Dr Catherine Farrell
Darllenydd mewn Rheolaeth Gyhoeddus
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Catherine Farrell yn Ddarllenydd mewn Rheolaeth Gyhoeddus yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Hi yw Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen MSc Arweinyddiaeth y Cyhoedd - https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/public-leadership
Mae diddordebau ymchwil Catherine mewn byrddau cyhoeddus mewn perthynas â'u harweinyddiaeth a'u llywodraethu. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n ymchwilio i wahanol ddulliau o lywodraethu mewn addysg a'r tân ac achub a'r cysylltiad ag arweinyddiaeth effeithiol. Yn ogystal, mae hi'n gweithio ar brosiect ar weithwyr proffesiynol a'u gyrfaoedd mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Cyhoeddwyd ymchwil Catherine mewn cyfnodolion gan gynnwys Public Administration, Public Management Review, Policy and Politics, Local Government Studies, Human Relations and Industrial Relations.
- Farrell, C., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2024. Organizational restructuring, precarious employment and work intensification: women managers’ experience of work under Neoliberalism. Economic and Industrial Democracy (10.1177/0143831X241306232)
- Ashworth, R. and Farrell, C. 2024. The governance of public services during Covid-19: A review of the challenges and opportunities. In: Dickinson, H. et al. eds. Research Handbook on Public Management and Covid-19., Vol. 1. Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 150-160.
- Morris, J., Mckinlay, A. and Farrell, C. 2023. The ties that bind us: networks, projects and careers in British TV. Human Relations 76(2), pp. 341-361. (10.1177/00187267211062863)
- Farrell, C., Hatcher, W. and Diamond, J. 2022. Reflecting on over 100 years of public administration education. Public Administration 100(1), pp. 116-128. (10.1111/padm.12808)
- Farrell, C., McKenna, D. and Wall, M. 2022. Setting the stage: scenic design and observers’ perceptions of the quality of public governance meetings. Public Management Review 24(11), pp. 1663-1681. (10.1080/14719037.2021.1909347)
- Farrell, C., Law, J. and Thomas, S. 2020. Public health and local government in Wales: every policy a health policy - a collaborative agenda. In: Bonner, A. ed. Local Authorities and the Social Determinants of Health. Policy Press, pp. 385-400.
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 2020. Values for public servants in Wales: putting them into practice?. In: Sullivan, H., Dickinson, H. and Henderson, H. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-22., (10.1007/978-3-030-03008-7_99-1)
- Farrell, C. and Hicks, J. 2020. Developing public servants for the future. Public Money and Management 40(8), pp. 589-596. (10.1080/09540962.2020.1788783)
- Farrell, C. 2019. Governing and governance of schools as organisations. In: Connolly, M. et al. eds. The Sage Handbook of School Organization. London: Sage
- Farrell, C., Connolly, M. and James, C. 2019. The participation and influence of stakeholders in school leadership and management. In: Bell, L. and Bush, T. eds. Principles of Education Leadership and Management. London: Sage
- Farrell, C., Oerton, S. and Plant, E. 2018. Doing a doctorate in business administration: The case for critical reflexivity. International Journal of Management Education 16(3), pp. 370-379. (10.1016/j.ijme.2018.06.002)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2017. Neo-bureaucratic organisational forms, technology, control and contingent work: the case of UK TV. New Technology, Work and Employment 32(2), pp. 115-130. (10.1111/ntwe.12088)
- Farrell, C., Morris, J. and Ranson, S. 2017. The theatricality of accountability: The operation of governing bodies in schools. Public Policy and Administration 32(3), pp. 214-231. (10.1177/0952076716654208)
- Connolly, M., Farrell, C. and James, C. 2017. An analysis of the stakeholder model of public boards and the case of school governing bodies in England and Wales. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 45(1), pp. 5-19. (10.1177/1741143215607879)
- Farrell, C. 2017. Governance matters. In: Murphy, P. and Greenhalgh, K. eds. Fire and Rescue Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 179-189., (10.1007/978-3-319-62155-5_12)
- Morris, J., Farrell, C. and Reed, M. 2016. The indeterminacy of 'temporariness': control and power in neo-bureaucratic organizations and work in UK television. Human Relations 69(12), pp. 2274-2297. (10.1177/0018726716648387)
- Farrell, C. and Titcombe, S. 2016. Gender and the experiences of local elected members – a focus on Wales. Local Government Studies 42(6), pp. 867-884. (10.1080/03003930.2016.1207629)
- Farrell, C. 2014. School Governance in Wales. Local Government Studies 40(6), pp. 923-937. (10.1080/03003930.2012.719400)
- Connolly, M., Farrell, C. and James, C. 2014. Trends in the Governance of Education in the UK. Local Government Studies 40(6), pp. 888-892. (10.1080/03003930.2012.719100)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2012. Managing the neo-bureaucratic organisation: lessons from the UK's prosaic sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(7), pp. 1376-1392. (10.1080/09585192.2012.722121)
- Diamond, J. and Farrell, C. 2012. Call for Papers: Teaching and Learning in Public Administration: PAC Annual Conference – Plymouth University 18–19 July 2012. Teaching Public Administration 30(1), pp. 6. (10.1177/0144739411435457)
- Diamond, J. and Farrell, C. 2012. Challenging Times but Opportunities to Influence?. Teaching Public Administration 30(1), pp. 3-5. (10.1177/0144739411435441)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2010. Professional perceptions of bureaucratic change in the public sector: GPs, headteachers and social workers. Public Money and Management 19(4), pp. 31-36. (10.1111/1467-9302.00186)
- farrell, C. 2010. Ten years of devolution. Public Policy & Management 30(2), pp. 79-80. (10.1080/09540961003665370)
- Farrell, C. 2010. Citizen and consumer involvement in UK public services. International Journal of Consumer Studies 34(5), pp. 503-507. (10.1111/j.1470-6431.2010.00915.x)
- Farrell, C. 2009. The consumer in education. In: Simmons, R., Powell, M. and Greener, I. eds. The Consumer in Public Services: Choices, Values and Difference. Policy Press, pp. 119-135.
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2009. Still searching for the evidence? Evidence-based policy, performance pay and teachers. Journal of Industrial Relations 51(1), pp. 75-94. (10.1177/0022185608099666)
- Hodgson, L., Farrell, C. and Connolly, M. 2007. Improving UK public services: A review of the evidence. Public Administration 85(2), pp. 355-382. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2007.00647.x)
- Ranson, S., Farrell, C., Peim, N. and Smith, P. 2005. Does governance matter for school improvement?. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 16(3), pp. 305-325. (10.1080/09243450500114108)
- Farrell, C. 2005. Governance in the UK public sector: The involvement of the governing board. Public Administration 83(1), pp. 89-110. (10.1111/j.0033-3298.2005.00439.x)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2004. Resigned compliance: Teacher attitudes towards performance-related pay in schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 32(1), pp. 81-104. (10.1177/1741143204039301)
- Farrell, C. and Jones, J. 2000. Evaluating stakeholder participation in public services - parents and schools. Policy and Politics 28(2), pp. 251-262. (10.1332/0305573002500956)
- Farrell, C. 2000. The public manager in 2010: Citizen participation in governance. Public Money and Management 20(1), pp. 31-38. (10.1111/1467-9302.00199)
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 1999. The accountability of school governing bodies. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 27(1), pp. 5-15. (10.1177/0263211X990271001)
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 1999. Changing forms of accountability in education? A case study of LEAs in Wales. Public Administration 77(2), pp. 292-310. (10.1111/1467-9299.00155)
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 1998. A more separate education system in Wales?. Contemporary Wales 10, pp. 170 - 181.
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 1998. Regional policy differences in the UK: Education in Wales. Public Policy and Administration 13(2), pp. 54-69. (10.1177/095207679801300205)
- Farrell, C., Hassard, J. and Morris, J. 2024. Organizational restructuring, precarious employment and work intensification: women managers’ experience of work under Neoliberalism. Economic and Industrial Democracy (10.1177/0143831X241306232)
- Morris, J., Mckinlay, A. and Farrell, C. 2023. The ties that bind us: networks, projects and careers in British TV. Human Relations 76(2), pp. 341-361. (10.1177/00187267211062863)
- Farrell, C., Hatcher, W. and Diamond, J. 2022. Reflecting on over 100 years of public administration education. Public Administration 100(1), pp. 116-128. (10.1111/padm.12808)
- Farrell, C., McKenna, D. and Wall, M. 2022. Setting the stage: scenic design and observers’ perceptions of the quality of public governance meetings. Public Management Review 24(11), pp. 1663-1681. (10.1080/14719037.2021.1909347)
- Farrell, C. and Hicks, J. 2020. Developing public servants for the future. Public Money and Management 40(8), pp. 589-596. (10.1080/09540962.2020.1788783)
- Farrell, C., Oerton, S. and Plant, E. 2018. Doing a doctorate in business administration: The case for critical reflexivity. International Journal of Management Education 16(3), pp. 370-379. (10.1016/j.ijme.2018.06.002)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2017. Neo-bureaucratic organisational forms, technology, control and contingent work: the case of UK TV. New Technology, Work and Employment 32(2), pp. 115-130. (10.1111/ntwe.12088)
- Farrell, C., Morris, J. and Ranson, S. 2017. The theatricality of accountability: The operation of governing bodies in schools. Public Policy and Administration 32(3), pp. 214-231. (10.1177/0952076716654208)
- Connolly, M., Farrell, C. and James, C. 2017. An analysis of the stakeholder model of public boards and the case of school governing bodies in England and Wales. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 45(1), pp. 5-19. (10.1177/1741143215607879)
- Morris, J., Farrell, C. and Reed, M. 2016. The indeterminacy of 'temporariness': control and power in neo-bureaucratic organizations and work in UK television. Human Relations 69(12), pp. 2274-2297. (10.1177/0018726716648387)
- Farrell, C. and Titcombe, S. 2016. Gender and the experiences of local elected members – a focus on Wales. Local Government Studies 42(6), pp. 867-884. (10.1080/03003930.2016.1207629)
- Farrell, C. 2014. School Governance in Wales. Local Government Studies 40(6), pp. 923-937. (10.1080/03003930.2012.719400)
- Connolly, M., Farrell, C. and James, C. 2014. Trends in the Governance of Education in the UK. Local Government Studies 40(6), pp. 888-892. (10.1080/03003930.2012.719100)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2012. Managing the neo-bureaucratic organisation: lessons from the UK's prosaic sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management 24(7), pp. 1376-1392. (10.1080/09585192.2012.722121)
- Diamond, J. and Farrell, C. 2012. Call for Papers: Teaching and Learning in Public Administration: PAC Annual Conference – Plymouth University 18–19 July 2012. Teaching Public Administration 30(1), pp. 6. (10.1177/0144739411435457)
- Diamond, J. and Farrell, C. 2012. Challenging Times but Opportunities to Influence?. Teaching Public Administration 30(1), pp. 3-5. (10.1177/0144739411435441)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. 2010. Professional perceptions of bureaucratic change in the public sector: GPs, headteachers and social workers. Public Money and Management 19(4), pp. 31-36. (10.1111/1467-9302.00186)
- farrell, C. 2010. Ten years of devolution. Public Policy & Management 30(2), pp. 79-80. (10.1080/09540961003665370)
- Farrell, C. 2010. Citizen and consumer involvement in UK public services. International Journal of Consumer Studies 34(5), pp. 503-507. (10.1111/j.1470-6431.2010.00915.x)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2009. Still searching for the evidence? Evidence-based policy, performance pay and teachers. Journal of Industrial Relations 51(1), pp. 75-94. (10.1177/0022185608099666)
- Hodgson, L., Farrell, C. and Connolly, M. 2007. Improving UK public services: A review of the evidence. Public Administration 85(2), pp. 355-382. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2007.00647.x)
- Ranson, S., Farrell, C., Peim, N. and Smith, P. 2005. Does governance matter for school improvement?. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 16(3), pp. 305-325. (10.1080/09243450500114108)
- Farrell, C. 2005. Governance in the UK public sector: The involvement of the governing board. Public Administration 83(1), pp. 89-110. (10.1111/j.0033-3298.2005.00439.x)
- Farrell, C. and Morris, J. L. 2004. Resigned compliance: Teacher attitudes towards performance-related pay in schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 32(1), pp. 81-104. (10.1177/1741143204039301)
- Farrell, C. and Jones, J. 2000. Evaluating stakeholder participation in public services - parents and schools. Policy and Politics 28(2), pp. 251-262. (10.1332/0305573002500956)
- Farrell, C. 2000. The public manager in 2010: Citizen participation in governance. Public Money and Management 20(1), pp. 31-38. (10.1111/1467-9302.00199)
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 1999. The accountability of school governing bodies. Educational Management Administration and Leadership 27(1), pp. 5-15. (10.1177/0263211X990271001)
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 1999. Changing forms of accountability in education? A case study of LEAs in Wales. Public Administration 77(2), pp. 292-310. (10.1111/1467-9299.00155)
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 1998. A more separate education system in Wales?. Contemporary Wales 10, pp. 170 - 181.
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 1998. Regional policy differences in the UK: Education in Wales. Public Policy and Administration 13(2), pp. 54-69. (10.1177/095207679801300205)
Book sections
- Ashworth, R. and Farrell, C. 2024. The governance of public services during Covid-19: A review of the challenges and opportunities. In: Dickinson, H. et al. eds. Research Handbook on Public Management and Covid-19., Vol. 1. Elgar Handbooks in Public Administration and Management Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 150-160.
- Farrell, C., Law, J. and Thomas, S. 2020. Public health and local government in Wales: every policy a health policy - a collaborative agenda. In: Bonner, A. ed. Local Authorities and the Social Determinants of Health. Policy Press, pp. 385-400.
- Farrell, C. and Law, J. 2020. Values for public servants in Wales: putting them into practice?. In: Sullivan, H., Dickinson, H. and Henderson, H. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-22., (10.1007/978-3-030-03008-7_99-1)
- Farrell, C. 2019. Governing and governance of schools as organisations. In: Connolly, M. et al. eds. The Sage Handbook of School Organization. London: Sage
- Farrell, C., Connolly, M. and James, C. 2019. The participation and influence of stakeholders in school leadership and management. In: Bell, L. and Bush, T. eds. Principles of Education Leadership and Management. London: Sage
- Farrell, C. 2017. Governance matters. In: Murphy, P. and Greenhalgh, K. eds. Fire and Rescue Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 179-189., (10.1007/978-3-319-62155-5_12)
- Farrell, C. 2009. The consumer in education. In: Simmons, R., Powell, M. and Greener, I. eds. The Consumer in Public Services: Choices, Values and Difference. Policy Press, pp. 119-135.
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Arweinyddiaeth a Byrddau Cyhoeddus
- Llywodraethu a Chraffu
- Canlyniadau Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus a Gwella Gwasanaethau
- Gweithwyr Proffesiynol a Sefydliadau Cyhoeddus
Ymrwymiadau addysgu:
Heriau Cyfoes mewn Arweinyddiaeth Cyhoeddus
Arweinyddiaeth a Datblygiad Proffesiynol - MBA Gweithredol
Cyfarwyddwr y Cwrs - Meistr mewn Arweinyddiaeth Gyhoeddus - https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/taught/courses/course/public-leadership
Rolau Academaidd:
2019 – hyd yn hyn Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Rheolaeth Gyhoeddus, Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd
2006- 2019 Athro Rheolaeth Gyhoeddus, Prifysgol De Cymru
1996- 2006 Prif Ddarlithydd mewn Rheolaeth Gyhoeddus, Prifysgol Morgannwg
1989-1996 Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Rheolaeth Gyhoeddus, Prifysgol Morgannwg
B.A. (Anrh) Gweinyddiaeth Gyhoeddus (2:1), Polytechnig Cymru, 1988
Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Addysg, Coleg Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd, 1989
PhD Gweinyddiaeth Gyhoeddus 'Cyfiawnder Tiriogaethol a Darparu Addysg Feithrin yng Nghymru a Lloegr 1981-1994' Prifysgol Morgannwg, 1996
Cyfrifoldebau a Chysylltiadau Academaidd
Arholwr allanol Rolau:
Prifysgol Birmingham, INLOGOV, MSc Rheolaeth Cyhoeddus ac Arweinyddiaeth
Prifysgol Stirling, MSc Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol
Swyddi golygyddol:
Cyd-olygydd, Addysgu Gweinyddiaeth Gyhoeddus, Sage.
Pwyllgorau allanol:
Cadeirydd, Bwrdd Cynghori Academi Cymru
Aelod o'r Grŵp Cyfeirio Academaidd ar gyfer Arolygiaeth Cwnstabliaeth a Gwasanaethau Tân ac Achub Ei Mawrhydi 2018-.
Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd:
- Byrddau cyhoeddus a'u llywodraethiant;
- Cyfranogiad dinasyddion a'r cyhoedd mewn llywodraethu;
- Llywodraethu a chraffu;
- Arweinyddiaeth gyhoeddus.
Contact Details
+44 29208 74197
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell Ystafell F04, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU