Dr Federica Ferlanti
Darlithydd mewn Hanes Modern Tsieina
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
A specialist in Modern Chinese History, Dr Federica Ferlanti has particular research interests in China's state building and political history in the 1930s and 1940s. She is currently working on two related projects.
- The first project focuses on civilian/mass mobilisation in Nationalist China and its impact on political and administrative institutions.
- The second project examines the Nationalist government's commitment to the organisation of popular resistance during the war against Japan (1937-1945).
- Ferlanti, F. 2023. What is 'Modern' China? Desperately seeking for 'a' birthday. In: De Giorgi, L. and Graziani, S. eds. The Historian’s Gaze Essays on Modern and Contemporary China in Honour of Guido Samarani. Venice University Press, pp. 9-24., (10.30687/978-88-6969-723-4/001)
- Ferlanti, F. 2023. Women's activism and mobilization in wartime China: cadre training, national economic production, and workers' literacy (1937-1945). Journal of Chinese History (10.1017/jch.2023.17)
- Ferlanti, F. 2023. What is modern China? Desperately seeking for a birthday?. In: The Historian's Gaze. Essays on Modern and Contemporary China for Guido Samarani. Edizioni Ca' Foscari, pp. 9-23.
- Ferlanti, F. 2022. The great leap forward: mass mobilisation in Mao’s China. Modern History Review 25(1)
- Ferlanti, F. 2020. Educators and power-brokers: Political mobilization and violence in Wannian County (Jiangxi province) 1926-1935. Twentieth-Century China 45(3), pp. 227-246. (10.1353/tcc.2020.0023)
- Ferlanti, F. 2017. La Cina e i conflitti mondiali della meta' del Novecento: anti-imperialismo e identita' nazionale. Nuova Secondaria 1(35), pp. 33-36.
- Ferlanti, F. 2017. Archives. In: Loughran, T. ed. A Practical Guide to Studying History: Skills and Approaches. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 155-170.
- Ferlanti, F. 2013. City-building, new life and the 'making of the citizen' in 1930s Nanchang. In: Zelin, M. and So, B. K. L. eds. New Narratives of Urban Space in Republican Chinese Cities: Emerging Social, Legal and Governance Orders. Modern East Asia in a Global Historical Perspective Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 45-64.
- Ferlanti, F. 2012. The New Life Movement at war: wartime mobilisation and state control in Chongqing and Chengdu, 1938-1942. European Journal of East Asian Studies 11(2), pp. 187-12. (10.1163/15700615-20121104)
- Ferlanti, F. 2010. The New Life Movement in Jiangxi province, 1934-1938. Modern Asian Studies 44(5), pp. 961-1000. (10.1017/S0026749X0999028X)
- Ferlanti, F. 2023. Women's activism and mobilization in wartime China: cadre training, national economic production, and workers' literacy (1937-1945). Journal of Chinese History (10.1017/jch.2023.17)
- Ferlanti, F. 2022. The great leap forward: mass mobilisation in Mao’s China. Modern History Review 25(1)
- Ferlanti, F. 2020. Educators and power-brokers: Political mobilization and violence in Wannian County (Jiangxi province) 1926-1935. Twentieth-Century China 45(3), pp. 227-246. (10.1353/tcc.2020.0023)
- Ferlanti, F. 2017. La Cina e i conflitti mondiali della meta' del Novecento: anti-imperialismo e identita' nazionale. Nuova Secondaria 1(35), pp. 33-36.
- Ferlanti, F. 2012. The New Life Movement at war: wartime mobilisation and state control in Chongqing and Chengdu, 1938-1942. European Journal of East Asian Studies 11(2), pp. 187-12. (10.1163/15700615-20121104)
- Ferlanti, F. 2010. The New Life Movement in Jiangxi province, 1934-1938. Modern Asian Studies 44(5), pp. 961-1000. (10.1017/S0026749X0999028X)
Book sections
- Ferlanti, F. 2023. What is 'Modern' China? Desperately seeking for 'a' birthday. In: De Giorgi, L. and Graziani, S. eds. The Historian’s Gaze Essays on Modern and Contemporary China in Honour of Guido Samarani. Venice University Press, pp. 9-24., (10.30687/978-88-6969-723-4/001)
- Ferlanti, F. 2023. What is modern China? Desperately seeking for a birthday?. In: The Historian's Gaze. Essays on Modern and Contemporary China for Guido Samarani. Edizioni Ca' Foscari, pp. 9-23.
- Ferlanti, F. 2017. Archives. In: Loughran, T. ed. A Practical Guide to Studying History: Skills and Approaches. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 155-170.
- Ferlanti, F. 2013. City-building, new life and the 'making of the citizen' in 1930s Nanchang. In: Zelin, M. and So, B. K. L. eds. New Narratives of Urban Space in Republican Chinese Cities: Emerging Social, Legal and Governance Orders. Modern East Asia in a Global Historical Perspective Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 45-64.
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Adeiladu a hanes gwleidyddol yn Tsieina Gweriniaethol
- Symudiad a chymdeithas sifilaidd/torfol yn y 1930au-1940au
- Cystadleuaeth wleidyddol rhwng Plaid Gomiwnyddol Tsieina a'r Blaid Genedlaetholgar
- Y Rhyfel yn erbyn Japan gan gyfeirio'n benodol at effaith rhyfel ar adeiladu a chymdeithas y wladwriaeth
- Dinasyddiaeth a hunaniaeth genedlaethol
- Hanes Lleol: Talaith Jiangxi
- Making of the Modern World - 20 credits (HS1105)
- History in Practice: Fury, Folly and Footnotes - 20 credits (HS1107)
- A Great Leap Forward: China Transformed, 1840-present - 30 credits (HS1752)
- Exploring Historical Debate - 30 credits (HS1702)
- Conflict, Coercion, and Mass Mobilisation in Republican China, 1911-1945 - 30 credits (HS1838)
- Dissertation - 30 credits (HS1801)
MA Modern Asian History. Students can also combine Modern China and Modern India in this particular pathway.
Cefais fy ngeni a'm magu yn yr Eidal yn academaidd (ac yn gorfforol).
Dwi'n dod o fryniau dreigl Tuscany, ond es i i'r brifysgol yng ngogledd yr Eidal: fy alma mater yw Ca' Prifysgol Foscari yn Fenis.
Ar ôl i mi raddio, fe wnes i barhau â'm hastudiaethau ôl-raddedig yn gyntaf yng Nghaergrawnt (y DU, MPhil), yna yn Cagliari (yr Eidal, PhD), ac yn Rhydychen yn olaf (y DU, postdoc). Rhwng ac yn ystod fy PhD ac amryw o ddoethuriaethau post, dilynais fy ymchwil yn yr Unol Daleithiau, y DU, Gweriniaeth Pobl Tsieina, a Taiwan.