Yr Athro James Downe
Athro Polisi Cyhoeddus a Rheolaeth, Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil, WCPP
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae James yn Athro Polisi Cyhoeddus a Rheolaeth yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ac yn Gyfarwyddwr Ymchwil yng Nghanolfan Polisi Cyhoeddus Cymru. Mae'r Ganolfan yn cefnogi'r llywodraeth a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus i gael mynediad, dehongli a chymhwyso tystiolaeth sy'n gwella llunio a darparu polisïau. Mae ei ddiddordebau ymchwil presennol mewn llunio polisïau sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, cyfundrefnau perfformiad llywodraeth leol, atebolrwydd gwleidyddol, gwelliant dan arweiniad y sector, ymddiriedaeth y cyhoedd ac ymddygiad moesegol gwleidyddion lleol.
Mae ganddo dros ugain mlynedd o brofiad o gynnal gwerthusiadau ar bolisi llywodraeth leol ar gyfer llywodraeth leol ac mae wedi cyhoeddi'n eang mewn cyfnodolion gan gynnwys: Public Administration Review, Public Administration, Policy & Politics, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Public Management Review ac International Review of Administrative Sciences.
- Durrant, H., Havers, R., Downe, J. and Martin, S. 2024. Improving evidence use: A systematic scoping review of local models of knowledge mobilisation. Evidence and Policy 20(3), pp. 370-392. (10.1332/174426421X16905563871215)
- Piddington, G., MacKillop, E. and Downe, J. 2024. Do policy actors have different views of what constitutes evidence in policy-making?. Policy and Politics 52(2), pp. 239-258. (10.1332/03055736Y2024D000000032)
- Royo, S., Bello, B., Torres, L. and Downe, J. 2024. The success of e-participation. Learning lessons from Decide Madrid and We asked, You said, We did in Scotland. Policy & Internet 16(1), pp. 65-82. (10.1002/poi3.363)
- MacKillop, E., Connell, A., Downe, J. and Durrant, H. 2023. Making sense of knowledge-brokering organisations: Boundary organisations or policy entrepreneurs?. Science and Public Policy 50(6), pp. 950-960. (10.1093/scipol/scad029)
- Connell, A., Downe, J., Durrant, H., MacKillop, E. and Martin, S. 2023. Externalising policy advice within subnational governments. Policy and Politics 51(4), pp. 628-646. (10.1332/030557321X16883943592187)
- Breaugh, J. et al. 2023. Deconstructing complexity: A comparative study of government collaboration in national digital platforms and smart city networks in Europe. Public Policy and Administration (10.1177/09520767231169401)
- MacKillop, E. and Downe, J. 2023. Knowledge brokering organisations: A new way of governing evidence. Evidence and Policy 19(1), pp. 22-41. (10.1332/174426421X16445093010411)
- Hansen, M. P. et al. 2022. Accounting for what and to whom? Accountability tensions in collaborations addressing long-term unemployment. Social Policy and Administration 56(7), pp. 1156-1171. (10.1111/spol.12846)
- MacKillop, E. and Downe, J. 2022. What counts as evidence for policy? An analysis of policy actors' perceptions. Public Administration Review (10.1111/puar.13567)
- Peixoto Vale Gomes, L., Downe, J. and Roberts, M. 2022. Reform of electoral law and practice. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://www.wcpp.org.uk/publication/reform-of-electoral-law-and-practice/
- Bello, B. and Downe, J. 2022. We asked, you said, we did: assessing the drivers and effectiveness of an e-participation practice in Scotland. In: Randma-Liiv, T. and Lember, V. eds. Engaging Citizens in Policy Making: e-Participation Practices in Europe. Edward Elgar, pp. 26-39., (10.4337/9781800374362)
- Taylor-Collins, E. and Downe, J. 2022. The local government response to austerity in a small devolved country: the case of Wales. Local Government Studies 48(5), pp. 929-950. (10.1080/03003930.2021.1996357)
- Andrews, R., Bello, B., Downe, J., Martin, S. and Walker, R. 2021. The motivations for the adoption of management innovation by local governments and its performance effects. Public Administration Review 81(4), pp. 625-637. (10.1111/puar.13375)
- Doering, H., Downe, J., Elraz, H. and Martin, S. 2021. Organizational identity threats and aspirations in reputation management. Public Management Review 23(3), pp. 376-396. (10.1080/14719037.2019.1679234)
- Bowen, K., Bristow, D., Taylor-Collins, E. and Downe, J. 2021. Connecting communities: Building relationships. Summary document. Project Report. [Online]. Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/NIHR132734
- MacKillop, E., Quarmby, S. and Downe, J. 2020. Does knowledge brokering facilitate evidence-based policy? A review of existing knowledge and an agenda for future research. Policy and Politics 48(2), pp. 335-353. (10.1332/030557319X15740848311069)
- Bellò, B., Downe, J., Andrews, R. and Martin, S. 2018. Does austerity drive public service innovation? Evidence from shared senior management teams in local government. Public Money & Management 38, pp. 131-138. (10.1080/09540962.2018.1407161)
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Downe, J. and Martin, S. 2018. Defining, achieving and evaluating collaborative outcomes: a theory of change approach. Public Management Review 20(10), pp. 1562-1580. (10.1080/14719037.2017.1383782)
- Entwistle, T., Guarneros-Meza, V., Martin, S. and Downe, J. 2016. Reframing governance: competition, fatalism and autonomy in central-local relations. Public Administration 94(4), pp. 897-914. (10.1111/padm.12210)
- Downe, J., Cowell, R. and Morgan, K. 2016. What determines ethical behavior in public organizations: is it rules and/or leadership?. Public Administration Review 76(6), pp. 898-909. (10.1111/puar.12562)
- Huxley, K., Andrews, R. W., Downe, J. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2016. Administrative traditions and citizen participation in public policy: a comparative study of France, Germany, the UK and Norway. Policy and Politics 44(3), pp. 383-402. (10.1332/030557315X14298700857974)
- Andrews, R., Guarneros-Meza, V. and Downe, J. 2016. Public management reforms and social cohesion in Europe: the view from the top. Public Management Review 18(4), pp. 558-582. (10.1080/14719037.2015.1014399)
- Martin, S., Nutley, S., Downe, J. and Grace, C. 2016. Analysing performance assessment in public services: how useful is the concept of a performance regime?. Public Administration 94(1), pp. 129-145. (10.1111/padm.12206)
- Doering, H., Downe, J. and Martin, S. 2015. Regulating public services: How public managers respond to external performance assessment. Public Administration Review 75(6), pp. 867-877. (10.1111/puar.12400)
- Andrews, R., Downe, J. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2014. Contracting for social cohesion: Can Local Area Agreements make a difference?. Policy and Politics 42(4), pp. 477-493. (10.1332/030557312X655657)
- Entwistle, T. W., Downe, J. D., Guarneros-Meza, V. and Martin, S. J. 2014. The multi-level governance of Wales: layer cake or marble cake?. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 16(2), pp. 310-325. (10.1111/j.1467-856X.2012.00541.x)
- Cowell, R., Downe, J. and Morgan, K. 2014. Managing politics? Ethics regulation and conflicting conceptions of 'good conduct'. Public Administration Review 74(1), pp. 29-38. (10.1111/puar.12135)
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Martin, S. J. 2014. Putting the citizen at the centre? Assembling local government policy in Wales. Local Government Studies 40(1), pp. 65-82. (10.1080/03003930.2012.707616)
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Grace, C. and Nutley, S. 2013. New development: All change? Performance assessment regimes in UK local government. Public Money & Management 33(4), pp. 277-280. (10.1080/09540962.2013.799816)
- Downe, J. D., Cowell, R. J. W., Chen, A. and Morgan, K. 2013. The determinants of public trust in English local government: How important is the ethical behaviour of elected councillors?. International Review of Administrative Sciences 79(4), pp. 597-617. (10.1177/0020852313501270)
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Bovaird, T. 2012. Learning from complex policy evaluations. Policy and Politics 40(4), pp. 505-523. (10.1332/030557312X645766)
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2012. Self regulation in public services: from top down inspection to sector led improvement in English local government. Presented at: BAM2012 - British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-13 September 2012.
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2012. Collaborative Public Services Management: Rhetoric or Reality?. Presented at: BAM2012 - British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-13 September 2012.
- Nutley, S. M., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Grace, C. 2012. Policy transfer and convergence within the UK: the case of local government performance improvement regimes. Policy & Politics 40(2), pp. 193-209. (10.1332/147084411X581880)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Chen, A. 2012. Public confidence and public services: it matters what you measure. Policy & Politics 40(1), pp. 120-140. (10.1332/147084411X581862)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2012. Managing Politics? Good conduct and ethics regulation in English local government. Presented at: XVI IRSPM 2012 - XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 11-13 April 2012.
- Martin, S. J. and Downe, J. D. 2012. Performance management meets partnership working: the case of Comprehensive Area Assessments in England. Presented at: XVI IRSPM 2012 - XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 11-13 April 2012.
- Downe, J. D. 2011. Evaluation of the Scrutiny Development Fund in Wales. Presented at: Wales Scrutiny Champions Network, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, UK, 18 November 2011.
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2011. Promoting civic culture by supporting citizenship: what difference can local government make?. Public Administration 89(2), pp. 595-610. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2010.01875.x)
- Andrews, R. W., Downe, J. D. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2011. Contracting for social cohesion: do local area agreements make a difference?. Presented at: Annual Conference of the EGPA 2011: PSG II: Performance in Public Sector, Bucharest, Romania, 7-10 September 2011Proceedings of the Public Sector Performance study Group EGPA 2011. European Group of Public Administration
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2011. The ethical framework for local government in England: is it having any effect and why?. Public Management Review 13(3), pp. 433-457. (10.1080/14719037.2011.553292)
- Downe, J. D., Cowell, R. J. W., Chen, A. and Morgan, K. 2011. The determinants of public trust in English local government: performance, standards of conduct or socio-economic. Presented at: 33rd European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 7-10 September 2011.
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Bovaird, T. 2011. Can Government policies improve local public services? An assessment of the impacts of top-down reform strategies. Presented at: Association for Public Policy and Analysis (APPAM) International Academic Conference, Moscow, Russia, 28-29 June 2011.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2011. Managing politics? Good conduct and ethics regulation in English local government. Presented at: Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 31 March - 1 April 2010.
- Hayden, C. et al. 2010. Comprehensive Area Assessment: An evaluation of year 1. London: Shared Intelligence. Available at: http://archive.audit-commission.gov.uk/auditcommission/SiteCollectionDocuments/Downloads/20100316evaluationofcaa.pdf
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Entwhistle, T. W., Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2010. How to understand citizen engagement? The making the connections document, Wales. Presented at: WISERD Seminar The understanding of citizen engagement by local authorities and the Welsh Assembly Government, Cardiff, UK, 8 March 2010.
- Martin, S. J., Guarneros-Meza, V., Downe, J. D. and Entwhistle, T. W. 2010. Central-local partnership in Wales: the whole truth, a half truth or nothing like the truth?. Presented at: Political Studies Association Specialist Group Conference: British and Comparative Territorial Policies, Oxford, UK, 7-8 January 2010.
- Nutley, S., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Grace, C. 2010. Policy transfer and local government performance improvement regimes. Presented at: 14th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Bern, Switzerland, 7-9 April 2010.
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2010. Theories of public service improvement: A comparative analysis of local performance assessment frameworks. Public Management Review 12(5), pp. 663-678. (10.1080/14719031003633201)
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Grace, C. and Nutley, S. M. 2010. Validity, utilization and evidence-based policy: the development and impact of performance improvement regimes in local public services. Evaluation 16(1), pp. 31-42. (10.1177/1356389009350119)
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D. and Entwistle, T. W. 2010. Interpreting citizen engagement in Wales: a governmantality approach. Presented at: Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 31 March - 2 April 2010.
- Downe, J. D. 2010. Organizational learning. In: Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. A. and Entwistle, T. W. eds. Public Service Improvement: Theories and Evidence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 184-204.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2009. Has the New Standards Framework really made a difference?. Municipal Journal, pp. 26-27.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2009. The Ethical Framework for Local Government in England – is it having any effect and why?. Presented at: First Global Dialogue - 'Governing good and governing well': The first global dialogue on ethical and effective governance, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 May 2009.
- Morgan, K. J., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2009. Civilising politics? The impacts of the ethical framework for local government in England. Presented at: 7th Workshop of the EGPA Study Group, Malta.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. and Morgan, K. 2009. Assessing the impact and effectiveness of the ethical framework in local government in England: first interim report to the Standards Board for England. Cardiff: Centre for Local and Regional Government Research, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.standardsforengland.gov.uk/Resources/Research/2009reports/SBE%20Research%20Report%20Final%20Year1%2022.04.09.doc2.pdf
- Entwistle, T. W., Downe, J. D., Guarneros-Meza, V. and Martin, S. J. 2009. Intergovernmental relations in Wales: having your cake and eating it?. Presented at: Public Administration Committee (PAC) Conference 2009, Pontypridd, UK, 7-9 September 2009.
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Bovaird, T. 2009. Evidence based policy making? Meta-evaluation in the real world. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) 31st Annual Research Conference, Washington DC, USA, 5-7 November 2009.
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Grace, C. and Nutley, S. 2009. Performance improvement regimes: a theoretical framework for the analysis of public services audit and inspection. Presented at: 13th Annual IRSPM Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-8 April 2009. pp. 61-73.
- Bovaird, T., Löffler, E. and Downe, J. D. 2009. Co-production of public services and public policies: the role of emerging technologies. In: Gøtze, J. and Pedersen, C. B. eds. State of the eUnion - Government 2.0 and Onwards.. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, pp. 263-280.
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2008. Support for active citizenship and public service performance: an empirical analysis of English local authorities. Policy & Politics 36(2), pp. 225-243. (10.1332/030557308783995044)
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Turner, D. 2008. Supporting Effective Citizenship in Local Government: Engaging, Educating and Empowering Local Citizens. Local Government Studies 34(4), pp. 489-507. (10.1080/03003930802217462)
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2008. Best value audits in Scotland: winning without scoring?. Presented at: nternational Research Society for Public Management Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26th-28th March 2008.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Chen, A. 2008. Making sense of service improvement: an empirical analysis of public confidence in local government. Presented at: International Research Society for Public Management Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26th - 28th March 2008.
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2008. Best value audits in Scotland: winning without scoring?. Public Money and Management 28(2), pp. 77-84.
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2008. Editorial: Evaluating the local government modernisation agenda: impacts, obstacles and outcomes. Local Government Studies 34(1), pp. 105-107. (10.1080/03003930701803958)
- Bovaird, T. and Downe, J. D. 2008. Innovation in public engagement and co-production of services. Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Ashworth, R. E., Downe, J. D., Skelcher, C., Bovaird, T. and Chen, A. 2008. Meta-evaluation of the local government modernisation agenda: the state of local democracy: the impact of policy changes on accountaibility and public confidence. London: Department for Communities and Local Government.
- Downe, J. D. 2008. Inspection of local government services. In: Davis, H. and Martin, S. J. eds. Public services inspection in the UK. Research highlights in social work Vol. 50. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 19-36.
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2008. Best Value Audits in Scotland: Winning Without Scoring?. Public Money and Management 28(2), pp. 77-84. (10.1111/j.1467-9302.2008.00625.x)
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Nutley, S. and Martin, S. J. 2007. Comparing for improvement: Local government performance regimes in England, Scotland and Wales. Discussion Paper. London: Solace Foundation Imprint. Available at: http://www.publicservices.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/dp_0705_final-2007_11_27.pdf
- Downe, J. D., Boviard, T., Allen, B., Walker, J., Martin, S. and Chen, A. 2007. The procurement process as a driver of service improvement and efficiency savings in English local government. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington D.C., 8-10 November 2007.
- Downe, J. D., Bovaird, T., Martin, S. J. and Chen, A. 2007. Reinventing governmental relationships in the UK: Emerging evidence on the impacts of modernising local governance in a centralist state. Presented at: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 11-13 September 2007.
- Hartley, J. and Downe, J. D. 2007. The Shining Lights? Public Service awards as an approach to service improvement. Public Administration 85(2), pp. 329-353. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2007.00652.x)
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2007. Inspecting for improvement? Emerging patterns of public service regulation in the UK. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 25(3), pp. 410-422. (10.1068/c59m)
- Grace, C., Nutley, S., Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2007. 'Decisive moment': Independent review of the Best Value Audit Process: Final report to the Accounts Commission and Audit Scotland. Project Report. [Online]. Edinburgh: Accounts Commission. Available at: http://www.audit-scotland.gov.uk/docs/local/2007/bv_070725_review.pdf
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2007. Regulation inside government: processes and impacts of inspection of local public services. Policy & Politics 35(2), pp. 215-232. (10.1332/030557307780712997)
- Entwistle, T. W. et al. 2007. Perspectives on place-shaping and service delivery: A report of case study work conducted for the Lyons Inquiry. Project Report. [Online]. London: The Stationery Office. Available at: http://www.official-documents.gov.uk/document/other/9780119898576/9780119898576.pdf
- Downe, J. D. 2007. Long-term meta-evaluation of the Local Government Modernisation Agenda: Data Audit. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University Business School.
- Bovaird, T., Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2006. Designing policy for service improvement in UK local government, 1997-2005: Emerging evidence from a meta-evaluation. Presented at: 10th International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM X), Glasgow, UK, 10-12 April 2006.
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Turner, D. 2006. Promoting effective citizenship and community empowerment: A guide for local authorities on enhancing capacity for public participation. Project Report. [Online]. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Available at: http://www.safercommunitiesscotland.org/Documents/Promoting%20Effective%20Citizenship%20and%20Community%20Empowerment%20(2006).pdf
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2006. Joined up policy in practice? The coherence and impacts of the local government modernisation agenda. Local Government Studies 32(4), pp. 465-488. (10.1080/03003930600793045)
- Sullivan, H., Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Sweeting, D. 2006. The Three Challenges of Community Leadership. Local Government Studies 32(4), pp. 489-508. (10.1080/03003930600793136)
- Bovaird, T. and Downe, J. D. 2006. N Generations of Reform in UK Local Government: Compliance and Resistance to Institutional Pressures. International Public Management Journal 9(4), pp. 429-455. (10.1080/10967490601077319)
- Ashworth, R. E., Copus, C., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Williams, P. 2006. Review of the role and functions of elected members: literature review. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government. Available at: http://business.cardiff.ac.uk/research/groups/centre-local-and-regional-government-research/research-projects/functions-of-elected-members
- Bovaird, T., Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D. and Chen, A. 2006. Reinventing governmental relationship in the UK: Emerging evidence on the impacts of modernising local governance in a centralist state. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 28th Annual Fall Research Conference, Madison, WI, USA, 2-4 November 2006.
- Downe, J. D., Cowell, R. J. W., Bovaird, T. and Chen, A. 2005. Meta-evaluation of the local government modernisation agenda: progress report on public confidence in local government. Project Report. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Downe, J. D., Bovaird, T. and Martin, S. J. 2005. Designing policy for service improvement in UK local government, 1997-2004: Emerging evidence from a meta-evaluation. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Research Conference 2005, Washington, DC, USA, 3-5 November 2005.
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2005. Inspecting for improvement? Emerging patterns of public service regulation in the UK. Presented at: Twentieth Annual Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 6-7 September 2005.
- Hartley, J., Downe, J. D. and Rashman, L. 2005. An analysis of the effectiveness of public service award schemes. Presented at: Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting 2005, Honolulu, HI, USA, 5-10 August 2005.
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2005. External inspection and internal scrutiny: complementary or contrasting approaches to the regulation of local public services?. Presented at: ESRC Seminar on Accountability, Scrutiny and Regulation, Cardiff, UK, 8 June 2005.
- Entwistle, T. W. and Downe, J. D. 2005. Picking Winners to Define and Disseminate Best Practice. Public Policy and Administration 20(4), pp. 25-37. (10.1177/095207670502000403)
- Rashman, L., Downe, J. D. and Hartley, J. 2005. Knowledge creation and transfer in the Beacon Scheme: Improving services through sharing good practice. Local Government Studies 31(5), pp. 683-700. (10.1080/03003930500293732)
- Bovaird, T., Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Ashworth, R. E. and Chen, A. 2005. Meta-evaluation of the Local Government Modernisation Agenda: Overall progress report. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Leach, S., Hartley, J., Lowndes, V., Wilson, D. and Downe, J. D. 2005. Local political leadership in England and Wales. Working paper. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/1859353665.pdf
- Leach, S., Lowndes, V., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2005. Progress report on stakeholder engagement with local government. Working paper. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Downe, J. D., Andrews, A., Cowell, R. J. W., Martin, S. J. and Turner, T. 2005. Supporting citizenship and local democracy: The role of local government. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Downe, J. D., Hartley, J. and Rashman, L. 2004. Evaluating the extent of inter-organizational learning and change in local authorities through the English beacon council scheme. Public Management Review 6(4), pp. 531-554. (10.1080/1471903042000303328)
- Rallings, C., Thrasher, M., Johnston, R. and Downe, J. D. 2004. Redistricting Local Governments in England: Rules, Procedures and Electoral Outcomes. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 4(4), pp. 470-490. (10.1177/153244000400400407)
- Bovaird, T., Martin, S. J. and Downe, J. 2004. Performancemeasurement for evidence-based strategies of multilevel public service reform. Presented at: Performance Measurement and Management: Public and Private. PMA 2004 Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 28 - 30 July 2004.
- Martin, S. J. and Downe, J. D. 2004. Inspecting for improvement? Emerging patterns of Public Service Regulation in the UK. Presented at: IRSPM VIII: 8th International Research Symposium on Public Management, Budapest, Hungary, 31 March - 2 April 2004 Presented at Jenei, G. et al. eds.Challenges of Public Management Reforms: Theoretical Perspectives and Recommendations. Budapest: Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration pp. 48-71.
- Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Martin, S. J. 2004. An assessment of the WLGA's proposals for excellence Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Local Government Association.
- Bovaird, A. G., Martin, S. J. and Downe, J. D. 2004. Evaluating outcomes and processes in multi-level public sector governance. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Atlanta, USA, 28-30 October 2004.
- Davies, H., Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2004. The changing role of Audit Commission inspection of local government. Working paper. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/1859352391.pdf
- Downe, J. D. and Hartley, J. 2003. Research into beacon council scheme applications: Objective One final report - Identifying trends in applications and in selection. Project Report. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Davies, H., Downe, J. D., Aulakh, S., Whiteman, P. and Lyons, M. 2003. Six of the best: An evaluation of the LGA's six commitments. Documentation. LGA Publications.
- Downe, J. D., Hartley, J. and Rashman, L. 2002. Networking among public service organizations: learning and change through the Beacon Council Scheme. Presented at: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Denver, CO, USA, 9-14 August 2002Academy of Management Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 2002. Briarcliff Manor, NY: AOM pp. B1-B6., (10.5465/APBPP.2002.7519425)
- Rallings, C., Thrasher, M. and Downe, J. D. 2002. One vote, one value: electoral redistricting in English local government. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
- Downe, J. D., Hartley, J., Rashman, L. and Storbeck, J. 2002. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Beacon Council Scheme: Determining whether the best local authorities apply to become Beacon Councils. Technical Report.
- Downe, J. D., Rashman, L. and Hartley, J. 2002. Why local authorities do or do not apply to become beacon councils. Discussion Paper. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Davies, H. 2001. The impact of external inspection on local government - delivering improvement or drowning in detail?. Discussion Paper. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/921.pdf
- Martin, S. J. et al. 2001. Improving local public services: Final Report of the Best Value Pilot Programme. Project Report. [Online]. Coventry: Warwick Business School. Available at: http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/localgovernment/pdf/145887.pdf
- Martin, S. J., Davis, H. and Downe, J. D. 2001. External inspection of local government: Driving improvement or drowning in detail?. Project Report. [Online]. York: The Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/1859352979.pdf
- Downe, J. D., Rallings, C. and Thrasher, M. 2000. Turnout at local government elections: Influences on levels of voter registration and electoral participation. Discussion Paper. London: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
- Downe, J. D. 2000. R. J. Rossiter, R. Johnston and C. Pattie, The Boundary Commissions: Redrawing the UK's Map of Parliamentary Constituencies [Book Review]. Party Politics 6(2), pp. 247-249. (10.1177/1354068800006002011)
- Downe, J. D., Rallings, C. and Thrasher, M. 1996. Enhancing local electoral turnout: A guide to current practice and future reform. Working paper. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Bello, B. and Downe, J. 2022. We asked, you said, we did: assessing the drivers and effectiveness of an e-participation practice in Scotland. In: Randma-Liiv, T. and Lember, V. eds. Engaging Citizens in Policy Making: e-Participation Practices in Europe. Edward Elgar, pp. 26-39., (10.4337/9781800374362)
- Downe, J. D. 2010. Organizational learning. In: Ashworth, R. E., Boyne, G. A. and Entwistle, T. W. eds. Public Service Improvement: Theories and Evidence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 184-204.
- Bovaird, T., Löffler, E. and Downe, J. D. 2009. Co-production of public services and public policies: the role of emerging technologies. In: Gøtze, J. and Pedersen, C. B. eds. State of the eUnion - Government 2.0 and Onwards.. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, pp. 263-280.
- Downe, J. D. 2008. Inspection of local government services. In: Davis, H. and Martin, S. J. eds. Public services inspection in the UK. Research highlights in social work Vol. 50. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp. 19-36.
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2012. Self regulation in public services: from top down inspection to sector led improvement in English local government. Presented at: BAM2012 - British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-13 September 2012.
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2012. Collaborative Public Services Management: Rhetoric or Reality?. Presented at: BAM2012 - British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-13 September 2012.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2012. Managing Politics? Good conduct and ethics regulation in English local government. Presented at: XVI IRSPM 2012 - XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 11-13 April 2012.
- Martin, S. J. and Downe, J. D. 2012. Performance management meets partnership working: the case of Comprehensive Area Assessments in England. Presented at: XVI IRSPM 2012 - XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, 11-13 April 2012.
- Downe, J. D. 2011. Evaluation of the Scrutiny Development Fund in Wales. Presented at: Wales Scrutiny Champions Network, Llandrindod Wells, Wales, UK, 18 November 2011.
- Andrews, R. W., Downe, J. D. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2011. Contracting for social cohesion: do local area agreements make a difference?. Presented at: Annual Conference of the EGPA 2011: PSG II: Performance in Public Sector, Bucharest, Romania, 7-10 September 2011Proceedings of the Public Sector Performance study Group EGPA 2011. European Group of Public Administration
- Downe, J. D., Cowell, R. J. W., Chen, A. and Morgan, K. 2011. The determinants of public trust in English local government: performance, standards of conduct or socio-economic. Presented at: 33rd European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 7-10 September 2011.
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Bovaird, T. 2011. Can Government policies improve local public services? An assessment of the impacts of top-down reform strategies. Presented at: Association for Public Policy and Analysis (APPAM) International Academic Conference, Moscow, Russia, 28-29 June 2011.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2011. Managing politics? Good conduct and ethics regulation in English local government. Presented at: Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 31 March - 1 April 2010.
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Entwhistle, T. W., Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2010. How to understand citizen engagement? The making the connections document, Wales. Presented at: WISERD Seminar The understanding of citizen engagement by local authorities and the Welsh Assembly Government, Cardiff, UK, 8 March 2010.
- Martin, S. J., Guarneros-Meza, V., Downe, J. D. and Entwhistle, T. W. 2010. Central-local partnership in Wales: the whole truth, a half truth or nothing like the truth?. Presented at: Political Studies Association Specialist Group Conference: British and Comparative Territorial Policies, Oxford, UK, 7-8 January 2010.
- Nutley, S., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Grace, C. 2010. Policy transfer and local government performance improvement regimes. Presented at: 14th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Bern, Switzerland, 7-9 April 2010.
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D. and Entwistle, T. W. 2010. Interpreting citizen engagement in Wales: a governmantality approach. Presented at: Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 31 March - 2 April 2010.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2009. The Ethical Framework for Local Government in England – is it having any effect and why?. Presented at: First Global Dialogue - 'Governing good and governing well': The first global dialogue on ethical and effective governance, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-30 May 2009.
- Morgan, K. J., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2009. Civilising politics? The impacts of the ethical framework for local government in England. Presented at: 7th Workshop of the EGPA Study Group, Malta.
- Entwistle, T. W., Downe, J. D., Guarneros-Meza, V. and Martin, S. J. 2009. Intergovernmental relations in Wales: having your cake and eating it?. Presented at: Public Administration Committee (PAC) Conference 2009, Pontypridd, UK, 7-9 September 2009.
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Bovaird, T. 2009. Evidence based policy making? Meta-evaluation in the real world. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) 31st Annual Research Conference, Washington DC, USA, 5-7 November 2009.
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Grace, C. and Nutley, S. 2009. Performance improvement regimes: a theoretical framework for the analysis of public services audit and inspection. Presented at: 13th Annual IRSPM Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-8 April 2009. pp. 61-73.
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2008. Best value audits in Scotland: winning without scoring?. Presented at: nternational Research Society for Public Management Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26th-28th March 2008.
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Chen, A. 2008. Making sense of service improvement: an empirical analysis of public confidence in local government. Presented at: International Research Society for Public Management Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 26th - 28th March 2008.
- Downe, J. D., Boviard, T., Allen, B., Walker, J., Martin, S. and Chen, A. 2007. The procurement process as a driver of service improvement and efficiency savings in English local government. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington D.C., 8-10 November 2007.
- Downe, J. D., Bovaird, T., Martin, S. J. and Chen, A. 2007. Reinventing governmental relationships in the UK: Emerging evidence on the impacts of modernising local governance in a centralist state. Presented at: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 11-13 September 2007.
- Bovaird, T., Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2006. Designing policy for service improvement in UK local government, 1997-2005: Emerging evidence from a meta-evaluation. Presented at: 10th International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM X), Glasgow, UK, 10-12 April 2006.
- Bovaird, T., Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D. and Chen, A. 2006. Reinventing governmental relationship in the UK: Emerging evidence on the impacts of modernising local governance in a centralist state. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 28th Annual Fall Research Conference, Madison, WI, USA, 2-4 November 2006.
- Downe, J. D., Bovaird, T. and Martin, S. J. 2005. Designing policy for service improvement in UK local government, 1997-2004: Emerging evidence from a meta-evaluation. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Research Conference 2005, Washington, DC, USA, 3-5 November 2005.
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2005. Inspecting for improvement? Emerging patterns of public service regulation in the UK. Presented at: Twentieth Annual Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 6-7 September 2005.
- Hartley, J., Downe, J. D. and Rashman, L. 2005. An analysis of the effectiveness of public service award schemes. Presented at: Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting 2005, Honolulu, HI, USA, 5-10 August 2005.
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2005. External inspection and internal scrutiny: complementary or contrasting approaches to the regulation of local public services?. Presented at: ESRC Seminar on Accountability, Scrutiny and Regulation, Cardiff, UK, 8 June 2005.
- Bovaird, T., Martin, S. J. and Downe, J. 2004. Performancemeasurement for evidence-based strategies of multilevel public service reform. Presented at: Performance Measurement and Management: Public and Private. PMA 2004 Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 28 - 30 July 2004.
- Martin, S. J. and Downe, J. D. 2004. Inspecting for improvement? Emerging patterns of Public Service Regulation in the UK. Presented at: IRSPM VIII: 8th International Research Symposium on Public Management, Budapest, Hungary, 31 March - 2 April 2004 Presented at Jenei, G. et al. eds.Challenges of Public Management Reforms: Theoretical Perspectives and Recommendations. Budapest: Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration pp. 48-71.
- Bovaird, A. G., Martin, S. J. and Downe, J. D. 2004. Evaluating outcomes and processes in multi-level public sector governance. Presented at: Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Atlanta, USA, 28-30 October 2004.
- Downe, J. D., Hartley, J. and Rashman, L. 2002. Networking among public service organizations: learning and change through the Beacon Council Scheme. Presented at: 62nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Denver, CO, USA, 9-14 August 2002Academy of Management Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 2002. Briarcliff Manor, NY: AOM pp. B1-B6., (10.5465/APBPP.2002.7519425)
- Durrant, H., Havers, R., Downe, J. and Martin, S. 2024. Improving evidence use: A systematic scoping review of local models of knowledge mobilisation. Evidence and Policy 20(3), pp. 370-392. (10.1332/174426421X16905563871215)
- Piddington, G., MacKillop, E. and Downe, J. 2024. Do policy actors have different views of what constitutes evidence in policy-making?. Policy and Politics 52(2), pp. 239-258. (10.1332/03055736Y2024D000000032)
- Royo, S., Bello, B., Torres, L. and Downe, J. 2024. The success of e-participation. Learning lessons from Decide Madrid and We asked, You said, We did in Scotland. Policy & Internet 16(1), pp. 65-82. (10.1002/poi3.363)
- MacKillop, E., Connell, A., Downe, J. and Durrant, H. 2023. Making sense of knowledge-brokering organisations: Boundary organisations or policy entrepreneurs?. Science and Public Policy 50(6), pp. 950-960. (10.1093/scipol/scad029)
- Connell, A., Downe, J., Durrant, H., MacKillop, E. and Martin, S. 2023. Externalising policy advice within subnational governments. Policy and Politics 51(4), pp. 628-646. (10.1332/030557321X16883943592187)
- Breaugh, J. et al. 2023. Deconstructing complexity: A comparative study of government collaboration in national digital platforms and smart city networks in Europe. Public Policy and Administration (10.1177/09520767231169401)
- MacKillop, E. and Downe, J. 2023. Knowledge brokering organisations: A new way of governing evidence. Evidence and Policy 19(1), pp. 22-41. (10.1332/174426421X16445093010411)
- Hansen, M. P. et al. 2022. Accounting for what and to whom? Accountability tensions in collaborations addressing long-term unemployment. Social Policy and Administration 56(7), pp. 1156-1171. (10.1111/spol.12846)
- MacKillop, E. and Downe, J. 2022. What counts as evidence for policy? An analysis of policy actors' perceptions. Public Administration Review (10.1111/puar.13567)
- Taylor-Collins, E. and Downe, J. 2022. The local government response to austerity in a small devolved country: the case of Wales. Local Government Studies 48(5), pp. 929-950. (10.1080/03003930.2021.1996357)
- Andrews, R., Bello, B., Downe, J., Martin, S. and Walker, R. 2021. The motivations for the adoption of management innovation by local governments and its performance effects. Public Administration Review 81(4), pp. 625-637. (10.1111/puar.13375)
- Doering, H., Downe, J., Elraz, H. and Martin, S. 2021. Organizational identity threats and aspirations in reputation management. Public Management Review 23(3), pp. 376-396. (10.1080/14719037.2019.1679234)
- MacKillop, E., Quarmby, S. and Downe, J. 2020. Does knowledge brokering facilitate evidence-based policy? A review of existing knowledge and an agenda for future research. Policy and Politics 48(2), pp. 335-353. (10.1332/030557319X15740848311069)
- Bellò, B., Downe, J., Andrews, R. and Martin, S. 2018. Does austerity drive public service innovation? Evidence from shared senior management teams in local government. Public Money & Management 38, pp. 131-138. (10.1080/09540962.2018.1407161)
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Downe, J. and Martin, S. 2018. Defining, achieving and evaluating collaborative outcomes: a theory of change approach. Public Management Review 20(10), pp. 1562-1580. (10.1080/14719037.2017.1383782)
- Entwistle, T., Guarneros-Meza, V., Martin, S. and Downe, J. 2016. Reframing governance: competition, fatalism and autonomy in central-local relations. Public Administration 94(4), pp. 897-914. (10.1111/padm.12210)
- Downe, J., Cowell, R. and Morgan, K. 2016. What determines ethical behavior in public organizations: is it rules and/or leadership?. Public Administration Review 76(6), pp. 898-909. (10.1111/puar.12562)
- Huxley, K., Andrews, R. W., Downe, J. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2016. Administrative traditions and citizen participation in public policy: a comparative study of France, Germany, the UK and Norway. Policy and Politics 44(3), pp. 383-402. (10.1332/030557315X14298700857974)
- Andrews, R., Guarneros-Meza, V. and Downe, J. 2016. Public management reforms and social cohesion in Europe: the view from the top. Public Management Review 18(4), pp. 558-582. (10.1080/14719037.2015.1014399)
- Martin, S., Nutley, S., Downe, J. and Grace, C. 2016. Analysing performance assessment in public services: how useful is the concept of a performance regime?. Public Administration 94(1), pp. 129-145. (10.1111/padm.12206)
- Doering, H., Downe, J. and Martin, S. 2015. Regulating public services: How public managers respond to external performance assessment. Public Administration Review 75(6), pp. 867-877. (10.1111/puar.12400)
- Andrews, R., Downe, J. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2014. Contracting for social cohesion: Can Local Area Agreements make a difference?. Policy and Politics 42(4), pp. 477-493. (10.1332/030557312X655657)
- Entwistle, T. W., Downe, J. D., Guarneros-Meza, V. and Martin, S. J. 2014. The multi-level governance of Wales: layer cake or marble cake?. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 16(2), pp. 310-325. (10.1111/j.1467-856X.2012.00541.x)
- Cowell, R., Downe, J. and Morgan, K. 2014. Managing politics? Ethics regulation and conflicting conceptions of 'good conduct'. Public Administration Review 74(1), pp. 29-38. (10.1111/puar.12135)
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Martin, S. J. 2014. Putting the citizen at the centre? Assembling local government policy in Wales. Local Government Studies 40(1), pp. 65-82. (10.1080/03003930.2012.707616)
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Grace, C. and Nutley, S. 2013. New development: All change? Performance assessment regimes in UK local government. Public Money & Management 33(4), pp. 277-280. (10.1080/09540962.2013.799816)
- Downe, J. D., Cowell, R. J. W., Chen, A. and Morgan, K. 2013. The determinants of public trust in English local government: How important is the ethical behaviour of elected councillors?. International Review of Administrative Sciences 79(4), pp. 597-617. (10.1177/0020852313501270)
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Bovaird, T. 2012. Learning from complex policy evaluations. Policy and Politics 40(4), pp. 505-523. (10.1332/030557312X645766)
- Nutley, S. M., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Grace, C. 2012. Policy transfer and convergence within the UK: the case of local government performance improvement regimes. Policy & Politics 40(2), pp. 193-209. (10.1332/147084411X581880)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Chen, A. 2012. Public confidence and public services: it matters what you measure. Policy & Politics 40(1), pp. 120-140. (10.1332/147084411X581862)
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2011. Promoting civic culture by supporting citizenship: what difference can local government make?. Public Administration 89(2), pp. 595-610. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2010.01875.x)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2011. The ethical framework for local government in England: is it having any effect and why?. Public Management Review 13(3), pp. 433-457. (10.1080/14719037.2011.553292)
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2010. Theories of public service improvement: A comparative analysis of local performance assessment frameworks. Public Management Review 12(5), pp. 663-678. (10.1080/14719031003633201)
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Grace, C. and Nutley, S. M. 2010. Validity, utilization and evidence-based policy: the development and impact of performance improvement regimes in local public services. Evaluation 16(1), pp. 31-42. (10.1177/1356389009350119)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2009. Has the New Standards Framework really made a difference?. Municipal Journal, pp. 26-27.
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2008. Support for active citizenship and public service performance: an empirical analysis of English local authorities. Policy & Politics 36(2), pp. 225-243. (10.1332/030557308783995044)
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Turner, D. 2008. Supporting Effective Citizenship in Local Government: Engaging, Educating and Empowering Local Citizens. Local Government Studies 34(4), pp. 489-507. (10.1080/03003930802217462)
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2008. Best value audits in Scotland: winning without scoring?. Public Money and Management 28(2), pp. 77-84.
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2008. Editorial: Evaluating the local government modernisation agenda: impacts, obstacles and outcomes. Local Government Studies 34(1), pp. 105-107. (10.1080/03003930701803958)
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2008. Best Value Audits in Scotland: Winning Without Scoring?. Public Money and Management 28(2), pp. 77-84. (10.1111/j.1467-9302.2008.00625.x)
- Hartley, J. and Downe, J. D. 2007. The Shining Lights? Public Service awards as an approach to service improvement. Public Administration 85(2), pp. 329-353. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2007.00652.x)
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2007. Inspecting for improvement? Emerging patterns of public service regulation in the UK. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 25(3), pp. 410-422. (10.1068/c59m)
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2007. Regulation inside government: processes and impacts of inspection of local public services. Policy & Politics 35(2), pp. 215-232. (10.1332/030557307780712997)
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2006. Joined up policy in practice? The coherence and impacts of the local government modernisation agenda. Local Government Studies 32(4), pp. 465-488. (10.1080/03003930600793045)
- Sullivan, H., Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Sweeting, D. 2006. The Three Challenges of Community Leadership. Local Government Studies 32(4), pp. 489-508. (10.1080/03003930600793136)
- Bovaird, T. and Downe, J. D. 2006. N Generations of Reform in UK Local Government: Compliance and Resistance to Institutional Pressures. International Public Management Journal 9(4), pp. 429-455. (10.1080/10967490601077319)
- Entwistle, T. W. and Downe, J. D. 2005. Picking Winners to Define and Disseminate Best Practice. Public Policy and Administration 20(4), pp. 25-37. (10.1177/095207670502000403)
- Rashman, L., Downe, J. D. and Hartley, J. 2005. Knowledge creation and transfer in the Beacon Scheme: Improving services through sharing good practice. Local Government Studies 31(5), pp. 683-700. (10.1080/03003930500293732)
- Downe, J. D., Hartley, J. and Rashman, L. 2004. Evaluating the extent of inter-organizational learning and change in local authorities through the English beacon council scheme. Public Management Review 6(4), pp. 531-554. (10.1080/1471903042000303328)
- Rallings, C., Thrasher, M., Johnston, R. and Downe, J. D. 2004. Redistricting Local Governments in England: Rules, Procedures and Electoral Outcomes. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 4(4), pp. 470-490. (10.1177/153244000400400407)
- Downe, J. D. 2000. R. J. Rossiter, R. Johnston and C. Pattie, The Boundary Commissions: Redrawing the UK's Map of Parliamentary Constituencies [Book Review]. Party Politics 6(2), pp. 247-249. (10.1177/1354068800006002011)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Ashworth, R. E., Downe, J. D., Skelcher, C., Bovaird, T. and Chen, A. 2008. Meta-evaluation of the local government modernisation agenda: the state of local democracy: the impact of policy changes on accountaibility and public confidence. London: Department for Communities and Local Government.
- Rallings, C., Thrasher, M. and Downe, J. D. 2002. One vote, one value: electoral redistricting in English local government. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
- Peixoto Vale Gomes, L., Downe, J. and Roberts, M. 2022. Reform of electoral law and practice. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://www.wcpp.org.uk/publication/reform-of-electoral-law-and-practice/
- Bowen, K., Bristow, D., Taylor-Collins, E. and Downe, J. 2021. Connecting communities: Building relationships. Summary document. Project Report. [Online]. Wales Centre for Public Policy. Available at: https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/NIHR132734
- Hayden, C. et al. 2010. Comprehensive Area Assessment: An evaluation of year 1. London: Shared Intelligence. Available at: http://archive.audit-commission.gov.uk/auditcommission/SiteCollectionDocuments/Downloads/20100316evaluationofcaa.pdf
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. and Morgan, K. 2009. Assessing the impact and effectiveness of the ethical framework in local government in England: first interim report to the Standards Board for England. Cardiff: Centre for Local and Regional Government Research, Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.standardsforengland.gov.uk/Resources/Research/2009reports/SBE%20Research%20Report%20Final%20Year1%2022.04.09.doc2.pdf
- Bovaird, T. and Downe, J. D. 2008. Innovation in public engagement and co-production of services. Discussion Paper. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University.
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Nutley, S. and Martin, S. J. 2007. Comparing for improvement: Local government performance regimes in England, Scotland and Wales. Discussion Paper. London: Solace Foundation Imprint. Available at: http://www.publicservices.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/dp_0705_final-2007_11_27.pdf
- Grace, C., Nutley, S., Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2007. 'Decisive moment': Independent review of the Best Value Audit Process: Final report to the Accounts Commission and Audit Scotland. Project Report. [Online]. Edinburgh: Accounts Commission. Available at: http://www.audit-scotland.gov.uk/docs/local/2007/bv_070725_review.pdf
- Entwistle, T. W. et al. 2007. Perspectives on place-shaping and service delivery: A report of case study work conducted for the Lyons Inquiry. Project Report. [Online]. London: The Stationery Office. Available at: http://www.official-documents.gov.uk/document/other/9780119898576/9780119898576.pdf
- Downe, J. D. 2007. Long-term meta-evaluation of the Local Government Modernisation Agenda: Data Audit. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University Business School.
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Turner, D. 2006. Promoting effective citizenship and community empowerment: A guide for local authorities on enhancing capacity for public participation. Project Report. [Online]. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Available at: http://www.safercommunitiesscotland.org/Documents/Promoting%20Effective%20Citizenship%20and%20Community%20Empowerment%20(2006).pdf
- Ashworth, R. E., Copus, C., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Williams, P. 2006. Review of the role and functions of elected members: literature review. Cardiff: Welsh Assembly Government. Available at: http://business.cardiff.ac.uk/research/groups/centre-local-and-regional-government-research/research-projects/functions-of-elected-members
- Downe, J. D., Cowell, R. J. W., Bovaird, T. and Chen, A. 2005. Meta-evaluation of the local government modernisation agenda: progress report on public confidence in local government. Project Report. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Bovaird, T., Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Ashworth, R. E. and Chen, A. 2005. Meta-evaluation of the Local Government Modernisation Agenda: Overall progress report. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Leach, S., Hartley, J., Lowndes, V., Wilson, D. and Downe, J. D. 2005. Local political leadership in England and Wales. Working paper. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/1859353665.pdf
- Leach, S., Lowndes, V., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2005. Progress report on stakeholder engagement with local government. Working paper. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Downe, J. D., Andrews, A., Cowell, R. J. W., Martin, S. J. and Turner, T. 2005. Supporting citizenship and local democracy: The role of local government. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Martin, S. J. 2004. An assessment of the WLGA's proposals for excellence Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Local Government Association.
- Davies, H., Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2004. The changing role of Audit Commission inspection of local government. Working paper. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/1859352391.pdf
- Downe, J. D. and Hartley, J. 2003. Research into beacon council scheme applications: Objective One final report - Identifying trends in applications and in selection. Project Report. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Davies, H., Downe, J. D., Aulakh, S., Whiteman, P. and Lyons, M. 2003. Six of the best: An evaluation of the LGA's six commitments. Documentation. LGA Publications.
- Downe, J. D., Hartley, J., Rashman, L. and Storbeck, J. 2002. Monitoring and Evaluation of the Beacon Council Scheme: Determining whether the best local authorities apply to become Beacon Councils. Technical Report.
- Downe, J. D., Rashman, L. and Hartley, J. 2002. Why local authorities do or do not apply to become beacon councils. Discussion Paper. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Davies, H. 2001. The impact of external inspection on local government - delivering improvement or drowning in detail?. Discussion Paper. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/921.pdf
- Martin, S. J. et al. 2001. Improving local public services: Final Report of the Best Value Pilot Programme. Project Report. [Online]. Coventry: Warwick Business School. Available at: http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/localgovernment/pdf/145887.pdf
- Martin, S. J., Davis, H. and Downe, J. D. 2001. External inspection of local government: Driving improvement or drowning in detail?. Project Report. [Online]. York: The Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/1859352979.pdf
- Downe, J. D., Rallings, C. and Thrasher, M. 2000. Turnout at local government elections: Influences on levels of voter registration and electoral participation. Discussion Paper. London: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.
- Downe, J. D., Rallings, C. and Thrasher, M. 1996. Enhancing local electoral turnout: A guide to current practice and future reform. Working paper. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Andrews, R., Downe, J. and Guarneros-Meza, V. 2014. Contracting for social cohesion: Can Local Area Agreements make a difference?. Policy and Politics 42(4), pp. 477-493. (10.1332/030557312X655657)
- Entwistle, T. W., Downe, J. D., Guarneros-Meza, V. and Martin, S. J. 2014. The multi-level governance of Wales: layer cake or marble cake?. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 16(2), pp. 310-325. (10.1111/j.1467-856X.2012.00541.x)
- Cowell, R., Downe, J. and Morgan, K. 2014. Managing politics? Ethics regulation and conflicting conceptions of 'good conduct'. Public Administration Review 74(1), pp. 29-38. (10.1111/puar.12135)
- Guarneros-Meza, V., Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Martin, S. J. 2014. Putting the citizen at the centre? Assembling local government policy in Wales. Local Government Studies 40(1), pp. 65-82. (10.1080/03003930.2012.707616)
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Grace, C. and Nutley, S. 2013. New development: All change? Performance assessment regimes in UK local government. Public Money & Management 33(4), pp. 277-280. (10.1080/09540962.2013.799816)
- Downe, J. D., Cowell, R. J. W., Chen, A. and Morgan, K. 2013. The determinants of public trust in English local government: How important is the ethical behaviour of elected councillors?. International Review of Administrative Sciences 79(4), pp. 597-617. (10.1177/0020852313501270)
- Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Bovaird, T. 2012. Learning from complex policy evaluations. Policy and Politics 40(4), pp. 505-523. (10.1332/030557312X645766)
- Nutley, S. M., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Grace, C. 2012. Policy transfer and convergence within the UK: the case of local government performance improvement regimes. Policy & Politics 40(2), pp. 193-209. (10.1332/147084411X581880)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Chen, A. 2012. Public confidence and public services: it matters what you measure. Policy & Politics 40(1), pp. 120-140. (10.1332/147084411X581862)
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2011. Promoting civic culture by supporting citizenship: what difference can local government make?. Public Administration 89(2), pp. 595-610. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2010.01875.x)
- Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D. and Morgan, K. 2011. The ethical framework for local government in England: is it having any effect and why?. Public Management Review 13(3), pp. 433-457. (10.1080/14719037.2011.553292)
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2010. Theories of public service improvement: A comparative analysis of local performance assessment frameworks. Public Management Review 12(5), pp. 663-678. (10.1080/14719031003633201)
- Martin, S. J., Downe, J. D., Grace, C. and Nutley, S. M. 2010. Validity, utilization and evidence-based policy: the development and impact of performance improvement regimes in local public services. Evaluation 16(1), pp. 31-42. (10.1177/1356389009350119)
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W. and Downe, J. D. 2008. Support for active citizenship and public service performance: an empirical analysis of English local authorities. Policy & Politics 36(2), pp. 225-243. (10.1332/030557308783995044)
- Andrews, R. W., Cowell, R. J. W., Downe, J. D., Martin, S. J. and Turner, D. 2008. Supporting Effective Citizenship in Local Government: Engaging, Educating and Empowering Local Citizens. Local Government Studies 34(4), pp. 489-507. (10.1080/03003930802217462)
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2008. Best value audits in Scotland: winning without scoring?. Public Money and Management 28(2), pp. 77-84.
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2008. Editorial: Evaluating the local government modernisation agenda: impacts, obstacles and outcomes. Local Government Studies 34(1), pp. 105-107. (10.1080/03003930701803958)
- Downe, J. D., Grace, C., Martin, S. J. and Nutley, S. 2008. Best Value Audits in Scotland: Winning Without Scoring?. Public Money and Management 28(2), pp. 77-84. (10.1111/j.1467-9302.2008.00625.x)
- Hartley, J. and Downe, J. D. 2007. The Shining Lights? Public Service awards as an approach to service improvement. Public Administration 85(2), pp. 329-353. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2007.00652.x)
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2007. Inspecting for improvement? Emerging patterns of public service regulation in the UK. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 25(3), pp. 410-422. (10.1068/c59m)
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2007. Regulation inside government: processes and impacts of inspection of local public services. Policy & Politics 35(2), pp. 215-232. (10.1332/030557307780712997)
- Downe, J. D. and Martin, S. J. 2006. Joined up policy in practice? The coherence and impacts of the local government modernisation agenda. Local Government Studies 32(4), pp. 465-488. (10.1080/03003930600793045)
- Sullivan, H., Downe, J. D., Entwistle, T. W. and Sweeting, D. 2006. The Three Challenges of Community Leadership. Local Government Studies 32(4), pp. 489-508. (10.1080/03003930600793136)
- Bovaird, T. and Downe, J. D. 2006. N Generations of Reform in UK Local Government: Compliance and Resistance to Institutional Pressures. International Public Management Journal 9(4), pp. 429-455. (10.1080/10967490601077319)
- Entwistle, T. W. and Downe, J. D. 2005. Picking Winners to Define and Disseminate Best Practice. Public Policy and Administration 20(4), pp. 25-37. (10.1177/095207670502000403)
- Rashman, L., Downe, J. D. and Hartley, J. 2005. Knowledge creation and transfer in the Beacon Scheme: Improving services through sharing good practice. Local Government Studies 31(5), pp. 683-700. (10.1080/03003930500293732)
- Downe, J. D., Hartley, J. and Rashman, L. 2004. Evaluating the extent of inter-organizational learning and change in local authorities through the English beacon council scheme. Public Management Review 6(4), pp. 531-554. (10.1080/1471903042000303328)
- Rallings, C., Thrasher, M., Johnston, R. and Downe, J. D. 2004. Redistricting Local Governments in England: Rules, Procedures and Electoral Outcomes. State Politics and Policy Quarterly 4(4), pp. 470-490. (10.1177/153244000400400407)
Ymchwil wedi'i gwblhau
Trawsnewid yn Lywodraethau Agored, Arloesol a Chydweithredol, 2017-2021, Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd Horizon 2020
Rheoli Arloesi mewn Llywodraeth Leol: Archwiliad o dimau rheoli a rennir yn llywodraeth leol Lloegr, 2016-2018, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd
Gwerthuso Rhaglen Her Cymheiriaid Gorfforaethol LGA, 2016-17, Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol
Gwerthuso Canlyniadau Prosiect Datblygu a Blaenoriaeth y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol, 2012-2015, Llywodraeth Cymru
Gwerthusiad Prosesau o Brosiect Datblygu a Chyflawni Blaenoriaeth y Bwrdd Gwasanaethau Lleol, 2012-2015, Llywodraeth Cymru
Gwerthusiad o ffrydiau cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi cydweithio rhanbarthol, 2014-2015, Llywodraeth Cymru
Rheoleiddio a Pherfformio Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, 2013-2015, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd
Gwerthusiad o Drefniadau Gweithredol mewn Llywodraeth Leol, 2014, Llywodraeth Cymru
Adnabod Arfer Gorau mewn trefniadau Craffu ar y Cyd ledled Cymru, a chynhyrchu Pecyn Cymorth i Ymarferwyr, 2013-14, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Blaenau Gwent a Chyngor Sir Fynwy – gyda chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru
Gwerthusiad o'r Her Cymheiriaid Tân, 2013-2014, Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol
Cydlynu ar gyfer Cydlyniant yn Sector Cyhoeddus y Dyfodol, 2011-14, Rhaglen Fframwaith 7 y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd,
Datblygu Diwylliant o Graffu Cydweithredol: Gwerthusiad o Ymarfer a Photensial 2012-2013, Llywodraeth Cymru
Gwerthusiad o Effeithiolrwydd y Broses Her Cymheiriaid Gorfforaethol, 2011-2013, Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol
Atebolrwydd, Effeithlonrwydd, Gwella a Newid yng Ngwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Lleol y DU: Rôl Meincnodi ac Asesu Perfformiad Allanol, 2012-2013, Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol
Gwerthusiad o'r Gronfa Datblygu Craffu yng Nghymru, 2011-2012, Llywodraeth Cymru
Gwerthusiad o Bolisi Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer Llywodraeth Leol, 2008-2012, Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru
- PhD, University of Plymouth
- Pg. Dip Social Science Research Methods University of Plymouth
- BSc Politics University of Plymouth
Additional activities
James has presented papers at the following conferences in the last few years:
- Transatlantic Dialogue, Baltimore (2013)
- European Academy of Management, Istanbul (2013)
- Academy of Management, Boston, USA (2012)
- British Academy of Management, Cardiff (2012)
- International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Rome (2012)
- European Group of Public Administration, Bucharest (2011)
- Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (2011).
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Athro, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, 2017-
- Darllenydd, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, 2013-2017
- Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, 2008-2013
- Uwch Gydymaith Ymchwil, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, 2003-2008
- Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil, Ysgol Fusnes Warwick, 2000-2003
- Cymrawd Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, Adran Gwleidyddiaeth, Prifysgol Plymouth, 1997-2000
- Cynorthwy-ydd Ymchwil, Adran Gwleidyddiaeth, Prifysgol Plymouth, 1995-1996
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Diddordebau ymchwil goruchwylio PhD
- Gwneud polisïau wedi'u llywio gan dystiolaeth
- Brocera gwybodaeth
- Gwneud polisi Llywodraeth Cymru
- Ymddygiad moesegol gwleidyddion
- Llywodraeth leol
- Arweinyddiaeth wleidyddol
Themâu ymchwil
- Llywodraeth leol a gwleidyddiaeth
- Polisi cyhoeddus
- Gwneud polisïau wedi'u llywio gan dystiolaeth
- Brocera gwybodaeth