisierung: Zur Grundspannung des Zukünftigen Verhältnisses von Gesellschaft, Staat und Kirche in Europa. Staatskirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen Vol. 36. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 59-84.
- Doe, N. and Jeremy, A. 2001. Justifications for religious autonomy. In: O'Dair, R. and Lewis, A. eds. Law and Religion. Current Legal Issues Vol. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 421-442.
- Doe, C. N. 2001. Un cadre analytique rudimentaire pour l'etude de la notion d'eEglise nationale: Royaume Uni. In: La Notion D'Eglises Nationales En Europe. Paris: Colloque sur les Eglises Nationales
- Doe, C. N. 2000. Canon law and church property in the Anglican communion: An overview. In: Fox, J. ed. Render Unto Caesar: Church Property in Roman Catholic and Anglican Canon Law. Rome: Pontifican University of St Thomas Aquinas, pp. 38-56.
- Doe, C. N. and Ombres, R. 2000. Faithful discipleship: Comparative canon law and clergy discipline. In: Hill, M. ed. Faithful Discipleship: Clergy Discipline in Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Law. Cardiff: Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University, pp. 271-297.
- Hill, M., Sandberg, R., Doe, C. and Grout, C. 2021. Religion and law in the United Kingdom [3rd Edition]. International Encyclopaedia of Laws Vol. 3rd ed. Kluwler Law.
- Sandberg, R. et al. eds. 2019. Research handbook on interdisciplinary approaches to law and religion. Edward Elgar.
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- Doe, C. N. 2001. Faithful discipleship: comparative canon law and clergy discipline. Presented at: Second colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic canon lawyers, Windsor Castle, United Kingdom, 31 May 2001.
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- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Social cohesion and religious law: marriage, divorce and religious courts. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff Law School.
- Douglas, G., Doe, C. N., Gilliat-Ray, S., Sandberg, R. and Khan, A. 2011. Social cohesion and civil law: marriage, divorce and religious courts. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Doe, C. N. 2010. The Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus: an Anglican juridical perspective. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Sandberg, R. and Doe, C. N. 2007. Order and canon law of the Church of England and Anglican Communion. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Doe, N. 2004. Communion and autonomy in Anglicanism: nature and maintenance. Discussion Paper. The Lambeth Commission on Communion. Available at:
- Doe, N., Hill, M., Cranmer, F., Oliva, J. and Cianitto, C. 2004. Churches as public authorities, in the meaning of public authority under the Human Rights Act. Cardiff: Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff Law School.
My principal research interests are Anglican canon law, comparative church law, law and religion, and the history of ecclesiastical law. I have authored nine books, co-authored one, and edited over twenty. My book Canon Law in the Anglican Communion (Oxford, 1998) was the basis of the document The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion (2008), agreed by the Anglican Communion Legal Advisers Network and launched at the Lambeth Conference of 2008. My book Christian Law: Contemporary Principles (Cambridge, 2013) was the basis of a Statement of Principles of Christian Law (2016), issued by an ecumenical panel, and currently being fed into the work of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches. My current research is for a book on the history of English ecclesiastical law since the Reformation, a series of articles on the work of clergy jurists also since the Reformation which is published in the Ecclesiastical Law Journal. I am also involved in various netwroks of the Cardiff Centre for Law and Religion, including the Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Cathoilic Canon Lawyers and the newly formed Church Law History Network.
I am the course director of the LLM in Canon Law at Cardiff School of Law and Politics.
Rwy'n athro'r gyfraith yn Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth, Prifysgol Caerdydd, lle rwyf hefyd yn cyfarwyddo'r LLM mewn Cyfraith Canon a Chanolfan y Gyfraith a Chrefydd. Yng Nghaerdydd rwyf wedi gwasanaethu fel Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil REF 2014. Rwyf wedi bod yn gymrawd ymweliad/ssialar mewn sawl coleg yn Rhydychen, ac ers 1999 rwyf wedi bod yn athro gwadd ym Mhrifysgol Paris, yn dysgu cyfraith canon Anglicanaidd ar y Rhaglen Gratianus ddoethurol. Ers 2012 rwyf wedi bod yn Ganghellor Esgobaeth Bangor, yn yr Eglwys yng Nghymru lle rwy'n gwasanaethu fel barnwr llys consistori'r esgobaeth. Roeddwn yn Llywydd y Consortiwm Ewropeaidd ar gyfer Ymchwil yr Eglwys a'r Wladwriaeth yn 2010. Rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn ymgynghorydd mewn cyfraith canon i Rwydwaith Cynghorwyr Cyfreithiol y Cymundeb Anglicanaidd byd-eang a Chynhadledd Lambeth 2008, ac yn 2003-2004 ar Gomisiwn Lambeth a gynhyrchodd Adroddiad Windsor yn 2004. Rwyf hefyd yn Feistr y Fainc yn y Deml Fewnol. Yn 2023 cefais fy ethol i Gyngor Cymdeithas Selden. Yn 2024 cefais fy mhenodi'n Gwnsler y Brenin er anrhydedd ac fe'm hetholwyd yn Gymrawd yr Academi Brydeinig.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol