Dr Sian Edwards
Darllenydd mewn Astudiaethau Sbaenaidd
- EdwardsS38@caerdydd.ac.uk
- +44 29208 79685
- 66a Plas y Parc, Ystafell Ystafell 1.02, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3AS
- Siarad Cymraeg
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Ddarllenydd mewn Astudiaethau Sbaenaidd ac yn Gyfarwyddwr Rhyngwladol yn yr Ysgol Ieithoedd Modern. Rwyf wedi dysgu Sbaeneg ac astudiaethau diwylliannol a hanesyddol Sbaeneg ar bob lefel. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn hunaniaethau cenedlaethol yn Sbaen, yn enwedig Catalonia. Rwyf hefyd wedi darlithio ar Ffrangeg ac Astudiaethau Ffrangeg Cyfoes. Ymunais â Phrifysgol Caerdydd ym mis Ionawr 2015 i arwain ar ddatblygiad academaidd a rheolaeth y rhaglen Ieithoedd i Bawb newydd. Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil ac ysgolheictod presennol yn canolbwyntio ar hunaniaethau cenedlaethol ac addysgeg addysgu iaith. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau ysgoloriaeth ar addysgu ieithoedd aml-foddol a'r defnydd o dechnolegau digidol mewn addysgeg iaith. Dwi'n siarad Sbaeneg, Ffrangeg a Chatalonia yn ogystal â Saesneg a Chymraeg.
- Gant, M., Edwards, S. and Rocha Relvas, S. eds. 2024. Peninsular identities, transatlantic crossings and Iberian networks. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
- Gant, M., Rocha Relvas, S. and Edwards, S. eds. 2023. Memory, transition and transnationalism in Iberia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Edwards, S. 2022. MANDIE IVESON, Language Attitudes, National Identity and Migration in Catalonia: ‘What the Women Have to Say’. [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 99(5), pp. 921-923. (10.1080/14753820.2022.2121472)
- Edwards, S. 2021. Engaging students with popplet as a visual map of language learning. Presented at: Learning and Teaching Academy Conference Cardiff University, Virtual hosted by Cardiff University, 1-2 July 2021.
- Edwards, S. 2021. Animo. Coleg Cymraeg in collaboration with OUP.
- Edwards, S. 2018. Interrogating francoism: history and dictatorship in twentieth century Spain [Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95(8) (10.1080/14753820.2018.1542874)
- Edwards, S. 2018. Las dos Españas?: Terror and crisis in contemporary Spain. By Nicholas Manganas [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95(7) (10.1080/14753820.2018.1535465)
- Edwards, S. 2018. Egwyddor a phropaganda. [Online]. golwg360.cymru: Golwg 360. Available at: https://golwg360.cymru/gwerddon/530017-egwyddor-phropaganda-cyfundrefn-franco-chor-rhos
- Edwards, S. 2018. Language learning :barriers and benefits. Presented at: 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2018), Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 September 2018.
- Edwards, S. 2017. Enseñar el español en un context multilingüe en Gales, Reino Unido. In: Balmaseda Maestu, E., García Andreva, F. and Martínez López, M. eds. Panhispanismo y variedades en la enseñanza del español L2-LE. Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (ASELE) y la Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla
- Baskerville, E. A. 2015. Patagonia 150: Yma i Aros.Edwards, S. Y Lolfa.
- Edwards, S. 2015. Teaching Spanish in a bilingual environment. Presented at: 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2015), Madrid, Spain, 2-4 September 2015.
- Edwards, S. 2014. War, propaganda and ‘’communicating the truth’’: the Spanish civil war and the Welsh perspective. Presented at: 36th Conference Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2014), London, England, 3-4 September 2014.
- Edwards, S. 2013. Egwyddor a phropaganda: cyfundrefn Franco a chôr y rhos. Gwerddon 15, article number: 4.
- Edwards, S. 2011. Wales, workers, and francoist Spain. Presented at: Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Conference 2011, Nottingham, England, 11-13 April 2011.
- Edwards, S. 2011. 'Land of plenty': Franco's Spain for a Welsh choir. Presented at: L’estat de la recerca dels processos d’institucionalització del franquisme, Barcelona, Spain, 6-7 April 2011.
- Edwards, S. 2022. MANDIE IVESON, Language Attitudes, National Identity and Migration in Catalonia: ‘What the Women Have to Say’. [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 99(5), pp. 921-923. (10.1080/14753820.2022.2121472)
- Edwards, S. 2018. Interrogating francoism: history and dictatorship in twentieth century Spain [Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95(8) (10.1080/14753820.2018.1542874)
- Edwards, S. 2018. Las dos Españas?: Terror and crisis in contemporary Spain. By Nicholas Manganas [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95(7) (10.1080/14753820.2018.1535465)
- Edwards, S. 2013. Egwyddor a phropaganda: cyfundrefn Franco a chôr y rhos. Gwerddon 15, article number: 4.
Book sections
- Edwards, S. 2017. Enseñar el español en un context multilingüe en Gales, Reino Unido. In: Balmaseda Maestu, E., García Andreva, F. and Martínez López, M. eds. Panhispanismo y variedades en la enseñanza del español L2-LE. Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (ASELE) y la Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla
- Gant, M., Edwards, S. and Rocha Relvas, S. eds. 2024. Peninsular identities, transatlantic crossings and Iberian networks. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
- Gant, M., Rocha Relvas, S. and Edwards, S. eds. 2023. Memory, transition and transnationalism in Iberia. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Edwards, S. 2021. Animo. Coleg Cymraeg in collaboration with OUP.
- Baskerville, E. A. 2015. Patagonia 150: Yma i Aros.Edwards, S. Y Lolfa.
- Edwards, S. 2021. Engaging students with popplet as a visual map of language learning. Presented at: Learning and Teaching Academy Conference Cardiff University, Virtual hosted by Cardiff University, 1-2 July 2021.
- Edwards, S. 2018. Language learning :barriers and benefits. Presented at: 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2018), Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 September 2018.
- Edwards, S. 2015. Teaching Spanish in a bilingual environment. Presented at: 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2015), Madrid, Spain, 2-4 September 2015.
- Edwards, S. 2014. War, propaganda and ‘’communicating the truth’’: the Spanish civil war and the Welsh perspective. Presented at: 36th Conference Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2014), London, England, 3-4 September 2014.
- Edwards, S. 2011. Wales, workers, and francoist Spain. Presented at: Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Conference 2011, Nottingham, England, 11-13 April 2011.
- Edwards, S. 2011. 'Land of plenty': Franco's Spain for a Welsh choir. Presented at: L’estat de la recerca dels processos d’institucionalització del franquisme, Barcelona, Spain, 6-7 April 2011.
- Edwards, S. 2018. Egwyddor a phropaganda. [Online]. golwg360.cymru: Golwg 360. Available at: https://golwg360.cymru/gwerddon/530017-egwyddor-phropaganda-cyfundrefn-franco-chor-rhos
- Edwards, S. 2018. Interrogating francoism: history and dictatorship in twentieth century Spain [Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95(8) (10.1080/14753820.2018.1542874)
- Edwards, S. 2018. Las dos Españas?: Terror and crisis in contemporary Spain. By Nicholas Manganas [Book Review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 95(7) (10.1080/14753820.2018.1535465)
- Edwards, S. 2018. Egwyddor a phropaganda. [Online]. golwg360.cymru: Golwg 360. Available at: https://golwg360.cymru/gwerddon/530017-egwyddor-phropaganda-cyfundrefn-franco-chor-rhos
- Edwards, S. 2018. Language learning :barriers and benefits. Presented at: 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2018), Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 September 2018.
- Edwards, S. 2017. Enseñar el español en un context multilingüe en Gales, Reino Unido. In: Balmaseda Maestu, E., García Andreva, F. and Martínez López, M. eds. Panhispanismo y variedades en la enseñanza del español L2-LE. Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (ASELE) y la Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla
- Baskerville, E. A. 2015. Patagonia 150: Yma i Aros.Edwards, S. Y Lolfa.
- Edwards, S. 2015. Teaching Spanish in a bilingual environment. Presented at: 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2015), Madrid, Spain, 2-4 September 2015.
- Edwards, S. 2014. War, propaganda and ‘’communicating the truth’’: the Spanish civil war and the Welsh perspective. Presented at: 36th Conference Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS 2014), London, England, 3-4 September 2014.
- Edwards, S. 2013. Egwyddor a phropaganda: cyfundrefn Franco a chôr y rhos. Gwerddon 15, article number: 4.
- Edwards, S. 2011. Wales, workers, and francoist Spain. Presented at: Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Conference 2011, Nottingham, England, 11-13 April 2011.
- Edwards, S. 2011. 'Land of plenty': Franco's Spain for a Welsh choir. Presented at: L’estat de la recerca dels processos d’institucionalització del franquisme, Barcelona, Spain, 6-7 April 2011.
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil wedi canolbwyntio ar hunaniaethau cenedlaethol a rhanbarthol yn Sbaen. Archwiliodd fy MPhil sut y gwnaeth y wasg ysgogi barn gyhoeddus yng Nghatalonia yn ystod y cyfnod pontio i ddemocratiaeth yng Nghatalonia a dadansoddodd fy PhD bolisïau pleidiau gwleidyddol Catalwnia tuag at hunaniaeth genedlaethol rhwng 1979 a 2000. Rwyf hefyd wedi ysgrifennu ar brofiadau Cymru o Sbaen, yn enwedig yn ystod ac ar ôl Rhyfel Cartref Sbaen. O ran addysgu iaith, rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio ar ymchwil yn ddiweddar i gymhellion dysgwyr mewn cyd-destunau dwyieithog a dylanwad amgylcheddau amlieithog ar ddysgu iaith.
I have over twenty years experience teaching languages in Higher Education, having taught both French and Spanish language at all undergraduate levels, including translation, grammar and essay writing. My teaching interests have also focussed on contemporary Spanish history and culture, particularly national and regional identities. I have created and led my own specialist modules on national and regional identity in Spain and in France, including modules on the Franco regime and Franco, Fascism and the Transition to Democracy. My particular specialism is Catalan national identity. I have supervised a large number of undergraduate dissertations on socio cultural, political and historical aspects of modern Spain from football and nationalism to gender representation in Spanish political parties to film and politics.
I have taught MA programmes on the Cultures of Fascism and co-supervised PhD dissertation on language policy. I would welcome prospective postgraduates with an interest particularly in Catalan society and politics, as well as within the broader context of the politics of identity and diversity in Spain or in terms of language teaching in the areas of bilingual teaching and what motivates language learners.
I have long been involved in introducing the study of Modern Foreign languages through the medium of Welsh. I have innovated in terms of Welsh medium provision in both French and Spanish and continue to cooperate with colleagues from other HE institutions in Wales and the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
I am currently an External Examiner in Spanish at Salford University (Spanish language Degree programmes, translation and interpreting and University wide language programmes).
I am a representative for Higher Education for Spanish and also for Welsh medium provision for the WJEC Subject advisory board for GCE and GCSE qualifications in Modern Languages
Before joining the School, I was a Senior Lecturer in Spanish at Swansea University and Associate Dean of Undergraduates at the College of Arts and Humanities. I have lectured in Spanish language and Spanish contemporary history and cultural studies, with a particular interest in Catalan history and politics. I studied French and Spanish from my first degree and this followed with an MPhil on the Mobilisation of Catalan Identity, the case of Avui (1994) and with a Doctorate on the programmes of the Catalan political parties towards national identity between 1979 and 2000 (2004). I was appointed a Tutorial Fellow in Spanish in Cardiff University in 1993, then Lecturer in French at Swansea University (1997) and Lecturer in Hispanic Studies in Swansea University (2000).
Professional Translations and Adaptations
‘The Virtual Reality of Catalonia’ (from Catalan) inA Week in Europe (Cardiff: The Welsh Academy 1995)
‘The Catalan Used on Television’ (from Catalan) in Mercator Media Forum (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1995)
Translation into Spanish (from Welsh) of the filmscript Branwen (1995)
The Security and Defence Policies of European Christian Democracy’ (from French) in David Hanley (ed), Christian Democracy in Europe: A Comparative Perspective (London: Pinter 1994)
Le Français pour l’École primaire; A programme to introduce French for primary school teachers, in cooperation with Trinity College Carmarthen (1992)
I review material for the Journal of Contemporary European Studies, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies and West European Politics.
I have experience of working as a professional translator, and as an examiner and assessor for WJEC A level Spanish. I have worked closely with the British Council in my role arranging the year abroad in Spain and Latin America, and worked with Routes into Languages and the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. I have contributed to BBC Radio Wales, BBC Radio Cymru and BBC Cymru Newyddion on issues relating to contemporary Spain.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Uwch Gymrodoriaeth Advance HE (2020)
Astudio ieithoedd modern mewn Cyd-destun Mulitlingual (Gwobrau symudedd Erasms) Prifysgol Girona, (2017) Universitat Autònoma Barcelona (2019)
Swyddfa Materion Diwylliannol a Gwyddonol Llysgenhadaeth Sbaen yn Llundain: Grant i gefnogi myfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig ar gyfer cynhadledd flynyddol 42ain Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Iberaidd Cyfoes 1-3 Medi 2021 ( £400.00)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Ysgrifennydd y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Iberaidd Cyfoes (ACIS)
Aelod o Banel Strategol ITM y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Journal Reviewer: Journal of Contemporary European Studies , Bwletin Astudiaethau Sbaenaidd, Bwletin Astudiaethau Sbaenaidd a Gwleidyddiaeth Gorllewin Ewrop
Adolygydd Llyfr: Routledge.