Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Shane Doheny

Dr Shane Doheny

Cydymaith Ymchwil

















  • Powell, M., Doheny, S., Greener, I. and Mills, N. 2009. Introduction: Managing the 'unmanageable consumer'. In: Simmons, R., Powell, M. and Greener, I. eds. The Consumer in Public Services: Choice, Values and Difference. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 1-18.


Adrannau llyfrau




I am a researcher with long standing research interests in knowledge, ethics, citizenship, ageing, medical sociology, and citical theory. I began my research career in social policy, and have gained a great deal of experience through work in health policy, management research, human geography, the sociology of ageing, and in the sociology of medicine.

My current work is on how patients make decisions about genetic and prenatal tests, when the outcome of the test will be of more use to the patient than for clinical management of the condition. This involves research in genetics, pre-natal care focusing on the use of knowledge and on ethics in patient decision making.

My continuing interest in knowledge, ethics and decision making takes me in various new directions. The context changes, but the issues remain, hence my continuing interest in critical theory as a forum for exploring the meaning and implications of empirical insights.

Much of my work involves the use of novel research methods to explore research issues. Hence in recent years, I have been using a combination of clinical ethnographies and of personal diaries as a way of documenting experience.


Dechreuais fy ngyrfa ymchwil gyda ffocws mewn theori a'r empirig. Cwblheais fy MA mewn Cymdeithaseg yn Cork, gan ganolbwyntio ar foeseg disgwrs Habermas ac yna dechreuais fy rôl gyntaf fel cynorthwyydd ymchwil yn Luton gan gynnal astudiaeth fach o dai a digartrefedd. Mae fy ngyrfa wedi dod â mi i weithio mewn ystod eang o adrannau, ond rwyf bob amser wedi cynnal fy ymrwymiadau i ymgysylltu â data empirig gan gofio rôl a mewnwelediadau athroniaeth a theori gymdeithasol.

Rwyf wedi cael y fraint o weithio ar ystod eang o brosiectau ymchwil mawr ac ysgogol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys prosiect fel rhan o raglen Cultures of Consumption ESRC, y Tir Llwyd a Dymunol? prosiect Ailgysylltu yn y prif ffrydio geneteg prosiect a gweithredu fel cydymaith ymchwil ar brosiect Cronfa Her Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd. Roeddwn i'n gyd-ymchwilydd ar brosiect ESRC o'r enw Fframio taflwybrau gwneud penderfyniadau mewn Profion Genetig a Genomig Rhagfynegol a Cyn-geni. 

Mae fy ngwaith presennol yn canolbwyntio ar y Rhwystrau a'r Hwyluswyr i Brif ffrydio Genomeg yn y GIG. 

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

  • “Technologies of Prognostication and the Communication of Uncertainty in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit”, Welsh Government, (£10,634), Named researcher, 01/03/19 – 31/08/19
  • “The UK/Japan Genetics and Genomics Research Network”, ESRC/EPSRC, (£38,183), Principal Investigator, 01/02/19 – 31/05/20
  • “Technologies of Prognostication and the Communication of Uncertainty in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit”, Elizabeth Blackwell Institute, Bristol University, (£833,15), Named collaborator, 01/05/19 – 31/08/19
  • “Framing the trajectories of decision-making in the context of predictive and prenatal genetic and genomic tests”, ESRC, Co-Investigator, 01/02/18 – 31/01/21
  • “Independent Review on the Commissioning and Provision of Social Services to Older People in the City & County of Swansea”, Sponsor: City and County of Swansea (£26,000), co principal investigator with Dr Rod Hick, Duration: 1/6/14 – 31/8/14
  • “Ordinary environmentalism: Community gardening in urban places”, (£8,500), named researcher on a bid for college research funds, Cardiff University
  • “Civil society and the public sphere in the environment of a transformed healthcare system” Sponsor: Welsh Assembly Government (£9,992), principal investigator, Duration: 01/10/2010 - 28/02/2011

Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol

  • 2018 – present Research Associate, Institute for Medical Genetics, Cardiff University
  • 2017 – 2018  Research Associate, WISERD, Cardiff University
  • 2015 – 2017  Research Associate, Institute for Medical Genetics, Cardiff University
  • 2014 – 2015  Higher Research Officer, National Assembly for Wales
  • 2014 – 2014  Independent research consultant
  • 2010 – 2014  Research Associate – School of Planning and Geography, Cardiff University
  • 2007 – 2010  Research Officer/Assistant Lecturer – School of Health Sciences, SwanseaUniversity.
  • 2004 – 2006  Research Assistant/Assistant Lecturer – Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath
  • 2002 – 2004  Research Assistant - Management Research Centre, University of Bristol

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