Mae gen i gefndir rhyngddisgyblaethol ar ôl cwblhau fy Magister Artium mewn Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Prydain, Economeg a'r Gyfraith yn yr Almaen. Bûm yn gweithio ar brosiectau ymchwil mewn hanes diwylliannol ac amgylcheddol ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham a'r National Forest Co., a chwblhau fy PhD mewn Cymdeithaseg cyn ymuno ag Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd yn 2012.
Rwy'n cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau ymchwil i ddeall rheoleiddio llywodraeth leol. Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil eraill yn canolbwyntio ar gysylltiadau cymdeithas y wladwriaeth yng nghyd-destun datblygiad economaidd mewn economïau aeddfed a datblygol fel ei gilydd.
- Reynolds, L., Peattie, K., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2024. There’s a time and place: Navigating omni-temporality in the place branding process. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114308. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114308)
- Reynolds, L., Doering, H., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Peattie, K. 2023. Engagement and estrangement: A "tale of two cities" for Bristol’s green branding. European Journal of Marketing 57(9), pp. 2432-2458. (10.1108/EJM-08-2021-0602)
- Entwistle, T. and Doering, H. 2023. Amoral Management and the Normalisation of Deviance: The Case of Stafford Hospital. Journal of Business Ethics (10.1007/s10551-023-05445-6)
- Doering, H., Barros, A., Gomes, M. and Rodrigues, C. 2023. Populist ‘Order and Progress’: authoritarianism and loyal business elites in Brazil. In: Morgan, G. and Feldmann, M. eds. Business and Populism: The Odd Couple?. Oxford University Press, pp. 223-242., (10.1093/oso/9780192894335.003.0011)
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N., Doering, H. and Peattie, K. 2022. Competing for legitimacy in the place branding process: (re)negotiating the stakes. Tourism Management 91, article number: 104532. (10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104532)
- Doering, H., Downe, J., Elraz, H. and Martin, S. 2021. Organizational identity threats and aspirations in reputation management. Public Management Review 23(3), pp. 376-396. (10.1080/14719037.2019.1679234)
- Morgan, G., Doering, H. and Gomes, M. 2021. Extending varieties of capitalism to emerging economies: what can we learn from Brazil?. New Political Economy 26(4), pp. 540-553. (10.1080/13563467.2020.1807485)
- Doering, H., Santos, R. S. P. d. and Pocher, E. 2017. New developmentalism in Brazil? The need for sectoral analysis. Review of International Political Economy 24(2), pp. 332-362. (10.1080/09692290.2016.1273841)
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2017. Questioning the rhetoric of inclusivity in the co-creation of city brands through Bourdieu's field-capital lens. Presented at: Institute of Place Management 4th International Biennial Conference, Manchester, UK, 7-8 Sep 2017.
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2017. Struggling for legitimacy in the city branding process: an application of Bourdieu’s field-capital theory to the co-creation of the city brand identity. Presented at: 4th Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places 2017, Corfu, Greece, 24-27 April 2017.
- Doering, H., Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Sustainable varieties of capitalism: greening steelwork in Brazil and Germany. Presented at: 24th International Labour Process Conference, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 April 2016.
- Doering, H., Downe, J. and Martin, S. 2015. Regulating public services: How public managers respond to external performance assessment. Public Administration Review 75(6), pp. 867-877. (10.1111/puar.12400)
- Doering, H., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2015. Sustainable varieties of capitalism? The greening of steel work in Brazil and Germany. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 70(4), pp. 621-644. (10.7202/1034897ar)
- Doering, H. 2014. Competing visions of community: empowerment and abandonment in the governance of coalfield regeneration. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38(3), pp. 1003-1018. (10.1111/1468-2427.12035)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Doering, H., Barros, A., Gomes, M. and Rodrigues, C. 2023. Populist ‘Order and Progress’: authoritarianism and loyal business elites in Brazil. In: Morgan, G. and Feldmann, M. eds. Business and Populism: The Odd Couple?. Oxford University Press, pp. 223-242., (10.1093/oso/9780192894335.003.0011)
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2017. Questioning the rhetoric of inclusivity in the co-creation of city brands through Bourdieu's field-capital lens. Presented at: Institute of Place Management 4th International Biennial Conference, Manchester, UK, 7-8 Sep 2017.
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2017. Struggling for legitimacy in the city branding process: an application of Bourdieu’s field-capital theory to the co-creation of the city brand identity. Presented at: 4th Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places 2017, Corfu, Greece, 24-27 April 2017.
- Doering, H., Evans, C. and Stroud, D. 2016. Sustainable varieties of capitalism: greening steelwork in Brazil and Germany. Presented at: 24th International Labour Process Conference, Berlin, Germany, 4-6 April 2016.
- Reynolds, L., Peattie, K., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Doering, H. 2024. There’s a time and place: Navigating omni-temporality in the place branding process. Journal of Business Research 170, article number: 114308. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114308)
- Reynolds, L., Doering, H., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Peattie, K. 2023. Engagement and estrangement: A "tale of two cities" for Bristol’s green branding. European Journal of Marketing 57(9), pp. 2432-2458. (10.1108/EJM-08-2021-0602)
- Entwistle, T. and Doering, H. 2023. Amoral Management and the Normalisation of Deviance: The Case of Stafford Hospital. Journal of Business Ethics (10.1007/s10551-023-05445-6)
- Reynolds, L., Koenig-Lewis, N., Doering, H. and Peattie, K. 2022. Competing for legitimacy in the place branding process: (re)negotiating the stakes. Tourism Management 91, article number: 104532. (10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104532)
- Doering, H., Downe, J., Elraz, H. and Martin, S. 2021. Organizational identity threats and aspirations in reputation management. Public Management Review 23(3), pp. 376-396. (10.1080/14719037.2019.1679234)
- Morgan, G., Doering, H. and Gomes, M. 2021. Extending varieties of capitalism to emerging economies: what can we learn from Brazil?. New Political Economy 26(4), pp. 540-553. (10.1080/13563467.2020.1807485)
- Doering, H., Santos, R. S. P. d. and Pocher, E. 2017. New developmentalism in Brazil? The need for sectoral analysis. Review of International Political Economy 24(2), pp. 332-362. (10.1080/09692290.2016.1273841)
- Doering, H., Downe, J. and Martin, S. 2015. Regulating public services: How public managers respond to external performance assessment. Public Administration Review 75(6), pp. 867-877. (10.1111/puar.12400)
- Doering, H., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2015. Sustainable varieties of capitalism? The greening of steel work in Brazil and Germany. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 70(4), pp. 621-644. (10.7202/1034897ar)
- Doering, H. 2014. Competing visions of community: empowerment and abandonment in the governance of coalfield regeneration. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38(3), pp. 1003-1018. (10.1111/1468-2427.12035)
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Y wladwriaeth leol: ei rôl, ei pherfformiad a'i reoleiddio
- Datblygu Economaidd: mewn economïau aeddfed a datblygol (ESP. yn America Ladin)
- Newid natur cyfalafiaeth
Diddordebau ymchwil goruchwylio PhD
- Newid natur cyfalafiaeth
- Datblygiad economaidd: mewn economïau aeddfed a datblygol (ESP. yn America Ladin)
- Y wladwriaeth leol: ei rôl, ei pherfformiad a'i reoleiddio
- PhD mewn Cymdeithaseg, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- MA mewn Astudiaethau Diwylliannol Prydain, Prifysgol Technische Dresden, Yr Almaen
- MSc Dulliau Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Aelod o Goleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid ESRC
Contact Details
+44 29208 70805
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+44 29208 70805
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