Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Robert Evans

Yr Athro Robert Evans


Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


My work investigates the nature of expertise: what is it, who has it, how is it developed, how it shared, how can it be recognised and acted upon.

In answering these questions, I have developed three main sets of interests:

  • Understanding the nature of expertise as a property of social groups. Known as Studies of Expertise and Experience, this approach has developed a $acirc; Periodic Table of Expertises$acirc; that can be used to identify different types and levels of expertise. This work has implications for a range of topics in Science and Technology Studies, including public understanding of science, interdisciplinary working and understanding of scientific controversies.
  • Measuring the distribution of interactional expertise. Developing the Periodic Table of Expertises has led to the creation of a new research method $acirc; the Imitation Game $acirc; to measure the way in which one of its key categories $acirc; interactional expertise $acirc; is distributed. If successful, the method will provide a new way of mapping the interactions between social groups.
  • The role of expertise in technological decision-making in the public domain. Drawing on the $acirc; Third Wave of Science Studies$acirc; , this work explores how experts and citizens can contribute to technological decision-making in the public domain without reducing the process to either technocracy or populism. It has implications for democratic decision-making and for participatory forms of social research.

Research Centre

Centre for Study of Knowledge Expertise and Science

Links to

ALL @ SEE: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/expertise
Expertise blog: http://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/imgame/blog-2/
































Adrannau llyfrau






My work investigates the nature of expertise: what is it, who has it, how is it developed, how it shared, how can it be recognised and acted upon.

In answering these questions, I have developed three main sets of interests:

  • Understanding the nature of expertise as a property of social groups. Known as Studies of Expertise and Experience, this approach has developed a $acirc; Periodic Table of Expertises$acirc; that can be used to identify different types and levels of expertise. This work has implications for a range of topics in Science and Technology Studies, including public understanding of science, interdisciplinary working and understanding of scientific controversies.
  • Measuring the distribution of interactional expertise. Developing the Periodic Table of Expertises has led to the creation of a new research method $acirc; the Imitation Game $acirc; to measure the way in which one of its key categories $acirc; interactional expertise $acirc; is distributed. If successful, the method will provide a new way of mapping the interactions between social groups.
  • The role of expertise in technological decision-making in the public domain. Drawing on the $acirc; Third Wave of Science Studies$acirc; , this work explores how experts and citizens can contribute to technological decision-making in the public domain without reducing the process to either technocracy or populism. It has implications for democratic decision-making and for participatory forms of social research.

Research Centre

Centre for Study of Knowledge Expertise and Science

Links to

ALL @ SEE: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/expertise Expertise blog: http://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/imgame/blog-2/


I joined the Cardiff School of Social Sciences as a lecturer in January 1998. Prior to that, I was a PhD student in the Science Studies Centre at Bath University and a postdoctoral researcher in the Centre for Urban Technology at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Since joining Cardiff I have worked on a number of research projects, including: the ESRC funded Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (cesagen); the qualitative research methods node (QUALITI), funded as part of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods and the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). I have also held smaller grants from the ESRC and the British Academy.

My current research focuses on developing the Studies of Expertise and Experience approach within STS. The foundational paper $acirc; $acirc; The Third Wave of Science Studies$acirc; $acirc; was published in 2002 and has now been cited over 1000 times. The ideas set out in this paper have led to a more complete typology of expertises, published in Rethinking Expertise, an annual workshop known SEESHOP, and a brand new research method called the Imitation Game. Development of the Imitation Game is currently funded by a five year European Research Council Advanced Research grant awarded to Professor Harry Collins and involves collaboration with universities across Europe and in South Africa.

In addition to these research interests, I continue to contribute to teaching in research methods and science and technology studies. I am also Director of Undergraduate Studies for the School of Social Sciences.

Further information on current research and publications are available on my personal website.

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Editorial Board Member: Social Studies of Science; Methodological Innovations Online
  • Member of: Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
  • Referee for journals including SSS, ST&HV, PUS, AJS, ASR, Minerva and BJS; for grant awarding bodies including ESRC, NSF and Research Council of Norway
  • Fellow of ILT, now Higher Education Academy, since 2003

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu

  • Adolygydd ar gyfer cyfnodolion a chyrff cyllido ymchwil, ac mae rhai ohonynt wedi'u cofnodi ar fy mhroffil tafarnau.
  • Panel Asesu Grant ESRC (2016-2020)

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

  • Astudiaethau gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg
  • Ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd â gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg
  • Arbenigedd a Gwneud Penderfyniadau