Yr Athro Tim Edwards
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Tim Edwards
Deon a Phennaeth yr YsgolAthro Dadansoddi Trefniadaeth ac Arloesi
Dechreuodd Tim Edwards fel Deon yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ym mis Medi 2024. Cyn hynny bu'n Pro-Dean Research, Impact and Innovation yn yr Ysgol Busnes ac mae'n Gyd-Gyfarwyddwr Sefydliad Arloesi Trawsnewid Digidol Prifysgol Caerdydd. Ei flaenoriaethau yn rôl Deon yw ymgorffori strategaeth Gwerth Cyhoeddus yr Ysgol; gwella profiad y myfyrwyr a'r staff; creu lle ar gyfer ymchwil, ysgolheictod, effaith ac ymgysylltu; ac i sicrhau bod yr Ysgol yn cyflawni achrediad y Goron Driphlyg.
Mae Tim hefyd yn Athro Dadansoddi Sefydliadol ac Arloesi a gellir gweld ei ymchwil mewn perthynas â phedair thema allweddol: newid sefydliadol a sefydliadol; theori rheoli beirniadol sydd â diddordeb arbennig mewn ontoleg Realaidd Beirniadol; entrepreneuriaeth ac atgyrchedd dynol. Mae wedi cyhoeddi mewn cyfnodolion gan gynnwys Journal of Business Venturing, Organisation Studies, Human Relations, Organisation, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Management Reviews, Management Learning ac European Management Review. Mae wedi bod yn Olygydd Cyswllt i ddau gyfnodolyn blaenllaw yn y byd gan gynnwys Organisation and International Journal of Management Reviews ac mae wedi bod yn arholwr allanol ar gyfer MBA Gweithredol Ysgol Fusnes Said Prifysgol Rhydychen.
Cynorthwy-ydd Personol
Claire Dickson
+44 (0)2987 6792
- Kakevelakis, K. and Edwards, T. 2024. Beyond the academy: Engaging with the creative industries. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Grigoletto, F. et al. 2023. Technological affordance and the realities of citizen science projects developed in challenging territories. Sustainability 15, article number: 6654. (10.3390/su15086654)
- Kakavelakis, K. and Edwards, T. J. 2022. The impact of structure and corporate ideology on leader-follower relations in the bureaucratic organization: a reflection on moral mazes. Journal of Business Ethics 181, pp. 69-82. (10.1007/s10551-021-04919-9)
- Edwards, T. and Kakavelakis, K. 2022. Problematising people management practices: a critical realist study of knowledge sharing. Journal of Critical Realism 21(1), pp. 46-64. (10.1080/14767430.2021.1992734)
- Meliou, E., Ozbilgin, M. and Edwards, T. 2021. How does responsible leadership emerge? An emergentist perspective. European Management Review 18(4), pp. 521-543. (10.1111/emre.12488)
- Galazka, A. M., Edwards, T. and Harding, K. 2021. Realist evaluation of social outcomes in community care: the application of affordance theory to the Lindsay Leg Clubs. Journal of Critical Realism 20(3), pp. 280-299. (10.1080/14767430.2021.1918969)
- Daudigeos, T., Edwards, T., Jaumier, S., Pasquier, V. and Picard, H. 2021. Elusive domination and the fate of critique in neo-participative management: a French pragmatist approach. Organization Studies 42(3), pp. 453-471. (10.1177/0170840619856027)
- Galazka, A. M., Beynon, M. and Edwards, T. 2020. Index of information and communication technology use in labour administration: its need, its pertinence and its potential use. International Review of Administrative Sciences 86(2), pp. 240-260. (10.1177/0020852318769142)
- Lopez, U., Morgan, J., Jones, K., Rana, O., Edwards, T. and Grigoletto, F. 2019. Enabling citizen science in rural environments with IoT and mobile technologies. Presented at: IoT ’19, Bilbao, Spain, 22-25 Oct 2019. pp. -.
- Edwards, T. 2019. Book review: justification, evaluation and critique in the study of organizations: contributions from French pragmatist sociology. Journal of Classical Sociology 19(2), pp. 213-219. (10.1177/1468795X18809190)
- Meliou, E. and Edwards, T. 2018. Relational practices and reflexivity: Exploring the responses of women entrepreneurs to changing household dynamics. International Small Business Journal 36(2), pp. 149-168. (10.1177/0266242617724858)
- Rhode, M., Rana, O. and Edwards, T. 2017. Data capture and analysis to assess impact of carbon credit schemes. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.07574
- Al-Amoudi, I., Edwards, T., O'Mahoney, H. and O'Mahoney, J. 2017. Introduction: de/humanisation and critical realism. Journal of Critical Realism 16(4), pp. 349-352. (10.1080/14767430.2017.1348713)
- Meliou, E. and Edwards, T. J. 2016. Relationally reflexive women: household strategies of female entrepreenurs as social change. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference 2016, Anaheim, California, 5-9 August 2016 Presented at Atinc, G. ed.Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2016. Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 1. Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management pp. 1-6., (10.5465/ambpp.2016.197)
- Edwards, T. J. 2015. Institutional theory: reflections on ontology. In: Mir, R., Willmott, H. and Greenwood, M. eds. Routledge Handbook of Philosophy in Organization Sciences. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting London: Routledge, pp. 125-137.
- Edwards, T. and Meliou, E. 2015. Explaining leadership in family firms: Reflexivity, social conditioning and institutional complexity. Human Relations 68(8), pp. 1271-1289. (10.1177/0018726714554468)
- Jennings, J. E., Edwards, T., Jennings, P. D. and Delbridge, R. 2015. Emotional arousal and entrepreneurial outcomes: Combining qualitative methods to elaborate theory. Journal of Business Venturing 30(1), pp. 113-130. (10.1016/j.jbusvent.2014.06.005)
- Brandl, J., Daudigeos, T., Edwards, T. J. and Pernkopf-Konhsner, K. 2014. Why French pragmatism matters to organizational institutionalism. Journal of Management Inquiry 23(3), pp. 314-318. (10.1177/1056492613517463)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2013. Inhabiting institutions: Critical realist refinements to understanding institutional complexity and change. Organization Studies 34(7), pp. 927-947. (10.1177/0170840613483805)
- Kakavelakis, K. and Edwards, T. J. 2012. Situated learning theory and agentic orientation: a relational sociology approach. Management Learning 43(5), pp. 475-494. (10.1177/1350507611427233)
- Jennings, J., Edwards, T., Jennings, D. and Delbridge, R. 2012. Affect in collaborative entrepreneurial projects: insights from innovators in the superyacht industry. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012Academy of Management Proceedings. pp. 1-59.
- Edwards, T. J. 2010. Knowledge work and the employment relationship in the 'new workplace'. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 401-423.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2008. Challenging conventions: roles and processes during non-isomorphic institutional change. Human Relations 61(3), pp. 299-325. (10.1177/0018726708088996)
- Edwards, T. J. and Jones, O. 2008. Failed institution building: understanding the interplay between agency, social skill and context. Scandinavian Journal of Management 24(1), pp. 44-54. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.12.001)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Reflections on developments in institutional theory: Toward a relational approach. Scandinavian Journal of Management 23(2), pp. 191-205. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.02.003)
- Edwards, T. J. 2007. Organizational politics and the "process of knowing": Understanding crisis events during project-based innovation projects. European Journal of Innovation Management 10(3), pp. 391-406. (10.1108/14601060710776770)
- Edwards, T. J. 2007. A critical account of knowledge management: agentic orientation and SME innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 13(2), pp. 64-81. (10.1108/13552550710736910)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2006. The relational pragmatics of institutional entrepreneurship and field re-composition. Presented at: EGOS 2006 - European Group for Organizational Studies, Bergen, Norway, 6-8 July 2006.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2006. Understanding field reproduction: the interconnection between agency, social position and stuctural context. Presented at: Workshop on the Present and Future Status of Institutional Theory, Alberta, Canada, 2-3 June 2006.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Edwards, T. J., Battisti, G. and Neely, A. 2004. Value creation and the UK economy: a review of strategic options. International Journal of Management Reviews 5(3-4), pp. 191-213. (10.1111/j.1460-8545.2004.00103.x)
- Edwards, T. J., Battisti, G., McClendon Jr, W. P., Denyer, D. and Neely, A. 2004. How can firms in the UK be encouraged to create more value? A discussion and review paper. Discussion Paper. Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/Publications/Academic%20Publications%202/How_can_firms_be_encourages_to_create_more_value.pdf
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2003. Actors and roles in processes of de- and re-Institutionalization. Presented at: 19th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-5 July 2003.
- Thomas, R., Davies, A., Edwards, T. J., Ezzamel, M., Ogbonna, E. O., Budhwar, P. and Crane, A. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: developments in organization theory and practice. Presented at: Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 12-13 September 2002.
- Budhwar, P. et al. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: Developments in organization theory and practice. Management Research News 25(8/9/10), pp. 1-193. (10.1108/01409170210783368)
- Edwards, T. J., Battisti, G., McClendon Jr, W. P., Denyer, D. and Neely, A. 2002. Pathways to value: How UK firms can create more value using innovation strategically. Project Report. [Online]. Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/pdf/Executive%20Briefing/AIM%20Pathways%20exec%20briefing%20FINAL%20FEB%202005.pdf
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2002. Learning companies: Innovative potential of Welsh manufacturing SMEs. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Linking innovative potential to SME performance: an assessment of enterprises in industrial South Wales. Presented at: 41st European Regional Science Association conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Learning companies: future challenges for small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises. Presented at: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-13 July 2001.
- Edwards, T. J. 2001. Techno-economic networks: technological transfer via the teaching company scheme. In: Jones, O., Conway, S. and Steward, F. eds. Social Interaction and Organisational Change: Aston Perspectives on Innovation Networks. Series on Technology Management Vol. 6. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 217-250.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. 2001. Innovation in small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises: issues and future directions. Presented at: Managing Knowledge: Conversations and Critiques, Leicester, UK, 10 -11 April 2001.
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2001. Assessing the innovative potential of small and medium sized enterprises: a working model of innovation in manufacturing. Presented at: 2nd Managing Knowledge Conference, Leicester, UK, 10-11 April 2001.
- Edwards, T. J. 2001. Innovation in Wales: assessing the potential of Welsh small and medium sized manufacturers.. Presented at: WERU Conference 2001, Cardiff, UK, May 2001Welsh Economic Review, Vol. 13(2). Cardiff, UK: Welsh Economy Research Unit (WERU) pp. 33-36.
- Jones, O., Edwards, T. J. and Beckinsale, M. 2000. Technology management in a mature firm: Structuration theory and the innovation process. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 12(2), pp. 161-177. (10.1080/713698466)
- Edwards, T. J. 2000. Innovation and Organizational Change: Developments Towards an Interactive Process Perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 12(4), pp. 445-464. (10.1080/713698496)
- Edwards, T. J. and Miller, H. 1998. Change in mass higher education: university, state and economy. In: Jary, D. and Parker, M. eds. The new higher education: issues and directions for the post-Dearing university. Staffordshire University Press
Adrannau llyfrau
- Edwards, T. J. 2015. Institutional theory: reflections on ontology. In: Mir, R., Willmott, H. and Greenwood, M. eds. Routledge Handbook of Philosophy in Organization Sciences. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting London: Routledge, pp. 125-137.
- Edwards, T. J. 2010. Knowledge work and the employment relationship in the 'new workplace'. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 401-423.
- Edwards, T. J. 2001. Techno-economic networks: technological transfer via the teaching company scheme. In: Jones, O., Conway, S. and Steward, F. eds. Social Interaction and Organisational Change: Aston Perspectives on Innovation Networks. Series on Technology Management Vol. 6. London: Imperial College Press, pp. 217-250.
- Edwards, T. J. and Miller, H. 1998. Change in mass higher education: university, state and economy. In: Jary, D. and Parker, M. eds. The new higher education: issues and directions for the post-Dearing university. Staffordshire University Press
- Lopez, U., Morgan, J., Jones, K., Rana, O., Edwards, T. and Grigoletto, F. 2019. Enabling citizen science in rural environments with IoT and mobile technologies. Presented at: IoT ’19, Bilbao, Spain, 22-25 Oct 2019. pp. -.
- Meliou, E. and Edwards, T. J. 2016. Relationally reflexive women: household strategies of female entrepreenurs as social change. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference 2016, Anaheim, California, 5-9 August 2016 Presented at Atinc, G. ed.Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2016. Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 1. Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management pp. 1-6., (10.5465/ambpp.2016.197)
- Jennings, J., Edwards, T., Jennings, D. and Delbridge, R. 2012. Affect in collaborative entrepreneurial projects: insights from innovators in the superyacht industry. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012Academy of Management Proceedings. pp. 1-59.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2006. The relational pragmatics of institutional entrepreneurship and field re-composition. Presented at: EGOS 2006 - European Group for Organizational Studies, Bergen, Norway, 6-8 July 2006.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2006. Understanding field reproduction: the interconnection between agency, social position and stuctural context. Presented at: Workshop on the Present and Future Status of Institutional Theory, Alberta, Canada, 2-3 June 2006.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2003. Actors and roles in processes of de- and re-Institutionalization. Presented at: 19th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-5 July 2003.
- Thomas, R., Davies, A., Edwards, T. J., Ezzamel, M., Ogbonna, E. O., Budhwar, P. and Crane, A. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: developments in organization theory and practice. Presented at: Employment Research Unit Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 12-13 September 2002.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Linking innovative potential to SME performance: an assessment of enterprises in industrial South Wales. Presented at: 41st European Regional Science Association conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 29 August - 1 September 2001.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. Learning companies: future challenges for small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises. Presented at: Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK, 11-13 July 2001.
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. 2001. Innovation in small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises: issues and future directions. Presented at: Managing Knowledge: Conversations and Critiques, Leicester, UK, 10 -11 April 2001.
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2001. Assessing the innovative potential of small and medium sized enterprises: a working model of innovation in manufacturing. Presented at: 2nd Managing Knowledge Conference, Leicester, UK, 10-11 April 2001.
- Edwards, T. J. 2001. Innovation in Wales: assessing the potential of Welsh small and medium sized manufacturers.. Presented at: WERU Conference 2001, Cardiff, UK, May 2001Welsh Economic Review, Vol. 13(2). Cardiff, UK: Welsh Economy Research Unit (WERU) pp. 33-36.
- Grigoletto, F. et al. 2023. Technological affordance and the realities of citizen science projects developed in challenging territories. Sustainability 15, article number: 6654. (10.3390/su15086654)
- Kakavelakis, K. and Edwards, T. J. 2022. The impact of structure and corporate ideology on leader-follower relations in the bureaucratic organization: a reflection on moral mazes. Journal of Business Ethics 181, pp. 69-82. (10.1007/s10551-021-04919-9)
- Edwards, T. and Kakavelakis, K. 2022. Problematising people management practices: a critical realist study of knowledge sharing. Journal of Critical Realism 21(1), pp. 46-64. (10.1080/14767430.2021.1992734)
- Meliou, E., Ozbilgin, M. and Edwards, T. 2021. How does responsible leadership emerge? An emergentist perspective. European Management Review 18(4), pp. 521-543. (10.1111/emre.12488)
- Galazka, A. M., Edwards, T. and Harding, K. 2021. Realist evaluation of social outcomes in community care: the application of affordance theory to the Lindsay Leg Clubs. Journal of Critical Realism 20(3), pp. 280-299. (10.1080/14767430.2021.1918969)
- Daudigeos, T., Edwards, T., Jaumier, S., Pasquier, V. and Picard, H. 2021. Elusive domination and the fate of critique in neo-participative management: a French pragmatist approach. Organization Studies 42(3), pp. 453-471. (10.1177/0170840619856027)
- Galazka, A. M., Beynon, M. and Edwards, T. 2020. Index of information and communication technology use in labour administration: its need, its pertinence and its potential use. International Review of Administrative Sciences 86(2), pp. 240-260. (10.1177/0020852318769142)
- Edwards, T. 2019. Book review: justification, evaluation and critique in the study of organizations: contributions from French pragmatist sociology. Journal of Classical Sociology 19(2), pp. 213-219. (10.1177/1468795X18809190)
- Meliou, E. and Edwards, T. 2018. Relational practices and reflexivity: Exploring the responses of women entrepreneurs to changing household dynamics. International Small Business Journal 36(2), pp. 149-168. (10.1177/0266242617724858)
- Al-Amoudi, I., Edwards, T., O'Mahoney, H. and O'Mahoney, J. 2017. Introduction: de/humanisation and critical realism. Journal of Critical Realism 16(4), pp. 349-352. (10.1080/14767430.2017.1348713)
- Edwards, T. and Meliou, E. 2015. Explaining leadership in family firms: Reflexivity, social conditioning and institutional complexity. Human Relations 68(8), pp. 1271-1289. (10.1177/0018726714554468)
- Jennings, J. E., Edwards, T., Jennings, P. D. and Delbridge, R. 2015. Emotional arousal and entrepreneurial outcomes: Combining qualitative methods to elaborate theory. Journal of Business Venturing 30(1), pp. 113-130. (10.1016/j.jbusvent.2014.06.005)
- Brandl, J., Daudigeos, T., Edwards, T. J. and Pernkopf-Konhsner, K. 2014. Why French pragmatism matters to organizational institutionalism. Journal of Management Inquiry 23(3), pp. 314-318. (10.1177/1056492613517463)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2013. Inhabiting institutions: Critical realist refinements to understanding institutional complexity and change. Organization Studies 34(7), pp. 927-947. (10.1177/0170840613483805)
- Kakavelakis, K. and Edwards, T. J. 2012. Situated learning theory and agentic orientation: a relational sociology approach. Management Learning 43(5), pp. 475-494. (10.1177/1350507611427233)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2008. Challenging conventions: roles and processes during non-isomorphic institutional change. Human Relations 61(3), pp. 299-325. (10.1177/0018726708088996)
- Edwards, T. J. and Jones, O. 2008. Failed institution building: understanding the interplay between agency, social skill and context. Scandinavian Journal of Management 24(1), pp. 44-54. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.12.001)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Reflections on developments in institutional theory: Toward a relational approach. Scandinavian Journal of Management 23(2), pp. 191-205. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.02.003)
- Edwards, T. J. 2007. Organizational politics and the "process of knowing": Understanding crisis events during project-based innovation projects. European Journal of Innovation Management 10(3), pp. 391-406. (10.1108/14601060710776770)
- Edwards, T. J. 2007. A critical account of knowledge management: agentic orientation and SME innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 13(2), pp. 64-81. (10.1108/13552550710736910)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Edwards, T. J., Battisti, G. and Neely, A. 2004. Value creation and the UK economy: a review of strategic options. International Journal of Management Reviews 5(3-4), pp. 191-213. (10.1111/j.1460-8545.2004.00103.x)
- Budhwar, P. et al. 2002. Organizing/theorizing: Developments in organization theory and practice. Management Research News 25(8/9/10), pp. 1-193. (10.1108/01409170210783368)
- Jones, O., Edwards, T. J. and Beckinsale, M. 2000. Technology management in a mature firm: Structuration theory and the innovation process. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 12(2), pp. 161-177. (10.1080/713698466)
- Edwards, T. J. 2000. Innovation and Organizational Change: Developments Towards an Interactive Process Perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 12(4), pp. 445-464. (10.1080/713698496)
- Rhode, M., Rana, O. and Edwards, T. 2017. Data capture and analysis to assess impact of carbon credit schemes. [Online]. arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.07574
- Kakevelakis, K. and Edwards, T. 2024. Beyond the academy: Engaging with the creative industries. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Edwards, T. J., Battisti, G., McClendon Jr, W. P., Denyer, D. and Neely, A. 2004. How can firms in the UK be encouraged to create more value? A discussion and review paper. Discussion Paper. Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/Publications/Academic%20Publications%202/How_can_firms_be_encourages_to_create_more_value.pdf
- Edwards, T. J., Battisti, G., McClendon Jr, W. P., Denyer, D. and Neely, A. 2002. Pathways to value: How UK firms can create more value using innovation strategically. Project Report. [Online]. Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/pdf/Executive%20Briefing/AIM%20Pathways%20exec%20briefing%20FINAL%20FEB%202005.pdf
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. M. 2002. Learning companies: Innovative potential of Welsh manufacturing SMEs. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School.
- Edwards, T. J. 2015. Institutional theory: reflections on ontology. In: Mir, R., Willmott, H. and Greenwood, M. eds. Routledge Handbook of Philosophy in Organization Sciences. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting London: Routledge, pp. 125-137.
- Edwards, T. and Meliou, E. 2015. Explaining leadership in family firms: Reflexivity, social conditioning and institutional complexity. Human Relations 68(8), pp. 1271-1289. (10.1177/0018726714554468)
- Jennings, J. E., Edwards, T., Jennings, P. D. and Delbridge, R. 2015. Emotional arousal and entrepreneurial outcomes: Combining qualitative methods to elaborate theory. Journal of Business Venturing 30(1), pp. 113-130. (10.1016/j.jbusvent.2014.06.005)
- Brandl, J., Daudigeos, T., Edwards, T. J. and Pernkopf-Konhsner, K. 2014. Why French pragmatism matters to organizational institutionalism. Journal of Management Inquiry 23(3), pp. 314-318. (10.1177/1056492613517463)
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2013. Inhabiting institutions: Critical realist refinements to understanding institutional complexity and change. Organization Studies 34(7), pp. 927-947. (10.1177/0170840613483805)
- Kakavelakis, K. and Edwards, T. J. 2012. Situated learning theory and agentic orientation: a relational sociology approach. Management Learning 43(5), pp. 475-494. (10.1177/1350507611427233)
- Edwards, T. J. 2010. Knowledge work and the employment relationship in the 'new workplace'. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 401-423.
- Delbridge, R. and Edwards, T. J. 2008. Challenging conventions: roles and processes during non-isomorphic institutional change. Human Relations 61(3), pp. 299-325. (10.1177/0018726708088996)
- Edwards, T. J. and Jones, O. 2008. Failed institution building: understanding the interplay between agency, social skill and context. Scandinavian Journal of Management 24(1), pp. 44-54. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.12.001)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2007. A critical assessment of the evaluation of EU Interventions for Innovation in the SME sector in Wales. Urban Studies 44(12), pp. 2429-2448. (10.1080/00420980701540960)
- Edwards, T. J. and Delbridge, R. 2007. Reflections on developments in institutional theory: Toward a relational approach. Scandinavian Journal of Management 23(2), pp. 191-205. (10.1016/j.scaman.2007.02.003)
- Edwards, T. J. 2007. Organizational politics and the "process of knowing": Understanding crisis events during project-based innovation projects. European Journal of Innovation Management 10(3), pp. 391-406. (10.1108/14601060710776770)
- Edwards, T. J. 2007. A critical account of knowledge management: agentic orientation and SME innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 13(2), pp. 64-81. (10.1108/13552550710736910)
- Edwards, T. J., Delbridge, R. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Understanding innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a process manifest. Technovation 25(10), pp. 1119-1127. (10.1016/j.technovation.2004.04.005)
- Edwards, T. J., Battisti, G. and Neely, A. 2004. Value creation and the UK economy: a review of strategic options. International Journal of Management Reviews 5(3-4), pp. 191-213. (10.1111/j.1460-8545.2004.00103.x)
- Edwards, T. J., Battisti, G., McClendon Jr, W. P., Denyer, D. and Neely, A. 2002. Pathways to value: How UK firms can create more value using innovation strategically. Project Report. [Online]. Advanced Institute of Management Research. Available at: http://www.aimresearch.org/uploads/File/pdf/Executive%20Briefing/AIM%20Pathways%20exec%20briefing%20FINAL%20FEB%202005.pdf
- Jones, O., Edwards, T. J. and Beckinsale, M. 2000. Technology management in a mature firm: Structuration theory and the innovation process. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 12(2), pp. 161-177. (10.1080/713698466)
- Edwards, T. J. 2000. Innovation and Organizational Change: Developments Towards an Interactive Process Perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 12(4), pp. 445-464. (10.1080/713698496)
- Edwards, T. J. and Miller, H. 1998. Change in mass higher education: university, state and economy. In: Jary, D. and Parker, M. eds. The new higher education: issues and directions for the post-Dearing university. Staffordshire University Press
Research interests
- Critical Management Research
- Responsible Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Organization Theory
A social impact assessment of poverty alleviation and climate change in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
- Sponsor: ESRC, Global Challenges Research Fund (2016) – Principle Investigator
Career trajectories of female entrepreneurs: enacting entrepreneurship as a relational good.
- Sponsor: British Academy (SRG, 2016) Co-applicant
Transforming mature industries: International collaboration and the role of creative design in and between Japan, the UK and Europe.
- Sponsor: Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation (2014) – Principle Investigator
Knowledge Management: Strategic Choice in the Design, Development and Build of Complex Artefacts.
- Sponsor: British Academy (2003-4 SG: 36137) – Principle Investigator
Learning companies: Developing the innovative potential of Welsh Small and Medium manufacturers.
- Sponsor: European Regional Development Fund (1999-2001) – Researcher
PhD supervision research interests
- Critical management studies
- Innovation
- Knowledge management
Teaching commitments
- Module leader (final year UG): Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
- Module leader (MSc): Reflective Perspectives and Practices
- Social Science Research Methods (MSc)
Additional teaching
- Invited International faculty, Kobe University SESMI Programme, Japan: "Research in Strategic Management"
- PhD, Innovation Management, Aston University
- MSc, Management by Research, Aston University
- BA (Hons), International Relations, Sussex University
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) award to sponsor early career and PhD attendance – 19th International Association of Critical Realism Conference, Cardiff (July 2016)
- Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) award to sponsor early career and PhD attendance – 4th European Theory Development Workshop (June 2015)
- Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) award to sponsor an early career and PhD workshop - Exploring the concept of institutional logics in organization studies: Critique and future developments in the field (April 2013)
- Cardiff Business School, Developing Student Employability Award (2013)
- Cardiff University, International Travel Scholarship Award (2007). Visiting Professor position at the University of Alberta.
Best Paper Awards
- Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, (2016): Relationally reflexive women: Household strategies of female entrepreneurs as social change (Entrepreneurship Division)
- Academy of Management Conference, Boston, (2012): Affect in Collaborative Entrepreneurial Projects: Insights from Innovators in the Super yacht Industry. (Entrepreneurship and Creativity Division)
Outstanding Paper Award
- (2008) - Emerald Literati Network: A critical account of knowledge management: agentic orientation and SME innovation, International journal of Entrepreneurial behaviour and Research.of Entrepreneurial behaviour and Research, Vol 13, No2, 2007
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Fellow, Royal society of Arts
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Associate Editor: Organisation (2014-2021)
- Associate/Consulting Editor: International Journal of Management Reviews
- Editorial Board: Organisation Studies; Journal of Responsible Technology, Scandinavian Journal of Management
- Grant reviewer - ESRC
- Journal reviewer including: Academy of Manangement Review, Human Relations, Organisation Studies; Journal of Management Studies; International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of responsible Technology and Organisation
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Tim is currently the primary supervisor for four PhD students that includes:
- a gender analysis of investor syndicates in support of women entrepreneurs
- the reflexive management learning of senior staff in the NHS
- the translation of neuroscience into management practice
- Artificial Intelligence's impact on freedom in the workplace
He is always keen to discuss PhD opportunities with prospective students in a range of areas including innovation, entrepreneurship and organisation theory.
Contact Details
+44 29208 76385
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell C22, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU