Dr Pedro Faria Gomes
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Cyfansoddi
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Fe'm ganed yn Lisbon, ac rwyf wedi dysgu mewn amryw o brifysgolion cerddoriaeth a conservatoires ym Mhortiwgal, Hong Kong a'r DU ers 1999. Dros y cyfnod hwn mae fy ngwaith fel cyfansoddwr wedi cael ei gomisiynu, perfformio, recordio a darlledu'n rheolaidd, yn enwedig yn y tair gwlad hyn ond hefyd yng Ngogledd a De America, Asia ac ar draws Ewrop. Mae recordiadau o fy ngherddoriaeth ar gael ar Naxos, Prima Facie, Centaur Records, Casa da Música, Numérica, GDA a Compasso. Mae cydnabyddiaeth am fy ngwaith wedi cynnwys Gwobr Goffa PRS Syr Arthur Bliss (DU), Gwobr Lopes-Graça a'r SPA Prémio Autores 2020 (Portiwgal). Rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio yn y DU ers 2007 ac mae gen i raddau meistr a doethuriaeth o'r Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol.
Mae mwy o fanylion ar gael ar fy ngwefan bersonol.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Composição em Diálogo: Citação, Paráfrase e Transformação de Idiomas em Obras de Pedro Faria Gomes. Presented at: Composition Seminar, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Barão Geraldo, SP, Brazil, 25 Apr 2024.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Composição em Diálogo: Citação e Paráfrase em Suite J e Sonatina. Presented at: Composition Seminar, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 23 Apr 2024.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Composing in dialogue: Quotation, paraphrase and transformation of idioms in works by Pedro Faria Gomes. Presented at: Composition Forum, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA, 27 Feb 2024.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Dialogues in composition: Engaging with the ‘great conversation’ in new music. Presented at: Composition Forum, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 6 Feb 2024.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Scenes from childhood: Piano works by Pedro Faria Gomes. [CD]. 26 January 2024. Available at: https://primafacie.ascrecords.com/scenes_childhood.html
- Faria Gomes, P. 2023. Sonatina. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. Suite J. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. The Ways of Time. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. Partita. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2020. Pedro Faria Gomes: chamber works (Performed by Miguel Fernandes, Nancy Johnson, Saul Picado, Carla Santos and Sarah Thurlow). [CD]. 31 January 2020. Available at: https://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.579029
- Faria Gomes, P. 2018. Tableaux. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2018. Sonata. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2018. Analytical reductions. Presented at: Research Training for Doctoral Students, Royal College of Music, London, UK, 11 January 2018.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2017. Evening. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2015. Canções do Quadrante. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2014. How beastly the bourgeois is. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2014. Function and meaning: the influence of Kundera's 'Ignorance' on 'Returning' for violin, clarinet and piano. Presented at: Music Literature, Historiography and Aesthetics, Institute of Musical Research, London, UK, 17-18 July 2014.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2014. Creating harmonic functionality in post-tonal music: a composer's perspective. , Royal College of Music.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2013. Approaches to composition. Presented at: Research Training for Doctoral Students, Royal College of Music, London, UK, 23 January 2013.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2013. Tereza's dreams. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2012. Toys and Games. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2012. Memória. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2012. Dual. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2012. Contraluz. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2011. Contours. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2010. Dual. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2010. Returning. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2010. Three Reflections from Inscriptions. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2010. Nachtmusik. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2009. Three Pieces for Wind Quintet. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2009. Espera. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2009. Sleeping. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2008. Epigrama. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2008. Thanatos. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. and Costa, L. 2008. Poema. AvA Musical Editions.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2008. Drive. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Dark Chamber. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Díptico. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Elegia. AvA Musical Editions.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Escape. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Como se Faz Cor-de-Laranja. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2006. À Memória de Anarda. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2006. O Violino Cigano. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2005. Romanza e Rondo. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2005. À Memória de Anarda. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2005. Uma Cantata Portuguesa. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2004. Cinco Canções Breves. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2003. Variações-Fantasia. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2003. Crónica de Dor e Morte. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. and Godinho, J. C. 2003. À Procura de um Pinheiro. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. and Sousa, P. 2002. Rapsódia. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2002. Duas Fantasias. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2002. Nobre Povo. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2001. Sinfonietta. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2001. Quatro Peças. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2000. Séptuor. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2000. Fantasy on a Theme by Copland. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2000. Campainhada. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 1999. Viva o Entrudo!. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 1999. Romanza e Rondo. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 1999. Psalmus 3. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 1997. Prelúdio em Mi Bemol. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2023. Sonatina. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. Suite J. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. The Ways of Time. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2021. Partita. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2018. Tableaux. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2018. Sonata. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2017. Evening. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2016. Pinguins. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2016. ELA. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2015. Canções do Quadrante. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2014. How beastly the bourgeois is. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2013. Tereza's dreams. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2012. Toys and Games. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2012. Memória. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2012. Dual. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2012. Contraluz. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2011. Contours. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2010. Dual. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2010. Returning. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2010. Three Reflections from Inscriptions. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2010. Nachtmusik. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2009. Three Pieces for Wind Quintet. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2009. Espera. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2009. Sleeping. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2008. Epigrama. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2008. Thanatos. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. and Costa, L. 2008. Poema. AvA Musical Editions.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2008. Drive. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Dark Chamber. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Díptico. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Elegia. AvA Musical Editions.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Escape. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2007. Como se Faz Cor-de-Laranja. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2006. À Memória de Anarda. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2006. O Violino Cigano. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2005. Romanza e Rondo. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2005. À Memória de Anarda. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2005. Uma Cantata Portuguesa. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2004. Cinco Canções Breves. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2003. Variações-Fantasia. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2003. Crónica de Dor e Morte. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. and Godinho, J. C. 2003. À Procura de um Pinheiro. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. and Sousa, P. 2002. Rapsódia. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2002. Duas Fantasias. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2002. Nobre Povo. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2001. Sinfonietta. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2001. Quatro Peças. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2000. Séptuor. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2000. Fantasy on a Theme by Copland. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2000. Campainhada. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 1999. Viva o Entrudo!. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 1999. Romanza e Rondo. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 1999. Psalmus 3. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 1997. Prelúdio em Mi Bemol. Pedro Faria Gomes.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Composição em Diálogo: Citação, Paráfrase e Transformação de Idiomas em Obras de Pedro Faria Gomes. Presented at: Composition Seminar, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Barão Geraldo, SP, Brazil, 25 Apr 2024.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Composição em Diálogo: Citação e Paráfrase em Suite J e Sonatina. Presented at: Composition Seminar, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 23 Apr 2024.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Composing in dialogue: Quotation, paraphrase and transformation of idioms in works by Pedro Faria Gomes. Presented at: Composition Forum, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA, 27 Feb 2024.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Dialogues in composition: Engaging with the ‘great conversation’ in new music. Presented at: Composition Forum, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 6 Feb 2024.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2018. Analytical reductions. Presented at: Research Training for Doctoral Students, Royal College of Music, London, UK, 11 January 2018.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2014. Function and meaning: the influence of Kundera's 'Ignorance' on 'Returning' for violin, clarinet and piano. Presented at: Music Literature, Historiography and Aesthetics, Institute of Musical Research, London, UK, 17-18 July 2014.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2013. Approaches to composition. Presented at: Research Training for Doctoral Students, Royal College of Music, London, UK, 23 January 2013.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2014. Creating harmonic functionality in post-tonal music: a composer's perspective. , Royal College of Music.
- Faria Gomes, P. 2024. Scenes from childhood: Piano works by Pedro Faria Gomes. [CD]. 26 January 2024. Available at: https://primafacie.ascrecords.com/scenes_childhood.html
- Faria Gomes, P. 2020. Pedro Faria Gomes: chamber works (Performed by Miguel Fernandes, Nancy Johnson, Saul Picado, Carla Santos and Sarah Thurlow). [CD]. 31 January 2020. Available at: https://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.579029
Fel cyfansoddwr, rwyf wedi gweithio gyda llawer o unawdwyr, arweinwyr ac ensembles yn y DU yn ogystal â thramor.
Mae ei gomisiynau diweddar yn cynnwys gweithiau newydd ar gyfer yr Academia de Música de Santa Cecília (Canções do Quadrante, 2015), Opera Cenedlaethol Portiwgal/Teatro Nacional de São Carlos (ELA, 2016), Bale Cenedlaethol Portiwgal/Companhia Nacional de Bailado (Pinguins, 2016), Cerddorfa Symffoni Llundain (Noson, 2017), y Dryads Duo (Sonata, 2017), 2018), y Grupo de Música Contemporânea de Lisboa (Tableaux, 2018), Jeremy Huw Williams (Ffyrdd Amser, 2021) a Síntese – GMC (Partita, 2021).
Rhyddhawyd CD portread o gerddoriaeth siambr gan Naxos ym mis Ionawr 2020. Rhyddhawyd ail albwm portread o'r enw 'Scenes from Childhood', gyda gweithiau piano unigol a berfformiwyd gan Kenneth Hamilton, ym mis Ionawr 2024 gan Prima Facie. Rhestrir disgyddiaeth ychwanegol isod.
- Golygfeydd o Blentyndod: Gwaith Piano gan Pedro Faria Gomes, Kenneth Hamilton (piano) (Prima Facie: PFCD224, 2024) [yn cynnwys Suite J a Sonatina]
- Pedro Faria Gomes: Gwaith Siambr, Sarah Thurlow (clarinet), Carla Santos (ffidil), Nancy Johnson (fiola), Miguel Fernandes (sielo) a Saul Picado (piano) (Naxos: 8.579029, 2020) [yn cynnwys Memória, Sonata, Thanatos, Escape, Espera, Returning, Elegia a Nachtmusik]
- À Memória de Anarda, Coro de Câmara Lisboa Cantat/Jorge Alves, cond. (Numérica: NUM 1159, 2008)
- À Procura de um Pinheiro, Academia de Música de Santa Cecília Chamber Ensemble a Chôr Plant/Ana Paula Rodrigues ac António Gonçalves, cond. (AMSC, 2005)
- Dois Fados, João Vasco (Museu do Fado, 2010)
- Fantasias Duas, António Rosa (clarinét) ac António Oliveira (piano) - Projecto XXI (Compasso: IRFC.04.069, 2006)
- Elegia, Gonçalo Guedes Silva (soddgrwth) (GDA, 2012)
- Four Thai Songs, Tetvocal (Cofnodion Allweddol: K000001, 2003)
- Memória, Wesley Ferreira (clarinét) a Gail Novak (piano) (Cofnodion Centaur: CEN 3743, 2019)
- Nachtmusik, Richard Stoltzman (clarinét) a Mary Wu (piano) (Naxos Digital Services / The Intimacy of Creativity: IOC110501, 2012)
- Poema, Konstanze von Gutzeit (sielo)/Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto Casa da Música/Alexander Shelley, cond. (Casa da Música: CDM011, 2010)
- Poema, Bruno Borralhinho (cello)/Orquestra Gulbenkian/Pedro Neves, cond. (Naxos: 8.573461, 2016)
Rwyf wedi addysgu mewn prifysgolion cerddoriaeth a conservatoires ers 1999, ym meysydd cyfansoddi a dadansoddi cerddoriaeth.
Ers i mi gael fy mhenodi'n Brifysgol Caerdydd yn 2015, rwyf wedi dysgu Cyfansoddi ar draws y rhaglenni israddedig ac ôl-raddedig, yn ogystal ag Elfennau Cerddoriaeth Tonal, Ymarfer Contrapuntal, Ffiwg, Sgiliau Ymchwil, a Cherddoriaeth yr 20fed a'r 21ain Ganrif.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Cynllun Gwyliau Ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd (2023)
- Grant Diwylliannol Fundo, Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (2021)
- Prémio Autores (Cerddoriaeth Glasurol), Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (2020)
- Grant, Ymddiriedolaeth Ralph Vaughan Williams (2020)
- Rhwydwaith Ewropeaidd o Opera Academies Grant, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (2015)
- Rostrum Rhyngwladol UNESCO o Gyfansoddwyr, yn cynrychioli Portiwgal (2014)
- Grant Ymchwil Thurston Dart, Cymdeithas Gerddorol Frenhinol (2014)
- Gŵyl Agosatrwydd Creadigedd, Cymrawd y Cyfansoddwr (2011 a 2012)
- Research Grant, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (2009)
- Gwobr Stanley Picker Trust (2008)
- Grant, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (2007)
- Gwobr Lopes-Graça mewn Cyfansoddi, Câmara Municipal de Tomar (2007)
- Ysgoloriaeth, Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol (2007)
- Gwobr Goffa Syr Arthur Bliss, Cymdeithas Hawliau Perfformio (2007)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Member, Performing Rights Society (2018-present)
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy / Advance HE (2018-present)
- Member, Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (1996-present)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Cardiff University (2015-present)
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2011-12)
- Instituto Piaget - University Campus of Almada (2004-07)
- Academia de Música de Santa Cecília (2002-07)
- Escola Profissional de Música de Almada (2001-02)
- Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa Conservatoire (1999-2007)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Rolau Ysgol Cerddoriaeth
- Cyfarwyddwr Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant (ers 2024)
- Cyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Ôl-raddedig a Addysgir (2018-2023)
- Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Amgylchiadau Esgusodol Israddedig (2015-2018)
Aelod o'r Rheithgor mewn Gwobrau Cyfansoddi
- Eborae Mvsica (2ª Escola de Évora)
- Prifysgol Caerdydd (Cystadleuaeth Cyfansoddi Cyn-fyfyrwyr)
- Rádio e Televisão de Portugal / Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores
- Urdd Cyfansoddwyr Hong Kong / Radio TV Hong Kong
- Prifysgol Hong Kong Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg (Agosatrwydd Creadigrwydd)
- Câmara Municipal de Leiria
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I welcome enquiries from those interested in pursuing PhD studies in Composition, or research in related areas.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
- Tie Zhou
Rhyngweithio â cherddoriaeth draddodiadol Tsieineaidd mewn portffolio o gyfansoddiadau gwreiddiol - Ana Beatriz Ferreira
Concerto Piano Joly Braga Santos (1973) a'i rôl ganolog yn esblygiad ei bianyddiaeth.
Contact Details
+44 29208 70241
Adeilad Cerddoriaeth , Ystafell 0.02, 31 Heol Corbett, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EB
Themâu ymchwil
- Cyfansoddi Cerddoriaeth